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Taste of Opinion In the kitchen with Av de gamle kan vi i høyden ta On the Edge with “Outside Oslo” advarsel; av de unge kan vi author Eric Dregni ta eksempel. Read more on page 6 Read more on page 8 – Helge Krog Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 123 No. 11 March 16, 2012 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy Norway.com News Find more at www.norway.com High hopes for job market News Authorities say a container ship Prime Minister ran aground off Norway’s south- western coast March 9, leaving a film of oil in the surrounding waters. Rescue service spokes- expects 70,000 man Nils-Ole Sunde said all more jobs in 14 crewmembers, from Russia, Ukraine and the Philippines, Norway in next were unharmed. It was not im- mediately clear what caused two years the 400-foot long Celina to hit the ground near the town of Måløya, some 170 miles north Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d of Bergen. Managing Editor (blog.norway.com/category/ news) As government ministers, par- Research liamentary leaders, fiscal policy advocates and policy advisors ar- On April 26 and 27, Norway’s rived at the Thorbjørnrud Hotel in Statkraft will host the third Jevnaker, north of Oslo, on March Osmosis Membrane Summit 11 for the 2013 national budget in Barcelona, Spain. This is a follow-up to the Summit at conference, there was much to be the AMTA conference in San happy about. Norway's low unem- Diego in July 2010. The 3rd Photo: SMK / Office of the Prime Minister Osmosis Membrane Summit See > growth, page 6 Budget conference members gathered at Thorbjørnrud Hotel in Jevnaker for a two-day meeting about the 2013 budget. will allow attendees to gain the most recent knowledge forward osmosis and pressure retarded osmosis. The attendees will also Rosemaling for all Calling all folk artists! learn about the current status of research and commercialization Joan and Thor Dahl share their love of Artists invited to efforts of these exciting new technologies. Norway’s energy Norwegian folk art with the world enter Vesterheim provider Statkraft is a global leader in the development of exhibition osmotic power. (blog.norway.com/category/re- e s t e r h e i m u s e u m search) V M Decorah, Iowa

Vesterheim Norwegian-Amer- What’s inside? ican Museum invites artists to en- News 2-3 ter their pieces in the museum’s Business 4 annual National Exhibition of Folk Research & Education 5 Art in the Norwegian Tradition. Opinion 6-7 Photo: Vesterheim See > vesterheim, page 6 Kolsoring by Judy Ritger. Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Photos courtesy of Joan and Thor Dahl Roots & Connections 10 Joan’s rosemaling classes are popular in Korea, where students say the Norwe- Hat trick by Berger Obituaries & Religion 11 gian folk art is similar to their script for written Korean. Arts & Style 12 Tora Berger wins In Your Neighborhood 13 Ke l s e y La r s o n three golds in Norwegian Heritage 14 Copy Editor Ruhpolding Sports 15 The first time Joan Dahl was House. “As a thank you for my exposed to rosemaling while in gift, I was invited to a White House NRK $1 = NOK 5.6892 Norway, the art did not appeal to Christmas party with my husband. updated 3/12/2012 her. Which is surprising, consider- It was a huge honor and a fantastic Norway’s Tora Berger won ing she is now one of the foremost experience to be able to attend the the Biathlon World Championships In comparison rosemaling artists in the country, lovely party as well as seeing many 15km individual race at Ruhpold- 2/12/2012 5.7431 and in 2004 was even invited to of the treasures this famous build- ing, Germany on March 11, the fi- 9/12/2011 5.6293 decorate a miniature piano as a 3/12/2011 5.5974 Christmas decoration for the White See > folk art, page 13 See > Berger, page 15 Photo: smakenavnorge.blogspot.com 2 • March 16, 2012 norwegian aMerican weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter en verdens- Svak nedgang i antall asylsøkere Mette-Marit åpnet I februar søkte 621 personer om asyl her i landet, en nedgang på 4 prosent fra samme sensasjon måned i fjor. Somaliere utgjør den største gruppen. Til nå i år har det kommet 1.398 nytt kvinnesenter asylsøkere til Norge, viser tallene fra Ut- Astrofysiker mener lendingsdirektoratet (UDI). I februar kom meteor-steinen som det 159 asylsøkere fra Somalia, en økning Kronprinsessen har på 16 prosent fra februar 2011. Så fulgte per- selv vært med på krasjet gjennom taket soner fra Afghanistan (60) og Eritrea (45). Tallet på søkere fra Eritrea er nær halvert på å starte opp Røde på en hytte i Oslo er en ett år. Blant enslige mindreårige asylsøkere verdenssensasjon. er det flest afghanere. De 31 utgjør om lag Kors’ nye senter for halvparten av denne gruppa. I løpet av årets minoritetskvinner. to første måneder kom 75 hviterussiske asyl- NRK søkere til Norge. På samme tid i fjor var det kommet én person. Politiets utlendingsenhet – Noe slikt har, så vidt meg bekjent, NRK bare skjedd en gang i verden siden sist det og UDI mener at denne gruppen hovedsake- Foto: Kongehuset / Steve Benisty lig kommer for å utnytte ordningen med skjedde i Norge i 2006, så dette er en verden- Stella kvinnesenter åpnet dørene 1. feb- frivillig retur. UDI har derfor besluttet å snyhet, sier astrofysiker Knut Jørgen Røed ruar og siden da har nærmere 100 kvinner – Jeg har selv mange ganger hatt lyst til midlertidig stoppe returstøtte til hviterussere Ødegaard til NRK. vært innom dørene i senteret som ligger midt å få lære mer om kvinner som kommer fra som søker asyl og om frivillig retur. De Det var familien Thomassen, som eier i Oslo sentrum. andre steder og som har en annen kulturell kan imidlertid fortsatt få bistand med selve hytta, som oppdaget meteoritten da de var Her får de muligheten til å få hjelp fra bakgrunn enn det jeg har, sier kronprinsessen hjemreisen. innom for å sjekke at alt stod bra til, skriver rundt 100 frivillige og veiledere med alt fra som lover at hun vil komme tilbake på besøk (NTB) VG. jobbsøking, lån av datamaskin og ulike kurs. jevnlig. – Vi tenkte ikke så mye på dette før vi Hver kvinne får sin egen veileder som Hun mener senteret kan være viktig Dansker reagerer på Tines ønske om økt fikk vite hva det var, forteller Johnny Thom- følger dem opp underveis, eller de kan bare for å gi kvinner en mulighet til å bruke res- ostetoll assen. ta seg en lunsj i sofakroken med sine med- sursene og evnene sine. Det danske bondelaget reagerer kraftig på Steinen er på størrelse med en snøball søstre. – Vi har så mange flotte kvinner som bor at Tine har tatt til orde for å øke tollen på og er like tung som en vanlig stein. I Norge Planleggingen av senteret startet i 2008, i Norge, og spesielt her i Oslo som vi ikke utenlandske faste hvitoster. Til tross for at er det registrert bare 14 meteorittfunn siden og etter hvert fikk også senteret kongelig bruker ressursene til. Det blir nødvendig for Tine gjør seg stadig fetere på salg av fastost, 1848, siste gang i Moss i 2006. Steinen vek- hjelp fra kronprinsesse Mette-Marit. samfunnet og norske bedrifter spesielt å se ønsker meieriforetaket at Jarlsberg og Nor- ker stor interesse og kan være mye verdt. I dag var kronprinsessen på besøk for å på dette, sier Mette-Marit. vegia skal beskyttes på det norske markedet, – Denne steinen kommer nok fra et skriver Aftenposten. Salget av Norvegia få en omvisning på senteret og slå av en prat Prosjektleder for Stella kvinnesenter meteorittfall som var synlig over hele Sør- økte med 10,3 prosent og Jarlsberg med med brukerne og de frivillige. Marianne Bockelie sier senteret skal være et Norge. Det er kollisjoner ute i verdensrom- 14,5 prosent i fjor. Tollforslaget gjør dan- – Det har vært fantastisk å få lov til å supplement til tilbudet fra Nav og Oslo kom- met som har styrt den i retning jorden, for- skene opprørte. Dersom Tine får viljen sin jobbe i denne gruppa, sa kronprinsessen da mune. teller Ødegaard. kan det føre til at tollen på danske fastos- hun var på vei ut døra. ter tilsvarer 260 prosent, ifølge business.dk. Kronprinsessen sier hun selv har savnet English Synopsis: Stella Women’s Center, a center English Synopsis: A meteor-stone was discovered in Tines forslag rammer danske bønder spesielt et møtepunkt hvor hun kan treffe andre kvin- meant to help minority women in Oslo, opened on an Oslo cabin. It had crashecd through the roof. Ac- Feb. 1. Crown Princess Mette-Marit has supported the cording to astrophysicists, it may be a very important fordi halvparten av den importerte osten i ner og lære om andre kulturer. Norge er dansk, skriver Aftenposten. – De center since the idea for it in 2008. find. prøver på denne måten å sikre høyere priser til deres egne bønder, men det er ikke tro- verdig. De har fått større melkekvoter, men i fjor var det likevel mangel på smør. Nå regjeringskolleger prøver de på samme måte å hindre osteim- Warloe port, sier sjefkonsulent Kristian Svendsen i det danske bondelaget Landbrug & Fødeva- rer til Berlingske Nyhedsbureau. Svendsen pågrepet gratulerte Lysbakken har tatt kontakt med det norske utenriksde- partementet. Nils T. Bjørke, leder i Norsk Statsministeren og SP- Stortingsrepresentant bondelag, påpeker at saken ikke dreier seg lederen roser nyvalgt om Tine, men om at norske bønder skal (H) er klare seg uten at inntekten sakker akterut SV-leder Audun sammenlignet med andre yrkesgrupper. – siktet for oppbevaring Spørsmålet om ostetoll handler om man vil Lysbakken. opprettholde norsk landbruk og sikre norsk av narkotika. melkeproduksjon, sier han til Aftenposten. VG (NTB) VG Buss blåste av veien Tradisjonen tro stilte regjeringsmedle- Warloe nekter ethvert kjennskap til Ingen ble alvorlig skadet etter at en buss mmene i fritidsklær, de fleste i strikkegensere narkotikaen, men erkjenner tidligere bruk, havnet i grøfta i Vesterålen mandag 12. og hverdagsbukser, på budsjettkonferansen Foto: NRK / Siv Sandvik mars. Det var kraftig sidevind og mye snø melder TV 2. på Thorbjørnrud på Jevnaker. på veien. Ti personer er sendt til legevakta – Han benekter en hver kjennskap til Den nyvalgte SV-lederen Audun Lys- for sjekk etter at en buss blåste av veien ved forholdet i denne saken. Han hadde vært bakken kom til konferansen, selv om han nå ut fra de fleste andre europeiske landene: kirka på Mehøgda i Bø i Vesterålen. Det var bortreist i flere dager da han ble kontaktet er ute av regjeringen. Det står bra til i norsk økonomi, mens ni passasjerer i bussen, seks barn og tre vok- av politiet om å komme inn i leiligheten. Det – Jeg vil gratulere resten av Europa sliter i kjølvannet av finan- sne, foruten sjåføren. Ulykken ble meldt inn er en bekjent av ham som har hatt tilgang til som ny SV-leder, og jeg er veldig sikker på skrisen. klokken 13.50, og alle utrykningsetater kom leiligheten i perioder. Han har kunne over- at dette blir et godt samarbeid. Jeg har lært – Norge har greid seg bra. Vi har god til stedet. Det er fortsatt mye vær i fylket, og natte der og ha tingene sine der, sier Warloes Audun å kjenne gjennom årene i regjer- vekst i sysselsettingen, sa Jens Stoltenberg. før i dag har både Bjørnfjellet ved Narvik og forsvarer Erling O. Lyngtveit til VG Nett. ing, sier Jens Stoltenberg til VG Nett på en – Faktisk har vi det høyeste antall sys- Graddis ved svenskegrensen i Sverige vært Warloe ble pågrepet av politiet 9. mars. pressekonferanse ved starten av årets første selsatte noensinne, fortsatte han. stengt på timesvis. – Det er ganske normalt – Henning Warloe har frasagt seg sine budsjettkonferanse på Thorbjørnrud. Lysbakken selv, som kom i bil med sine for årstiden, det er ikke noe spesielt. Men verv. Han har gitt beskjed til Hordaland Der ble Audun Lysbakken ønsket vel- nestledere og Bård veien blir ikke åpnet før tidligst i morgen, Høyre om at han trekker seg. De har årsmøte kommen av Stoltenberg og senterpartileder Vegar Solhjell, lovet fortsatt troskap mot understreker brøytesjåføren. til helgen og de vil da velge en ny nestleder, den rødgrønne regjeringen også etter Kris- (NRK) . sier Høyre-leder til TV 2. – Jeg husker da jeg kom inn som leder, tin Halvorsens avgang. – Jeg kommer fra Warloe har tidligere vært bystyremedlem og hvor godt jeg ble tatt imot. Nå skal Audun landsmøtet med et klart mandat for et fortsatt og er nestleder i Hordaland Høyre. bli en av oss, og jeg tror det skal gå fort, sier rødgrønt regjeringssamarbeid, sa Lysbakken Navarsete. da partilederne møtte pressen. English Synopsis: Henning Warloe, a member of Da Stoltenberg møtte pressen under Parliament for the Høyreparti, was arrested for ille- English Synopsis: Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and gal drug possesion. He has resigned from all political budsjettkonferansen søndag ettermiddag, Sp leader Liv Signre Navarsete congratulated Audun positions. understreket han hvordan Norge skiller seg Lysbakken after he was elected SV’s new party leader.

