IGNITE TEEN HANDOUT Week 15: February 9, 2020


John’s gospel delves into the

to manifest God’s glory through the transforming power of faith

A symbol is a mark, sign, word, image, person, place, and/or event that indicates, signifies, or is understood as representing an idea, object, or relationship. Symbols allow people to go beyond what is known or seen by creating linkages between otherwise very different concepts and experiences.

Theological Reflection

Linking faith with life

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Key ideas for this week

Things to know about Gospels Gospel – “the good news” of the revelation of God in A gospel is an account describing the life, and through Christ, proclaimed initially by him, then death, and of by the Apostles, and now by the Church (CYB p. 1848) Nazareth in order to communicate the

‘Good News” the revelation of God’s love Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (CYB p. 1847)

in and through Jesus Christ, proclaimed

Narrative gospel - A narrative is a report of related initially by Christ, then by the Apostles, events presented to the listeners or readers in words and now by the Church

arranged in a logical sequence. The focus of a A Gospel is NOT a biography in the narrative gospel is the life, death and resurrection of modern sense of this word; a gospel is a Jesus of Nazareth. Matthew Mark and Luke are all testimony of faith – an account of how a narrative gospels. person or community of persons Non-canonical gospel – gospels written but not experienced Jesus as the Son of God in included in the New Testament. After much discussion their lives.

and debate the Church leadership ultimately decided The Gospel according to John is quite what would be included and what would not be different in character from the synoptic included. Many of these writings are still available to us gospels. under the name of apocryphal gospels.

a. It is highly literary and symbolic Signs gospel – A collection of observable signs and b. It does not follow the same order or Wonders (symbolic actions) carried out by Jesus that reproduce the same stories as the the evangelist presents to the listeners or readers as synoptic gospels. evidence of God’s saving meant to bring believers to c. it is the product of a developed faith. theological reflection and grows out of

a different circle and tradition. Sayings gospel – a collection of the sayings of Jesus.

Scholars believe the ‘Q’ source was a sayings gospel. John’s Gospel is known as a signs

Synoptic gospels – The gospels of Matthew, Mark gospel.

and Luke - these gospels can be "seen" or "read Unique elements in the Gospel of John together," because of the many parallels that exist a. John presents no parables and among the three. relatively few stories of healings

b. John presents eight signs to show Oral Tradition – the collection of the stories and Jesus' divinity beginning with the teachings of Jesus handed on to us by eyewitnesses changing of water to wine at Cana and through word of mouth. As time went on, the Apostles and ending with the greatest of the signs – other eyewitnesses to the saving acts of Jesus were his death and resurrection dying. People realized it was important to have a written c. John presents seven "I AM" record of the oral tradition. The written record became the Gospels as we know them. sayings in which Jesus declares

his divinity and that he is the The “Q” source - scholars have identified that Matthew Messiah and Luke shared another source in addition to the Gospel of Mark. They call this source “Q” taken from the German word Quelle, meaning "source"

God, today we lift up those who are fighting disease, whether in mind or body. When they want to give up, give them fresh strength and courage. Comfort them in times of pain, give them peace in times of fear and bless them with your healing touch. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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GOSPEL Instructions 1. Complete this quiz as a group CHALLENGE 2. You can use your Bible and your Teen Handouts from prior sessions 3. The group with the most correct answers wins

1. The four evangelists in the New Testament are ______

2. The word synoptic means a. Exactly alike c. Can be "seen" or "read together," e. Both b and c b. Similar d. Limited in scope f. None of the above

3. The handing on of the accounts and teachings of Jesus by eyewitnesses through word of mouth is referred to as the ______.

4. The first gospel to be written was ______.

5. The last gospel to be written was ______.

6. An ______is anyone who actively works to spread the Gospel of Jesus.

7. The synoptic gospel which contains the most original material is ______.

8. According to the article The Four Faces of Jesus which evangelist portrays Jesus as a Teacher? ______

9. Which evangelist portrays Jesus as harried, hurried and human? ______

10. Which of the synoptic evangelist writes to a Jewish audience? ______

11. The evangelist who portrays Jesus as noble, majestic and divine is ______

12. Scholars have identified that Matthew and Luke shared another source in addition to the Gospel of Mark they refer to as ______

13. Which of the following statements is FALSE a. A gospel is an account describing the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth b. A gospel is a biography in the modern sense c. A gospel is a testimony of faith d. A gospel is the revelation of God’s love in and through Jesus Christ, proclaimed initially by Christ, then by the Apostles, and now by the Church

14. Which of the following are reasons given for why we have four gospels a. To give a more complete picture of Christ b. Each evangelist was aware of those facets of Jesus’ personality, teachings and deeds that would draw his community into deeper faith c. Having more than one account allows us to objectively verify the truthfulness of their accounts 15. The only gospel in which the story of Judas’ suicide is recorded is ______

16. Which of the synoptic gospels does NOT begin with the story of Jesus’ birth? ______

17. The Gospel of ______emphasizes Jesus’ healing ministry.

18. The changing of water to wine at the wedding of Cana is only recorded in ______gospel.

BONUS QUESTION: What does the name Theophilus mean? ______

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Symbolic Events

John 5: 1-9 Cure of the Lame Man

What is the Sheep Gate?

What is near the Sheep Gate?

What does the lame man want from Jesus?

What did Jesus do for this man?

Now let’s look at the symbolic meaning of the story

Who does the lame man represent? What is Jesus willing to do for us? What do we have to do? Who does Jesus represent in this story? Keep thinking about Jesus as a gate, a point of access – What else might Jesus be the point of access for in our lives?

The thing I liked best about this week was ______

______This week I learned______I wish I knew more

about ______Before our next session I will ______

______to put my faith into action. ______This week I was most inspired by ______because______


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