devilish nature wan inflamed by liquor; [ÖodÜnuninftteil.l dernbanor#, And tho House and the fli the guilt upon, and therefore the Fundamental principles. people of the State whom it represent», SOMETHING A BOUT THE HA HV FAMILY he p lu n g e d his kui$* into the first matt Tie* s«v<'liu-tw., half <1,*,.,, HHTRth , DAILY DEMOCRAT. AHD THE FOURTH DISTRICT. ease of Alt'. Uroan Is somewhat ex­ * 0 HelurnliiK Board, Wo Partisan Court, were impotent at this moment through nt Hm F air Ground«, nt r? 7r. t„.r ceptional. he met, and he struck very likely the Can Conutltnte Krlloaa a Rlpht- tho forty-on« Imlf doson onrtons ; We have before us the report of t he wrong man. Untier the circumstances, the tyranny of Presidential power to I’ubllshed l»J the Democratic riilillttlilnicUo. But the most entertaining part, of this fttl Riilrr. maintain and enforce the constitutional m for d-liv-rv. Another «um,]» ',*r*lnr’w «pedal committee of the House, ap story is yet to be told. Hitt ce the Kellogg ha« felt, bound to save him; ho “Tbit* Is truo lilmrt V. win'll fris'bnrn in|>n HIX FOR SIX 1)01,1, A Its w illl,,.'», n”*» pointed to examine the books of Domi­ has commuted the sentence of death to H iw lne t<> h'IvTho flic public may «peak free ; right of impeachment. Impunity is dfty« Jit LEmHT0yyHinftf?W H . J . H E A B 8 K Y ...... K p it o h . appearance of the report of t he House Wliliii Uu wliu cun. und will, Uoservea Uigu thus secured to crime and a n encourage­ nique Urban, State Assessor. Mr. committee a number of Influential citi­ Imprisonment, for life. In a sh o rt tim e prulse. m lm> O r n e r ('«mil sn«l Ht. Ohurl* Dominique Urban has the honor of Who weither cun nor wlU, may hold his peace, ment given to a corrupt party to con­ OFFICE—aa aud a* COMMERCIAL TRACK. zens presented a pet.ltlou to Kellogg, Newton will be iu California. There is What ''mi he jtiSler Ih e Htute I him till« ! E. BELL, ? being tho brother-in-law of Hon. Michael no other rational theory of this ease as tinue thoir iniquitous reign over tho F. R. BOUTHMAYD. B usiness M ta n ffl. praying for the removal of Urban and The Constitution of the United Htates, (.»copie of . Hahn, a prominent Radical politician the appointment of a board, to be com­ it stands. article 1, section 5, declares : “ Each MERCHANT TAILOR, TKRMH OF THF I’AVKIU in Louisiana, and the good fortune of Men who have to toil for an honest This unhappy condition of things posed of three citizens, property holders house shall be the judge of the elec­ resulted from tho sacrifice of consti­ 2®...... Nt.rhnrle« «trerf m awmi'r«*" h a t e *. being State Assessor of the Fourth Mu­ of the District, to revise the assessment living, and who have wives and little tions, returns and qualifications of its ... . DAILY (publl«hed every morn lug exenpt Mon­ nicipal District of Now Orleans. The ones to provide for, must hereafter keep tutional right» by tho “ Wlieeler Lnto«t stylos of SPRING GOODS for (I,,*,, day), p«ir aimimi ,10; huiI til same rufo half- so unfairly and dishonestly made. In own members,” aud tho constitution of adjustment,” and the pressure of the report of the committee appointed to close in periods of political excitement ; every Htate in the Union contains a simi­ y W ^KKI,V ' ( p " I >U e i i e< I evory Ntilur«hvy investigate the books of this individual reply to this petition Mr. Kellogg said obligation which the representatives of In«). per Biinum *i; mill lit hiuiio into hull he would remove Urban and appoint the they must keep off the streets when Kel­ lar clause. The clause in the constitu­ The Largest Stock of" yowl y mul «juorterly. is extremely Interesting to tho tax­ the people conceive to be binding on board if Mr. Michael ifahn would sign logg's hired ruffians are drunk and tion of Louisiana on the subject is title h y m n a l s payers, and therefore demands marked abroad. TI10 hired thug may happen to t heir consciences to Condone W. P. Kel­ AIIVBUTIAIRO H4TKS-UAIIA . the petition. The citizens in charge of II, article 34: “Each House of the Gene­ logg for (>ast offenses and to recognize to r tho use of tho P r o lia n t E;,!