Ap har ikke de endelige tallene før om et par uker, men allerede ved utgan- gen av september meldte landsstyret at det var registrert 10.000 nye medlem- mer av rundt 60.000 totalt. AUF hadde på samme tidspunkt fått ca. 3.000 nye medlemmer, et tall som nok vil være større ved årsskiftet. Høyre fikk 5.000 nye betalende medlemmer i 2011 og slo sin interne mål- setting med ett år. Venstre fikk i underkant av 1.000 nye medlemmer. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news March 16, 2012 • 3 News Another kind Breivik indicted in massacre This week on Norway.com Joint lawsuit against producers of the Meteorite found in Oslo Confessed killer “unlikely to go to prison” due H1N1 vaccine to mental health evaluations, say prosecutors Several Norwegian families with children that were diagnosed with narcolepsy after receiving the H1N1 vaccine are considering a St a ff Co m p i l a t i o n joint lawsuit. In 2009, Norwegian authorities Norwegian American Weekly recommended the vaccine, which was supposed to protect people from the swine flu. After receiving the vaccine, however, at On March 7, Anders Behring Breivik on a scale that has never previously been ex- least 45 children and youth have allegedly was indicted on terror and murder charges perienced in our country in modern times,” developed narcolepsy – a sleep disorder that in the July 22 bombing and shooting ram- the 19-page indictment read. causes excessive sleepiness and frequent page that left 77 people dead. The massacre Prosecutor Inga Bejer Engh, reading daytime sleep attacks. “Everything that has Photo: Rune Thomassen / VG is considered to be Norway's worst violence from the indictment, said 34 of the victims at happened feels so incredibly unfair. I hope The meteorite discovered in Oslo is about the since World War II. Utøya were aged between 14 and 17, 22 were the government won’t try to escape from size of a typical car keyring, but it’s made quite a Prosecutors said they consider Breivik aged between 18 and 20, six were between their responsibility,” says Vibeke Ellingsen, splash in international news. to be psychotic and will seek a sentence of 21 and 25 and seven were older than 25. She mother of 11-year-old Thea. “The authorities involuntary commitment to psychiatric care said 67 died of gunshot wounds, and two of recommended us to do what would be best VG instead of imprisonment, unless new infor- fall injuries or drowning. for our children. It didn’t turn out that way, mation about his mental health is revealed According to the Vancouver Sun, and we are not to blame as parents.” When the Thomassen family returned to during his trial, which is currently set to be- Breivik will be the first person in Norway (Norway Post) their Oslo allotment garden after the winter, gin April 16. to be prosecuted for “premeditated murder they were surprised to find a splintered hole Breivik confessed to the July 22 bomb- with the intention of seriously disrupting a Nobel Foundation rejects Peace Prize in the roof of a shed. They were even more ing and shootings, but he denies criminal function of vital importance to society or se- criticism surprised to learn that the culprit was a mete- guilt. He considers his his acts of violence riously intimidating a population.” On March 8, the Nobel Foundation, which orite that had dropped from space. as a “crusade” to prevent a Muslim coloniza- Terror charges in Norway carry a maxi- administers the prestigious prizes in line “We came up here and saw the hole in tion of Europe. mum penalty of 21 years in prison, but sen- with the will of , rejected the roof. I could not believe what had hap- The 33-year-old right-wing extremist criticism of recent choices for the Peace Prize. “Despite that many lively discussions “has committed extremely serious offenses See > Meteorite, page 5 See > Breivik, page 6 have been held on whether the chosen Peace Prize laureates fulfilled the prescribed provisions, the Foundation does not Norwegian Embassy chef wins all Changes for SV consider that the prize decisions made by the Norwegian Nobel Committee have entailed Socialist Left elects Audun any such deviation,” the Foundation said in Lysbakken party leader a statement. Swedish authorities had asked the Foundation to loowk into claims from Fredrik Heffermehl, a lawyer and author of the book “The : What Nobel Really Wanted,” that the Norwegian Nobel Committee had gone far astray from the wishes expressed in prize creator Alfred Nobel’s 1895 last will and testament. (The Local) Call for investigation of funding procedures in all ministries Photo courtesy of Royal Norwegian Embassy Following the news of breach of protocol Left to right: Cultural Officer Urd Milbury, Chef Sondre Bruvik Ellingstad, Rev. Dr. Cecilie Strømmen, in the Ministry of Children and Equality, Ambassador Wegger Chr. Strømmen, Cultural Officer Pia Dahl. there is no information to indicate that Photo: Hilde Maisey / SV other ministries haven’t followed the proper funding procedures, according to Ro y a l No r w e g i a n Em b a s s y Newly elected SV leader Audun Lysbakken gives Washington, D.C. his first speech as party leader. Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg. “It is necessary that we find out how the different ministries run their allocation politics, and Norway's Embassy chef, Sondre Bruvik food critics serves as judges throughout the No r w a y Po s t that they straighten out and go through their Ellingstad, won the Top Chef-style “secret competition. individual routines,” Hallgeir Langeland, ingredient” challenge at the annual Embassy The two-part competition began with The National Assembly of the Socialist member of the Committee for Scrutiny and Chef competition in Washington DC. More a preliminary Top Chef-style challenge, Left Party (SV) elected former Minister of Constitutional Affairs, tells NRK. than a dozen chefs from Washington, D.C. dubbed “Challenge Denmark” in honor of Children and Equality, Audun Lysbakken as (NRK) embassies, compete in this annual culinary competition. A panel of celebrity chefs and See > chef, page 7 See > Lysbakken, page 11 Enjoy Norway all year long. Keep up with Norway and the Norwegian-American community with the only Norwegian newspaper in North America! $ Subscribe – it’s easy! one year subscription: 59 Call us toll-free at $79 in Canada and $179 in Norway and all other countries (800) 305-0217 to start a new subscription

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Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • March 16, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (March 12, 2012) Winners Losers Norway’s taste of India Norsk Kr. 5.6892 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Sarita Sahjpol brings easy-to-prepare Indian ORIGIO 20.0 26.7% SpareBank 1 SMN TR 8.3 -48.5% Dansk Kr. 5.6552 Solvang 19.0 9.9% Aurskog Sparebank 18.9 -32.5% food to Norwegian kitchens and appetites Svensk Kr. 6.8081 Domstein 0.9 6.7% Birdstep Technology 1.2 -10.5% Byggma 30.0 9.0% Jason Shipping 2.3 -8.0% Canadian $ 0.9942 Dockwise 122.0 3.3% Photocure 43.7 -7.0% Euro 0.7607 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. Russ Oberg, CLTC, CLU Independent Insurance Broker Long-Term Health Care Insurance Should you consider it? Call me for honest straightforward advice. (206)362-5913

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Norwegians eat more and more Indian The well-known company Rieber & food. They like to have meals with good Søn, with more than 20 brands in 12 coun- ingredients, good taste and that are easy to tries, just acquired the young company. Rie- Enter the Norwegian American Weekly prepare. The company “Taste of India” was ber has brands with a long history stretching drawing for your chance to win tickets started ten years ago by Indian-born Sarita back almost 200 years and strong positions in to the highly acclaimed Ibsen Festival! Sahjpol. She started the operation at the both the Nordic region and Central Europe. kitchen table. The concept was to deliver In- A fully stocked grocery store in Norway has Send an email to [email protected] dian ready meals to stores in Norway. Later around 500 different products from the com- with subject line “Ibsen Festival” and the operation moved to a former bakery in pany and about 300 in the Czech Republic. we will enter you in the drawing! Win- Learn more about the Ibsen Festival Kristiansand. Today, she leads the com- Rieber is after young consumers. Young ners will be chosen at random on April at www.ibsenfest.org pany with her brother Raj Sharma and her people prefer Asian food. Their goal is to take 1. One entry per email address. Win free tickets! or call (800) 657-7025 cousin Samir Sharma. The revenue last year an increasing share of the market of food that reached NOK 12 million (USD 2.1 million) could easily be heated up. Today their market LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: and profits NOK 471,000 (approximately share in this segment is 22 percent. Sarita’s Certified Public Accountant Small businesses USD 82,200). products are high growers, but do not have a (206)789-5433 It all started in 1972 when Sarita, then high market share. Combined with Rieber’s Individuals five years old, moved with her parents and strength in the market this should be a good 3824 18th Ave Specialized Assistance Seattle, WA 98119 younger brother to Norway. She had never combination. seen snow or experienced cold weather. In The president of Rieber & Søn said that addition to the clothes they brought along the she was very pleased that Sarita is pursuing only possession was a spoon that her mother her life’s work and that she is joining their MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE used to feed her brother. When she was 13 team to further develop Indian food in Nor- a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w she used to leave a little early from school so way. Her passion for food, good taste and that she could open the family’s kiosk. With good ingredients are a great fit. late opening hours her parents used to work Sarita’s Indian meals are very popu- Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, in the kiosk after they had finished work at lar in the stores in which they are sold and commercial transactions and estate planning. the local textile manufacturer. In 1994 they with Rieber’s sales and distribution network started their Indian family restaurant “Moth- many more Norwegians will get a taste of er India.” Sarita did the dishes. Her interest her dishes. Her dream has always been that 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 for food soon moved her to the kitchen. To- Norway will get to know India’s tastes and Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 day she also runs the restaurant, which Nor- aromas through her food. With Rieber as wegian newspaper Dagbladet voted the best owner, many more Norwegians will come to Indian restaurant in Norway. know the true taste of India. LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. Sales and Service Business News & Notes New rig concept to improve recovery operations in harsh environment on both sur- Statoil is preparing an invitation to tender for face- and subsea wells in the shallow-water a new type of drilling rig for mature fields on segments on the NCS. the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS). “The (Statoil) key to maintain today’s production level on Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK the NCS towards 2020 is improved recovery Norway’s krone jumps as interest-rate cut phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 from existing fields and fast and effective speculation fades fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 development of new fields. We need to drill Norway’s krone jumped, gaining against all more wells to deliver on our production am- 16 major currencies, after a stronger-than- bitions,” says Øystein Arvid Håland, head of estimated labor market report fueled specula- drilling and well in Statoil. The new category tion the central bank may refrain from cutting [email protected] J rigs will be able to operate at water depths interest rates next month. 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 from 70 to 150 meters and drill wells down (Bloomberg) to 10,000 meters. It is a tailor-made rig for norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research March 16, 2012 • 5 Research & Education Urban Norway on the rise Norway’s growing urban areas lead to high population and industrial growth

