Public Document Pack


The next meeting of the Central Lancashire Strategic Planning Joint Advisory Committee is to be held on Tuesday, 24th March, 2020 in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, commencing at 6.30 pm. Entrance to the Town Hall during the evening can be gained from the doors on St Thomas’s Road, opposite the Police Station.

The agenda and accompanying reports for consideration at the meeting are enclosed.

The agenda papers are being sent to both appointed and substitute Members. Any appointed Member who cannot attend on Tuesday, 24 March is asked to first contact their substitute to see if he or she can attend instead. Then please contact Philippa Braithwaite either by telephone or email at the address below to give their apology with an indication of whether the substitute Member will attend.

Yours sincerely

Gary Hall Chief Executive of Chorley Council

Philippa Braithwaite Democratic and Member Services Officer E-mail: [email protected] Tel: (01257) 515034 CENTRAL LANCASHIRE STRATEGIC PLANNING JOINT ADVISORY COMMITTEE


1. Appointment of Chair for the Meeting

2. Welcome by Chair and Introductions

3. Apologies for absence

4. Declarations of Any Interests

Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any pecuniary interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda.

If you have a pecuniary interest you must withdraw from the meeting. Normally you should leave the room before the business starts to be discussed. You do, however, have the same right to speak as a member of the public and may remain in the room to enable you to exercise that right and then leave immediately. In either case you must not seek to improperly influence a decision on the matter.

5. Minutes of meeting Tuesday, 28 January 2020 of Central Lancashire Strategic Planning Joint Advisory Committee (Pages 5 - 8)

6. Planning for School Places - Lancashire County Council School Planning Team

A presentation will be delivered at the meeting.

7. Central Lancashire Local Plan Update (Pages 9 - 12)

Report of the Central Lancashire Local Plan Co-ordinator attached.

8. MOU Update

A verbal update will be given at the meeting.

9. Central Lancashire Housing Monitoring Report (Pages 13 - 50)

Report of the Central Lancashire Planning Policy Officers attached.

10. Preston, and Lancashire City Deal Update

A verbal update will be given at the meeting.

11. Exclusion of the Press and Public To consider the exclusion of the press and public for the following items of business on the ground that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.

By Virtue of Paragraph 3: Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) Condition: Information is not exempt if it is required to be registered under- The Companies Act 1985 The Friendly Societies Act 1974 The Friendly Societies Act 1992 The Industrial and Provident Societies Acts 1965 to 1978 The Building Societies Act 1986 (recorded in the public file of any building society, within the meaning of the Act) The Charities Act 1993 Information is exempt to the extent that, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.

Information is not exempt if it relates to proposed development for which the local planning authority may grant itself planning permission pursuant to Regulation 3 of the Town & Country Planning General Regulations 1992(a).

12. Issues and Options Consultation Update and Next Steps

A verbal update will be given at the meeting.

13. Dates of Future Meetings

To note that next meeting of the Joint Advisory Committee is to be held at Preston City Council on 9 June 2020 at 6.30pm. This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 5


MEMBERS PRESENT: Councillors Bill Evans, Alistair Bradley, Alistair Morwood, Debra Platt, Peter Moss, John Potter, Michael Green, Keith Iddon and Barrie Yates

OFFICERS: Jonathan Noad (Director of Planning and Property), Steven Brown (Head of Development Management), Charlotte Lynch (Democratic and Member Services Officer), Carolyn Williams, Zoe Whiteside, Chris Hayward, Chris and Marcus Hudson

51 Appointment of Chair for the Meeting

RESOLVED: (Unanimously)

That Councillor Bill Evans be appointed as Chair for the meeting.

52 Welcome and Introductions

The Chair, Councillor Bill Evans, welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced those present.

53 Apologies for Absence

An apology for absence was received from Councillor Sue Whittam (Preston City Council).

54 Notification of any Substitute Members (if any)

There were none.

55 Declarations of Interest

There were none.

56 Minutes of the Last Meeting

RESOLVED: (Unanimously)

That the minutes of the meeting of the last Central Lancashire Strategic Planning Joint Advisory Committee, held on 28 October 2019, be signed as a correct record.

57 Central Lancashire Local Plan Update

Central Lancashire Strategic Planning Joint Advisory Committee PageTuesday 28 5 January 2020 2

The committee received a report of the Central Lancashire Planning Local Plan Co- ordinator which provided an update on the progress of the Local Plan review.

Members were informed that the Issues and Options Consultation was ongoing until mid-February and that over 200 online responses had been received to date with 685 people attending consultation events.

A Developers’ Forum had been held in December 2019 with members and officers from South Ribble, Chorley and Preston Councils attending. Another session would be scheduled in 2020.

Work was still ongoing with regards to the viability of the Local Plan and members were informed that a consultancy firm would be appointed and tasked with this work.

The impact of concerns around climate change was discussed. South Ribble, Chorley and Preston Councils had declared climate emergencies and members were informed that the impact of climate change would need to be considered within the Local Plan. The possibility of appointing a climate change officer to work across the three councils had been suggested but remained to be scoped.

Although Lancashire County Council had not formally declared a climate emergency, assurances were given that measures were being taken to reduce the effects of climate change.

Members acknowledged that a lot of work would be undertaken within the next 18 months and noted the report.

58 Draft Revised Central Lancashire Local Development Scheme

The Central Lancashire Planning Local Plan Co-ordinator, Carolyn Williams, presented a report on the Draft Revised Central Lancashire Local Development Scheme (LDS).

As work on the Local Plan review is fluid, the timetable for works is regularly updated to reflect any changes to the anticipated timeframe. Adoption of the Local Plan is now anticipated for December 2023.

Members acknowledged a delay in progress due to the extension of the Issues and Options consultation as well as the need to undertake reviews on strategic flood risk, education provisions and the spatial strategy. The potential need to undertake a review of Greenbelt land may also cause further delay to the publication of the Local Plan.

Members requested that the report be amended to clarify that the anticipated targets for completion of work are ambitious and variable.

The report was noted.

59 Consultation of the Revised Joint Memorandum of Understanding

Members received a report of the Director of Early Intervention and Support (Chorley Council) which provided an update on the consultation responses to the revised Joint Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

Central Lancashire Strategic Planning Joint Advisory CommitteePage Tuesday 28 6 January 2020 3

The MOU was reviewed and amended following the introduction of the Standard Housing Method for Local Housing Need by the government, which altered the methodology for calculating annual housing requirements. Adoption of the revised Joint MOU had been approved by South Ribble and Chorley Councils and would be debated by Preston City Council in February 2020.

Members were informed that the MOU confirmed the annual housing need figures for each area of Central Lancashire, with South Ribble requiring 334 homes; Chorley 282; and Preston 410.

Consultation had initially taken place in November 2019 and was reopened between December 2019 and January 2020 following constructive feedback. Developers, agents, parish councils, elected members and county councillors were consulted, with 37 responses received. A number of key issues, such as failure to consult properly, were identified through the consultation and addressed in the report.

Members expressed satisfaction with the standard of officer’s responses to concerns identified through the consultation and thanked the Central Lancashire Planning team for their work.

The report was noted.

60 Any Other Business

There was none.

61 Date and venue of the next meeting

The next meeting of the Central Lancashire Strategic Planning Joint Advisory Committee will be held at Chorley Council on Tuesday, 24 March 2020 at 6:30pm.

Chair Date

Central Lancashire Strategic Planning Joint Advisory Committee PageTuesday 28 7 January 2020 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 7

Report of Meeting Date

Central Lancashire Planning Central Lancashire Strategic Planning 24.03.2020 Local Plan Coordinator Joint Advisory Committee



1. None, for information only.


General update on the progress of the Local Plan.

Confidential report Yes No Please bold as appropriate

REASONS FOR RECOMMENDATION(S) (If the recommendations are accepted)

2. None, for information only.


3. The Central Lancashire Local Plan Issues and options consultation ran from Monday the 18th November 2019 until Friday 14th February. The consultation included 40 drop-in sessions held across Central Lancashire. Officers from each of the 3 home teams and the Central Team attended these sessions and provided support to stakeholders on how to respond to the local Plan and to answer any questions they had regarding the proposals out for consultation. 4. The majority of events where well attended with a total of 912 signing in, however the actual number attending is nearer 1000 as we know not everyone signed in. Social media presence was used to help highlight the meetings taking place and assisted in achieving the number recorded.

5. We have received over 1,200 responses to the consultation online through Citizen Space and have a few hundred written representations to log on the system. The final number of responses is likely to be around 1,500. We also received two petitions against proposals in South Ribble.

6. The Youth Questionnaire which ran alongside the issues and Options generated an additional 593 responses from 11-21 year olds which is a positive step to engaging this sector on the development of the Local Plan.

Page 9 7. We did receive both positive and negative feedback regarding the use of Citizen Space and the online questionnaire, these are points which we will take on board for the next consultation.

8. Since the start the start of consultation we have had an additional 468 people sign up to receive updates on the Local Plan. DEVELOPER FORUM

9. The first meeting of the Developer Forum was held on the 5th December at the Exchange in Preston. A total of 61 people attended the evening. Details on the presentation given on the evening are provided below.

 Chris Hayward - City Deal Preston Update  Jonathan Noad - City Deal South Ribble Update  Andrew Pettinger - Lancashire Enterprise Partnership  Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson - Developing Social Value through Planning and Development  Jennifer Clough - Lancashire Skills and Employment Hub, Key Initiatives and Achievements  Jane Vout - The Benefits of Recruiting an Apprentice  Chris Sinnott - Central Lancashire Local Plan Update

10. The next forum is expected to take place towards the end of this year and will be focused on the delivery of housing and employment land requirements across the 3 council areas.



11. JBA have been appointed to undertake the work on the SFRA and started work on this in 2019. There have been a number of delays to this work as reported previously, and JBA are working on a revised timetable for completion of the SFRA Level 1. The draft report is hoped to be ready by late April/early May 2020.

12. The results of this work will be used to assess the sites submitted though the Calls for Sites to assist in the detailed site assessment work to be undertaken over the coming months.