*,, Trunnion! inlvortlHoinontH » p«’r s.juar«' (ton attention at, our hands. the petition called upon Hahn and re­ feel like killing a d d ral Assembly shall judge of the qualifi­ ]fnon of nolltl rnrulol IIrM innoillon; Ml oontn All I ho witnesses examined bytheeom- son of a b — h, and a quiet man. with him as the actual Governor of is to bo found til ttr tl oiioli HUDHB'jUi’nl noliM'oiitivo Insert!1 III. quested his signature. But that virtuous cations, election and returns of its mem Louisiana. Wants, f«« Rent. For ...... s Mini Boarding inl- mitteo in relation to tho value of real aud patriotic statesman ‘‘could not see his wifo and children awaiting his com­ bers, but a contested election shall Is- MATTHEWS' BOOKSTORE vortlwiuMintB. lnoonln a! onnli.millrt niea- estate in this city testified that its ten­ It is true, in a constitutional and nuro. Notio inkoii ill Iohh than w oontn it.” Air. Urban’s wifo is his sister; ing, may have a knife plunged into his determined in such manner as may lie I/oonl or IliiMlnoHH Notlees 2<> e.-nls a line in t. dency was downward. It is matter of heart when he least expects it, and moral sepne, that the obligation not to K 'lll'irinl NuttooH, in Editorial tyi»'. mi oohih u public notoriety that such is the ease. the report “threw mud” on his family ; prescribed by law.” outer into such an “adjustment” wns of Wanted lies of blood wore above all though he may be living at peuco with Tho latter portion of this clause is All to know th at tho CENTENNIAL CIO AR. * AiivoiilMomontfi for tbo porloil of ono ninntli The assessments in all iho other dis­ all the world. a paramount nature, but it seems to und lonifor. os follow«: tricts <>r the city show this tendency to things honor, country, justice; in auxiliary to the power vested in each be a part of human nature, when men sold only by *‘lÄ 6 III'». 1 short, brother-in-law Urban has a soft Hiiuaro i 1 m o. nt” . It two. a very marked extent. Thus, in the house by the preceding portion. take a false ste p to mnko good their F- JARA, $19 $•»<> $•*0 I fir, thing of it, and ho must not, bo boosted Southern Republicans. The power then stands a« ii does under D m '...... HO First District, tho assessed value of the o' u folly. One consideration, however, 633 M,wazl no street Two ...... 22 ;ih 50 out of it. Air. Hahn was condescending Wc know of no class who need sym­ every American constitution, it is of a Pri,-o OniyUive.onK Tliroo .. «0 r»:i 7«» 110 1 property in 1N75 wns f4.727.92R less than is left for tho consolation of the people F our .... IV7 W 140 enough, however, to say that If the re­ pathy more t han those who have joined complete and exclusive character. It Five«, 4U H0 mr* 170 I il was in 1X71. In the Hecond, Third, whoso rights have so far been sacrificed. J. Lo^ois 4 $8 Fifth. Sixth and Seventh Districts, the Their Constitutional power remains tin- Haven .... 60 10ft 180 ’2IO withdrawn, he would use his Influence past year every effort has boon made by other person or number of persons. It, 120 V'nunl »Iren, E ig h t.. ■ • r.r* nr* 150 280 I assessed value of property in 1H75 the Radicals to induce white men to join diminished and cannot, on principle, be N ino...... 70 lift 1 r.r. 200 1 to have the board appointed and the is a power intrusted by t.iio people to Wo will opon on MONDAY a la«,, 75 jar, 1 HO ami was, respoetively, *1,(>;«,»■«, St.oio,- affected by tbo conduct of their mis­ Ton...... assessments reduced. It seems, there­ their party, and a few have done so. I ’o members of each house as their rep­ m ont of now s(yb DltKHH GOODS ,Ut, rt' Eleven .. $0 nr* 116 825 (Kio, fJMi.U'JS, $ii7ö,351, and $171,173. taken representatives. What is imme­ Tw elve .. 06 155 •210 800 j fore, that, If Air. Hahn’s brother-in-law When the move began it was the gen­ resentatives, their ‘hoson and honored o«'lv,«l from E urope. constoUn« 'of mft£ less than it was in 1874. In short, (he eral belief that the Republican party diately to come of the present, troubles novelties In 11111 » mommy «..»<’■ nn.M.u...o. !'[ assessed value of tho property in six cannot bo permitted to enjoy in peace servants anting in thoir stead, the faith­ we cannot say; but, the handwriting is BILK 8, the paper, mt»orted ovory ollior day, to •« anti security an important public office, would bo victorious in 1K70, and it ful guardians of thoir rights and liber­ chine««* IW" -third* the atmvo rates. districts of the oit.y in 1X75 was $7,715,111 on the wall, and the people, in Novem­ WORST .). Editorial |ia«o m onthly mlvortlHomontn. onoli which he hat abused and disgraced, the easy to persuade an easy conscionce ties; and it is wisely so intrusted. Tiie M oHAiR, sun are, wo i>o m mth. le s s than it was in ix7t. In the Fourth that a patriot could best serve his coun­ ber next, will stand redeemed, regener­ AIIVKIITIMHH It ATEN W R B K I.V . property holders of tho Fourth District jiopular integrity or