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GOOD MORNING, CITY! Temperatures which hit 10 below last night will let up a little today with an expected high of 12 to 18. e aWGJIl Partly cloudy today. EatabUabed 1868 Vo1.79. No. 84-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa,, Wednesday. Jan. ), 1947-Five Cent. ... • GOOD MORNING, IOWA CITY Jan. IU. S. Agen.ts * * * * .• * f * '* * * * * 11 11 11 'Hawkey'es Swamp ' Ghristian~ 61-37

CITY HIGH LOSES Wier Leads· OTI'UMW A - Iowa. City blch'. Little Hawb froze .up Justic~ Dept. In the third Quarter last nlcht to 1_ to the Ottum",,, Bull­ I Scorers Again dOCI, 3'7-27. The Hawklets were unable to ConSidering score In the second half until two JIlInutes were I'one hI tbe With 14 Points final qautel'. Fmm there they 'Every Aspect' picked up tbelr flnt half edre on tbe BUlldocl. bu& the tblrd The undefeated University ot Quarter Ilumll was too mUM to WASHINGTON (A'J- The jus- coasted to an overcome. tice department disclosed last easy, 01-37, intersectional win Zip Clayton, Ottumwa cual'd, night it is inquiring into the af­ over Texas Christian at the lield­ kept his team In thfo runnlnc In house last night. The win was the the flnt half, while Erland, fairs of Senator Bilbo (D-Miss.). seventh straight non-conference whc!se 11 p~lnts were hlch for At the same time the senate Re­ victory for the Hawks and -their the c~_. was the hlC CUI) for publican steering committee sig­ last game before embarking upon the winners In the last half. nalled a finish fight to oust him. the Big Nine porlion of the sched­ Bli Relehardt and Dick Drake A justice department official ule Jan. 4 wllh Wisconsin here. spilt Hawklet IIcortnl' honors fully acquainted with the inquiry Murray Wier led the scorers with aeven lJOln~8 each. with 14 points followed by Herb told a reporter thai "justice de­ Wilkinson and Dick Ives with 11 partment agents have been in * * * * * * * * * markers. -Never Mind the Cost- ity and Hall nailed a long one. Mississippi for some time study­ The Hawks started the game Wardynski hit one for the Frogs ing the affairs of Senator Bilbo." like they were going to push the but Clayton Wilkinson mat"hed it. The inquiry, he said, is "inde­ Horned Frogs of! the floor. Within Pasco and Wardynski hit, fol­ the first 59, seconds Murray Wier peDuent of that made by congress­ lowed by Kochneft. Bob Free­ connected for six Quick points Qil a ional committees. It covers every man and Bother of T.C.U. h'aded It a Gay Eve', push, shot a setup and a!l . un Was il~Pt!~t 91 t~ Bilbo case." goa~s. Koshneft. hit a tree thl'Ow. -canny, Up-in. 'Texas Oltri8ti~ reo; When asked if the inquiry in­ ------~------taliated w1th one of their lour Things were rough in the last 8, THE ASSOCIATED PR S clUded reports of intimidation of hall. celebrating 171 years of this the Year and a blanket. first-half baskets when KlJdlaty minute. Harry made a gift toss, Millions of Americans, reflect­ nation's independence. SWlI.nk spots sold out In-advance SECRETARY OF STATE James F. Byrnes ~lcn8 the proclamation, be­ Negroes in the primary in which Ing a general attitude of "never .. hit from the side. Charlie Mason hooked one for neath the .I,nature of President Truman, endlnc hOlltilUtes for World . . at their hlchest prices. .. IOWI, Pasco made a setup, and Bilbo was renominated, he said mind the cost," began the gayest Merrymakers of the brlnc­ $. I) ") . . War U. The proolamation also 81ped the death warrant for many "Certainly." Guzowski and Wardynski traded and most expensive New Year's your-own-boUle s c h 0 0 I of Iowa roared buk as Herb baskets at the final gun. tederll.l wartime powers. (AP WIREPHOTO) Eve celebration in history while Hollywood night club owners I Democratic members of the thoucht o't~n found liquor voiced a viewpoint also exp,essed Wllklnaon drove around his BOX seOIlE special senate campaign investi­ the final hours of 1946 waned to­ prices down. Scotch had been COlI.rd to score aacl I,," COn- I .... (61) I, II pI T.O.V. (97) I, Il pI * * * * * * ward the explosive midnight in other centers when they said I H b lves. i • 3 3 Kudlaty. I 3 a 3 gating committee probing Bilbo's slashed $1 to $3 a bottle In New they thought this New Year's Eve nected with a. tlp- n_ er con- Straatsma. f 0 0 0 Hendrick•• I I 0 0 actions in this primary have indi­ climax. I tlnued the march with two free Wier. f 1 0 0 Cond!en. 1 0 I I York and bonded bourbon and celebration would mark the end . Danner f 2 0 J Dolmc8. cOO 3 cated they will repol'~ they find no . Merrymakers crowded the urban throws to put the RaM. allead, c. WJ~ .. flO 0 Hatry. cOl 0 Truman Officially Ends War, rye was down as much as $2. of an easy money era. lZ-2 wUh six minutes cone. M',nusson, I 0 0 0 Pasco. • ~ 0 2 reason to deny Bilb a seat. Re­ centers, jamming restaurants. ~ .. . But Hollywood clubs we:'e sold , , Mason. flO 0 Brothers.' I 0 0 publican members 0 the commit­ night clubs and bars, paying high out at table prices ranging from • • • Freeman flO 0lwanJynSkl" S , 2 prices and :stiff cover charges in Washingtonians, eased of war­ Cabalke. f 0 0 0 tee, Senators Bridges of New time burdens, were gay. Govern­ $15 to $25 an "avel'ag-!" good lime Dick Ives added a free throw loriensen. c I 0 01 Hampshire and Hickenlooper of a 'noisy revel featured by the before Wardyniski matched it and I'\ietcalle. coo I Kills Many War-Time Powers ment employes had New Year's cost an estimated $50 per person. Kochneff. I I 0 Iowa, said they are "not going to popping of corks and helped along more with two charity tosses for Spencer., L 1 01 day off and made the most of the Jail terms for drunken ' driver~ by the rusUe of good green cur­ Texas Christian. Herb Wilkinson Guzow8kl.« I 0 1 be in agreement with the Demo­ eve. Night clubs looked to the were threatened by judges in Los H. Wilk., , • 3 I WASHINGTON (A')-Presldent big recruiting campaign, and ap­ rency. really got off the floor to tip-in Kremer. II 0 0 1 cratic senators." biggest night of the year and got Angeles, where 40 people were Yeal" ~ 00. Truman sprang a New eve parently providEd for putting a Senator Robert Taft of Ohio top prices of about $12 lor dinner killed in Christmas traHic acci­ two quick baskets while Kudlaty g~rt~: ~ g g ; As us'ual New York City with surprise iYf43terday by yieldi~ ceiling on army and navy civilian said the Republican steering com­ and dancing. Theater,:; scheduled dents. garnered another free throw for Han.. 2 I 0 many oJ the government's war ItS plush elubs and mammoth the Horned F'rogs make the Telalo mittee lias agreed unanimously to special midnight shows. to 211 8 II Tol.1o .. 