EDICIONI VII 8th Edition 2 - 7 Korrik 2018 July 2 - 7 Pogradec, ‘18 www.balkan3f.com Cover Painting

Author: Ilir Bala Year : 2018 Title : “Tropoja dance” Size: 110 x 80 cm Technique: Oil on canavas www.ilirbala.com




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& F o o d Fes tival B3F POGRADEC 2011 www.balkan3f.com al Viktor Zhusti është një aktor shqiptar. Lindi më 8 dhjetor të vitit 1942 në Athinë - Greqi.

Ka luajtur shumë role dhe përpara viteve ’90, kur lulëzonte veprimtaria në Kinostudio Shqipëria e Re, ishte një nga aktorët më të kërkuar. Galeria e roleve të Viktor Zhustit është e pasur. Ka luajtur partizanin e ashpër, por edhe babain e dhembshur, të riun përpara dilemave, por edhe të dashuruarin, që mundohet të tejkalojë paragjykimet. Disa prej filmave ku ai ka luajtur, mund të përmendim telekomedinë “Shi në Plazh”, ku luan rolin e Alber-it, një nga komeditë më të bukura shqiptare, që i ka rezistuar kohës. Për të vijuar me filmin “nëntori i dytë”, ku luan rolin e Viktor Zhusti Pandeli Sotirit, “Taulanti kërkon një motër”, rolin e babait, Pirros. Një President Nderi i Festivalit tjetër rol babai, tek “Kur xhirohej një film”, për të vazhduar me rolin e Llano Bletës tek “Dhe vjen një ditë”, “Malet me blerim mbuluar”, etj. Roli i doktorit në skenën e teatrit Kombëtar me Te gjithë kanë huqe e kthen atë pas gati 20 vjetesh sërish në vëmendjen e publikut. Dëshiron të rikthehet sërish, por këtë herë me një projekt të vetin në teatër.

en Viktor Zhusti is an Albanian actor. He was born on December 8, 1942 in Athens - Greece.

He played many roles and before the 90s, when the activity in Kinostudio “Shqiperia e Re” flourished, he was one of the most wanted actors. Viktor Zhust’s role gallery is rich. He played the rough partisan, but also the compassionate father, the young man ahead of the dilemma, but also the lover, who tries to overcome the prejudices. Some of the movies he has played, we can mention the “Rain on the beach” television comedy, where he plays Alber’s role, one of the most beautiful Albanian comedies that has resisted time. To accompany the film “Second November”, playing the role of Pandeli Sotiri, “Taulanti seeks a sister”, the role of the father, Pirro. Another role of father, at “When a movie was shooted”, to continue with the role of Llano Bleta in “And comes a day”, “Mountains covered by verdure” etc. The role of the doctor on the stage of the National Theatre with “Everyone has the habits” brings him almost 20 years back to the attention of the public. He wants to return again, but this time with his own project in the theatre. al Jam shumë mirënjohës që qyteti i Pogradecit do të mirepresë për të tetin vit artistët e Ballkanit në Festivalin Ballkanik të Filmit dhe Kulinarisë.

Mikpritësit pogradecarë hapën dyert për miqtë e ardhur nga rajoni, duke i bërë artistët ballkanas të ndjehen si në shtëpinë e tyre, por edhe duke zbuluar të fshehtat e zonës, traditat e përbashkëta dhe veçantitë e Pogradecit, që e bëjnë interesante dhe atraktive kohën që miqtë vizitorë kalojnë gjatë ditëve të Festivalit.

Qyteti i Pogradecit është pika lidhëse ku ndërthuren rrugët e Ballkanit, kultura dhe traditat e popujve të Ballkanit, aty ku vetëm mikpritja ballkanike është e pakrahasueshme me asnjë rajon tjetër të Europës e Eduard Kapri më gjerë. Edhe këtë vit të tjera surpriza i presin miqtë tanë nga të gjitha Kryetari i Bashkisë Pogradec vendet e rajonit. Gjej rastin të falenderoj të gjithë ata që ndihmuan sado pak në realizimin e këtij Festivali.

Ju faleminderit dhe Festival të mbarë!

en I am very grateful that the city of Pogradec will welcome the Balkan artists at the Balkan Film and Culinary Festival for the eighth year.

Pogradecar hosts opened the doors for friends from the region, making Balkan artists feel at home, but also discovering the secrets of the area, the common traditions and peculiarities of Pogradec, making interesting and attractive the time that friends visitors spend the Festival days.

The city of Pogradec is the connecting point where the Balkan routes are intertwined, the cultures and traditions of the Balkan peoples where only Balkan hospitality is incomparable with no other region of Europe and beyond. Even this year, surprises await our friends from all the countries of the region. Take the opportunity to thank all those who helped as little as possible in the realization of this Festival.

Thank you and enjoy the Festival! Festival në anë të liqenit të legjendave

Që kurse arritëm të realizojmë në shtatorin e 2011 të të zakonshëm, si të gjithë ne? Mos e kemi ndonjërin parin edicion të Film & Food Balkan Festival (B3F) përballë thua? A pinë dragonjtë birrë vallë? Po le të jemi kanë kaluar afër shtatë vjet. Festivali është lidhur edhe seriozë. Natën ata shpalosin krahët dhe fluturojnë mbi më fort me Pogradecin dhe anasjelltas. Kjo ka bërë që brigjet e liqenit. secili prej nesh të shndërrohet pak nga pak në njohës Armikja më e parë e dragoit është kuçedra. Kjo të mirë, jo vetëm të njerëzve, të vendeve rreth e rrotull, tenton të djegë ara e bahçe, shtëpi, sjell mot të keq që por edhe të legjendave të shumta që gjallojnë në këto dëmton të korrat, lëshon rrufe mbi tufat e bagëtive, anë. Në ditët e verës qyteti është një vend ku popullsia sajon ngrica vdekjeprurëse, rrëmben foshnje dhe sajon dyfishohet brenda pak ditësh. Mbase lëmshi turistik, një mijë e një të zeza. Kuçedra ka një etje të madhe, i që do të gjeni këto ditë në Pogradec, do t’ju lidhë me pihet ujë aq shumë sa që është e aftë edhe ta thajë krejt shumë me një atmosferë rinore e festash se sa me histori gjolin e Pogradecit. Meqë ra fjala, përmasat e tij janë 10 të vjetra. Vetëm se, duhet ta dini, se netëve, në heshtjen kilometra gjerësi dhe 30 kilometra gjerësi dhe pika më ku dëgjohen vetëm dallgët e liqenit, jeni të rrethuar e thellë është 286 metra. Imagjinoni pak stomakun e nga dragonj, xhinde, shenjtorë të harruar, zana mali kuçedrës. Duhet të jetë një cisternë kolosale. Për fatin e e çudira. Nuk duhet të keni frikë aspak, përkundrazi. mirë të njerëzisë, deri më tani, megjithë hiletë e saj dhe Mbi vendasit, mbi miqtë, mbi ne, mbi ju, mbi të gjithë megjithë marrëzitë e njerëzisë, kuçedra nuk ka arritur vigjëlon një figurë që këtu e quajnë dragoi. Simbolin e tij ta pijë krejt ujin e liqenit. Dragoi i mirë arrin ta largojë do ta vini re edhe në stemën e bashkisë së Pogradecit. gjithnjë. Këtu besojnë se dragonjtë janë qënie të rralla që Nja tetë kilometra më në lindje të Pogradecit në “lindin me këmishë”. Këtë nuk duhet ta dijë askush territorin e FYROM të sotëm, ngrihet Manastiri i Shën përveç nënës së tij, e cila duhet ta fshehë me shumë Naumit. Çdo 5 janar pelegrinazhi në varrin e shenjtorit shpejtësi në ndonjë shpellë të paarritshme “këmishën” e ortodoks të shekullit IX-X, nxënës i Shën Cirilit e djalit të saj. Nën sqetulla këtyre foshnjeve nisin tu rriten Shën Metodit, mik i Shën Klementit të Ohrit, është një palë krahë. Kur rriten dragonjtë, përveçse fluturojnë një ngjarje e shënuar për popullsinë rreth e rrotull. me shpejtësi marramendëse, kanë edhe një fuqi Të ndezësh qirinj në “vendin e mirë” thuhet se sjell kolosale. Ata mund të shkëpusin lehtësisht shkëmbinj mbarësi. Kështu që në këtë vend ka vazhdimisht një të stërmëdhenj dhe pemë gjigande dhe t’ua vërvisin lumë njerëzish të përbërë nga maqedonas, shqiptarë, armiqve të tyre. Ditën dragonjtë mund të jenë njerëz bullgarë, myslimanë e të krishterë. Kujtimi i Shën ENO MILKANI GERTA QURKU FATOS BAXHAKU

