Integrated Infrastructure Plan Annex B: Evidence Review & Analysis Sheffield City Region Integrated Infrastructure Plan Annex B: Evidence Review & Analysis
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Integrated Infrastructure Plan Annex B: Evidence Review & Analysis Sheffield City Region Integrated Infrastructure Plan Annex B: Evidence Review & Analysis Contents Page Executive Summary 1 1 Introduction 15 1.1 Integrated Infrastructure Plan Objectives 15 1.2 Scope of the SCR IIP 16 1.3 Approach to Developing the SCR IIP 17 1.4 Stage 1: Evidence Analysis and Review 17 2 Land and Commercial Property 20 2.1 Overview 20 2.2 Definition of Strategic Infrastructure 21 2.3 Existing Infrastructure 22 2.4 Assessment of Current Constraints and Identified Trends 24 2.5 Planned Schemes 25 2.6 Considerations for Future Growth 28 3 Flood Risk and Flood Alleviation 30 3.1 Overview 30 3.2 Definition of ‘Strategic’ Infrastructure 32 3.3 Existing Infrastructure 33 3.4 Assessment of Current Constraints and Identified Trends 40 3.5 Planned Schemes 41 3.6 Challenges and Considerations for Future Growth 45 4 Utilities 47 4.1 Overview 47 4.2 Definition of Strategic Infrastructure Provision 47 4.3 Gas 48 4.4 Water Supply 50 4.5 Waste water Treatment 56 4.6 Electricity 59 5 Telecommunications and Digital Connectivity 71 5.1 Overview 71 5.2 Definition of Strategic Infrastructure Provision 71 5.3 Existing Infrastructure 71 5.4 Assessment of Current Constraints and Identified Trends 75 5.5 Planned Schemes 75 5.6 Considerations for Future Growth 77 | Issue | 12 April 2016 Sheffield City Region Integrated Infrastructure Plan Annex B: Evidence Review & Analysis 6 Transport Infrastructure 78 6.1 Overview 78 6.2 Definition of Strategic Infrastructure Provision 80 6.3 Highways 81 6.4 Rail 86 6.5 Tram 100 6.6 Bus 103 6.7 Aviation 108 6.8 Active Travel Modes 110 6.9 Freight 113 6.10 Considerations for Future Growth 117 7 Waste Management 121 7.1 Overview 121 7.2 Definition of Strategic Infrastructure 122 7.3 Existing Infrastructure 123 7.4 Assessment of Current Constraints 130 7.5 Planned Schemes 131 7.6 Considerations for Future Growth 134 8 Energy 137 8.1 Overview 137 8.2 Definition of Strategic Infrastructure 140 8.3 Renewable Energy Technologies 141 8.4 Existing Renewable Energy Infrastructure 143 8.5 Assessment of Current Constraints and Identified Trends 147 8.6 Planned Schemes 148 8.7 Considerations for Future Growth 154 9 Summary and Conclusion 157 Appendices Appendix A Evidence Base Document List | Issue | 12 April 2016 Sheffield City Region Integrated Infrastructure Plan Annex B: Evidence Review & Analysis Executive Summary Overview The Sheffield City Region Integrated Infrastructure Plan (SCR IIP) sets out key SCR infrastructure requirements and will form the basis of commissioning future infrastructure schemes. The SCR IIP sets out the challenges and opportunities for infrastructure across the City Region over the next 10 years and presents network and spatial priorities in response. Infrastructure forms a key component of the SCR economic ecosystem, alongside other important areas such as skills, business growth and quality of place, which are being progressed through separate SCR workstreams. The SCR IIP focuses on the infrastructure component of this ecosystem. The main objective of the SCR IIP is to identify the infrastructure interventions necessary for achieving the economic growth objectives outlined in the SCR Strategic Economic Plan (SEP). The headline growth objective of the SEP is to increase Gross Value Added (GVA) within the City Region by £3.2bn by 2025. This increase in GVA has been translated to the creation of 70,000 net additional jobs and between 70,000 and 100,000 additional homes. The SCR IIP will help to identify the infrastructure interventions that can contribute towards delivering the SEP growth objectives. Purpose of this Report This ‘Evidence Analysis and Review’ report (Annex B) presents the findings from the first stage in the development of the SCR IIP. The Key Project Stages are set out in Figure 1. This report will complement separate annexes: Annex A: FLUTE modelling Annex B: Evidence Analysis and Review Annex C: Growth Challenges Annex D: Skills Report Annex E: Funding Options Annex F: Cost Benchmarking | Issue | 12 April 2016 Page 1 Sheffield City Region Integrated Infrastructure Plan Annex B: Evidence Review & Analysis This Evidence Analysis and Review stage involves the collation and review of relevant and available policy, research and evidence in respect of each infrastructure type. Each infrastructure chapter highlights: The current level of infrastructure provision within the City Region Existing identified gaps in the infrastructure network Planned and committed infrastructure development schemes As the IIP forms a top-down framework for the commissioning future investment in the City