true republican AND COTTON FABRiest District, however, of which Mr. Domi­ try by being on the winning side. But ate and disenthraled by the legitimate All will be offered at prices , , eult t h ' Transient and «tenoral i Urn the name an for nique Urban is the Assessor, there must stand tho outrage perpetrated composition of the legislative body; its exercise of their rights under the genius minait _ "•,* upun them, aud come down with that all now has changed. Delano, Belknap, Independence, purity and very existence, ^ Ailv'ertl«omonlH for the period of one m onth seems, from ids books, to have boon a Babcock and Graut have ruined the if American liberty. und lonifor. no followr very different result, and the value of extra one hundred thousand dollars. depend upon its faithful exercise. Judge A few words more. There can bo uo Mourning Dress Goods.'" HatUTM. 1 IIIO. 12 IIIO. :i mo. « mo. 12 IIIO. party. Democratic investigation has property there, in 1X75, has been as Story, iu ids commentaries on the sub­ sympathy in the breast of any honora­ « t i n ...... 6ft *H »12 »22 »•21 begun, anti the Republican party is fall­ ject of the power under consideration, T w o ...... H 12 22 38 50 sussed for $1,%7,173 more than it. was THE BOUKDONNAY MURDER. ble and reflecting man with Kellogg. Thr«*’...... 12 IH 80 53 70 ing to pieces iu the Union. Honest men says, section H31 ; “It is obvious that a Wo liavn now in store and received hv iw,.*, F o u r ...... 1ft 24 38 67 W assessed for 1X74. But from the report Early in the evening of tho first of Ho is a stranger to our people in person arriv als from E urope the largest assf,rtfficno,f HO 105 are ashamed of momporship iu it, and 1 m>wer must be lodged somewhere to F iv e ...... 20 80 4ft of the committee, and the testimony September, 1874, Air. Justin Bourdon- and their enemy by his conduct. His SI* ...... 28 85 54 90 120 good conscience rebels at tiie idea of judge of tho elections, returns and qual­ MOURNING DItEBH GOOOD8 H«'vcn ...... 25 38 60 105 130 j taken by it, it appears that this extraor­ nay, an industrious and sober watch- word is unreliable and he lias not the 27 41 65 115 150 placing it again in power. It has defied ifications of the members of each house lftft dinary lnercaso of the assessment of the case maker, having just finished his courage to command personal respect, «»vor offered in this o- right and against, right. And uot. the Bern Goods. ~ «0 inn 150 250 850 States, ami robbery, pillage, dofalca- a seat, and t hus trample upon the l ights, 1 co lu m n . » deemed it proper to discharge the duties litleal campaign, and a meeting of the ribory, c< sword of the President, nor the corrupt of his important office. If the general privileges and libelles of the people. In­ judgment of a partisan court, nor the White League in front of tho Varieties utter lawlessnesswlessness have been tho distin­ We have received largo additions to our up For tho iMinotit of thoao who are »««king <>m- causes which operated to depreciate the deed,elections would become,under such act ion of a Congress pliant to executive sortaient of ECRU GOODS for loymont. and would lik e to mlvortiHo their Theatro was just breaking up. At guishing characteristics of its leaders. circumstances, a mere mockery; and will, nor the fraudulent report of a Re­ wan'«, hnf can not well nfTord tho expense. the value of property in six districts of the tho same time a notorious ruffian, It, has boon false to the people, and its turning Board oau constitute him a OVERDRESSES, D kmoorat will horeaflor. In it« m o liar Hu in lay legislation the exercise of sovereign­ CAPES, morning edition. extend Io euch ppraons the city, also affected the Fourth District, named Alexander Newton, who had power is forever broken. No son of rightful ruler, nor take from his hands privilege of milking known their want«, runts and such the testimony and all the ty by tiny self-constituted body. The TIES. been drinking freely, came up Royal Louisiana can bo excused for attaching the stain of t he blood of worthy and SCARFS, o r t u Ainu', in u special colum n of the tanair. generally known facts prove to bo only possible question on such a subject innocent citizens slaughtered by his U r A eoiumn fi»r " Want " nolioo« will It» key'. street to where Air. Bourdonnuy and his himself to the Radical party, or for re­ FICHIT8, In this pnper, In whloli atieh advertisements will tho case, tho assesssment of tho pro­ is. as to the body in which such a power command on tho 14tli Septem