APPOI:.'\TED DECEi\'lBER ~ 7 , 1 -19.

u~:~orge W . :I "Ones, of Te:"J.- - art .\ Samuel F. V inton, ofOh10. Committee 0 11 Rerolu/ionnry Clnims. Cammitlce in·al .'Jffairs. Commitl'c nf Elecliou3. I . ' Vil liam Stron)!', of Po. \Mr. F rederick P. S tnnton, of Tenn. Alexunder H. S1ephens, of Ga. ;\1r. ' Villinm Su·on!!, of P enn. I:\Ir. Cullen Sawtelle, of Mnin<'. J onathan D. M orrie, of Ohio. Thomos S. Bocock, ofVn. J ohnS. Phelps, o( Mo. Sampson ,V. Harris , of Alu. Robert C . Schenck, of Ohio­ , of Mass. ' Vilhom A. Newell , of N.J. I J oh~ Vnn Dyke, of K . .1 . Emilie La Sere, of La. Na1 huniel S. Liuleneld, of Me. Davtd T . Dtsney, of Ohio. 'Vil liam V . N. 13ny, of Mo. Edward W.McGaughey, of ln. Che::: ter Butler, of P enn­ Hu <> h \ Vhite, of N. Y. J ohn B. Thompson, of Ky. E l b~id ae Gerry, of Moine. Isham G. Hnrris, of T enn. JohnS. M illson, ofVa. Rufus K. Goodenow, of M aine. E. Ca ~·i n ~ton Cabell, of Flo. Comm ittee on Pnlents. Ed won! W. M cGaughey of Jo. J ohn MrQucen, of S.C. ' Vii limn Mc" ' jJiie, of l\liss. Mr. I-lirnm Walden, of K. Y. W illiam S. Ashe, ot N . C. L ewis C. L evin, of Pu. J ohn B. K err, of Md- J oh n Otis, ofMe. George R . Andrews, of N. Y. 'Villium T. H amilton , ofl\:fd. Committee on Public Erpellllitw·e,. Conwrilltc 011 Foreign /Jffa il'$. Albert G. ' Vntkins, of Tenn. Commillcc of Hays mul .1Jerms . i\Ir. John A. McCierno.nd, of II\. Andrew J. Harlan, ofla . Mr. Thomns H . Bayly, of Vn. i\lr. Andrew J ohnson. ofTenn. J nmcs McDow()ll, Va. 'Villiam H. Bissell, of l\1. Robert C. ' Vinthrop, of Muss. Committte 011 Public Buildi,1gs m1d J acob Thompson, of Miss. Grounds. Samuel F. Vinton, of Ohio. H armon S. Conger, ofN. Y. Huo-h A. H nro)son, of Ga. Hilliard, of A la. James S. Green, of Mo. Andrew J . Harlan, of I nd. H e ~r y W. Mr. Franklin , V. Bowdon, of Ala. Richard I. Bowie, of Md. J oseph A. 'Voodward, ofS. C. R obert T .oombs, of Gn. H anry A. Edmundson, ofVa. Charles Sweelser, of Ohio. Edwurd Stanly. of N.C. J ohn ·w. Houston, of Dill· Hurry H tbburd , of N . I-I. Joseph P . Caldwell, ofN. C. Alexander W. Buel, of Mich. 'Villia m Duer, of N . Y. "!'rmothy R. Young, of JJI· \ Valter Booth, of Conn. Elbridge G. Spalding, ofN. Y. Gideon Reynolde, of N. 'f. George W . Jones, of T enn. Samuel Calvin, of Penn. Moses H ampton, of Penn. Committee on tire Te1·rilories. Commiilte 011 Exprnditures in the Committee on p,·irnle L and Claims. Committee of Clninrs. Mr. Linn Boyd, o~ Ky. 1t-e nsu1·y Dt>pa rtmml. · M r. J ohn R. J . Dnniel, of N. Mr. lsooc E. Morse, of Ln. W illiam A. R1chardson, of Ill. C. Mr. Georg(' Caldwell, of Jnmes H. Thomas, of T enn. ·william J. Brown, oflml. , of Muss. A.. Ky. J oseph M. Root of Ohio David Rumsey, jr., of N. Y. Jnmes A. Sed~on, of Va. A b'm M. Schermerhorn , ofN. Y. David Vvilmot, ~fPcnn · d G 'l e of Penn Thomas L. Cl mg mnn, ofN. C. ' Vill iam S. Ashe, of N · C­ D I cor \ II of o'hio- Dnvld Kaufman, of Texas- Nnthnn F. Dixon,of R. I. Wil!inm Nelson, of N .' Y. Alfr~ s. Dnvtd Hubbnrd, of Alo. L eW IS · aH~rris 'of 111. Daniel Gott, of N .Y. Cyrus L. Dunham, of Ia. F inis E. McLeun, of Ky. Thomas L .l\Iu rsh~ll of ICy. Graham N. Fitch, of Ind. . Hu_mphre.Ay of Ohio Joshua R. Giddings, of Oh1o . Committee on Eapt11diture3 in lfrc ~yru s L . Dunham, of l n. ...-. r hillles~y Wtlltnm ·" ' Tr ar Depm·tmmt. 