6 11 powers-an action which means a personneL But military spokes­ entertainment business had one A midnight closing for bl1rs in score, 17-5, with 10 minutes to ______.,.-- try to bar Bilbo a senate seat. I $1.500,000,000 tax cut and scrap­ men were sure of two thi'lgs: The of the bluest crowds - and In Boston sales were ordered San Francisco was ordered and play in the half. He told reporters: "Bilbo will halted at 1 a. 'In. but drinking was clubs were given a 3 a.m. aeadline. ping of the biggest strike control draft authority is undisturbed, and lIOJIJe of the steepest prices. The The play then slowed down with be attacked." okay until 4 a.m. at hotels and Dallas, Sao Antonio ' and Hous­ weapon. charce In night clubs was $5 to Iowa showin, erratic .passi"" but Fourth Floor Cave-in the active service of navul reserve "When, where and how will be ••• per person and liquor was night clubs. ton in Texas as well as Miami and The White House bombsheli took officers continues. decided later. The committee will New Orleans were crowded with the score continued to mount as the form of a proclamation which extra. At Seattle tile Washington state T T F· 2. Required that the tre;\sury re­ meet again tomorrow. Its recom­ football fans for bowl games ttl­ Texas Christian remained as cold raps wo .remen declared "hoatUities of World War o. • liquor control board decided not as the weather. call all its silver from war plants menda~ions must be approved by II" ceased as of ooon yesterday. The cover tab was corre-"pond­ to enforce a state law requiring day. The Louisiana city enjoyed in six months-apparently includ- the senate Republican member­ Dick contributed two free The result of this legal recog­ ingly high in other places. For that all drinking be done sitting its traditional midnight blowout throws, Iv~sWIer a basket, and then ·In New York BI-aze ship." in~tllnce, it average $15 in Chi­ down. A holiday closing of 3 a.m. on old Canal street and Miami had Ives another tip in to keep Iowa nition that the shooting was over Senator Ellender (D-La), head Cilia and one gold coast spot was permitted taverns selling beer its "King Orange" jamboree pa­ rolling. Dave Danner came In the was that 18 extraordinary laws VETS BENEFITS of the campaign investigating rade. NEW YORK (,lP)-Two firemen died forthwith, The proclamation charged an eye-opening $100. and wine. Night clubs prices rang­ game and celebrated with an im­ WASHINGTON (,lP) - The committee, told reporters he "un­ were believed trapped last night also meant that 33 others are doo­ But all was not frivolity. Many ed from around $5 to $12.50 per Many private parties through­ mediate goal on a set up before veterans administration II co­ questionably" favors seating Bil­ head. when a floor collapsed in a burn­ med to die next June 30, or latcr. thousands of the more serious at­ out the country danced to lhe Wardynski hit on a drive In bas­ Inc to ponder over the New bo. He added that he and his two , tended watch night services in holiday music of bands on special ing lower Manhattan office build­ • • 0 • • • ket and then did it all over agalrt ing burying the men beneath de­ Year holiday JUlt to what de­ Democratic colleagues on the com­ churChes throughout the nation as New Year'1 Eve In Texi&S was radio network programs as in past About U,SOO,...... a yell.r ol make the score, 25-9. bris. cree. if II.ny, the war Is over mittee, Senators Maybank of the New Year was born. preceded by the eoIdest day ot years. will be knocked off the naUon's • • • Fourteen other men fiahting the as It a"ects almost 14,000,000 South Carolina and Elmer Thomas President Truman, saying that The last flve .r the tax bill IIx months bence-un- veterll.D8 of World Wu II. of Oklahoma, wLll file a majority this nation and its Allies had won min.... ,tubborn, smoky blaze were sent 1_ eoDl'rea le.... lates other­ half were 1'0""" aroun4 the to hospitals with injuries suffer­ Shortly after President Tru­ r~ort, probably when congress the' war "with God's help," chose edres with Spencer'lI free throw wiB&-by the lowertnr 01 emtr­ man proclaimed yesterday the reconvenes Friday. the year's end to issue a procia­ Autopsy Shows Iowan Was Strangled;' ed il) the four alarm fire. Exte~lt and Danner's 10Dl' paah toID­ cency exelBe taxes on liquor, "cessation of hostilities." a VA Hickenlooper and Bridges said maUon terminating the period of oJ injuries was not immediately plet\1IJ' the Iowa. ICOl'IDI', Ward­ I n"ht clubs. jewelry and oth~r spokesman said definitely, "as they are preparing a minority re­ hostilities and paving the way lor ltnown. ynul broke I... for 'a faat­ Ite~. The rates wl1l ,0 back \0 'ar as we are concerned, the port. the end of many extraordinary Omahan Admits Striking Him With Fist o • • breaklnr basket &lUI ttlldlaly prewar levels. war III over." wartime government powers. 11 .. 11 Reselle lQuds worked fever- • • • M'A H A (,lP) - Washington added a free throw to melle the He said the proclamation Tlmes Square, hub of New. o Ishly to extricate ~be men The governp1ent's power to County Attorney Walter Huber score at the half, 28-1% .. ''''0 placed definite time limits up­ York's annual blowout, had its 'hoDl'ht to be .tlll ID the build- seile strikt:-bound plants died, and said yesterday an autopsy on tbe • • • on veterans' education, unenl­ u.S. Asks Action usual immense crowd. There were The second Italf opp.llect Wilh I... at '7.' Broadwa, between in six months the coal mines must ployment and loan beneflb. II.nd 1,884 patrolmen and detectives as­ body of James Esden indicated the ..utor place and Elchth street. be returned to their operators- 57-year-old Shenandoah, Iowa H. Wilkinson hitting 11 long l)ush reduced the amount of pellliloll~ sianed there and 190 [lremen to II which mlcht be awarde·l new­ On Atom Control auto dealer died of strangulation. shot, Spencer followed with tl set­ o • • whether wage contract is reach- various night clubs in the' city. EaTlier reports had pillced the ed 01' not. ly dIsabled .en'lcemen. Esden's body was found frozen up and Wier added another. Jor­ Store windows in the Times number of men buried in the And-unless further Several hOUl1l bler, tile V A LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y. (,lP)­ Sunday in a farm driveway near gensen kept Iowa on the I'oad with le~islatioll ltqunre area were prudently another bllsket before Pa_oc hit structul'e as 20 but this Jater was is passed- the government's pro-, said the proclamc.tlon had Jlllt The United States yesterday call­ ooarded up. Fort Calhoun, Neb. scaled down by fire offiCials. , grams to sUJ>port the price farm- , been thorou,hly dhrested. I

