Al Haq Bulletin 57 Page 1 STRIKING BAATIL THE BAND OF HAQ “In reality, We () strike “There will ever remain a baatil (falsehood) with band from my Ummah the Haq. It then smashes fighting on the Haq until the out the brains of baatil. Day of Qiyaamah. Those who And, lo, it (baatil) sud- oppose them and those who do not aid them, will not be denly disappears.” BULLETIN No. 57 (Qur’aan) able to harm them.” () P.O. BOX 3393 - PORT ELIZABETH - 6056 - SOUTH AFRICA Zul-Hajj 1439 / September 2018

ALLAH’S IMPENDING Ventures, attended the summit Although Bangladesh is a 96% and foreign attacks. ATHAAB carrying Thor's hammer from the Avengers movie. His com majority Muslim country, or is ShaykhulHadeeth Hadhrat “If We intend to destroy a city, pany is bringing the travelling supposed to be so, the shaitaani Allamah Ahmad Shafi is We command its affluent theme park, The Marvel Expe process of hinduization has a direct student and Khalifah (transgressors, i.e. grant them rience, to Saudi Arabia before been incrementally pursued by of Shaykhul Sayyid Hu respite). the end of the year. the kuffaar governments since sain Ahmad Madani Then they (plunge headlong in) "Our hosts today have been the era of Bangladesh’s break (rahmatullah alayh). fisq. Then the Decree (of pun- absolutely spectacular and I from . Although there Besides, the other main ob ishment) is confirmed for it. hope we're going to be able to is nothing Islamic about Paki jectives of HefazateIslam, is Then We utterly destroy it (the do this for many years to come stan and the merger into a sin to clear misconceptions on dif city with its people).” over there," Mr Licht said. gle state of West and East, Pa ferent aspects of Islam. The (Qur’aan) In a slick promotional video, kistan had not benefited either movement holds yearly gather The General Entertainment way of the new Pakistani state ings throughout Bangladesh to “AMC, the biggest movie Authority of Saudi Arabia from the Islamic perspective, propagate knowledge of Islam. chain in the US, plans to open used "change" as a theme nevertheless, the shaitaani pro (Source: of Bangladesh 30 cinemas in the kingdom and highlighted the fact that cess of hinduization was not webpage) the first one later this month. nearly 70% of Saudi Arabia's pursued. The following appeal from a Saudis can also expect to see 32 million people are under From Bangladesh comes the member of HefazateIslam ap Disney on Ice and Cirque du the age of 30. And they're following lament: peared in the Bangladeshi Soleil coming soon. hungry for entertain “Asalaamu Alaykum Wa Rah news website Dhaka Tribune Rick Licht, the CEO of Hero matullahi Wa Barakatuhu on April 14 a day before ment.” (BBC NEWS) Maulana Sahib, This ques "Bengali New Year": tion has been in the back of my "Hefazat: Mongol Shobhajatra is against the faith and practices bandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rah- mind for the past week about: is haraam of Muslims. man. How to refute secularism when Leaders of the Islamic group “Adult men and women wear One shining example of this are it clashes with the rulings of Is- Hefazat-e-Islam have said the indecent clothing with paint on the Pohela Boishakh celebra- lam? A classic case being an Mongol Shobhajatra procession their faces and dance together tions, which highlight the multi- appeal to Muslims for avoiding observed on the morning of Po- to the rhythm of drums while ethnic and diverse culture of participating in the "Bengali hela Boishakh is ‘haraam,’ or carrying giant dolls and animal our country. New Year procession" also forbidden in Islam. masks. This Hindu ritual is be- Nowhere is this secular spirit known as "Pahela baisakh". Hefazat’s Dhaka unit Vice- ing forced upon Muslims by the more evident than in the iconic This appeal was issued by a President Junaid Al Habib said: state. This is absolutely forbid- Mongol Shobhajatra, which — nonpolitical Islamic organiza “Mongol Shobhajatra is not den in the eyes of Islam,” he though relatively recent in its tion known as "Hefazate Muslim culture. If the govern- said in the statement." (End of origin — truly epitomizes the Islam" from Bangladesh. Some ment wants to push this on the article) unity that exists within the secularists have venomously Muslims, the Now, in reply Bangladeshi people, as the pro- replied to the fatwa. I present Qawmi Madras- “You (O Allah!) bestow hon- to this appeal cession boasts people from a the details below: as will be forced our to whomever You will, from the mem wide variety of ethnic and reli- Before putting up the matter, to take to the and you humiliate whomever ber of Hefazate gious backgrounds. I would like to give a brief in streets.” You will. You grant dominion Islam, the Dha But it seems that Hefazat-e- troduction of Hefazat-e-Islam: He was speaking (power on earth) to whomever ka Tribune Edi Islam has forgotten our nation’s HefazateIslam (which at a protest in You will, and You snatch tor (name is not history, or wishes to rewrite it. means Defenders or Protectors front of the away dominion from whom- mentioned by Bangladesh has always prided of Islam), is a nonpolitical Is Baitul Mukar- ever You will.” (Qur’aan) them) had some itself on its diversity and inclu- lamic movement based strictly ram National criticism for the sion, and for Hefazat to tarnish upon Qur'an and Sunnah. The Mosque on Friday. Hefazat or- Ulama. This reply was in refu this legacy by proclaiming that movement is an offshoot of ganized the protest to condemn tation and condemnation of the the Mongol Shobhajatra is Qawmi Madrasah Bangladesh. the killing of civilians in Af- appeal made by the Ulama of “haram” and “not Muslim cul- The movement was founded ghanistan by NATO forces. HefazateIslam. ture” is utterly unacceptable. by the Ameer of Qawmi Mad On Thursday, Hefazat Secretary Their reply: "Respecting diver- Even more dangerous and divi- rasah Bangladesh, Shaykhul -General Junaid Babunagari sity, and not division: sive is their tendentious descrip- Hadeeth Hadhrat Allamah issued a statement saying: “In Lest we forget, Bangladesh is a tion of the event as “adult men Mufti Ahmad Shafi on the ba the name of celebrating the secular nation, built on secular and women wearing indecent sis of defending Islam, Muslims Bangla new year, observing a principles set forth by the Fa- clothing” and “dancing togeth- and Bangladesh from regional procession with animal replicas ther of the Nation Banga- (Continued on page 4) Al Haq Bulletin 57 Page 2

Musjid which Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said is among the Mosque Attacks in Netherlands not want a mosque tied to not accidents nor haphazard Signs of Qiyaamah. Even (Muslim Views, U.K.) [Turkish President Recep Tay occurrences. Everything fol molvis and Tabligh Jamaat A mosque in northern yip] Erdogan in northern Am lows a definite plan of Allah personnel are guilty of this Drachten town, Netherlands, sterdam.” Ta’ala. The Qur’aan Majeed crime. has come under an arson at In September 2017 an under says in this regard: • Using the Musjid as a stag tack on February 11, accord construction mosque in the “Nothing of even a grain of ing pad for haraam wed ing to the manager of Islamic southeastern Netherlands was anything is hidden from your ding receptions. Immediate Center Drachten Foundation. targeted by the same farright Rabb, neither something small- ly after the Nikah in the The mosque, used mostly by group. er than it nor bigger than it, but Musjid, the haraam wed Moroccanorigin worshippers, The group hanged anti it is recorded in a Clear Ki- ding reception with all its is operated by the foundation. Islam banners at the roof of taab.” evil and bid’ah is initiated. The foundation manager Kha Tevhid mosque in Venlo city. It is the obligation of the lid Bennaceur said: The group, draped banners “Not a leaf drops (from a trustees and Imaam to re “Community members who reading “Stay away. The Neth tree) but He is aware of it.” fuse performance in the came to pray in the morning erlands belongs to us. We Musjid of such a marriage said they smelled turpentine don’t want mosque and Mus Whatever transpires in crea which will be followed by a inside the mosque. Later, when lims in our neighbourhood” tion is by the direct interven haraam wedding reception. we came for noon prayer, we both in Turkish and Dutch. tion and command of Allah • Allowing females to attend realised that there were burn They also shared the photos of Ta’ala. the Musjid marks on the wall and win banners on social media and Among the acts of desecra • Allowing fussaaq qaaris to dows had been broken at the claimed they “occupied” the tion and vandalization com use the Musjid for enter back side of the mosque.” mosque. The Muslim News UK mitted by Muslims on the Mu taining people with their The attack took place at 23/02/2018 saajid are the following: recitation around 4 am local time. He (End of report) • General abandonment of • Arranging haraam na’t added that a person was seen The most important factor Jamaat Salaat. The vast and nazam sessions in the breaking the back window of which Muslims fail to under majority of Muslims do not Musjid whereas the sole ac the mosque and running away stand is that vandalization of perform their five daily Sa tivity permissible in a Mus after the fire. Police have be Musaajid by the kuffaar is laat with Jamaat in the jid is pure ibaadat. gun an investigation into the preceded by vandalization per Musjid. The Fajr attend • The imaams in general to incident, he added. petrated by Muslims them ance is the best barometer tally abstaining from Amr The attack is the second of selves. When Muslims them by which this could be Bil Ma’roof Nahyi anil its kind in just one week. A selves vandalize and ruin the gauged. Munkar. mosque in the Dutch port city Musaajid, then Allah Ta’ala, • Lewd dress in the Musjid. • Treating the Musjid as a of The Hague was vandalized as a punishment for the evil Musallis come to Musjid place for amusing kuffaar on February 2. A Turkish flag conduct of Muslims afflicts us dressed lewdly like the tourists. Kuffaar men and was crossed with red paint with kuffaar atrocities and kuffaar with jeans, Tshirts, women wallowing in the with slogans against Turkish domination. He instils fear into Bermuda pants, garb with filth of kufr and janaabat President Recep Tayyip the hearts of Muslims for the all types of kuffaar logos are brought into the Mus Erdoğan and “Islam out” also kuffaar. inscribed and even with pic jids for sightseeing. written on it was placed on Ahi The Musjid is first thor tures. Evran Mosque. oughly destroyed spiritually by • Performing Salaat haphaz On account of these acts of In January, the farright Muslims. Then the Musjid it ardly. In most cases they spiritual vandalism perpetrat ‘Rechts in Verzet’ movement self invokes the La’nat (curse rush out of the Musjid, es ed by Muslims, the kuffaar are hanged antiIslam banners and and punishment) of Allah Azza pecially Jumuah, after the allowed by Allah Ta’ala to a headless model in front of the Wa Jal. Thus the attacks and Fardh Salaat. They display physically vandalize and at Emir Sultan Mosque in Am vandalization and attacks on the attitude of the mu tack our Musaajid. The actual sterdam. The banners hanged the Musjid in many places naafiqeen culprits are Muslim them outside the mosque read: committed by the kuffaar are selves. “Islam must be stopped. We do • Loud conversation in the

