Program & Journal of the 21st Annual Sylvia Blajwas Productive Aging Award Dinner

Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Jewish Council for the Aging® thanks you for attending the 21st Annual Sylvia Blajwas Productive Aging Award Dinner HONORING

m Productive Aging Awardee m Humanitarian Sally Quinn Awardee m The Honorable Sidney Kramer m From the Desk of Samuel G. Kaplan, President

May 4, 2014 Dear Friend, Tonight as we honor Sally Quinn and Sidney Kramer, we honor Sylvia Blajwas, too. The Jewish Council for the Aging is dedicating this Productive Aging Award Dinner in memory of “our Sylvia,” and we will dedicate all future Dinners to her as well. Sylvia established the JCA Sylvia & Abe Blajwas Center for Productive Aging and supported it faithfully, year after year. Even now, her legacy gift of $500,000 is transforming the way we deliver effective employment programs, compassionate volunteer services, cutting-edge technology training and more. “Those programs make people feel truly alive,” she once explained to JCA leaders. “They make a difference.” Sylvia was a tireless community volunteer and a champion of Israel. She was a caring friend. She was a woman who believed absolutely that people need models like Sally and Sid to inspire them to do all they can to create a just and caring society, even (or especially) in the final third of life. And she delighted in being a generous donor, in giving from the heart. “The thing about giving,” she said, “is that it comes back to you many times over. …And the best part is knowing that your gift continues to give long after you make it.” Thus, it is in loving memory of Sylvia Blajwas that I thank you for attending this Sylvia Blajwas Productive Aging Award Dinner – our 21st such dinner, but the first that bears her name. It is in her loving memory that we continue to shatter age-limiting stereotypes as we continue to demonstrate that ability and compassion are ageless. Thank you for joining us this evening. Gratefully,

2 From Our Co-Chairs

May 4, 2014

Dear Friends of JCA, Thank you all for joining us tonight! We are so very pleased to be the Co-Chairs of the 21st Annual Sylvia Blajwas Productive Aging Award Dinner honoring Sally Quinn and The Honorable Sidney Kramer. Your continued support is essential to the Jewish Council for the Aging and we cannot thank you enough for making this event such a wonderful success. We are most appreciative to the volunteers, donors and staff who have worked with us to make this evening as “productive” as those we honor so that JCA can continue to fulfill its mission. Enjoy the evening. Sincerely, Susan Finkelstein and Linda Rosenzweig

3 JCA Salutes Our “Productive” Honoree

m Sally Quinn m

4 m Sally Quinn m

Author, Journalist and Writer for Sally Quinn is a bright and bold journalist of Washington Post fame, a dazzling Georgetown hostess, a best-selling author, and the wife of The Post’s . In her book We’re Going to Make You a Star, she shares her experience in 1973 as co-anchor of the CBS Morning News. And in What My Son Taught Me About God, she tells a personal story of another sort, about the impact of her son’s genetic diseases — his learning disabilities and attendance at special schools. “Sally’s ascent to social arbiter in the nation’s capital was done with… determination — and flair,” saidVanity Fair in a 2010 article about her. “The daughter of a three-star general, William Quinn, and a quintessential southern belle, Bette, Sally came to the Post in 1969 to report on parties for the Style section. In her employment interview, [Ben] Bradlee asked the 28-year-old if she could show him something she’d written. ‘Mr. Bradlee,’ she told him, ‘I’ve never written anything. Not a word.’ When he told his colleague editorial-page editor Phil Geyelin about this, Geyelin replied, ‘Nobody’s perfect.’” Today, Sally is co-founder of The Post’s religion blog entitled “On

Faith” and a frequent contributor to it. Sally Quinn and Ben Bradlee. 5 Photo: Zaid Hamid Photography. JCA Salutes Our Humanitarian Awardee