Re s e a r c h Co u n c i l o f No r w a y

Norway’s urban regions continue to A fourth tier of governance grow steadily, and form the basis for the ma- The interdisciplinary research team has jority of population and industrial growth. found and documented new types of coordi- Yet these regions are receiving little atten- nation and partnership now taking place in tion from the Government and are seldom and around Norway’s largest cities. They represented in public administrative docu- strongly affirm that urban regions are emerg- ments or legislation. ing as a new political tier. This is the conclusion of Einar Leknes, “This has all taken place outside the con- Research Director at the International Re- text of government district policy. We would search Institute of Stavanger (IRIS). Dr. claim that an informal fourth level of gover- Leknes, along with an interdisciplinary re- nance can be seen in some parts of the coun- search team, has recently concluded a re- try. With this in mind, we have mapped urban search project on the new regional Norway. government power structures and compared He points out that neither the ongoing them against the traditional elected levels of reform process in the government adminis- administration,” explains Dr. Leknes. tration, Proposition No. 10 to the Odelsting Norway currently has larger-scale urban (relating to the Act on amendments to gov- regions (Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger ernment administration legislation, etc.), nor and Kristiansand) as well as mid-size urban Photo: Nancy Bundt / www.visitnorway.com other state district and regionalisation policy regions of Tromsø, Ålesund, Haugesund, The crowds are growing in Norway with burgeoning urban regions, such as Oslo. take adequate account of the dynamic de- Skien / Porsgrunn and Fredrikstad / Sarps- velopments currently taking place in urban borg. areas. state level. Einar Leknes believes it is intrin- cally powerful urban areas is a sure sign that Services across city limits sic to the government district and regionali- the future of regional Norway could just as More research needed With cities expanding beyond munici- sation policy. easily be dominated by urban regions as by Dr. Leknes and his research associates pal boundaries, local governments have been “The efforts behind government district geographic regions,” he concludes. have studied urban areas from the south of forced to collaborate to determine how to and regionalization policy have been poorly Norway and northwards along the coast all handle the growth and how to establish nec- coordinated and the push to form regions For more information, visit http://www. the way to Tromsø. He feels there is a press- essary infrastructure, Dr. Leknes notes. based on geography are fragmented and forskningsradet.no. ing need for more research to shed light on “The people living in urban areas are not lacking in strength. The emergence of politi- the status of urban areas in Eastern Norway. dependent on the municipality they reside in. “Such research is important – especially Service industries have already taken notice in light of the current political debate con- and they regard the urban region as a whole, cerning the country’s municipal structure. overlooking administrative borders.” The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise According to Dr. Leknes, not all urban (NHO) recently presented results from an areas have seen superordinate political and Music Education analysis indicating that a substantial number administrative structures arise. Several have of Norway’s small municipalities will have layers of project collaboration, inter-munici- disappeared within 30 years as a result of the pal councils, committees and companies pro- At PLU, rigorous academics and a caring community population trend. People move to large cities moting developments and carrying out vital ensures challenge and support for every student because that’s where they find work,” says public-service activities. Dr. Leknes. “Finding out how to maintain democracy The project, “The New Regional Nor- in this new context is a significant challenge. way: Urban or Geographic Regions?” has What are our means of controlling various spawned a number of reports as well as companies and collaborative partnerships? a book, “Norske byregioner” (The Urban This is the issue we set out to bring to light Regions of Norway, Norwegian only). The in the project,” says Dr. Leknes. project received funding under the Program on Democracy and Governance in Regional No government focus Context (DEMOSREG) at the Research The question remains as to why there Council of Norway. has been so little focus on urban areas at the

< Meteorite From page 3 contains fragments of many different rocks that are cemented together, a so-called brec- cia. Breccia is formed by a large meteorite pened. So we found half stone lying in the impact, which crushes rocks on another plan- garden, and after that we have the hope that et before another pitch is thrown pieces of it this could be a meteorite,” says owner Mar- into space. This discovery will attract atten- garet Anne Thomassen to VG Nett. tion around the world,” said astrobiologist Members of PLU’s University Symphony Orchestra prepare for a concert. The rock weighs 585 grams (ap- and geophysicist Hans Amundsen to VG. proximately 1.3 pounds) and was found in Sannes said the owners of the meteor- Rødeløkka in Oslo. Astrophysicist Knut Jør- ite pieces wanted to keep them in Norway, gen Røed Ødegaard and his wife Anne Mette CHALLENGE SUPPORT SUCCESS maybe in a museum. Sannes, a meteorite enthusiast, identified the Meteorites that approach Earth gener- object. ally burn up in the planet's atmosphere. Any “This is an amazing discovery, and I just chunks that do get through commonly land cannot believe it. This will be world news,” PLU in the sea or in unpopulated areas. In fact, said Astrophysicist Knut Jørgen Røed Øde- there have only been 14 meteorites found in gaard to VG Nett. Tacoma, Washington www.plu.edu 800-274-6758 Norway since 1848. “This is a very rare meteorite, because it 6 • March 16, 2012 norwegian american weekly opinion < Vesterheim An opinion column about current issues in Norway From page 3 Join the conversation! This exceptional exhibition of woodwork- ing, knifemaking, rosemaling, and weaving On the EDGE by the very best contemporary American art- Compared to Minnesota, babies in Norway are a bargain ists working in the Norwegian tradition is the By Eric Dregni, author and professor of English at Concordia University in St. Paul, Minn. museum’s major summer show. It will be on view in the galleries on the third floor of the museum’s Main Building from June 7 – July Ten months ago, my wife gave birth in the mountains or at the seaside. The gov- We have insurance through my job, but the 28, 2012, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Entries will to a baby here in Minnesota. It was very ernment offices don’t really open up until deductible is ... $5,000. Exactly the oppo- be accepted from May 1 through May 25. different from our experiences eight years September.” She seemed sure, so Katy and site of Norway. Complete rules are available at vester- ago, when she gave birth to our first baby I decided to risk it. Not only did the Norwegian insurance heim.org. If you would like more informa- in Trondheim, Norway. Once in Trondheim, we went to the system help us financially with the $5,000 tion, contact Laurann Gilbertson at info@ At that time, I was a student on a Ful- trygdekontor, the insurance office, to reg- to help raise our baby, it would automati- vesterheim.org, or at (563) 382-9681. bright Fellowship. Before we left for Nor- ister Katy for health care to cover the birth. cally deposit about $145 into our bank “The exhibition will be open six weeks way, we checked out how we’d pay for the The woman at the desk looked over our account every month, because it recog- longer than in past years,” said Laurann Gil- birth. documents somberly and said she didn’t nizes that raising a child is a huge financial bertson, Vesterheim Chief Curator. “We’re The health care coverage for Fulbright think we qualified. burden. This money would help raise our excited that more people can see, enjoy, and is administered through the State Depart- We panicked. We were all the way over child, and would continue until he was 18 be inspired by the artworks in the exhibi- ment, the same system that covers our sen- in Norway, and I’d given up my health in- years old or until we left Norway. tion,” she added. ators and representatives. You’ve probably surance from the University of Minnesota When we did leave Norway, the gov- Along with selling their pieces, exhibi- heard that this is the “best health care cov- back home. ernment kept depositing money into our tors also compete for ribbons. Judges for erage in the world,” but I checked the small Then she assured us: “Oh, the govern- account anyway. I had to write to the Nor- the exhibition award Blue, Red, and White print. It said, “Pregnancy is a pre-existing ment shall pay for the birth. I just don’t wegian government that we had left the Ribbons representing points that accumulate condition” and not covered under the plan, know if you are eligible for the extra ma- country and tell it to stop sending us all this over successive exhibitions toward a Vester- as if it’s some sort of disease. ternity benefit.” money. It’s a letter I sometimes regret. heim Gold Medal. Judges also present Hon- I called up the office for Internation- I scoured the literature and couldn’t orable Mention Awards and Best of Show al Students in Trondheim and told it that believe we’d be paid to have a baby. If Katy Eric Dregni is assistant Awards. Visitors vote for People’s Choice we wouldn’t be able to come because we had been working for at least six months professor of English at Awards. Artists may choose to offer their didn’t have any health insurance. The Nor- in Norway beforehand, she would get 42 Concordia University in pieces for sale by silent auction. wegian woman replied, “You should just weeks off work at full pay, or 52 weeks at St. Paul, Minn. He is the “Every year brings new and exciting art- come over anyway.” 80 percent of her salary – paid for by the author of several books, work for the exhibition, often blending tradi- I explained that we couldn’t pay for the government, not her employer. including “In Cod We Trust: Living the Nor- tional designs with contemporary creativity,” birth, but she interrupted. “Oh, you Ameri- If the mother wasn’t working in Nor- wegian Dream” (2008) said Gilbertson. cans! That’s not an issue here in Norway.” way – as was our case – she’d receive a and “Vikings in the Attic: In Search of Nordic I didn’t understand, so I asked if she lump sum of about $5,000 for the baby. The exhibition judging and ribbon America” (2011). During the summers, he is could send some of the documents, but she This sounded huge, but Trondheim is the awards are held in conjunction with Deco- dean of Lago del Bosco, the Italian Concor- rah’s Annual Nordic Fest, which is always said, “When you arrive here in July, the sun most expensive city in the world. dia Language village in northern Minnesota. the last full weekend in July. will be out all day. It’s been a long, dark Compare this to when Katy gave birth This piece was originally written for Minne- For complete schedules of events, exhi- winter, so everyone will be at their cabins again, 10 months ago, here in Minnesota. sota Public Radio. bitions, and classes, and more information about ways to donate, check out Vesterheim The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views online at vesterheim.org. is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor.

< Growth parison, the unemployment rate in the U.S. is ing labor force and strong economy provides < Breivik From page 1 From page 3 8.3 percent and 7.6 percent in Canada. a strong economic outlook for 2013, and this Stoltenberg isn’t worried about the gov- enthusiasm makes it possible to cut down on ployment rate and stable economy is much ernment bankruptcies in Europe as much as the use of oil revenues from the sovereign tences can be lengthened indefinitely if the better off than the rest of Europe, and Prime before, but still looks at the clear problem ar- wealth fund, which is a goal of Stoltenberg person is deemed to pose a danger to soci- Minister Jens Stoltenberg projected strong eas in international economic environment. and Johnsen. ety. employment growth for Norway. “The problems of high unemployment “Subject to the stock market develops as Medical experts in Norway are divided “In 2012 and 2013, the growth in em- and low growth are still there,” says Stol- expected, oil spending in 2013 will be below about his state of mind. In an initial exami- ployment will reach nearly 70,000 jobs,” tenberg and shows that it is now possible four percent,” said Stoltenberg. nation, Breivik was interviewed 13 times by said Stoltenberg in an interview with finan- to lower growth. We reduced our growth court-appointed psychiatrists, who conclud- cial newspaper Dagens Næringsliv (DN). forecast for trading partners by one percent ed he was mentally ill and lived in a “delu- “Growth comes in both the private and pub- compared to what we did last October, said- sional universe.” However, a separate team lic sectors, and we will have the highest em- Stoltenberg told DN. of four psychologists re-examined Breivik, Stay in the loop! ployment ever.” It wasn’t all good news at the budget and claimed that he was neither psychotic or “There is little doubt that the Norwegian conference, and Minister of Finance Sigb- schizophrenic, and said they did not think he Subscribe to our free weekly enews- economy is in a unique position. While un- jørn Johnsen pointed out challenges to plan- needed drugs. letter, and get a sneak peek of each employment is extremely high in most coun- ning this year’s budget. Norway’s aging A further psychiatric assessment is still week’s issue and exclusive offers! tries around us, is it possible for low unem- population requires more in healthcare costs, underway for Breivik. ployment and solid growth in employment and Johnsen reports that costs for elder care Email [email protected] or click on here at home,” wrote DN. will exceed more than half of Norway’s total “Email Newsletter Signup” at www. In a recent labor force survey, unemploy- costs this year. norway.com. ment is at 3.4 percent in Norway. By com- Despite growing costs, Norway’s grow-

