St Michael Parish Council Notice is hereby given that an extra Meeting of St Michael Parish Council will be held at The Schoolroom, Childwick Green, on Tuesday 23 October 2018 at 6.30pm for the purpose of transacting the business set out in the Agenda below and you are hereby summoned to attend. Julia Reading – Acting Parish Clerk 17 October 2018

To: All Members of St Michael Parish Council Members of the press and public are invited to attend this meeting

AGENDA 1. To receive apologies for absence

2. Declarations of Members’ Interests

3. To approve and sign the minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 11 September 2018

4. Matters Arising • Parish Council noticeboard • New phone and PO Box arrangements • Any matters arising not already covered in this Agenda

5. To agree the Schedule of Payments (to follow/ to be circulated at the meeting)

6. Nat West Bank Accounts

7. To consider the following Planning applications: -

New Applications • 5/2018/2228 - The Walled Garden Gorhambury St Albans - Change of use from agricultural to equestrian arena with timber perimeter fencing (resubmission following withdrawal of 5/2018/0826). PENDING • 5/2018/2475 - Barn At Shafford Farm Road St Albans Hertfordshire - Prior Approval - Change of use and conversion of agricultural barn to dwelling house. PENDING • 5/2018/2481 - Forge Cottage Childwick Green Childwickbury St Albans Hertfordshire AL3 6JJ - Discharge of Conditions 6 (method statement and structural assesment) and 7 (details of materials and plans) of 5/2017/3668 dated 08/03/2018 for Listed Building consent - Single storey side extension following partial demolition of external wall and dormer. PENDING • 5/2018/2482 - Forge Cottage Childwick Green Childwickbury St Albans Hertfordshire AL3 6JJ - Listed Building consent - Alterations to stairs and replacement door. PENDING • 5/2018/2662 - Beesonend House Beesonend Lane Hertfordshire AL5 2AB - Single storey tack room and store bale. PENDING Decisions by SADC • 5/2018/2099 - Gorhambury St Albans Hertfordshire AL3 6AH - Discharge of Conditions 3 (mix of render) and 4 (render finish) of 5/2018/0368 dated 6/4/2018 for Listed Building consent - External re-rendering of North Wing. Discharge of Condition – Approved, 25/09/2018 • 5/2018/2126 - Garden Cottage Gorhambury St Albans Hertfordshire AL3 6AL - Certificate of Lawfulness (proposed) - Single storey rear extension. Certificate of Lawfulness Approved, 26/09/2018

8. To note changes to warding arrangements for St Michael Parish Council • The electoral register will be amended on 1 December 2018 to split the Parish into two wards and the Parish election in May 2019 will be run under the new arrangements

9. To note that Ordinary Council Elections will take place in May 2019 • New Office date, Tuesday 7th May (i.e. the day after Bank Holiday Monday on 6th May) • Annual meeting, Not later than 14 days after take office: Tues 21st May • Register of disclosable pecuniary interests, Not later than 28 days after take office: Tues 4th June • Co-option, Not later than 35 days after take office: Tues 11th June

10. To consider any issues arising from information circulated for Members’ information • County Council’s Notice of Decision on Modification Order Application to record footpath routes in Park Wood St Albans • 2018 Parliamentary Boundary Review The Boundary Commission for submitted their final report to the Government on Wednesday 5 September and Parliament must now decide whether to accept or reject the proposal, which is that the St Albans Parliamentary constituency will include two whole wards from Three Rivers and one ward from whilst London will be transferred to the Constituency. The and Harpenden constituency remains unchanged • (Update) Report on High Court Decision in the case of Elizabeth Harvey v Ledbury Town Council - Briefing paper reported to the SADC Standards Committee on 3 October 2018 • Invitation to attend the St Albans Highways Liaison Meeting (HLM), to be held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 30th October 2018, Council Chamber, District Council Offices • Invitation to read a lesson at St Mary's Carol Service, Sunday 16th December 2018 6.00 pm OR at the Epiphany Carol Service at 6pm on Sunday January 6th 2019 • Redbourn Neighbourhood Plan Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report for Consultation

11. To consider any other business, at the discretion of the Chairman

12. To note/set dates for meetings in 2019 NB, it was found necessary to insert meetings to the schedule in both August and October 2018, and it is possible that further meetings will need to be added to the list below. Already confirmed: Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 15 January 2019 Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 19 March 2019 Suggested: Annual Meeting of the Parish Council Tuesday 14 May 2019 Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 10 September 2019

13. Closed session: Internal inquiry, report and update