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Tcusenate Names CAMPUS NEWS .'I I:b:,rITheI Tufts Dailyp] - -___ ___ - - Please Recycle This Newspaper Tuesday, Ma-ch 3, 1981 Volume 111 Number 23 --- - __ C.S.L. Adjourns Before Deciding Culture House- Appeals by Bill Frechtman "The question before us," o2lavin explained, "is wheth- The Committee or1 Student er or not specific groups Life heard over one and a (ethnic minorities- or lan- half hours'of appeals pres- guage houses) have automatic +he entations on se'ecLion priority for housing space." of cultural housing for Many of the pleas to the 1981-82 yesterday, but ad- CSL centered around this journed its executive ses- quest ion. .lembers of the sion before reaching a deci- Asian, 3':anish and Russian sion. culture groups argued to "The Cominittee will rzcon- retairL_their houses on the vene tomorrow," said chair- grounds that they have on- man- Don Klein (Professor going programs and needs of Political -Scienccl), "and that would otherwise be a decision will definitely erased. be made.'. "IJe consider the choict - The controversy surrounds of less-senior groups un- the Housing Advisory Board's fair," stated Russian house Appealing to the C.S.L. yesterday: (L-R)' Dan Char(seated1 decisions on cultural hocs- 6f member Dan Kiryelejza. He and Sandy Leung. Seated at center is Dean Students ing for 1981-82, and the Bobbie Knable, and standing with back turned is C.S.L. process used for selection. supported his claim to re- Chairman Dan Klein. (photo by Frank Bergen) A housing committee heard tain a Russian house on the 15 proposals for cliltural grounds of the difficulty TCUSenate Names Six housing (which includes to learn the language and houses and suites within the need for a location to dorms) last week, and could live and study Russian to Cornittees In ot'cer discussions Sen- which, he stated, a suite The TCU Senate accepted ator Dan GeLber questioned choose only,l2 due to avail- able housing. Decisions would not provide. subcommittee nominations why the Committee on Student Similar statements came Sunday for students to sit Life must approve the new were made, according to !IAB members, on the basis of f ;om representatives of the on the Peter Paul, Admis- constitution. Senator Kevin Spanish House. sions and Financial Aid, Thurm responded that the proposals for activities iiext year and on an inter- Romance Language Depart- Curricula and Equal Educa- Constitutional Conventions ment Chairman Gustavo tion Opportunity Committees. was mandated by the CSL af- ;liew with the committee. Appealing HAB's decisions Alfaro, arguing for the re- Accepted for the Peter ter the CSL rejected Ken instatement of the Spanish Paul Committee was Jeff Beck's constitution calling are the Asian Students Club, whose house was not renewed, house, outlined the improve- Lucas; for the Admissions for the dissolution of the ments that the house has and the Spanish and Russian and Financial Aid Committee, Senate. made since he came to Tufts. Ken Sunshine and Craig Wil- The new constitution must ;-Iouses who were given suites rather than houses. According to Alfaro, the kins; for the Curricula Com- also be ratified by the full house was on probation when mittee, Saul Singer; and Board of Trustees. The major issues brought up by members of the groups he arrived but has since for the E.E.O.C., Debbie In other business, Senate improved its activities. Kidney and Beth Rose. Chairman Phil Swain proposed appealing was an alleged incongruity in the process The question of incongru- The Senate also reviewed that thF Senate review the ities in the selection pro- and accepted the Senate Ser- Reagan Administration's cuts that requires a faculty mem- ber support a cultural house cess was brought up by Asian vices Comittee proposal for in student loans and, other representative Dan Char and cause dinners. Under the federal programs that would proposal, and whether long- standing organizations Sandy Leung. proposal the men's lacrosse affect Tufts. He criticized The two argued that their team and the Jimmy Fund will the' Coalition of Private should receive preference, In a written memo to the proposal was not given equal share the receipts of one University Students, a nat- consideration because it dinner, and the African- ional student group, for CSL, Director of Housing Julie Glavin, ,who heads HAB, lacked their faculty spon- American Society and Alpha condemning the cuts without sor's approval because he Phi the other. The Senate proposing changes. "The stated, "It is clear that certain groups or depart- is on sabbatical. stipulated that the Elma Senate must offer construct- continued page 2 Lewis School for the Per- ive criticism and not simply ments feel their specific space should automatically *Pl** forming Arts, which will condemn the cuts," Swain