Your ad here here for family connections. ing for a Norwegian boss? For The fine print Do you have a Scandinavian Scandinavian meet-up just $25, reach our growing Classified ads are prepaid audience of 20,000 readers Ole’s List item you are looking to sell or Looking to connect with fel- advertisements, and are not across North America and Norwegian American Weekly buy? Place an ad in our new low Norwegians or Scandina- guaranteed to sell. The Nor- classified section! Norway. wegian American Weekly staff classfied ads vians in your area? We have subscribers in every U.S. state reserves the right to turn down Looking for family and most Canadian provinces. These ads work! any ads that are deemed inap- propriate or not connected to We get several requests from Advertisers see the value and our audience. For more infor- PRICING: $25 per ad, includes up to seven lines. readers wanting to connect Employment effectiveness of their ads in the Norwegian American Weekly. mation and to place an ad, call Add-ons: $10 for photo and $5 to be included in with relatives in North Amer- Are you looking for a Norwe- Call us today to see how we toll-free at (800) 305-0217 or online enewsletter. Call (800) 305-0217 or email ica and Norway. Place an ad gian to hire, or perhaps look- can help you! email [email protected]. [email protected] for details. UPDATE norwegian american weekly M march 16, 2012 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Dear Editor, Dear Editor, was still working. HM King Harald told her Managing Editor Talk about inflation – USD 80 million My cousin Dagrun Gulbrandsen from “Don’t you stop working!” Christy Olsen Field [email protected] for a Scream! In contrast, deflation affects Moss called me to ask if I would come to When King Harald came to me, I told Copy Editor and Subscriptions Manager our Scream in the Scandinavian Center at Norway to accompany her for an audience him (in Norwegian) that I am an American California Lutheran University, because our with His Majesty King Harald. She had been born in Brooklyn, N.Y., to Norwegian par- Kelsey Larson [email protected] blow-up version sags periodically from loss awarded the King’s Medal for her 56 years ents. My mother was born in Moss and my Assistant Layout Editor of air. So it screams for inflation. of work with the Rygge trygdekontor (social father in Nøtterøy. He then asked me how Harry Svenkerud [email protected] security office). I was there as her escort on I had learned to speak such perfect Norwe- Advertising Jan. 24 at the Royal Palace in Oslo. gians. I told him that both Norwegian and (206) 441-3044 [email protected] English were always spoken in our home. Contributing Editors We enjoyed two hours at the Palace with Bjarne Anthonsen Bonsall, Calif. Norway’s wonderful King Harald. Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. This was a wonderful day in my life, Carla Danziger McLean, Va. and it will never be forgotten. Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Rasmus Falck oslo, Norway Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland Sincerely, Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. Shelby Gilje seattle, Wash. Norma (Larsen) Watterud Line Grundstad Hanke seattle, Wash. Fort Myers, Fla. Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Dear Norma, Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. Photo courtesy of Norma Watterud Thank you for letter! What an experi- Solveig M. Lee seattle, Wash. Norma Watterud (left) accompanied her cous- Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. ence of a lifetime for you and your cousin in Dagrun Gulbrandsen for an audience with Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. to share together. We offer our hearty con- Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. HM King Harald for Dagrun’s medal of honor. David Moe Juneau, Alaska Dagrun is wearing the Østfold bunad. gratulations to your cousin for her accom- Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. plishments with the trydgekontor, and to you Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y, for your ability to impress His Majesty with Lisa Portelli Bradenton, Fla. John Erik Stacy seattle, Wash. But wherever we display our stand-up King Harald welcomed us with a hand- your Norwegian! You make Brooklyn Nor- Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. version, it screams for attention. And gets shake and “velkommen” as we entered the wegians and the Norwegian-American com- Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. immediate recognition. But it’s not for sale! grand ballroom. The table was set with cana- munity proud. Beate Ørbeck oslo, Norway pés and champagne for all to enjoy. Richard Londgren Later HM King Harald came to ur group Thanks for sharing, CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you Director of the Scandinavian Center to speak with us. He wanted to hear about Editor have a question or comment about news coverage California Lutheran University the wonderful work that Dagrun had done call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly Thousand Oaks, Calif. through the years. She told him that she reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. < chef • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and From page 3 “This was great fun!” said Ellingstad. “I tasting where D.C.’s cultural and diplomatic letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian won the challenge that felt most important communities come together to experience American Weekly, and our publication of those views is to me, as it takes skill and creativity under the talents of the competitors. The scores not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions last year’s winner. A week before the com- and complaints about the opinions expressed by pressure. Anyone can serve up decent canap- from this event were combined with the the paper’s editorials should be directed to the petition, beets were revealed to be the main ees given enough time to prepare, but it takes scores from “Challenge Denmark” to pick publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published ingredient – the others were kept secret. experience to create and cook a good menu the Judges Choice award winner. weekly except the first week of the calendar year, Competitors received a basket of ingredi- the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks in two hours without preparation.” Sondre has cooked at the Norwegian of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • ents inspired by Danish cuisine on the day Chef Ellingstad was among three win- Embassy in Washington, D.C., since the Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. of competition and were tasked to create a ners out of more than a dozen chefs from summer of 2011. This summer, he will move NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription menu on the spot using what they had, with Cost: US$59 Domestic, US$79 to Canada, Washington, D.C. embassies who competed back to Scandinavia to continue his career. US$179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. a time limit of two hours. in this friendly culinary competition. The “At the Embassy, I run my own kitchen, SINCE MAY 17, 1889: chefs represent countries from around the and it has been a great experience, but I am Ellingstad's winning menu: Formerly Norway Times world and a panel of celebrity chefs and food only 21 and still have lots to learn. I plan to Western Viking & Washington Posten Poached Chicken with Beetroot Purée critics serves as judges throughout the com- take a lower level chef’s position at a gour- Beets Agnolotti stuffed petition and select the Judge's Choice Award. met restaurant and continue my path to culi- Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- with Blue Cheese Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Event attendees sample food, meet the chefs, nary excellence,” said Ellingstad. Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven Butter-steamed Beets, Ryebread Croutons and choose the People's Choice winner. The and Rosemary Sauce second part of the competition is the open NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • March 9, 2012 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway Norwegian in the kitchen “Outside Oslo” blog explores Scandinavian heritage through cooking and baking at home

Photos courtesy of Outside Oslo Left: Sandbakkelse in their tin forms are ready for the oven. Center: Using orange blossom honey in Norwegian Orange Honey Cake creates a remarkable aroma. Right: Fresh lefse folded into quarters.

Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d Managing Editor

Blogging, a personal journal on the In- really hard to learn English, and when I think DS: The two most important parts of my ternet, is a way to share opinions, document about it I’m still amazed at the fact that he blog are stories and recipes, and those are Traditional daily life, connect with others who share in- doesn’t have an accent! He fell in love with the things that drive the content. If I have a terests. Blogs range from personal diaries to America and its way of life, and really em- story I’d like to tell and can relate to food, I Yellow Pea Soup an international online community of read- braced being his new home. My grandpar- will usually find a complementary recipe and From the blog“Outside Oslo” ers about virtually any subject one can think ents were adults when they left Norway, and use it as an excuse to bake. Take the post “A http://outsideoslo.wordpress.com of. In my spare time, I follow several blogs as a result their identities had already been chocolate orange cake for your coffee table.” and my favorite recent discovery is “Outside shaped and solidified, so I think they clung For that post, I had wanted to tell a story 10 ounces dried yellow peas, soaked in Oslo,” a blog that effortlessly blends my to their heritage and past much more. Both about an encounter I had with the Norwegian cold water overnight and drained three favorite things: Norway, great writing sides of my family are from Norway – my language, and since it involved coffee, the 2 thick slices of bacon, chopped and cooking. mother’s side in North Dakota is just a little post transitioned from a personal anecdote 1 onion, chopped “Outside Oslo” shares the best of Nor- more removed. I can say with pride that I’m to information about the importance of the 6 cups low-sodium beef stock wegian cuisine from a Norwegian-American 100 percent Norwegian! Norwegian coffee table. Of course this was 1/3 cup finely chopped celeriac perspective. I found “Outside Oslo” in the Looking back at my childhood and a perfect opportunity to bake a cake that one 1/4 cup finely chopped leek (white and comments section of a Seattle-based cooking young adult years, I’m so thankful that I was might include in that spread! Other times, I’ll pale green parts) blogger I follow, and I became a dedicated able to grow up in a family that embraced find a recipe in a cookbook or on the internet 1 small sprig fresh rosemary reader after reading her first post. The blog- its Norwegian heritage. Holiday meals at my – such as the traditional yellow pea soup in 1 bay leaf ger behind “Outside Oslo” is Daytona Strong, paternal grandparents’ house always consist- Andreas Viestad’s “Kitchen of Light” – and 1 Tbsp chopped thyme, sage, or rose- a proud Norwegian-American with strong ed of traditional dishes – my grandmother the story will originate from that. mary connections to Norway and her Norwegian- put on a beautiful spread. After a dinner of In addition, my mom, my maternal Sour cream for serving American identity. As a writer and journalist pork roast, medisterkaker, and an assortment grandma, and I regularly get together to bake based in Seattle, Wash., Strong started her of sides, dessert would always consist of rice Scandinavian treats. It started a couple of Fry the bacon in a pot until it turns blog “Outside Oslo” as a way to explore and pudding with raspberry coulis (I wish I had years ago with Grandma wanting to teach golden and somewhat crispy. Add the share her Norwegian heritage in the kitchen. Grandma’s recipe!) and, of course, coffee. us how to make lefse. She is a master lefse chopped onion and sauté until it starts Her beautiful photography and stories cap- baker, and I feel so honored to be learning to turn golden as well. Add the yellow ture Strong’s love for Norway, and her blog COF: Why start “Outside Oslo?” how to make it from her. (I haven’t shared peas, 6 cups of beef stock, celeriac, leek, is a fresh voice in the blogosphere. DS: I started “Outside Oslo” in Septem- her recipe yet, but I have included a step-by- rosemary sprig and bay leaf. Bring the I recently sat down with Strong to learn ber 2009, a few months after Grandma Agny step guide with photos.) From there, she also soup to a boil and then reduce heat, al- more about her Norwegian roots and her ex- passed away. After she died, I found myself started teaching us out to make sandbak- lowing it to simmer for about an hour. periences as a writer in the kitchen. clinging to my Norwegian roots as a way to kelse, krumkake, Norwegian waffles, etc. In This step is complete when the peas are feel closer to her. One of the ways I did so the future I’ll be featuring recipes for some soft and starting to break apart. Give it Christy Olsen Field: Why did your fa- was through Scandinavian food. As a writer of these classic cookies and desserts, as well a good stir to further dissolve the peas, ther come over to the U.S., and what made (and someone who loves to cook), I started as more traditional and new Scandinavian and add more stock if necessary to thin him stay? How did you celebrate your “Outside Oslo” as a way to share my experi- recipes. As for favorite recipes, I would say the soup to your desired consistency. It Norwegian roots in your childhood? ences as I explored my heritage. that the Norwegian Chocolate Orange Cake should be the thickness of split pea soup. Daytona Strong: My father came to the and Yellow Pea Soup stand out. Remove the bay leaf and rosemary sprig, U.S. with my grandparents in the 1950s. He COF: Tell me about your approach to adding chopped herbs if desired. Season was a preteen at the time, which made him blogging on “Outside Oslo.” Where do you Visit “Outside Oslo” online at http:// to taste with freshly ground pepper and old enough to be steeped in his Norwegian find inspiration for recipes? What is your outsideoslo.wordpress.com for recipes, sto- serve with sour cream. Serves 4. heritage but also to want to be fully integrat- favorite recipe you have made to date in ries and more. Adapted from Andreas Viestad’s “Kitchen of Light” ed into the American way of life. He worked connection to the blog?