ICE SKATE Values Up To 4A5 , ~ow 2~8 ." . , .... MELROSE LAKE YOU 'CAN USE 'THE G-E HEAT LAMP 9 A.M. TO 11 A.M. THIS WEEK (Except Sunday Mornlnl) , S.,.ed. drtin9 01 Rodda,. CIDCI other .slaB ,.... MEN'S WOMEN'S 2:00 P.M. TO 5:00 P.M. and ~1.. clothin9. < ..,; felt Operas Leather D'Orsey • 7:00 P.M. TO 10:00 P.M. DAILY Ii Hel.,. atart your car OIl cold wiDter.~ reg. 1.79 reg. 1.79 ... . ; WEATHER PERMlnlNG • HQIIlena the cIryia, of bcdr- CIDCI ~ poIWa. Now 1()(' Now 1i, • ~ Thavt. out IroleQ water pi.,... ADMISSION: 35c I HOW ONLY Shearlings Shearlings' .. reg. 3.98 98 reg. 2.~, 91 CHILDREN UNDER 12, 20c ~"rov,d "eat hi"". _r. _lao.. ", 6iol~ .:' 1 reliq,tl. cUol"", .. ,It" ."'IIIl1aitW . Now Now I Tax Included 2 DIAL 2448 or 6483

619838 rHE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CjrY, IOWA WEoNtSOA t. TJf.N. 1. 1947 .-.. ~--,...... -_. • Qwl 'Gri-d Classics' To Draw Record 500,000 Fans • Honeymoon's Over" Today tOM jor 'onlerenee fumps -Big Nin~ J. Champs Sweat Out Gametime Illinois -Raled Square Off in Football finale Underdog 81 BOB MYERS By JA(JK a.lm PASADENA. Calif. (.4» - The NEW YORK (A»-College foot· ly's Tar Heels. the Southern con­ Bruins of 'UCLA remained (irm ball rctul'DS today lor a rous- (erence winners. and Coach Wally favorites last nl~ht to defeat the ing finale with a record crop Butts' Geor,ian.. co-cbamps ot FighHn' Il1ini. as the champions of or 19 uowl game involving 10 the Southeastern eonteren-ee. A the Pacific Coast and Big Nine major conference champs or co· croWd of 73.000 has been assured. conferences went into seclusion on champions and seven all-Ameri- MIa:nt. Orh.e Bcnvl tn'e- the eve of their battle in the RO'se ea players. 1ft.. another elub of leallle Bowl. AUhou,h both Notn Dame ttttt·bolden h. Rlee. co·kl.... of Conserva tlve o1)servers r&ve .nd Army. the No.1 .1Id Nfl. a the S..... wes&. ina Tennessee. the bll' Bruins. slllfht ell,e III a teams In the natlen. are .'11111- wblu ...... the seathe.stern ,.me .0 be witnessed by nearly nln .. the Jan. 1 exeltement meet laurels wltb Geer.... 90.000. of the other sectlon.l leaders The 88.000 Spectators will get But Inol'e enthu iasHc backers wUl be involved In the tidal an eyeful ot two all-Americas. picked the Bruins to win explo­ fI."y 0' rrld .etllyty 10 be wtl- Tackle of Tennes· sive tashion in this. the inaugural nenetl by .n esfuuted 5H.... see and Guard of Rose Bowl encounter of the five­ 'ant. Rice. yeal' pact between the two confer­ Never before in the history of San Francisco's Shrine game. ences. Both squads were in splendid post-~eason tootball have so many the only major contest played games been scheduled for New purely for charity. boasts all­ physical condition. There should be no alibi for either in this re­ Year's Day. ranging troln the Rose America End. Elmer Madar of spect. Bowl at Pasadena to such johnny­ Mlchipn, in its East lineup for The sable appeared to be true come·lately as the Will Rogers the tlnual East· West au-star scrap. lis f.r as the men t.1 atttltude of Bowl at Oklahoma City. the Har­ All the 62,000 tiCKets for this one the two te.ms. ~Ithourh there bor Bowl at San Diego. Calif.• aM Were sold weeks ago. have been whispers that R.y the Cattle Bowl at Fort Worth. Arka:lsas. holdtrfg a piece of the ILtlNI GRlDDERS relax in the warm sun with a game of clieckers while awaltln, the Rose Bowl show. Eliot. co.ch of the visitors, had Tex. Southwest conference c row n. down with UCLA tod.y. Seated from left to rltht. Dwtcht Eddleman. Lou Arase. Gene Kwasniekskl. hiS' troubles In this Ilne. Dls­ Florida and Texas each have takes on the strong Louisiana Chick Marrlolo, 1>.ul Patterson. St.ndln, from leU to rirM are Geor,e Dlnut. Ralph Serpico. Chuck millsal of two pliyers trom the five ball games and CalifornIa State .;quad before 45.000 in the Boyle. and Budlly Younr. (AP WIREPHOTO) squad lor curfew violation was four with the others scattered one Dallas Cotton Bowl and all-Am- t.llen as unusually stern action cach among Louisiana. OItlahoma. -.lId possibly is a warulnr to erica Paul Duke ot Georgia Ray Bert Alabama. North Carolina and Ha­ C~nter M ,· G· '47 S , J: 'f other IJqu.dmen. RIVAL ROSE BOWL CO\loe"es, Eliot (right) of Illinois and waii. One thing seemed certain. The LaBrucherie of 'UCLA are pictured torether at the annual Rose Todm. M:l.ny thOUI'M the Ro e Bowl rh:F£::~::~it!~WI:~~~~~:~~1 or In ,ves por s rorecas game should be entertaining. Illi­ ament kickoff luncheon. This afternoon they'U be on opposite sides of mi. ed a bei II' pa .Inr up Army Herman Wedemeyer. an ali-Ame- nois is noted for its defensive the field as their grid teams collide in the Rose Bowl In a game rale'd 10 .I,n • p.ct wilb Ihe Western rica of 1945. may steal the show tor By WHITNEY MARTIN Musial a holdout. Woodcock sign- September strength despite its comparative as a toss up. (AP WIREPHOTO) conference. Howe·/er. tbe Pasa­ the Galloping Gaels in a game to NEW YORK (JP)-Today we ed to meet Louis in June. Williams win A. L. batting lightness. but it has a couple of den"" cla.h of UCLA. P.clfle be witnessed by 30.000 fans. again publish the Martin "Little April crown with .392; Musial N. L. break·away artists in Buddy Coasl winners wUh If .tral,ht Florida's ambitious 'Gator Giant" Sports Almanac that in- Sixteen Major learue pilots champ with .374. Cubs win N. L. Young and Art Dufelmeier who Big Nine Basketball victories In .n unbeaten. untied Bowl preseuts a fine p.lrlnr In valuable store of misinformation predict