! Parish Priest Fr Agnelo de Souza 020 8540 3057 Alternative numbers: 07970157922 E: [email protected] Parish Office; Tel. N. 020 8542 8082. E:[email protected] St George’s Hospital Chaplaincy via the switchboard on 020 8672 1255 or contact the Catholic Chaplain, Direct Line 020 8725 3069. Email: [email protected] . Confessions: Sat 5.30-5.50pm. (or at reasonable request). Hall bookings: 020 8542 3288. Web address www.stjosephscollierswood.co.uk 10th March 1st Sunday of Lent – (Year C). The Order of - p7. Readings & Mass parts – p 153 Preface p 71 Mass intentions for the week. Saturday 9th 6.00 pm Soul of Maria di Mello Sunday 10th 9.00 a.m. Steven Conroy RIP 1st of Lent 10.45 am DRAF of Anita Whelan Monday 11th 9.30 pm DRAF of Fergus & Ellen Keogh Tuesday 12th 9.30 pm Louis Felix Armani RIP Thursday 14th 9.30 am Margery Fidge RIP Friday 15th 9.30 am Souls of Andrews family Saturday 16th 6.00 pm Soul of Frank Joseph Andrews Sunday 17th 9.00 a.m. Stephen Downey RIP 2nd of Lent 10.45 am Eufemia Suriano The Rosary will be recited each weekday at 9.10am followed by Mass. The EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT WILL COMMENCE IMMEDIATELY AFTER MASS UNTIL 12 NOON

MONEY MATTERS –THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR GENEROSITY 1st Collection: £ 446.10 (GA £ 172.50 ) 2nd £ 106.89 (GA £38) (Poor Parishes)

This week Church Maintenance. Next week: Church Maintenance 6 pm 9 am 10.45 am 9th/10th March Ministers Joe Fernando Damien Bielicki Telma Oliveira 1st of Lent Maryanne Siobhain McDonagh Barbara Rodrigues Pat Reilly Bethany Ng Helen Johny 16th/17th March Ministers Maryanne Michael Helen McHugh Melana Wijendra 2nd of Lent Maria Guindano Damien Bielicki Tony Fernandes Ray Hearn Vincent Bolt Darren Wijendra


SPECIAL EVENTS We had a good response to the appeal last Sunday for the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament but unfortunately nobody attended the follow-up meeting on meeting on the 5th. March. It is vital that we have this meeting at which the committee will be elected to activate this important event in the life of our parish. We will meet again on Thursday 14th. March at 7p.m. in the hall. Please make this a successful Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in our parish. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament commences Friday 15th. March. The attendance sheet is on the entrance, please sign under the times you intend to be present. PLEASE ENSURE YOU TAKE A NEWSLETTER OVER THE COMING WEEKS, WE ARE PREPARING DATES AND TIMES OF OUR SERVICES DURING LENT AND EASTER.

1. EASTER CARDS. It would appear that very few parishioners took a card on Sunday which will keep you informed of the services in our parish. We are having a lot of calls asking about the times of masses etc. which is a pity as a lot of effort has gone into having these cards printed, Please take a card and you will have all the information about our services at hand. 2. 100 CLUB: The winner of 100 club this month is Patricia Hatton. 3. DEATH OF PARISHIONER: We have received the sad news of the death of one of our long serving parishioners Aileen Hegarty. As soon as we have details of her funeral service we will publish it. 4. PRAYER MEETINGS will be held in the hall on Saturday 16th. March and Saturday 6th. April from 3p.m. to 5p.m. 5. OVER THE WEEKS OF LENT the Archdiocese of Southwark Stewardship Team, in collaboration with the diocesan Spirituality Commission, will send out daily reflections featuring thoughts, Scripture and prayer. If you think others would benefit, please encourage them to visit: http://eepurl.com/dcNmsv. 6. MARRIAGE PREPARATION DAY: We have had a good response from 3 young couples to our Marriage Preparation Day. If you know of any couples who are getting married please tell them about this course. They would need to produce the certificate to the priest who will marry them. 7. IT IS FR AGNELO’S INTENTION to have the following events at St. Josephs: 1) A St. Patrick’s day parade within the boundaries of the church before the 10.45a.m. Mass which itself will be a high mass celebrating the feast of St. Patrick. It would be wonderful if any of our parishioners could play a musical instrument to lead the parade. There will be a special Mass for children on Saturday 23rd March at 10a.m. followed by Stations of the Cross, after which a quiz will be held in the hall with questions based on the lessons learned at the first Holy Communion and liturgy classes. Diplomas will be given to the children. REMINDER: Would parents please complete a form to let us which children will attend the mass and take part in the quiz. Sorry for the error in last week’s newsletter – the Mass is on 23rd March. Please note that the children’s gardening session will follow immediately afterwards. 8: GOOD NEWS: We have had an additional person apply to become a Catholic. All 3 attended the induction service at Southwark Cathedral on Saturday 9th. March. Further news in next week’s newsletter. 9. PILGRIMAGE NEWS: We have received details of a pilgrimage to Lourdes in August, if interested please enquire at the office. 10. C.A.F.O.D. CAFOD will be making an appeal at all Masses this weekend. Further details are on display in the porch. 11: EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS/LECTORS ROTAS: The new draft rotas, starting on Palm Sunday and running to the end of June, are now ready. Please check your email or collect your hard copies from the office. Please check carefully and let Mary Edwards know ASAP if you find any errors or clashes. 12: CONFESSIONAL BOXES: The confessional boxes have now been cleared we need volunteers to paint the walls and ceilings and also to lay carpet tiles on the floors and doors to improve the soundproofing. Please speak to Fergus in the office. 13: FIRE WARDENS REQUIRED: We need 12 parishioners to train as fire wardens. In the event of an emergency we need to get people out of the church premises in a controlled and safe manner. With the number of children now attending our services this is a good opportunity for parents, aunts and uncles to be part of this important team A training session has been arranged to take place in PARISH, EDGE HILL, Wimbledon SW19 4LU on 5th. SEPTEMBER AT 7P.M. I will need the names on those wishing to attend in order to book places this weekend. Please do so after mass on the form in the porch.