The remarkable story Modern Day Viking of Leif eie This is the story of Leif eie, a modern day Viking who grew NORDIC DELICACIES up in Norway but spent most of his life in Seattle, where he was deeply involved in his community. Leif’s journey took “A TASTE OF NORWAY IN THE HEART OF BROOKLYN!” him from flekkefjord as a child, to Manhattan as a promising entertainer and to Seattle as a businessman.

6909 ird Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 $ 373 pages with Phone: (718) 748-1874 • Fax: (718) 833-7519 Buy the ebook for only 10! 195 pictures www.nordicdeli.com Go to http://amoderndayviking.yolasite.com norwegian american weekly march 16, 2012 • 9 travel Wonderful waterfalls With spring in the air, waterfalls in Norway come alive

Photo: Terje Rakke/Nordic life/www.visitnorway.com The Seven Sisters (De syv søstrene) is a waterfall with an approximate fall height of 820 feet. The waterfall is located in Geiranger Fjord, in Møre og Romsdal, Norway.

Kelsey larson Copy Editor

With spring in Norway fast approach- the Courter, or Suitor) flirts playfully from county, Norway. Hordaland county, it is about 600 feet high. ing, waterfall season will soon be underway. across the fjord. In Norwegian, ‘The Suitor’ This waterfall has the interesting quality of Before too long, the snowmelt will be cas- is Friaren. Vøringsfossen being controlled by an energy company; cading down Norway’s previously frozen This is one of the most visted water- thus, the flow is increased in the summer to fjord walls in the form of beautiful water- Vinnufossen falls in Norway. Also located in Oddadalen, benefit the tourist season. falls. Seven of the world’s 20 tallest water- This waterfall gets its name from its falls are located in Norway, mostly in the source, the Vinnu river. It is the tallest wa- western part of the country. Here are three terfall in Europe, and the sixth tallest in the waterfalls worth seeing in western Norway, world, with a drop of just under 2,480 feet. The Little Viking though of course beautiful waterfalls can be This waterfall is easily seen and admired Scandinavian GiftS found all across the country! from Highway 70 in Sunndal, Norway, southeast of Bergen. a touch of Scandinavia in southern California De syv søstrene (The Seven Sisters) We have combined our two stores 28465 Old Town Front St. #104 This is the 39th tallest waterfall in Nor- Låtefossen and moved – Temecula, CA 92590 way. Located in the Geiranger Fjord, Møre This is a very popular waterfall in Od- stop in to have a look and say hi! (951) 676-6800 | [email protected] and Romsdal, it is said that the Seven Sisters dadalen, also known as “The Valley of Wa- got its name because the falling water looks terfalls,” because you can see five waterfalls Tour Norway with Phillip and Else Available throughlike the Amazon.com hair of seven women.or iUniverse The legend in a very short stretch. Låtefossen has a to- Call toll-free:of 1-800-288-4677the seven sisters is that$18.95 they dance play- tal drop of 540 feet, but it has a very heavy fully down the mountain, while a single wa- water volume and is very dramatic. It flows Odden’s Rural Life Traditions Tour terfall opposite the seven sisters (known as year-round. Oddadalen is in Hordaland www.carladanziger.com August 10th - 21st 2012 Join us for a fun and educational tour of Mystery &Romance in Norway Rural Norway. by Carla Danziger Focusing on Folk Art, Agriculture, Tradi- Hidden Falls tional Foods and Fjord Horses. An American woman investigating the death of her cousin, a feisty Norwegian journalist, encounters ghosts from the past, Visiting our friends and favorite places. danger, & international intrigue in the Sognefjord and Bergen. View Tour itinerary on our web site: Now on “An exciting cliff-hanger...” ~Midwest Book Review Kindle! www.norskwoodworks.com Available through Amazon.com or iUniverse. email: [email protected] Call toll-free (800) 288-4677 $18.95 www.carladanziger.com Call us at: 715 468 2780 10 •• MarchMarch 16, 2012 norwegiannorwegian aamerMericanican weeklyweekly Rootsroots && ConneCtionsconnections

A monthly feature to share Brought to you by with kids and grandkids BarnebladBarnebladBarnebladBarneblad Heidi Håvan Grosch Write your own story!

All stories start somewhere Word List Sometimes writers start with a funny There are two ways you can use the words. thing that happened to them. Sometimes writers start with a picture or a word. 1. You can write most of the story in Det var en gang = Once Fugl = a bird Sometimes they start with just an idea. English, and stick in the Norwegian upon a time Mat = food The person who writes down the words when you need them: Det var Skog = forest Overaskelse = surprise story is called an author (forfatter) and en gang there was a big bad katt. This katt = a cat Morgen = morning the person who draws the pictures for the katt lived in a skog filled with tall Sol = sun Ettermiddag = afternoon story is called an illustrator (illustratør). trees. Måne = moon Grøn = green Books are filled with stories other people 2. You can also write your story using Blomster = flowers Blå = blue wrote down, and now it’s your turn! both Norwegian and English words Vinter = winter Snipp, snapp, snute, så er Here is a list of words in Norwegian like this: Once upon a time (Det var Vår = spring eventyret ute = The end that you can use in your story. Your story en gang) there was a big bad cat (ei Snø = snow doesn’t have to be very long. You don’t katt). This cat (katt) lived in a forest have to use all the words listed here, and (skog) filled with tall trees. you can use some of your own.

Send your story to the newspaper! Draw illustrations to go with your story and send a copy (keep the original!) of both the words and the pictures to the Norwegian American Weekly. Send your story and pictures to: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave. NE Ste. A, Seattle, WA 98115

Everyone at the newspaper office will read the stories and then a few stories will be chosen to be printed in one of the May issues of the newspaper. Make sure you send your story in by April 15! Kids of all ages (and adults too!) can enter.

Celebrating our readers! Community Maria Bruun LaCrosse WI Gerda Halvorsen Lewy Sun Valley CA Emilius A Hansen Portland OR Annika Wardle Minneapolis MN Connections Kaptein Alf Hammon Astoria OR Arnold Wesley Aubol Shelton WA John M Olausen Portland OR Do you have a new grandchild? John Askeland Corwith IA 22. mars Ole T. Bostad Drayton ND Melissa Wagner Ray ND Does your loved one have a milestone Joan Lybarger LaCrosse WI 16. mars Walborg Galt Bend OR birthday coming up? Has your family Marit Simonsen Nielsen Poulsbo WA Alfred Th. Fodnes Margaret Linden Western Springs IL recently celebrated a wedding or special Los Angeles CA Rolf Pedersen Moss Norway Karl Herje Lee Grippen Caledonia MN Vancouver BC Canada Johan Stein Ham Lake MN anniversary? Alvin O. Stensland Mabel Larson Osseo WI Anacortes WA Marianne Pedersen Junction City OR Ansgar Dahl Conrad Kleven Anacortes WA Malaga NJ Finn Eian Halesite NY Diane Olsen Richland WA Anna Eriksen Oslo Norway Janet Bergholtz Hicksville NY Hans Peterson Gig Harbor WA 17. mars Arthur C. Andersen St. Charles IL Randi Oen Arden Hills MN Eugene Bekkevold Seattle WA 20. mars Kristen Steele St. Clairville OH Carl Flagstad Holiday FL Berit Sjong Seattle WA Olga M. Edseth Mt. Horeb WI Willy J. Thornton Strongsville OH Kathryn Engelstad Winthrop Harbor IL Marlene Belgum Glencoe MN Gunvor Sjøl Sande Vestfold Norway Solveig Stier Fredrikstad Norway Albert Smeby Grygla MN Your picture here! Pastor Roy Warwick Arlington WA Sarah Elizabeth Rolf Radcliffe IA Ardis Dragsten The Villages FL Arne O. Lunde Seattle WA Theodor E. Olsen Pensacola FL 18. mars Want to see your birthday in the Silje Ingrid Lorentzen Staten Island NY 21. mars Norwegian American Weekly? Agnes Brown Omaha NE Mrs. Allen Hammon Seattle WA Emma Jossang Stavanger Norway Roger Gabrielsen North Salem NY Martin Gusland Central Point OR Jens Mostad Chicago IL Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@ norway.com. Birthdays must be submitted at Palmer Paulson Harrisburg SD Elsie M. Parkhurst Puyallup WA For just $35, you can print a photo and up to 10 Olive Stewart Durand WI Anna Sandvik Edwards San Diego CA least one month in advance. NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed lines of text to celebrate life’s milestones with the Nor- Sally Aadahl Beaton Boca Raton FL Jane Grippen Aurora IL wegian-American community. For more information, away? Please notify us. 19. mars Jorunn Røthe Jar Norway call us at (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected]. norwegian american weekly M march 16, 2012 • 11 Obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner In Loving Memory Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Alice Ingrid Thompson June 11, 1926 – February 22, 2012 Coming soon

On a recent trip to Arizona, I drove into use it. Perhaps someday this beautiful spot Alice Ingrid Thomp- was beloved for her generosity and kindness a housing development that was never de- will flourish, but it will not be any time son, 86, died Feb. 22 to family and friends. veloped. A beautiful golf course had been soon. at her home in Whit- She is survived by her two sons, Ar- built, and four or five hundred lots were Things like this remind us that we ing, N.J. She was thur and Edward; her sister, Eleanor; six laid out in an area with a dynamite view of never know what the future will bring or born June 11, 1926, grandchildren; 16 great-grandchildren and nearby mountains. Paved roads along with how even our best laid plans will work the daughter of Sofia two nephews, Dr. Steven and Mark Bensen. water, sewer and other utilities were in, out. During my lifetime, I have been dis- and Petter Pedersen, Grandchildren include Kristine Camillone, but only two lots had houses. Throughout appointed on countless occasions when now deceased. She Lise Martita McGowan, Karl Thompson, the development there were tattered and things did not go as planned. On the other graduated from Bay Dr. Gary Thompson, Lynn Murray and John faded signs that read, COMING SOON. hand, I have been pleasantly surprised by Ridge High School in Brooklyn, N.Y. in Thompson. Great-grandchildren include Each of these signs would announce part things as well. In this fast moving and 1944 and attended Hunter College. Emma and Sarah Camillone, Celina, Nathan- of the original planned community. Some always changing, unpredictable world it She was married to the late Magnus iel, Anna Lise and Maxim McGowan, Brook, of the things that were coming soon were is good to know that we have one thing Thompson April 26, 1986. Alice was em- Hope, Kara and Peter Thompson, Sean and townhouses, single-family homes, a con- that we can count on. We can count on the ployed as an administrator in the human Finn Thompson, Kari and Kiersten Murray, dominium complex and a club house and steadfast and consistent love of God for resources department of the Dime Savings Emily and John Thompson. Great-nieces recreation center for all residents. us. Bank of New York where she also planned and nephew are Emily and Peter Bensen and Whoever chose the location and laid During this Lenten season, as we re- social events and was the editor of The Dime Elizabeth, Alexandra and Hannah Bensen. out this development had a real vision and member our Lord’s suffering, we also re- newspaper. A private committal service was held on couldn’t have done a better job of plan- member that at the end of our season of Alice attended the Methodist Church all Saturday at Ocean View Cemetery on Stat- ning. The problem came when the hous- sorrow comes Easter. On that day, our sor- of her life and was a very active choir mem- en Island, N.Y. Memorial gifts may be sent ing market and the economy in general row will turn to joy as we celebrate our ber, serving on many church committees. to the Whiting United Methodist Church, crashed just as the project was ready to Lord’s victory over the powers of sin and She sang with the Pine Cone Singers and America’s Keswick or the Norwegian Chris- open. Only five or six lots were ever sold, death. As we journey through Lent, we are served as treasurer of The Council and the tian Home and Health Center in Brooklyn, and although the golf course continues to uplifted by the great good news that Easter Student Scholarship Fund at The Pines. Alice N.Y. operate, there are only a few people who is indeed COMING SOON.

