BASIC Basic Outcomes 1. This workshop This will 1. .Itwill discuss basic practicessafety of the pro 2. theequipment. you equipment.Basic information you need‘before’ not teachyou how to weld. cess and startto use We will cover • • • • • • • • • Arc Welding Arc Welding Brazing Soldering Oxy/Acetylene cutting Gas Welding SafetyEquipment Plasma cutting • • • • • • • • Temperatures,,filler rod Temperatures,flux(acid rosin), and solder wire Torch,pressures,gas technique Shieldinggas, torch, , settings, groundin Settings,, grounding Spoolgun Shieldingwire,gas, settings, torches, grounding Cylinders,hoses, Valves, torches, filler rod TIGGTAW – StickSMAW – MIGGMAW – g,filler rod Notice

Youare responsible all information for r verifying Youare responsible to fac and equipment for damage Protectyour own safety. (Iaccurate that believe Iam giving you informatio myword it.Independently verifyfor for yourself. protectionmeasures. elatedto and safety

n but, n )

ilities. don’t take don’t Welding Patci lowle but notwill be discussed a (Plasticweldedalsois – Fusionof 2(or more) ofpieces metal melting an by s partof this Workshop.) d joining. Welding (and,Electron Plasma) Beam, Laser, Induction Friction Electricresistance arc (arc welding) Combustion(gas welding, welding) forge Createdby: UsesHeat Welding A goodA weldstarts with clean well material aligned notlaying on top of the joinedmaterials) Fullfusion (materials together, weldisare melted thematerial) Fullpenetration (melted jointis all the way throu themetals being joined. Smooth,non porous, strong as or as stronger than Whatis good a weld gh gh

Safety gear extinguisherslocated.are And,Keep Extinguishera Fire handy whereand know Protectionheat from and radiation. additional Protective Gear Special welding garmentsSpecial welding Headcover Door Rag Goggles /helmet Shoes Longpants Longsleeves Gloves(stuff is hot) rayon,meltnylon, stick and to you) Clothing,cotton (man made fabrics,polyester, Fume Extraction The great outdoorsThe Fans Fumeextractors Extractthe fumes lots or provide of ventilation. Welding Space metalset them on fire. thewelding shop arearea subject to hot having (wood Flamableobjects rags, in fluids) shavings, Galvanize/Platings becomehazardous) gettingto up the temperature where Zinc fumes rods(Muggy Weld) that is (not morelike brazing PotMetal (is Zinc a alloy) are some There specia Cadmium and otherplatings are dangerous well as arefumesdangerous very (Zinc Flu). Don’tweld or Galvanized Zinc The plated metal. l Protecting Others I Lotsof UV TIG– flyingsparks UV– Arcwelding – toprotect eyes. their striking before arc. an Give them chance a ‘Welding’ you Letpeople around know whatis going on. Yell goblind.outGet ofthem direct sight. Note:pets (dogs, cats) will an watch arc until the Lotsof flying sparks, UV Plasma– UVand flying sparks. Chunks of hotslag Stick– Lotsof flying sparks Gascutting – flyingsparks Gaswelding – y y