'I homos B. Butler, of Conn- ostn. h M · .Anderson ' of Tenn. · Committee on Rcrolulirm anJ Pwst-ons. J Mr. Milo M . Dimmick, ofPa. Mr. Loren P. ' Valdo, of Conn. Committee on Commcl'cc. Commitlee on .1Ianufactw·es. Jo\m S. Schoolcratt, of N. Y• .J ames l\1. H. Benle, ofVa. Thomas L. H urris, of lJI. Mr. Robert M. M eL one, of Md. P eter H. Silvester, of N. Y. Fur.ette McMullen, of Va. J ohn W entworth, of Ill. Mr. Lucius B. Peck, of Vt. .AI Daniel 'Wallace, of S. C. WJIJinm F. Hunter, of Ohio. J o ~eph Grinnell, of Muss. Franklin W . Bowdon, of a. John Freedley , of pa. Kinsley S. 13in~ h a m, ofMieh. John vV. Houston, of pelf Con. l-t'iiHiOI rt. Gi'urmlln 1 of Ind. Co mmillee 011 E:rpendituns in the Alrxandc•· H· l:::l< cp h ono, o f Gn O h o uncot p, O l t_th~l Columbia 7'r~ap/a. finjjhed Bu3intss. Mr . .nrmisteutil>urt, of S. C. f B:if" The value ot' Negroes larus greatly aJl­ \ V. A. Richnrdso:1 of Ill. p;cc tate~ In the ln!.t few months, more cspc· :Ylr. 'W il'mson R. W. Cobb, o( Ala. !u;ms \ Vi ll!O n, of'N. H. , wtlly s•nce the decided rise in the price ot ' And rew J. Oe;le, of Penn. I George A. Caldwell, of Ky. our g reat staple. At O rangeburg, on the Dll'LO~ IATI C HE LATIO~S WITH AUSTRIA' ~-;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-.__ ~homas H . Averett, of Va. Ale~nnder Evans, of Md. first day of January we learned that wood­ f ~~10 fSenatE_l accordingly procee~ed to the con.sideration ;~on:;~ls would perform the commercial functions- their GP?r~e W. Julian, of Ind. i Dnv1d K. ~nrttc r , of Ohio. choppers and la bo r~ rs hired by the year ~ l Co llow1ng resoluuon, sub muted on the 2-Ith ult by pos1.Uons n~t being at all affected by any cbtuJge of diplo· \V1l11am T . Jackson, of!\. Y . l John A. Kmg, ofN. Y. romman~ed an ndvandc price on the rates oi I u r. ASS: · mf.tJc relauons short of a .srnte of war. Andrew Ewing, of T enn. the previOus year of forty per cent Ru~ t:cd, T!mtt!IO Committee on Foreign R.elntions be in- I d \ enry D. ,Moore, of Penn. T his is. a t.latn.ral consequence of the pros- 111 as l should n~t. have tnlroduccd it, bad 1 not intend- · Nor does the interruption of diplomatic intercouse ~\~~ ed to ask the opmton of Ihe Seuate upon the snhjcct any ju t cause of otfence. ~here ~ s no obligation to~· CommWte on illileage. JG eborge R Bm-gs,bb9 of N. Y. pcro us Ill d 1cnt1ons now 8 milin!{ upon tilt '~· bat~vcr IndY be the report of tl1e Committee on F orcigt; · tnblish or to con1inuc it. E1tller 1s a mere q_nestion of o. "· o ms, jr. , of Penn. 1planting intc ~eat-and we deem it eutirl'ly a the measure is not an usual one, l deem courtesy or convenience; ami considerable pori ion of Mr. Graham N. Fitch, of Ind. JWilham M Tl!ompllOJl, .... of lowe. need! ess to g 1vc any cautions on the subjccl J, e lauon~, ~n d ~ James H. D uncan, of Mass. 11 proper bnetl): to s:atc the rca;;ons which have induced tho missions of E.urope are ma.tntained from teeliogs o£ amce eatnam, of Vl. , 1 to person:; who understand their own busi· me to propose 11. comity, arising out of the affinity of kindrea governments, V olney E. Howard, of Texas. nt-sshbetter than any one can tea h . h \ Thomas S. H aymond, of Va. 'ril\'· by excludmg tt from the fam1ly Committee on Engrating . Samuel W. Inge, of Ala. l lcvt>l. lts en han ce~ value should make us \ }~hJcct to ~he establ1shed principles of the law of nations oi sovereigM associated by diplomatic representations. John L . Taylor, of Ohio. thc.more strenuous 1n preserv in g and er t- he great IIH)Irovement in the mechanical art~, ant! the The eightc~ntb ceo~ur)' w;:.s prolific in the .Personal Mr. Edwa,rd H~mmond , of Mil. 1'homas J. D. Fuller of Me uatm~ bO valuable an Institution p pc gc.neral prog rco.s ol the age, united to that spint of enter· 1 111cmoirs of' :lcti\·e ,}Jplomattsts; atlll no Amencan can Milo M . D1mmitk of p Jeremiuh Morton, or' Va. . From the F6 r sy t~ (Ga.) Bee, ~f the 2J in st. ! 1 n~c, c.ommcrc1al aRll scie ntific, which wa.; never more I pc•·u e them wi thout bring am~ml at the utter insignifi· Orin Fowler, or~. enn. Edward Hammond of Md we· talce the fol lo w1ng paragraJlh \Vh ' 1 'II )Ctlvc 1.11 ll.sc!f nor more u cfully etnplqyctl than now, cancc of 1he ,·arious which engaged their attention, Ch I All , . sh h . 