Period and Eras P1 (1492-1607) P2 (1607-1754) P3 (1754-1800) P4 (1800-1848) P5 (1848-1877) P6 (1865-1898) P7 (1898-1945) P8 (1945-1980) P9 (1980- ) - Pre Columbian - English Settlement - Seven Years War - Politics: Jefferson - Manifest Destiny - Gilded Age - Progressive Era - Cold War (1945-91) - New Right Politics Native Americans - Development of (1754-63) (1800s), Marshall, - Causes of Civil War Economics, Labor, (1900-20) - Liberalism (1930s- (1980-) - Spanish Settlement Atlantic World -American Revolution Jackson (1828-36), - Civil War (1861-65) Govt. Policy - Imperialism 60s) - Service Economy -Development of - Articles (1781-87) Clay - Reconstruction - Gilded Age Society (1890s/early 1900s) - Civil Rights (1945- (1970s-) Colonial Society - Constitution (1787- - Market Revolution (1865-1877) - Populism (1890s) - WWI (1914/17 -19) 60s) - War on Terror (2001) 1789) - Social Changes - Roaring 20s - Feminism - Early Republic - G. Depression (1929- (1960s/70s) (1789-1800) 41) - Long Boom (1945- - WWII (1939/41-1945) 70s) Themes - Stagflation (1970s) American and National - debates on status of - colonial diversity - Republican - American Colonization - Dred Scott v. Sanford - “New” South racism: - 19th Amendment - Truman Desegregates - Modern Immigration Identity (NAT) Native (Las Casas / de - African Motherhood Society (1817) (1857) segregation, lynching, - Red Summer (1919) Military (1948) - Barack Obama Sepulveda) - Barbados Slave Code - Slavery (3/5 - Garrison Starts - Emancipation voting - Harlem Renaissance - Brown v. Board (1954) elected president - African Slave Trade (1661) Compromise) Liberator (1831) Proclamation (1862-3) - Plessy (1896) (1920s) - Equal Pay Act (1963) (2008) - NA relations - NW Indian Wars - Nat Turner’s Rebellion - Gettysburg Address - Chinese Exclusion Act - New KKK (1920s) - Civil Rights Act (1964) - Gay Rights Movement (1790s) (1831) (1863) (1882) - Flappers (1920s - Stonewall Inn Riots (2000s) - Old Immigration - 13th, 14th, 15th - Political Machines - Women in WWII (1969) (1830s-1880s) Amendments (1865, - Dawes Act (1887) - Double V - Trail of Tears (1838) 68, 70) - Carlisle Indian School - Japanese Internment - Seneca Falls (1848) - Black Codes - Wells, DuBois, - Korematsu v. US - Voting Restrictions Washington (1944) - Plessy (1896) Politics and Power - - House of Burgesses - Albany Plan of Union - Pres. Jefferson (1801- - Polk Elected (1844) - Pacific Telegraph Act -17th Amendment - Truman Desegregates - New Right (POL) (1619) (1754) 1809) - Wilmot Proviso (1848) (1860) (1913) Military (1948) - Election of Reagan - Mayflower Compact - Proclamation of 1763 - Marbury v. Madison - Know Nothings - Pacific Railway Act -19th Amendment - Brown v. Board (1954) (1980) (1620) - British Taxes & Rules (1803) (1850s) (1862) (1920) - Mapp v. Ohio (1961) - Reagan Tax Cuts - NE Town Meetings (1763-1775) - Hartford Convention - Compromise of 1850 - Laissez Faire - Northern Securities v. - Equal Pay Act (1963) (1980s) - Roger Williams Exile - First Continental (End of Federalists) - Kansas Nebraska Act - Granger Laws US (1904) - Great Society (1960s) - NAFTA (1994) (1636) Congress (1775) (1815) (1854) - Wabash v. - Food Laws (1906) - Clean Air Act (1963) - Welfare Reform - Fundamental Order - Common Sense - Era of Good Feelings - End of Whigs/Birth of (1886) - Federal Reserve Act - Civil Rights Act (1964) (1996) (1639) (1776) (1816-24) Republicans (1850s) - Interstate Commerce (1913) - 24th Amendment - Medicare Part D - Bacon’s Rebellion - Dec. of Independence - American System: - Dred Scott v. Sanford Act (1887) - Schenck v. US (1919) (1964) (2006) (1676) (1776) Tariff and Second Bank (1857) - Sherman Antitrust Act - Immigration Act of - Voting Rights Act - Affordable Care Act - Pueblo Revolt (1680) - Articles of (1816) - Election of Lincoln (1890) 1924 (1965) (2011) - Stono Rebellion Confederation (1781) - McCullough v. (1860) - EC Knight v. US - Hoover’s Response - Immigration Act of (1739) - Shay’s Rebellion Maryland (1819) - Secession of the (1895) - New Deal 1965 (1786) - Compromise South (1860-61) - Populism (1890s) - Court Packing (1937) - Miranda v. Arizona - Constitutional (1820) - Emancipation - Omaha Platform - New Deal Coalition (1966) Convention (1787) - New Democracy Proclamation (1862-3) (1892) (1930s) - 1968 Election (Nixon) - Pres. Washington (1820s) - Gettysburg Address - Election of 1896 - Korematsu v. US - South Flips (1789-1797) - Indian Removal Act (1863) - Political Machines (1944) Republican (1960s/70s) - Whiskey Rebellion (1830) - Presidential - Clean Water Act (1794) - Election of Jackson Reconstruction (1865- (1972) - First Party System, (1832) 66) - Watergate Break In Hamilton v. Jefferson - Bank Battle (1832) - Congressional (1972) (1790s) - Tariff Crisis (1832-33) Reconstruction (1866- - War Powers Act - KY and VA - Whigs Form Under 1877) (1973) Resolutions (1798) Clay (1830s) - 13th, 14th, 15th - Roe v. Wade (1973) - Nat Turner’s Rebellion Amendments (1865, - Nixon Resigns (1974) (1831) 68, 70) - Jim Crow - Plessy (1896) Work, Exchange and - Pre-Columbian Tribes - Indentured Servants - British Taxes & Rules - Market Revolution - Pacific Telegraph Act - Standard Oil (1870) - Anthracite Coal Strike - GI Bill (1944) - Deindustrialization Technology (WXT) - New Sailing Tech - Bacon’s Rebellion (1763-1775) - Regional (1860) - Carnegie Steel (1873) (1902) - Post War Boom (1970s) - Encomienda (1676) - 1780s Economic Specialization - Pacific Railway Act - Increasing Standard - 1920s Consumerism (1945-1970) - Oil Shocks (1973/79) -African Slave Trade - African Slavery Struggles - Slater Mill Opens (1862) of Living - Ford/Cars - Growth of Middle - Stagflation (1970s) - NE Trading - Hamilton’s Plan (1791) - Civil War Mobilization - Labor Conditions Class (post 1945) - Reaganomics: tax - Ches. / South Farming (1791) - Cotton Gin (1793) (N/S) - Unions - Interstate Highway Act cuts, deregulation - Mercantilism - Steamboat (1807) - Haymarket (1886), (1956) (1980s) - salutary neglect - Erie Canal (1825) Homestead (1892), - Chavez Creates UFW - PATCO Strike (1981) - First RR (1828) Pullman (1894) (1962) - NAFTA (1994) - Steel Plow (1837) - New South - Medicaid (1965) - Internet (1990s) - Telegraph (1844) - Western Farming, - Medicare (1966) Ranching, Mining