ber, 1874. LACES, companions woro quietly conversing. maining longer in its ranks. The cor­ ______X. tf. Z. ho charged for at Ten Cent« per line for oank in* perty in tho Fourth District, instead shall l»e lodged; if lodged in any other In 811k uml Wool. **■ As Newton approached the party he re ruptionists will lind congeniality there, than tho legislative body itself, its inde­ *"’rll"U‘ F. It. BOUTHMAYD, or being nearly $2,000,000 greater in marked “ I want to kill a d —d white THE NONES INI'EAl HNIIM'. J. LEVOIS A JAM180N. II iibIhohh M anager. but uot the honest patriot. pendence, its purity, and even its exist­ 1875 than it was in 1X71, ought to league s- 11 of a b h” at t he same time t h l 3 Had» lofi Canal grog, have boon at least $i ,000,000 less. ence and action may bo destroyed or I.rt X» Utility Man Ksrnpt*. S u n d a y . March 12. IN76. he rudely jostled Bourdonuay, and the Thus it appears that the brother-in-law [From Yesterday's Evening Edition.I put into imminent danger. No other frtp*vlnl Dispatch to Hie Nows anil Courier.) 5 0 0 0 C h i c k e r in g P ia n o s Sold latter gently pressed him off with his The Morning Press. C o l u m b ia , March 7. The impeach­ In yesterday’« (»aper wo onmnionted of Mr. Hahn has over-assessed the hand. Instantly Newton drew a knife body but itself can have the same mo­ ment trial of Judge Montgomery Moses Largest Factory in the World, upon a rejtort (which wc supimscd cor­ projierty of tho citizens <>f the Fourth The licesuys that many improvements tives to preserve and perpetuate these began at 1 p. in. to-day in the presence and plungod It into tho heart of have long been needed in our judicial OLDEST IN AMERICA. rect.) that E. E. Norton had been sum­ District very nearly three millions of Bourdonnuy, who reeled and fell attributes; no other body can tie so per­ of a large crowd of curious observers. moned to Washington by telegraph, dollars, and thus rendered the property system, but that under the Radical re­ petually watchful to guard its own Before the opening of the case by into the gutter-dead. gime the abuses of the system have been the managers on tho part of the C hickering PIANOS are used exclusively by and was considerably exercised t heroat. holders of that dist rict, liable for very rights and privileges front infringement, Herr Von Uulow, tho Great Piano King, who Is We have since learned that the report The criminal annals of the United so increased as to render tho adminis­ House, Colonel Rion, for tho respond­ nearly ono hundred thousand dollars States record few murders more cold­ to purify and vindicate its own charac­ ent, submitted an affidavit, from Judge the highest authority on Pianos living. De was not true. Our informant was mis­ tration of justice a mockery. says they urn tho best made in Europe or Amer­ more taxes than they are justly obli­ blooded, causeless and diabolical than ter, and to preserve the rights and sus­ M. Moses, in which he swears, upon in­ taken for no such summons has been gated for. It reviews the acts of the Legislature tain the free choice of its constitu­ f o r m a tio n and Itolief, that. Senator Cor­ ica. Tho this. The murdered man was notorious­ tampering the organization of courts; win. of Newberry, had taken an active C lilrkrrlng New Neale received. It is interesting to follow tho report ly a quiet. and amiable person ; he had ents. Accordingly, the power has always abolishing those which stood in the I teen lodged in the legislative body by part in taking anti preparing the testi­ is the g ran d e st strid e In the arto l modern I'lano All the newspapers of the country arc of t he committee, notice how this was never taken an active part in politics ; mony for tiie managers of tho House, building. done, and tho object the assessor had way of the Governor, and establishing the uniform practice of England and anti was in consequence not. an impar­ discussing at. great length the fall of ho had not boon attending tho White others, to which ho could apj>oiut his Sublim ity of ton«» and fifty years' wear is the Belknap and it* causes. The whole in view. Mr. Urban, of course, was not League meeting, but had just left his America.” tial judge to sit upon the trial. Col. Chickering record. pliant tools. Not content with this Ition argued that, while there was no Thirteen styles. Grand, Upright and Sonant, matter, It seems to tts, Is in a nutshell. appointed to the office ho iias so fla­ It thus appears that each house of tiie place of business to go to his