13. The Housing Study, prepared by Consultants Iceni, was published in November 2019. This report presents a suggested distribution of housing numbers across the 3 councils based on the Standard Method. This information was used to inform a revised Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the 3 Councils which has recently been out for consultation. The MOU has been adopted by both South Ribble and Chorley and is expected to be adopted by Preston early April. Following the comments received on the Iceni report during the consultation on the MOU, this report is currently being revised and an updated report will be provided in due course. There is a cost of £3,500 for this work. This is accounted for within existing monies apportioned to updating this study.

14. Further updates to this study will be required during the preparation of the Local Plan to reflect any changes to the standard method numbers to ensure that when the plan is submitted it is based on the most up to date information. The need for this updated is identified within the existing budget.


15. LCC have had the first stage of work back from consultants Jacobs in the form of a baseline report which is in a digital format. The findings are currently being reviewed by County in advance of sharing this information with the Central and Home teams. This work will be developed further to start to look at the sites suggested to the councils and look at broad accessibility criteria to help shape a development strategy for specific locations going forward.


16. All 3 councils declared a climate emergency in 2019 making declarations to seek to meet the carbon reduction targets for 2050 by 2030. This is a challenging target to deliver and the 3 areas are looking to work together along with LCC, to look at how we can achieve this. There are areas in which the Local Plan can help deliver carbon reduction targets, but the ask is wider than just planning and as such further work into this area is needed by all 3 Councils and LCC.

17. Agreement has been reached to procure consultants to advise the Councils on policies to be developed through the Local Plan which will address climate change and carbon reduction measures, as well as looking at the potential for renewable energy generation across Central Lancashire and the areas where this could be achieved most efficiently. A budget of up to £30,000 has been identified for this work and this has been Central Lancashire local Plan budget.

18. In addition, we have also been made aware the LCC are currently tendering for the following commission “Measures Required to Reduce Lancashire's Carbon Emissions to Net Zero by 2030 or 2050”. The work is expected to be completed this summer and will provide an important evidence base about the type of measures that can be followed to deliver substantial carbon reduction across Lancashire. In turn, this will provide an important policy context and justification for land use and transport interventions.

19. As such it has been agreed to delay work on commission the Central Lancashire Study until the initial findings of this work are available. The Central team with work closely with LCC during this to ensure the work we procure has direct links into this work and drawers on its findings.


20. We propose to appoint consultants to undertake work on assessing viability of the Local Plan. Consultants will be appointed to undertake work on plan viability and Community Infrastructure Levy review. This will be a jointly commissioned piece of work and run concurrently with the Local Plan Timetable. Procurement of this work is likely to commence in April/May this year.

LOCAL DEVELOPMENT SCHEME 21. The Local Development Scheme has been agreed by all 3 Councils and was presented to the JAC at the meeting held on 28th January. It has now been adopted by Chorley, and progress to adoption by South Ribble and Preston is in place. The key milestones for the Local Plan are set out below.

Page 11 Key Stage Timescale Stage one Issues and Options November 2019 to February 2020 Consultation Stage two Preferred Options June 2021 to August 2021 Consultation Stage three Publication Draft October 2022 to December 2022 Stage four Submission March 2023 Adoption December 2023


22.To ensure that the we meet our duty to cooperate requirements we have now held meetings with Lancashire County Council on education and health and Lancashire NHS Trust. Future meetings are also planned with LCC on transport and education over the coming months and will continue as needed throughout the preparation of the Local Plan. We are also continuing to work closely with LCC on the preparation of a Transport Plan for Central Lancashire

Report Author Ext Date Doc ID Carolyn Williams 515555 13.03.2020

Page 12 Agenda Item 9

Report of Meeting Date

Central Lancashire Planning Central Lancashire Strategic Planning 19/02/2020 Policy Officers Joint Advisory Committee



1. To provide members with an update on joint housing monitoring across Central Lancashire.

RECOMMENDATION(S) 2. To note the contents of this report.

Confidential report Yes No Please bold as appropriate

REASONS FOR RECOMMENDATION(S) (If the recommendations are accepted)

3. None, for information only.


4. None.


5. As part of the Local Plan process each authority monitor their own 5 year land supply and produce annual housing monitoring reports. These monitoring reports can be found at: Chorley Borough Council, South Ribbble Borough Council and Preston City Council websites. It is proposed that in the future this continues, but also a central Lancashire joint housing monitoring report is produced.

Report content

6. The aim of the Draft Central Lancashire Housing Monitoring Report is to set out all three authorities housing monitoring information together to ensure co-operation in monitoring the housing land supply in accordance with the Central Lancashire Local Plan revised Memorandum of Understanding and Statement of Co-Operation

Page 13 Relating to the Provision and Distribution of Housing Land (which is yet to be considered by Preston Council on 16 April 2020) (MOU).

7. In February 2019 the Government published a revised National Planning Policy Framework. The revised National Planning Policy Framework requires Local Planning Authorities to assess the minimum number of homes needed through a local housing need assessment conducted using a standard methodology. Futhermore, the revised National Planning Policy Framework states that where strategic housing requirement policies are more than five years old, the five year supply of deliverable housing ought to be assessed against the local housing need assessment.

8. In October 2019, the Central Lancashire Housing Study (the Study) was published. In accordance with the Framework, the Study concluded that the relevant minimum number of homes needed in Central Lancashire every year is 1,026, derived from aggregating each Local Authority’s minimum need. The Study made recommendations on the most appropriate proportional distribution of the aggregated standard method figure across the three Council area’s taking into account factors such as the distribution of people and jobs. The recommended distribution from the Study has been carried forward into the revised MOU as follows:

Preston: 410 dwellings pa South Ribble: 334 dwellings pa Chorley: 282 dwellings pa

9. Each authority therefore has a 5 year supply figure set out in the revised MOU distribution and will continue to be monitored individually against these figures. The Council’s can currently demonstrate a five year supply of deliverable housing land individually and the titled balance is not engaged and therefore our important planning policies are up to date in terms of the NPPF.

10.The report sets out the three authorities 5 year forward looking supply as at 1st April 2019 and calculates each authorities position in line with the distribution set out in the Memorandum of Understanding:

11. Chorley Borough Council 5 Year Supply as at 31/03/2019 5 Year requirement (282 X 5) 1410 5 Year requirement + 5 % buffer 1481 Annual requirement for the 5 year period 296 5 year potential supply 1966 5 Year Supply Position 6.6

Preston City Council 5 Year Supply as at 31/03/2019 5 Year requirement (410 X 5) 2050 5 Year requirement + 5% buffer 2153 Annual requirement for the 5 year period 431 5 year potential supply 3204 5 Year Supply Position 7.4

Page 14 South Ribble Borough Council

5 Year Supply as at 31/03/2019 5 Year requirement (334 X 5) 1670 5 Year requirement + 5% buffer 1754 Annual requirement for the 5 year period 351 5 year potential supply 3998 5 Year Supply Position 11.4

12.The Central Lancashire Monitoring report will be updated almost immediately to update it to a forward looking position from April 2020.

Report Author Ext Date Doc ID Lisa Roche 6728 09/03/2020

Page 15 This page is intentionally left blank Central Lancashire Housing Monitoring report as at 31st March 2019

Page 17 The Central Lancashire authorities are currently in the process of reviewing and producing a new joint local plan which will establish new up-to date housing figures in line with the revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). As part of the Local Plan process each authority will continue to monitor their own 5 year land supply and produce annual housing monitoring reports. The aim of this document is to set out all three authorities housing monitoring information together to ensure co-operation in monitoring the housing land supply in accordance with the Central Lancashire Local Plan Memorandum of Understanding and Statement of Co-Operation Relating to the Provision and Distribution of Housing Land (December 2019) (MOU) (link).


In February 2019 the Government published a revised National Planning Policy Framework. The revised National Planning Policy Framework requires Local Planning Authorities to assess the minimum number of homes needed through a local housing need assessment conducted using a standard methodology. Furthermore, the revised National Planning Policy Framework states that where strategic housing requirement policies are more than five years old, the five year supply of deliverable housing ought to be assessed against the local housing need assessment. In October 2019, the Central Lancashire Housing Study (the Study) was published. In accordance with the Framework, the Study concludes that the relevant minimum number of homes needed in Central Lancashire every year is 1,026, derived from aggregating each Local Authority’s minimum need.

The Study also makes recommendations on the most appropriate proportional distribution of the aggregated standard method figure across the three Council area’s taking into account factors such as the distribution of people and jobs.

The Study concludes that the recommended distribution of the aggregated minimum number of homes needed in Central Lancashire every year would be for Preston to accommodate 40%, South Ribble to accommodate 32.5% and Chorley to accommodate 27.5%.

The recommended distribution has been carried forward into the MOU (approved ……..) and the implications of applying this recommended distribution to the local housing need in Central Lancashire (at April 2019) is as follows:

Preston: 410 dwellings pa

South Ribble: 334 dwellings pa

Chorley: 282 dwellings pa

Total: 1,026 dwellings pa

The rest of this report sets out the three authorities 5 year forwarded looking supply as at 1st April 2019, and calculates each authorities 5 year supply position in line with the distribution set out in the Memorandum of Understanding.

Finally, the revised National Planning Policy Framework includes a new definition of what constitutes a deliverable site. In summary, all non-major development (less than 10 dwellings or less than 0.5 hectares) and all sites with detailed planning permission are considered to be deliverable unless clear

Page 18 evidence suggests otherwise. Sites with outline planning permission for major development, allocated sites, permissions in principle and sites on the brownfield register shouldn’t be considered deliverable unless clear evidence suggests the development will commence within five years.