Naumit është i mbështjellë me legjenda. Për shembull mbrojtur të paktën për një vit nga e keqja. thonë se atij i erdhi një herë një bujk i lebetitur. Këtij Në lindje të Pogradecit, në fshatin Trebinjë ndodhet i kishte mbetur parmenda vetëm me një ka. Tjetrin ia një shkëmb i gdhendur të cilin vendasit e quajnë “Djepi kishte ngrënë një ari i madh. Shenjtori i premtoi se do i Dragoit”. Në këto anë besojnë se njerëzinë e mbronte ta zgjidhte këtë punë. Nuk kaloi shumë dhe mrekullia një zanë mali që rrinte në shkëmbinj të lartë. Ajo ishte ndodhi! Fshatarët e habitur panë se si ariu kokëulur një grua fort e hijshme, por edhe e fortë. Kishte vetëm vajti e zuri vend në parmendë me këmbët e tij. Për tre një djalë, që ishte dragua. Ndërsa përleshej me të keqen, vjet ariu i penduar punoi tokën e fshatarit bashkë me ajo e përkundte djalin në djep shkëmbor me anë të një kaun, deri sa shenjtori e fali të shkonte në pyjet e tij. Me zinxhiri që shkonte nga njëri mal në tjetrin. siguri që s’i ka vajtur mendja më pas jo më të hajë, por Kështu që mos kini asnjë merak. Gjatë javës së as të shohë me lakmi ndonjë ka, apo ndonjë ushqim të festivalit çdo gjë do shkojë mirë. Masat janë marrë jo përafërt me të. Ariu i mprehur në parmendë është tani vetëm nga ne, por nga njerëzia dhe dragonjtë me mijra simboli i Manastirit të Shën Naumit. Për mrekullitë e tij vjet më parë. Porosia jonë e vetme është që, pavarësisht shenjti përdorte ujin e bekuar që mbushte në Najazmën nga gjithshka, mundohuni të flini çdo natë në shtretërit e Tushemishtit, vetëm pak metra në lindje të fshatit, e hotelit dhe jo në djepet e dragonjve. Edhe këta vetë poshtë rrugës që të çon në kufirin Shqipëri-Fyrom. Në me siguri që kanë nevojë të flenë në ndonjë shtrat të këtë burim uji vazhdon të derdhet në liqen, njësoj si zakonshëm. afër 1200 vjet më parë. Në modestinë tonë le ta konsiderojmë veten të gjithë Edhe malet e Mokrës, mbi Pogradec, janë të bashkë si dragonj të vegjël, mbrojtës të vëllazërisë e mbushura plot legjenda. Manastiri i Shën Marenës – miqësisë, që luftojnë me kamerat dhe kompjuterët e shenjtore e shekullit 3 pas Krishtit – është ndërtuar në tyre kundër kuçedrës së lashtë, mbrojtëse të ligësisë, shekullin 18. Ai ndodhet pak kilometra në jugperëndim urrejtjes dhe injorancës. Mirë se erdhët pra në liqenin e të Pogradecit. Afër manastirit ndodhet një shpellë ku legjendave! strehohej shpirti i shenjtores. Fshatarët e vjetër betohen se e kanë parë shpesh atë në agim teksa lahej në burimin Organizatorët e B3F që sot quhet i bekuar. Çdo 30 korrik edhe ky vend Eno Milkani është itinerar pelegrinazhi. Besohet se kush merr me Gerta Qurku vete ndonjë gur nga shpella, apo ujë nga burimi është i Fatos Baxhaku Movie-Fest on the Lake of Legends

We managed to host the first edition of the Film & Food and me? Is one of them sitting in front of us? Do dragons Balkan Festival (B3F) in September of 2011, almost drink beer? Let us be serious now! At night they spread seven years ago. The festival has grown closer to Pogradec their wings to fly and hover on the lake and its shore. and the town has embraced the festival. Over the years, The dragon’s arch enemy is the hydra. She tries to burn each of us has come to know better not only its people down the fields, the orchards and the houses; she brings and surroundings but also the legends being told around bad weather to damage the crops, sends flashes of lightning the lake. In the summer days, the town welcomes as on the flocks of cattle, freezes the place over to cause death, many visitors as its own population. Visiting Pogradec kidnaps babies and conjures evil of all sorts. The hydra has during these days you will most probably run into a an insatiable thirst, and she is capable of drink-draining the youthful atmosphere of parties rather than the old stories. whole of Pogradec Lake, or the pond as the locals call it. However, you must know that at night, when the silence By the way, the lake is 10 kms wide and 30 kms long and is marked only by the splashing of the lake’s waves, you are its deepest point is 286 metres. Just imagine how big the surrounded by dragons, genies, forgotten saints, mountain hydra’s stomach must be. As big as a colossal cistern. To this fairies and some such wonders. Fear them not, they are on day, despite her tricks and the crazy acts of some people, your side. Over the townspeople, their guests, us, over you, the hydra has not managed to drink the lake dry. The good over everyone, a creature they call the Dragon keeps watch. dragon always manages to send her away. You will notice its symbol in the emblem of the Pogradec Some eight kilometres east of Pogradec, in the territory Municipality. of FYROM, the Monastery of rises on The lake people believe dragons are rare beings that Lake. Every January 5th, the pilgrimage to grave of the are “born with a shirt”, but this should not be known by Orthodox Saint of the IX-X Century, a student of Saints anyone else but their own mother, whose duty it is to hide Cyril and Methodius, and a friend of Saint Clement “the shirt” of her son in an unreachable cave. Pairs of wings of Ohrid, marks a special day for the population of the start growing out of the armpits of these babies. When the surrounding areas. Lighting a candle at “the holy place” is dragons grow up, they not only fly at dizzying speed but said to bring good luck. Consequently, a river of people have the strength of a colossus. The dragons could easily made up of Macedonians, Albanians, Bulgarians -- Muslim clutch a big rock or a giant tree and hurl them against their and Christian - visits the shrine. The memory of Saint enemies. During daylight, the dragons are people like you Naum is has been handed down in legends. According to one of them, a frightened farmer came to him one day. A from the source will be protected from evil for a year, so big bear had eaten one of the oxen pulling his plough. The goes the belief. Saint promised the unfortunate farmer he would help him. East of Pogradec, in the village of Trebinjë, there is a In a short while, the miracle was there for everyone to see. carved rock which the locals call the “Dragon Crib”. The The surprised villagers saw how the bear, keeping his head local population believed they were being protected by a down, harnessed himself to the plough. For three years the mountain fairy living on top the high rocks. She was a very bear and the surviving ox ploughed the land of the farmer beautiful lady, but she was also extremely strong. She had until the Saint forgave the bear and let him go to his home only one son, and he was a dragon. While she fought evil, forest. For sure, neither the idea of eating or even looking she lulled her dragon baby to sleep on the rocky crib with greedily at an ox, or food similar to him, crossed the bear’s a chain stretching from one mountain to the next. So, have mind again. A bear harnessed to the plough has now turned no doubts at all please. into the symbol of the Saint Naum Monastery. To perform All will be fine during the week of the festival. We have his miracles, the Saint used the blessed water from the made sure we took the right precautions and so have the Najazmë (from the Greek ‘blessed water’) of Tushemisht, people and the dragons thousands of years ago. We only just a few yards to the east of Tushemisht village, below the recommend that you sleep every night in your hotel bed, road leading to the Albania-FYROM border crossing. The not the cribs of dragons. Even they, surely, feel the need to water of this source keeps flowing into the lake, just as it sleep in an ordinary bed. has done for the last 1,200 years. With modesty, let us all together see ourselves as little Even the mountains of Mokra rising above Pogradec are dragons, protectors of the brotherhood of friendship, full of legends. The Monastery of Saint Marena - a saint of fighting with their cameras and computers against the the 3rd Century A.D. - was built in the 18th Century. It ancient hydra, defender of evil, hatred and ignorance. is located a few kilometres southwest of Pogradec. The soul Welcome to the Lake of Legends! of the Saint is said to live in a cave close to the Monastery. The old villagers say they have seen her at dawn while she The B3F Organizers washed herself at the water source, which nowadays is Eno Milkani called blessed. Each July 30 it also turns into the site of a Gerta Qurku pilgrimage. Whoever takes a stone from the cave or water Fatos Baxhaku MICHAEL ALEXANDER Michael Alexander has worked as a journalist for the BBC, Associated Press Television News, and the UK Press Association. He has worked extensively in TV, Radio, Print and Digital journalism in a variety of positions in the UK and abroad at several levels including news editor, TV program editor, producer and freelance. Since 2010, he has worked in media development with journalists in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Myanmar and South Sudan. He is currently media advisor for the Justice for All project in Albania.

MARÍA ROCES María Roces González, born in 1952 in Asturias (Spain), graduated in business studies in the University of Oviedo, lived in Albania between 1980 and 1984, where she was a speaker and editor of the Spanish broadcasts of Radio Tirana. Between 1984 and 1991, she chaired the Association of Spain-Albania Friendship and directed its magazine, for which she translated stories, films, folk tales, poems… as well as organized tourist trips to Albania every summer. A social activist for urban planning and housing responsibility of the Federation of Neighborhood Associations of the region of Madrid between 1989 and 2013, she combined this work with literary style proofreading/editing for two editorials and a magazine until 2009, and collaborated, until 2011, with Ramón Sánchez Lizarralde in some literary translations. María Roces is actually the translator of the Albanien literature in Spanish language.