pennanl will fly In 18 pennant by six games, Cards se­ could stage the spectacular. Ramblers Trip eason. and Illinois, Ihe Blr Olll.ho.... co.champs of the concerning events ot 1947. Occa- dllferent pl.ces next faU .s cond, Dodgers third. Red Sox re­ That goes double for UCLA . NIne Idn,. will draw Its custom­ B" Six.... Inst North C.rollna slonally there is the taint of ac- season 0..,en8. Hap"py Chandler, peat in A.. L.. Detroit second. Long gains have been their speci­ Race Gets Underway ary 90.000 lans. St.te with ,..ns to t.ke care curacy. creeping in through such rlvlJtr his broadcast for tbe Cleveland third. Frank Strana- alty In running up 31~ points (to The Illini boast of an all-Ameri­ of :eZ.tH ipeetatoH. difficult predictions as that the campal,n, deelares forcefully: han wins national amateur. opponents' 72) in their unblem­ CHICAGO (JP)-The Big Nine Hansell, 33-24 ·ca in Guard to coun­ Major league season will open in "Ah loves baseb.ll." October ished 10-game season. basketball race which figures to The Sun BoWl. a hardY peren- lcl' UCLA'S End The Bruins. averagln, better be a wide-open scrambl~ for the , nial. l!lC.pects 15.000 at EI Paso, J>.pril. but every elfort has been May Cubs win World Series In six By DON MAWNEY but most of the fans will be made to avoid such mistakes. Bob Feller pitches no-hiEler. rames, Notre Dame!. Army. Geo­ tban 200 pOunds. .re bl&' and title held by Ohio state makes a watching the backfield antics of T~x .. to see Virginia Tech play Anyway here's the way the Al- Unknown wins Indillnapolis 500- Staff Sports Writer rtia, U. C. L. A., Tentlessee. fast. The Illinl. averalflng nearer New Year's Day get-away wtlh Illinois' Buddy Young and the Cmcmnati and the new Alamo 'd . manac rea s: mile face. Cosmic Bomb wins Mlchlrall amoni undefeated 190. are small and fast. Size high-powered Illinois' invasion of St. Mary's Ramblers celebrated Bruin's . Bowl at San AntoDlo, Tex .• has a I J m.y not matter. however. as . anuary Det'by and Preakness. Leo Duro- football teams. Baseb.1I players Wisconsin tonight. New Year's Eve in a big way on Only one all.Amel'ica will be 25.0000 draw in Hardln-SImmons. "II I G I T h h d d f . Alabama ciemonstrated In klck­ The championship chasl' Will unbeaten. untied power paced by no s. eor, a. ennessee. c er . as goo wor or umpires, ro hunUitg ducks. SCOlits to the field house floor by upsetting ~een at the New Orleans Sugar inr a much bulkier U.S.C. Tro­ gather further momentum • al­ little all-America FUllback Rud L. S. U .• Geor,la Tech. Clncln- but refrains from using it. huntinr b.seball players. Larry Bowl., Charlie Trippi of the un­ jan all over the park last New urday night with thtee more the favored. rangy Hansell five. . Y n.tI .nd Oklahoma win major June M.cPhall ..till Durocher meet. beaten. untied Georgia Bulldogs. MObli' haia~~st i'enver' co-h?ld- bowl fames. Happy Ch.ndler. Louis kayoes Woodcock In first 'Yt'ar's bay. league tussles. Highly-rl'!\al'dcd 33-24. h exchartre Iieated words. "Sure North Carolina has a standout :~~ 0 t e Ig even c amplOn- lakin, a firm stand on rumOH round. Says. "Another lucky 1l1inois' nine game season. fin­ Iowa. unbeaten In Its first sev­ Is hot for this time of year," Charles "Buzz" Mottet. Rambler back .vho may give Trippi a run Ished with seven wins and deteats en starts. entertains Wisconsin; p. . 01 ,amblln, In tbe minor lea- night." Ben Hogan wins national says MacPhail. "Sure Is." says [orVlaL·d who hit 14 points. paced for the head lines in Charlie Jus· Utah State, which holds the rues. declares firmly: "Ah loves open. Joe DiMaggio. Ted Williams. to Notre bame and Indiana, un­ Northwesteru .visits Michigan; the Marians in their sixth win in tlce. other share of the Big SeVen ttt- ." Stan Musial and Pete Reiser set- Durocher. doubtedly was played, week by and the defendil1lr Buckeyrs It shapes up as a fine offensive Ie. will be in action at Fresno, February ting sizzling batting pace. Hank November week. against stouter opposition greet MinneSota at Columbus, ten starts. against the Huskies battle between Coach Carl SnavlI- Calif.. against San Jose State in Les McMitchell wins Wanamak- Greenberg leading In home runs. Notre Dame snaps Army's four. than the Bruins foes. Today, with Ohio. from northcentral Iowa who had a Raisin due to drawer mile". Baseball clubs head tor July year ·tring of defeatless ball, the the kickoff at 4 p. m. (CST). may From this week until the clos .. won '11 out of 12 games previous 15,000 customers. spring camps. Bruce Woodcock. Red Sox and Cubs leading Irish winning. 21 to 14 at South decide how much stouter. or how ing round March 3. the contention to thi~ holiday tilt. The south gets a look at the un- mentioned as possible June foe major teagu\! r.ces. Search Bend. Tennessee. Notre Dame, much weaker, the respective op­ should be wild and woolly. Ohio [j:n the second quarter Han~ell . beaten Delaware team. a power in of Joe LOUiS, says: "Thanks. don't starts tor September opponent Michigan. Georgia lead unbeaten I position measured. State. jarred roughly in a pre­ began to get accustomed to the exans Ready list . PROBABLE STARTING LINEUPS ,mailer colle,e circles, in a Cigar mention it." for Louis. Everybody's bldlnr. . lIl1nolo UOLA conference west coast invasi on. big floor-a factor which seemed Bowl 'lIetting With Rollins college. March Aurust DeeebilJer Zatko!f LE Baldwin must improve considerably to hold to affect the stYle of -Play ot fue L. Agase LT M.lh~w. whole contest-and the result was due to attract 15.000 at Tampa, Oklahoma Aggies win N. C. A. A. Williams hitting .385. Musial Sponsors scramble for Bowl Wrenn LG Dimitro the crown. teams. Major Ie-ague magnates Wensku_nas C Paul At this reading, the conference a close halftime score of 16 to or Denver Fin. litle. Kentucky the Garden Invl- .370 to lead respective leagues. A. Allose HO Clemellls 15 in (avol' oC the Ramblers. In mid-Pacific the Honolulu tation and the Phillips quintet the Football coaches begin to moan. meet, adjourn with everything c.un. Rt Chambers line-up seems devoid of any "soft Owens RI!l Fears touch" such as hapless Chic~go In the third quarter Homl!r Pineapple Bowl will consist ot a National A. A. U. in cage tourneys. Happy Chandler, in otf-the-record lovely. Happy Chandler. aske'd tor ~o.s QB Case By HAROLD V. RATLIFF Boyd, playing his best game of the clash between the University of Tony Zale rocks Rocky Graziano 1 talk. declares emphatically: !lAh comment states decisively: "Hap­ Rykovlch LH Rowland which quit the Big Nine early this YOUn, RI{ Rossi year. hit twice lor Iowa City. AP Newal'eaturtl Hawaii and Utah University. tb sleep in the third round. Stan I loves baseball." py New Year, everybody." year. ABILENE. Tex.