Page 19 Chorley Borough Council – 5 Year Supply Sites

Apr Net gain Local Planning Ref 19/20 - oustanding Plan/Site (planning Address Apr at April Ref permission) 23/24 2019 Supply 12/00741/OUTMAJ 15/00506/REMMAJ Land Surrounding Huyton Terrace HS1.24 16/00431/MNMA previously Baly Place Farm, 9 9 16/01127/REM Road, Adlington 16/01126/REM Group 1, Lane, Buckshaw HS1.21 08/00910/OUTMAJ 96 96 Village 15/01037/REMMAJ Parcel H1c, Group 1, Euxton Lane, HS1.21 2 2 16/00999/REMMAJ Parcel H1b(ii), Group 1, Euxton Lane, HS1.21 17/00767/REMMAJ 82 82 Buckshaw Village 17/00441/REMMAJ Parcels M1 & H1a, Group 1, Euxton HS1.21 110 110 17/01123/REM Lane, Buckshaw Village 08/01100/REMMAJ 10/00334/FULMAJ Southern Commercial Quarter Central HS1.22 31 31 10/01052/REMMAJ Core, Buckshaw Village 12/01001/REMMAJ Land 120m South West of 21 Lower HS1.1 16/00805/FULMAJ 70 70 Burgh Way, Chorley 11/00871/FULMAJ 12/01015/FULMAJ Former Initial Textile Services bounded 13/00993/FULMAJ HS1.16 by Botany Brow and Willow Road, 33 33 14/01225/MNMA Chorley 15/00028/FUL 16/00053/FUL Calder House and Rydal House, HS1.18 17/00438/FULMAJ 14 14 Highfield Road North, Chorley Land East of Ackhurst Lodge, HS1.20 16/00857/FULMAJ 2 2 Road, Chorley 07/01426/FULMAJ HS1.7 Talbot Mill, Froom Street, Chorley 149 120 11/00875/FULMAJ 14/00199/FULMAJ Land north of Swansey Lane and HS1.30 16/00374/FULMAJ bounded by the Elms, Swansey Lane, 3 3 16/01136/FUL /Green

Page 20 12/00941/OUTMAJ 13/00803/OUTMAJ 13/00822/REMMAJ 14/00541/REM Land North of Lancaster Lane and 14/00867/REM HS1.31 bounded by Road and Shady 24 24 14/01003/REMMAJ Lane, Clayton-le-Woods 15/00664/REMMAJ 16/00469/REM 17/00190/REM 17/00403/REM

Land North of Lancaster Lane and 14/00951/OUTMAJ HS1.31 bounded by Wigan Road and Shady 212 180 17/00369/REMMAJ Lane, Clayton-le-Woods Land 340m East of Farm, HS1.31 14/01011/FULMAJ 29 29 Wigan Road, Clayton-le-Woods Enterprise Centre, Mill Lane, HS1.36 16/00656/FULMAJ 74 74 Coppull 15/01246/FUL HS1.49 Land adjacent 75 Towngate, Eccleston 1 1 16/01191/FUL 16/00380/OUTMAJ Land surrounding 89 Euxton Lane, HS1.39 83 83 17/00356/REMMAJ Euxton Land adjacent to Lady Cross Drive, HS1.43A 17/00377/OUTMAJ 12 0 Whittle-le-Woods 14/00900/OUTMAJ Land west of Leatherlands Farm, Moss HS1.43C 34 34 16/00247/FULMAJ Lane, Whittle-le-Woods Leatherlands Farm, Moss Lane, HS1.43C 16/00509/FULMAJ 9 9 Whittle-le-Woods JF Electrical, Little Quarry, Hill Top HS1.53 12/01134/OUTMAJ 85 0 Lane, Whittle-le-Woods HS1.26 Fairport, Market Place, Adlington 31 0 Eaves Green, off Lower Burgh Way HS1.1 232 143 (remaining allocation), Chorley HS1.5 Cowling Farm, Chorley 158 0 HS1.8 Botany Bay/Great Knowley, Chorley 200 0 HS1.17 Cabbage Hall Fields, Chorley 11 0 HS1.19 Land adjacent to Northgate, Chorley 21 0 HS1.29 Westwood Road, Clayton Brook/Green 23 0 Land to the East of Wigan Road HS1.31 (remaining allocation), Clayton-le- 0 87 Woods HS1.34 Regent Street, Coppull 22 0 HS1.38 Mountain Road, Coppull 22 0 HS1.40 Land at end of Dunrobin Drive, Euxton 36 51 HS1.42 Land at Greenside, Euxton 17 0

Page 21 Land East of Lucas Lane, Whittle-le- HS1.43B 107 0 Woods Land at Drinkwater Farm, Windsor HS1.46 10 0 Drive, Pole Green Nurseries, Charnock HS1.52 29 0 Richard White Bear Marina, Park Road, 2642 10/00812/FULMAJ 19 0 Adlington 09/00033/OUTMAJ Hospital Car Park, Preston Road, 2502 13/00076/OUTMAJ 28 0 Chorley 16/00236/OUTMAJ 08/00111/FULMAJ 14/01079/FULMAJ The Eagle and Child Hotel, 20 Pall Mall, 2613 17 17 15/00369/FULMAJ Chorley 18/01224/FUL Land 200m North of Derian House, 3125 15/00224/OUTMAJ 125 0 Euxton Lane, Chorley Bonny Greenhalgh & Co, Back Ashby 3169 16/00116/OUTMAJ 12 0 Street, Chorley 16/00678/P3PAJ 3184 Lingmell House, Water Street, Chorley 33 0 16/00754/FUL 17/00276/P3PAJ 17/00270/FUL St George's House, St George's Street, 3300 13 13 17/00467/FUL Chorley 18/00341/FUL Chorley and South Ribble District 3341 17/00929/P3PAJ Purchasing Team Government Offices, 14 14 Peter Street, Chorley 3347 17/00616/FULMAJ 208 Stump Lane, Chorley 10 10 3348 17/00490/FULMAJ 5-9 Queens Road, Chorley 18 18 Land adjacent to 13 and 15 Halliwell 3354 17/00962/FULMAJ 10 10 Street, Chorley St Bede's Parish Hall, Brownley Street, 3320 17/00016/FULMAJ 10 10 Clayton Brook/Green 2933 09/01021/FULMAJ , Bank Hall Drive, 35 35 Dog And Partridge, 30 Chorley Lane, 2619 10/00359/FULMAJ 1 0 12/00942/FUL 14/00315/FUL 15/00953/FULMAJ 2850 15/01040/OUT 127A Station Road, 5 5 16/01032/REM 16/00292/FUL 18/00773/FUL

Page 22 16/00633/OUTMAJ 17/00806/REMMAJ 17/01172/REM 17/01173/REM 17/01174/REM Gleadhill House Stud, Gleadhill House, 3219 17/01175/REM 12 12 Dawbers Lane, Euxton 18/00166/REM 18/00448/REM 18/00825/REM 18/00854/REM 18/01186/REM

Goodyear Business Park, Gorsey Lane, 3419 17/01097/REMMAJ 56 56 Chimney and Building, Fold 2955 12/00084/FULMAJ 37 0 Mill, 14/00098/FUL Withnell Hall, Formerly Lake View 3074 14 14 16/00697/FULMAJ Nursing Home, Chorley Road, Withnell Star Paper Mill, Moulden Brow, 3114 15/00475/OUTMAJ 25 22 Feniscowles Windfall sites of less than 10 with planning permission (discounted by 366 256 30%) Windfall allowance 187 187 TOTAL 3130 1966

Page 23 Preston City Council – 5 Year Supply sites

Local Net gain Plan Ref/ Planning outstanding April 19/20 - Site Ref Permission Address at April 2019 April 23/24 06/2011/0469 Land adj 44 Geoffrey Street 6 6 06/2013/0195 & 06/2016/0504 Land off Eastway - Hollins 58 58 MD2 06/2013/0865 Haydock Grange, Hoyles Lane 11 11 MD2 06/2014/0353 Lightfoot Lane Phase 1A 5 5 06/2014/0442 & MD2 06/2018/0592 Sandyforth Lane Preston 176 150 MD2 06/2014/0598 Maxy House Farm - Wainhomes 52 52 06/2014/0902 Land off Preston Rd Grimsargh 150 60 06/2014/0936 & Land to rear of The Uplands, Fulwood 06/2018/1258 Row 6 6 06/2015/0022 Miller Arcade, Lancaster Rd 45 0 06/2015/0031 Church Hill Lodge, Durton Lane 6 6 06/2015/0159 15 Moor Park Avenue 8 8 06/2015/0173 Land at Durton Lane 7 7 MD1 06/2015/0243 Cottam Hall - Story Homes 184 150 06/2015/0282 & 06/2016/1309 & MD2 06/2018/0108 Lightfoot Lane Phase 2 108 108 06/2015/0374 Glovers House, 35 Glovers Court 30 30 Land to the north of Hoyles lane and MD2 06/2015/0530 east of Sidgreave Lane 194 120 06/2015/0546 & 06/2017/1252 & Connemara, Lightfoot Green Lane - MD2 06/2017/1038 Charles Church 68 68 MD2 06/2015/0769 Land at D'Urton Lane, Broughton 58 58 Land sth of 110-126 Whittingham Lane 06/2015/0816 Broughton 37 37 06/2015/0950 & 06/2018/0849 Midland Hse Maritime Way 25 0 Land North of Eastway and South of MD2 06/2015/0968 Durton Lane 233 120 06/2015/0995 Garth Lodge, 62 Lightfoot Lane 2 2 Brookfield Farm Tabley Lane Higher MD2 06/2016/0002 Bartle 12 12 06/2016/0237 Land Nth of Dovedale Avenue Ingol 60 60 Manor House Farm, Button St, 06/2016/0457 Inglewhite 7 7 06/2016/0579 Woodlands Barn Bartle Lane Bartle 7 7