FIONA HOWE Writer/Producer/Composer/Script Consultant Scenario Films, UK Fiona is the Producer and Music Composer of the D-Trilogy of feature films by Gareth Jones – DESIRE, DELIGHT and DELIRIUM. DELIRIUM had its World Première at the Moscow International Film Festival in June 2017, and was released in UK cinemas earlier this year. Fiona’s DELIRIUM soundtrack album Requiem for the Living, performed by the Royal Holloway Chapel Choir, was released on itunes and other digital platforms in April 2017 and won a special mention by the 2017 Reel Music Awards, where it was nominated in the category Best Original Score for a Drama Feature: ‘…full of beautifully- rendered choral pieces… a wonderfully intimate and emotionally powerful score.’ DESIRE, starring Oscar Pearce and Tella Kpomahou, opened at Sarajevo IFF and was nominated Best UK Feature at Raindance 2009, with a UK theatrical release in 2011, while DELIGHT, starring Jeanne Balibar, was nominated for Best Feature at Moscow IFF 2013, with a UK theatrical release in 2015. All three films are represented for world sales by Oration Films. Alongside her film career Fiona released her debut singer-songwriter album MERMAID’s WORK in January 2016 and she is preparing the publication of SHE DANCED, a novel with songs. HARALD FRIEDL Born in Steyr, Upper Austria. M.A. at the University of Salzburg. Researcher at the socio- cultural institute IAK. Director of the Salzburg House of Literature. Since 1994 free lance filmmaker and writer. Frequent lecturer at US-Universities. Guest professor at California State University, Long Beach 2012 – 2014. As a writer, numerous publications in anthologies and on Austrian Radio Ö 1. Libretto for the piece „Us, the Angles“ (2011), music by Michael Radanovics – commissioned and performed by the Spring String Quarett. Libretto for the Jazzopera „Hochgeschätztes Tiefparterre“ (2017), music by Gerald Schuller. As a filmmaker numerous TV-documentaries for Austrian ORF and German-Austrian 3sat (i.e. Discovery Lesachtal, 2004; About Orchestral Life, 2008). Cinematic films (selection): Land Without Qualities (2000), Africa Representa (2003), G´schichten vom Willi Resetarits (2008), My Life as an Apple Tree (2012); What Happiness Is (2012) – on happiness-research in the Kingdom of Bhutan. The cinematic documentary Out of Time (2006) won several awards such as Prix des jeunes at Cinema du reel, Paris, the Grand Jury Prize, Seattle IFF and Best International Documentary in Calgary, Canada. Currently in production: Brave New Bread (A/G 2019). Chairman of dok.at, the Austrian Documentary Filmmakers Association. CAMILLA SARACENI AMAHÌ CAMILLA ELENA SARACENI Director, playwright, choreographer and teacher Amahì Camilla Elena Saraceni (aka Amahi Desclozeaux) was born in Cordoba, Argentina. With a master’s degree in philosophy at the age of 20 she published a book “De aqui a ayer” (from here to yesterday), she began by teaching philosophy at the University of El Salvador, while at the same time opening a fashion house in Buenos Aires. In the early 80s, she moved to Paris where she worked for prestigious fashion names such as the Chanel and Dior houses, travelling around the world organizing their fashion shows. Many collaboration for the design of costumes and sets for movies and advertising with among others, Helmut Newton, Bruce Brown, Lester Bookbinder, Jean Jacques Beneix, Eduard Molinaro…. It is by attending the rehearsals of Jean Genet’s “Paravents” directed by Patrice Chéreau at the “Théâtre des Amandiers” in Nanterre that she decides to devote herself entirely to theatre and dance (which she practices since she was 8 years old). In 1985, she founded with Juliette Binoche and Michel Feller: Théâtre de Léthé à Paris/ Collectif 2 plus. For her productions she worked with composers such as Gerardo Jerez Cam, Steve Arguelles, Laurent Petitgand, Alvise Sinivia … and with authors such as Chantal Akerman, Lydie Salvayre, Eduardo Manet, John and Mayotte Bollakc, Olivia Rosenthal. Juria – Jury Balkan “Mish Mash” Film Production

The Balkan Mish Film Production Mash was born together and we produce the films. Not to show with idea to bring together young people from the that by a low budget you can make a short film, but Balkans during the Balkan Film Food Festival in to share unforgettable memories of friendship and Pogradec, Albania in order to give the chance to happy moments. The films produced will be there, these people to create and produce films together stay there in eternity as a testimony that yes we can during the festival. At the beginning we wanted to stay together, work together, enjoy together and live call a film cabaret but being in the Balkans with our together like never before. common and different ways of thinking and inspired First edition was very impressive. Like the first by the Mish Mash Balkan expression we decided year we were very disturbed about the production. to call it like this. The basics are simple, in a era of We didn’t know if this is going to work. We were democratization of the media where apart the social waiting for people to respond to our call. And this media today everyone can record edit and upload has happened. There were a lot of young filmmaker on youtube a film why not bring people together, that wanted to come to Pogradec, not only to shoot focus on a Balkan theme and share experiences their short movies, but also to know the place and the and professionalism together. By doing so, we try Albanians. breaking barriers for real, barriers of nationalisms Mehmet Selcuk Bilge was a Turkish. He had a big prejudices and borders. And to the call many young pleasure to come in Pogradec. He was very friendly people answer positively and they came and sit and we became good friends after we finished This workshop was made possible by Art-My-Pulse

the Mish-Mash Production. He returned back in knew each-other better and we work to help the other Albania again. We shared our possibilities about to feel and understand what we feel. the coproduction between our countries. We have Xhustin Kristian was Albanian too. He is a cinema understood that we are not so much different from lover. He didn’t come from Academy of filmmaking. each –other. We have a lot in common, in the way of He has the pleasure and the passion to shoot films. thinking the way of living and also in political views. In this case we help passionate people to make Maria Marinopoulou came from Greece. We didn’t their dreams true. In small countries like Albania is hate each-other, like politics do; we help each-other to very difficult to make movies, even when you are a give the world our voice. It was a special moment for professional movie maker, but we forget that movie me because I was the actress of her movie. We enjoyed is based in feelings, and we lost a lot of young people a lot the time together. We were opposite characters in that maybe can have this feeling and can do beautiful the life, but we shared a lot of our experience and our things. fears. Her movie won different prices in other festivals So, we want to make Mish Mash Production an around the world. “institution”, like an academy where everybody can Nerta Veliu was from Albania. She has finished in bring her voice in her way, without borders and rules, Film Academy Marubiin Tirana, and in a way we were just feelings. colleges, sharing the same worries, living in the same We thank everybody that believed in us. We hope we difficult Albanian world. That’ s why in this case we will bring this academy in a higher level year after year. Armando Kallaverja Bledar Muja Gerian Sadikaj

Antonio Demiri Antonla Roci Klea Sulanjaku Danja Kovaci Kristjan Gjergji

Mish Mash Participants

Brisilda Dashhana Eriselda Ternova Vilson Balla Silva Piroli

Albi Bami Igli Maksuti Klejdi Kercyku Fatlinda gajtani

Xhesika Pasha Tirane Besmira Berisha Filip Dimic East Musliu Regjisor Fatos Baxhaku Gazetar

al World Vision është një organizatë zhvillimi komunitar, e krishterë, humanitare dhe avokatie. Prej dy dekadash ne punojmë me 32 mijë fëmijë në 220 komunitete në nevojë.

Eno Milkani Regjisor Gerta Qurku Producente Që prej vitit 1999, ne i dedikohemi çdo ditë punës me fëmijët, familjet dhe komunitetet për të kapërcyer varfërinë dhe padrejtësinë .World Vision punon në Ballkanin Perëndimor, Mish Mash në Shqipëri, Kosovë dhe Bosnje. Team Prej 60 vitesh, World Vision është vendosur në 90 shtete duke ndihmuar miliona fëmijë në nevojë. Anxhela Cikopano Regjisore /Përkthyese en

World Vision is a global Christian relief, development and advocacy. We work with 32.000 children in 220 communities in need. Since the start of the activity in 1999 we are dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and Alketa Basha Koordinatore Florenc Papas Kineast injustice. World Vision works in Western Balkan, Albania, Kosovo and Bosnia. Since the last 60 years, World Vision works in 90 countries to help children in need.

Nardi Demo Operator Olsi Demo Montazhier Workshop Balkan Story gives hope to films in the Balkans

Balkan Story is a new way for film makers from the Balkans to present their upcoming project. For this purpose film makers are invited to send only a short synopsis of their new project and then during the festival to present it themselves in front of Jury. By doing so the Balkan Film Food Festival just wants to encourage film makers to through their first step for their new projects. The award of 500 euros that would be assigned to one winner it can be used for script development or else in order to give to the directors or producers the conviction that their new film has a potential. In the coming years we hope that Balkan Story will develop further in assisting the new projects with more financial means and more exchangeable information. All the best to the first lucky winner. Feature Films in Competition 18 Albania

Country: Albania, Greece Sales agent: Wide Management Year: 2017 Directed by: Gentian Koçi Film run: 85’ Screenplay: Gentian Koçi cast: Ornela Kapetani, Suzana Prifti, Kasem Hoxha, Hermes Kasimati, Adele Gjoka, Ermela Ruri, Pëllumb Dërvishi, Kastriot Shehi, Jonida Beqo, Julinda Emiri Cinematography by: Ilias Adamis Film editing: Christos Giannakopoulos, Bonita Papastathi Art director: Ilia Kolka Costumes designer: Emir Turkeshi-Gramo Music: Mardit Lleshi Producer: Gentian Koçi Co-producer: Konstantina Stavrianou, Irini Vougioukalou Associate producer: Blerina Hankollari Line producer: Tefta Bejko Production: Artalb Film, Graal S.A. Daybreak

Leta has not been able to pay the rent for several months. When she and her one-year-old son are thrown out of their apartment, they move in with Sophie, an old woman confined to bed, whose daughter has just employed Leta as a caretaker. In order to keep her job and a roof over their head, Leta has to keep Sophie alive at any cost. SYNOPSIS 19