be renewed' 'without a con- benefit from the Afro-Am said. The Senate will focus FOR THE STARTING LOTTERY Society cause dinner, hold on this issue at next sequential application pro- NUMBER, SEE WEATHER Box a performance on campus. week's meeting. cess. 2 Tufts DAILY'*) sday, March 3, 1981 Tufts Daily j Mews -Briiefs WI.'JiIAE: A. FRECHTMAN, Editor in Chief MIKE FEIRdS, Execu;:ive Editor ' ART CHARLTON, Associate Editor ANTHONY EVERETT, Managing Editor '. ROBERT KELLER, Managing Editor U.S- Aid Halted King Requests BETSY ROSENBLOOM, Features Editor PAUL VAN OSDOL, News Editor ?OR TYKOT, Sports Editor MARK SHIRE, Arts Editor U.S. officials say the In 4: r e ase s %R%!?ET JOY FXISCH, Prodiiction Manager KEN SUNSHINE, photography Editor ~~ 2mporary cut-off of Ameri- Governor Edward King has GINNY FURTH, Layout Editor PAULA LORTIE, Graphics Editor an aid to Nicaragua will requested 21.9 million dol- ecome permanent in about HIKEI. TAYLOR, Rusiriess Manager dENDY WE.ISS, Advertising Manager 'lars in additional spending MAPIE CERES. Officc Mnnager #LISA SPEZZAFERRO, Deliverv wo weeks unless there is authorization for the cur- ~~ vidence that the Nicaraguan The TuEts Daily i!; a non-prufit student-run newspaper published by the rent fiscal year. The bud- studrnts of Tufts Liniversity, weekdays during the academic year. Printing ,overnment has stopped ship- get, referred to the House by the Harvard Crimson, Inc., Ca-nbridge, MA. Please addrcss correspondence bents of military arms to Ways and Means Committee to: The Tufts 3aily, -Curtis Hall, Tufts University, Medford, MA, 02155. alvadoran rebels. The of- today, includes 2.1 million Telephone: (617) 628--5000, exts. 6130, 5131. Business hours 9-5 weekdays. icials say the aid was sus- U.S. postage paid in Mcdford, MA. dollars for the lottery com- ended several weeks ago - mission. King's deficiency fter documents showed Nic- would supplement 6 billion ragua was being used as -Letters to the Editors dollars already appropriated transfer point for Sov- Activities -Fee surplus in individual organ- for the year ending June et bloc weapons going to izations account. This mon- 30. He's seeking 3 million R e f e r e LI dug ,1 Salvador. At stake is ey is usually allocated dollars to maintain commuter he remaining $15 million To the Editor: for long-term, capital in- rail service the rest of f a $75 million aid package On Tuesday, March 3, vestments such as (equipment the year. 1981, those students who for the Daily, TUTV, boat chose not to allocate $6.00 for Crew Club, & money for Reagan Makes of their Student Activities The Kremlin Speaks Senior Week) Appeal Fee will be giken an oppor- Next year's Student Act- tunity to have this money ivites Fund--this money President Reagan says A Communist party spokes- allocated to another fund. would be taken into con- is economic program is be- man says the Soviet Union The following is a list sideration when setting next PZ threatened by the self- is \Tilling to give the Un- of the options available year's student activities sh concern of special in- ited States time to prepare and an explanation of each: fees. Consequently, this erest groups, and he ap- for a summit meeting. The Spring Fling--a series is the lump sum amount that ealed today for the support Kremlin is eazer for an ear- of social events to take will be available to be al- f local officials. ' The ly meeting and ,the Soviet place in the Spring spon- located to organizations resident said the economic spokesman repeated Soviet sored by Program Board and in next. years budget, in risis can be brought under warning, tha: the Reagan other student organizations. a process that has already ofitrol by implementing'his .achinistratLoi, should not Most of the events wil? be begun. ropoaed budget and tax cuts set any pre-conditions for free and open to the entire Finally, there will be egulatin[- overhauls and such a meetin.,'. Reagan has Community. space available for students onetary controls. But said te's interested in the Senate Buffer Fund--this to express their desire to eagan said the program proposed summit but he also money is set aside at the have the money allocated aces "a political gauntlet said that such matters as beginning of each year to to any other items qther f 'interest groups,'l and alleged Soviet aid to anti- assist in the extablishment than those listed above. hat each group wants the govercment rebels in El Sal- of new organizations and/or We hope that all students udget cuts to be made some- vhdor must . first be to aid existing organiza- who are eligible would take here else. straightened otit. tions that require addition- advantage of this opportun- Fictitious Doctor Makes; Crank Calfs al funding throughout the ity to become involved in course of the year.
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