home. prostitution of the judiciary, the par­ law by which a Senator could la» pre­ too new stylo 7-octavo Square Halle Pianos it An unscrupulous and imperious man grantly abused, because of his integ­ The murdoror was finally tried, found General Assembly was, for good and vented from sitting, yet, he considered doning power, as a last resort, is terribly sufficient reasons, made by I tie framers M50 «eich. 7-stop O rgans *IJ0, Tho loading elevated by fortuitous circumstances to rity, good moral character and guilty and sentenced to be hung. The tlint the Senate luvl a rigid, to consider llano hoirs« is PHILIP WE KLEIN’S, competency, but because he was the abused; and the Bee is informed that a of our American constitutions Federal and pass upon tho question, aud the mh12 It ______so Huronn« strftd. the Presidency, and regarding tho oflleo Radical politicians of the Htato set tc list of pardoned criminals has Item Senator himself had tho right to decline and its patronage as his private prop­ brother-in-law of Mr. , work to free him from his doom by and Htate—the judge, the solo and ex­ Carpet and Curtain an influential Radical politician. That is, sent, for concurrence In the Executive clusive judge, of the qualifications, elec­ to sit, if he considered himself biased. erty, has appointed to high offices his tricks of the law, but in vain, and the eletneüCy, to tho Senate, which, having Speaker Elliott replied, urging that it WAREHOUSE. mediocre and unscrupulous friends and tho taxpayers of tho Fourth District arc tions and returns of its members. was entirely incompetent for the Senate Whnlfsaln anrl Retail, 17 Chartres Hind. public rejoiced that tho perpetrator of acquitted K ello g g himself, is not likely • boon companions, whoso heads wore too tobe bilked in tho sum of nearly one hun­ a fiendish murder was likely to pay the Now, the constitution of tiie Htate is to try any such issue, and, ns the Sena­ CARPETING, Axminstor, Velvet, Brussels, ti 1 seriously object to t he roleaae of other tor was under oath, the mere raising <>f FLOOR OIL CLOTH, English and American. weak to resist the temptations of their dred thousand dollars because it was ne­ penalty of his crime. But the infliction of paramount authority, and none of Its MATTING. While, Cheek and Fancy. cessary to provide a “fat place” for one ruffians. provisions can bo changed or disiwnsed siu'h a question was an injustice to him. WINDOW HHADliH. Table and Piano Core» positions. They went industriously to of the penalty was delayed, and now The Republican is rapidly recovering Senator Corwin had not taken any part CURTAIN and Furniture Materials. stealing, ami one of them, Belknap, has of Mr. Hahn’s family. To show into the Air. steps forward with except by an amendment made iu in the prosecution, except merely to BROCATELLE, Cotolines, Reps and BlipCOT* hands of what sort of a man Mr. Kel­ from the shock produced by the Bel­ conformity with its express provisions. er«, etc. been caught. This Is all there is and commutes tho sentence of deat h to point out and direct the managers as t,o HU KLAPS, by th<- bale, piece or yard, logg, iu his jiartisan administration of knap exposure, and stands ready to No change having been made by tiny where anti how the evidence could be mhia HuThSit up A. BROUSSARD A SON. In it. Imprisonment for life. Before the year deny that Belknap ever committed a obtained. The managers find a right, to tho government, has given over the expires Alexander Newton, the mur­ amendment of the constitution of Louis­ Thoro huve Iwon rumors for Bomc property holders of a wealthy portion of dishonest act. Indictments are the or­ iana of the clause declaring each question any Senator as to what he knew ALL PERSONS OWING days that. E. E. Norton, assignee In derer of Bourdonnuy, will probably bo der of tho day, and tho Democratic of tho charges, and, if necessary, to , we quote the following at large and in California, where his house tho judge of tho qualifications, place any of thorn on tho stand as a wit­ bankruptcy under DurCll, had been In- Congress deserves no praise lor what it DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS, from tho testimony taken by tho com­ brother resides. elections and return of its members, the ness. dieted by the Grand Jury, ami that the mittee : pleases the llejnMican to torm “hasty clniisc remains of full force. Any at­ Mr. Barnwell said that the resolutions The grounds upon which Kellogg has under which tin» committee acted were charges wore very grave. Some