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Central Highlands

Includes  Why Go? Santiago...... 182 Even die-hard beach fanatics will eventually overdose San José on sun and sand. When you do, the cool, mountainous de las Matas...... 188 playground of the Central Highlands is the place to come: La Vega...... 189 where else can you sit at dusk, huddled in a sweater, and Jarabacoa ...... 190 watch the mist descend into the valley as the sun sets behind the mountains? Popular retreats, roaring rivers, Parques Nacionales Bermúdez soaring peaks and the only white-water rafting in the Car- & Ramírez...... 196 ibbean beckon. Down below in the plains of the Valle del is where merengue spontaneously erupted onto the Constanza...... 199 musical landscape, and where you’ll find some of the best East of Santiago. . . . . 201 Carnival celebrations in the country. Economic life in the Central Highlands revolves around Santiago, the Domini- can Republic’s second-largest city and the capital of a vast tobacco- and sugarcane-growing region. So it goes without Best Places saying that a visit here requires sipping rum and puffing to Eat a local cigar. ¨¨Aroma de la Montana (p195) ¨¨Il Pasticcio (p185) When to Go ¨¨Camp David (p185) ¨¨Some of the DR’s most raucous Carnival celebrations take place in Santiago and La Vega in February and March. ¨¨La Baita (p194) ¨¨It is dry in the area around Santiago in January to March ¨¨De Parrillada (p195) and June to August ¨¨Mountain towns such as Jarabacoa and Constanza are cooler year-round; temperatures can fall below freezing at Best Places night. to Sleep ¨¨Rancho Baiguate (p194) ¨¨Tubagua Plantation Eco- Village (p155) ¨¨Alto Cerro (p200) ¨¨Camp David (p184) ¨¨Jarabacoa Mountain Hostel (p193) Central Highlands GGEettiTTIngNG TTHhereERE & AwAWaAyY 181 13 2

17 . COTUÍ María SAN Bahía . Trinidad Sánchez Espuela (942m) 1 Loma Quita Escondida 5 CRISTOBAL 40 km ) amboril, just just amboril, DE MACORÍS Los 233 T Ramírez Sánchez 20 miles (local . bus) SAN FRANCISCO Bejucos Rincón El Albanico Salcedo BANÍ Peravia 1 Nouel (8km) 21 41 Monseñor


Cabarete a Santo Cerro

n MOCA tour factory Cigar o (p189 Carnival i La Ceiba r Espillat t 14 41 25 28 Partying with the locals in with the locals Partying in February, Vega La little the throws when the town party biggest country’s 6 5 n to (p186) Head check to Santiago, outside and learn out a factory . from come stogies where 2

e Jarabacoa

t Aguas Blancas

p El Río

e Reserva La Vega Bahía Cibao Científica 0 0 S de Ocoa La Vega Ebano Verde a Tavera Abajo 16 r del

e 1 l ÁZUA )

l Reserva

i Científica ) Valle Nuevo 12 d Ázua .

r del Norte Río Yaque 5 Valle Manabao and it has bus services to all points of the o 2


La Culeta

Santiago compass. First-class buses service all major destinations, except Constanza – for that you’ll need to hop on a guagua Renting preferably car, a an will SUV, give you countryside the explore to freedom more étero

Padre las Casas T

l Constanza La Ciénaga del Valle 44 Mata

- a Grande

las Matas r

San José de t Esperanza n Santiago 16 e Cruce de BARAHONA Guayacanes Valverde C (p181 Santiago (p199 Constanza

a as the the sunset atching 18 r Ramírez Dancing merengue till the merengue Dancing the bars at one of hours wee the Monument near W high- the into descends mist surrounding valley altitude . the town 4 3

e (3087m) a . 46 MAO l b l José del Carmen Parque Nacional y i San Juan e

d 20 Parque Nacional Monción N r Armando Bermúdez o 48 ) 1

e Bahoruco SABANETA

C Juan d nternacionál del Cibao Cibao del nternacionál 2 31

here’s a good selection of a

San r

. T r Santiago e Rodríguez e

El Pino d i ) Riding the

e S l l


V Elías Piña Dajabón Lago Cristi (p196 Duarte Pico White-water White-water ) is the third-largest airport in the coun 18 Monte Enriquillo Restauración DAJABÓN Getting There & Away 8 COMENDADOR DEL REY (ELÍAS PIÑA) 45 Caribbean’s only raftable raftable only Caribbean’s Yaque the turbulent Río river, . Jarabacoa near del Norte (p191 rafting the Caribbean’s Scaling at and lingering peak highest views. in the take to the top 2 Central Highlands Highlights 1 302 Santiago sits on the main trunk highway that H A I T I Capotillo Santiago’s Aeropuerto I Aeropuerto Santiago’s (p try and offers frequent international service to major destinations 8 car-rental agencies at the airport runs north from to Puerto Plata,