Page 24 06/2016/0786 / 06/2018/1101 & 06/2018/1102 Bridge House Lea Road 6 6 06/2016/0848 3-5 Fishergate 14 14 06/2016/0873 87 Moor Park Avenue 8 8 06/2016/0989 40-44 Meadow St 6 6 Land at rear of Holme Fell Goosnargh 06/2016/1039 Lane 93 84 06/2016/1165 5-7 Moor Park Avenue 14 14 06/2016/1192 21 - 23 Lord Street 11 11 06/2016/1200 42 West Cliff 31 31 06/2016/1243 639 Road 5 5 06/2016/1259 Winckley House, 15, Cross Street 76 76 Land to the rear of 122-152 Hoyles MD2 06/2017/0004 Lane 17 17 06/2017/0206 Guild House Cross Street 46 46 06/2017/0251 5-13, Market Street Preston 19 19 06/2017/0255 & Former Cottam Brickworks Cottam MD1 06/2017/0256 Avenue 114 84 06/2017/0278 & 06/2015/0306 Land at Garstang Rd Barton 55 55 MD1 06/2017/0324 Land west of The Weald Preston 119 80 land between 19 Garrison Rd and 68 06/2017/0352 Chapman Rd 8 8 06/2017/0366 & Land Nth of Maxy House Fm Sandy MD2 06/2018/1415 Lane 213 84 06/2017/0379 Harrison House Farm Darkinson Lane 8 8 06/2017/0418 Hope Villa 248 Lightooft Lane 14 0 06/2017/0448 Land adj Railway St Barnabas Place 14 14 06/2017/0531 131 - 137 Market Street West 12 12 06/2017/0631 43 Church Street 6 6 Park House Farm Whittingham Lane 06/2017/0724 Grimsargh 34 34 06/2017/0757 Ingol Golf Club 450 60 Land to the rear of 126A Whittingham 06/2017/0941 Lane 100 60 06/2017/0970 58 - 60 Guidhall Street 35 35 Land adjacent Old Rib Farm 55 06/2017/1048 Halfpenny Lane 11 11 06/2017/1062 The Grange Durton Lane 6 6 06/2017/1087 Land west of Geoffrey Street, Preston 30 30 Land adj Lloyds Pharmacy Longsands 06/2017/1103 Lane Preston 8 8 06/2017/1104 Park House 472 Garstang Rd 38 38 06/2017/1350 Land off Ribblesdale Drive Grimsargh 68 48

Page 25 MD2 06/2017/1384 Haydock Grange Hoyles Lane 245 120 Dean Farm Warehouse Pudding Pie 06/2017/1387 Nook Lane Preston 6 6 06/2018/0127 8-10 Waltons Parade Preston 17 17 06/2018/0250 Land North of Inglewhite Rd Preston 3 3 Land to the north of Inglewhite Road 06/2018/0256 5 5 06/2018/0469 6 Winckley Square Preston 25 25 Land off Sandy Lane/Maxy House Road MD2 06/2018/0688 Cottam 36 36 Red Rose House and Elizabeth House 06/2018/0703 Lancaster Road Preston 140 140 06/2018/0746 Lancashire House 24 Winckley Square 29 29 06/2018/0803 3 Orchard Street Preston 6 6 06/2018/0927 10 & 11 Camden Place Preston 14 14 06/2018/0967 Broughton Hall Barn, midgery Lane 5 5 06/2018/1063 91 Garstang Road Preston 5 5 06/2018/1069 3 Nog Tow Bank Tabley Lane Preston 7 7 Kingsway Nurseries Newsham Hall Lane 06/2018/1091 Preston 9 9 06/2018/1112 5-7 Cannon Street Preston 15 15 The Connelly Centre Steeple View 06/2018/1328 Preston 7 7 Former St Josephs Social Club 06/2018/1385 Cemetery Road Preston 44 44 06/2018/1394 15-17 Cambridge Walk Preston 5 5 Land South of Inglewhite Road adjacent 06/2019/0168 Belmont Residential Home Preston 6 6 HS1.4 06/2016/0585 Former Eastway Nurseries 8 8 Former Golden Hill School, Cromwell HS1.10 06/2014/0707 Rd 6 6 Land to the North of Whittingham HS1.14 06/2018/0585 Road, Longridge, Preston 83 83 Former Ridings Depot and land to north and south of, Whittingham Road, HS1.14 06/2016/0493 Longridge 88 88 Land at Inglewhite Rd (top section of HS1.14 06/2017/0840 north site) 190 84 HS1.15 06/2014/0535 Former Whittingham Hospital 3 3 Smaller sites minus 10% discount 262 262 TOTAL 4513 3204

Page 26 South Ribble Borough Council – 5 Year supply sites

Local Net gain Apr 19/20 - Plan oustanding Planning Ref Address Apr 23/24 Ref/ Site at April Supply Ref 2019

R 07/2017/2333/REM New Mill, Wesley Street 144 144 07/2012/0728/OUT S (part) 07/2017/2325/FUL Brindle Road, 261 145 (Persimmon) - Phase 1 S (part) 07/2017/2900/FUL Brindle Road, Bamber Bridge (Bellway) 193 193 - Phase 2 L 07/2016/0186/REM West of Grasmere Avenue, 144 144 07/2011/0711/ORM B 07/07/2018/0865/REM Farington Business Park, east of 199 138 07/2018/0868/VAR Lane (northern section) - 07/2013/0288/FUL Phase 2 (Rowland Homes) (234 dwellings outline)

J 07/2017/0211/ORM - Cuerden Strategic Site (residential 128 128 Part 2 Outline part) W (part) 07/2019/2313/REM Land between Heatherleigh and Moss 175 140 07/2012/0627/ORM Lane, aka Croston Road/South of Bannister Lane, aka Croston Road South, aka Rear of 2 Leyland Ln - 420 Croston Road north of Heatherleigh (Lea Hough & Co) - North of Southern Section W (part) 07/2015/1726/REM Land between Heatherleigh and Moss 67 67 07/2012/0627/ORM Lane, aka Croston Road/South of Bannister Lane, aka Croston Road South, aka Rear of 2 Leyland Ln - 420 Croston Road north of Heatherleigh, South of the Southern Section (Homes /Miller Homes) W (part) 07/2014/0184/ORM Land between Moss Ln & rear of 392 400 106 Croston Road, (aka Croston Rd Nrth aka North of the Northern Section) (Homes England) 07/2018/9754/FUL Tusons Farm, Gill Lane, 2 2 07/2019/0591/FUL Tusons Farm, Gill Lane, Walmer Bridge 4 4 07/2018/8132/FUL Wellington Park, Church Road, Leyland 62 62

Page 27 07/2018/8583/FUL Longton Equestrian Centre, Chapel 9 9 Lane, Longton 07/2018/2631/OUT 7 Marsh lane, Longton 1 1 07/2017/1266/REM The Maltings, Hill Road South 20 20 07/2016/0614/OUT 07/2016/0968/FUL Southernwood, 99 Chain House Lane 1 1 H 07/2014/0190/ORM Vernon Carus Site/ Mills, 74 0 Factory Lane - Phase 2 H 07/2014/0190/ORM Vernon Carus Site/Penwortham Mills, 130 0 Factory Lane - Phase 3 H 07/2014/0190/ORM Vernon Carus Site/Penwortham Mills, 181 150 Factory Lane - Phase 1 07/2017/1811/FUL Silverholme, Lane 2 2 07/2011/0813/FUL Roach Bridge Paper Mill 8 8 07/2018/5750/APD Knights Farm, Green Lane, 1 1 P 07/2018/1674/REM Land between Altcar Lane and Shaw 400 175 07/2016/0591/OUT Brook Road (Wade Hall), Leyland (Redrow)

P 07/2018/3247/REM Land between Altcar Lane and Shaw 200 200 07/2016/0310/OUT Brook Road (Wade Hall), Leyland (Homes England/Lovell)

07/2016/0479/FUL Land to rear of 123 Duddle Lane 11 11 K 07/2015/0315/REM Gas Works, Leyland 273 200 07/2013/0008/ORM Road/The Cawsey/Land at Leyland Road, Lostock Hall (Morris Homes)

DD 07/2018/9534/FUL Gas Holders Site (Morris Homes) (aka 22 22 Land off Wateringpool Lane) G 07/2017/3413/REM Expac, Dunkirk Mill, Dunkirk Lane 9 9 07/2012/0551/REN 07/2008/0422/OUT

07/2017/2445/APD Moss View Farm, Wham Lane 3 3 07/2018/1471/FUL Moss View Farm, Wham Lane 1 1 07/2018/4271/FUL Church Farm, Old Road, 1 1 07/2017/2644/FUL Mather Fold Farm, Lane 11 11 07/2015/1434/FUL Goosefoot Barn, Goosefoot Lane, 1 1 CC East of Leyland Road/Land off 60 60 Claytongate Drive/Land at Moor Hey School

Page 28 EE Pickering's Farm (north of farm track 1230 330 running east west) - Homes England & Taylor Wimpey

W (part) North of Bannister Ln and rear of 398 - 70 0 414 Croston Road, Farington Moss (Homes England) - South of Northern section W (part) Land between 310 & 326 Croston 20 0 Road, Farington Moss (Homes England) W (part) North of Bannister Ln and rear of 398 - 70 0 414 Croston Road, Farington Moss - SW of Northern section

X 07/2017/0623/FUL Land adjoining Longton Hall Farm, 65 65 South of Chapel Lane, Longton (aka Kitty's Farm) M Land to south/rear of Longton Hall, 95 95 Chapel Lane, Longton FF 07/2017/3361/ORM "Moss Side Test Track, Aston 950 400 Way/Titan Way" T "Land off Brownedge Road" 100 70 U Rear of Dunkirk Mill, Slater Lane, 47 47 Leyland (aka Rear 102-118 Slater Lane) V (east Land off School Lane/Old School Drive, 40 40 part) Longton Z "Lostock Hall Primary School, 20 10 Avondale Drive" Unidentified Windfalls 900 600 smaller sites minus 10% discount 182 182 TOTALS 6987 3998

Page 29 5 year supply

Paragraph 73 of the revised National Planning Policy Framework states that ‘the supply of specific deliverable sites should in addition include a buffer (moved forward from later in the plan period) of:

a) 5% to ensure choice and competition in the market for land; or

b) 10% where the local planning authority wishes to demonstrate a five year supply of deliverable sites through an annual position statement or recently adopted plan, to account for any fluctuations in the market during that year; or

c) 20% where there has been significant under delivery of housing over the previous three years, to improve the prospect of achieving the planned supply*

*From October 2018, this will be measured against the Housing Delivery Test, where this indicates that delivery was below 85% of the housing requirement.