P1 (1492-1607) P2 (1607-1754) P3 (1754-1800) P4 (1800-1848) P5 (1848-1877) P6 (1865-1898) P7 (1898-1945) P8 (1945-1980) P9 (1980- ) Culture and Society - Epidemics - Puritan Society (NE) - Republican - Second Great - Underground RR - Hull House (1889) - How the Other Half - Baby Boom (1945-60) - Moral Majority (CUL) - Chesapeake Society Motherhood Awakening (early - Uncle Tom’s Cabin - Political Machines Lives (1890) - Second Red Scare - Demographic - First Great Awakening 1800s) (1852) - Social Darwinism - The Jungle (1906) (1950-1954) Changes (early 1700s) - American Colonization - John Brown’s Raid on - Gospel of Wealth - Alice Paul Protests - TV (1950s) - Social Networks - Enlightenment (early Society (1817) Harpers Ferry (1859) - Social Gospel (1918) - New Left (1960s) (2000s) 1700s) - Garrison Starts - NYC Draft Riots - Ida Wells - First Red Scare - Counterculture - Zenger Trial (1734) Liberator (1831) (1863) - Booker T. Washington (1919-20) (1960s) - Potato Famine (1845) - Black Codes - WEB DuBois - 1920s Boom - Silent Spring (1962) - Seneca Falls - KKK - Jazz Music - The Feminine Convention (1848) - Radios (1920s) Mystique (1963) - German Immigration - Movies (early 1900s) - Black Panthers (1840s/50s) - Flappers (1920s) Founded (1968) - southern defense of - Scopes Trial (1925) - AIM Founded (1968) slavery - Great Depression - Silent Majority -Frederick Douglass (1929-1941) (1960s/70s) Autobiography ((1845) - - Credibility Gap (1960s/70s) Roe v. Wade (1973) - STOP ERA (1970s)

Migration and - Pre-Columbian Tribes - English Immigration / - migration into Old - WW Migration - California Gold Rush - Urbanization (+/- of - Great Migration - Suburbanization - Modern Immigration Settlement (MIG) Colonies Northwest - Trail of Tears (1838) (1849) cities) (1910s/20s) - Sunbelt - Sunbelt - NW Ordinance (1787) - Homestead Act (1862) - New Immigration - New Immigration (to - Modern Immigration (1880-1920) 1920) - Last West - Dust Bowl (1930s) - Latino Immigration Geography and - Pre-Columbian Tribes - Chesapeake, New - expansion of slavery - Western Farming - Dust Bowl (1930s) Environment (GEO) - Epidemics England, Middle Deep into SW (cotton) Issues South – society, - expansion into Old - Bison destruction economics NW (food) America in the World - Spanish Exploration - Sp, Fr, Dutch, Eng - Seven Years War - - Texas Wins - Indian Wars - Imperialism (late - Cold War (1945-1991) - Reagan Military (WOR) - Columbian Exchange Colonization (1754-1763) (1803) Independence (1836) - Wounded Knee 1800s/early 1900s) - Truman Doctrine Buildup (1980s) - King Philip’s War - Pontiac’s Rebellion - War of 1812 - Treaty of Wanghia (1890) - Spanish American (1947) - Star Wars (1983) (1676) (1763) - Monroe Doctrine (1844) War (1898) - Creation of Israel - US-USSR Summits - Pueblo Revolt (1680) - Revolutionary War (1823) - Texas Joins US - Imperialism Debate (1948) (1985-86) (1775-1783) (1845) - Filipino Revolution -Marshall Plan (1948) - Fall of Berlin Wall - Neutrality - US splits Oregon with (1899-1901) - Berlin Airlift (1947-48) (1989) Proclamation (1793) England (1846) - Roosevelt Corollary - NATO (1949) - End of USSR (1991) - Pinkney’s Treaty - Mexican American (1904) - Korean War (1950-53) - First Iraq War (1991) (1795) War (1846-48) - Start of WWI (1914) - Ike’s Farewell (1961) - 9/11 (2001) - NW Indian War - Treaty of Kanagawa - US Enters WWI - Cuban Missile Crisis - Afghanistan War (1790s) (1853) (1914) (1962) (2001) - Washington’s - Sherman’s March - Treaty of Versailles - Vietnam War (1964- - Second Iraq War Farewell (1796) (1864) Rejected (1919) 73) (2003) - XYZ Affair (1798) - Washington Naval - Détente (1970s) Conference (1921) - Opening China (1972) - Neutrality Acts (1935- - SALT I (1972) 37) - Iranian Hostage Crisis - WWII Starts (1939) (1979) - Lend Lease Act (1941) - Pearl Harbor (1941) - D- Day (1944) - Atomic Bombs (1945)