Turkey July 2 - 7, 2018 Pogradec, Albania

Rasit Gorgulu Director Irfan Saruhan Writer Bor Medya Yapim Producer Amira Kudumovic Producer

Serkan Senalp Key Cast Natasha Petrovic Key Cast Emir Hadzihafizbegovic Key Cast Suzan Kardes Key Cast Gordona Boban Key Cast Maja Juric Key Cast Ufuk Bayraktar Key Cast

Film Type:Feature Runtime:1 hour 45 minutes Country of Origin:Turkey Film Language:English, Serbian, Turkish Shooting Format:Digital,Alexa Mini First-time Filmmaker:No Student Project:No Secret From The Past

Ali is twenty-three years old boy. After he discovered he has a genetic disorder, he finds out that his parents escaped during the war in Bosnia to Turkey. With a few information about biological family he goes in a search for them in Bosnia. In the hotel where he stays, he meets Hana, a girl of same age. The closeness between Ali and Hana will get a new dimension. SYNOPSIS 20 Kosovo

Country: Kosovo, Albania Sales agent: Wide Management Year: 2018 Directed by: Blerta Zeqiri

Screenplay: Blerta Zeqiri, Keka Berisha Cast: Alban Ukaj, Adriana Matoshi, Genc Salihu Cinematography by: Sevdije Kastrati Film editing: Keka Berisha Sound: Pëllumb Ballata Producer: Keka Berisha Co-producer: Eno Milkani Production: BeZe

The Marriage

Their wedding in only two weeks, Anita and Bekim are adding the final touches to their big day. Despite expecting news of Anita’s parents, declared missing since the 1999 Kosovar War, and with Bekim’s controlling family in turn, the couple seem to manage somehow with the preparations. But when Bekim’s secret gay ex-lover, Nol, returns from abroad unexpectedly, the situation becomes complicated, especially SYNOPSIS when Bekim realizes that Nol is still in love with him.

Inevitably, the wedding banquet becomes loaded with tension when the unusual love triangle starts to unravel. 21

Bulgaria July 2 - 7, 2018 Pogradec, Albania

Directed by Ilian Djevelekov Writing: Ilian Djevelekov, Matey Konstantinov Velislav Pavlov Teodora Duhovnikova Vesela Babinova Anastassia Liutova Mihail Mutafov Produced by Georgi Dimitrov ... producer Ilian Djevelekov ... producer Stefan Goranov ... executive producer Matey Konstantinov ... producer Mila Voinikova ... executive producer Cinematography by Emil Christov Music by Petko Manchev Film Editing by Alexandra Fuchanska Production Design by Georgi Dimitrov Costume Design by Tatiana Aleksandrova Omnipresent Ani Vladimirova Silvia Vladimirova

The story of OMNIPRESENT is centered around Emil, writer and owner of advertising agency who gradually becomes obsessed with spying on his family, friends and employees via hidden spy cameras. What starts as an innocent hobby ends up as a total disaster, as in the process he abuses his new power and eventually comes to realize that some secrets should be left uncovered. SYNOPSIS 22 Macedonia

Running Time: 60‘ Director: Robert Jankuloski Producer: Robert Jankuloski Editor: Blaze Dulev Screen Writer: Ilindenka Petrusheva Director of Photography: Robert Jankuloski Music: Darko Spasovski

Manaki - A Story Through Pictures

The film incorporates the photographic and film work of Janaki and Milton Manaki, the first Balkan cinematographers. The Manaki brothers have been mythologized over the years, and additional attributions to their legacy have been made in order to further eulogize their undisputed importance. SYNOPSIS


Shorts, Animation Albania in Competition


Ardian Arrëza Director Jonida Koçi Director Odeta Cunaj Director

Film Type:Documentary, Short, Student Film Type:Experimental, Short, Film Type:Short Runtime:12 minutes 30 seconds Student Runtime:13 minutes 33 seconds Country of Origin:Albania Runtime:1 minute 50 seconds Country of Origin:Albania First-time Filmmaker:Yes Country of Origin:Albania First-time Filmmaker:No Student Project:Yes First-time Filmmaker:Yes Student Project:No Student Project:Yes

A journey on the figure of Vesa, a former singer, meet a Adem Reka who, after losing A girl feels like she’s being fan of her who tries to bring life in 1966, was declared a followed on her way home, at light in her life. Hero of Socialist Work by the night. Communist regime in Albania. The event is pieced together through archival material of the time and accounts the people who have experienced it, which SYNOPSIS includes family members of SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS Adem Reka. Their truths and the benefit of hindsight exposes the propaganda of the regime. 25

July 2 - 7, 2018 Pogradec, Albania


Oresti Zeneli Director Artan MAKU Director Rigers Plaka Director

Film Type:Short, Student Film Type:Animation Film Type:Short, Student Runtime:9 minutes 19 seconds Runtime:5 minutes 35 seconds Runtime:10 minutes 19 seconds Country of Origin:Albania Country of Origin:Albania Country of Origin:Albania First-time Filmmaker:No First-time Filmmaker:No First-time Filmmaker:No Student Project:Yes Student Project:No Student Project:Yes

In a small city, crossed In sky setting, with an Petrit, a 35 years old father, encounters of characters who abnormal situation of nature, to secure his livelihoods, don’t even know they are we see 2 two children and passes contraband drug from all related. Not all is what it Wind playing with each other. Albania to Greece. One day seems. When this friendly relationship his son Xhevi follows him among them brakes down. behind. Wind becomes an Archetypes character. Suddenly, everything goes back to their place. The SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS world is created. 26

Shorts, Animation Albania in Competition


Aldo Marku Director Leutrim Voka Director

Film Type:Short, Student Film Type:Documentary, Short, Runtime:18 minutes Student Country of Origin:Albania Runtime:9 minutes 53 seconds First-time Filmmaker:No Country of Origin:Albania Student Project:Yes First-time Filmmaker:No Student Project:Yes

Ilir and his son come back from Muharrem Protoduari, the boy immigration in Germany to who was sentences to 20 years their village in Albania. Finding of prison just because he had out that nothing is the same as listened to foreign music, after before, Ilir tries to find a way to 46 years tells the story how he survive, while Beni has made a became part of a staged court new friend. by the communist regime investigator in Albania. SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS 27

July 2 - 7, 2018 Pogradec, Albania


Ardian Arrëza Director Eneos Çarka Director

Film Type:Short, Student Film Type:Short, Student Genres:Social, Drama Genres:Realism, Social, Drama, Youth Country of Origin:Albania Runtime:7 minutes 11 seconds First-time Filmmaker:No Country of Origin:Albania Student Project:Yes Film Color:Black & White First-time Filmmaker:No Student Project: Yes

Magdalena is having Shortage of water is common difficulties finding a job, even in Tirana, Albania. Therefore, though she has all the right reserves of water are located qualifications. After the loss in the rooftops of the houses. of her mother, she took over Two young men are stealing taking care of the house and water on the roof of their her family, which now is seen building. The owner of the by them as an obligation. Now water deposit appears and she must face not only the angrily runs towards them. SYNOPSIS harshness of a hostile labor SYNOPSIS They fight until they realize market, but also her family, they are from the same town. which has turned against her. The three of them now get the water from another deposit.


Shorts, Animation Bulgaria in Competition


Boyana Topchiyska Director Dimitar Dimitrov Director Jonathan Heidelberger Director

Film Type:Feature, Short, Student Film Type:Animation, Short Film Type:Short Runtime:15 minutes 30 seconds Runtime:6 minutes Runtime:19 minutes 11 seconds Country of Origin:Bulgaria Country of Origin:Bulgaria Country of Origin:Bulgaria First-time Filmmaker:No First-time Filmmaker:No First-time Filmmaker:No Student Project:Yes Student Project:No Student Project:No

A young man is invited to an “A film about the A small-town widow finds an interview for his dream job,but crushing power of the unexpected way to get out of on the way,after unexpected ordinary, everyday life, the hole her life has turned events, he realised what is which inevitably devours into. really important for him. the dreams, the love, and the belief in the extraordinary. A life which means death to the SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS artist.” 31

July 2 - 7, 2018 Pogradec, Albania


Silviya Ivanova Director Stefani Raycheva Director

Film Type:Animation Film Type:Short, Student Runtime:8 minutes 48 seconds Genres:comedy, children Country of Origin:Bulgaria Runtime:8 minutes First-time Filmmaker:Yes Country of Origin:Bulgaria Student Project:Yes First-time Filmmaker:No Student Project:Yes

A sleepless night. A gray room. A little girl receives a camera A woman lies numb in her as a gift and uses it to film one bed with eyes inspecting the day with her parents. ceiling. Worries, memories, dreams, refracted through the reflection in the mirror…After nights like this what does the morning bring us? SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS 32

Shorts, Animation Croatia in Competition

BLUE PETER Marko Šantic Director Film Type:Short Petar is a young police officer who has Runtime:14 minutes 28 just begun his carrer, he lives with his seconds parents in a small maisonette. Officer Country of Goran, who comes to pick up Petar, Origin:Croatia suddenly arrives at their place. They First-time have to deal with another distraint. SYNOPSIS Filmmaker:No Petar doesn’t want to be a part of it. His Student Project:No unemployed father tries to convince him to go since their family is dealing with money problems and soon they’ll have to face an eviction. In the field during the distraint, Petar reacts in a human way, brakes the police powers and tries to protect distrainees who happen to be an older married couple.