Over half million Muslim – can hegemony in the Middle Rasulullah (sallallahu Then he (the An nonfighters – men, women East, the only unexpected alayhi wasallam) gel) covers the person children, have been killed in developments were the Rus said: “There is not a with the illness and this America ‘jihad’ in the sian and Turkish interven home, but Malakul pangs of Maut Syrian arena, which com tion. Maut (the Angel of (death) ...... (Before menced with the defection The objective of the for Death) stands at its departing with the of some atheists from the mer was to bolster Assad doorway five times a soul), Malakul Maut “When We intend to de- army of the ShiaKaafir, while the objective of Tur day. When he finds announces (to the in stroy a qaryah (city, Assad. The defection was key was to destroy its (therein) a person mates of the home): town or country), We command its affluent plotted and engineered by Kurdod enemy. Although who has completed the U.S. A second ‘Libya’ people (i.e. grant them this intervention to a great his (quota) of food, ‘Verily, I shall return was being plotted by the extent foiled the U.S. design, again and again until rope and respite to and his time has ex plunge headlong in their U.S. it also sealed the fate of the no one is left from In this entire U.S. con pired, he casts on him evil and villainy). Mujahideen in defeat. among you’.” spiracy to establish Ameri the worry of death. (Continued on page 8) Al Haq Bulletin 57 Page 3

education, allowing authori- norant ones to gain attainment ties to use this as a justifica- of their pernicious motives of The Muslim News of U.K. re erosion of both religious and tion for their policies. (End of fame and monetary gain. porting on the repression of cultural freedoms for the Uy- report) However, the consequences Islam and Muslims in China, ghur population in Xinjiang, of boycotting China is sub states: and the official line claims Communist China has been stantial monetary loss. Chinese Amid increasing crackdowns that such policies are neces- virulently antiIslam from the junk goods are cheap and sary to tackle the ‘terrorism’ on the Uyghur Muslims in Xin- very inception of the com promise lucrative profits, jiang, Western China, the au- in the region. Experts recog- munist regime. Genocide of nise that the resentment hence everyone is silent about thorities have turned their at- Muslims has been committed among the locals and the re- raising any criticism against tention to another of the Mus- on a massive scale in this land the porkguzzlers. On the oth lim ethnic minorities, the Hui. sulting violence is an obvious result of the Government’s where the staple diet is swine er hand, there is no loss for Children belonging to the flesh. They therefore react like Hui ethnic Muslim community hard-line policies that are see- these idiotic opportunists in a swines against Muslims. have been banned from at- ing the lives of Uyghurs sup- silly boycott of a nonentity tending any religious events pressed. There is usually much clam such as Woolworths for exam over the winter break in Chi- The Hui and Uyghur minori- our in the Muslim community ple. But it attracts some stupid na. The announcement was ties are among the ten ethnic of South Africa on the Pales publicity for the opportunists made by a district educational Muslim minority groups in tine issue. People jump on to a riding the deceptive Palestini bureau in Gansu province, China, which recognises a to- silly bandwagon to campaign an bandwagon. tal of 55 ethnic groups after and school students were no- against the Israeli Yahood by Another exceptionally vile tified that they should not en- the majority Han Chinese. means of boycotts and the like. While the Uyghurs are simi- attitude of Muslims is the ea ter religious buildings, nor But as far as China is con lar in appearance, culture and gerness with which they seek read scriptures in class. cerned these selfsame oppor admission to Chinese universi Although restrictions of language to their Turkic neighbours, the Hui communi- tunists adopt a deafening si ties. These Muslims should this nature are already in lence. The repression and op place in Xinjiang, Muslims in ty more closely resembles the hang their heads in shame. De pression, and extermination of other parts of China have thus Han majority. Their physical, spite being fully aware of the far remained largely free. The- cultural and linguistic assimi- the Muslim population in Chi religious restrictions which the se new restrictions are a re- lation makes them difficult to na are far worse than what Is Chinese authorities place even sult of the increased fear of distinguish from a Han Chi- rael has committed, yet there is on them (the foreign Muslim the Muslim influence in China, nese and has left them largely not a word of condemnation students), they most dishon potentially due to violent up- free to practice Islam. Gansu, emerging from the opportun ourably creep into the pork a province neighbouring Xin- risings by the Uyghurs in ists who are using Palestine for hole of these oppressors. The Western China. jiang, is home to approximate- ulterior motives. ly 1.6million Hui Muslims but pursuit of worldly goals has Xinjiang has seen an in- Their clamour and boycotts has now come under scrutiny become of such imperative im crease in violence in recent are all hollow and insincere, portance to these Muslim stu years due to tensions be- as the authorities fear the ris- ing influence of Islam in Chi- and motivated by despicable dents that extinguishing the tween the majority Muslim Uy- objectives of monetary gain ghurs, native to the region, na. Imaani emotional feelings for and aggrandizement. If there and the Han Chinese, who the The notification was posted the brutalized and oppressed Government has been in- online by the education bu- was any truth and genuine Chinese Muslims is considered creasingly resettling in the re- reau of Linxia, a district within feeling for the Palestinian tolerable and acceptable. In gion. Xinjiang, a large region Gansu, and authorities added Muslims, the very same emo fact, this attitude is indicative in Western China, is home to that teachers and pupils tions would have been dis of the kufr lurking in the abundant natural resources, should work to strengthen po- played for the oppressed and hearts of these students. The litical ideology and propagan- including oil and gas, making brutalized Chinese Muslims. Kalimah of Islam no longer it a region of particular inter- da. Despite China’s official The reality of the clamour stance claiming religious free- has meaning for Muslims at est to Beijing. and ‘emotions’ of modernists dom for all, the law also large. This is the era of the Government policies have who raise stupid slogans is de predominance of KUFR in the been seeing an increasing states that religious education should not interfere with state ception. They deceive the ig ranks of the Ummah.

haps it is the other way around. The evil people of Many Jordanians had in dis barrel scrounging for mon Ta’ala has granted Zam the country are the culprits gust and anger emptied ey to bolster its state of fi Zam to the Ummah and for of all the fisq, fujoor and their cans of Zamzam wa nancial bankruptcy. It has thousands of years from its kufr fitnah and fasaad de ter at the Saudi Arabian stooped to the exceptionally very beginnings, millions of stroying the people. The border on their way back degenerate level of extort people have been drinking Saudi populace is rotten, from performing Umrah. ing money from pilgrims for the holy Zam Zam water especially its womenfolk. The pilgrims were instructed Zam Zam water. without having to pay dev They are more rotten than to pay an exorbitant fee at Presenting stupid and baseless il’s fees. even the Saudi regime. That the border by Saudi officials justification for this act of The evil Saudi regime has even is why Allah Ta’ala has sad for transporting Zamzam piracy the Saudi officials at imposed 5 percent VAT on dled the country with a rot water cans to Jordan. This the border said that the gov Zam Zam water since the ten, corrupt kaafir regime. infuriated the pilgrims and ernment is preventing pil beginning of March 2018, Rasulullah (Sallallahu in protest they emptied all grims from carrying Zam coinciding with the rise in alayhi wasallam) said: the cans at the border. zam water. The kufr gov electricity and fuel prices. “Your deeds are your rulers.” Grovelling in spiritual and ernment of the Najdi regime It is clear that the regime has That is: Allah Ta’ala will moral bankruptcy, the Sau demands that Zam Zam wa gone to the dogs and along appoint over people such di kufr regime is now scrap ter be purchased from with it, it is dragging the rulers who reflect the deeds ing the very bottom of the ‘official’ sources. But Allah country to the dogs. Or per of the people. Al Haq Bulletin 57 Page 4