Get Comfortable Weldinguseslots of small fine motor and moves con Haveplace a brace to your arms/hands possible, If seatedbe it Make to easy move along the weld seam the Setup work convenient at a height trol Oxy/Acetylene Combustion MA mtyaeyeeadpoain)~,0°F)propadiene) and ~3,700° (MAAP(methylacetylene F)(Propanetorch ~3,200° F)(Butanelighter ~ 3,000° F Oxy/AcetyleneFlame is 6,396° ) .(Can other use gasses, propane, natural ga Usesheatof combustion, typically Acetylene and s, Soldering Tin AntimonyTin or Lead Tin (SimilarBrazing) to waterpipes. acid use solder solderlead and free i Copper– userrosin core solder Electronics– keepoxygen out. Needsflux to help material,clean help solderbase Solderholds the jointafter made it is Needgood a mechanicalconnection first Lower~ 650°F temperature, flow, and and flow, f drinking drinking f Brazing (SimilarSoldering) to Can flux use coated filler rod Needflux be strong Can very less and brittle thatweld. a together. t Metalflowsfiller rod around the joint‘sticking’ Lowtemperature, Not Welding,840°F ~ he pieces he Flux AcidRosin and Liquidpaste and Borax Helpsthe metal ‘flow’ cleanthe metal Chemicalthat helpskeep oxygen out of the jointan dhelps Cylinders Acetylene250 psi Securetanks with chain. psi O22,400 Oxygen Acetyleneand Cylinders Cylinder cap when notin use Keepupright Regulators htswyol un–helpsb acetonekeep to from turn– onlyThat’s¼ why theisYes, acetybut, cylinder full and acetone of Acetylene thebottle. tellWait,justyou theis me didn’t cylinder at25 acetyleneexplosive orNeveruse 15 more– Uselbsregulatorpressure 5 turnOpen¼ fewturns Opena shockinggauge valveavoid to openUsehands to two cutting for 20-30 welding for Use 8-20 reads pressureReg to hose reads Guage tank pressure (instant orgrease oilfire) no O2, 0 psi? 0 lene islene dissolvedthat in eing drawn out of of out eingdrawn Gas Pressures Torch Body Greenis Oxygen Redis Acetylene Torch tips 1/64 - 1/32 ------000 ("triple aught") 000 ------1/32 1/64- aught") 00("double ------3/64 1/32- 0(The zero tip is called ------5/64 3/64- 1 ------3/32 5/64- 2 ------1/8 1/16- 3 ------3/16 1/8- 4 ------1/4 3/16- 5 ------1/2 1/4- Metal Thickness--Tip Size moreheat fire, bigger – Biggertip Fingertight only an “aught") an Striking Torch Acetylenefirst Alwaysstriker a use (flint on steel) -Oxidizingmore hiss or oxygen, flame, roar, lots o -Carburizing/reducingcone flame, for dual some bra neutralfl bringdown neutralto flame (blue cone – - crackslowlyvalve - O2 adjustfor 1inch about of straight flame - rooted,or to attached of end torch - willbesmoky - UseStriker - -1/8ofturn torch valve ONEtime at a f sparks, rarely usedsparks, f rarely ame) zing, lessoxygenzing, Neutral Flame Reducing Flame Oxidizing Flame Turning off