Shorts, Animation Greece in Competition

BEST OF EVERYTHING, ELLIE MANIERA GRECA ALWAYS Alexios Koukias-Pantelis Director Miltiades Christides Director Kirineos Papadimatos Director

Film Type:Short, Student Film Type:Short Film Type:Short Runtime:11 minutes 44 seconds Runtime:8 minutes 44 seconds Runtime:13 minutes 15 seconds Country of Origin:Greece Country of Origin:Greece Country of Origin:Greece First-time Filmmaker:No First-time Filmmaker:No First-time Filmmaker:No Student Project:Yes Student Project:No Student Project:No

The night comes to its end at the Laurel has the best of Alarmed by area crime, greek night club (bouzouki-dance everything; a luxurious house, Ellie panics when a floor). It’s five o’clock in the morning. an expensive car, a killer hooded man enters her The few last clients left at the club wardrobe, and hours of leisure apartment. are clapping out of habit for the time to waste away. Yet she still opening singer while she finishes her suffers from a crippling lack of appearance with a long ‘goodnight’. purpose, a void in her identity. Nobody could have guessed what She only finds comfort in would happen when the leading star SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS planning a secret ceremony SYNOPSIS of the night program, the famous that will remain unforgettable. singer Koureas, begins to sing his brand new hit, a zeibekiko* song called, ‘the bearded man’. 35

July 2 - 7, 2018 Pogradec, Albania


Dimitris Katsimiris Director Ioanna Neophytou Director

Film Type:Short Film Type:Documentary, Experimental, Runtime:4 minutes 40 seconds Short Country of Origin:Greece Runtime:13 minutes 52 seconds First-time Filmmaker:No Country of Origin:Greece Student Project:No First-time Filmmaker:No Student Project:No

A woman returns, after 40 The Fairs, is a 2-channel video years, to the village where documentary, presenting the story of she was born. The cause is two villages separated by the border the death of her mother. She line between Albania and Greece. keeps an old photograph in her But the villages Ayia Marina and hands: a mother with her two Kossovitsa used to be one and only sons. Arriving at the cemetery, village before the creation of the she encounters the faces of all border, that separated the villages for about 60 years since its installation.

SYNOPSIS those she left behind. SYNOPSIS The video traces the story of this separation through the summer fairs that since 1990 unifies again the inhabitants in a revelry. Përgjatë 2018 Shqipëria zyrtarisht kremton 550 vjetorin e vdekjes së Heroit Kombëtar, Gjergj Kastrioti –

Skënderbeu (1403-1468). Ndërsa festivalistët e B3F të mbledhur në Pogradec nga i gjithë Ballkani do të qëndrojnë bashkë për të parë filmat e tyre, ndër qytete të tjera të Shqipërisë, njerëzia kujton heroin e tyre legjendar, njeriun që bashkë me fisnikët e tjerë shqiptarë u bë barrierë për të shpëtuar Atdheun e tij dhe qytetërimin perëndimor përgjatë një përgjakjeje të gjatë 25-vjeçare, në luftë me fuqinë më të madhe të kohës të komanduar nga sulltanët Murati II dhe Mehmet Fatihu, pushtuesi i Konstantinopojës.

Gjergji ishte djali i një fisniku nga Dibra, Gjonit. Këtë popuj të tjerë dhe dokumenta e cilësojnë edhe si Ivan, apo Johan. Turqit e quanin Hamza. E ëma e Gjergjit ishte Vojsava, ortodokse, bijë e sundimtarit të Pologut, ku bashkëjetonin sllavë e arbër – shqiptarë të mesjetës. Skënderbeu, u rrit në oborrin e sulltanit, pati tri fe: katolike, ortodokse dhe myslimane. U martua me Donikën, bijë e Gjergj Arianitit, ortodokse. Vëllezërit dhe motrat e Gjergj Kastriotit quheshin: Reposhi, që u bë mysliman me mbiemrin Karagjozi, Stanisha, murg ortodoks në një manastir sllav në Malin Athos, Konstandini, Maria, Jella, Angjelina, Vlaica, Mamica. Vetë Gjergji në 1464 u emërua komandant i përgjitshëm kryqëzatës së krishterë antiosmane të komanduar nga Papa fatkeq Piu II. A ka mundësi që të ketë një personazh tjetër, kaq legjendar, që i bën bashkë njëherazi të qënit shqiptar, ballkanas, europian? Në nderim të kujtimit të 550 vjetorit të vdekjes së Heroit Kombëtar të Shqiptarëve në edicionin e VIII të B3F do të shfaqen: filmi artistik me metrazh të gjatë “Skënderbeu”, prodhim shqiptaro-sovjetik i vitit 1953 me regji të Sergej Jutkeviç, dhe dokumentari “Një kafe me Skënderbeun”, prodhim shqiptar i 2017 nga Pirro&Eno Milkani. Skanderbeg, Pride of Albania, the Balkans and Europe

Albania is officially celebrating the 550-anniversary of the death of Gjergj Kastriot Skenderbeu (1403- 1468), our national hero, throughout 2018. While movie lovers come to Pogradec from all over the Balkans to screen and watch their films at B3F, people around Albania will remember their legendary hero, and how the Leader of the League of Princes stood up to and pushed back for a quarter of a century one of the biggest powers lead by Sultan Murat II and Mehmet Fatih, the Conqueror of Constantinople, holding them at bay to prevent their advance against Western Europe.

Gjergj was the son of Gjon, a Prince from Albania’s northern region of Dibra. Other nations and documents call him Ivan or Johan. The Ottomans used to call him Hamza. The mother of Gjergj was Vojsava, an Orthodox by religion, daughter of the Ruler of Polog, a region where Slav and Arber -- as Albanians in Middle Ages were called-- lived side by side peacefully. Skanderbeg grew up in the court of sultans and adhered to three religions; Catholic, Orthodox and Muslim. He married Donika, an Orthodox, the daughter of Gjergj Arianiti. Gjergj Kastrioti’s brothers and sisters were: Reposhi, Stanisha, Konstandini, Maria, Jella, Angjelina, Vllaica and Mamica. Reposh embraced the Muslim religion and adopted the family name of Karagjozi, while his other brother Stanisha served as an Orthodox monk in a Slav Monastery on Mount Athos. Gjergj Kastrioti became in 1464 commander general of the crusade led by the unfortunate Pope Pius II. Either in legend or reality, we find no other character best embodying what it means to be an Albanian as well as a Balkan and European leader. In his honor, two movies will be screened at the festival: “Skenderbeu” (1953) a feature film made by Soviet/Ukranian director Sergei Jutkevic in its restored version in Albanian with English subtitles, and the documentary “A coffee with Skanderbeg” (2017) made by Piro&Eno. -XO\$XJXVW3RJUDGHF$OEDQLD

Principal Characteristics of the Balkan Food Culture the kajmak cheese; one of these dishes Peninsula depended upon the historic, is èimbur, boiled eggs covered with geographical, climatic, social, and kajmak. Also popular are vegetable dishes made from cabbage, beans, food culture areas: the Mediterranean, onions, green peppers, and eggplant. the continental lowland, and the Vegetables pickled in vinegar (turšija) are consumed in winter. Meat dishes Mediterranean area is divided into consist mostly of lamb and sheep the coastal and the continental parts. meats, usually roasted or prepared in People living along the coast tend their pork, which are usually dried in the air kinds of vegetables, citrus fruits, spices, and made into prosciutto, or smoked, barley, rye, millet, and buckwheat. are eaten during the winter months (pastrma). dishes consist mainly of corn; corn bread is eaten in most places. Because Individual Groups of Dishes of an abundance of corn, which is part of the Mediterranean area has a very important as fodder, cattle and well-developed agriculture. Farmers pig farming are very developed; in Peninsula displays Asian as well as breed mostly sheep, goats, and poultry, the north, sheep and goats are bred to a lesser extent also cattle and pigs. Fields yield crops of wheat and corn, in plays a very important role in the food strong in the last several centuries, some places also rice, cotton, sesame, culture of the local population. Farmers ethnic characteristics and traditions and poppy. Fertile valleys are sprinkled also grow fruit, especially apple, pear, have been preserved. Dishes consumed with vineyards. Meals, therefore, plum, and they cultivate walnut trees. in this region therefore contain many consist mostly of meat dishes, but also Sheep farming is important in the similar elements, but may also greatly of milk, milk products, and vegetables. mountainous part of the Dinaric Alps and in the Rhodope Mountains; less characteristics shared by most is the continental lowland area, which is important is cattle breeding. Meals use of numerous spices, onions, garlic, distinctly agricultural, starts north of tomatoes, parsley, paprika, and capers. the Balkan Mountains and Šarplanina. kinds of cheese, corn bread (proja), and polenta (kaèamak). Many dishes Soups are prepared from vegetables, plenty of food. Farmers grow oats, are prepared from cornmeal, eggs, and


Shorts, Animation Kosovo in Competition


Enxhi Noni Director Alma Cocaj Director Doki Qerimi Director

Film Type:Documentary Film Type:Experimental, Short, Student Film Type:Short, Student Runtime:7 minutes Runtime:3 minutes 20 seconds Runtime:8 minutes 6 seconds Completion Date:July 31, 2017 Country of Origin:Kosovo Country of Origin:Kosovo First-time Filmmaker:No Country of Origin:Kosovo Student Project:Yes First-time Filmmaker:No First-time Filmmaker:Yes Student Project:Yes Student Project:Yes