while mobs rampage against the Muslims. There is absolutely nothing These clashes should also that the UN and international Since the past few years, at Previously, a group of hard make us question the role of players can do to help the tacks against Muslims, engi line Buddhist monks attacked Buddhist clergy in fuelling anti Muslims who are being humili neered by the Buddhist monk the homes of Rohingya refu Muslim and antiChristian ated, pillaged and plundered idolworshippers, and support gees in southern Sri Lanka. violence. all over the world. No one can ed by the Sri Lankan security However, these attacks against The UN and other influen do anything to save Muslims forces have been on the in minorities would only be inhib tial international players because it is Allah Azza Wa Jal crease. A Brother in a letter to ited if the police acted without should be making it very clear who is allowing this state of af The Mercury states: partiality — partiality that to the governments of Sri fairs to prevail. Sri Lanka’s president declared originates from state police Lanka and Myanmar that the It is all part of Divine Pun a state of emergency amid and security forces is one of the situation cannot continue. ishment for a rebellious, im fears that antiMuslim attacks root causes of widespread vio moral Ummah which has in several central hill towns lence against minorities. IQBAL RANDEREE turned its back on Allah could spread. Buddhist mobs During the last several Pietermaritzburg Ta’ala. Muslims have aban swept through the towns out years there have been numer (End of letter) doned the Deen. They have be side Kandy, burning at least 11 ous riots against Muslims, come the enemies of Islam. Muslimowned shops and causing damage to their prop Allah Ta’ala says in the They scorn, despise and mock homes. erties. Qur’aan Majeed: the Sunnah. The kuffaar atroc Amnesty International not What is even more trou “And, if He forsakes you, then ities are part of Allah’s Athaab. ed that last year, “Sri Lanka bling is that whenever such an who is there besides Him to The only solution is Inaabat saw a rise in Buddhist nation tiMuslim riots occur, the Sin help you?.” ilal laah – to turn to Allah with alist sentiment, including at haladominated security forces repentance and obedience. tacks against Christians and and police sent to restore order “There is no help except from Only then will the tables be Muslims”. merely stand by, watching Allah, The Mighty, The Wise.” turned.

tity determined to abolish Is asters is gross and flagrant re lam and convert Bangladesh bellion against Allah Azza Wa into a Hindu state under the Jal. The Qur’aan and Ahaa guise of secularism. dith confirm this beyond all The kufr government is vestiges of doubt. ance for such ugliness. merely the reflection of the The real problem is not the (Continued from page 1) Pohela Boishakh and even the vast majority of Bangladeshis. evil kuffaar government. The er” and their dubbing it a Mongol Shobhajatra are em- Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi root problem is the people of “Hindu ritual forced upon Mus- blematic of Bangladesh’s rich wasallam) said: “Your deeds Bangladesh. At heart the vast lims by the state.” culture and heritage and to are your rulers.” Just as today majority is kuffaar, hence they In the first place: Who has giv- spew such vitriol in their direc- in Najdi Saudi Arabia the cur lovingly accept all the kufr and en Hefazat the authority to dic- tion cannot be permitted. rent kuffaar regime reflects the shirk practices of the Hindus tate what is and what is not Hefazat does not have to like kufr of the vast majority of justifying these with the putrid, Muslim culture? How dare they either. But it cannot impose its Saudis, so too does the Hindu selfdeceiving ‘traditional and try to impose “The life of this world is but views on the rest government in Bangladesh rep cultural’ argument which is their narrow, of us, and, most resent the Hin bereft of Islamic play and amusement while the “Seek aid from Allah and parochial inter- importantly, it du aspirations validity. Abode of the Aakhirat is best have Sabr. Verily, the earth pretation of Is- cannot be al- of the majority Tashabbuh bil for those who fear (Allah).” belongs to Allah. He grants it lam on the rest lowed to threat- of Bengalis who kuffaa r Qur’aan) (its control) to whomever He of us? en violence in are masquerad (emulating the wills among His servants. Second, and more important, order to get its way." ing as Muslims. kuffaar) i s And, the ultimate victory is their statements are bigoted and (End of the rubbish disgorged The Brother haraam in all for the Mut- objectionable hate speech. by the Dhaka Tribune Editorial) in his letter con spheres of Mus taqeen.” (Qur’aan) Statements such as theirs have Maulana Sahib please com cedes that the lim life. In no place in a nation such as ment on this issue and refute vast majority of Bangladeshis Bangladesh this Tashabbuh has ours, statements which serve not such "secularists" who insult participates in the haraam cel been adopted in the vilest man only to create religious dishar- the Ulama. (End of the letter ebrations of kufr and shirk. ner. Like the munaafiqkaafir, mony among the peace-loving from Bangladesh) These are the very people who Kemal Attaturk who had abol citizens of Bangladesh, but go have installed the Hindu or pro ished even the Qur’aanic script so far as to threaten violence. OUR COMMENT Hindu government which is in () in Turkey, so too has When threats, incitement to vio- After the violent breakup of the process of dismantling and the kaafir Bangladeshi regime lence, and hate directed at a re- Pakistan, orchestrated by In extinguishing Islam in Bangla abolished the Islamic script of ligious community are a crime dia, Bengal (then East Paki desh. This evil regime has the which in reality is also — and these are all crimes un- stan) seceded from the federa support of the vast majority of Arabic, and then substituted it der the penal code — statements tion and took the path of Hin Bangladeshis. Have you ever with the script of the Hindu such as these cannot be permit- duism albeit subtly and cun wondered why Bangladesh is mushrikeen. Hindu religious ted to stand. Those who sow the ningly. plagued by so many natural customs are emulated and seeds of discord through this The Awami League which disasters – annual floods and adopted with pleasure and be kind of intolerant hate- has for the greater part of the hurricanes? This is Allah’s lieved to be permissible and mongering must be brought to postPakistan era governed the Athaab for the munaafiqeen – necessary. book. country is a dedicated anti the majority of Bangladeshis. Tens of millions of Bangla Bangladesh can have zero toler- Islam, proHindu shaitaani en The sole cause for natural dis (Continued on page 7) Al Haq Bulletin 57 Page 5

sign of impending Divine Dis asters which will be unleashed The Saudi Ministry of Islamic are therefore informed not to variety of forms is gaining mo with such fury and devastation Affairs issued the following include ziyaarats to Jabal Nur. mentum by the day as all inhi which will utterly destroy the statement banning visits to We trust that all travel compa- bition to evil, sin and trans evil people who have made it Jabal Nur: nies will abide by this decision gression is being eroded by de their obligation to pollute the With reference to the infor- and not include Jabal Nur in crees of kufr issued by the Holy Land of Islam. mation received by the Office of their program. There will be au- kufr regime. Even on his Death Bed, the Prince of Makkah regarding thorities monitoring the area The excuse of bid’ah is base Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi the statement by the Ministry of and if any company is found to less and silly. The regime has wasallam) repeated the com Islamic Affairs, Dawa and guid- transgress, they will face penal- the ability to institute mand: “Expel the Yahood and ance in Makkah, with the prob- ties for violation.” measures to prevent bid’ah, Nasaara from the Arabian Pen- insula.” The divine order of lems they are having they inves- (End of statement) but the hatred for Islamic rel expulsion applies to the entire tigated and found that people ics constrains the Najdis to are indulging in bid‘ah and commit acts of sacrilege whilst Arabian Peninsula. It is not re Whilst ziyaarat to the holy shirk on Jabal Nur and there is opening the doors for fisq and stricted to Makkah and Madi places is being banned by the a danger of injury or death to fujoor . They are the worst nah. But, the evil Najdis have corrupt kufr regime of the visitors by way of falling down bootlickers of the western polluted the entire Holy Land Najdis on the flimsiest pretext the mountain. Therefore, in kuffaar. with the Yahood and Nasaara, of bid’ah, the Holy Land of and with all the filth of immo light of this, the decision has The accelerated pace at Arabia is being thrown wide rality which these nations have been taken to stop all ziyaarats which immorality is gaining open for fisq and fujoor of the invented for the moral destruc to Jabal Nur. All travel agents ascendancy in Arabia is a sure worst kind. Immorality in a tion of mankind.

saajid, is the atrocity of the stu pidjaahil socalled The Mozambiquen govern amid attacks in the Cabo Del spiritually and also physically ‘mujahideen’ (the ment has demolished and de gado province. destroyed the Musaajid. Now ‘fundamentalists’) who engage stroyed seven Musaajid. After Cabo Delgado’s provincial di Muslims are being subjected in haraam acts of violence. having closed a number of rector of justice, Alvaro Jun to this form of punishment by Then merely on the basis of Musjids for several months, ior, said a seventh mosque Allah Azza Wa Jal Who har some other juhala or treacher some have now been reopened would remain closed until its nesses the kuffaar into His ous informers having seen while seven have been de leadership had been reorgan Plan of Punishment. some of the ignorant stroyed on the flimsiest of pre ised. The Musaajid are generally ‘mujahideen’ performing Sa texts. In this regard, BBC re- He added that seven other left to decay spiritually and laat in these Musaajid, have ported: mosques, believed to have been physically. The attendance for the authorities branded the Mozambique reopens owned by fundamentalist Salaat is pathetic. The physical Musjids as “owned by funda 'extremist' mosques groups, had been destroyed by state of these Musjids is like mentalists” when in reality Jose Tembe, BBC Africa, Maputo the authorities. wise lamentable. The ‘poverty’ they do not own the Musjids. Six mosques in northern argument does not justify filth The fundamental cause for Mozambique accused of har worldafrica44195005 and untidiness. It does not jus the destruction of the Musaajid bouring Islamists insurgents (End of BBC report) tify desecration of the tattered is the first destruction by Mus have reopened after proving The destruction of the Mu and torn copies of the Qur’aan lims themselves. The Musaajid they haven broken links with saajid is in reality a punish lying around disgracefully. curse Muslims who grossly fail armed groups. ment of Allah Azza Wa Jal for Added to the atrocities which to fulfil their rights – the rights They were shut down last year Muslims who themselves have Muslims inflict on the Mu of the Musaajid.