Chorley Borough Council

5 Year Supply as at 31/03/2019 5 Year requirement (282 X 5) 1410 5 Year requirement + 5 % buffer 1481 Annual requirement for the 5 year period 296 5 year potential supply 1966 5 Year Supply Position 6.6

Preston City Council

5 Year Supply as at 31/03/2019 5 Year requirement (410 X 5) 2050 5 Year requirement + 5% buffer 2153 Annual requirement for the 5 year period 431 5 year potential supply 3204 5 Year Supply Position 7.4

South Ribble Borough Council

5 Year Supply as at 31/03/2019 5 Year requirement (334 X 5) 1670 5 Year requirement + 5% buffer 1754 Annual requirement for the 5 year period 351 5 year potential supply 3998 5 Year Supply Position 11.4

Page 30 Page 31 Appendix small sites:

Chorley Borough Council

Net gain Site Application Address outstanding Reference Number April 2019

Land 20m West of 6 Ellerbeck View, Castle 3162 16/00075/FUL 7 House Lane, Adlington 15/00215/OUT 3181 15/00216/OUT 59 Church Street, Adlington 3 17/00888/OUT 3447 18/01093/FUL 169-171 Chorley Road, Adlington 2 15/00556/OUT 3105 Hole House Farm, Chorley Road, Adlington 5 18/00060/FUL 3165 15/01052/FUL 25 Woodville Road, Adlington 1 Land adjacent 3 Mercer Court, Rawlinson 3185 16/00498/FUL 2 Lane, Adlington 3429 18/00140/FUL 113 Chorley Road, Adlington 0 2629 10/00655/FUL 21 Yarrow Road, Chorley 1 2633 10/00751/FUL 6 Weldbank Street, Chorley 1 2804 12/00059/FUL The Builders Yard, Froom Street, Chorley 4 Land including Grafton House and The 2826 12/00407/FUL 1 Courtyard, Anderton Street, Chorley 13/00146/OUT Land 20m North of 2 Clover Road, Jackson 2964 1 16/00980/OUT Road, Chorley 3011 14/00389/P3PAJ 22 St Thomas's Road, Chorley 1 14/00487/OUT 3062 Adjacent 23 Guildford Avenue, Chorley 1 16/00300/FUL Land East of roundabout, adjoining Council 3121 15/00955/FUL 2 car park, George St, Chorley 15/00982/OUT 3122 Land adjoining 43 Weldbank Lane, Chorley 2 19/00040/OUT 16/00045/FUL 3153 60 Park Road, Chorley 1 16/00855/P3PAJ 3201 16/00909/FUL 64 Brooke Street, Chorley 3 3203 13/00757/FUL 37 Cowling Brow, Chorley 1 16/00953/OUT 3213 The Moor Inn, 26 Moor Road, Chorley 8 17/01160/REM 3309 17/00331/FUL 125 Market Street, Chorley 1 3319 17/00475/FUL 65-67 Bolton Road, Chorley 1 3321 17/00635/FUL 41 Cunliffe Street, Chorley 5 3323 17/00578/FUL 40 Park Road, Chorley 3 3333 17/00802/FUL 63 Lakeland Gardens, Chorley 4 3362 17/01134/FUL Shepherds Arms, 38 Eaves Lane, Chorley 6

Page 32 3369 18/00061/OUT 23 Guildford Avenue, Chorley 1 3402 17/01194/FUL 1 Russell Square, Chorley 1 3410 18/00340/FUL Masons Arms, 98 Harpers Lane, Chorley 1 Chorley Valeting Services, 86 Anderton 3411 18/00164/OUT 2 Street, Chorley 3417 18/00603/FUL 1 Queens Road, Chorley 3 3424 18/00042/FUL Adjacent 81 Bolton Road, Chorley 2 3425 17/01081/FUL 61-69 Clifford Street, Chorley 4 3438 18/00765/FUL 31 Long Meadows, Chorley 1 3448 18/01163/FUL 42 Park Road, Chorley 3 3451 18/00331/FUL 5 Glamis Drive, Chorley 1 Lilac Mount, 704 Preston Road, Clayton 2558 09/00463/FUL 1 Brook/Green 3061 14/00842/FUL 41 Oak Croft, Clayton Brook/Green 2 Land rear of 438 Preston Road, Clayton 3136 15/01178/FUL 1 Brook/Green Land adjacent to The Bungalow, Chorley 3160 14/00309/FUL 1 Old Road, Clayton Brook/Green Land North of 73 Daisy Meadow, Clayton 3209 16/00884/FUL 6 Brook/Green Land North West of 65 Homestead, 3210 16/00885/FUL 4 Clayton Brook/Green Land South West of 7 Three Nooks, 3211 16/00886/FUL 4 Clayton Brook/Green Land North of 21 Woodfield, Clayton 3307 16/01134/FUL 4 Brook/Green 3355 17/00869/OUT 715 Preston Road, Clayton Brook/Green 2 3305 16/01180/FUL Bethmond, Wigan Road, Clayton-le-Woods 1 3416 18/00637/FUL 152 Mendip Road, Clayton-le-Woods 1 91/00222/OUT 815 Rear of 66-74 Mill Lane, Coppull 1 93/00750/FUL 00/00190/OUT 1682 Rear of 42-44 Mill Lane, Coppull 1 00/00701/FUL 2625 10/00529/FUL 151 Preston Road, Coppull 1 2989 13/01081/FUL 186 Spendmore Lane, Coppull 2 3102 12/00270/FUL 1 Darlington Street, Coppull 2 16/00005/OUT 17/00306/REM 3151 3 Clancutt Lane, Coppull 1 17/00428/REM 18/00600/REM 3152 16/00021/P3PAN 248 Spendmore Lane, Coppull 1 3313 17/00214/FUL 108 Spendmore Lane, Coppull 1 3318 17/00529/OUT 122 Chapel Lane, Coppull 3 3345 17/00742/FUL 83 Clayton Gate, Coppull 1

Page 33 17/01091/FUL 3359 Land rear of 60 Clancutt Lane, Coppull 1 18/00731/FUL Land between Wheatsheaf Hotel and 2 3412 18/00118/FUL 1 Chapel Lane, Coppull 14/00550/OUT Land to the south west of Ricmarlo, 3024 15/00719/FUL 3 Preston Nook, Eccleston 16/00667/FUL 13/00675/FUL Land adjacent Lower House Cottage, 3064 1 15/00080/FUL Towngate, Eccleston 15/01067/OUT Land 15m North of 238 The Green, 3141 1 17/00266/REM Eccleston 16/00007/OUT 3145 Lydiate Farm, 12 Lydiate Lane, Eccleston 2 18/00636/OUT 07/00497/FUL 08/00201/FUL Land rear of 31 to 39 Park Avenue and 2321 1 11/00070/FUL North of 173 Wigan Road, Euxton 12/00498/FUL 14/01080/OUT Land in-between school and 1 Primrose 3088 1 16/00711/REM Hill Road, Euxton Land adjacent Balshaw Villa, Balshaw 3116 15/00635/FUL 1 Lane, Euxton Land North of Railway Public House, 3227 15/01092/OUT 9 Euxton 3315 16/01184/FUL Pear Tree Farm, Pear Tree Lane, Euxton 3 14/01051/FUL 3112 Hudora Kennels, The Common, Adlington 1 18/00920/FUL 3436 18/00860/OUT Garwood, Bolton Road, Anderton 1 Throstle Nest Farm, Bolton Road, 3445 18/01221/OUT 1 Anderton Church House Barn, South Road, 3171 16/00067/FUL 1 Bretherton 3196 16/00877/FUL Jumps Farm, 147 South Road, Bretherton 1 3329 17/00707/FUL Boundary Farm, Doles Lane, Bretherton 1 Pompian Brow Farm, Pompian Brow, 3343 17/00879/FUL 1 Bretherton Land 15m North of 1 Elm Cottage, 3418 18/00165/FUL 1 Pompian Brow, Bretherton South East of Windmill Farm, Windmill 2568 09/01032/FUL 1 Lane, Brindle Brindle Waterworks House, Pippin Street, 2820 12/00363/FUL 1 Brindle 13/00940/FUL 3003 Myrtle Cottage, Sandy Lane, Brindle 1 16/00006/FUL Barn at Lower Copthurst Farm, Birchin 3186 16/00597/FUL 1 Lane, Brindle

Page 34 Head O'th Marsh Farm, Sandy Lane, 3356 17/00861/FUL 2 Brindle 3401 18/00097/FUL Tullis Farmhouse Barn, Sandy Lane, Brindle 1 07/01068/OUT 08/00471/FUL 2348 10/00298/FUL 69 Charter Lane, Charnock Richard 3 10/01069/OUT 14/00110/OUT

09/00016/OUT Annbray, 29 Charter Lane, Charnock 2506 2 11/00599/FUL Richard 10/00993/OUT 2709 14/00510/OUT 94 Chorley Lane, Charnock Richard 2 16/00316/FUL 11/00804/FUL Brook House Farm, Brook Lane, Charnock 2743 1 12/00157/FUL Richard 2843 12/00771/FUL 94 Chorley Lane, Charnock Richard 1 Land between 1 and 5 Town Lane, 3033 13/01224/FUL 1 Charnock Richard Whittle Green Farm, Mill Lane, Charnock 3100 15/00612/P3PAO 2 Richard 15/00863/OUT 3117 27 Charter Lane, Charnock Richard 2 16/00327/REM 15/00991/FUL Fishers Farm, Delph Lane, Charnock 3140 18/01206/FUL 3 Richard 18/00458/FUL 16/00903/FUL 3200 71 Town Lane, Charnock Richard 1 17/00488/FUL Land to the rear of Whittle Bar Cottage, 3331 17/00683/FUL 1 Preston Road, Charnock Richard Charnock Brow Barn, Preston Road, 3366 17/01223/FUL 1 Charnock Richard White House Farm, Crosse Hall Lane, 2842 12/00748/FUL 1 Chorley Higher Healey Farm, Higher House Lane, 3430 16/01021/OUT 1 Chorley 16/01194/FUL Hawksclough Farm, Preston Road, Clayton- 3316 2 16/01195/FUL le-Woods West Levens, Moss Lane, Clayton-le- 3418 18/00530/OUT 1 Woods 2105 05/00188/FUL Highfield Farm, Jolly Tar Lane, Coppull 1 14/00969/OUT Preston Road Methodist Church, Preston 3111 2 18/00579/REM Road, Coppull Lowes Tenement Farm, Burgh Lane, 3115 15/00488/FUL 1 Coppull 3180 16/00622/FUL Highfield House, Jolly Tar Lane, Coppull 1

