The Migrant 65:1-4
THE MIGRANT Published by the Tennessee OmithoIogical Sodety to Record and Encourage the Study of Birds in Tennessee. Issued in March, June, September, and December. VOL. 65 September 1994 NO. 3 Thp Migrant, 65 (3) 4748,1994. GREEN HERONS FEED BY DIVING INTO DEEP WATER RICHARDL. KNIGHT 804 North Hills Drive Johnson City, TN 37604 While fishing on Cherokee Lake, in northeast Tennessee, on 3 August 1985 1 ob- served some Green Herons (Butorides virescens) engaged in unexpected feeding methods. About a dozen Green Herons were standing or stalking along 150 m of shoreline, typical behavior for this species (Kushlan 1976). However, at least three of these herons were also seen to fly out from shore and dive into dense schools of small fish. On these flights, the herons ventured as much as 30 m out from shore to areas where the water depth ranged up to 12 m (determined by a depth-finder on the boat). The flights reached heights of 1-3 m, from which the herons would either flutter feet first onto the water surface and stab at fish with their bills or dive head first into the schools of fish. After each capture attempt the herons flew back to shore. More than 15 such flights were observed, with about two-thirds successful. Their prey were small shad (Domsom sp., 5-10 cm long), which are abundant, pe- lagic forage fish in this reservoir. This behavior was seen again in August 1986 in the same area. I noted a similar incident while fishing at Boone Lake, also in northeast Tennes- see, on 18 August 1992.
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