The Honorablem Sidney Kramer m

6 The Honorablem Sidney Kramer m

Humanitarian Awardee Sidney Kramer was born on July 8, 1925 in Washington D.C. He attended the District’s public schools and George Washington University after which he pursued a career in business. For the past 50 years, as president of Kramer Enterprises, he built a successful chain of car washes and launched a commercial construction enterprise allied with a real estate management company. Kramer Enterprises has owned and managed retail strip shopping centers and free-standing retail commercial buildings throughout Maryland and Northern Virginia. Married to the former Betty Mae Kerman for 60 years, he has three children, Rona, Miriam and Benjamin, eight grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Sidney Kramer has long been active in public life, serving on the Montgomery County Council from 1970–1974 and as vice-president in 1974. He represented Montgomery County on the Region IV Board of Governor’s Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice from 1971–1974 and was Chair of the Public Safety Commission of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. Other assignments included serving as Chair of the Maryland Building Code Study Commission, as a member of the Governor’s Commission on Workmen’s Compensation Laws and as a member of the Advisory Board on Liability. Elected to the Maryland State Senate in 1978, he served as Chair of the Montgomery County Senate Delegation and on several

7 committees including the Economic and Environmental Affairs Committee; the Executive Nominations Committee; the Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review; and the Governor’s Task Force to Study the Funding of Public Education. Sidney Kramer was elected as the third Montgomery County Executive on November 4, 1986, and served until December 1990. Active in a number of community organizations over the years, he is a former president of both the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club of Silver Spring. He served as vice-chair of the Executive Committee of the Montgomery United Way, director of the Maryland Association for Retarded Children and was a member of the Board of Trustees of Holy Cross Hospital. He served on the Foundation Board of Adventist hospitals and was active in the support of First Night Montgomery, Inc. He also served as the Montgomery County representative to the Washington Sewer and Water Authority, and has served and continued to serve on the board of the Jewish Council for the Aging and the Foundation Committee for Montgomery College. Sid with his children, Mim, Ben and Rona.

8 m Sylvia Blajwas m

“Thank God I can do this for others,” was the typical refrain of Sylvia Blajwas whenever she made a gift to the Jewish Council for the Aging, where hers is the name behind the Sylvia & Abe Blajwas Center for Productive Aging. Through the Blajwas Center, JCA shatters negative stereotypes about growing old while providing programs to help older adults land jobs, learn new technologies and volunteer to make the world a better place. At a young age, Sylvia and her family emigrated to the U.S. from England, eventually settling in Washington, D.C. She worked at the Salvation Army so she could attend the George Washington University at night. At GW, she received a B.A. in psychology and fell in love with fellow student Abe Blajwas. Abe and Sylvia married in 1935, and then worked together to build and maintain his medical practice. They had a son, Harold, now in California. Sylvia’s mother taught her the importance of charity, but it was a trip to Israel that was the catalyst for an adult life centered on philanthropy at Hadassah, JCA and other organizations, too. “The thing about giving,” she said, “is that is comes back to you many times over. …And the best part is knowing that your gift continues to give long after you make it.” Sylvia told JCA leaders that she would like to be remembered as “a nice Jewish girl who knew the inspiring love of a wonderful Sylvia Blajwas and Lester Poretsky, husband, a dear family and close friends. her beloved brother Those gifts made everything else possible.”

9 Sylvia died on September 18, 2013, yet she lived to celebrate her 100th birthday. She was predeceased by her beloved brothers Sidney and Lester Poretsky, and her beloved Abe. She is lovingly Sylvia with JCA’s Micki Gordon and Irma Poretsky, her sister-in-law and a fellow community angel remembered at JCA not only by the Blajwas Center but now by the Sylvia Blajwas Productive Aging Award Dinner, JCA’s only annual fundraising event. Like Sylvia, JCA programs are a declaration of lifelong abilities.

