SUBJECT COURSE OFFICIAL COURSE CREDITS COURSE DESCRIPTION TYPE ATTR TITLE DESCRIPTION Sound : Post- 3 cr. This course builds upon the sound literacy developed in Fundamentals in . This course Lecture Offered spring only Production and Delivery introduces advanced techniques and methods for audio post-production, theater sound design, film sound design, interactive sound design, and broadcast post-production. The course will focus on advancing skills in DMA 225 audio production, editing, mixing, mastering, and delivery. This course intends to give you increased access to the artistry of designing sound. This course is a project focused course that includes the workflows, resource management into the work of a professional sound .

Interactive Media and 3 cr. Investigation of foundational elements and principles of Human factors, Human-Computer Interaction, and Lecture Design New media theory. Through hands-on projects (e.g., interfaces - apps, websites, auto dashboard displays, DMA 226 smartwatches), students learn the importance of these foundations to designing interactive products. Students learn various design approaches such as human-center design and activity-centered design.

Interactive Design Studio 3 cr. Course emphasizes research and , data analytics, and usability in designing a range of Lecture Offered fall only (Methods) interactive experiences that include, web and mobile design, locative media, wearable electronics, DMA 308 augmented reality and the Internet of Things. Students learn how methods such as ethnography, questionnaires, online studies, observation, and usability are integral to the interactive lifecycle. Interactive Design Studio 3 cr. Course provides students with intermediate- opportunities to explore the complete cycle; Lecture Offered spring only (Process) user research and analysis, ideation; prototyping, testing. Strategic industry-focused design projects help DMA 318 students gain proficiency in more advanced design approaches and project management.

Web and Mobile Design 3 cr. Students use principles of visual and to create high-fidelity web and mobile application Lecture Offered fall only prototypes. The course covers wireframing, layout, , responsive media and design, animation, DMA 331 mobile-first design, frameworks. Students practice skills and principles needed to create front-end web and application . I 3 cr. This courses explores basic photographic concepts, including the effect of apertures and shutter speeds on Lecture Offered fall only DMA 333 exposure, depth of field, optics, including focal length and magnification, lighting techniques, using flash as fill, three-light setups and composition. Web Development Tools 3 cr. Students will use professional development tools, such as Dreamweaver, that relieve web developers from Lecture Offered irregularly having to know in-depth programming languages in order to develop sophisticated database-driven DMA 345 websites. Students learn techniques for consistent page design, site management, interactive elements, and dynamic content. Visual Design and Layout 3 cr. This studio course teaches students how to display complex information clearly and beautifully. Students Lecture Offered fall only DMA 402 will learn how to organize type, images, and raw data into communications.

Graphic Design Process 3 cr. After a foundation in the process, students will utilize vector graphic software, such as Lecture Offered fall only DMA 405 Illustrator and inDesign to create elaborate new media content. Prerequisite: (Before 2018) JMA 260; (2018 and later) MDIA 260. Digital Imaging for 3 cr. Methodologies and techniques for using both traditional photography and the computer in creating and Lecture Offered irregularly manipulating digital imagery. Students in this very hands on course will explore a variety of creative techniques for producing, editing, and altering images using computer software and digital tools.Emphasis DMA 430 will be on using photoshop as a tool in the process of image creation, manipulation and enhancement for visual expression and communication. This course emphasizes the aesthetic, technical and conceptual practices of image making. Technical, historical, and conceptual issues will be addressed through lectures, demonstrations, exercises, projects and readings.

Photography II 3 cr. This course is aimed at enthusiastic photographers who wish to take control of Digital Image making and Lecture Offered fall only with basic photo skills interested in mastering digital imaging. In this class, students will use digital cameras and computer software to create original works of art. Students will be introduced to the following three areas: (1)Digital imaging technology (cameras and editing software), (2) Photo composition and lighting, and (3) Printing and electronic distribution. This course will encourage you to shoot RAW images and seek to DMA 432 enhance your Digital workflow system using popular software and digital imaging techniques. Previous experience with Photoshop or other digital image manipulation tools is required. Students are encouraged to develop various forms of composition such as photography for science, art or publication. Prerequisite: (Before 2018) JMA 430; (2018 and later) DMA 430.

Professional Development 3 cr. Explores key issues in making a living as a multimedia professional. Students learn about the management of Lecture Offered spring only and Project Management assets, time and team relationships through practical exercises. Topics include accounting practices, DMA 440 marketing and self promotion, preparing resumes, costing, proposal writing and the production pipeline.

Elements of the User 3 cr. Course provides students a comprehensive overview of UX design and advanced-level opportunities to Lecture Offered spring only DMA 462 Experience (UX) Design explore the complete design lifecycle. Through authentic projects, students learn about UX designer roles and responsibilities and build collaboration and project management skills.

Human Computer 3 cr. Human-computer interaction (HCI) is the study of how people use computing devices and systems, and how Lecture Offered spring only Interaction (HCI) devices and systems can be made more useful and usable. of an interactive product (e.g., apps, games, websites, interfaces) test and measure the product’s effectiveness to ensure it is useful and usable. In DMA 464 this course, students create “real” projects. They learn foundations of HCI and apply them in designing, evaluating, and refining those projects. They use usability testing, measurement, and data analytics to help them improve their designs, making the useful and usable.

Development Studio I 3 cr. The course has a creative coding focus. It explores prototype development and implications for Lecture Offered spring only (Creative Coding) implementing interactive designs. Students examine popular frameworks for design and interactivity. DMA 472 Students use scripting languages (JavaScript) to develop interactive content. The course introduces fundamental programming concepts: variables, calculations, functions, looping, decisions, validation, and array and class structures. Development Studio II 3 cr. The course has a creative coding focus. It examines cross-channel approaches to interactive design and Lecture Offered fall only (Cross-Channel explores how interactive applications rely upon a database to store and retrieve data, which in turn DMA 475 Experiences) produces dynamic content. Students build websites that use embedded SQL to add, edit, and delete content from a site. This course covers database , queries, and N-Tier .

Server Side Scripting I 3 cr. Students focus on the development of dynamic websites. Students will build sites with Lecture Offered fall only database connectivity providing data storage and content management functionality. DMA 477 Concepts include data connections, sessions, validation, and use of techniques used to make a web site. Pre-requisite: (Before 2018) JMA 475; (2018 and later) DMA 475. Media Project 3 cr. This team-based integration course serves as a nexus for the production and dissemination of projects in a Lecture Offered fall only Management wide variety of Duquesne Media courses, including those in multiplatform journalism, public relations, DMA 484 and sports media. Students will learn how to work with clients in project assessment, planning and production. Enrollment is permission of instructor/Chair. Client Side Scripting II 3 cr. (Equivalent to JMA 448) Students will examine languages like XML and explore additional APIs to transport, Lecture Offered irregularly DMA 486 transform , and present data in environments such as JavaScript. Pre-requisite: (Before 2018) JMA 472; (2018 and later) DMA 472. Server Side Scripting II 3 cr. Students focus on advanced topics for server side development, furthering the concepts of Server Side Lecture Offered spring only DMA 495 Scripting I and exploring additional server side platforms and N-Tier development techniques. Pre-requisite: (Before 2018) JMA 475; (2018 and later) DMA 475.