Is it possible to grasp the The man who is frustrated The struggle of an old couple meaning of the future by and paranoid, he creates finding the best solution to pay accepting only the present nets to caught his social their shop rent. and leaving the past phobia. behind? A delicate medley of these notions, regarding the historical and cultural background of Albania. Does the youth dare to be disturbed? SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS


Shorts, Animation Macedonia in Competition


Radovan Petrovic Director Bani Georgievski Director Zlatko Kalenikov Director

Film Type:Short, Student Film Type:Animation, Film Type:Short Runtime:13 minutes 15 seconds Runtime:3 minutes 23 seconds Runtime:16 minutes 17 seconds Country of Origin:Macedonia Country of Origin:Macedonia, Completion Date:September 27, 2017 First-time Filmmaker:No First-time Filmmaker:No Country of Origin:Macedonia Student Project:Yes Student Project:Yes First-time Filmmaker:Yes Student Project:No

After one of their usual The feelings and viewing The Chief of police is beginning the escapades, a couple find of a melancholic person. process of interrogation. Perhan, a themselves locked in the 40-year-old Roma, is the suspect bathroom of the National of a train robbery involving scrap Opera. While waiting for a metal. Police officer Petrov is using friend’s help, they are forced to aggressive tactics to force a confession. The interrogation is interrupted by face the problems that trouble another police officer who announces them. that there is additional information SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS regarding the case. The Chief goes to another office in the police station where he finds a woman and a young girl, both Roma, all in tears. They are Perhan’s wife and daughter. 47

July 2 - 7, 2018 Pogradec, Albania


Hanis Bagashov Director Lidija Mojsovska Director Nikolce Popovski Director

Film Type:Short Film Type:Short, Student Film Type:Short Runtime:15 minutes 50 seconds Runtime:16 minutes 20 seconds Genres:Drama Completion Date:April 8, 2018 Country of Origin:Macedonia, Runtime:13 minutes 5 seconds Country of Origin:Macedonia First-time Filmmaker:No Country of Origin:Macedonia First-time Filmmaker:No Student Project:Yes First-time Filmmaker:No Student Project:Yes Student Project:No

“Angel, quiet and withdrawn Story about a 10 year old The last remaining occupant boy, goes with his friend Albanian Muslim kid, Arben of an old abandoned village Mishko to pick apples, in who decides to participate communicates with the last order to sell them later. But, in a religious competition remaining occupant of the as the day passes, Angel is organised by his school in neighbouring village via the increasingly facing the cruelty honour of the Christian church bell. of Mishko and his own holiday Epiphany, in order to parents.” get the award of 10 000 denars SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS and help his little brother who is very sick. 48

Shorts, Animation Macedonia in Competition


Director: Zharko Ivanov Kiril Karakash & Svetislav Podleshanov Running Time: 19min 16 sek Directors Director: Stefan Palitov Film Type:Animation, Producer: Blaze Dulev Runtime:12 minutes Film Type:Documentary, Experimental, Editor: Tanja Ribarska Country of Origin:Macedonia, Short Screen Writer: Stefan Palitov Sound Designer: Darko Spasovski First-time Filmmaker:No Runtime:8 minutes 25 seconds Music: Zlatko Strovjanovski Student Project:No Completion Date:January 9, 2018 Director of Photography: Vladimir Dimoski Country of Origin:Macedonia, Status: Released 2018 First-time Filmmaker:No Cast: Ognen Drangovski, Jana Nikodinovska, Student Project: Amernis Nokshikji Jovanovska Production Companies: Quasar Film

In a small monastery, hidden The water is a What occurs when an unexpected in the rocky mountains along metaphorical view of life death arises in a harmonious and creative family? a lake far from civilization, a in the drought of the lonesome young monk paints When we are gone, the fight remains people living in Pustec by to those who live after us. frescos of saints on the walls. Prespa Lake. On a quiet sunny day, while This is the story of family in which the father Boris and his little daughter fishing in his small rowboat Sara are left to cope with the loss of in the middle of the lake, he their wife and mother. They have to suddenly hears female voices. SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS fulfill their role in the new situation Is he being tempted? Is his and to continue with their lives... conscience being tested? TIFF on tour & Balkan Film Food Festival TIFF on Tour event act as ambassador for the TIFF submitted films and travel during the year with a special selection of European films to other Germany, Portugal | 2016 | 101’ Netherlands | 2015 | 102’ Albanian cities, touristic sites and places that have Jonas ROTHLAENDER Arne TOONEN no cinemas with his Open Air Cinema. TIFF will also Screenplay Jonas Rothlaender Fado propose special screenings to other local and LITTLE GANGSTER Sebastian Bleyl Young doctor Fabian travels to Lisbon to regional festivals in accordance to a specific Rik Boskamp is dreaming of a different life DoP win back his ex-girlfriend Doro. While the where he’s not constantly bullied in and Alexander Haßkerl two of them are gradually getting closer subject or theme. one in which his father is not a total loser. Producer again, they are being haunted by their Tara Biere fears. Fabian’s jealousy once again puts Editor their relationship to the test... In collaboration with Balkan Film & Food Festival SPECIAL SCREENING Dietmar Kraus TIFF on Tour present to the audience a package of Sound Festivals - Awards Johannes Kaschek 45th International Film Festival Rotterdam 2016 European films for kids and adults, that are Starring 15th Transilvania International Film Festival Cluj supported from Media program of Creative Europe. Screenplay: Lotte Tabbers Luise HeyerGolo Euler 3eth Moscow International Film Festival Distributor AL: Tirana Film Istitute (logo) Supported by Media Program - Creative Europe (logo)

Germany | 2015 | 97’ Bulgaria | 2016 | 97’ Denmark, 2017, 79min, 4+ Arend AGTHE Kristina GROZEVA/Petar VALCHANOV Writing Genre "THE INCREDIBLE STORY Music RAFFI Kristina Grozeva GLORY Animation Matthias Raue Petar Valchanov Family OF THE GIANT PEAR" Screenplay Sammy's hamster Raffi is cleVem than any Decho Taralezhkov Tsanko Petrov, a railroad worker finds millions of leva Children film Arend Agthe other of his kind. He's great at scoring goals in Photography on the train tracks. He decides to turn the entire Directors Based on the popular children's book under the same Bettina Kupfer football and. what makes him mn more pmious. Krum Rodriguez amount over to the police, and the state rewards him Philip Einstein Lipski, name by Jakob Martin Strid Life in Solby is nice and Producers he was given to Sammy by his father. who left Editing with a new wristwatch, but soon the new watch stops Amalie Næsby Fick peaceful until one day Mitcho and Sebastian find a Arend Agthe his family to take a "time off". But one day. Raffi Petar Valchanov working. Meanwhile, Julia Staikova, head of the PR Jørgen Lerdam message in a bottle by the harbour. The bottle is from Bettina Kupfer gets seriously ill and beforn he can recom. he's Music department of the Ministry of Transport, loses Petrov’s the missing mayor of Solby with a message that he is SPECIAL SCREENING SPECIAL SCREENING kidnapped by Rocky. a ruthlm criminal. Sammy Hristo Namliev old watch. And here starts his desperate struggle to on a mysterious island and has made a great is determined to bring Raffi back home. Since Cast get his old watch back, as well as his dignity. discovery. Now they must embark on a perilous journey his mother is busy working and his sister Molly Stefan Denolyubov to help save the mayor and bring him home, and in the prefers to spend time with her boyfriend. he Margita Gosheva process they uncover something that will bring great Ventures out to start his search for Raffi alone. Decho Taralezhkov pleasure to the city of Solby - a giant pear. Ana Bratoeva 50

Shorts, Animation Turkey in Competition

SPRING, SUMMER, MENSYS AUTUMN, WINTER... AND SPRING Ataberk Kircuvaloglu Director Hamza Uysal Director

Film Type:Experimental, Short Film Type:Animation, Short, Student, Runtime:3 minutes 12 seconds Other Country of Origin:Turkey Runtime:7 minutes 4 seconds First-time Filmmaker:No Country of Origin:Turkey Student Project:Yes First-time Filmmaker:No Student Project:Yes

Demet is a young girl. She The Lone Tree is about to lose enters depression during all hope in the war that man menstruation. And get rid of initiated against nature. this depression. SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS 51

July 2 - 7, 2018 Pogradec, Albania


Halim Yentür Director Fatih Kaplan Director

Film Type:Animation, Short, Student Film Type:Animation, Short, Student Runtime:4 minutes 52 seconds Runtime:3 minutes 3 seconds Country of Origin:Turkey Country of Origin:Turkey First-time Filmmaker:Yes First-time Filmmaker:Yes Student Project:Yes Student Project:Yes

In front of a frightful house An animated film about forced in Halloween, a cute little migration, brain migration, boy Hickurt appears in front and global migration. of the door. He wants to get the traditional apple candy by scaring the landlord. He can not do it because he is so cute. But Hickurt has a secret.. SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS

Alt'n beats goes Balkan - Beats Alt'n beats eshte nje projekt muzikor i inicuar nga Altin Tila Kitarist & Kompozitor qe bashkepunon me Artiste te skenes shqiptare e te huaj. Programi i performances gersheton shume stile muzikore. Per festen e mbylljes se Festivalit do te performoje premiere kenge pergjithsisht ballkanase te stilizuara nen ritmet jazz,swing,funk etj. Alt'n beats goes Balkan - Beats Alt'n beats eshte nje projekt muzikor i inicuar nga Altin Tila Kitarist & Kompozitor qe bashkepunon me Artiste te skenes shqiptare e te huaj. Programi i performances gersheton shume stile muzikore. Per festen e mbylljes se Festivalit do te performoje premiere kenge pergjithsisht ballkanase te stilizuara nen ritmet jazz,swing,funk etj. 56

Shorts, Animation Romania in Competition


Veronica Solomon Director Rusz Tamás Director Letitia Popa Director

Film Type:Animation Film Type:Documentary, Short, Student Film Type:Short Genres:Humor Runtime:10 minutes 53 seconds Runtime:11 minutes 17 seconds Runtime:57 seconds Country of Origin:Romania Country of Origin:Romania Country of Origin:Romania First-time Filmmaker:Yes First-time Filmmaker:Yes Student Project:Yes Student Project:Yes

Miss Gazelle is preparing More than 100.000 A coming of age with two dinner for her new boyfriend pilgrims and tourists visit sisters arriving in Bucharest in Mr Bear. Everything seems Csíksomlyó, one of the order to spend a day with their perfect for a hot date. But biggest religious event in mother. then… Europe. Each year lots of Hungarian Catholics take part in this big ceremon, and give their respect before SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS the Blessed Virgin Mary, meanwhile the romanical gypsies do all they can to make some benefits. 57

July 2 - 7, 2018 Pogradec, Albania


Tudor Botezatu Director Enxhi Rista Director Gheorghe Marian Negu?u Director

Film Type:Documentary, Short Film Type:Short Film Type: Animation, Short Runtime:1 minute Runtime:13 minutes 58 seconds Runtime:3 minutes 15 seconds Country of Origin:Romania Country of Origin:Romania Country of Origin:Romania First-time Filmmaker:No First-time Filmmaker:No First-time Filmmaker:Yes Student Project:No Student Project:Yes Student Project:No

In a secluded village, an old Teea, a 22 year old girl, still A boy wants to play, but couple is nurturing a crooked a virgine, tries to lose her his busy father gives him a beak chicken. virginity with a gigolo. hammer instead, so that the boy will learn to do something useful. A funny story about those parents who know what is good for their children. SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS 58

Shorts, Animation Romania in Competition


Andreea Lacatu Director Dumitru Grosei Director Ana Dascalu Director

Film Type:Short, Student Film Type:Short Film Type:Short Runtime:17 minutes Runtime:17 minutes 35 seconds Runtime:25 minutes 53 seconds Country of Origin:Romania Country of Filming:Romania Country of Origin:Romania First-time Filmmaker:No First-time Filmmaker:No Shooting Format:16 mm Student Project:Yes Student Project:No Film Color:Black & White First-time Filmmaker:No Student Project:Yes

A quiet, nice city in the A kid gets a pair of The Lake, short film, presents mountains. Until this very binoculars as a Christmas the story of a young woman, morning... gift, but what he wants Tania, who lives with her more is to go hunting with father. Due to the lack of his father. money she chooses to work in a brothel, where she is a prostitute and a stripper. Her dream, ever since she was a SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS child, is to become a ballerina, a dream that follows her throughout the movie. 59

July 2 - 7, 2018 Pogradec, Albania


Film Type:Short Film Type:Short, Student Runtime:17 minutes 21 seconds Runtime:3 minutes Country of Origin:Romania Country of Origin:Romania First-time Filmmaker:No First-time Filmmaker:No Student Project:Yes Student Project:Yes

A cook that goes by the name One girl, one guy, Gri?a (48 years old) is happily another guy, some married with Eliza(45 years luggage. old), but all of the sudden, he develops a crush on the young woman next door. SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS Wine “DUKA” Vera “DUKA” Wine "Duka" is produced from grapes that fills the agro-environmental criteria that are Vera “Duka” prodhohet nga rrush që plotëson kriterit agro-mjedisore që kërkon ky system required by this production system. The main criteria that has been applied is the use of a prodhimi. Kriteri kryesor që është zbatuar është përdorimi I një baze materiale jo të dëmshme base material not harmful to human health, other living beings and the environment. për shëndetin e njerëzve, gjallesave të tjera dhe mjedisin. Location of the vineyard. Vendndodhja e vreshtit. Vineyard "DUKA" lies in the hills of Ishmi, between forest and southern direction.Vineyard Vreshti “DUKA” shtrihet ne kodrat e Ishmit, midis pyllit dhe më përkundrejtim jugor . Vreshti surface area is over 5 hectares and is besieged.There have been made all the investments ka sipërfaqe mbi 5 ha dhe është i terracuar.Janë kryer të gjitha investimet që shmangin that avoid soil erosion. Agricultural mechanics is su–cient to perform in time and quality gërryerjen e tokës. Mekanika bujqësore është e mjaftueshme për ti kryer në kohë dhe me agronomic work. cilësi punimet agronomike . The vineyard is an agronomic and engineering work as well, with a beautiful visitable Vreshti është një vepër agronomike dhe inxhinierike gjithashtu, me një peisazh të bukur landscape from domestic and foreign tourists, suitable even for organizing rural day camps dhe të vizitueshëm nga pushues vendas dhe të huaj, i përshtatshëm për të organizuar edhe tourism. kampingje ditore të turizmit rural. Cultivars in vineyard Duka: Cabernet, Merlot, Tempranilo. Kultivarët në vreshtin Duka : Cabernet , Merlot , Tempranillo. Very high value of raw materials, modern and professional techniques of wine production, Vlera shumë e lartë e lëndës së parë, teknikat moderne dhe profesionale të prodhimit të packaging and labeling, meeting all those criteria that requires bio wines of high quality. If verës, ambalazhimi dhe etiketimi, plotësojnë të gjitha ato kërkesa që i kërkon vera me cilësi the customer could have the chance to visit this vineyard would taste even more the wine të lartë. Nëse konsumatori do kishte fatin të vizitonte këtë vreshtë do e shijonte më shumë produced from the vineyard.Reliability is the taste itself. These wines fall into the category verën e ardhur prej tij. Besueshmëria është shijë më vehte. of strong wine, it is advisable to be accompanied with roasted meats and fish. Me Cabernet Sauvignon 2015, Duka është vlerësuar me çmim të parë për verën e kuqe, Cabernet Sauvignon 2015 of Duka Winery won the 1st prize for red wine, on the wine në festivalin e verërave nga Ministria e Bujqësisë. festival which was held by the Ministry of Agriculture. Këto verëra hyjnë në kategorinë e verërave të forta , këshillohet të shoqërohet me mish të These wines are reviving to human health,for absorption of food,for the cardiac patients,helps pjekur dhe peshk. Këto verëra janë riaftësuese për shëndetin e njeriut , për asimilimin e in cleaning and beautifying the skin of the face etc. ushqimeve , për të sëmurët kardiakë ; ndihmon shumë në pastrimin dhe zbukurimin e lëkurës së fytyrës etj. Cheers dear friend, you deserve to enjoy a wine like this! Gëzuar i dashur mik, ju e meritoni të shijoni një verë si kjo ! Wine “DUKA” Vera “DUKA” Wine "Duka" is produced from grapes that fills the agro-environmental criteria that are Vera “Duka” prodhohet nga rrush që plotëson kriterit agro-mjedisore që kërkon ky system required by this production system. The main criteria that has been applied is the use of a prodhimi. Kriteri kryesor që është zbatuar është përdorimi I një baze materiale jo të dëmshme base material not harmful to human health, other living beings and the environment. për shëndetin e njerëzve, gjallesave të tjera dhe mjedisin. Location of the vineyard. Vendndodhja e vreshtit. Vineyard "DUKA" lies in the hills of Ishmi, between forest and southern direction.Vineyard Vreshti “DUKA” shtrihet ne kodrat e Ishmit, midis pyllit dhe më përkundrejtim jugor . Vreshti surface area is over 5 hectares and is besieged.There have been made all the investments ka sipërfaqe mbi 5 ha dhe është i terracuar.Janë kryer të gjitha investimet që shmangin that avoid soil erosion. Agricultural mechanics is su–cient to perform in time and quality gërryerjen e tokës. Mekanika bujqësore është e mjaftueshme për ti kryer në kohë dhe me agronomic work. cilësi punimet agronomike . The vineyard is an agronomic and engineering work as well, with a beautiful visitable Vreshti është një vepër agronomike dhe inxhinierike gjithashtu, me një peisazh të bukur landscape from domestic and foreign tourists, suitable even for organizing rural day camps dhe të vizitueshëm nga pushues vendas dhe të huaj, i përshtatshëm për të organizuar edhe tourism. kampingje ditore të turizmit rural. Cultivars in vineyard Duka: Cabernet, Merlot, Tempranilo. Kultivarët në vreshtin Duka : Cabernet , Merlot , Tempranillo. Very high value of raw materials, modern and professional techniques of wine production, Vlera shumë e lartë e lëndës së parë, teknikat moderne dhe profesionale të prodhimit të packaging and labeling, meeting all those criteria that requires bio wines of high quality. If verës, ambalazhimi dhe etiketimi, plotësojnë të gjitha ato kërkesa që i kërkon vera me cilësi the customer could have the chance to visit this vineyard would taste even more the wine të lartë. Nëse konsumatori do kishte fatin të vizitonte këtë vreshtë do e shijonte më shumë produced from the vineyard.Reliability is the taste itself. These wines fall into the category verën e ardhur prej tij. Besueshmëria është shijë më vehte. of strong wine, it is advisable to be accompanied with roasted meats and fish. Me Cabernet Sauvignon 2015, Duka është vlerësuar me çmim të parë për verën e kuqe, Cabernet Sauvignon 2015 of Duka Winery won the 1st prize for red wine, on the wine në festivalin e verërave nga Ministria e Bujqësisë. festival which was held by the Ministry of Agriculture. Këto verëra hyjnë në kategorinë e verërave të forta , këshillohet të shoqërohet me mish të These wines are reviving to human health,for absorption of food,for the cardiac patients,helps pjekur dhe peshk. Këto verëra janë riaftësuese për shëndetin e njeriut , për asimilimin e in cleaning and beautifying the skin of the face etc. ushqimeve , për të sëmurët kardiakë ; ndihmon shumë në pastrimin dhe zbukurimin e lëkurës së fytyrës etj. Cheers dear friend, you deserve to enjoy a wine like this! Gëzuar i dashur mik, ju e meritoni të shijoni një verë si kjo ! 62