'I . ' •c I WI topic~ ores . en, of Mass. ow t at a &tml ar n se has taken lace in lav~ g!vcn. In creased energy to this intercourse, and, • :~nd which were swelled .mto conseq\\ence by the ~ Joint Committee on the Library of C. H. \ V1lliams, of T enn. that Stale. The moni1ory su~gest ion; f hav1 ng 111 cflect brok <=n Jown the barriers of space which sions and 'tntc~ts of TUe retainers of corrupt cqurt.s. Congress. \'Vulte r Underh ill, of N.Y. j ~eor~ia cotemporary we do not con~u roiunr !'Cparatcd nations, ha\·c opened each to the knowledge The.r arc suh.iects beneath contempt; and their influence Ut gtve them tor what they may be worth 'I anct husincss of all. upon the fate of nations il' buried with the men who Mr. Isaac E. H olmes, ofS. C. Commillec on the Judiciary. h ~egro fellows, (common field bands) sohl.in 'l,'bis general intercommunication, especially among tUe gave them n factitious importance. He \\'ho rises from tbe of Milas Mr. James Thompson of p $ {ootace ycstcrd!tY,, at public sale tor over nat10!lS of Christendom, creates a community of interc;;:t, J>e ru~al of one of-1hese records of human follie· can no Alfred Gi l mor~, of Pen ~. John K. Miller of Ohion. \ h . One sold for $ 1080. This is hi" her I anrl , 111 some measure, of feelitP, which becomes a. ho nd, onger wonder at the remark of a S1ved1sfi stn esman, Committee on Expenditures in the Ashmu'n of M . Wn ha sold fo r a number of p~we v ey sl.ighl, n!1itinJ.:" them together into one great po· that it took very little 11'isdom to govern the world-<1s G~org c l nc~;roc~: v~ y~a rs. ltloal f:umly. 1 he 1ntcrnal agitations or external Jan- ?liOrld State Deparlmw l. Richard K Mende fVss. m r; '~ou l tl ad mu.nl sh the planters a~ain s t pay- the was then trouemed. ~ Churles 8. Morche~~ fal.r C 0 such cxorbllatH pri ces for negroes tor if ~c r s which threaten one canuot be ·indiflere!ll to th e Bur, sir, whi le 1 :Oaintain that the cessation of diplo- o.t}J.c r . men~ber~ ,of th is wide-:::prmul comnHI111ty. T!1 e .malic intercourse with Austria would give the goveru- l r. Kinsley S. Bingham ofM' h Preston King of N 'yo "Y· . d oll?n wc.re suddenly to decline they 'woold l\ ~oc IS an 1.nquu·rng and an observing one; nntl the faclf- ment of tllar countrY no just cause of offence, J rio !JOt R ob e r.• R . R eed, of Penn,• lC • Ab on 1V. Venab, lc ~f N C . <·c h~i' , •vn•l , : ' , a nu·' th c most d.'1sastropc: con- ~~.~· and rap_l dtty of communication, amoug the prot ~dest seek !O deny or couceal that the motives for rhe ?doptJon James L. Orr, of S C Thaddeus Stevens ' f p . . ~equc nc es wou ld ensne. Our advice lS never t11.umphs o,l human knowlcd"e come powerfully 111 md of of th 1. measure will be unacceptable anti peculiarly ob- H e.n.~ y P . Ale:xnnd~ r , N. y Marshall J . Wellb~ orn af.G uy negroes when they are sell in may be checked, but caanot !Jc stoppcJ. It IS .s t.ronger And ce~tainly , were t.hey not opet~ to the ~ayi Is:an - Boo. GEO, · ouse.s. 11 1 than the bayonet- more vigilant than the susp1c10ns of ~o.t look lor that cord 1 ~l approbauon w~tcl~ noll t t V, PATTERSON, President Dcla despotism. . . ttc1patc from the. Arn.er_1can people for th1s hrElt e NAIIII ' van House. '::tab~ The diplomatic re lations between two r.euuke, by public c;>PilltOn expressed eauo- J"illiatn U B DISTRICT. UOA. subs1:;~•ng thron;~.b~~c ·~lm A.. C~o rown.. ... • • 1 .. ··Congr.:!DINo.uous& countri es are maintained only b.Y pol 1llc~l agents, such as h.shetl government, m. the name o,I a great r V)iberiy and ICharlj S s~ .. • ••...... 2 •. ..., . 8Jiall, • CRlarb-- · Williams 3 • · ~tunw o x l ial! amba!'sadurs, mi nisrc r;:, or charges, rec1pr~cally sent for c.wns a.cts of dcspousm, by wht~h huma~ces of auda- Ja aoon Croli • • • • • • • • .t:ongresa Jl· · that purpose. .At the con:J\ en.ceme.nt o[ 1l11s go\'Crnment ll.fe have been sacnfice0, under c 1 rcu~suu d the senti · Edlllea \V. Bee~ · ·" • • • 4 ....1 87 llrond w~ll. 11 1.1 ~In D. Mor an.