Region’s infrastructure, it does not undermine or displace the detail within individual Local Authority Infrastructure Development Plans. As the IIP is implemented, outputs are likely to feed into future individual Local Authority Infrastructure Plans. Definition of Infrastructure Themes The SCR IIP focuses on the following ‘economic infrastructure’ types: Land and Commercial Property, Housing, Transport, Flood Alleviation, Energy, Utilities, Communications and Waste Whilst, each of these infrastructure types will play a different role in driving and responding to the growth objectives within the SCR, infrastructure provision in isolation will only provide a partial solution. The SCR IIP will therefore be implemented in parallel with complementary City Region workstreams on skills and business growth. | Issue | 12 April 2016 Page 2 Sheffield City Region Integrated Infrastructure Plan Annex B: Evidence Review & Analysis Land & Commercial Property The land and commercial property analysis indicates that SCR has a good supply of land, but that there are viability gaps to overcome to make sites more attractive and a lack of ‘ready to go’ properties for growth. Existing Infrastructure: More than 3 million sqm of commercial (B1, B2 and B8)1 floorspace has been built in SCR over the last 10 years (2004/05 – 2014/15). Delivery has been enhanced by the designation of the SCR Enterprise Zone which operates across several development sites throughout the City Region and offers resident businesses and investor incentives including Business Rate Relief and Enhanced Capital Allowances. The Enterprise Zone is focused upon advanced manufacturing and technology, and since its launch in 2012 has attracted 18 new companies to the region. Planned Schemes: Planned strategic commercial development schemes within the City Region are predominantly focused around the existing Enterprise Zone locations and the Priority Growth Areas identified in the SEP. There is almost 5 million sqm of B1, B2 and B8 floorspace planned (allocated or having extant consent) within the City Region over the 10-year period up to 2024. Current Constraints: The delivery of employment land and the growth of commercial property sector within the City Region are currently constrained by limited availability of suitable, available premises which are ‘ready to go’, and constraints on existing development sites which restrict viability. Access arrangements, supporting infrastructure (such as utilities) and environmental constraints (such as flood risk), comprise constraints which limit the ability to develop sites or increase the timescales for delivery. A limited supply of quality and suitable sites is compounded by a lack of supporting incentives. Areas for Consideration: In order to ensure the delivery of new commercial property sites it is necessary to consider means of unlocking stalled sites by removing existing constraints on delivery, improving site viability and ensuring that skills are available to deliver the commercial offer. Better infrastructure could increase investment in land and commercial property and result in a better quality of life for residents within the City Region. The sustainability of future development sites should also be considered, including opportunities for renewable and low carbon energy provision and improvements to site access (in relation to promoting sustainable travel modes and reducing travel to work distances). 1 B1 Business: Offices, Research and Development of Products, Processes and Light Industry B2 General Industrial: Industrial Process other than one falling within Class B11 B8 Storage and Distribution: This class includes open air storage. | Issue | 12 April 2016 Page 3 Sheffield City Region Integrated Infrastructure Plan Annex B: Evidence Review & Analysis Flood Risk and Flood Alleviation A number of key growth areas remain at risk from flooding and suitable defence is required to allow these areas to reach their potential. There is an identified need to encourage national investment in flood alleviation infrastructure within the SCR. Each flooding source is assessed on a catchment basis: Don and Rother Valley, Derbyshire Derwent and Dove Catchment and River Trent, Idle and Thorne Catchments. Existing Infrastructure and Current Constraints: Within the Don Catchment, there are 16, 587 properties at risk from a one per cent probability flood from rivers, without taking into account flood defences, and over 10,000 properties identified as at risk during a 0.5 per cent tidal event. Flood risk therefore poses a significant cross-boundary threat for growth of the Sheffield City Region; a threat which is likely to become more acute through an increase in extreme weather events associated with climate change. Key areas for future growth, such as the Growth Areas of DN7, Sheffield-Rotherham Don Valley Corridor and Sheffield City