ANKARA – Doğan News key on this field since 1970s did can be done to legalize prosti Agency not exceed 10, she put this lack tution away from official state Our Comment The number of people engaged of interest among academics brothels who are the victims of There is no surprise in this in prostitution in Turkey is es down to the fear of being stig prostitution, and whether vio filth and Satanic industry timated to be over 100,000, matized or faced with “moral lence, sexual violence and rape which bedevils Turkey. Turkey with an annual market value of pressure.” would decrease if prostitution has been a satanic state for around $4 billion, according to “This causes the scientific was completely legalized.” more than a century. This sa Professor Ayegül Akbay, a truths about prostitution, espe Akbay stressed that ulti tanic industry is common to public health expert at Ankara cially the human trade across mately “nobody’s preferences every country. University. to Europe, to remain hidden,” and freedoms could be im Decades ago Sadam Husain, Akbay also drew attention to Akbay said. posed.” without banning Prostitution the lack of attention in aca She added that questions “But individuals should not closed a thousand brothels in demic research in the field, that should be researched in be pushed by force to work in Baghdad alone to enable the which made making such esti clude issues around the sex sector. Until today, no licensed brothels to operate mates more difficult. “approximately how many law or ban has been able to profitably. How many thou Noting that the number of people in Turkey earn their prevent prostitution activities,” sands more brothels were academic thesis written in Tur living from prostitution, what she added. End of article (Continued on page 12) Al Haq Bulletin 57 Page 6

when a man is trapped in love with a woman, then 80% of his “Do you construct palaces as if tries who sought the favour of ace of Zahra), there were also brain cells become inoperative. you will be living forever (on the Sultan. other palaces such as Qasrul Finally when the wise men of earth)?” (Qur’aan) Two wonderfully constructed Ma’shooq (The Palace of the Be- the palace explained that it was A SAMPLE OF A SEED OF fountains were established in the loved One), Qasrus Suroor (The an impossible task and that only DESTRUCTION palace. The bigger of the two Palace of Happiness), Qasrut Allah Ta’ala could destroy the Four miles from the City of Qur- was so adorned with gold- Taaj (The Palace of The Crown), huge mountain, the Sultan came tuba (Cordova), on Mount Al- plating, giving the impression Qasrud Damishq (The Palace of to his senses. Nevertheless, he Uroos, Sultan Abdur Rahmaan that the entire fountain was Damascus), etc., etc., which issued orders for transforming had constructed a most made of gold. were all unique. There was noth- the entire mountain into a mas- ‘glorious’ palace which he ‘Beautiful’ (satanic in terms of ing on earth to match the em- sive orchard of fig trees, almond named after his beloved slave Islam) statues of humans were bellishment and adornment of trees, pomegranates, flowers, girl, Az-Zahra’. This is a verita- constructed in this fountain as these palaces. etc. The mountain was soon ble city, not merely a building of part of the decorations. The Sultans of Spain had emu- transformed into a ‘garden of pomp and splendour. Az-Zahra The smaller fountain was built lated Shaddaad who had at- paradise’. should not be mistaken and un- with green marble stone which tempted to build ‘jannat’ to vie Thus, the Muslims themselves derstood to be a slave in the pop- was acquired from Syria. Twelve with the Jannat the Nabi of the planted the seeds of their future ular meaning of the term. She water outlets in the form of ani- time had spoken of. These Sul- destruction in Spain by courting was not a slave doing menial mals and birds built with pre- tans sought happiness and pleas- the Wrath of Allah Azza wa jal. labour in some kitchen. On the cious stones and studded with ure on earth completely oblivi- They had forgotten about Allah contrary, thousands of servants diamonds, etc., from whose ous of Maut and the Aakhirat. Ta’ala and the Deen. Their ula- were at her beck and call. She mouths and beaks water con- Not a single one of their herd of ma, instead of admonishing and was a veritable queen of queens. stantly gushed were erected at palace ulama had advised them advising the Sultans, totally The Sultan was captivated by this fountain. Even European about the impending evil and abandoned Amr Bil Ma’roof Na- her, and it was for her sake that historians who had seen these of the disastrous consequences hyi Anil Munkar. On the contra- he built this palace which is fountains conceded that words which would follow in the wake ry, they fabricated fatwas to ha- better known as Medinatuz Zah- could not do justice to the beauty of this insane pursuit of the laalize the evil and the shirk of ra (the City of Zahra). and wonder of these construc- dunya – a pursuit which had statues in the same way as the This palace was completed in tions. made them oblivious of Allah molvis of this era have ha- 25 years. Within the limits of its One section of the palace was Ta’ala. laalized pictures of animate ob- compound lived many thousands known as Qasrul Khulafa’ (The When the Sultan first visited jects, digital pictures and televi- of soldiers and workers. Its for- Palace of the Khulafa). History the palace with his beloved Az- sion. tified walls had 15,000 massive books authored by westerners Zahra, on seeing the huge form All of this satanism culminated and powerful gates. The length should be read to understand the of the black mountain in the in the final destruction of Mus- of this palace was 4 miles and its splendour of this section. It will background of the palace, she lim rule and the forcible conver- breadth 3 miles. For 25 years, suffice to give an idea to men- commented: “This palace is like sion to Christianity and the ex- daily 10,000 artisans and labour- tion that this section of the pal- a beloved sweetheart in the grips pulsion of every single Muslim ers, and 4000 camels and mules ace alone had 13,750 servants. of an ugly man.” The Sultan im- from Spain. “You (O Allah!) worked in the construction of From these, 6,314 were in the mediately issued orders for the grant honour to whomever You this palace. The palace was con- constant service of the queen of mountain to be demolished and will, and You humiliate whomev- structed on 4316 massive pillars queen, Zahra, the beloved slave its very roots be uprooted. To er You will.” (Qur’aan) which were of a variety of pre- girl of Sultan Abdur Rahmaan. satisfy his beloved one, he was Allah Ta’ala snatched away cious stones. Some of the pillars Daily 12,000 loaves of bread prepared, like Iblees, to stand as Spain from the Muslims and were sent as gifts by the Chris- would be fed to the exotic fish in an adversary to Allah Azza Wa handed it over to His kuffaar tian kings of France, Constanti- the Pond of Zahra. Jal. Imaam Ghazaali Ibaad (servants) , the Christians. nople and other European coun- Besides Qasruz Zahra (the Pal- (Rahmatullah alayh) said that Allah is Independent and Unique.

Africa. As the leadership of the under- Complaining — and correctly so these countries. Please view the We believe that the hosting of signed organisations, we wish — about the haraam bootlicking MJC’s message below. the summit will encourage in- President Ramaphosa well in attitude of the haraam MJC, a Please do advise regarding this vestment into the African conti- hosting the BRICS Summit. Brother wrote: BRICS Summit as well as the nent, and more specifically Issued by Recently, South Africa had a MJC Zindeeqs’ stance on the is- South Africa, at a moment when Muslim Judicial Council (SA) 'BRICS' summit. Amongst the sue. Surprisingly, I never found our country needs it the most to Minara Business Chamber presidents was Narendra Modi, the Reverend Bham’s view on combat the impact of poverty Awqaf (SA) president of , who came to this issue. and inequality. SAMNET (End of the haraam South Africa. The Muslim Law- We also believe that BRICS message of the Bootlickers) yers association appealed to the MUSLIM COMMUNITY has a vital role to play in estab- National Prosecuting Authority WELCOMES BRICS DELE lishing more equitable economic OUR COMMENT to arrest Narendra Modi for war GATES growth among member coun- Firstly, the cartel consisting of crimes and obviously for being Posted on 24th July tries. MJC, Minara Business Chamber, the cause of thousands of Mus- 2018 by Mishka Daries We are fully committed to Awqaf and Samnet DOES NOT lims being killed in India and The Muslim community of President Ramaphosa’s invest- represent the Muslim community Kashmir. South Africa joins fellow South ment initiative to build an eco- of South Africa. They had no However, I have noticed the Africans in welcoming the arri- nomic powerhouse in the South- right to issue a message in the MJC is very warm in their wel- val of the BRICS delegates to ern tip of Africa that will spill name of the Muslim community. come towards the presidents of our shores and country. over into the rest of Sub Saharan (Continued on page 11) Al Haq Bulletin 57 Page 7