Gena Theolina (Rynestad) Bratteli < Lysbakken September 15, 1915 – March 6, 2012 From page 3 Inga Marte Thorkildsen was elected sec- ond vice chairperson with 198 votes in favor, and 8 blank votes. Gena Theolina Championship and was elected to the Grand their new leader. The votes were 192 in fa- The other vice chairperson is parliamen- (Rynestad) Bratteli, Forks Bowling Hall of Fame. Her flower gar- vor, while 15 handed in a blank vote. tarian leader Bård Vegar Solhjell. His term is age 96, long-time dens were beautiful with peonies being her “I am humbled, touched and proud,” said not yet over. resident of Grand specialty. She was a consummate baker of Lysbakken when the result was announced. Outgoing party chairperson, Kristin Forks, N.D., passed lefse, krumkake, and other Norwegian deli- There had been much controversy Halvorsen, thanked the assembly for their away on March 6, cacies as well as chocolate chip cookies and around Lysbakken’s candidature, following support during the past 15 years. 2012 at 8:45 p.m. at her famous doughnuts. Members of Sharon his resignation from his post as government In her speech she said it was no use pre- Valley Eldercare in Lutheran termed her the “doughnut lady.” minister the previous week due to breach of tending that the the past few weeks had not Grand Forks. She loved to crochet, knit, and embroider. protocol, but in the end there were no oppos- been difficult for the party. She called them Gena’s grandparents were Kettel T. Also, Gena became an avid fan of the Min- ing candidates in the running, and no nomi- “weeks of horror.” Roinestad and Torbjor (Flateland) Roinestad nesota Twins and of UND Fighting Sioux nations from the floor. and Halvor S. Sannes and Guru S. Sannes. hockey. They were Norwegian immigrants and early She is survived by sons Truman (Judy) settlers of Grand Forks County in the late of Grand Forks and Darrell (Marlys) of Are your fi nancial strategies ready for 2012? 1870s in Walle Township. Fargo, N.D.; six grandchildren: John (Amy) Put the strength and stability of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans to work for you with Gena was the fifth of eight children Bratteli of Grand Junction, Colo., Jenni- an annual review—it takes less than an hour. born to parents, Thor K. Rynestad and Ber- fer (John) Bailey of Lincoln, Neb., Derek Schedule a review to: get “Betsey” (Sannes) Rynestad, on Sept. (Katrina) Bratteli of Phoenix, Ariz., Shiloh Maximize retirement contributions Consolidate IRAs and 401(k)s. 15, 1915, on the family farm homestead (Ross) Cariveau of Rochert, Minn., Mitch- and review goals. Review protection coverage. in North Township just east of Thief River ell and Zachary Bratteli of Fargo, N.D.; and Review estate strategy needs and Establish an emergency savings fund. Falls, Minn. She attended school in a one- nine great-grandchildren: Sarah and Aaron update beneficiaries. room country schoolhouse, Northfield No. Bratteli of Grand Junction, Colo.; Alayna Contact your financial representative and get started today! 29 Grade School, near their farm. She was and Ashley Bailey of Lincoln, Neb.; Brodie baptized and confirmed at the Silverton Lu- and Zoe Cariveau of Rochert, Minn.; Riley theran Church. Hunt, Cooper and Rafe Bratteli of Phoenix, She moved with her family in 1929 to Ariz.; many nieces and nephews; and sister- Rye Township in Grand Forks County, a short in-law, Lee Ann (Hal) Bratteli of Longview, distance northwest from Grand Forks. She Texas. worked on the family farm for several years Preceding her in death are: husband, before meeting her future husband. Gena met John, in 1979; her parents; four brothers John O. Bratteli at the Orient Dance Pavil- Kittel, Halvor, Berto and Fred Rynestad, ion in Grand Forks, in 1937. He was the son all from Grand Forks; three sisters Thelma of Norwegian immigrants who settled near “Timmie” (Rynestad) Wirkus, Agnes “Ag- Grygla, Minn. They were married in East gie” Rynestad, and Bernice (Rynestad) Walle Lutheran Church, rural Grand Forks, Wirkus, all from Grand Forks. A memorial on June 23, 1940. service was held March 16 at Sharon Lu- Gena and John made their home in theran Church, and interment will take place Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Grand Forks where he had a career in direct at Memorial Park North Cemetary in Grand Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned sales and Gena was a homemaker and moth- Forks in the spring. Memorials can be made subsidiary of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of er. They had two sons, Truman and Darrell to Sharon Lutheran Church for its music Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also licensed insurance agents of Thrivent Financial. For additional important disclosure information, please visit Thrivent.com/disclosures. Bratteli. She was an accomplished bowler ministry or the charity of your choice. 27248NAW N1-12 Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) 201200239 having won the Grand Forks City Women’s 12 • March 16, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style Calendar of Events Beyond the cold Award-winning author What’s going on in your neighborhood? Michael Kleiner will California sary! Join us March 31 at 6 p.m. at the discuss his memoir in a Norway Day Festival Holiday Inn Hotel & Conference Center, May 5 – 6 5655 Greenwich Road, Virginia Beach, “virtual” event San Francisco, Calif. VA 23562. In addition to this event we Thousands of Norwegians, Norwegian- will be celebrating the 50th celebration of Americans and non-Norwegian visitors the Norwegian Lady. The ceremony will p e c i a l e l e a s e from and around the Bay Area visit the take place on the boardwalk at 1 p.m. For S R Norway Day Festival at Fort Mason Cen- details, call (757) 490-3030 or email nor- [email protected]. ter every May, and we invite you to join Michael Kleiner knew little of Norway us! Interested in volunteering? Email vol- Washington when he was 10 years old and learned the [email protected]. For details about family would be spending the next year the event, visit www.norwayday.org. Sons of Norway Heritage Day there. His father was in the U.S. Army sta- March 24 Maine Seattle, Wash. tioned in Norway after World War II helping to rebuild the country. He vowed when he Fjord lecture by Dyk Eusden Sons of Norway Leif Erikson Lodge #2-1 had a family, he would take them to Norway April 12 proudly presents their annual Heritage Day! some day. He told Michael that Norway won Falmouth, Maine The day starts off with the Leif-to-Leif Fun On Thursday, April 12 from 6:30 – 9 p.m., Run / Walk, which starts at Leif Erikson the most medals in the 1968 Winter Olym- Dyk Eusden, Bates College professor of Lodge and goes to the Leif Erikson statue pics and he drank goats’ milk when he was in geology, will speak to Maine Nordmenn at Shilshole Bay, and back again. Cost is Norway. Michael wrote a paper on Norway Photo courtesy of Michael Kleiner about origins of fjords, tectonic formations $10 for adults and $5 for kids, and registra- to announce to his fifth grade class he was “Beyond the Cold: An American’s Warm Portrait of Norway” is available for purchase at www.be- of mountains, and other aspects of geol- tion begins at 8 a.m. At 10 a.m., Taste of going to Norway. yondthecold.com or by calling (215) 704-2397. ogy during his experiences guiding Garri- Norway in the lodge features Norwegian Four decades later, Michael knows Nor- son Keillor’s Cruise to Norway and the St. food, crafts, music, demos, genealogy and way in a more intimate way. As a child he the International Summer School in 1992 Lawrence Seaway. All are welcome attend more in the lodge. Free admission! attended a Norwegian school; had a reindeer at Emmaus Lutheran Church, 465 Middle sled rid with the Sámi; stood on the ice at (his Norwegian teacher was Audun Toven Rd, Falmouth, ME 04105. For more infor- Ung Symfoni tour of Washington Bislett watching the world speed skating and 10 countries were represented in the mation, contact Mary Johnson, 207-428- March 30 – April 6 championships; walked to the Holmenkol- class); twice being interviewed by the Lille- 3640, [email protected] Various locations len ski jumping championships among other hammer Olympic Organizing Committee, The Ung Symfoni from Bergen, Norway, experiences. Return trips as an adult created traveling above the Arctic Circle and taking is pleased to present their western Wash- Minnesota a strong affection for the people, culture different routes to Bergen. ington tour: March 30 at 12 p.m. at the 15th Annual Ibsen Festival and country and the intercultural experi- “There are books about people ‘adopt- April 13 – 15 Lummi Community Building in Belling- ing another country,’ but they are from an ham; March 30 at 7:30 p.m. at Ferndale ences have helped shape the person he has Lanesboro, Minn. become. Michael, who is not of Norwegian adult perspective,” says Michael. “This is Committed to annually producing the High School in Ferndale; April 2 at 7:30 the only one I am aware of that has child- p.m. at Western Washington University in descent, authored a memoir, “Beyond the works of Henrik Ibsen, we celebrate the Cold: An American’s Warm Portrait of Nor- hood memories and adult perspectives. The Father of Modern Drama with a weekend Bellingham; April 3 at 12 p.m. at Pacific way.” He will discuss the book in a special year a child spends in another country is not of Scandinavian theater, art, and music. All Lutheran University in Tacoma; April 3 at “virtual event” on Thursday, April 5 at 3:30 just another year of childhood.” details are available at www.ibsenfest.org, 7:30 p.m. at Grieg Hall in Poulsbo; April p.m. EST. The audience will log in to a web- To RSVP for the event, e-mail pr@be- or by calling (800) 657-7025. 4 at 7:30 p.m. at Kentwood High School in Kent; April 5 at 7:30 p.m. at Roosevelt site and see Michael make his presentation yondthecold.com. On April 5, you will login High School in Seattle; April 6 at 7 p.m. at (which will include pictures) in an intimate to http://shindig.com/event/15-beyond-the- Adult weekend at Skogfjorden cold. Visit the book website at www.beyon- April 26 –29 Shoreline Conference Center in Shoreline. living room setting. Michael will be able to Free admission to all concerts! For ques- see the audience, mingle and take questions. dthecold.com. Authors interested in being a Bemidji, Minn. guest on a virtual event can contact him by program tailored tions, contact Joanne at jadonnellan@com- In addition, links will be provided to pur- email. Michael runs his own public relations to the needs and preferences of adults at cast.net or (360) 384-1394. chase the book. and web design business in Philadelphia, Skogfjorden! Authentic menus with lan- “Beyond the Cold” has received positive guage instruction catered specifically to Norway Day 2012 acclaim. It received first place in the 2009 Pa., concentrating on authors and small busi- participants’ abilities. Great opportunity to April 21 Beach Book Festival and Honorable Men- nesses. Olympia, Wash. meet new people, laugh and have fun! For tion in the Nashville, New England, London, There’s more to Norway than lutefisk and “Michael Kleiner’s details, call (800) 450-2214, email clv@ Los Angeles and Do It Yourself Book Festi- lefse! Join us for the 6th Annual Norway book is an interest- cord.edu and www.concordialanguagevil- vals in that year. He was included in The lages.org. Day at the Thurston Co. Fairgrounds Expo ing combination of Center. Enjoy our Nordic Cafe features ek- Authors Show 50 Great Writers You Should a diary, travelogue Be Reading in 2010 and nominated in the Nevada tenorsk food, Scandinavian entertainment, and autobiography, first class vendors, delictable bake sale 2011 Dan Poynter Global eBook Awards. He regarding the country Daughters of Norway Smørgåsbord goodies, Vikings and Fjord horses. Admis- appeared at Norsk Høstfest in 2008. and people of Norway April 21 sion is a mere $3! Call (360) 923-1242 or Norwegian American Weekly included from the perspective Reno, Nev. email [email protected]. Beyond the Cold as a “Great Book to Give of a young boy to a Come all you Norskies, Swedes, Danes and and Get” in its Christmas edition, saying grown man. During Finns! The Daughters of Norway Sonja Wisconsin “Kleiner’s experience in Norway as a child seven visits to Norway, he develops the theme Henie Lodge is having their annual smor- Beginning Genealogy Seminar and his later returns as an adult shape a of his warm, intimate experiences in Norway. gasbord fundraiser at the Washoe County April 21 warm, sensitive and caring look at how Nor- With each visit, he dispels the myth of the re- Senior Center. Join us at 5 p.m. for a fam- Hudson, Wis. way and its people have influenced the man served, somewhat cold and hard to get to know ily fun evening of music, dance, raffles The Tronderlag of America is sponsor- he has become.” Fjell og Vidde, Norway’s persona of Norwegians to one of friendliness, and a smørgåsbord of delicious Norwegian ing a “Beginning Genealogy” seminar on warmth, integrity, and generosity of the north dishes, all for just $20. Children under 12 largest outdoor magazine wrote, “He tells April 21, 1 – 4 p.m. at the Hudson Hourse people... Michael Kleiner shares many beauti- $6. Please call Heidi at (775) 233-0174 for with warmth and enjoyment about his en- Grand Hotel, 1616 Crest View Drive, Hud- ful trips, everyday foods, and many humorous tickets. counters with Norwegians, our customs and son, WI. The seminar will be conducted Norwegian nature. This is not a guidebook, stories of the kind people called Norwegians... by the Tronderlag genealogist. The cost of but a personal portrait of a country.” He has created a refreshing story of a beautiful Virginia country filled with uniquely kind people.” the seminar is $15 and includes a one-year Highlights of his adult trips, besides be- Hampton Roads’ 40th anniversary gala – Jean Peyer, Sons of Norway, membership in the Tronderlag. Advanced ing reunited with friends and accumulating March 31 registration can be completed by sending Long Island, N.Y. Virginia Beach, Va. experiences, was his honeymoon; attendingFull Service Agency With Experienced an email to [email protected]. The Norwegian Speaking Consultants! Sons of Norway Hampton Roads Lodge fee will be collected at the door. Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! #3-522 is celebrating their 40th anniver- information will help you make wise travel Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n to be added to the Norway.com online calendar and the Weekly! Europe & the1 Caribbean (718) 979-6641 Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] Verrazano TraVel & leisure 1 (718) 979-6641 [email protected] [email protected] norwegian american weekly M Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us march 16, 2012 • 13 In your neighborhood Learn something new Ingebretsen’s Scandinavian Gifts offers wide variety of classes in Minneapolis, Minn.