of the “ Mr. W. P. Fröret, a prominent real and partisan action.” Under the cap­ tempt. to supersede and set, it, aside, rnd Are hereby urged to commuted the sentence of this murderer simply to investigate the conduct of daily capers have published the rei«>rfs. estate broker and agent, sai s : tion of “Friendly Advice,” it makes a confer power upon any individual, or Junge Moses. They said nothing about and Mr. Norton took notice of thorn by “ ‘ I do not consider Mr. Urban a com­ are utterly untenable. They are labored effort to answer the commente any number of inti ividuals, is subversive impeachment, and the result of the in­ a card in tho l ’it'ayunû replying thereto. petent assessor of real estate in the wretched pretext, for a scandalous abuse of tho Dkmochat on the rejection of vestigation might have been a recom­ FAY THE SAME AT OSCE, Fourth District.’ of authority. We print, the so-called of the constitution, and of a factious Wo learned lust night that Mr. Norton “ Mr. Louis Schneider, formerly city Pinchback ; praises with evident, reluct­ and treasonable nature. If the attempt mendation of removal from office by — AT THE — hod boon indicted for overcharging in Administrator of Finance, aud a live ling Governor’s message and tho documents ance and bad grace, making a virtue of address to t he Governor by a vote of woro made by arms it would unques­ two-t hirtls of each House. Senator Cor­ DRAINAGE III HEAP, CITY MALI, his fees in some one or more’ cases. merchant and banker of New Orlcaus, on which he has the shaiuless offrontry necessity, speeches and resolutions at a tionably be treasonable, and if it be win had in no case been allowed to What may be proven we know not, nor test i lies : to base it. No civilized executive on meeting of tho Southern Republican As­ question witnesses, and was not present, ‘“ Ido not consider Mr. Urban a fit earth would on such grounds have in- made under the less manly and spocious Having additional oosts. penalties and Interest to wliat an investigation may load. But, man for assessor nor for any public sociation, charging corruption upon the pretence of public expediency, it is of a when any vote was taken by the com­ there must lie others beside tlie Univer­ office because of his personal habits.’ terferrod to save such a criminal from Republican party ; tries to give lessons meaner and not less odious character. mittee. Tltei was no power to supply t he gallows. Mr. Kellogg bases his act the place of the Senator objected to, and sal Assignee mixed up in these eases, “ Air. .Tames Coyle, a large owner of iu Spanish to tho Bulletin only to fall in Necessity or expediency is over the Note.—The Drainage Assessment Is nuts real estate iu the Fourth District , testi­ of clemency upon tho fact that there t iie exclusion of a member of the court TAX. Imt a speeinl assessm ent mmle onau ™ and no matter whom the lightning may error similar to that of the Bulletin: «■»täte in 1M5H. M any have paid, while » f ie s thus : plea of faction and tyranny. was a vote in favor of the accused. strike whether upon the bench, or was intense political excitement at. keeps up the old cry that Republicans The Senate retired to discuss tho number have failetl to do so. When e'1* W “ ‘ I do uot. consider Mr. Urban to lie It is also to be borne in mind that each Is settled fo re v e r. ______mhlUOotL, among the bar, or the oldest arid best acquainted with the value of real estate Hie time of the murder; that several tire not responsible for Republican member of the Legislatur , before en­ question, and returned with the deci­ our hope is, that strict ",nd impartial in the city of New Orleans.’ ” of the jury in the case aud a few citizens thieves, but that the Democracy is re­ sion that, they had not the power to AGENCIES OF signed the application for the commu­ tering upon the duties of ins office, is question or deprive any Senator of the justice may come homo to ali and every However, it appears that Air. Urban's sponsible for Tweed and Tatumany, and bound to take tho following oath or af­ right to sit, «luring t he trial. T h e L o u is v ille R o llin g M ill Compmf, ono guilty or wrong doing. Call the. ignorance of the value of real estate in tation, and that a number of Senators concludes by giving us the important firmation. [Oon. La., tit. vi.,art. H>0:J Speaker Elliott then opened tiie ease — AND — cases, Mr. Clerk.