Page 35 3187 16/00743/FUL 84 Clancutt Lane, Coppull 1 Coppull Moor Lane Nurseries, Coppull 3228 15/01098/FUL 1 Moor Lane, Coppull 00/00488/COU 1716 04/01443/FUL Croston Hall Stables, Grape Lane, Croston 1 15/00540/FULMAJ 14/00761/OUTMAJ 3124 The Mill Hotel, Moor Road, Croston 7 16/00452/OUTMAJ Land between 55 and 61 Moor Road, 3193 16/00824/FUL 1 Croston 16/01102/P3PAO Drinkhouse Farm, Drinkhouse Road, 3206 5 16/00601/FUL Croston Withington Barn Farm, Finney Lane, 3336 17/00592/FUL 1 Croston 3350 16/01029/FUL The Stables, Grape Lane, Croston 0 Land 35m South West of Moor Road, 3400 17/01219/FUL 1 Croston 15/01085/FUL 3142 High Heyes Farm, Langton Brow, Eccleston 1 17/00539/FUL 16/00668/FUL Stables West of Verona, Wrennals Lane, 3191 1 17/00780/FUL Eccleston 3308 16/01047/OUT 1 Lydiate Lane, Eccleston 1 3312 17/00239/FUL Sarscow Farm, Sarscow Lane, Eccleston 1 Land South West of Glendale, Tincklers 3415 17/01076/OUT 1 Lane, Eccleston 3431 17/00538/FUL Trigfan, Parr Lane, Eccleston 2 3079 15/00058/FUL The Barn, Dean Hall Lane, Euxton 1 3311 17/00269/FUL Wyndburgh, Runshaw Lane, Euxton 1 17/00911/OUT 3342 Dene Cottage, Pear Tree Lane, Euxton 1 18/01174/REM 15/00162/OUTMAJ 3440 18/01150/REM Euxton Mill, Dawbers Lane, Euxton 8 18/01193/REM 15/00355/P3PAO Garstang House Farm, Chapel Lane, 3090 15/00958/P3PAO 2 16/00683/FUL 3119 15/00894/P3PAO Moody House, Higher House Lane, Heapey 1 14/01303/FUL 3133 Morris Farm, Hollin Lane, Heapey 1 18/01191/FUL 17/00003/FUL Chorley Equestrian Centre, Higher 3225 17/00382/FUL 2 Garstang House Farm, Heapey 18/00262/FUL 3367 17/01183/FUL West View, Chapel Lane, Heapey 1 2961 13/00631/FUL 26 Long Lane, 1 Land adjacent Gilbertson Road, Rawlinson 3212 16/00905/FUL 1 Lane, Heath Charnock

Page 36 Woodside Barn, Back Lane, Heath 3330 17/00689/FUL 1 Charnock 3332 17/00412/FUL Arnside, Long Lane, Heath Charnock 0 Liptrot Farm, Gilbertson Road, Heath 3337 17/00483/FUL 3 Charnock Land North of 125 Rawlinson Lane, Heath 3346 17/00719/FUL 1 Charnock 17/01170/OUT Lonsdale Farm, Slacks Lane, Heath 3363 2 18/00472/OUT Charnock Land adjacent to 60 Rawlinson Lane, 3441 18/00912/FUL 1 Heath Charnock 07/01340/FUL Agricultural buildings at Howe Brook Farm, 2418 12/00915/FUL 1 Bannister Green, 12/00917/FUL Land opposite Hurst House Farm, 2833 12/00539/FUL 2 Halfpenny Lane, Heskin 14/00952/FUL 3034 Green Farm, Wood Lane, Heskin 1 17/00032/FUL 14/00982/FUL 3103 Town Lane Farm, Town Lane, Heskin 2 17/00599/FUL Car park adjacent to 48 Wood Lane, 3108 15/00661/FUL 2 Heskin Stables 40m south west of Horsemans 3131 15/01027/FUL 1 Barn, Wood Lane, Heskin 3310 17/00300/FUL Pyebrook Hall, Town Lane, Heskin 1 3422 18/00598/FUL 81 Wood Lane, Heskin 2 15/00570/FUL 3148 Sandall Cottage, Riley Green, Hoghton 0 18/00971/FUL 3195 16/00860/FUL Braemar, Cripple Gate Lane, Hoghton 1 3325 17/00571/FUL Woodview, 63 Chapel Lane, Hoghton 1 3339 17/00808/FUL Brookhouse Farm, Hoghton Lane, Hoghton 2 3360 17/01156/FUL Oakmount, Gib Lane, Hoghton 0 3437 18/00832/FUL The Shuttle Shop, Viaduct Road, Hoghton 1 3444 18/00894/FUL Barracks Farm, 1 Chapel Lane, Hoghton 4 12/01206/OUT Land between Grange House and Glen 2917 1 15/00025/REM Haffy, Smithy Lane, Mawdesley 3147 15/00322/FUL Brookside, Hall Lane, Mawdesley 1 16/00415/P3PAO 3178 Clanranald, Blue Stone Lane, Mawdesley 1 18/00014/FUL 16/00591/FULMAJ Rigby's Garage, Blue Stone Lane, 3190 4 16/01158/FUL Mawdesley 16/01061/FUL 17/00770/FUL 3222 18/00107/FUL Lynric Farm, Blue Stone Lane, Mawdesley 4 18/00257/FUL 18/00534/FUL

Page 37 17/00159/OUT 3302 Salt Pit Cottage, Salt Pit Lane, Mawdesley 1 17/01154/FUL 3314 17/00165/FUL White Gates, Sandy Lane, Mawdesley 1 3322 17/00633/FUL Twin Trees, Bradshaw Lane, Mawdesley 1 The Willows Farm, Smithy Lane, 3352 17/01144/FUL 1 Mawdesley Tannersmith Farm, Tannersmith Lane, 3361 17/01184/FUL 1 Mawdesley 3368 17/00621/FUL Back House Farm, Hall Lane, Mawdesley 1 3404 18/00291/FUL Woodlands, Bentley Lane, Mawdesley 1 3413 18/00572/FUL Rose Villa, Smithy Lane, Mawdesley 1 Tannersmith Cottage, Tannersmith Lane, 3432 18/00799/FUL 1 Mawdesley 3434 18/00708/FUL Jay Bank House, Jay Bank, Mawdesley 1 3439 18/00361/FUL 67 Gorsey Lane, Mawdesley 1 3446 18/01212/OUT Whitegates, 75 Gorsey Lane, Mawdesley 1 3450 18/01004/OUT Tootles Farm, Bentley Lane, Mawdesley 1 2852 12/00949/FUL Morris Barn, Dean Head Lane, 1 Moses Cockers Farm, Sheep House Lane, 3128 15/00972/FUL 1 Rivington 2512 09/00151/FUL 267 Southport Road, 1 Land and buildings to the rear of 3202 16/01024/FUL Netherfield, Ulnes Walton Lane, Ulnes 1 Walton Land Between 35 and 37 Wray Crescent, 3324 17/00569/FUL 2 Ulnes Walton Land 70m South of Garstang Farm, Ulnes 3420 17/00940/OUT 1 Walton Lane, Ulnes Walton Dorbaricia, Ulnes Walton Lane, Ulnes 3423 18/00396/FUL 1 Walton Close Gate Farm and land to rear 2901 12/01158/FULMAJ 1 Buckholes Lane, Wheelton 13/00390/FUL The Engine House, Brinscall Mill Road, 2942 1 16/00559/FUL Wheelton 14/00601/OUT Land between 386 and 392 Blackburn 3073 2 18/00240/REM Road, Wheelton Wheelton Lodge Farm, Harbour Lane, 3405 18/00121/FUL 1 Wheelton Land to the rear of 378-386 Blackburn 3427 16/00575/OUT 8 Road, Wheelton 14/00966/FUL Waterstone House, 1A Dark Lane, Whittle- 3048 2 15/01185/FUL le-Woods 3166 15/01057/FUL 145 Town Lane, Whittle-le-Woods 1 17/00739/FUL 3334 68 Blackburn Road, Whittle-le-Woods 1 17/01124/FUL

Page 38 Land adjacent to 26/28 Spring Crescent, 3344 17/00815/FUL 1 Whittle-le-Woods 14/00975/FUL 3096 Brinscall Hall Farm, Dick Lane, Brinscall 7 14/00881/FUL 3335 17/00602/FUL Old Olivers Farm, Bury Lane, Withnell 1 2 Ollerton Fold Farm Cottage, Ollerton 3340 17/00963/FUL 1 Lane, Withnell 17/00913/OUT Land adjacent to 8 Miller Avenue, Abbey 3351 17/00225/OUT 9 Village 18/00800/OUT Edge End Farm, Bolton Road, Abbey 3403 18/00297/FUL 1 Village 3433 18/00789/FUL Moss Side Farm, Bury Lane, Withnell 1 Workshop, Edge End Terrace, Bolton Road, 3443 18/00874/OUT 2 Land 40m East of 6 Woodside Avenue, 2493 07/01034/FUL 2 Whittle-le-Woods 12/01167/FUL Land adjacent Dolphin Rise, Millstone 2867 15/01202/FUL 1 Close, Whittle-le-Woods 18/01118/FUL 14/00058/OUT 3006 25 Preston Road, Whittle-le-Woods 1 16/00038/FUL 14/00384/FUL 3029 30 Langdale Grove, Whittle-le-Woods 1 16/01168/FUL Two Corners Residential Care Home, 179 3099 15/00601/FUL 1 Preston Road, Whittle-le-Woods Greenways, Parkside Drive South, Whittle- 3208 16/00800/OUT 1 le-Woods 3306 16/01135/OUT 2 Cliffe Drive, Whittle-le-Woods 1 D & B stores, 1-3 Rock Villa Road, Whittle- 3408 18/00441/P3PAN 1 le-Woods 3414 18/00523/FUL 20 Cliffe Drive, Whittle-le-Woods 1 Rose Cottage, Kem Mill Lane, Whittle-le- 3428 18/00189/FUL 1 Woods 2202 06/00167/FUL Drinkwater Farm, Pike Lowe, Brinscall 2 16/00714/OUT Land to the rear of 56 School 3204 17/00663/FUL 4 Lane/Withnell Fold Old Road, Brinscall 18/00847/FUL Brinscall Plumbing and Building Supplies, 3217 16/00258/OUT 7 17 Hartington Road, Brinscall Total 366 Minus 30% = 256

Page 39 Preston City Council

Net gain outstanding Planning permission Address Apr 19

Former Joinery Workshop Land adj 1 Stone 06/2012/0218 Chimney Cottage Blackleach Lane 1