Then Acetylene orchT Bleedpressure from lines Closecylinder valves O2First Openregulators (valves counter-clockwise) Onetime at a Types of Joints Good Welds Weld Preparation The Puddle Filler Rod Types (Match Types to welded) material being valves,chemical marine applications. equipment and Commonlyforused pressure vessel - ER316ER316L and higher handle heatthan has goodcorrosion resistan Usedweldingdissimilar for metal - ER309ER309L and seriessteels. inused manufacturing, well as 200-series as ot and it'sthe choice for stainless welding steel,304 wh Oneof the most common welding ro - ER308ER308L and zirconium and aluminum) ER70S-2( Namessimilar toMig Wire ER =cut length, =cut 70 ,000 psi, psi, ,000 S olid, olid, -2 hastitanium, ichis widely her300- ce. s. Can Can s. s, ds, ds, Filler Rod speedweldingfusion ofpressure vessels, andtanks RG-65is a commonlyless used, low-alloy designrod tensilestrength times 10,000 45,000 = PSI 45- RodGas RG- Here'swhat the designation means: prettystraightforward. weldersMost useRG-45 or R andoxide build-up. AWS The classificationthes for Carbonweldingsteel rods a copperhave coating to eproducts is preventrusting piping. G-60rods. edhighfor Cutting Torch 3 Greenis Oxygen Redis Acetylene lots Makes of molten metal Heatof the burning metal keeps the cut going Usesoxygen an jetto oxidize (burn off) metal Usedto cut metal (not for thin sheet metal) metalhot then and startthe cut Usethe heaterflame to thinnerget a part of the turns onLever O2 jet rd knobon torch is for O2 heater flame adjustment. Rosebud Toget metal hot ofin advance bending, , forging. Or Usuallypreheat as for welding Usedfor heating metal Arc Torch solderingTorch brazingTorch cutting arc Plasma TIGor GTAW welding Gastungsten arc MIGor GMAW welding arc cored flux and welding arc Gasmetal Stickor SMAW welding arc metal Shielded Operation lcrd urn Minimum Current Electrode oeta 5-5 11 250-550 More8 than esta esta 07 60 than Less 3 than Less Mdu)*300-400 (Medium)** Hay* 0-0 10 400-800 (Heavy)** Lgt* esta 0 8 300 than Less (Light)** 0108 160-250 60-160 8 -5 5 -3 esta 08 50 than Less esta 07 60 than Less 150-500 5-0 10 250-500 160-250 0108 50-150 01010 60-160 10 10 10 2 3 9 UV Arcwelding produceslot a of UV (Ultra-Violet Rays blindness. Sunburnedeyes are no fun at allcausecan and quickly very happen (single digit minutes) Itwill be the worst sunburn you and ever had it wi Except ones Same that give you sunburn ll ) Ground Youdo not want to become the ground path. is This criticalfor Arc ALL welding. currentsinside the box are absolutely deadly.) (Oh,stayout and of the insides of the . V be Can deadly. Shinysurfaces makegood grounds thework is located Usuallyconnected to the work or the metal table up Itis the return forpath the electrical current. oltages and onwhich Any ARC Welding Includes Plasmacutting expectsticking Groundto metal isnexttable best – Groundto the item if possible Importanceof Ground . Eye Protection Torch solderingTorch brazingTorch cutting arc Plasma TIG = GTAW = welding Gastungsten arc MIG- GMAW = welding arc cored flux and welding arc Gasmetal SMAW = Stick = welding arc metal Shielded Operation lcrd urn Minimum Current Electrode oeta 5-5 11 250-550 More8 than esta esta 07 60 than Less 3 than Less Mdu)*300-400 (Medium)** Hay* 0-0 10 400-800 (Heavy)** Lgt* esta 0 8 300 than Less (Light)** 0108 160-250 60-160 8 -5 5 -3 esta 08 50 than Less esta 07 60 than Less 150-500 5-0 10 250-500 160-250 0108 50-150 01010 60-160 10 10 10 2 3 9 Stick Welding SMAW Youwill chipping hammer needa (not pounding) to between weld passes.betweenweld chipof the slag (remains of the electrode coating) Usescoated a electrode box Buzz or TombstoneWelder