______the Fourt h District, and his looso per­ and Representatives interfered in be­ information that Governor Kellogg is “ I (A. 1’.,1 (lo Solelll nly su ear (or affirm) that I for the prosecution in an elaborate ar­ sonal habits did not disqualify him to half of t ho convict. It is a now doct rine engaged in discriminating between job accept tille civil and jlolitici.! e«iuality of all men. gument, state«! the charges against National Asphaltic Metal Company d Word« of Cheer. in this State that a high stato of politi­ and ogre« . not to littempt b. deprive any \turuon the accused, and the iaw an«l the evi­ Louisville, Kentucky. look after the personal interests of Air. bills and reform bills in the work of tne or pornotm. on none■tint of rite« coin r, o r provi­ dence iqion which they proposed to sus­ To our friends throughout the Stute cal exoiteinont in any measure excuses List Legislature. OU» Millit ion, of any l»‘ *litieui or m i l n g lit.. Urban. Wo tlnd, indeed, that he has as­ privilege . o r 1mmu nity «■ii joyed by any nth* r tain the m. Tho court then adjourned Having been nr pointed Southern Agent f«r we send greeting and words of cheer. sessed one piece of property, worth nol the perpetration of murder, and we are The Bvwjnne laments the hard posi­ olasH mon : that. 1 will :fill.port (ii o Const il u- to I p. m. to-morrow. .r. 1: b. tho above Compute s. 1 nm n o w ,ready to DJ entirely satisfied that this people will tlun and laws o{ 111«. Unit. d States und tien oon- o rd ers for the mu dure nn«l delivery ol Tiie Democratic majority in Congress, more than $50,n0o, at. $80,ouo; anot her, tion of the liepublv-an, which, to and law s. State ; and Unit stilulh.ii d this 1 will DIED. no longer t,m 1 or hesitating, have lie- worth about $30,000, at $fi0,Q0O; another, not, acquiesce in It. If every wretch, defend its party from (hedisgrace heap­ ! faithfully a n ti impartially tlimihai'ge ami i »t - A N D T R A M R A IL R O A D IR0K, ; form all tho Utities IiiiuiiniMUit on nt« as ------. POLKING HORN On Saturday evening. gun the glorious work •>? investigation. worth $25,000, at $55,000; while, with murder iu his heart, may leisurely ed upon it by the crimes of Williams, uoforrliriK lo tin* boat of my alrllity and um lor- March It. is?«;, CLARENCE PAUK ER. sou of II. Dean AColemaa’a patent of L” , from ln ht» D The battle has scarce begun, and yet stroll through our streets in seasons of stRmlhitf. S > h«li> 111« God. " I’olkiiighorn. Jr. ,,f Natch«’/., Miss,, and Annh pounds per yard, in small or largo uuontiu-. jupon the other hand, ho has assessed Delano, Babcock, Belknap, and num­ T. Hirsoh. of Kt. Francisvlllc, La., born Novem­ the first attack has utterly demoralized many pieces of property at much less political excitement, butcher any man berless others, can lind nothing better Thus the sanction of religion comes in ber <1. IRfi'J. — also fob — the Republican party, and their lines than thoir real value; os for instance, that ho happens to meet and then plead than the old tune of “ You’re another; 1 aid of the obligations of patriotism find I)ne notice will !»■ Kivon <>f the funeral, to pro­ Pure Cuban Asphalt are wavering and breaking. We are one piece at $3000, which the owner him­ in extenuation that ho did it in and seeks to counter-balance tho crimes i liberty, to afford the highest and st rong- ceed from tho family residence, in Third str«'''!. — AND — N«vw Orleruis. justified in saying that investigation self testillcs is worth fully $11,000. Rut tho heat of a campaign, peacable of Us party chief by recalling tiie soli­ ! est safeguard for the maintenance of ASPHALT MET ai, COMPOUND, Bayou Sara anil Shreveport, La., Natchez, For Paving. Roofing. u;.d other purpost*. will be pressed into every department, a further insight into tlie gentleman’s men who resi>ect, their lives tary example of Tweed among the Dem­ j tiie constitut ion. Huch was the wisdom Miss., Jefferson, Marshall and Dallas, Texas, and liefere the summer solstice the operations shows there has been a had better retire and give over the State ocrats. j aud caution of our ancestors. papers pleas« copy. — AND — hideous crimes, the utter rottenness method in his ignorance, and that tho to the Alexander Newtons. We opine In the face of the declaration by the The illegality' of what is styled the Asphalt Varnl»h, and corruption of the Republican ad­ values were fixed on this most extraor­ that citizens who desire to make an U. H. Senate, that a vacancy existed at ' Wheeler adjustment is justly chargeable A Card. For vessels’ bottoms, and the ministration will lie so exposed that the wood undo ground or