ted the brains of all their Mus more jaahil than the ignora lim students with kufr strait mus in the street. That is why jackets. Almost all Muslims he has written so much kufr who acquired secular educa drivel to justify the Hindu kufr tion in the kufr environment of which Bangladeshis have ac Bangladeshi Ulama are pre the west have become agents of cepted with open arms and (Continued from page 4) occupied with the endeavour to Iblees. Thus, every Muslim wholeheartedly. deshis are without Imaan alt establish small empires for country is in the grips of This condition of kufr which hough they sport lengthy Mus themselves. The Ulama estab kuffaar regimes. This has been is a great plague in Bangladesh lim names. When in Bangla lish Darul Ulooms and each the greatest success of the colo cannot be remedied by taking desh, one gains the impression one is concerned with only his nial powers. to the streets as suggested by that one is in a Hindu land. institution without a care for There is still hope, if the Ula HefazateIslam. On the con Only when the Athaan is pro the next one. As long as his in ma can only open their eyes, trary, taking to the streets will claimed from the numerous stitution flourishes, he cannot brains and hearts to under be counterproductive. Street Musaajid is one reminded of be concerned with other Deeni stand what has happened and protests and demonstrations Islam. But in ‘If you aid (the Deen of) Al- institutions and what is happening in Bangla are the methods of the kuffaar. comparison to lah, He will aid you and plant even less with desh and elsewhere. They need While there may be some bene the irreligiosity your feet firmly (against your the masses who to put their heads together, sit fit in these methods for the reigning in the enemies).” (Qur’aan) are incremen with other Ulama who have the kuffaar, there is only destruc country, the Is tally slipping in Ummah of the world at heart tion for Muslims in the adop lamic community is of little sig the abyss of kufr. and formulate strategies in tion of kuffaar methodology to nificance and of no im The numerous Darul Ulooms consonance with the Sunnah to solve problems. Hadhrat Mau portance. As long as there is no in Bangladesh are in reality a remedy the satanic situation in lana Ashraf Ali Thanvi metamorphosis in the masses – drop in the ocean relative to which Muslim nations are (Rahmatullah alayh) has said a transformation from kufr to the population. Furthermore, trapped and sliding more and that in Islam we know of only Imaan – the position will dete it is not possible nor feasible more into the pit of kufr and two ways: Jihad or Sabr. The riorate further into the abyss for the entire populace to be vice. Sitting together does not inbetween methods of the of kufr. come molvis. Secular education imply western style confer kuffaar are foreign to us. We The basic cause for all the minus its kufr paraphernalia ences which specialize in mer do not understand them nor kufr and shirk in which the which ruins the Imaan of the rymaking, eating, waste, non accept them as valid for Mus population is submerged, is millions, is necessary for oper sensical delivery of papers, and lims. jahaalat. They are almost total ating a country. Infact, Ha passing of resolutions devoid of Today the condition of Mus ly ignorant of Islam. It is on dhrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Islamic substance, sincerity lims is worse than the condi this score that the Ulama have Thanvi (Rahmatullah alayh) and life. These stupid western tion of the Muslims on the oc failed. They had abandoned had commented that today’s methods are not meant for the casion of Hudaibiyyah. The the masses to the devil and his molvis are incapable of govern Muslimeen. Ulama need to formulate strat legions, hence the existence of ing a country. egies in the the current situation in which This comment of Hadhrat QUESTIONS “If Allah helps you, no one background sil KUFR reigns the country. This Thanvi is a simple fact which The Bangla can then defeat you, and if He houette of is the primary cause of the even simple brains can readily deshi Brother, withdraws His aid from you, Hudaibiyyah. spread of jahaalat and kufr in absorb. Secular education posed the fol then who is there besides Him Only in this is all Muslim countries. The Ula stripped of the western fisq, lowing ques to help you?” our success. ma Fraternity is rotten to the fujoor and kufr attributes and tions regarding Street protests core. They are mercenaries evil environment, is impera the kufr confla western kuffaar manipulating the Deen for tive. In this sphere of life the grations devouring Bangla style will bring greater repres worldly pursuits and objec Ulama have miserably failed, desh: sion and brutality from the tives. The Deen and the hence the kuffaar recognizing Hindu government. The cur Aakhirat just do not feature in this failure swiftly filled the Q. The majority of the ignorant rent ‘freedom’ which the their hearts. vacuum. Along with their style Muslims of Bangladesh cele- Madaaris and other Deeni in The solution is not just to es of secular education came their brate this "Bengali New Year" stitutions have in Bangladesh tablish Darul Ulooms. The kufr indoctrination. They fit along with the Hindus. When will also be severely curtailed confronted, they respond saying and even proscribed. It is NAJDIS PREPAR- churches in Arabia is in dia that this is "just a cultural and therefore best to work within metric conflict with the com traditional event". What does the confines of this ‘freedom’ ING FOR DAJJAAL mand issued by Rasulullah Islam say about a Muslim with Sabr and with the focus The agreement between the (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) adopting so-called "cultural on Allah Azza Wa Jal. Najdi Saudia who are ruling himself. Even on his deathbed, and traditional customs"? Q. Some Bangladeshi Arabia, and the Vatican for Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi A. Whilst the answer is quite "Muslim" Women wear bindis opening churches in the Land wasallam) had commanded simple and while genuine Mus (a round dot on their forehead) of Islam is another step in the the expulsion of the Yahood lims know and accept that this just like Hindus, the excuse satanic conspiracy of prepar and Nasaara from the entire argument of the juhala masses again given by them is "cultural ing the stage for Dajjaal. Sau Arabian Peninsula. Establish is absolutely baatil, this aware and traditional custom without di Arabia today is in the grip ing churches of kufr and shirk ness by the few serves no bene having any belief or purpose of kuffaar rulers, and this is is unthinkable in Islam. But ficial purpose for the ignorant like that of Hindus" because the majority of the much worse must be expected masses whose very Imaan has How should such clash of so- Saudis themselves are kuffaar from these munaafiqeen who been either extinguished or is called "traditional customs" masquerading as Muslims. are today ruling the Land of on the verge of extinction. and Tashhabuh bil Kuffar fac- The Najdi agreement with Islam. The editor of the Dhaka tors be explained to them and be the Vatican to establish Tribune is an absolute jaahil, (Continued on page 8) Al Haq Bulletin 57 Page 8

‘secularists’ are imposing their brand of atheism on the peo (Continued from page 7) ple, especially on those who are juhala such as the editor of the Imaan has already been extin true Muslims. His claim is both refuted? newspaper being kaafir at guished. slanderous and devoid of even A. Having the Hindu bindi heart, will obviously label eve These kuffaar secularists secular sense. (kufr dot) on the forehead in ry teaching of Islam which re masquerading as ‘Muslims’ Furthermore, these anti emulation of the Hindu mush futes kufr and shirk to be ‘hate deem every teaching of Islam Islam, proHindu agents of rikeen is obviously kufr. It is speech’ and publicly stated Iblees are not secularists in the just like wearing a crucifix ‘incitement’. “Your deeds are your rulers” by the Ulama to literal sense. While they pre around the neck without be Everything of (Hadith) be an imposi tend to be secularists, they are lieving in the Christian concept Islam is ‘hate tion on the pop Hindus deep down in their of the “crucifixion of Christ”. speech and incitement’ for the ulation. The implication is hearts, hence their strong pro Regardless of belief, the very se human devils. Regarding quite clear. Islam must be Hindu bias displayed for Mus adoption of a kaafir religious them, the Qur’aan Majeed banned. Nothing of Islam lims who endeavour to follow practice/custom is kufr which states: should be publicly aired. Stat the Shariat. expels the Muslim from the “Verily hatred has gushed ing that idolatry is haraam; Their claim that Bangla fold of Islam. But due to the forth from their mouths (for zina is haraam; same sex mar desh is a ‘secular’ state is a abject jahaalat of the people you, O Believers!). But what riages are haraam; homosexu monstrous canard. Bangladesh who were reared like Hindus their breasts conceal is worse”. ality is haraam; prostitution is is a Hindu state, hence this evil by their proHindu parents The robust stance adopted haraam; liquor is haraam; regime leaves no stone un who were all part of the Hin by HefazateIslam at the pub adopting the practices of the turned in its pernicious plot to duization of Bangladesh, they lic rally outside Baitul Mukar mushrikeen is haraam, etc., extinguish Islam. But, ulti will not understand any Islam ram Musjid was deliberately etc. – all of these tenets of Is mately it will suffer a misera ic logic. and wrongly interpreted by the lam if stated in public are re ble failure and defeat, Insha The only slender hope is in stupid editor as being garded by the proHindu so Allah. mass publication of education ‘incitement and hate speech’. called secularists as imposi In addition to sombre ac al articles in the Bangladeshi Public demonstrations by tions on the population. But quittal and intelligent plan language, and for the Ulama to practising Muslims, especially the injustices and oppression, ning, the Ulama and the people constantly deliver educational in an antiIslam state such as the denial of freedom of reli of the Deen should turn to Al bayaans in the Musaajid and Bangladesh will be deliberately gion, that is freedom for the lah Ta’ala with obedience and elsewhere without adopting a and conveniently proclaimed Islamic Deen, and the imposi Dua. Supplicate to Allah methodology which would an to be ‘hate speech’ in order to tion by the kuffaar govern Ta’ala to create a gap, a tagonize the shaitaani Hindu further suppress the Deen and ment of corrupt, haraam and breathing space for Islam to regime strangling Bangladesh the people of the Deen. kuffaar concepts on Muslims begin flourishing in Bangla today. There are other grass Sometimes discretion is the are not regarded as unjust im desh. Nothing is impossible for roots methods too which the better part of valour. On the positions on the genuine Mus Allah Azza Wa Jal. Allah Bangladeshi Ulama should dis battlefield of Jihad, the need to lim population. Only Islamic Ta’ala had created such a cuss and formulate in consulta display valour is imperative. teaching is assailed and brand breathing space for the Turk tion with other Ulama of Ta But in the environment in ed as imposition on the people. ish Muslims in the form of Er qwa and of philanthropic dis which ordinary Muslims find Yet, the Ulama are not impos dogan after many decades of position. themselves under the yoke of ing on anyone. They are mere brutal kufr imposition. Alt oppressors who cherish invet ly stating what Allah Ta’ala hough Erdogan is not the per Q. Third question which is of a erate hatred for Islam and or and His Rasool (Sallallahu fect one, nevertheless he is the major concern: Whenever the thodox Muslims, there is a alayhi wasallam) had pro best blessing which Allah Ulama-e-Haqq raise their voice need to adopt greater intelli claimed. The Ulama in Bangla Ta’ala has granted the Turkish appealing to Muslims to avoid gence and to keep in mind the desh and anywhere else do not people in the prevailing sce emulating the customs of other long term benefits of Sabr. possess the coercive power to nario. He has opened the way religions, the secularists label Ponder over the humiliating impose the Deen on the popu for the people of the Deen. The their appeals as "Hate-Speech", conditions of the Treaty of lation. They only state the same can happen overnight in "narrow, parochial interpreta- Hudaibiyyah accepted by Message of Islam as command Bangladesh. They should make tion of Islam". Rasulullah ed by Allah fervent dua constantly and Is the deeming of hindu prac- (Sallallahu “Allah will most assuredly re- Ta’ala. In this struggle along the Path of the tices (so-called "traditional a l a y h i move fear for you from the regard the Sunnah. The Qur’aan Majeed practices") as haraam for Mus- wasallam), and hearts of your enemy, and Qur’aan states: says in this regard: lims "threats, incitement to vio- which Allah cast wahan in your hearts.” “Upon us is only “Those who strive in Our lence, and hate directed at a re- Ta’ala de A Sahaabi asked:’ O to deliver the path, We shall most certainly ligious community" as the secu- scribes in the Rasulullah! What is wahan?’ Clear Message.” guide them along Our paths.” larist editor of the Dhaka Trib- Qur’aan He said: ‘Love for the world N o w une has averred? How should Majeed as “A and an aversion for Maut.” whether the the Ulama reply to such false manifest victo- (Hadith) people accept or slanders to the awaam? Please ry”. The Ulama reject this Mes (Continued from page 2) comment on these issues. should consider long term sage, is not within the power of Then the decree (of punishment) Jazakallahu Khayr. planning for the Imaani inter the Ulama. The jaahil editor of becomes established for it. Then A. As mentioned in the previ ests of the masses whose at the stupid paper has spoken We utterly destroy (and flatten) ous answer, the Ulama in tachment with Islam dangles stupidly and irrationally. In it.” (Qur'aan) Bangladesh should not adopt a on a flimsy thread, and in in which way are the Ulama im And so was Spain flattened and confrontational stance. The re numerable cases involving tens posing on the population? On destroyed, and this Land of Mus- action of the westerneducated of millions of Bangladeshis, the contrary, the socalled lims, which had basked for centu- (Continued on page 12) Al Haq Bulletin 57 Page 9