MIG GMAW Automaticfiller rod Point and shoot Stickout special MIGPliers – Nozzledip Gasshielded Wiresizes Liners Don’t stepon the cable Howit works Shielding Gasses Al, Ti – use pure use Al, – Ti Argon(great general choice) weld. Sometimesfixture a is used to supply gas shielding We Argon/CO2have Mixtures– CO2(runs hot,stableinexpensive, less arc) (expensive, hot arc, higher flow hi rate, embrittlement) Protectthe weld from oxidizing (and and h gh current gh applications) to the back side of a ydrogen– MIG GMAW Wire Types - e.g. ER70S-6 e.g. - Types The most commonly used aluminum MIG wires are ER505 wiresare MIG usedcommonlymost aluminum The Aluminum – Uses spool spool gun Uses – Aluminum Fluxed corrosioncarbon, whichresistance. providesextra like designations includes wire MIG steel Stainless stre tensile high has a and harder is which ER5356, The 6 in this case indicates more deoxidizers have b have deoxidizers more indicates thiscase in 6 The 70 - This two or three-digit number represents the m the numberrepresents three-digit twoor This - 70 Rod Electric - ER 6 - This number (with sometimes a letter added) indi added) letter a sometimes (with number This - 6 wire. Solid S- measured in pounds per inch (PSI) multiplied (PSI) inchsquare pounds inper measured which may effect the polarity setting on the machin the setting on polarity the effect whichmay steel. chemicals, added the have doesn't one This ER70S-3. othergen The rusty or steel. dirty on welding when ER308, ER316 and ER308-L. The L stands for low forlow stands L The ER308-L. and ER316 ER308, ngth. 6, a soft wire with good ductility, and ductility,good and softwith wire a 6, een added to the wire, which is helpful helpful is which wire, the to added een cates chemical additives used in the wire wire the used in additives chemical cates inimum tensile strength of the weld metal, metal, weld ofthe strength tensile inimum eral purpose wire type is type wire purposesteel eral carbon e. by 1,000. by so is used primarily on new or clean clean or newon used is primarily so MIG GMAW Gasses MIG FCAW Wire gas,less than 8mlofH2 100g)per (Electrode70,000 tensile, all position, r tubular, Designationscomplex. get E71T-1C I.e. JH8 (FCAW). gas.process The is formally known as Flux-Cored Ar doors,since breeze stiff a is enough todisperse a weldpool. is particularlyThis whenhelpfulweldin wirecore contains ingredients that do the job ofs CO2or argon weldandwithout the gas. That'sbecau Using"cored" wirewelder allows MIG a toskip the Flux-CoredWire utileslag, CO2 hielding the gout of compressed tankof c Weldingc se the MIG GMAW Wire DCENDirect Current Electrode Negative DCEPDirect Current Electrode Positive require for May reversing flux coated or core wire Polarityis DC MIG GMAW Wire Clogsnozzle and messes shielding up flowgas Spatter Easy(maybe too easy) Fast GTAW TIG Arcis controllable foot a with pedal Usuallyfiller needa rod heatsource. Muchlike torch welding except using an arc the as Drawselectric an arc lensgas (shielding gas). Usestungsten a electrode holder in a that supplies a a Tungsten Electrodes Thoriumis very popular alternatives ConsiderZirconated, Lanthanated, Ceriated yourlungs. Wear mask, a ventilate. But,Dustfrom grinding could getsif it be deadly Generallynot problem a outside the body Emits Alphaparticles (helium nucleus) are radio-active Many earth Dopedelements rare with to help tungsten Pure doesnot work wellreally TIGwelding GTAW– in Tungsten Electrodes GTAW Steel vs Aluminum Argonshielding gas ACpolarity Aluminum DCpolarity Steel Plasma Cutting Typicallycutsstart at an edge, but piercecan little Very easily and removed slag Groundis very important- Stillmakes lots of sparks. (there’stechnique) a Hasthin very a ‘kerf’ hotplasma stream. air electric and and arc to VERYmakea Uses‘DRY’ ARCIsan process Somuch nicer Oxy/Acetylene than 45,000°F Please ask Questions There are special There techniques and materials for specialcircumstances. (butnot to do the welding you)for Stewardsare here to help you makebetter welds Askyou If are not sure– Steel vs Aluminum Asit gets hot it changes color forms and visible a Asit gets hot it does not change color the and Aluminum Steel melts. just‘all of sud a puddleis moredifficult to see – tohow hot it is. visual a clue puddle(small spot of molten metal) – den’

Biggest problems TIG – dipping the electrode – sharpen a a sharpen handful the electrode dipping – TIG– Picking up Weldingyour work to the welding table Runningout of shielding gas I edn torchtoo from far work MIGWelding – notenough /too much heatGaswelding –

edjs lyn ntpo h ea’(poorpenetra Weld juston ‘laying top of the metal’ Incorrectlyadjusted flame hot parts tion) Be Safe BeCareful. BeSafe. Equipment cutter,Irecommendcan Lincoln world a as classso your If are considering purchase of arc welderan o qualityto equipment our welding shop. LincolnElectric kindly donated has wonderful a set of modern r plasma r lution.