Warm Up Child pose, Ujjayi Breath 3-15 breaths. Sync and call the last 3 breaths, end with big exhale. Tabletop (optional cow/cat breath) Spinal Balance (optional) Down dog Inhale/exhale 3-5 breaths. (Optional leg “up and over”) End with BIG exhale. Walk or Jump Forward (first time only- afterwards just say ‘jump’ or equivalent.) Halfway lift Fold SUN A All the way up Fold Halfway lift Chaturanga - option to break down first one Up dog Down dog call 3-5 breaths, end with big exhale Jump Halfway lift, Fold TEACH 3-5 SUN A’s then... SUN B Chair (first time may hold this for 3- 5 breaths) Fold Halfway lift Chaturanga Up dog Down dog, right foot forward, Warrior 1. (first time may hold this for 3- 5 breaths) Chaturanga Up dog Down dog, left foot forward, Warrior 1. (first time may hold this for 3-5 breaths) Chaturanga Up dog Down dog - hold for 3- 5 breaths

TEACH 3-5 SUN Bs–last 2 or 3 with variations-(warrior 2/Reverse, etc) (after 3-5 sun B’s go directly to Crescent Series RIGHT AWAY IN RHYTHM with NO HOLD IN DOG)

CRESCENT SERIES (Vitality) Right foot forward, crescent lunge Sweep up (option hold for 3 or more breaths to build into twist) Twist right Inhale Twist repeat 3-6 times Last exhale Get all the air out. Warrior 2 Exhale (hold this) or immediately: Reverse warrior Extended side angle (5 breaths. optional, add bind) One more big inhale... Right hand down Side plank (5 breaths) Big breath in, reach up! Chaturanga Up dog Down dog Left foot forward, crescent lunge Repeat on left side. Ends on Down Dog (0-5 breaths in down dog, end with big EXHALE) PRAYER TWIST Jump forward Halfway lift Fold Chair Twist right 3-5 breaths, One more big inhale Fold Halfway lift Fold Chair Twist left 3-5 breaths, One more big inhale Fold Halfway lift CROW (Optional) Jump back (Chaturanga) Up dog Down dog Jump forward Half lift, Fold Eagle (2 sets optional) Sweep-up! Eagle, right arm under, right leg over Inhale Exhale (3-5 breaths, end with a big EXHALE) Sweep up! Left arm under, left leg over Inhale Exhale (3-5 breaths end with big EXHALE) Sweep-up! Start second set above with “Eagle, right arm under, right leg over.” When done with optional second set

Balance Main Series Hands on hips Lift your right leg. Sweep up! Hands on your hips Lift your Right leg. (Optional hold here) With your right hand, take your knee or big toe (watch what they do) Hold for 3 to 5 breaths Leg right, eyes left (Hold for 3 to 5 breaths, end on big INHALE ) Come to center Reach up Airplane (Hold for 3 breaths or longer) Last inhale, lift you back leg! Standing (Hold 3 breaths or longer). Half Moon (Hold 3 breaths or longer) Last inhale Feet together Fold! Extended Mountain Pose! LEFT SIDE: Sweep up! Hands on your hips Lift your left leg. (Optional hold here) With your left hand, take your knee or big toe (watch what they do) Hold for 3 to 5 breaths Leg left, eyes right (Hold for 3 to 5 breaths, end on big INHALE ) Come to center Reach up Airplane (Hold for 3 breaths or longer) Last inhale, lift you back leg! Standing split (Hold 3 breaths or longer). Half Moon (Hold 3 breaths or longer) Last inhale lift Feet together! Then rise up. Mountain Pose! (3 Breaths) TREE Tree pose, (3-5 breaths or longer) right foot up. Tell them to breath on their own OR teach arm variations/focus/conversational cues etc. Other side.

DANCER ( Both sides) Dancer, right hand back Inhale Exhale (3-5 breaths) Last big breath in... Other side Inhale Exhale (3-5 breaths) Complete each side, then release to Mountain Pose 3- Breaths then (Optional) Dancing Shiva (Both Sides) 3- 5 Breaths then ends in Fold Halfway, Chaturanga! Up dog Down dog. No stop here.

TRIANGLE SERIES Right foot forward, Warrior 1 Warrior 2. Reverse! Optional (or inhale in warrior 2) Triangle! Call breath occasionally tell them to breath in the pose. Hold 5+ breaths Sync-up the last 3 breaths. After a big inhale: Wide Leg Forward Fold, turn your right foot in. Hands on hips Inhale! Fold (watch and help as needed) 5 breaths or more. End on BIG EXHALE Halfway up Exhale hands to hips (get empty) Rise All the way up! Face front, shorten stance Pyramid Fold 5+ breaths, end on BIG EXHALE Half lift the spine Twisting Triangle Inhale! Twist! Inhale! Twist! (5 breaths like this.) Last big breath in! Charrarunga! (up dog/down dog/left foot forward Warrior 1) Complete other side. Second Wide Leg Forward Fold is optional. End with a big inhale, then: Charrarunga! /up dog/down dog/high plank, low plank, FLOOR!

BACKBENDS INHALE Exhale Locust! Call 5 breaths- end on BIG INHALE Floor! (or come down) Inhale BIG Exhale Bow Call 5 breaths-end on BIG INHALE Floor REPEAT BOW end on big inhale Exhale Upward facing dog Build 5 breaths. End on huge inhale Down dog A few breaths here Camel give them time to set up then call five breaths as above. Build on inhales. End on BIG INHALE Down dog Repeat once more, end in down dog pose Let them set-up, then five breaths, end on big inhale then, Come down or floor repeat 4-6 times more, encouraging wheel. WATCH CLOSELY at the end of their last huge inhale say Supta -Reclined Butterfly, give some quiet time – (Class will not come off the floor again) 5-25 breaths, then Knees in, squeeze! More quiet–happy baby pose-optional abs PIGEON Sit up, double pigeon, right knee under Hold for about 10-20 breaths, encourage longer breathing, exploration of the pose. Use variations as you wish. Half pigeon, top leg straight back Encourage longer breath. Optional language: “Begin to lengthen your exhales. When you think you are at the end of the exhale, see if there is more exhale. Same with inhale.” After 10-20 breaths, Double pigeon, sweep back leg forward. Sit up, left knee under . Encourage long breathing. Silence. After 10-20 breaths: Half pigeon, top leg straight back 10-20 breaths Happy Baby through the rest of class, encourage internal exploration of poses and longer and longer breathing-Additional possible language, “More experienced students, when you get to the real end of your exhale, pause with no breath for 3-5 beats. Same with inhale.” Shoulder stand/plow/dead man pose or optional /child Fish / Seated forward fold-optional seated twist Reverse tabletop / Frog option Twist Add as options seated poses you love. From to the end, this section is flexible time-wise like an accordion. Avoid having students come off the floor. Savasana: Shoot for 8 minutes Bring your knees in, roll to your right, 5-10 breaths Seated position 5 breaths. Bring your hands up, thumbs across your eyebrows, breath in, look up, Namaste!