-The "country Steller FB Mvera while MoUet and Rocca connected boys" of the West Texas prairie on . rebounds. BOX SCORE have come up with another unde· Sl. lUlU)'" ! lJanull feated. untied record in football. " 111" ...... If lip! Moltel.! 6 2 2/van Dyke t 0 I I As a result they're on 11 nice Sueppel. f I I 5 Burman. t 3 2 I New Year's Day trip to the city­ Boyd . c 3 0 2 Hunl'ilon. c 3 I I Ex-Champion Figu-res Science of Boxing. Extinct Rocco. II J 2 3lHannah. I o. 4 an appearance in San Antonlo's Flannery. /I 2 0 • .Lovln . tO O Q Alamo Bowl, the newest post- LJ enoch. ( I 0 31McKee . " I 2 i Milder. f 0 0 0 Folbrechl. II 0 0 e cason grid classic in {he already 8y BALEIGH ALLSBROOK Angeles when he outpointed keen mind quickly reels off ~o darn excited by then I couldn't 30-day fatal illness in 19J 9 :>f his ved as a boxing instructor in the Stockman. I 0 0 0 Schulz. II 0 0 e Brogla. gOO 3 1 ~r'80h . f 0 0 0 bowl-leading Lone Star State. AP Newsleatures . Abe Atteu in 20 rounds and ~tlok of his careel·. eat." six-year-old daughter. Helen. county engineer's office and was a Seydel, II 0 0 0 Bauer. II 0 0 01 The Hardin-Simmons Cowboys. CLEVELAND - White·haired the championship. and those made His mother died when he was Durin, World War I. he served Except to go through with one pay~oll investigator on the dh ttict who are accustomed to winning as a civilian boxing and athletic fight. he scarcely left her bects;de Black. II 0 0 01 Johnnr Kilbane. who ruled the nlhe years later of his seven·round five and his father became blind attorney's staff. Strobil'. I 0 0 0 football games in bunches, ended world featherweigbt boxing ranks knockout of Danny Frush. when he was nine. A year iater he ihlstructor tor the Army along with during the month and his na:! He served a tECrm in the Slate Totals 14 li '!Z Tnt"." 1 1•• , up as the only college team with from 1912 to 1923. says the "sci­ He plans to use them in train· lett school here and went to work several other champions. One of began changlhg (rom OC!lelaJ" Gieger and Graham a perfect record in the great to grey. The fight was a 10- Senate in 1941 and 1942 and was Hansell ...... _. 4 ID 21 24 ente of boxIng" is just about ex­ ing title aspirants. explaIning the to help support two half sJsters their jobs was to browl ulldllt 51. Mary's ..... 12 16 27 33 Southwest. They not only ,ot tinct. attion and pointing out technique and hi. father. At 18, he began camp guard posts at nightj keep­ no decision bout with Ralph beaten by one vote in the pt'lmary quite a (ew bowl bids but they ing the guards alert by at{empt:ng Unmarked and the picture cf that brought him the crown. boxing "for the money" and four last spring when he ra~ aga;.n. demomtrated two important years later he won the champion­ to disarm them. Kilbane gdns health after 142 bouts and 111 years "Those nlne years covered a lot Kilbane estlrilates his ring ear.1- Kilbane now weighs about 153, points: ship after.-52 bouts. ' when he tells of the work. ings at $500,000. He was paid in the ring, 57-y~ar-old Kilbane of ground and you can see it clear some 25 pounds more than when 1. "Name" players are not nec­ declares !ighters today aren't Iy in the pictures," he says. "The Received BI, Welcome "The guard of course WOUldn't $101l,OOO for His last fight in which essary. tutored properly. Frush pictures. for example. show More than 200,000 persons turn­ know who I was. After being chal­ He was knocked out in the 1ixth he was champion. He ha been 8. Military service doesn't take "You just don't see many smat·t I had slowed down ov~r the years, ed out to welcome him on St. p&t­ lenged, 1 would . prt>duce my ~ re­ roUnd by Eugene Criqui in New married 38 years and his one li v­ the edge off athletic ability. instructors around." he comments. but that I was a fir more skll~d rick's Day in 1912 when he re­ dentials. The tr.ick Was to grab Iti~ York and lost the championbhip ing daughter has named one or There are few of the "name" "There's 110 footwork, no feinting. boxer." , turned to Cleveland with the title. ,un and disa m him wh~n he The depre~sioD. however, look her Children, Johnny Kilbane O'­ boys at Hardin-Simmons thie year. Fighters with little or no instruc­ Felrect OeUlnt Rart Twenty-seven bands took pllrt in reached for the crt!dentials. mOst Qf his money. Toole, after him. There seldom are. Yet the Cow­ tion are thrown into the ring to Kilbane always had a "fear at the parade. m.rmed Sentries Ollerated 'Health F.rm boys have had two undefeated, Mter doWng the gloves, he op­ untied seasons and have appeared slug it out. geting hurt" while boxing and he "I guess that was the biggest day "The guard would go fijI' you "I used to be doing roadwork erated a hl!alth farln near VenniJ­ in three bowl games. It will be believes this was one reason in my life." he recalls. "The news­ w~th his bayonet if he could 11M and working out in the gym two paper milO got on the train in To­ lion, 0 .• until it was sold at sher·· their fourth in 12 years today he learned m~t of the rln, tricks. holer tor the officer of the day. days after a filbt, but you \Ion't ifi's-auction In 1930. Later, he ser- when they meet Denver Univer­ "I think mo~t li,hters have (t. ledo and escorted me to Clevehmd. It was a situation where anythIng set training like that today. The When we reached the station I sity in the Alamo Bowl where a but perhaps it was stronfer with coJlld happen and it·s R wonder WI' - game is too eol'nmercialized. Most crowd of 25,000 will contribute me," lu~.. e.2!:pl.tins. "It wasn·t that I wanted to get to my dad first. He didn·t get a baronet or oulJet in of the lighters also seem to hit wasn't far away. but there were enough cash to enrich Hardin­ afraid of the other man, It was us. The army thought that oecau~e their arma rather than from Simmons coffers by about $111,000. from slinply that I dldri'\ wllnt to get so many people it took m~ a hal[ we wefe prize fig\1ters we were the ball of their feet where thi The other Cowboy perfect se.