HHHHHH US005082696A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,082,696 Sharp (45) Date of Patent: Jan
HHHHHH US005082696A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,082,696 Sharp (45) Date of Patent: Jan. 21, 1992 54) METHOD OF FORMING 4,217,374 8/1980 Ovshinsky et al. .............. 427/248.1 SEMICONDUCTING AMORPHOUS 4,466,992 8/1984 Dreiling ....... ... ... 427/255. SILICON FILMS FROM THE THERMAL 4,469,045 9/1984 Chesworth .... ... 427/255.5 4,485,121 1/1984 Matsumura ..., ... 427/39 DECOMPOSITION OF DIHALOSILANES 4,634,605 1/1987 Wiesmann ........................ 427/255.1 (75) Inventor: Kenneth G. Sharp, Midland, Mich. OTHER PUBLICATIONS (73) Assignee: Dow Corning Corporation, Midland, Auguelli and Murri, Mter, Chem. and Phys. (Switzer Mich. land) 9, 301-5 (1983). (21) Appl. No.: 140,191 Everysteyn, Chemical-Reaction Engineering in the Filed: Dec. 31, 1987 Semi-Conductor Industry, Philips Res. Repts. 29, 22 45-46, 1974. Scott et al., Kinetics and Mechanism of Amorphous Related U.S. Application Data Hydrogenated Silicon Growth by Homogeneous (63) Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 914,898, Oct. 3, 1986, Chemical Vapor Deposition, Appl., Phys., Lett. 39 (1) abandoned. Jul. 1981. (51) Int. Cl. ....................... C23C 16/00; C23C 16/46 Primary Examiner-Shrive Beck (52) U.S. Cl. .................................... 427/255; 427/162; Attorney, Agent, or Firm-James E. Bittell; Roger E. 427/167; 427/255.1; 427/255.2 Gobrogge (58) Field of Search .................. 427/248. 1, 255.1, 255, 427/162, 167, 255.2; 428/446, 450 (57) ABSTRACT 56 References Cited The invention relates to the chemical vapor deposition of dihalogenated silanes to form stable, abrasion resis U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS tant, photoconductive, dopable semiconductor anor 2,148,328 5/1985 Hirooka et al.
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