Shorts, Animation Serbia in Competition


Laurent Rouy Director David Jovanovic Director

Film Type:Short Film Type:Short, Student Runtime:17 minutes 9 seconds Runtime:13 minutes 46 seconds Completion Date:July 1, 2016 Country of Origin:Serbia Country of Origin:Serbia Country of Filming:Serbia First-time Filmmaker:Yes First-time Filmmaker:Yes Student Project:No Student Project:Yes

The year is 2022 and life has Son coming home for fathers become unbearable in the wealthy birthday, intending to prepare West. Tens of thousands of people some great dinner ala chef from rich countries now want to Ramsay, but there is his immigrate to poor Serbia where mother with her hurt feelings. people still feel joy, love life. Fearing for its stability, Serbia has closed its borders. Rich immigrants will have to cross illegally if they really want SYNOPSIS to enter. Arnaud, a young French SYNOPSIS man, is in love with Jelena. The only problem is that she lives in Serbia, and he is not allowed to enter...


Shorts, Animation Slovenia in Competition


Lina Erzen Director Žiga Krajnc Director Yuliya Molina Director

Film Type:Short, Student Film Type:Documentary, Short, Student Film Type:Documentary Runtime:15 minutes 23 seconds Runtime:7 minutes 22 seconds Runtime:5 minutes 34 seconds Country of Origin:Slovenia Country of Origin:Slovenia Country of Origin:Slovenia First-time Filmmaker:Yes First-time Filmmaker:Yes First-time Filmmaker:No Student Project:Yes Student Project:No Student Project:No

When 30-year-old Anja Portrait of Emil, 70 years Evening atmosphere at the gay gets pregnant, she thinks old Santa Claus. Club Tiffany in Ljubljana. increasingly often about her Nenad, a security guard, shares own father whom she has not his experience of working in seen in a long time. With a the club and how it changed heavy heart, she decides one him. day to visit him. SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS 65

July 2 - 7, 2018 Pogradec, Albania


Ana Cigon Director Ana Cerar Director Marija Keserovic Director

Film Type:Animation, Short Film Type:Documentary Film Type:Short Runtime:4 minutes 59 seconds Runtime:12 minutes 4 seconds Runtime:16 minutes 24 seconds Country of Origin:Slovenia Country of Origin:Slovenia Country of Origin:Slovenia First-time Filmmaker:No First-time Filmmaker:No First-time Filmmaker:Yes Student Project:No Student Project: Student Project:No

A cat walks into the Office of Raška c’bula is a The film is about adolescents the Ministry for Cat Affairs authentic type of onion and about taking responsibility and requests for a passport. which initiate grandfather for ones actions. It presents All goes pretty well until the of Melania Trump. The how innocent actions can female and male cat clerks people from small village result in severe tragedy. The demand to know the cat’s sex. are very proud that they main character is Masha who have their own type has blackouted. Through of onion and they are different details she is starting SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS promoting its qualities. to remember what happened last night. 66

Shorts, Animation Slovenia in Competition

THE INVISIBLE HAND OF ADAM YOU DIDN’T FORGET SMITH Makis Papadimitratos Director Simon Intihar Director

Film Type:Short Film Type:Short Runtime:15 minutes Genres:Drama, Famly, Love, illness Country of Origin:Slovenia Runtime:13 minutes 40 seconds First-time Filmmaker:No Country of Origin:Slovenia Student Project:No First-time Filmmaker:Yes Student Project:No

Somewhere in Europe a Greek “An elderly woman’s day is owes to a French, who owes turned upside down when she to a Slovenian and she owes to sets out to find her missing an Italian, who owes money husband, who’s been struggling to the Greek. A German owes with memory loss.” no one, she just wants to get a good night’s sleep. The Brit is looking for an exit. The film is shot in one take with a crew SYNOPSIS and actors coming from over SYNOPSIS ten countries. Everyone speaks their language and they all understand each other. BABYLON is an audiovisual development the international market. programme assisting filmmakers of culturally The programme focuses on a combination of diverse origin to break through into the script development, production skills and market international mainstream, with a particular understanding, balancing intensive residential interest in migrant and diasporic stories. workshops with continuous mentoring by Frequently unrecognized, the stories that senior industry consultants. emerge from undiscovered talents of “double Babylon’s aim is to to build a successful and culture” provide the richest untapped source of diverse pool of film storytelling and talent; to storytelling across the world. promote and strengthen cultural diversity within BABYLON provides a space in which these the independent film sector, and to provide an emerging filmmakers can speak to each other international platform for emerging filmmakers. and to the widest international audience, Since its launch in 2007, BABYLON has providing access and inclusion. welcomed 185 participants and 136 projects BABYLON offers project-based training for to its annual programmes, with workshops in teams of feature film Writers, Directors and London, Vienna, Cannes, Rotterdam, Berlin Producers, aimed at preparing their projects for and Abuja.

al en

ADNICH is a project funded by under ADNICH është një projekt i financuar nga the European Programme “Interreg - IPA Programi Europian “Interreg IPA – CBC, CBC, Italy - Albania - Montenegro”, which Itali - Shqipëri - Mali i Zi”, i cili propozon proposes the creation of a South Adriatic krijimin e një Rrjeti të Adriatikut Jugor që Network focusing the Intangible Cultural do të fokusojë Trashëgiminë Kulturore Heritage of the three countries through Jomateriale të të tre vendeve përmes artit, art, theatre and film, within a process of teatrit dhe filmit, përgjatë një procesi dialogu dialogue of the different expressive elements të elementëve të ndryshëm shprehës të of anthropologic landscape for the creation një peisazhi antropologjik për krijimin e of innovative and cross-border contents. produkteve inovative ndërkufitare. Festivali Ballkanik i Filmit dhe Artit Kulinar mundësohet me mbështetjen e : Index

Viktor Zhusti BULGARIA “TIFF on tour & Balkan Film Food Festival” 49 President nderi i festivalit 4 From Here To Where Happiness TURKEY Eduard Kapri Hole 30 Mensys Kryetari i bashkisë pogradec 5 Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter... And Spring 50 Midnight Elegy Festival në anë të liqenit të legjendave My Truth 31 The Halloween Movie-Fest on the Lake of Legends 6-9 The Passenger 51 CROATIA Juria – Jury 10-11 Blue Peter 32 Alt’n beats goes Balkan - Beats 54

Balkan “mish mash” film production 12-15 GREECE ROMANIA Best Of Everything, Always 3rd Date Workshop - Balkan Story 16 Ellie Átunsj, Pă Lukru! Maniera Greca 34 Brief Family Glimpses 56

FEATURE FILMS IN COMPETITION 17 Mum, I’m back Crooked The Fairs 35 Dry Water ALBANIA/ Daybreak 18 Hammer 57 Përgjatë 2018 Shqipëria zyrtarisht kremton 550 TURKEY/ Secret From The Past 19 vjetorin e vdekjes së Heroit Kombëtar, Gjergj Kastrioti The Beast Skanderbeg, Pride of Albania, the Balkans and Europe The Gift KOSOVO/ The Marriage 20 36-37 The Lake 58

BULGARIA/ Omnipresent 21 CULINARY - Principal characteristics The Mystery Of A Simple Case of the balkan food culture 38 To Calculate The Area Of A Triangle 59 MACEDONIA/ Manaki - A Story Through Pictures 22 Vendndodhja Balkan Film Food Festival SERBIA Balkan Film Food Festival - Location 40-41 At The Border The Ham Massage 62 SHORTS, ANIMATION IN COMPETITION KOSOVO Decomunism Balkan Film Market 63 ALBANIA Internet Adem Reka The Wheel 42 SLOVENIA Chassed Day Passes, Morning Begins Heaven Has Been Fooled 24 MACEDONIA Emil Dolores Nenad 64 Puzzled Into The Abyss Sarah Iron Story 46 Rebellious Essence The Bag 25 Spreading The Seeds Mishko The Bridge 65 The House The Award Verbally Correct 26 The Last Church Bells 47 The Invisible Hand Of Adam Smith You Didn’t Forget 66 Who Should I Tell The Monk Without Water 27 The Water BABYLON audiovisual development programme 67 When We Are Gone 48 ADNICH “Interreg - IPA CBC, Italy - Albania - Montenegro” 69