· •.. 5 • ••. lliO Statc.s ny. we h:.ul hut few of these Junctwn.?nes, and those w~,h ad cwns contemp~ f_o,r the r1ghts o~ mankmd • ar~llel even in CDJSJnio B gan, • •... .. 6 •• • .Con t. were conJinctl to the princ1pal ~uro pean con,rts. I hey m~nt s of the c1vtl1zed world, j"'1thout a pa and the op· J obn s raudreth 7 grcss Hall 3 J DYder ••• • • •• •• do · have been gradually incr~ased m number, till twenty- th1s a~ e of wa r far~ b~twee~ t .e f oppresso r~ the principle ~~~mea C. Ctttit •... ·" ·.. 8 • ...City Hotel seven of tllem are by the statute. book to presser!. 1 say th1s .e o:t, thoug r dissim ilar S arius Scb as ...... •. 9 ....Con . authonr.~J ~ e ~rst 111 8 1 ~r , T~ Pben Ir. ~~m ak er. . .. 10 , • •. C i tyg}~~epull. emplo) etl. :Still there are~mporlant countne,;, even 111 of puhlic disapprobatiOn ~uat10ns not v~ [one of tlie J omaa n c nson .... • • 11 .. • .Stanwt . Europe, where no .ArBerica!t r~pres e nt';tl t ve bas ever been may be traced in t~e pr?cEe0 ' ..10 0 f . corgo B. <>ui 1)...... 2.5 • .iHanslo way. exposed to 1few Jitticultle5. :such ts our condJtJ~~ . wnh J lost. . nt 1 d not mistake the true p0~ my Sam ncll\[iller llorp...... ~G '• • • u" House. respect to Austria, whieh has but one port (thnt of 1 neste) Mr. PresHf~lo 'l ~c- 10 exa gernte J1cr itn/,ortance by Alon:r.o S u · ·. .. .., •• · o 110 Charles c IP~ro .:'"" "-7 ····~.cl avan. where we have any commerce worthy of the name, country, !1ion" siarn p erfect~'""'"nre tllnl, wb~tev~r we Ch o L. .. •..... 28 •. t:ay IIotcl the .alurual value of which [find is about ~1,700,00 0. The rn,ese iugg~" say ~th immediate marc~ of Anstna wiJl.be Ge~r l co n. Robi~io~"·.. 29 :: •. Dola\'an .. 01 anctent Qtte en of the Aul'iatic still looks out npoil the . m<•Y c !· h cb 1 . c of despotism, \VIlh o step feebler or llob~ge R. llabcook ·• · .. :JO ....A mcrica11 wnwrs; but .. ue is her;;elr a melancllolY spectacle-Jwr '?nwnrc tn t ~ nse a , appear near orrsrnot!l, till she ll 0wcu, Jr.• .',' ' "' ~t •••. IH Norlh;., William .. ';- befolc burricotlu unll Jrat~mi:: atwn , by w hich'•' presscJ J•'l11 c~u-~ 1s fdt lVII~. the dee~t Intensity, e.._. 11 s treets nrc m:ttle fortresses anti arnties re volutionists, Ja'' an 1 • ~ ~·' CrJ form! nnd Jolc renses w1t h e \·ery new new. and migh1y eugines i n popular \varfn re-will hold . J Jl,t:;s'n!l' hour --' 'lntl he put· an "mph r ~ OL~t m their citn t! el~lll t he last extremi!Y· B ut many old tiOn .c:nph:u!cally, wide!; I repear to\im:anu a,~c ~~ es · ) 1hmg:> arc pas!'lll~ a \\·a:;; a nd AuslTlnn despotism wi!l ?ne, If tl!ere !S anr.one ':'l1o he.:;itates to kei!p "on a r err, ' pass a way in its turn. lts bulwarks will ba s haken by as ~lr . Cann111g sn1J, wah the opinions at his cou u;e,_ . the ru;.hiug of mighty winds - by the voice of the world mc11/ .'~And nrc the l'epresentahves of the people alo~~ whe rever its indignant ex pression is not restrained b }~ 10 \e_ lil"u.l,?ted from tb~ common moral atmosphere of the kin ~ red ~ym pa t hies of arbitr:try power. the ' orld r . . Tbese.seohments have no connex 10n with Ldcs rre, Si r, not to be mi understood. I do not mean tbe ric rbid suc h action, and the value of c:nelues of 'panrsh and T urk ish w arfare. !md in Mu· t h i~ krntl of mont! interposition would be dimin ished rdlo \~·e ha,·e r/~e. very prototype or H,lynaJ; and recent by tts too frequent recnrrl'nce. It should be reserved for Austnnn enorm111es may .he- read in the enormi ti ~s pow· g reat e ~·ents -P v e nt;; markcJ bygren! crime ~ nse; ~ G enU emen ," he say~, " there is something ou and indeed f nm by no means ceita tn that the free m ter- cn•·th g reater than .nrbttt·ary or despotic power. c hange of p tblic vie w;: in this solemn m.anner w o_u ld not The lightning hns tls power, and the ,vhirlwind go far towa rds che.:king til e progress o t oppre;:s1 f ~ h em - sha king despotic ~ow ~r than t ~htoing, w h_irl ~vi n d, nvcJI \V}Je lt ll l·.