Photos courtesy of Joan and Thor Dahl In 2004, Joan was invited to paint a miniature piano for the White House, and was invited to a White House Christmas party to meet First Lady Laura Bush.

< Folk art From page 1 people in South Korea would be interested in Norwegian folk art, Joan explains: “When I ing has on display. Needless to say, the food teach at National Art Conventions there are was to die for!” says Joan. always a high percentage of Asian students Joan and her husband Thor opened their in my classes. Usually they are my best pu- first store in Solvang, Calif., in 1976 called pils. In addition to many of them having a Dahl House Importers. Solvang is a true natural talent for strokes, they are very eager Photos courtesy of Ingebretsen’s copy of a Danish village, and Thor and Joan to learn. They tell me that from being used Susannah McLeod (left) and Chloe Thorsbakken of the web travel show “Sus and Chlo” learned to to write in “scripts” (characters) since child- carve spoons from instructor Fred Livesay. bravely made an entrance as the first “non- Danish” storeowners. They sold only mer- hood, the strokes in rosemaling are relative chandise manufactured in Norway and im- easy for them to learn.” Ca r s t e n s Sm i t h ported from the “old country.” Joan thought Joan has also published three hardcover Classes Director, Ingebretsen’s Scandinavian Gifts books: two about rosemaling and one about Minneapolis, Minn. it might be nice to have some rosemaling around the store. “We wanted to make our Norwegian trolls and rosemaling. All the customers feel like they visited a real Norwe- books are written in English on one side It’s a Friday evening at Ingebretsen’s Classes at Ingebretsen’s started in the gian gift shop when they came through our and Norwegian on the other; this makes the Scandinavian Gifts. Cooking teacher Emily 1970s when Julie Ingebretsen joined the rosemaled door!” says Joan. So, with only an books a great opportunity for Norwegian Barker shows students how to make a tra- family business. At that time, Ingebretsen’s instruction book and her own intuition as an language learning! ditional krumkake, giving it a final pinch so was exclusively a meat market. Julie’s job artist, Joan went about decorating the store. In addition to inspiring students around the pastry stays in a cone shape. Barker then was to open and manage a gift and needle- Well, the customers were impressed, and the world, Joan and her husband Thor run coaches the students on how to take a krum- work store. A former elementary school Joan’s interest in rosemaling took off. an impressive online store that can be found kake from the iron, give it a fold, insert a slip teacher, Julie understood that classes would Since then, Joan has studied rosemaling at www.rosemal.com. Thor and Joan have of paper with an Ole and Lena joke on it, create a sense of community, and as Scan- with top American and Norwegian artists, been married for 44 years, and have been give it a second fold and suddenly, a Norwe- dianvian families became more assimilated, including the famous master painter Oskar business partners for an impressive 36 years, gian fortune cookie appears. Students groan would help keep traditions thriving. The first Kjetsaa, at the Rauland Akademiet in Tele- since 1976. “Most of the time I have been in as they read their “fortunes,” a groan being classes were taught in the back of the com- mark. “My husband’s farm is less than an charge of the art side of our business while a sure sign a person likes an Ole and Lena bination meat market and gift store. Over the hour’s ride from the district of Telemark. Thor has handled the business part. This ar- joke. Barker continues with other shapes and years, the store has expanded and now there Therefore, I got more exposed to that style rangement has given us both our own space variations, with the students following suite. is a sunny classroom with ample room for of rosemaling. My students in that area also even though we often make more important Barker’s class embodies what we want to of- students, teachers, and projects. preferred to learn the Telemark style. There decisions together,” says Joan. The Dahls are fer at Ingebretsen’s – classes that keep tradi- A dedicated classroom also makes it is so much in the Telemark designs that I pre- the only suppliers of a full teaching program tion alive, that are fun, and that have new and possible for us to offer custom classes. In fer compared with most of the other styles for beginning rosemaling. These include kits creative elements. some cases, vacationers want to do more from different parts of Norway. However, that provide all the basic supplies, as well as Barbara Kvernes teaches how to knit than shop and will arrange for a class during I’m able to paint in any rosemaling style,” instructional DVDs to help get started with Norwegian sweaters and leads a Friday their stay in the Twin Cities. The producers says Joan. She even taught the art of rose- authentic rosemaling techniques. Joan’s ad- morning drop-in for knitters who want help and hosts of the web travel show “Sus and maling in Norway. At first, it was difficult vice to beginners is: “The best way is to find a with their sweaters-in-progress. “Patterns are Chlo” on the Go focus on active, affordable to secure this job. “They didn’t believe that good teacher. The second best is using DVDs a basic outline of what to do. There are so vacations and included a spooncarving class the Norwegians would accept a foreigner where one can see and hear how the different many skills and techniques required to make in an episode of their show. (Please visit su- teaching them their own folk art!” says Joan. techniques are performed. This to a fraction a Norwegian sweater that are only passed on sandchloonthego.com to view the episode.) However, she was given a chance to teach of the cost of learning from a “live” teacher.” from knitter to knitter. I want to share what I Spooncarving has been the favorite private at a university, and there were soon waiting With the help of the Dahls, truly anyone can know and all that I’ve learned the hard way,” class to date, but we can arrange private lists of students who wanted to get into her begin learning how to rosemal! “You are Kvernes says. classes for almost all of our offerings. class. She taught in Norway for nine years. invited to come paint with me!” Joan says. Paul Robinson also teaches how to knit Today, Joan is mostly retired, but still Visit www.rosemal.com to learn more about a Norwegian sweater…for your dog. Rob- See > Ingebretsen’s, page 15 leads seminars at rosemaling events around the classes and other services Joan offers, as inson designs and knits sweaters, so when the world. Her latest seminar was in South well as to see some of her beautiful and au- customers began requesting Norwegian dog Korea. Though it might seem surprising that thentic artwork. sweaters, he responded by developing a se- ries of patterns plus a class on fitting your dog and designing a sweater. Ingebretsen’s tries to respond to cus- tomer requests and to spot trends when plan- ning classes. Inquiries from home-schooling parents led to our Nordic Story Hour, led by Kari Tauring. Tauring coordinates her teach- ing with Ingebretsen’s with her classes at Tapestry Folkdance Center. Our space is too limited for a folkdance class, so she teaches the cultural origins of dances and rituals at the store and then teaches the related folk- dances at Tapestry. We have found that col- laboration leads to greater opportunities for our customers and Ingebretsen’s enjoys strengthening ties between our store and the Emily Barker demonstrating the secrets to mak- greater Scandinavian community. ing delicate, cone-shaped cookie krumkake. 14 • March 16, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly Norwegian heritage Norwegian Language Corner The boys from Vangen: Rønningen Ramblings with Heidi Håvan Grosch

Written by Leif Halse Heidi was a long-time Minnesotan until she married her favorite Norwegian, Morten, and moved to his home Vangsgutane, a classic series in Norway from 1941 to present, was used as curriculum material in country of Norway. As a recent immigrant she is experi- Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri encing Norway with a unique perspective, filling us in on My Astri Publishing brings the copyrighted bilingual Norwegian/English serialization of “The Boys the good, the bad and the unexpected! From Vangen: Vangsgutane” to the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly to practice their Norwegian reading skills, as well as enjoy a Norwegian classic!

Litteraturhuset (the Literature House)