righteous Ulama and Auliya) are departing (from this world) The moron Trumpbootlicking Nasaara have completely ema one after the other (in quick Shaikhush Shayaateen (Priest “Verily, the worst of animals by ciated and destroyed the succession). Then there shall of the Devils) struts about pro Allah are the kuffaar, for they Imaan and spiritual fibre of remain hufaalah (trash, scum moting ‘brotherhood’ with the do not have Imaan.” (Al- Muslims, hence the preponder and rubbish) such as the chaff kuffaar enemies of Allah. How Anfaal, Aayat 55) ance of bootlicking scholars for of dates or barely. Allah will is it ever possible for the dollars masquerading as have no care whatsoever for Mu’mineen to strike up a ‘ulama’. them.” Muslims are not in need of friendship and a filial alliance kuffaaar friendship nor of In reality, they are the worst The Mu’mineen – if they are of submission with those whom scum (ghutha) polluting the genuine Mu’mineen are not in Allah Ta’ala abhors, when the kuffaar support. The total de pendence on the kuffaar in this earth. About these treacherous need of the kuffaar. Reminding Qur’aan states: age in all spheres of life is due ‘scholars’ who betray Allah us of this reality, the Qur’aan “Verily, the worst of animals by to the kufr which Muslims are and His Rasool (Sallallahu states: Allah are the deaf and dumb lapping up from the kuffaar. Alayhi Wasallam), the Hadith “O Nabi! Allah and the Mu’mi- who lack intelligence.” (Al- The life of fisq, fujoor and kufr says: neen who follow you, suffice for Anfaal, Aayat 22) adopted from the Yahood and “The Sālihoon (the true, up you.” (AlAnfaal, 64)

According to unofficial Saudi his eyes and tied him and his 1980s and 1990s, which is the ruler.” sources, the authorities have son Ibrahim up. They also largest religious movement in arrested the Islamic scholar, frightened children in the Saudi Arabia. Besides Shaikh AlHawali, affiliated to Sahwa Movement house and confiscated mobile AlHawali is also one of the thousands of others are lan (Awakening movement), phones and electronic devices. strongest opponents of the US guishing in Saudi dungeons for Sheikh Safar AlHawali, along Sheikh AlHawali’s newly and Israeli presence in the re stating the Haq (Truth). The with a number of his sons be published book is a 3000page gion. The Saudi authorities im kuffaar rulers of Saudi Arabia cause of his position towards publication in which he wrote prisoned him in the mid1990s are among the worst oppressor the ruling family’s policies in that the ruling family “has along with a large number of regimes of the world. the country. been wasting funds on fake advocates of Sahwa Movement Allah Ta’ala states in the A Twitter account named projects.” because of their opposing posi Qur’aan Majeed: “Moatqali AlRay” (Prisoners Sheikh AlHawali attacked tion against US forces entering “For every nation there is an of Conscience) published a the crown prince Mohammad to Saudi Arabia. appointed time. When their ap- tweet in which it said that the Bin Salman and his ties with Since September last year, pointed time arrives, it shall not arrest of Sheikh AlHawali, 68, Israel, calling it a “betrayal”. the Saudi authorities have be advanced nor delayed for came a few days after he pub He called to move away from launched an antiSahwa even a moment.” lished his book Muslims and what he described as “bin Movement arrests campaign the Western Civilisation in Zayed’s approach in the that included Islamic scholars The writing is already on the which he attacked the ruling UAE.” Salman AlOuda, Ayed Al wall signifying the destruction family in Saudi Arabia and the According to Arab media Qarni and others. (End of Re of the oppressive kaafir Saudi Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, outlets, Sheikh AlHawali port) Regime. Mohammed bin Zayed. holds a doctoral degree in reli “Those who do not govern ac- Prisoners of Conscience gions and beliefs. He is consid Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi cording to the (Shariah) which Twitter account said that the ered the most important schol Wasallam) said: Allah has revealed, verily they security forces raided Al ar of Sahwa Movement in the “The noblest Jihad is to pro- are kaafiroon.” Hawali’s house. They covered claim the Haq to a tyrannical (AlMaaidah, Aayat 44)

QUESTION: congratulations and lauding President Erdogan has won the praise on a faasiq are not per elections in Turkey. the Turkish Muslims since the Islamic identity. He has opened missible. Making dua for his Zakariyya of era of the abolition of the Khil the way for Islam, the guidance is sufficient. Johannesburg has published a afate by the Kuffaar about a Madaaris and Musaajid. It The truckling statement of laudatory letter congratulating century ago. now remains for Muslims in the Darul Uloom is bootlicking Erdogan and highly praising In the wake of the abolition Turkey to take maximum ad which is extremely repugnant him. Is it proper for Ulama to of the Khilafate, Islam was ex vantage of the breathing space for Ulama. The focus should be congratulate secular Leaders punged by the atheist Dajjaal Allah Ta’ala has bestowed to on Allah Azza Wajal. He is in and Politicians for achieving Attaturk. Thus, the vast ma them. If they fail, this opening control of the Universe, and victory in a Kuffar Political jority of Turks, especially the will close with disastrous con whatever happens is by His System? new generations, were reared sequences. command. Please enlighten and guide as atheist Kuffaar. Imaan was However, despite the bless “Not a leaf drops (from a tree), us with a detailed explanation extinguished. ing Erdogan is, it is unbefitting but He is aware. There is not a in the light of the Shariah. Erdogan is Allah’s blessing for Ulama to adopt measures seed in the darkness of the earth

for the Turkish Muslims who which smack of bootlicking nor anything moist or dry, but it ANSWER: have Islamic inclinations and secular personnel, especially is recorded in a clear Book” Undoubtedly Erdogan and his are desirous of regaining their Politicians and rulers. Sending (Qur’aan) party are the best favours for Al Haq Bulletin 57 Page 10