06/2014/0235 Former Midland House Maritime Way 1

06/2014/0460 Park House 472 Garstang Rd 0

06/2014/0506 9 - 11 Church Avenue 2

06/2014/0585 Greyfriars Hall Walker Lane 2

06/2014/0661 Bedtime Unit 1 Southgate 2

06/2014/0682 Royal Garrison 193 Watling St Rd 2

06/2014/0678 592 Road 1

06/2014/0719 Old Woodsfold Farm Lewith Lane 1

06/2014/0785 Spar House Farm Lewth Lane Woodplumpton 1

06/2014/0912 Deafway Brockholes Brow 3

06/2014/0958 Beech Grove Farm Malley Lane 3

06/2015/0015 40 Thorntrees Avenue 3

06/2015/0029 Hoole Fold Farm 840 Garstang Road 2

06/2015/0068 5 Woodlands Avenue 1

06/2015/0099 217 Garstang Road 1

06/2015/0146 Land adjacent 146 Lightfoot Lane 2

06/2015/0205 Winders Barn Durton Lane 1

06/2015/0373 Tower House Woodlands Grove 2

06/2015/0379 42 Eldon St 2

06/2015/0648 Hooles Fm Brass Pan Lane Broughton 2

Land off Wayside Back Lane (Grid Ref 06/2015/0661 575370) 1

06/2015/0681 23a Fulwood Hall Lane Fulwood 1

06/2015/0700 47 Whittingham Lane 2

Page 40 Barn to rear of Cross House Farm Barton 06/2015/0760 Lane 1

06/2015/0770 Land adj Oaklands Farm Ashley Lane 2

06/2015/0981 Woodhey D'Urton Lane Broughton 3

06/2015/1022 Land adjacent 39 Lower Bank Road 2

06/2015/1033 Summers Farm Cow Hill 1

06/2015/1040 Marimar Cumeragh Lane 1

06/2016/0120 Moons Bridge Marina Hollowforth Lane 1

Chingle House Farm Whittingham Lane 06/2016/0200 Goosnargh 3

06/2016/0213 105 Whittingham Lane Broughton 1

06/2016/0228 Land adj. 329 St George's Rd 1

06/2016/0332 Winders Barn, D'Urton Lane, Broughton 1

06/2016/0393 928 Garstang Road, Barton 1

06/2016/0412 The Bents, Crumbleholme Fold, Goosnargh 1

06/2016/0446 8 Ribbleton Avenue, Ribbleton 1

Church House Farm, Preston Road, 06/2016/0531 Grimsargh 4

06/2016/0541 504 Whittingham Lane Broughton 1

06/2016/0567 12 Royal Avenue Fulwood Preston 1

06/2016/0573 37 Halfpenny Lane Whittingham 1

06/2016/0580 Woodlands Barn Bartle Lane Bartle 3

06/2016/0581 Land at Pudding Pie Nook Lane Goosnargh 1

06/2016/0626 Inglemere Station Rd 4

06/2016/0638 Land adj 135 West Park Ave Preston 2

06/2016/0681 111A Plungington Rd Preston 1

Land South of South Lodge Moor Park 06/2016/0691 Avenue 1

06/2016/0695 95 Cromwell Rd Preston 1

06/2016/0704 Grimsargh Vicarage 46 Preston Road 4

06/2016/0713 Grove House Newsham Hall Lane 1

Page 41 Stone Cottage 80 Whittingham Lane 06/2016/0762 Broughton 1

06/2016/0775 55A Bridge Rd Preston 2

06/2016/0791 494-498 Garstang Rd Preston 3

06/2016/0797 211 Woodplumpton Rd Woodplumpton 1

06/2016/0798 Bell Fold Farm 708 Garstang Rd 3

06/2016/0823 132 Church St 2

06/2016/0826 Carr House Preston Rd 1

Sharoe Green Post Office 347 Garstang Rd 06/2016/0838 Preston 3

06/2016/0853 15 Holmbrook Rd Preston 2

06/2016/0862 Playground Heatherfield Place 2

06/2016/0936 10 Guildhall St 2

06/2016/0956 Woodplumpton Methodist Church 1

06/2016/0987 Whinneyfield Farm, Whinneyfield Lane 3

06/2016/1003 Land sth of woodlands Lea Lane 2

06/2016/1004 Land to side of Lewth Lodge Cinder Lane 1

06/2016/1026 Vine House Farm 38 Darkinson Lane 4

06/2016/1074 53 Watling St Road -1

06/2016/1134 413 New Hall Lane 2

06/2016/1136 8 Avenham Place 1

06/2016/1166 28 Church Lane Goosnargh 2

06/2016/1169 Dean Villa 139 Whittingham Lane 1

06/2016/1250 land rr of 25 Lambert Rd 1

06/2016/1266 Belmont Fm Inglewhite Rd 3

06/2016/1286 7 St Theresa's Drive 1

06/2016/1307 Hooles Farm Brass Pan Lane 0

06/2017/0047 Lawton House Farm Bartle Lane 1

06/2017/0076 Land adj 77 Church Ave 2

06/2017/0077 Land adj 24 Tulketh Rd 4

06/2017/0094 Broadfield Inglewhite Road 1

Page 42 06/2017/0214 Lingala Lightfoot Green Lane 3

06/2017/0238 219 Tulketh Brow 1

06/2017/0245 185 Marsh Lane 1

06/2017/0254 Land adj 8 Derby Rd 2

06/2017/0269 Old Methodist Chapel Chapel Lane 1

06/2017/0301 99 Victoria Rd 0

Land rr of 907 & 909 Whittingham Lane 06/2017/0339 Broughton 4

06/2017/0363 Land adj 19 Kingfisher Street 2

06/2017/0364 Land west of Maxy House Farm Sandy Lane 1

06/2017/0374 land rr of 113A Watling St Rd 2

06/2017/0378 Land North of Bartle Lane 2

06/2017/0424 Houghton House Farm Lightfoot Lane 1

06/2017/0449 The Garden House, Catforth Rd, Catforth 1

06/2017/0453 1 Christ Church St 2

06/2017/0461 Lyndhurst, 67 Halfpenny Lane 1

06/2017/0516 East View Barn, Cinder Lane 1

06/2017/0590 3-3a Fox Street 2

land adjacent Ribble Lodge, 199-201 06/2017/0662 Ribbleton Ave 2

06/2017/0673 35, 37 & 39 Manchester Road 4

06/2017/0682 228-232 Deepdale Rd 1

06/2017/0685 2 Taylor Street 1

Land Adjacent Fell View Pudding Pie Nook 06/2017/0708 Lane 1

06/2017/0788 Lower Hill House Farm Eaves Lane 2

06/2017/0826 Thirlmere Blackleach Lane 1

06/2017/0840 135-137 Manchester Road 1

06/2017/0843 Union Court 2 Union Street 3

06/2017/0917 21-23 East Street 1

06/2017/0927 The Dingles Highgate Close 1

Page 43 06/2017/0943 25 Wodplumpton Lane 1

06/2017/0995 135-137 Fishwick Parade 1

06/2017/0996 18-20 Skeffington Road 4

06/2017/1049 Brentwood House 15 Victoria Road 1

06/2017/1060 Domus Iii, Durton Lane 1

06/2017/1080 Land adjacent 1 Fermor Road 1

06/2017/1125 Cottam Lodge 34 Miller Lane 1

Land to rear of Abbotts Lodge 141 Lightfoot 06/2017/1238 Lane 1

Land adjacent to Craig Niesh (known locally 06/2017/1247 as End House) Goosnargh Lane 2