10 Letters from Leaders 12 13 14 15 16 m We Honor Our Past Humanitarian Awardees m

Rabbi Matthew Simon 2009 m Joanne & Norman Goldstein 2010 m Irma & Lester Poretsky* 2011 m Arlene & Robert Kogod 2013

* of blessed memory

17 Dinner Program m Program m

Welcome Susan Finkelstein & Linda Rosenzweig, Co-Chairs m Motzi & Invocation Rabbi Susan N. Shankman, Washington Hebrew Congregation m Presentation of the Humanitarian Award Susan Finkelstein to The Honorable Sidney Kramer m Dinner m “The Right Place – JCA” David N. Gamse, Chief Executive Officer m Introduction of Sally Quinn David N. Gamse m Presentation of the Productive Aging Award and Closing Remarks Susan Finkelstein & Linda Rosenzweig

19 m About the Sylvia & Abe Blajwas Center for Productive Aging at the Jewish Council for the Aging m The graying of America and the growing need for our nation to remain competitive in the global marketplace make it essential for the U.S. to utilize its older citizens’ skill and experience. JCA, in nearly 41 years of award-winning operations, has demonstrated that ability knows no age. The JCA Sylvia & Abe Blajwas Center for Productive Aging assists individuals on a nonsectarian basis to realize their potential for productive aging in both volunteer and paid employment. m Productive Aging Award The Jewish Council for the Aging annually selects an outstanding individual or couple who demonstrates ability is ageless. Our honorees serve as models to individuals in the community and the nation. m Past Honorees Include: Louis Goldstein* Eli Wallach & Anne Jackson Katharine Graham* Robert Prosky* C. Everett Koop, M.D.* Daniel Schorr* Al Hirschfield* Phil Donahue Mike Wallace* Judith Viorst Gwen Verdon* Phyllis Richman Roberta Peters Cokie & Steve Roberts Eunice* & Sargent* Shriver Edgar M. Bronfman, Sr.* Ossie Davis* & Ruby Dee Doris Kearns Goodwin Jerry Stiller & Anne Meara & Richard Goodwin * of blessed memory

20 m JCA Leaders m

Officers President: SAMUEL G. KAPLAN Assistant Secretary: ADRIENNE MANDEL 1st Vice President: SHELDON GROSBERG Treasurer: JEFFREY LIPSON 2nd Vice President: KENNETH SIMONSON Assistant Treasurer: LINDA ROSENZWEIG 3rd Vice President: NATALIE CANTOR Parliamentarian: NANCY FIEDELMAN Secretary: MARVIN ROSENBERG Members-At-Large: HOWARD GLECKMAN and MARION KRISTAL GOLDBERG m Directors, Trustees & Life Members Toby Alterman Lynne Filderman Bess Lavine Susan Berla Perry Philip Baker Susan Finkelstein Edward R. Levin Irma Poretsky Ira Bartfield Richard Galen Peter J. Levin Stephen Rockower Wayne Berman Irwin Goldbloom Sonia Atlas Levin Sherry Rodman David Brooks Norman Goldstein Gerald Levine Irving Shapiro Fredric Cantor Daniel Hodin Laurence Levitan Jimmie Shapiro Kamal Cohen Thomas Holtz Jeffrey Linder Rabbi Matthew Simon Sherman Cohn Amy Kales James McMann Kitty Strauss Myrna Cooperstein Karen Keats Laurel Barron David Weinberg Frank Dye Joan Jolles Kline Mendelsohn Adele Winters Debra Korth Susan Miller Kathleen Wiseman Lynn Friss Feinberg Sidney Kramer Barry Nudelman m Past Presidents George Hurwitz* Samuel Gorlitz* Sylvia Raphael Elaine Kotell Binder Julius Sankin* William H. Goldwater* Win Greenwald Richard Dine Rosalie B. Gerber* Irvin A. “Bud” Lavine Sally M. Herman Ed Bonder Saul I. Stern* Lawrence L. Levin Judith S. Ball Linda Kaplan Sidney Z. Mensh* Stella M. Bernstein Michael Goldberg Barbara “Bobbe” Mintz