­ hurt. Until the 'nel/{SpaPtfS I be­ hour. Inhuman. And .there I \VIIS. dnly pOwer comes." son was 1940 when Owen Good­ gan calling me a ·parr~· fig11ter' I "I got in the back of a car with 122 pOunds!" LIkes lee LoUIII my two-year-llid daughter and WV' If iId Uiii I· night, one of the all-time Hardin­ never believed in knocking n milD Kilbane. who teft the ring ..fter He takes off hie hat to Joe Louis, started through town. I lived Simmons grid ,reats. and Bulldog out. It was the scientifi~ part that losing 1 the championship. was STARTS TO • DAY' THUR," Turner, professional. footblll's however, labeling him "very good, 1 liked." about four miles away, but the grey-haired during· his last fight­ v~ toOl and IS good as any I celebration for me was so big it • mightest center. sparked the ·team. Posses.~ . or a plea~Rnt and tYPI­ ing years. the result he says of the THE WORLD'S 370 Hardin-Simmons played in the have seen." took six hours to get there. I was Doors The only profeaa.ional b<>lun. cally·Irish face. KilbaM dreFEes Sun Bowl at EI Paso in 1936. bat­ neatly, . uses excellent English ond GREATEST 'til tling to a 14-14 iie with tbe New champion produced in Cleveland, Open ENTERTAINER Kilba... plans to epen a gym early ---- . ~.--.-- , Doon Open 1:15 - 9:45 Mexico Aggles. They returned In ------1:00- 2:0' 1937 to trim T.xas Mines 3'-6. In nm JUr and ho,,* eventually to THE Most BEAUTIFUL A New tomedy Hit For -Endl 1943 the CowboJ'a lost to the star­ Clevelap anether title-hold... for 10:00 p. m. GIRLS IN studded &leOne! Airforce at ~ the cit). Y~r Happy N.w Yearl q,£!~[. Frld.y- He still has the movie'.! made in THE WORLD PalO 13-7. Slana I But all those teams were com­ • • . In Ithe laHtime posed lar,el.y of bdti ItdIft the' TODAY' NOWI~AY of a lifetime rural dietricts and the smaller Texas hl,h schools. Ta.ke Rudolph (Little Doc) Mobley, this )'ear's great Aratmd-,ainer an. a IIIIIiIIl" ber 01 the Little All-America . . Mobley hans tr&m . Paducah, Tex.' Ever hear of Paducah? The squad is almost unanimous- • G·&: N.E, ly ma.- up of ex-GIs. Of tile 4'1 ( • P1 ... ::..- men on '\he list, a 11 are veti"",,' , ''FOWL BRAWL" .A U T RY of the ~I~ ei~t three who Color1oon hOH SUSANNA" 'IIIIII6i.... came from either hilb ac:hool or ~ YI~GINIA MA~O~VERA-EllEN Xtral Carnival of FUll prep ac:hool. "rom the Pacific il. The GOlDWYN GIRLS "MACHITO'S BA~D" Dllne,. Cartoon lands, the fleet, Mel ~111 '" bard "DOUBLE RHYTHM" bitten Infantry came these lrid­ ·.~I PLUSI MlchlJan Skl-Daddle KATHAIIN! IIIBS fl.", TO PLAY FOOTBALL" "SpOl't--ln dolor" - Late New.- den put tattther What m., 10 '£0 III. "III 17 ...... _.... ~SI ,.d:'!". Late News Color NoveUoon down in history as Hordin-Sim- "'TO. I ...... ·.-··- ··· .. ·.. L~ · I' 51 • ",.,; CIIIC"" 11 ...... & -= ...... --. ...I ..... ~-...... ·• .. ·• .. •·.. I .. WEDNESDAY,, JAN. 1,, 1941 THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY, IOWA PAGB FIVE

~' ";;0LA;-::;5;;;S;;;lF:I;'ED~R~k,;T;E-;:C~AR-;;;D-t==;t:=N=O=T=1C=E=Z;::=~====:::LO~ANS::;===~=::;P~ERS;:;:O~N:::AL;::;:S£R;:;VI;C;ES;::='--;WW.ANT£I)iiiii ,m-roro"iBBNTiir--j,f'Order of the Arrow' Iowa City boy scouts who belong CASH RATE SOUTH AMERICAN graduate Honors F.our I.C. Scouts to the Order of the Arrow, na­ Sound Advice: Get j 1 or a days-lOe per llne per d87 I WISH to inform folks in JOhn-I S(,IENT!FIC SwetUsh m~S8ge32inl girl desires room. Would give tional boy scout honorary camp­ ~ con.ecuuve day_f_ per line per

Toys, Bicycles, Tricycles BATTERY CHARGING RADIO SERVICE Both fast and slow BIRBY John Wilson Sporting Goods Co. Virgil's • StandllrdService SU'l'TON RADIO SERVICE Phone 9094. Honor Sweaters Trophlu ,Sportswear Guaranteed Repairing Corner Linn & Collere 24 South Dubuque Dial 2626 Pick-up & Delivery RADIOS-PHONOGRAPHS Ig It pI o I 1 in stock lor sale 3 2 I 331 E. Market Dial U3B We Fix-it Shop c 3 1 I All types of ska&e5 /lharpened o 4 4 o ~ Q by machine method. All home 1 2 i o 0 , appliances, runs, loeb, etc. reo o 0 • paired. o 0 0 Time l Lei Us W, H. BENDER, proprietor IIU ~ E. Washington Ph. 4535 Repair Your 1 •••, Marches THE FIRETENDER AUTOIlATiO RADIO , On STOKER . -3 Day Service ETTA KETT PAUL ROBINSON Work Guaranteed .m"M'dIaM DeUy," Pickup " Delivet'7 We wish you ... Woodburn Sound Larew Coa PllIIIlblq ... Reatqw Service .uro.. frolll til&,. W Health, Wealth and Happine&s • East 001141" DIal MIl Dial US5 in the New Year OOlllpl. lDnruee ...... A... Fire ..... FOR Health ... AceI4eat II G. W. BUXTON AGENCY DeReu Really (0. Paal-Bel. Bilk. '1'eL UII • PROMPT Kritz Studio .. Bour Service ,. . "o4ak FIIIIablnr I S. DabllQ" 8&. - Dial 'JIU ." 'JIrpewdtem are V'alDcd* teep thllD Pick Up and DeUVery CLMtN ad III RlPAII Hoff Radio Service FrohwtlD suaply CI. I!I E. P,.,nu. SL • S. Cllntoa ..... '''6

I So~eone Forgot lest Wishes of 1947 Tp :. . , Te Check the Oilll ., AtI. Ou"~ends and CustQm.rs Don't Ie' thelll LITTLE details sUp ,.oar . mind or I,.oa 100 ma,. have eat trouble Let "DON" cheek "0ll' car reJUlatlr for GREASING OIL BATTERY 81RVlCI Service, GAS TDlq , , , ·ur. 331 ~.Market COFFEY'S STANDARD SERVICE Dial223t Burllnrton .. OIIntob 8t1. 1 PAG!SIX TH8 DAILY IOW.N, rOW.A ,- CIT!, IOWA WEDNESDAY, JAN. I,