By Maulana Khalid Dhorat mand which is currently being trod. Swinging from the ultra- history lesson to a bunch of 8 fulfilled; and secondly, you have conservatism to ultra- year olds. Every talk is scripted From being the most powerful, to take your Lord and Protector modernism, women who were and monitored, and every lesson honourable, respectable, chival- to be the mighty West, the formi- forced to don full body covering delivered is recorded. rous, pious, progressive, coura- dable East, or anyone else be- and not allowed to drive at all, geous and admirable nation once sides the One Almighty. This has are now allowed to go naked on But if this is not serious enough, on earth, the Arab leaders of to- already been done many decades ‘international standard’ resort to further appease their western day have sullied the name and ago. In return, you get protection beaches, travel without maharim patrons, all the university and the race of our most noble of your throne and license to kill (legal guardians), seek employ- madrassah Islamic textbooks of Prophet (may peace your own people. ment in the private sector, and the country have been sent to the and blessings be upon him). The attend musical concerts, cinemas Pentagon for “revising and mod- present Arab powers, far from These leaders profess Islam out- and night clubs. The once feared ernizing.” their previous prestige, have in- wardly, but our most noble “Shariah Police” are now not on- deed greatly deteriorated in stat- Prophet Muhammad (may peace ly downsized, but also down- I have not seen any of these ure to such an extent that they and blessings be upon him) de- dumbed. “Pentagon approved” textbooks are now known for everything un sisted from the type of behavior yet, but I’m pretty sure they will -Islamic. openly exhibited nowadays. For Having previously had far reach- probably contain the following starters, our most noble Prophet ing powers, they now can only teachings: (The Saudi state never was a Muhammad (may peace and offer friendly ‘advise’ to trans- chivalrous, progressive, etc. blessings be upon him) refused gressors with no legal clout at All religions are equal. The Jew, state even from its inception. It to be crowned a king by the all. Shops can now remain open Christian, Buddhist, Hindu and was established by the West in Quraish, to be treated like a king, during prayer times, and nude Taoist are all equal. Everyone furtherance of its (the West’s) to live like a king, to dress like a billboards are appearing all over can pray in anybody’s temple, in own interests. The Saudis de- king, to be given the powers and the scene. Although I agree with whichever way, via an idol, an spite their ‘puritannical extrem- privileges of a king, and to being uplifting the driving ban, the new image or a bonfire, it will be the ism) was always a Western sur- given the status of a legislator reforms have largely taken wom- same God. Any person from any rogate state. king. But today’s Arab rulers en out of the sanctity of their race can intermarry too, and the want to be styled as “King” and homes and transformed them in- forbidden teachings of one reli- The current Saudi state is not a ‘Emirs.” What difference is there to sexual symbols. gion will not apply to followers ‘Muslim’ State. It is a kuffaar then between them and people of the next religion. state. The regime is kufr. The like Firoun, Qarun, and Abu (We disagree with the Maulana ruler is among the worst kinds of Jahal? regarding his view on the uplift- Muslims are a peaceful people. murtaddeen. (Al-Haq.) ing the driving ban for women. When others murder, rape or Let it be known that such leaders The Maulana Sahib is in griev- bomb them, it’s because of their These include their exploitation do not represent the Muslim um- ous error on this issue. It is own sins, and a form of well de- of labour, oppression of others, mah, nor the lands they rule haraam for women to drive. Al- served divine punishment upon opulent and decadent lifestyles, over. Rather, they represent the lah’s curse settles on them and them. There is no such a thing as betrayal of their own race, war great demon Iblees, and his ter- on the males who permit them to Jihad, speaking the truth or de- mongering, extremism in reli- rorist henchmen in the USA, drive. — Al-Haq) fending the oppressed. Even gion, manipulation and selective UK, France, India, Israel and in when children of six and grand- application of religion, and the other countries leading the trend But more fearful developments mothers of 68 are gang raped, cherry on the top – their open of mass murder, mass corruption, have taken place on the religious mind your own business, as these love, alliance, and adoration of and mass destruction on earth. front. For years, leading scholars are internal issues of different USA and Israel. If this love was Muslims do not regard such bold enough to criticize the poli- countries. kept hidden in the heart, one leaders as their guides, even if cies of the Kingdom have been could still be in doubt, but the they are styled “Custodians of silently jailed, but this year more The current Muslim western- Arab leaders have demonstrated the Two Holy Mosques,” and than 40 top-ranking shuyookh approved political leaders are themselves their willingness to appear in holy garb now and have been jailed in one fell your true leaders and spiritual be the Zio-Western underdog then. They are just secular politi- swoop – jailed solely because guides. They are not the law, but and poodle on all levels: eco- cal leaders who have turned their they speak the truth to a tyrant above the law and divine. They nomic, social, political and even back on Islam and are enjoying taghoot. Shortly thereafter, the need to be obeyed in all respects, religious. the sunshine and hay of this earth world was shocked when one of even in the disobedience of the for as long as they can. the famous royal blue-eyed One and True Almighty. Fear The only thing now left to Imams of the Haram said that them, not the Almighty. They are change is the Saudi flag. The Although Arab treachery has Israel is an ally to the Muslims, wise, powerful, sinless, and your pure Kalimah (Islamic Creed) been prevalent for many years, and an Imam who spoke out ticket to peace. should be removed and be re- albeit covertly, it has now taken against Israel on a Jumu’ah plat- placed by a woman in a bikini. a bold twist with the rise of the form was dubbed “an escaped Everyone has a choice on how to present Crown Prince MbS, a madman” and forcibly removed live and to treat their body. The But being a friend of the devil is mere lad of 32, who seem to be from the podium. Sadly, all the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, no ordinary task. You need to do bent on satanising the Holy current Imams and teachers in & Transgender) movement is le- two things to be afforded this Lands upon which our noble the country are state-owned and gitimate, and sexual perversity is disgraceful privilege. Firstly, you Prophet Muhammad and his ven- state-controlled. Teaching Islam a natural disposition. Qur’anic have to sell your religion – a de- erable Sahabah (Companions) for them is just like teaching a (Continued on page 11) Al Haq Bulletin 57 Page 11

(Continued from page 10) pure are now old-fashion. If a Our Lord Almighty says that one less, leaderless, desolate, and a references to homosexuality re- Muslim desires a peaceful exist- who lives a life in the remem- playfield for the superpowers of fers to the act of rape (forced ence, he/she should modernize brance of his Lord will be pros- the time. sexual intercourse), not the na- and be in the service of the prev- perous, and those who don’t will ture of the intercourse. alent philosophy. There is no have poverty stare them in the Lastly, there are many pro- such a thing as ummatic brother- face. This is exactly what is hap- Iranians who gleefully read arti- Israel has a right to exist and is hood, a desire to unify the Mus- pening in Saudi today. The more cles such as this condemning the unilaterally entitled to the land lim world under a righteous Ca- ills in the form of resorts, cine- Saudis, but little do they know they illegally invaded. Masjid al- liph, forbidding the evil or pro- mas, casinos, concerts, night that the Saudi about-turn in Aqsa belongs to the Zionists, moting the good. Every person clubs, musicals, comic cons, and 2017, was already done by since the conquest of Jerusalem should be for himself, and avail forbidden entertainment is intro- Khomeni in 1979. The Shi’ah by Sayyadina Umar ibn al- himself to all the attractions and duced to bridge the deficit, the have a 40 year start in apostasy Khattab is not recognized by in- pleasures of the world currently more people will suffer. As an over the Saudis! Khomeini, like ternational secular law. Besides, on offer, even in the Holy Lands. example, a beach resort is pro- MbS, was a Shi’ah asset who not both being Semite, the Jews and posed to be built on the Red Sea only disfigured Islam beyond Arabs are brothers. The Palestin- Now having firm control over between the towns of Umluj and recognition (Shi’ism equals Zi- ians and all those who support the religious class and the mass- Al-Wajh in northern Hejaz. This onism), but whose presence in the resistance constitute an “Axis es, even the Royal family and project will involve ‘50 islands the Middle East have kept the of Evil” and must be eradicated. political elite have not been upon 34 000 square kilometres in Arabs in balance. The only dif- spared. In a blitz operation, over a global up-market tourism and ference is that the Bedouin Arabs Everyone should adopt Sufi Is- 200 members of Saudi elite were leisure mega-development’ and are not polished diplomats lam and indulge in all forms of held to ransom in the Ritz Hotel, will be ‘governed by laws on par enough to hide their alliances weird dancing and chanting to and only released after their for- with international standards.’ with the Zionists, but the Irani- enhance their spiritual states. The tunes were looted, and their eco- This will allow women to wear ans are. study of the Qur’an, Sunnah and nomic and political clout vastly bikinis in the pool and beach are- any authentic Islamic literature diminished. Everything now as The Shi’ah have been secretly should also be abandoned. Ra- seems to be in control for MbS, funded by Israel to destabilize ther just blindly follow and over- but things are looking bleak. Vision 2030 is aimed at bringing the Arab world for four decades venerate your Shaikh (Sufi Men- When the Saudis held fast to prosperity to this beleaguered now, and have also been granted tor) who would most probably be their religion, they were prosper- country, but by 2030, the country the green light by the UN to de- on the payroll too. If you want ous to a degree. But as soon as may be already turned to dust. A velop nuclear capability. In retro- to protest or say anything against they started modernizing and war hadith speaks about Madinah al- spect, the Arabs have not been the government, do so in a mongering, things have changed. Munawwarah becoming desolate allowed to win an easy war in peaceful online petition or in a Saudi currently is heavily indebt- at the end of time, and huge ar- Syria and Yemen despite their controlled street demonstration. ed to the IMF. Unemployment mies emanating from Sham at- vast weapon arsenals in seven Remember, trouble-makers are continues to rise, taxes have been tacking the forces of Imam al- years, but they are stupid enough always marked. introduced, and the price of oil is Mahdi in Makkah al- not to realize these glaring dis- continuing to fall. In foreign af- Mukarramah. These are all signs crepancies. In the ultimate end, The current world order is not to fairs, the war in Yemen & Syria, that as Saudi is responsible for both the Arabs and the Persians be challenged. Politically, your and the dispute with Qatar ap- the destruction of Yemen, Syria will join the forces of Dajjal in fate is sealed and humiliation is pear to be in stalemate. and Palestine, the same plight order to fight the true Muslims. your destiny. All things good and will befall it. It will become law- On whose side will you be then?

