Series Editor: Pekka Tammi, University of Tampere In the same series The Writer´s Metamorphosis: Tropes of Literary Refl ection and Revision by Kai Mikkonen Demonic Texts and Textual Demons: The Demonic Tradition, the Self, and Popular Fiction by Ilkka Mäyrä Russian Subtexts in Nabokov´s Fiction: Four Essays by Pekka Tammi Sympathy and Joyce´s Dubliners: Ethical Probing of Reading, Narrative, and Textuality by Tanja Vesala-Varttala Markku Lehtimäki Self-Refl exivity, Literary Form, and the Rhetoric of Narrative Tampere Studies in Literature and Textuality Series Editor: Pekka Tammi, University of Tampere FIN-33014 Tampere, Finland Markku Lehtimäki: The Poetics of Norman Mailer’s Nonfi ction. Self-Refl exivity, Literary Form, and the Rhetoric of Narrative. Diss. © 2005 Tampere University Press Sales Bookshop TAJU FIN-33014 University of Tampere, Finland tel. (03) 215 6055 fax (03) 215 7685
[email protected] /taju Cover design by Marjo Hallila Layout by Samuli Hägg Electronic dissertation Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis 430 ISBN 951-44-6280-3 ISSN 1456-954X Printed dissertation ISBN 951-44-6236-X Printed by Vammalan Kirjapaino Oy Contents Acknowledgments Introduction 1 Probing a Poetics of Nonfi ction 2 The Literary and Novelistic Form of Nonfi ction 3 Aims, Theories, and Methods 12 Norman Mailer’s Nonfi ction: Themes and Approaches 18 The Complexities of Mailer’s Poetics 19 The Plot of the Study 26 Chapter I Toward a Poetics and Pragmatics of Literary Nonfi ction 28 A Formalist Focus