* of blessed memory

21 m The Productive Aging Award and Humanitarian Award m

The Productive Aging Award depicts a tree of life, and the Humanitarian Award depicts a hand holding a globe. Both are sculptures in glass, and local artist Steve Resnick designed them especially for the Jewish Council for the Aging. Steve has been working in glass since the 1960s. After both undergraduate and graduate studies at Cornell, he stayed on to teach techniques of stained glass. Steve arrived in the Washington, D.C. area in 1976, establishing one of the most successful art glass studios in the region and then producing countless commissions of stained, etched and carved glass for residential and commercial use. Steve is a leading authority on glass restoration and has been called upon to participate in restoration projects for the Smithsonian Institution as well as the U.S. Capitol. Borrowing on his experience in stone sculpture, his glass carving is characterized by its wonderful textual quality utilizing intricate organic motifs. Steve developed a magnificent collection of glass Judaica which can be seen in galleries throughout the United States. His work has been featured in a number of distinguished museums including B’nai B’rith Klutznick Museum, Washington, D.C.; Baltimore Museum of Art; Fort Lauderdale Museum of Art; American Craft Museum, New York; and the Hebrew Union College Museum, New York. Resnick sculptures have been presented to dignitaries worldwide including Shimon Peres, Jean Kirkpatrick, President and Mrs. , Vice President Al Gore, Elie Wiesel, Queen Noor of Jordan, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

22 m Thank You m

We thank these dedicated and caring friends for their time and energies in creating an evening to remember. We could not have done it without them! m Dinner Committee Chairs Arlene & Robert Kogod, Honorary Chairs Susan Finkelstein & Linda Rosenzweig, Co-Chairs Dinner Supporters & Committee Members Judith S. Ball Debra Korth Sandy Bieber & The Hon. Sidney Kramer Linda Rosenzweig Marian & Gary Krauthamer Elaine & Richard Binder Ineke & Peter Kreeger Sherman Cohn Karen & Jeffrey A. Lipson Congressional Bank The Hon. Adrienne Mandel Susan & Jay Finkelstein Susan J. & Alan Miller * Marion & Michael Goldberg Barbara “Bobbe” & Herb Mintz Donald Graham & Amanda Bennett Irma Poretsky Betty Greenberg Sylvia & Coleman Raphael Win & Jerry Greenwald Jan Solomon & Ken Simonson Sally & Stephen Herman The David S. Stone Foundation, Inc. Leslie & Samuel Kaplan Kathie & David Weinberg * of blessed memory

23 m Thank You m

The Jewish Council for the Aging thanks all those who helped to make this event possible.

The American University Jewish Historical Society Music Program of Greater Washington Jack Berezny Lorrie LeSchack Harriet Shapiro Block Harvey Levine – Photographer Bonnie Clausen Tina Lunson CPS Gumpert Sarna Marcus Carol Croll MJ Valet Susan Finkelstein Lauren & Howard Munves David Gamse Occasions Caterers Joanne Goldstein PreCon Events Dina & Jess Gordon Linda Rosenzweig Jessica & Scott Gordon Keh-Ay Shyu Donald Graham Richard Stanley Gratzer Graphics LLC Washington Hebrew Congregation Ellen Greenberg Richard Zung Elinor Ginzler & Walter Gross HBO

24 Sponsors m Diamond Sponsors m



m Leslie & Samuel Kaplan

m Kathie & David Weinberg

26 m Ruby Sponsors m

Amanda Bennett & Donald E. Graham m Arlene & Robert Kogod m Barbara “Bobbe” & Herb Mintz m Irma Poretsky m The David Stone Foundation, Inc.