NEW CALENDARS OUT OF KILTER? SleVtrl8 broh jato a fJWng sta­ and townspeople here were tion at Counci. : ~luft8 en route to' 3Building Permits Stork Race. 1947; always as cordial as they are Police Lisl 249 Police Hold· Iowa <;fty ,ad to.k candy, "about "Two professor/! and the • 20 pack;ages of cigarettes," a fan Com •• Close ·3 Tim., versity president himself once belt and. a boll of,pennies. Issued, Tolal $18,850 • Johnson county's first baby ot• their jobs becllUse they Meier Fines In hi. 8i.IDed. confession Keiser 1~47 hasn't been announced yet, catch the spirit of ttle town. Denyer, Youth said: ' Although only three buiJding but at least three births in Mercy tried to enforce prohibition About Dec, 20 he and three oth­ permits were issued by the city hospital yesterday ' had the dis­ when the people weren't Chief O.A. White er y6uths hitch-hiked to Ft. Col­ engineer's office during Decem- tinction of coming close to the for it," he related. For (ar Theft lins, Col., tram Denver where they ber, expected construction costs New Year's deadline. Attributing part of the Pre.. Releases 1It Figures split up in ~In to look for a car. totaled $18,850. At 8127 a.m. a daughter weigh- good feeling and cooperatloo He and Na~_ tpund the Chrysler Largest amount, $12,000, was for ing 10 pounds, 2 ounces was. born work of Iowa City service On Parking Revenue the proposed temporary chapel for to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kroll of Professor Ensien cited Mayor - A 15-year-old Denver, CoL, boy Cloupe• . pi~ked up the other two has admitted in a signed confes­ and "took ott ... the Catholic student center at 403 West Branch. At 11 a.m. Mr. and ber J. Teeters as an outs Parking violations listed on the River.side drive. The building wllJ Mrs. Daryl ,oldfield of Wellman sion to Iowa City police the theft After a , Quick trip tq Denver, example ot fellowship between" police docket as "parkinc meter be a Quonset hut, chosen because became the parents of a 6-pound, ucation and the commuDity. I of a 1941 Chrysler coupe at Ft. where they· obtained gas from a violations" totaled 249 for the cliurch oftlcials were unable to ll-ounce boy. And at 2:12 p.m. a Followin, the speech, It waa a' CoHins, Col.. and has implica~d month of December, leading Iowa parked. car by. pbncturing *e fuel secure bUilding materials for a child was born' to Mr. and Mrs. nounced that Kiwanis club oftl_ City police to believe some mot­ two of his three companions in lank• . the fqur at out for Iowa. permanent chapeL Louis H. Glick, S08 Lafayette for 1947 will be ilUltalJed Jan. \ orists stlll do not understand pro­ breaking and enterin, at Council Keiser said he drove the car Bluffs. M. D. McCreedy was issued a street, Iowa City. per use of the meters. aCfOiS' the Colorado and Nebras­ permit to build three apartments The youth, Oren Harley Keieer, ka state.lines. " .- The tully automatic meters al­ Faculty Men AHend at a total cost of $6,000. Permls- I was arrested at the Washington 8", Otfeae sion to build a greNe rack and Ensl·gn pp~l·sesJV Spl·n·f low one hour parking lor five hotel here Tuesday night by Po­ The youth told police. h.e was on wash rac~ next to a filling sta- cents. A nickel or five pennies will lice Captain L. N. Hamm and Pa­ parole to h.ls J)4J'ents, ·Mr. and Education Institute set the meter clock for that length tion at 1M W. Burlington avenue trolman Mike Moore. The hotel Mrs. lIa~ley K""r, Denver, for Of Iowa '(,.ty heople of time, and lesser periods may be was eranted Lawrence E. Burler. " • r'1 Three faculty membera hh: manager said Keiser had not been two years tor hi~ ~art in the thelt bought at the rate ot 12 minutes The $18,8110 total for last month gone to Omaha to attend .. registered there. .of an auto~tl~ . and "some mo­ for each penny. is slightly above the $18,800 in "I've never- been in a community Iowa-Nebraska Educational In his confession, Keiser /iald ne~" In Denver 'lut summer. He perrplts issued in November, and where there is as fine a spirit be- provement inlltltute sponsored . The coin slot on the meters is three other youths, Lowell Steven, was QQntined in a Denver boy's the $14,100 issued in December, tween university people and the University of Omaha. located just below and to the right Wheat Ridge, Col., and Robert home' for two' weeks '. before his IH5; . towlUlPeople as in Iowa City," was The three attendin, frODl .. ot the clock face. No cranks or Sparks and Charles Nagle, both bf parOle. he said. " .' Permits issued in December II the theme oln talk yesterday by University of Iowa are Bruce l' other devices need to be operated Denver, were involved in the car, The sheriff .. at CouDcll Bluffs year ago included three for re- Prof. Forest C. Ensi,n of the col- Mahan, director of the extellllal on the meters. Each coin inserted theft. said the boys were traced. when modeling apartments, one for lege of education to members of division; Lee W. Cochran, execu.r automatically operates the timing LeN for Denver one of t\lem wired. his mother in building a new house, and one tot the Kiwanis qlub. tive assistant, and John device for the desired time. His three companions le!t low\, Denver for money. " The sheri!! building a store in the businesa Speaking .on "A Hundred Years Hedges, director of the bureau City oy bus for Denver Monday, will come to low.• City for Keiser, district. . of Town all'd Gown,'" Professor visual instruction. . • Police Chief O. A. White es­ Keiser told police. Chief O. A. Po!ice Ch~ef White said: ' .Building activity in Iowa City Ensign said he has first-hand ex- Held tomorrow, Friday timated yesterday that an av­ White said steps had been tak­ spurted in January, 1946. how- perience with half a century of . Saturday, the institute Win inclll6' erage of 40 cents a day is de­ en to intercept the trio. ever, wl~h 11 permits issued at a the local situation, having started sessions on audio-vIsual jnB~ pOsited in each of the 158 park­ The stolen car is held at the . Marri9' Licen... total exp,p"a construction cost of his conpection with the universitj tion and air-age education. Inll meters. Complete Auto service garige Marria,ce liCenses ~ave beel) is- $62,8110. 52 years aeo. Professor Mahan will lead ' This means more than $60 Is where the youths left it Sunday sued to the followln, couples by t )' I w. , "The ' term ~town and gown' discussion on "Visual Edueatlar spent by motorists for park­ after experiencing motor troublfl R. l'Jeilson Miller, clerk of district com~ from. the middle a,es," he and the P.T.A." in the IIduJt ada. ing every day and that each coming to Iowa City from Coun· court: '. 