~ c· t s~ ·o n is follo w ed b.'· no a. ct- . IS rtself a or carthquakc-l at 1s, the t trcateoed m d1gna- ~ ' " 1 ·' 1 h lion ofthe civilized world. . g reat ele me nt of retributive JU stice to p unl:;; 1 It w en an " The w hole world will be the lnbuual to try a trocio us d eed is done, and a gre.al clement of moral }lO\~ e r him, (the Russi;u1 emperor,) an d he must app~ar to res train it whe n s uch a d e e ~ IS conte mpla ted. 1 claun ~efo re it and hold up his hand and plead aud abtdc

fo r o nr conn try n o exemptio n Jrom .!be dec r e~s o f these lis j udgment. . . tl1 t high tribunals ; a nd w he n 'Ye arc gmlty o[ a ttthe of ~he "Nor let him, nor let any one, J lll !l~l~~n t ~f oppression . and cruelty whtch ha ve made the A ustnan tncre fore~ e!l'n subdue the gene ra l s~~teJ!d that na me a na me of 1e proach thro ug h the w orld , I h?pe w e mankind; 1t 1s mur.h more likely to ·cuhe most 1> ha/l receive as w e sh all w ell m e rit, the opprobnum of sentiment nnd .destroy that power wlu m a nkind. ' desires to estabhsh and sect ~e . d pnrt. Let . I t f th " And now gentlcUlcn, c us o our 5 tand as [ anticipa te w ith COil fi (I ence t I1 e cor d 1f!- s urpor O e d t the position in w hich WO t · d 5 t . t.l is tinor nis hed senator from Ke ntucky Ill t h1s effort. I ~I s u n e~sRan ublic of the wodd a t U1o !ll~ m ~r 'l 0 I, f r· ·u f b t •le g rca. ep ld L ' 'dol' .101 IDIS· WI I not doubt it; tho ngu am aJ ar. ' ro ma s~H!I ew a csting cra. of tho ":or . . etusco!lsl cescems to playful renm rk he maJe the oth e~ da)' th rtt h e IS a m ore sion, and the d es t.J~y winch P rovtdcll rare of our zealous d isciple of the stalld s!Jll s?hoo l tha n h e was have designed ue fo '· a uq let us take }!l\l1ds a nd some " ears !lince when he prO\·ed h tms~ lf the no ble ad- own conduct, thtliat. w1th Irreproachable whenever J ' , .I r Grecmn f d I h '" id ofo ence we ma.y stand up•. not to vocate o f Sonth A m erica n a nu O ' ree om. ' ear..,, vo called ' d 'th a. force, 1 t have j ust r enewed my recollecti on of w hat the h onorable and whcrevJrd say :J,P.onh a.fJ \~t ])I) doPe, ~ti eas sena wr, said a nJ did ll }>Oil those memorable occasions; be dis.r cl ~~ ocu; p rot.est~ ~ .a a no • d ' 1 1 · 1 1 b rl~, as 1 ~~d~' ao down to jJosteri tv lwnoreu and IIJIP a n ul:!d, there a re w II ,,liS the honorable Senn.tor salute,10\ benrts of "'n one h •i•Yhe r o r bolte• rJ tha n these : mceud o\' s c h· eerm· g:>-• " fo1·. Ilo; " S.(J Ok e to t !f11' at t 1l!s · "[ I ., . _ · f rinces," was his cha r- h is~> ' 'dJto rs w b oul 1 ~ Sfi:td : " .F or IllY fD,ronts con • f or i . l ~ve no co~ m rse , ~tl? ll or p {hies a re reserved molncut I feetmoro mdtg nnnt.at rcccu0 ,,.hich ltav 0 acten sttc declarauon. My symp aS If· •overnment is the 11 ·ted with }luugetry tha n ~t uJI t1JOI ·c t.ltat tl the ~ r eat ma.ss of mankmd ." " e !; :sed in het· 5 trugglo f or hberV· I ~~ that t te/ na tt trnl government of ma n." ca l ~m cror of .Russtn demands~ T ~~,f be i v~~ " It OU" ht to a n imnle us," he said u pO I~ a\nothrle rbocl . s. I' nobfe Kossuth a nd h!s rlompanlt?~~~nndo lt1 d~f.i.sion · " t" le' · ·P. the redemr tion of the m1nt s a n Ol te ~ d 1 sec that thiS r emanc 1 c: wn Cl I <- 11 , 1 • • o.r f up, " 11 f t' " I ' f ' ,1 . ·\lions fro1n the h m wl1Z 111g ~ u ects o a f3YB· oflhc laW 0 na lous. o U l. l'll n Ill I te·1CY is to stitlc the faculttes of tbe s oul, ' ' tem whosl' ten\. · .1 to the level of beasts." \ roar J l ru• IC tbc contests of orce ru>u opm· . .., Jon, which seem~' to succeed CllCb orher like the ton of Hungnry, is one of those m en whoso g reat wa~ ca of tho oceu.n, in ~ 10. mighty cbnnges goin.