27 m Sapphire Sponsors m

Carol & Gary Berman m Elaine & Richard Binder m Sherman Cohn m Michael Goldberg m Win and Gerald Greenwald m The Honorable Sidney Kramer m Susan & Alan Miller m Sylvia & Coleman Raphael

28 m Gold Sponsors m

Judith S. Ball

Sandy Bieber & Linda Rosenzweig

Congressional Bank

Family & Nursing Care

Susan & Jay Finkelstein

Sally & Stephen Herman

Karen & Robert Keats

Keightley & Ashner LLP

Marian & Gary Krauthamer

Ineke & Peter Kreeger

Karen & Jeffrey Lipson

Jan Solomon & Kenneth Simonson

29 m Silver Sponsors m

Frances & Leonard Burka Dr. Edward & Mildred Cafritz Foundation, Inc. Jane & Fred Cantor Natalie & Barry Cantor Samuel L. Chaitovitz Joy & S. Robert Cohen Joanne & Frank Crantz Edward Sagel Funeral Direction Marion & Daniel Goldberg Margaret & Irwin Goldbloom Joanne & Norman Goldstein Sylvia Greenberg Judy & Sheldon Grosberg Lawrence C. Nussdorf Joan & Marvin Rosenberg Margo Smith & Gerald Levine

30 Ads & Well Wishes m Mazel Tov, Sid m You’re a Real Gentleman with Multiple Talents Hugs, Stella & Paul Bernstein

Congratulations Barry M. Nudelman Bulman, Dunie, Burke & Feld 4610 Elm Street Bethesda, Maryland 20815 301-656-1177 For over 73 years the law firm of Bulman, Dunie, Burke and Feld has brought growth and innovation to the practice of law. A professional example of “Productive Aging”. Providing for lifetime needs while planning for your family’s future.©

Donate your vehicle and support three agencies.

• jewish Foundation for group Homes • jewish community center of greater washington • jewish council for the aging


What will you pass down to future generations?

Your support of JCA through a will, insurance policy or other planned giving instrument could enable us to provide companionship and caregiver support, transportation, new jobs, intergenerational activities and more for generations to come.

We are proud to be a pioneer member of the Create A Jewish Legacy Campaign, which not only supports those in need but also builds a network to inspire a love of Jewish life and culture.

Please e-mail or call us at 301.255.4231 or 703.652.1511 for information or to arrange a donation. gratefully acknowledges gifts from Iona Senior Services, and Marky and Martin "Bo" Kirsch m

Congratulations to JCA’s honorees: Sally Quinn, Productive Aging Award Hon. Sidney Kramer, Humantiarian Award

Since 1968 Home Care

Wellness Education Charitable Foundation 301.588.8200 Readers’ Pick, “Best Home Nursing Provider”

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Formerly CPS Gumpert The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington and the United Jewish Endowment Fund

are proud to join the Jewish Council for the Aging in honoring Sally Quinn & The Honorable Sidney Kramer

The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington is a proud supporter of the excellent programs and services provided by the Jewish Council for the Aging. Todah Rabah for all that you do!

Liza Levy Steven A. Rakitt President Executive Vice President & CEO

Get Involved Volunteer United Jewish Endowment Fund Donate Join Us!

JSSA Salutes The Jewish Council for the Aging

JSSA Congratulates: Ms. Sally Quinn Productive Aging Awards Dinner Honoree & The Honorable Sidney Kramer Recipient of the 2014 Humanitarian Award

View our programs and services for seniors at

Jewish Social Service Agency For the best in child, family and senior services...Think JSSA 301.838.4200 • 703.204.9100 • [email protected]

Claims Conference e Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany ® In honor of our dad and Poppi, Sidney Kramer, with love and admiration for being our role model alongside your beautiful Betty Mae, and teaching us the importance of putting heart, soul, time and commitment in service to community. Mazel tov on being presented this special honor by JCA.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo, Your children, grandchildren, and great-grandmunchkins Anthony Tossounian

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Tel: 301-881-8200 Fax: 301-468-6763

[email protected] JCA thanks the American University Music program (Nancy J. Snider, Director) for the wonderful String Quartet music provided during tonight’s Sylvia Blajwas Productive Aging Award Dinner. JCA thanks you for joining us this evening!