f*xpoHod totn w dinary scale with a view of blackmail­ honest living, and who have wives and the time of the election of Mr. Eustis, j to both o f tiie parties to it-parties, by To the E«lil«,r of tho Democrat: O rders for any .luantlty of the above, people will turn from it with loathing children to provide for, will not agree whatever names they may call them­ My attention has Imcn <*alled to certain stabv ing the pnqierty holders. Testimony it does not see how Kellogg can with­ m elds published in the /,’«/,lUjtirn.u of yesterday, and disgust. With other investigations taken by the committee shows that Mr. with Air. Kellogg that political ex­ hold that gentleman’s credentials with­ selves—anti-republican in overthrow­ the nth Inst., relativ« to the action of the jury SSÄi'SaiÄThiÄw«-“ * the dealings of Grant with Louisiana citement palliates a cold-blooded aud ing the fundamental principle of liberty, which tried Alexander Newton for the crime of - w* Bimw». Woods, who was Urban’s assistant, ap­ out repudiating the compromise. murder, and found him «uilty. Louis Älusse. since 1872 will be investigated, and tho proached several taxqiayers and offered, diabolical murder. The meagre list of The Bulletin defends tho bill author­ the right of tiie people to chooao their one of till) jurym en, 1ms m ade affidavit that fountr result is not doubtful. signers to the petition for the commuta­ John SliellatiK foreman of the jury, stood alone for a money consideration, to effect a izing the levy of a tax to aid in the con­ own rulers. for nil "teiuaiifh'd verdict of Ktiifly ; that Hh«*l- To the patient, long-suffering, high- reduction of thoir assessments. The re­ tion of Newton’s sentence is not worth struction of the New Orleans Pacific By that “adjustment,” representa­ lang said that we must find an umjualifled For Rex* soulcd people of Louisiana, who hate port of the committee also says : noticing. An honest Executive would Railroad, on the ground that this road tives certainly elected by the people of verdict of guilty; that he had plenty of AHDALLA. I would (lnd any other verdict than guilty Of Resplend.'tit on celestial skie«, usurpers and defy tyrants, wo say, the Mr. Jumps Ooyl« teetitloa Umi Woods had np- not have done this thing, though every j several of the parishes of Louisiana, murder without uualiflcation. On rny oath, an«l is a public necessity, this being the only with the, evidence before in«1, f could not do Cheering the blest in I aradi»,. night of our oppression has almost nroaelii'd him aud offered to effect a reduction man in Louisiana had solicited him to were set aside,>md persons not elected Bell«,Id the astral barul ! for him from Mti.nno to mo.wwi Tor 11 fee or com­ ground or plea on which it can be justi­ otherwise. Neither is it true that I stood alone worn away. In that opini'in. The first vote of the jury Rut lovelier far than sh ningjtaL ^ pensation <>f *ann. which, however. Mr. Coylodhl do so. fied. It thinks that, in view of the in­ j fraudulently substituted in their places. T ru e hearts that greet the PefS'»0 0 But in this hour of our almost as­ not pay. The Mime witness testillcs that he had showed nine for an unqualified verdict of guilty been approached by other brokers who offered Wo think Air. Kellogg has not told crease in value and productive resources The members elected by the people of and three for a rpialifle«l v«*rdl«*t.« Now here at hand 1 sured triumph, there are duties to be to accomplish tiie something as Mr. Woods f<>r the truth as to his motive for commu­ of our city which this road will cause, ! Caddo parish were turned out, of the jury chungedlheir position olten during the sit E xultant In C ashm erian vales, n compensation, the amount of which would ting, but the dnal verdict was unanimous, and Asia’s nudoiliiius nightingale» discharged, work to bo done. ting Newton’s sentence. Wo think we House by a United Htates military force, I believe, i*onscientiously given, depend on the extent of the reduction. These no one will resist the collection of this Sing of Eden-land. . . tried. In every paràh of the State a close, brokers stated to Mr. Coyle that one-lmlf of the can tell his reasons more clearly and tax. ! commantled by Brigadier General De money, and would keep us liiere for four weeks With ladder table, the warn« r tri. careful, compact organization of the reduction would go to the assessor. Mr. Rohcrt- ■satisfactorily than he has done himself. and lliri'c months, until we did dn«l that ver­ Accepts til«’ aecdu