~r qualities a rc brought out by perilous times.· He 1 011 m Europe; t"·cnt,r nu\h?ns of peop le cnjo_,-inJr I a measure of prospcnty wh1ch God, m his provJ- lcarned to hate oppression in an Austrian dung-con, dcncc, has g rnn\.cd to no other nation of thccnrlh. where, while he lo5t his health, he learned also to ' Yith no i ~tC r l!$ t lo warp their judgment; with prize the ,·alue of liberty, and, in the soli1udc of his neither preJudice nor ammosity to excite \bern; cell, to de,·olc himself to her cause. And nobly d i(l !Wd with a public opinion ns free as the air they he fulfil his miesion, till domestic trc:tchcry nnd breathe, they can sun·ey these c,•cnts as dispassion· Hussian po,,·e•· prostrnted the hopes of freedom, nnd atcly as is compatible wifu that uatu!·al sympathy he wns dri,·cn to seck shelter from the \'Cngcanceof for tho oppressed which is implanteclm the humau Christian Powers within the dominion of the liU C· breast. cessor of the impostor of !\I ceca. And then Was ex- Think you not, s ir, that their voice, sent from hibitcd that contemptuous disrc!T!Ird of the feclinhrs these distant shores, would cheer the unfortunate ufthe world, so powerfully dei cri'bc.d bytbc Se!"ator onwa rd iu their work?-,would encourage them from l\Inssachusclts , in the dcmru1d upon an ln ~ c - whtlc bcn rmg tl•cir evils, to bear tl1em b•·a.vely as pendent nation, th:1 t the expatriated l c~~c ~ Wi th men who hope; and wben dri,·en to resist, by a p1·< • · hiR little band of faithful follower;;, ~bo tu e ~ ur- s ure no lou,.er to bo boruo, to exert themselves ns rendered to the enemieR of his country. a 1 IO1 ocaust m en who p'?ril al! upon the c.trorl? But where no upon the alta r of d c~ po ti s m. 'fhc cidlizcd wol'!d dcm onstrahou of mtcrcsL, on the part of :.tl!overn­ anxious suRpensc 1dl is called for by circum.stn!"ces, a. .sound pub­ ~"atc hcd ,~· i t h th ~ prog r c~ 1? ~ent , ISS Ue of tlw; demand as in3o!ent as 1t was '' IC ,c • he opinion is ready to prochum. Its sculu:J?ents, aud upon the Turki ~ h go~·e rnm cn t . ll i~ twcl.''0• ycb s no r eserve is imposed upon the1r cxpress•on. s ince 1 SO.\\' the p r·esentSultnu then a Inc!, stttlllg Y It is common to this country, and lo o\'ery coun­ the aide of his fa ther the <>Te~t Osmnnlis reformer, try, where liberal institutions prc,·ai! and it is a.a c r·osscd the Bos ph o r~s , in° n spkndid caiquc, sur- powerful and ns .rowerfully exerted in France a nd •·oundcd with all the imposilw pngCRnlrY. of Ellst- Ill Engla nd, as 111 the United States. Its effects el'll lli:Jg nificcncc. Little did r tllen nnllclp!ltO that may not be immediate or imrncdiatcly visible; but t he lovers of freedom , tliroug hout tho wodd, ,~. 0~1.~1 tlu?y are sure to como, and to come iu power. Its C\'er look to the heir of the Otltmnns to s:we C l n• ~ - ~· o1cc is lou. dcr than tho boom it~ .o~ ~an~ on; and it tian patriots from t he fangs of Christian monarchs. l S heard on tbe very confines 0 1 Cl ~'lhzatJOn. aeeurcd, an~ where tho prop · W e do not know the lhr·cais that were m enaced, nor r Our declara.tion of independence has laid the without onr cent of O.tpemo toc ~~ ·l~ perfectly safe, the inrl uccments ollcred; but both the one. and •ounda tion of changes in the world than u no'l'f, orthoProadwa.y p bl" rca~ ury; whorc- ~he n1i~hti cr nnii4J lo of u •c stores alone, thor o i ~ other were no doubt proportioned to the mtcnslty .a ny event smce tbe spirit ol the crusades precipi· doiJIUll. Tn: e e oot much ,l ess than Ii tty tbouao.nd of the pas3ions to be dutted by the surrender ~f the ! ~ted EJ.!rOp.o ~pon Asut, with zealous but mistaken e• rid Of at a c !orcs the (,ovcrmncnt. Cll uld easily victims . But the effort Wllrl \'n.ill · Th.e J?n'a l~ , VJC~VS ot r·eUglOUS duty. u ' v ry email annual 1 • l> · · faithful tu the traditions of Eastern bo~ pltnhty, If , } ho \'cry last packet has brought us the .London JJii general order goods " is allot_ls . t .