We greatly appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you again next year.

m Drive Safely m

m Thank You m

49 m JCA Programs m

m Get answers m Senior HelpLine and HomeCare Resource Center JCA can help you find the senior services you need — housing, home care, recreation and more! Visit to search our huge database of public and private resources in the National Capital Region, download dozens of free publications, and secure expert advice through our “Aging Q&A.” Or contact us by phone or email. Most advice is free. In addition and at low cost, you can put our experts to work for you. We can provide in-depth, one-on-one consultations that ease the minds and hearts of local and long-distance caregivers while maximizing the well- being and independence of each senior and family in need. 301.255.4200 or 703.425.0999 • [email protected]

Speakers Bureau Contact us for ideas and information about expos and workshops on aging well. 301.255.4200 or 703.425.0999 • [email protected]

m Learn and grow m JCA University Skilled instructors help seniors, family caregivers, and aging services professionals. Courses vary widely. We help older adults prepare themselves for an effective job search and learn computer skills. We train bus drivers on the safety and customer service needs of older or disabled passengers. We help families learn practical caregiving techniques. When JCA itself doesn’t provide the training you need, we help identify organizations that do. 301.255.4200 or 703.425.0999 • [email protected]

50 m Embrace technology m SeniorTech Computer Training Students age 50+ learn computer basics, word processing, email, graphics design and more at JCA SeniorTech Computer Training Centers throughout the metro area. Contact us for course listings or view our catalog on the Publications page of 240.395.0916 or 703.652.1512 • [email protected]

m Land a job m The Career Gateway! This innovative program helps jobseekers age 50+ land a job. It offers intensive training, take-home materials, a long-term mentor and individual attention. 301.255.4200 or 703.425.0999 • [email protected]

Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) Public grants enable JCA SCSEP to provide on-the-job training for low- income men and women age 55 and older who live in Montgomery or Frederick counties. Trainees receive minimum wage while working at charities and government agencies. They build their skills and resumes while delivering valuable community service. 240.395.0918 • [email protected]

Montgomery Works JCA is the older worker expert at the Montgomery Works’ One-Stop Employment Center at the Westfield Wheaton Shopping Center. Seniors can learn about SCSEP eligibility requirements and discover other resources to help them with their job search. 301.946.1806 • [email protected]

51 50+ Employment Expo Thousands of senior jobseekers network with area employers and learn new strategies at this annual event. Registration, workshops and activities are free to all attendees. Details are posted at 301.255.4209 • [email protected]

m Shatter stereotypes m Heyman Interages® Center More than 800 adults and children participate in Interages’ intergenerational programs throughout Montgomery County. Some serve as volunteer tutors and mentors. Others build bridges and learn from one another through focused discussions and creative activities. Programs include Grandreaders, a literacy program for children in Head Start and second grade; Intergenerational Bridges, which pairs older mentors with immigrant children who participate in ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) training; and Project SHARE, which links children of all ages to participants in senior facilities. The Intergenerational Resource Center helps professionals and organizations learn from Interages’ success. 301.949.3551 • [email protected]

Productive Aging Award Dinner Each spring, the JCA Productive Aging Award Dinner blasts limiting stereotypes of aging Americans as it raises awareness about their abilities and passions. Past awardees include Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Doris Kearns Goodwin & Richard Goodwin, Cokie and Steven V. Roberts, Phyllis Richman, Mike Wallace, Jerry Stiller, Anne Meara, and Daniel Schorr. Event proceeds help support JCA services year-round. 301.255.4231 or 703.652.1511 • [email protected]

52 m Get around m Connect-A-Ride JCA’s free information and referral service helps seniors and disabled adults of all ages find the transportation they need. Certified Information & Mobility Specialists can help with schedules, benefits and eligibility requirements in the jurisdictions listed below. Montgomery County: 301.738.3252 • Arlington and Fairfax Counties; Alexandria, Fairfax and Falls Church cities: 703.323.6494 • [email protected]