presence in the BRICS group of the slice of bread is buttered. He tress of silence would serve him (Continued from page 6) a Mass Murderer who is re- is a member of the Indian Mus- better. This is deception and fraud. The sponsible for the murder, lynch- lim community although he has As far as the MJC is con- ill-conceived bootlicking mes- ing, pillaging and plunder of covertly renounced his Deen cerned, this is a miserable group sage is not a message from the thousands of Muslims and their long ago. of clowns and coons who lack Muslim community. The haraam homes and properties. Complicit Nevertheless he still masquer- even the rudimentary knowledge message emanated from the self- with this Modi character are all ades as a Muslim. If Modi was of the science of Istinja. They are same illicit conglomerate of Shi- the Kuffaar leaders and rulers of not present in the BRICS entity, qualified in only baatil, fisq, fu- ah supporters or hidden Shiahs the Arab states who have not the reverend would have acquit- joor and even kufr. Their trade who had deceptively sought to only accorded this brutal Hindu a ted himself vociferously with mark is halaalization of carrion hoist the abortive Shiah ‘cape warm welcome, but have active- vim, vigour and vitality. In his with even pork passed off as accord’ on the Muslim commu- ly facilitated in the construction stupid understanding it would ‘halaal’. The MJC is a thorough- nity. of temples of idol worship on the have been a valuable opportunity ly ghutha entity. It is ghutha There is absolutely no affinity lands of Islam. In addition some for the attainment of some cheap (trash) inside and outside. The and no relationship between this of these illegitimate Arab leaders aggrandizement. name ‘Muslim Judicial Council’ Islamically false/baatil message have even prayed to the idols. However, he fears a backlash is a colossal misnomer and a des- and the Shariah, and as such the The silence of Reverend from the Indian Muslim commu- picable deception for a group of Ummah of Islam in this country Abraham Bham is not at all sur- nity on account of the presence chaps who lack knowledge of rejects the message. The rejec- prising. He is an adroit fence- of the Hindu Murderer, hence he simple Shar’i masaa-il. tion is greatly emphasized by the sitter. He knows which side of decided that a retreat in the for- (Continued on page 12) Al Haq Bulletin 57 Page 12

(Continued from page 8) ries in worldly ‘glory and splen- (By Sheikh Mumtazul Haq) master piece in refutation of Shi- wasallam) one should expect to dour’, was reduced to ashes and Recently, in his tour of South Af- aism and titled it, Al-Matraqatul rise with those one loves (i.e. rubble, and made barren by Chris- rica, Tariq Jamil stated: Karaamah ala Mir’atil Imaamah. with the Shiahs) . tian fire and butchery which only some unbiased Christian westerners “Make Shiaism your vest (inner Allamah Anwar Shah Kash- Tariq Jamil claimed to follow graphically describe, and which garment) and ummah your miri (rahimahullah) authored Ulama-e-. But these bring Muslims to shed futile tears qamees (outer garment). Make Ikfaarul-Mulhideen. Ulema subscribe to the doctrine: of no avail. Sunnism your vest and Ummah When all these great elders of “Whosoever denies even ONE your Qamees....Let Sunnis stay Deoband and others have unre- essential matter of deen is not Sunni and let the Shia stay Shi- servedly refuted and rejected Shi- from the Ahlul-Qiblah (Muslims) ah... Live with love...." aism - how can Tariq Jamil even though he may strive to ful- (Continued from page 5) Many Ulema picked up on this claim to be following in the foot- fil other matters of obedience and took offence at these state- steps of the Ulama of Deoband (worship). there, and still are there, which have Satanized the country? ments and Tariq Jamil received by preaching LOVE for Shias? (Jawaahirul- of Mufti Shafi The Wrath, Curse and Punish much criticism from many quar- Cursing the Sahaabah in gen- Sahib -Grand Mufti of Deoband ment of Allah Ta’ala has over ters. eral and especially Abu and Pakistan in his time.) taken and destroyed Iraq and When he arrived in the UK, he Bakr, Umar and Aaishah other Muslim countries, espe decided to clear the air by giving (radhiyAllahu anhum) is an inte- Secondly, while Tariq Jamil cially Syria. a clarification interview in which gral and essential part of Shiaism. might have felt his message of The claim that no Law can he justified his words by stating How can any Muslim live in love love to have been useful, the prevent prostitution is true that: with those who curse these masses of ordinary people have with regards to manmade "He himself was on the path of MOST BELOVED souls in the been deceived and misled into Kufr Laws. The only Law that Ulama-e-Deoband and he has eyes of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi thinking and believing that Shi- can eradicate in entirety the been preaching love for many wasallam)? Nabi (sallallahu aism is a perfectly acceptable part satanic filth of prostitution is years...... and found this to be alaihi wasallam) said: “A man of Islam and use Tariq Jamil Islamic Law – The Shariah – very useful...... " will be with those he loves”. name to justify the kufr of Shi- the Law of the Qur’aan. Firstly, Ulama-e-Deoband con- So if one loves the Shiah and aism. So in conclusion, Tariq It is hoped that Erdogan will sider themselves to be heirs of promotes love for the Shiah, then Jamil’s name has become a move in this direction to elimi the Wali -Ullah legacy. Shah in the light of the above hadeeth SHIELD for the defence and jus- nate this evil, filth and immo Waliullah and his son Shah Ab- of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi tification of KUFR amongst the rality which has poisoned the dul Azeez (rahimahumallah) general public. country. both refuted Shiaism extensively in their master pieces,; Izaalah and Tohfah Ithna-Ashariyah re- spectively. (Continued from page 11) There is no doubt that the ca- ties which have settled on Pales- Moulana Qasim Nanotwi The other three entities who co lamities and hardships which tine. Denial of these calamities (rahimahullah), the founder of -issued the stupid message are in have befallen and are still be- being Allah’s Athaab is kufr. Darul Uloom Deoband wrote an- terms of the Shariah Juhala and falling Palestine (as well as oth- The Qur’aan states explicitly other absolute master piece in Fussaaq. They are Shiah sup- er Muslim communities) are the that Allah Ta’ala will not refutation of Shiaism and entitled porters and have no standing in Athaab of Allah Azza Wa Jal. change the condition of a people it Hadiyatush-Shiah. the Muslim community. Their Such calamities are the conse- as long as they themselves do Moulana Khalil Ahmad Sa- boodle is not a credential for quences of gross transgression – not change it. When obedience haranpuri (rahiahullah) is referred leadership of the Muslim com- of rebellious fisq and fujoor and is replaced with disobedience, to as the spokesperson for Deo- munity. They are non-entities to even kufr of the Muslim nation. transgression, fisq and fujoor, bandiyat for answering the ques- be discarded in the waste-bin. When the point of no return has then the Athaab of Allah Azza tions presented by Ulema of Ha- “What! Do they search for hon- been crossed, the Punishment of Wa Jal is the logical and the nat- ramain and authored the famous our from them (the kuffaar)? Allah Ta’ala strikes, and noth- ural consequence. The Qur’aan work Al-Muhannid alal Verily, all Izzat belongs to only ing but repentance and obedi- Majeed states: “You will not Mufannid. He authored another Allah.” (Qur’aan) ence (Taubah, Istighfaar and find for Allah’s way a change.” Inaabat) are the solution. Usurpation of land by Mus- A Concerned Palestinian lims is being punished with Brother writes: usurpation of land by the Ya- “My relatives stole most of the hood. When Muslims of Pales- Q. Please can you give me your business is a haraam money- land which we had inherited. tine devour the land of their advice on the following making racket operated by the This kind of injustice and op- own flesh and blood, then the Is Sahuc a valid Islamic Haj haraam kuffaar Saudi regime pression are widespread all usurpation by the Yahood Mission.They really don't with all the so-called ‘hajj mis- over Palestine. It is not only in should not at all be surprising. It help us in the way a genuine sions’ being in cahoots. All the our family. Usurping the land is stated in the Hadith that the Haj Mission should. We are re charges they extort are haraam of heirs and their property is a usurper of even one baalisht (a quired to pay Sahuc a fee to re blood-sucking. The whole Hajj & norm in Palestine. Everyone handspan) of land will have it quest to be listed even if we Umrah ibaadat is satanically tries to eat each other’s rights. strung around his neck on the had never been for Haj before. commercialized. You have no Maybe this is one of the reasons Day of Qiyaamah. As far as the We are charged 400 rands, option but to submit to the for Allah’s punishment upon usurped land goes down into the then a further 2500 rands. Does haraam extortion otherwise you us.” (End of the Brother’s la- dregs of the earth, such a Islam allow Sahuc to charge us will not be able to fulfil your ment) weight shall be hung around his without service if we don't ap Fardh Hajj obligation. The whole Comment neck. This will be just one form point them as representatives. gang of hajj operators is a shai- Undoubtedly, it is among the of the punishment. A. The entire Hajj and Umrah taani cartel. primary causes for the calami-