06/2017/1251 Carr House Farm Preston Road 1

06/2017/1258 Whitefield Hse Farm Mayfield Avenue 1

06/2017/1345 Bryars House Lea Lane 0

06/2017/1348 Bridge House Farm Tabley Lane 1

06/2017/1400 Broadfield Inglewhite Road 1

06/2017/1401 Broadfield Inglewhite Road 1

06/2017/1458 57 Victoria Road 4

06/2018/0021 64 Plungington Road 1

Land between 71 & 75 Ramsey Avenue 06/2017/0380 Preston 2

06/2017/0984 The Mount Fernyhalgh Lane Preston 1

Paradise House Moorside Lane 06/2018/0007 Woodplumpton 1

06/2018/0104 155 & 157 Garstang Road Preston 1

06/2018/0132 Former Deepdale Mill Isherwood Street 4

06/2018/0146 Oak Bank Mill Lane Goosnargh 1

06/2018/0157 South Planks 928 Garstang Road Preston 1

06/2018/0172 Belmont Farm Inglewhite Road 1

06/2018/0224 Land at Garstang Road Preston 2

06/2018/0244 339 Preston Road Grimsargh 4

Page 44 06/2018/0255 Land adjacent Whinfield Cottage Cow Hill 1

06/2018/0281 1 Greenlands Grove Ribbleton 1

06/2018/0282 Land adjacent Winders Lodge Durton Lane 1

Land to rear of 16 Lambert Road Lambert 06/2018/0354 Road 4

06/2018/0359 Land adjacent 187 Kent Street Preston 2

06/2018/0395 Broadith Cottage Broadith Lane Preston 1

06/2018/0402 The Laurels 146 Lightfoot Lane Preston 2

06/2018/0411 Bradcroft Cottage Goosnargh Lane Preston 1

06/2018/0431 22 Egerton Road Preston 1

06/2018/0448 Land off Inglewhite Road Preston 1

Plumpton Green 103 Woodplumpton Road 06/2018/0512 Woodplumpton Preston 3

Whinneyfield Farm Whinneyfield Lane 06/2018/0515 Preston 2

06/2018/0517 Newfield Tabley Lane Preston -1

06/2018/0584 Glenroyd 250 Lightfoot Lane Preston 2

06/2018/0588 Brookview House Barton Lane Preston 1

06/2018/0591 Barton House Blackleach Lane Preston 1

06/2018/0641 450 Blackpool Road Preston 1

06/2018/0644 Bushells Cottage Mill Lane Goosnargh 1

06/2018/0663 33 Ribblesdale Place Preston 1

Agricultural Building North of Oak House 06/2018/0677 Pudding Pie Nook Lane 1

Bensons Cottage Bensons Lane 06/2018/0697 Woodplumpton 0

06/2018/0681 106 Deepdale Road Preston 2

06/2018/0701 36 Waterloo Terrace Preston 1

06/2018/0710 Marlings Barn Cumeragh Lane Preston 4

Land between 3 Spa Cottages & Laburnum 06/2018/0718 House Bartle Lane Preston 2

06/2018/0726 Breakneck Farm Fernyhalgh Lane 1

Page 45 06/2018/0799 The Orchard Eaves Lane Preston 1

06/2018/0793 Edge Farm Hollowforth Lane Preston 1

06/2018/0818 Land off Whittingham Lane Goosnargh 4

06/2018/0835 Newby House 4 Darkinson Lane Preston 1

Land adjacent Fell View Cottage Pudding Pie 06/2018/0848 Nook Lane Preston 1

06/2018/0921 Elston Grange Elston Lane Preston 3

06/2018/0954 Anderton Fold Farm 980 Garstang Road 2

06/2018/0975 Land opposite 92 Darkinson Lane Preston 4

06/2018/1039 Land adjacent Paradise House Moorside Lane 1

06/2018/1050 Whinfield Cottage Cow Hill Preston 1

Land west of Becconsall Farm Bartle Lane 06/2018/1056 Preston 1

06/2018/1094 Heron Gate Highrigg Drive Preston 1

06/2018/1207 270 Garstang Road Preston 0

06/2018/1213 Tanpit Stables Green Lane Catforth Preston 1

06/2018/1227 Garlick House Green Lane Catforth 2

06/2018/1229 Gleadale House Cumeragh Lane Preston 3

06/2018/1238 White Gables Bartle Lane Preston 2

Prospect House 236 Woodplumpton Road 06/2018/1240 Woodplumpton 1

06/2018/1335 11 Foregate Preston 1

06/2018/1368 51 Whittingham Lane Preston 1

Land between 37 & 39 Christ Church Street 06/2019/0021 Preston 4

Building to the rear of Eccles Moss Ironworks 06/2019/0023 Bleasedale Road Whitechapel 1

06/2019/0084 Marimar Cumeragh Lane Preston 1

06/2019/0097 Cottam Hall Farm Merry Trees Lane Preston 1

Total 297

Minus 10% = 267

Page 46 South Ribble Borough Council

Net gain Planning Ref Address outstanding at April 2019

07/2017/0305/REM Land adj to Linden Lea, Kellet Lane 2 07/2015/1329/OUT (west of Linden Lea) - Plots 1 & 2 on application 07/2017/0306/REM Land off Kellet Lane, Bamber Bridge 2 07/2015/1330/OUT (west and south west of Linden Lea) - plots 3, 4 & 5

07/2016/1123/FUL Lancaster Cottage, Brindle Road, 1 Bamber Bridge 07/2016/0393/FUL 2 Gough Lane, Bamber Bridge 2 07/2016/0040/FUL Land Adj 1 Co-operative Street, Bamber 1 Bridge 07/2018/3017/FUL Mainway Court, Edward Street, Bamber 17 Bridge 07/2017/2532/FUL 49 Leyland Lane 4 07/2018/2430/OUT 131 Broadfield Drive, Leyland 1 07/2018/4892/FUL Land adj 323 Leyland Road, Lostock Hall 2 07/2012/0272/FUL Brookfield, Alma Row 1 07/2016/1334/OUT Hoghton Lane Farm, Hoghton Lane, 3 Hoghton 07/2016/1335/OUT Hoghton Lane Farm, Hoghton Lane, 1 Hoghton 07/2018/1382/FUL Duckworth House Farm, Bank Head 1 Lane 07/2019/0868/FUL 350 Brindle Road, Bamber Bridge 1 07/2018/8792/VAR 105 Slater Lane, Leyland 7 (reducing number of dwellings to 7) 07/2008/0115/FUL 07/2017/1106/FUL Land to rear of 106 Dunkirk Lane 2 07/2015/0264/FUL 128 Dunkirk Lane (land to rear) 1 07/2018/3321/CPD 43 Stanifield Lane, Farington 2 07/2016/0558/OUT Brookhouse Farm, Stanifield Lane, 9 Lostock Hall

Page 47 07/2016/0457/OUT Garden to rear of 338 Croston Road, 5 Farington Moss 07/2016/0579/REM Land Adj to Naptha Cottage, Naptha 1 07/2015/0903/OUT Lane 07/2018/9728/APD Naptha Farm, Naptha Lane, 1 07/2017/1438/OUT 196A Croston Road, Farington Moss 1 07/2017/2144/FUL Moorhey Farm, Moss House Lane, 1 07/2016/0341/FUL Much Hoole 07/2018/2917/FUL Goose Green Farm, Moss House Lane, 2 Much Hoole 07/2017/2313/FUL The Bungalow, Moss House Lane 1 07/2018/1482/REM Land at Orchard Gardens (incl land off 9 07/2017/0272/OUT Swallowfield) 07/2016/0483/APD Chestnut House Farm, Wham Lane, 1 07/2018/0589/FUL Joyston, 10 Town Lane, Much Hoole 1 07/2018/4134/FUL Lunds Lane Farm, Town Lane, Much 2 07/2017/2632/FUL Hoole 07/2018/6217/OUT Land adj Banks Farm, Station Road, 2 Little Hoole 07/2019/0351/APD Avondale, Dob Lane, Walmer Bridge 5 07/2016/0414/OUT Land fronting Stanley Grove 3 07/2016/0325/CPD 35 Blundell Lane, Penwortham 1 07/2017/0516/FUL Land adj to 30 Moor Avenue, 1 Penwortham 07/2017/3129/FUL 10 Liverpool Road, Penwortham 1 07/2017/2020/FUL Leyland & District Conservative Club, 2 67-69 Towngate 07/2018/4679/FUL 106 Canberra Road, Leyland 1 07/2018/5821/OUT Land to rear of 61 Church Road, 5 Leyland 07/2015/1301/OUT 13 Bow Lane, Leyland 1 07/2016/0035/REN 31 School Lane, Longton 1 07/2013/0024/REN 07/2009/0692/OUT

07/2017/0692/APD Barn at Clare Farm, Grange Lane, 1 Hutton 07/2016/1391/REM 124 Liverpool Road, Longton/Land off 1 07/2014/0271/OUT Orchard Lane, Longton 07/2017/1195/FUL 217 Liverpool Road, Hutton 1

Page 48 07/2018/0416/FUL Golden Ball Hotel, 150 Liverpool Road, 4 Longton 07/2015/1401/APD Moorfield, Six Acre Lane, Longton 1 07/2016/0659/FUL Blundells, 155 - 161 Liverpool Road, 4 Longton 07/2015/1402/OUT 23 Pear Tree Croft, Longton 1 07/2016/1339/APD 212 Liverpool Road, Hutton 3 07/2018/2907/OUT Land adj to Belmont, Grange Lane, 1 Hutton 07/2017/1321/OUT Ranch House Farm, Brownhill Lane 1 07/2018/6334/FUL Diamond Hall Farm, Moorside Fold, 1 Longton 07/2018/8140/FUL Peartree Cottage, 91 Chapel Lane, 2 Longton 07/2018/8355/OUT Rosedale, Gill Lane, Longton 3 07/2019/0382/APD Pilot's Cottage Farm, Grange Lane, 1 Longton 07/2019/0314/APD Brenfield, 56 Hall Lane, Longton 3 07/2016/0868/APD Fiddler's Farm, Grange Lane, Longton 3 07/2016/1326/OUT 111 Todd Lane North, Lostock Hall 1 07/2018/3261/FUL Lostock Hall Youth Centre, Watkin Lane 4 07/2016/1174/FUL 60 Wateringpool Lane, Lostock Hall 1 07/2017/3100/OUT 84 Pope Lane, Penwortham 1 07/2018/0856/FUL Land to rear of 60-64 Fossdale Moss, 6 Leyland 07/2017/0159/FUL Land adj Rhoden House, Rhoden Road 1 07/2016/1295/FUL Within garden area of 137 1 Longmeanygate, 07/2017/1911/FUL 188 Longmeanygate, Midge Hall 1 07/2018/3578/FUL 192 Longmeanygate, Midge Hall 1 07/2018/6648/OUT Earnshaw Business Centre, High Lane, 7 Leyland 07/2015/1389/FUL Green Fold, Wham Lane, Whitestake 1 07/2015/1805/FUL 1 Ratten Lane, Hutton 1 07/2017/3652/FUL Land at Orchard Avenue 4 07/2017/0950/REM Greenacres, 57 Chain House Lane, 4 07/2016/0597/OUT Whitestake 07/2016/0223/ORM

Page 49 07/2018/7536/FUL Greenacres, 57 Chain House Lane, 1 Whitestake 07/2018/2116/FUL 310 Chapel Lane, 1 07/2018/5600/FUL Chain House Nursery, Chain House 1 07/2018/1315/FUL Lane, Whitestake 07/2016/0464/FUL Land adj West View, Startley Nook, 1 Whitestake 07/2018/8377/FUL Pear Tree Farm, 247 Chapel Lane, New 1 Longton 07/2018/5139/FUL Land adj Woodside, Woodside Avenue, 1 New Longton 07/2018/6964/OUT Brookfield, 66 Chain House Lane, 1 Whitestake 07/1999/0377/FUL Blue Slate Farm, Spring Lane, 1 Samlesbury 07/2015/0648/FUL New Southworth Hall, Cuerdale Lane, 2 07/2015/0649/LBC Samlesbury 07/2001/0687/REN Aspden Fold Farm, Nabs Head Lane 2 07/1997/0344/FUL 07/2016/0448/REN 28 West Paddock 1 07/2012/0263/FUL 07/2015/1381/FUL - Land adj to 74 Slater Lane 1 not started 07/2007/0039/FUL - one of two built 07/2017/3918/FUL 442 Leyland Lane, Leyland 1 07/2017/0168/FUL 07/2017/0929/FUL 19 Ranaldsway, Leyland 1 07/2018/0844/FUL Oakland Farm, Hollins Lane, Leyland 1 07/2018/4782/FUL Land at Butlers Farm Court, Leyland 6 07/2014/0936/FUL The Crest, 121 Duddle Lane 6

Total 202 Minus 10% = 182

Page 50