Ride Smart Workshops In small groups, older adults learn to use public transportation options and otherwise navigate the National Capital Region. 301.738.3252 or 703.323.6494 • [email protected]

Door-to-Door Buses Groups can rent our handicap-accessible buses, most seating 18-20 passengers, for trips throughout the metro D.C. area. In addition, many buses run regular routes, taking seniors to the JCA Misler Adult Day Center, the grocery store and other essential destinations. All JCA drivers have commercial drivers’ licenses and are specially trained to meet seniors’ needs. 301.468.6280 or 703.652.1510 • [email protected]

53 m Find a helping hand m Misler Adult Day Center The Misler Center in Rockville offers activities, nursing and social work services as well as nutritious kosher meals to older adults with physical, cognitive or emotional challenges. You’ll find music, exercise, field trips, games, stimulating discussion — all in a supportive and enriched environment, which operates on weekdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., with extended hours available. Transportation and financial assistance are available, too. 301.468.1740 • [email protected]

Gorlitz Social Day Program—Kensington Club The Kensington Club offers activities, camaraderie and coping skills for people in the early stages of diagnosed memory loss. Participants enjoy stimulating cognitive and physical programs, morning coffee and lunch. Caregivers receive respite and support. 301.255.4204 • [email protected]

Caregiver Support Groups Trained staff facilitate support groups so family caregivers can share their experiences in caring for older loved ones and learn from each other. Early- stage dementia support groups are also available. Participation is free. 301.468.1740 • [email protected]

54 m Become a volunteer m Volunteers serve as officers and directors of the JCA Board. They teach classes at the JCA SeniorTech Computer Training Centers, mentor children learning English, and help at the Misler Adult Day Center and Kensington Club. They serve as computer-savvy data specialists for the Senior HelpLine. And many — men and women of all ages — work as “special agents,” writing press releases and articles for publication, taking photographs, conducting workshops on aging topics, and more. We also welcome college interns. Contact us to learn more! 301.255.4203 or 703.425.0999 •[email protected]

m Make a gift m Donate cash, securities, goods or services. Arrange a legacy tribute. Attend the JCA Productive Aging Award Dinner. Gifts are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Extraordinary naming opportunities are available. 301.255.4231 or 703.652.1511 • [email protected]

Donate a computer or computer equipment. Contact us for information about the equipment we need. 240.395.0916 or 703.652.1512 • [email protected]

Donate a car, truck or van. JCA welcomes the donation of vehicles through Car-J, a collaborative program of three Jewish agencies. Together, we make donating easy! 301.255.4231 or 703.652.1511 • [email protected]

55 Jewish Council for the Aging® 301.255.4200 • 703.425.0999 •

______Jewish Council for the Aging® 301.255.4200 • 703.425.0999 •

______Jewish Council for the Aging® 301.255.4200 • 703.425.0999 •

______award-winning print design web design logo design Our stores to help shelter animals: • • We join JCA in grateful recognition of tonight’s accomplished honorees.


onight is a celebration of two remarkable people in our Washington Tcommunity – Ms. Sally Quinn, recipient of the 2014 JCA Productive Aging Award, for her long career of inspirational communications as an author, journalist, and television commentator; and The Honorable Sidney Kramer, recipient of the 2014 Humanitarian Award, for his dedication to public service as Maryland State Senator, Montgomery County Councilmember and County Executive. They have made this world a richer place by sharing their talents in our community and the broader world.

The Garden of Remembrance believes in the importance of supporting our community’s aging population, and as always, is pleased to stand by JCA in all it does to promote positive aging by offering many invaluable resources. We wish JCA our best for a successful evening and many more to come!

The Garden of Remembrance 14 Years of Caring Service and Dedicated Support to the Jewish Community of Greater Washington.

(301) 428-3000 |