Exponential Time Algorithms: Structures, Measures, and Bounds Serge Gaspers
Exponential Time Algorithms: Structures, Measures, and Bounds Serge Gaspers February 2010 2 Preface Although I am the author of this book, I cannot take all the credit for this work. Publications This book is a revised and updated version of my PhD thesis. It is partly based on the following papers in conference proceedings or journals. [FGPR08] F. V. Fomin, S. Gaspers, A. V. Pyatkin, and I. Razgon, On the minimum feedback vertex set problem: Exact and enumeration algorithms, Algorithmica 52(2) (2008), 293{ 307. A preliminary version appeared in the proceedings of IWPEC 2006 [FGP06]. [GKL08] S. Gaspers, D. Kratsch, and M. Liedloff, On independent sets and bicliques in graphs, Proceedings of WG 2008, Springer LNCS 5344, Berlin, 2008, pp. 171{182. [GS09] S. Gaspers and G. B. Sorkin, A universally fastest algorithm for Max 2-Sat, Max 2- CSP, and everything in between, Proceedings of SODA 2009, ACM and SIAM, 2009, pp. 606{615. [GKLT09] S. Gaspers, D. Kratsch, M. Liedloff, and I. Todinca, Exponential time algorithms for the minimum dominating set problem on some graph classes, ACM Transactions on Algorithms 6(1:9) (2009), 1{21. A preliminary version appeared in the proceedings of SWAT 2006 [GKL06]. [FGS07] F. V. Fomin, S. Gaspers, and S. Saurabh, Improved exact algorithms for counting 3- and 4-colorings, Proceedings of COCOON 2007, Springer LNCS 4598, Berlin, 2007, pp. 65{74. [FGSS09] F. V. Fomin, S. Gaspers, S. Saurabh, and A. A. Stepanov, On two techniques of combining branching and treewidth, Algorithmica 54(2) (2009), 181{207. A preliminary version received the Best Student Paper award at ISAAC 2006 [FGS06].
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