Board of Directors

The Hon. John TSANG Chun-wah, GBM, JP Mr Norman T. L. CHAN, GBS, JP Chairman and Executive Director Deputy Chairman and Executive Director Financial Secretary Chief Executive Hong Kong Monetary Authority

Mr Peter PANG Sing-tong, JP Mr Eddie YUE Wai-man, JP Professor the Hon. K C CHAN, Professor the Hon. Anthony Executive Director Executive Director GBS, JP CHEUNG Bing-leung, GBS, JP Deputy Chief Executive Deputy Chief Executive Director Director Hong Kong Monetary Authority Hong Kong Monetary Authority Secretary for Financial Services Secretary for Transport and Housing and the Treasury

The Hon. Ms The Hon. Abraham SHEK The Hon. CHAN Kin-por, BBS, JP The Hon. Wai-king, JP Lai-him, GBS, JP Director Kwan-yuen, GBS, SBS, JP Director Director (retired on 21 April 2015) Director Member of Executive Council Member of Legislative Council Member of Legislative Council Member of Legislative Council Member of Legislative Council Member of the China Advisory Board Chairman, Sun Hing Knitting Munich Reinsurance Company Factory Limited Hong Kong Branch

6 The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited Annual Report 2014 The Hon. NG Leung-sing, SBS, JP Miss Tanya CHAN Mr Lester Garson HUANG, JP Mr Andrew FUNG Hau-chung, JP Director Director Director Director (appointed on 7 April 2014) Barrister-at-law Partner, P. C. Woo & Co. (retired on 21 April 2015) Member of Legislative Council Executive Director and Head of Chairman, Bank of China Global Banking and Markets (Hong Kong) Trustees Limited Hang Seng Bank Limited Vice-Chairman, Chiyu Banking Corporation Limited

Mr LEE Huat-oon Professor WONG Yuk-shan, BBS, JP Mr Jason YEUNG Chi-wai Mr T. Brian STEVENSON, SBS, JP Director Director Director Director General Manager/Chief Executive Chairman, Consumer Council (appointed on 7 April 2014 and (appointed on 7 April 2014) Public Finance Limited President of The Open University retired on 21 April 2015) Advisor to BT Asia Pacific of Hong Kong Former Deputy Chief Executive, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited

Dr the Hon. David LI Kwok-po, Mr Eddy FONG Ching, GBS, JP Mr Jammy CHEN GBM, GBS, Hon. LLD (Cantab), JP Director Director Director (retired on 7 April 2014) (retired on 7 April 2014) (retired on 7 April 2014) Chairman of the Council General Manager Chairman and Chief Executive The Open SME Banking Hong Kong The Bank of East Asia, Limited Consumer Banking Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited

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