My heart beat a little faster when I saw it; a building dedicated only to books. When I walked inside the smell of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the crisp paper sound MY GOODNESS, WHAT A PRIZE! DU ALL VERDEN FOR EN PREMIE! of turning pages, and a sign hung on the Utafor skolehusveggen står det to Outside the wall of the schoolhouse are door asking parents not to block the main splitter nye sykler. Han sier det er gave fra two brand new bicycles. He says they are gifts entrances with their strollers. This wasn’t herredsstyret til Kåre og Steinar Vangen. from the town council to Kåre and Steinar the local library however, although there Vangen. “You have shown an initiative and a «Dei har synt eit pågangsmot og ein arbeids- have always been places for people that love vilje som er sjeldsynt, og dei står som lysande willingness to work that is seldom seen, and books and words. But it wasn’t a local coffee føredøme for all ungdom. Det er slike mann- you are a shining example for all youths. It is shop either, a traditional place to find writ- semne vi har bruk for,» sier han. young men like you we need,” he says. «Vangsgutane» vet nesten ikke hva de The Vangen boys scarcely know what to ers hunched over computers or folks chat- skal tru. Først hundre kroner til Steinar, og så think. First, 100 kroner for Steinar, and then ting wildly about new ideas. This was Lit- enda nye sykler til begge to! Dette er nesten new bicycles for both of them! It’s almost too teraturhuset (House of Literature) in Oslo, for gildt til å være sant. De skinner av glede good to be true. They beam with joy and hap- a place that brings words, books, ideas and og lykke, og de handtakker både Breiset’n og piness, and they shake hands with Mr. Bre- people together with a little more space, a skjeggemannen og kretsformannen og lær- iset, the bearded man, the superintendent and little more funding and an international cli- eren. Nå må de skynde seg heim og fortelle the teacher. Now they have to hurry home to ental. hva som har hendt i dag. Sigrid Vangen un- tell their mother what has happened today. The concept of Houses of Literature is drer seg svært på hva som kommer borte i Sigrid Vangen really wonders what on earth not new. A series of such spaces opened in gardsvegen. is coming down the farm road. Germany in the 1980s, and even earlier plac- Det kan vel hende det blir glede på Van- You can be sure there was joy at Vangen. es like the Loft Literary Center in Minne- gen. Moster Ane på Hjellen kommer nedover Aunt Ane from Hjellen comes down and looks apolis, Minn., opened their doors to writers, og ser på stasen. Hun og Sigrid blir enige om at the fine gifts. She and Sigrid agree that now thinkers and interested public. And so it was at nå må «gutane» få seg en ordentlig ferietur. the boys have to take a proper vacation. “We that in the fall of 2007, with the generous «Vi skal sykle heilt til Nordpolen!» sier Kåre. will bike all the way to the North Pole!” says Photo: Heidi Håvan Grosch help of Fritt Ord (the Freedom of Expression Litteraturhuset in Oslo is a place for people to «Eller til verdens ende!» ler Steinar De må til Kåre. “Or to the end of the world!” laughs Foundation, see sidebar for more details), a gather and discuss words, books and ideas. Steinar. They have to start planning their trip å planlegge ferie-turen med en gang, for så former teacher college in Oslo became Nor- snart de bare får gjort seg i stand, så drar de at once, because as soon as they are all ready, way’s first House of Literature. på tur med det samme. they will be off on their trip. how technology affects book and music “The objective is to inspire a growing copyrights. Visiting American author, Rob- Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods – Illustrated by Jens R. Nilssen interest in Norwegian and international fic- 3.NAW.Legend.22Dec2011_Layout 1 12/22/11 11:35 PM Page 1 ert Levine first talked about his book, “Free tion and non-fiction, and to serve as a meet- Vangsgutane bilingual book available for $19.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. Ride: How the Internet is Destroying the ing place for all those interested in books and www.astrimyastri.com Culture Business and how the Business Cul- literature,” touts their English website. “It is ture can Fight Back,” which was followed by also an important arena for public meetings Legend of Siljatjern Seter: a panel of Norwegian writers (Marta Breen, Life, love and faith on and seminars organized by a range of differ- Morten Harry Olsen, Cora Skylstad, Morten a Norwegian mountain dairy ent organizations and institutions, discuss- By Gunlaug Nøkland Jørgensen) voicing their opinions on this ing a broad variety of topics ranging from topic. Did I mention that much of this was in • Bilingual English Norwegian text international politics and climate change to • 6”x9”, hardcover, 448 pages, English and that is was free? SALE cultural matters...” In fact, 90 percent of the 1/2 price • Recipes & pictures of old seter life New houses have opened up or are in • Was $29.95, now only $14.95 events that take place at Oslo’s House of Lit- development in Bergen, Tromsø, Trond- • Plus FREE shipping in USA erature are organized by people renting one heim, Odda, Bryne and Skien. We in Nord- Legend of Siljatjern Seter tells the story of of their many meeting spaces, and the na- Mette agreeing to take a summer job as a Trøndelag don’t have one central building tional television company (NRK) airs their budeie (dairy maid) on an old-fashioned for our House of Literature, instead, the li- demonstration dairy called Siljatjern (Silja’s weekly debate on NRK1 from this location. braries cobble their information (and often pond) Seter. Here in this book, you can ex- (You can watch debates live, in Norwegian, perience life as your ancestors lived in Nor- resources) together so communities can see at www..no/programmer/sider/debatten). way before they immigrated to America. what is going on and people can travel to see “One of the objects of the House of Call — send a check — or order from website what they wish. Made in America! Literature is to foster debate and to serve as So if you are planning a trip to Oslo, go an arena for important voices from both the Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com to the Litteraturhuset website and see if there Norwegian and international public domain. Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 is anything of interest for you. Since it’s the 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] In addition to presenting our own authors, largest House of Literature in Europe, there’s we attach importance to presenting authors bound to be something and if nothing else Norway.com Royal Norwegian Consulates from the Nordic countries and from the rest the café / restaurant / bar and bookshop will of the world.” Organization of the Week in North America give you a place to relax after hours of sight- When I was in Oslo a few weeks ago, seeing. Visit www.litteraturhuset.no/english. Saskatchewan I took advantage of a free seminar about Sons of Norway Leif Erikson Lodge #2-001 Consul Heather Celebrating Norwegian heritage in Jean Quale Goranson Fritt Ord – the Freedom of Expression Foundation Seattle, Wash. Royal Norwegian Consulate The Freedom of Expression Foundation, Prize. As funding increased, the institution was 195 - 10 Research Drive, For more information, contact: Oslo, was established in June 1974. From the able to support a number of individual measures Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 7J7 very beginning, their activities were linked to within its sphere of activity (such as Houses of Phone: (206) 783-1274 Phone: (306) 790 9300 initiatives such as supporting the newly estab- Literature). The Freedom of Expression Foun- Email: [email protected] Fax: (306) 790 9302 lished Norwegian Institute of Journalism, a grant dation Oslo manages funds for projects within http://http://leiferiksonlodge.com Email: [email protected] program designed to stimulate the exploration the areas of Media and Democracy, Information For the full list of organizations, of issues related to freedom of expression and, and public debate, Grants and Training and Art For a listing of all consulates, not least, the Freedom of Expression Foundation and Culture. Visit www.fritt-ord.no/en. visit noram.norway.com/organizations visit noram.norway.com/organizations norwegian american weekly M Online: blog.norway.com/category/sports march 16, 2012 • 15 sports < Ingebretsen’s From page 13 another generation. Born with skis on For more information about our classes, Food is everyone’s favorite way to keep please call (612) 729-9333, visit www.inge- Celebrating 40 years of Barnas Holmenkolldag cultural traditions alive. Each fall, our lefse bretsens.com or email classes@ingebrets- classes fill up quickly and a dusting of flour ens.com. can be found over all corners of the room. Ingebretsen’s Scandinavian Gifts is lo- Attending lefse class is often a family affair, cated at 1601 E. Lake Street, Minneapolis, with parents and children or adult siblings MN 55407. Call toll-free at (800) 279-9333 all taking the class so the tradition is certain or visit www.ingebretsens.com for more in- to stay alive for the next generation. We have formation. also arranged lefse classes for corporate team building events, family reunions, and in assisted living centers. Likewise, family NEW! Birkebeiner print members often take the kransekake class to- 9.75x12” + generous border gether. “It’s really gratifying when students Bergslien’s famous 1869 Norwegian painting of “Birchlegs” ski rescue call me and say they made a kransekake for • full-color, fade-proof their daughter’s wedding after taking my • quality paper class. I’m teaching a skill that brings real • FREE shipping in sturdy mailing tube to happiness to a family event,” says instructor US 48 states Lorraine Jasinski. • $15 each, USD only; Carving instructor Russell Scott, who VISA/MasterCard teaches how to make a folk art angel says, Order from “I enjoy creating and teaching the art of flat NORWAY ART plane carving because I am part of the con- 1455 West Lake St, B-20 tinuation of this ancient Scandinavian art Minneapolis, MN 55408 and tradition.” Scott summarizes what our call 612.339.7829 or 612.871.2236, or teachers hope to transmit – tradition and how email: [email protected] to enjoy the process of making a traditional Why not order now for shipment to your home or business Photos: Nancy Bundt / www.visitnorway.com and have this beautiful art waiting for you there?! There is a saying that Norwegians are born with skis on their feet, and Norway’s love of skiing is item on your own, then passing that skill to learned at an early age with Barnas Holmenkolldag.

Os l o p u l s The Scandinavian Hour Celebrating over 50 years on the air! It started as an end-of-the-season event ticpate, but it was too many kids. for children who had attended Skiforenin- “Absolutely hopeless, it has failed total- KKNW – 1150 AM gens school in 1973. Now the children’s ski ly, the piling up of crying children, said the race is greater than the Holmenkollen Ski hectic Red Cross people while they are com- Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Marathon, and it’s an annual event the city forted, organized and called out names in a Streaming live on the internet at: of Oslo looks forward to every March. This megaphone that only the closest could hear. year’s Holmenkolldag was held March 4 at And there were many sore 12-year-olds who, www.1150kknw.com Holmenkollen in Oslo and at several loca- after having gone through the six-kilometer tions around the city. Elgløypa not received the promised fanny “The idea was for children to ski on a pack as a prize,” wrote Aftenposten the next Enter our drawing for the trail and practice what they had learned in day. ski school,” aid Ole Kristian Sørland, project Organizers revised their approach, and manager for Holmenkolldag. started local races around Oslo to allow more Ibsen Festival When the race first began in 1973, 1,200 people to participate, but not overwhelm the April 13 – 15 • Lanesboro, Minn. children were asked to participate. The prize facilities. was a bun, a bottle of Solo orange soda and In 2011, the race celebrated its record a Holmenkollen button that could be at- number of participants: over 9,200 children Enter the Norwegian American Weekly tached to a hat or parka. Since then, the race lined up at Holmenkollen and 2,200 were in- drawing for your chance to win tickets has grown considerably – in 1982 when the cluded in local races. By comparision, over to the highly acclaimed Ibsen Festival! World Ski Championships were held in Oslo, 7,000 participated in this year’s event. over 5,200 children started the race. The Holmenkolldag is an event that Send an email to [email protected] But it hasn’t been smooth skiing every Norwegians of all ages look forward to. with subject line “Ibsen Festival” and year. In 1991, 6,500 children lined up to par- we will enter you in the drawing! Win- Learn more about the Ibsen Festival ners will be chosen at random on April at www.ibsenfest.org 1. One entry per email address. Sports News & Notes Win free tickets! or call (800) 657-7025 Rønning wins 50km cross-country Momentum for Bjørgen Norway’s Eldar Rønning won the Cross Coun- Norway’s Marit Bjørgen took her third straight UNG SYMFONI from Bergen, Norway try Skiing World Cup 50km mass start at Hol- Cross-Country Skiing World Cup victory in menkollen, Norway on March 10, after a dra- winning the women’s 30km mass start on home Western Washington tour, March and April 2012 matic sprint finish against Swiss Dario Cologna. trails at Holmenkollen in Oslo on March 11. Her Conductor: Kjell Seim – Violin soloist: Eldbjørg Hemsing Cologna had wrapped up the overall World Cup main rival for the world cup overall, Poland’s Free admission – Donations accepted title already before coming to Norway and he Justyna Kowalczyk captured second place, in had hoped that this year he had his chance to a sprint finish with Norway’s Therese Johaug, March 30, 12 p.m.: Concert at the Wexliem April 3, 7:30 p.m.: Concert at Grieg Hall, win the 50km race. However, as the two raced while Norway’s Kristin Størmer Steira had to Lummi Community Building, Bellingham Poulsbo down the last stretch, Rønning had just enough settle for fourth. Bjørgen now tops the overall reserve power to cross the finishing line a cou- world cup ranking with 2349 points, with Kow- March 30, 7:30 p.m.: Concert at Ferndale April 4, 7:30 p.m.: Concert at Kentwood ple of inches ahead of Cologna. Rønning’s team alczyk in second at 2111 points. Johaug follows High School, Ferndale High School, Kent mate Martin Johnsrud Sundby made the day in third. April 2, 7:30 p.m.: Concert at Western April 5, 7:30 p.m.: Concert at Roosevelt complete for the home crowd by winning the (Norway Post) Wash. University, Bellingham High School with RHS students, Seattle battle for bronze at Holmenkollen. (Norway Post) April 3, 12 p.m.: Concert at Pacific Lutheran April 6, 7 p.m.: Concert at Shoreline University, Tacoma Conference Center, Shoreline < Berger of the games. From page 1 Norway finished with four gold medals, one silver and one bronze. France came in nal day of the championships. second with three gold medals and five sil- This was Berger’s in as she claimed her ver, and German in third with two gold med- third gold medal of the championhip, helping als, one silver and two bronze. to ensure that Norway topped the medal table Questions? Contact Joanne at [email protected] or (360) 384-1394 TRAVEL IN STYLE YOUR STYLE BUSINESS, ECONOMY EXTRA OR ECONOMY

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