'Sweater Swing' said, "when' teachers and church- cation section ot the prorr.m, meter logs an average of cll Bluffs. . Ray J. Sle~ak, 19wa Clty,t and "Sweater Swing" will be the men wore ..,bes. and were iden- Cochran will appear Ilt the lC~oI eight hours parking time for The sheriff at Council Bluffs J,.ois ·A. Woodcock. Davenport; theme of the annual dance of the tified With the 'gown' , element, administrators' section of the notified police here Monday that each 24-hour period. Gordon N. Medda~ih Brut' Edythe Rainbow girls tomorrow night. while tradespeople belonged to' the sUtute and Hedges w1ll deterlb! the boys are wanted there tor Goqdearle, West 'Allis, Wis., a'nd Fex Muller will pJ~y for 'the 'town.''' the audio-visual program of II!I breaking and entering. Jacbqn H. ~~, ' .Anlta, and ~ona party frpm 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. at Professor ~ Ensign recalled that University of Iowa at the coU When purchased time has elap­ Keiser alleged that Sparks and, P. Seberg, ~t. Pl'llsjlnt. '. the Community building. ; ~elatlons between the university section. sed the clock face shows com­ DATES AND A DOLL-The new world calendar may be more ac­ pletely red and the word "EX­ curate but will It be as ~lamorou.ly attractive as are so many current PIRED" is visible against this red ones? I background. • .. OD Hcmd Tomorrow Mornlnq. Doe»,. Open at 9:30 ,G. IL ' * * * I • Money from parking meters That guy who raised so muoh dignitary had* to* put * astronomers luss about a "lost weekend" was to work patching up the calendar will go to II general traWc tund rea)]y just a piker. Back In colon': ror improvement of traffic con­ so that at least the seasons ial times the people went to bed changed on schedule. Ye'tte'~Iowa City'. 0atY' , HOlM Owned ditions in Iowa City. one night and when they woke up They did it by putting in leap Home Owned :• don~ ...... r!.· "...... virile, i don" phone··• • , .come! ow-:- '" 58th Year Collection of money from in the morning it was 11 days years and by changing the length meters is made weekly by the Department Store later! of months nnd once by having " •.. pOlice department and turned Oct. 15 follow Oct. 4 wlthout 'any .' . over to the cl ty treasurer. Astronomers monkeying with the calendar were responsible for days in between. That was Pope this confusing situation. They Gregory's idea in 1582. . Commercial trucks may park in had to monkey with it because the Later on as scientific precision metered parking zones to load and calendar was all out of kilter. crept into astronomical measure­ unload merchandise tor a period That can't happen today. though, ments. the star gazers determined CLEIRIUf:: "DAYS>: ARE ~' HERE 'AGAIN of 30 minutes or less without de­ because astronomers now know a year's exact length and made • • • positing coins in the meters. that a year consists of 365 days, calendars in which very little However. these truckers are sub­ 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 sec­ would go haywire. In 3,000 years " ject to violation fines if they stay onds. an error of one day will have re­ . . In the metered zone beyond this You can ha.n« UP that 1947 sulted from the modern Syste!p. 3O-minute limit. calendar and be sure Saturday There are people today who Police still mnrk cars that park will always follow F r Ida y. think the calendar Should- have DRESSES ,Redudions. ~ (OAJS tor more than one hour in a pnrk­ There were tlmes, however, 13 months of 28 days e~lt i 10 . ., Jt " log meter stall because the new when people thoueht a year had that there will be exactly 'que AT . .\ AT ordinance limits parking to thnt only 365 day., or that the moon week per month. A plan rot a. ·· O·F time. made every month have 29 1/.. 12-month ealendlU' wIth sym­ ' , J ,Fines ot $1 eac)1 are levied for dayS and there were either 12 metrical quarters alld an ln~r­ $3. $5. $7. ·$1,1.25 to S32.50 FO:~:!y~~1 parking longer than one hour in a or 13 months Sn a year. national "yea\,-end 'Clay" that AT parking meter stall, even though For centuries, that led to com­ doesn't count as a day at an hal AT thl! meter does not show "expir­ plications. Every now and then many other boosters. (Ray MlI­ ed." Julius Caesar or Augustus Caesar land's opinion has not been re­ $3.97 to $14.87 F0r;.:~1':'~ to $75 Fonnerl, prIeM or Pope Gregory XII or some such corded.) ' . $59.50 to A fine of not more than $100 AT $29 75 ,15'. or a sentence of not more than SO Schemes like these may ' be days, or both. can be imposed on and Chief While has stated that adopted some day, but not for a This group includes all wool cloth Coats as well' U any person guilty ot tall'lPerlng money lost in a faulty meter will while. If you carr tear your eyes $8.40 to $15.75 FO;='::.:.r~ . FUr Fabric Winter Coats. One group fitted styla, with or damaging the meters in be refunded. away from that curvy creature on full length. Wobl interlined and fur trimmed. tiny way. Meters are used from 8 a. m. to the calendar for 1947, you'il detect AT ( I.' r Failure of a meter to work pro­ 6 p. m. week days and from 8 a. m. a set of numbers that won't cross . t perly should be reported imme­ to 9 p. m. Saturdays. They are not you up. The latest model is still a to I ' • diately to the police department, used Sundays and holidays. precision instrument. $2.99 $17.25 For::: ':~:5I Includes l' and 2 piece styles in rayon crepes, ­ ardines, wools, jerseys, velvets. Wool SuitiDresees, OOOPSI ICE SKATING IS HERE AGAIN Fail, Winter and miscellaneous styles.

• • I . I SWEAT'ERI Sl1.47 to S32.50 F;:,:~I~P~~ AT ,, . AT · , $10:50 &0 S29.75 ~~rt~I;5:'~~ to .==~.:. $2.49 $4.67. Fall and winter Styles, in specIal sale groupln,.. Long and short sleeved Sweaters, .aU WOOls. Vtarilid colors and sizes. * " ".

..' ~PlUs. ' : .... ' J JACKETS SKIRTS !AT AT , : , ttt 'll to '("18 50 FOnMrl, prlcecl , I · Reducli~ns ..,... ~. u .•• 10 fit. $1.49 to S4.97 F::r! ~t:: Includes Checks, Plaiflj and Plaids. Includes all wools. Plaids, sOUds and ~hitcks. wools. JOn .. .'• 3 fLOO~S 1 • fULL .' Of , , * SPECIAL NOTE: IVA LUES CollI.... ~aao. 01 ~ CIDd ..... do DOl AppIf All Sa," DB Mea'. FumWaItra'lll, Y. Final .... 1 ~ Rome CIfI8 CIDd ••••~ :1'1'8 BAD DOWN TIID8, ... "eu 1Ia.... of ac N. Vall"';'. Itreet, a ....r at CIV :;:o~ Acc:e ...... TbHe .. ~ .;~ No ••fun", . II IWfIDr ... ~.. f .... tile lint _ of IbUDr at lIJeIroIe lake rederda,. 10 mllld • aalaot... . "1 • faIL ActuIIJ Ibn a ...... aDd ana .... herleli &a fall far Ute benefit 01 a DaIlJ 10..... t.- tram""'~ ad...... ~ Or rxchan... : ~ ...... Bel,.., ... Ie ...... an Doa 'l'nIQ, AI .r ..7 8. Vaa BIU'eIl "reet. Iowa VIIJ ....:.,::; ...... , U''1 ~ ...... ,.. a1 ~ III.... .(D.uL1' ,OWJ\N bOlO .'1' DJ'l1- -~ f ... Plea .. . .J •