•e ta• n ~n gono nut to the oblig-ations of the Jaw of nations: firmly 'l tme8 , of December 7, whicJ1 contains an address Hh H , ' m IS rcrtu•rctl- refused the dehvcry of the fu g- iti,·cs, and t!lti ~S~da rodf t<;> Lord J ohn Russell and to Lord P aJmerston, from e on. tho Secretary of tho T . ·. us a nother "deluge of blood••-to. usc t1 w _"O t s o e•ghty-three m embers of the English Houses of · rr~; the evil which C.'tiPli'. rcasury WJ!l the g reat Roman his torian- in tins sad cham a of _a L?rds and Commons, requesting the interference •mtion's ,·erthrow. The la test accounts we. hn\ c o[ the British govenurient to endeAvor to restrain - MERCHANT. from the0 East inform us that this cx tr:t~rdJ ~t ~nT tha~ of Austrin. from further butchery; for that , in ... 1 -.D (1,._. __ · - ~ontc~t. ~ ct wecn Russian arrogn_ncc and. :u• ktsn pla.m words, is ~he design of tho m o\·cmcnt. 1 ~eg mfiex1b1h ty was y et going on, w1th no p1o~ pec t ol leave to rend tbts paper, whrch, though drawn wttfi ru1 amicable so Iutton of the question; a nd thls wan. eom e reserve the better probably to a ttain tho ob­ ton violation of the m ost sacred l'ights m o.y Y.et fur- ject, leaves 1;o doubt of the opimon of the signers, nish a pretext for the m a rc h of another RussJ!lll ar- respecting the condition of Hungary, and the char­ my, and of another attempt to drive the 'furks from actor of the events which placed her· there. Europe, a nd to seize Constantinople. The Ma hom- " ' Ve, the undersigned, desire to exprcsil to your clan has shown himself a better· Chri?tinn than the lordships, a nd through rour lordships to the r~s t Hussian, and has won the appro~atr.on of an en- of het· mnj c:~ ty's confiaentJa! set·vants, the d<:ep 111· lig-htened age. Success be wtt.h hun 111 s uch 11 wa t·· terest which we have taken 111 the contest wbtch bas fare! . li bee? recently carried on bctw~en the Hungarinu But, sir , with their powerful .sympathies m· lfu- n a tton a nd the emperor of Aus tna. man suffering , the people of tins country, thoug h . "Not less deep is the interest which we .now take a rdontly :tttacl!e.d to t he prin cip ~cs of rat.ion:tllibcr- m the final scttfcmcut of the question a~ !Ssu.c be· ty arc no pohtlcal prupagundtsts. They de. not tween them, and in the permanent paclfieahon_of un'dertake to judge what forms of government al·o,: th

w1shcs nn.d. rcspe<;: t. There is no. Amr~cd~~s t~~~~ ;~\~11h c1~r:~f~ ~ evct~Wr,cdoe s not call for, thAe m· t O the pohttcal fatth of our fat 1101s, w 1 ~ 1 ' B · · · 0 1nscl\iug t\JO US· sin , . ·I desire the renovo.tiou of the latter,. anu tcrvenlion of Great . nta m .m c tlle . ,·g> of \IS 1 1 U \lr·ntion of the opprenscd m Mses to t\1° n g hts tria n Govcmmcnt . exm l'rtode C~ l esp.ect,~,~ ~ l ~ 1 bc 1 a~~~ ~~ lg.uity of bu.man _u.nturc. 1 r ca ~o r cd oJCcc u ~ive powet . _ ~ IICSpcclto • I iovc Q_f t:c\'cngc cln.imcd its hour of triumph, nod Mnrty rs a nd victims, thero wcro -nooJD axnmplco well dtd tl enjoy i~. The world, in tho darkest pe- ~mong them of firmness :wd patrioti:!m "·bich will riod of ita history, has rarely witnessed such sceuea tllustmtc t.hc p~ges of Bungnr1an his tory iu nil timo of g ratuitous cruelly as marked the establishment to come. Promtnenta!llong tlu~sc wns Datthiany, ret of Austrian supremacy over unhappy Rue gary. vered thro\tl\"h nllllungary,n11d W~IO wnscoud cmncd 'fhc morn) tendencies of the nge nrc to cllcck the by nn A ustnnn cour·t to the pmnshment of de:tth{ effu sion of blood; to stop these judicial murders for Pn:,·ious to the revolution he hnd held n hig h office politicnl offences, so styled, often indeed, ns in lhis which he resignc·etg n of Lours Prllhppc n ' epr oo_f was thus an­ fu!"' m'cdiation; and especially to nccord to my wife 11 ~1 ~ ll y administered to the r:oya_l ~ po 1 lers, a reproof anti children an nsylum 011 the soil of tho generous '' htt· h excitl!d mnc!J scnsatwq Ill E ~:~ rope, and was English people. known to g ive m m:h ofTenc-e to th? lngl_1 l?ersonages "As to my_ people-my loved and noble. country, t~tus ntT<1.ignccl at th~ bar ?f pubhc opm_wn. I be­ must she pensh for C\'cr! Shall she,_un :uded, 11n· hcve thn.t for· some t1111e tins ~ re_e e~ press t ? n of c-on­ cncournl!"ed, b? n~andoned to annilnlntwn by her demna tion by the Ch~ mbc r ,_ tf lt dt ~ uot m ~e nup t, tyrant.~?' God s wlll be done; I am prepared tc rendc,·ed very prcennous, dlplomn.hc t·elaltons be­ die * * Once govm·Ho>· of a g enerous people 1 t.wcen Fr··tuce nnd Russia, which latter power l ea~c 110 heritage to . my children. They shall,~ ~ seemed to' be peculill!·ly sensitive to ~b cse rebukes least have ru1 unsulhecl . ll<;trnc. W c arc told, thnt for the adoption of tins truly l\Iuscovtte proces;; of , m a ~y of the towns, w~~rcl~ :u:e marked on ~h· ua tional aggrandizement. One of these parn­ m:.tp, have ?~o.se cl to cxr ~t . ~orne oJ, these wttl !P:nphs-tlmt in the addrrs5 of January : 1840-I twenty or thuty thousand mhab1ta nts. . Will hc-t·c intt·oducc, not only on account of t.be pro- 1 can afTord but. one cx~r':ct f~ r · the deeds ot. lit• per sentiments it cont:.t.ins, but t.o show that tho Austrian butcher, beUet kno\\ n by that eptthc Cha m bet· fdt. free to censure n ,.,.cat act of iujus· thnn by the na~n e of J:Iaynau _;, ~ut that distinctior tice in terms not less forcible t.bn~ j u_s t: 01 would Juwe gwen hun P0 '' and place umle " ln all the questions wb.iclt _dtvtde the world Nero. . France im·okes butjust-ico; she demands or1lY the "lltLynau put thirteen Hunga:mn peasants to t h• respect due to all rights. Can s!Je cease to ro:en ll to rack, one after the other, to l_orcc the ~l~ to tell th• Europe those of the ancien t P?ltsh nation, t~lld t he truth COII~rnin g· an appal rt.ly fOI ltfied town g uaraQtees that repented t re~ tt cs ga\·e to a fvnet·ous The/all met death- trne to t Jetr country." • people, whose mislortunc.s tul1e seems Q11 y to a g . h d tak memorandum of th.e letter of, g-ravatc?" . . I a rian j~d a who was flog ged tn a public 1 am g ra tified a ~ IJ.e'lllf able to refer to thts ex- Jlun~a n Y_' b d had committed s uicide ample of t·cpr-cscf?tnt•\'? nrtnness; and t11ough I do llquat c, a er hct hus an enter, a., a ldio• u '? t • c<>k to l_l> c :.t.pp11 11 ~ ow­ the ~ame ae those ~ss igned by the 1 ~ ' nn co\t rts ever imperious tb ~ C i t·cu ms tn n~e-~ .• Tl~ eJ. . ve. an m art.ial." ' • · · • · 1) inslincth·e a reno or pro~rcS3; Ocllc,·10 ...-ruB\ ""llaL nns I bcer_t done has l>ccn wc1l done. nod o~gut.to be done Ml'. President, there is one topic 1 desire bricJl n~mn, und thnt nothin£r else should 1>c done. to touch .. In th';! allusions 1. ha•·c seen in ma11 !r . Th i~ spirit of. :r tanding still-co~uri'Oiism , I bc­ the pnp_cr a, and w con•·crsal!ons 1 hnvo heard 6:-rc ~~ c ,·c, rs tl_te fnshronablc name fur it tn Eug lnucl , nne! respcchng this subject, the name and personAl rs brcommg so here, while both the moral nnd clarms of ~h ~ gcntle.rnnn. who h ns recently departed phyaic:ll world is p-h·ing c1·idence thnt change is upon n mtssron to A.ustrm bn••o been brou<>-bt into one of the g reat laws of nature-little becomcs n qu~t i on , :'-s though .they had_ some n cces~~y <:on­ country like ours, w hich is ad,•rmring in the career l!cxron wrlh lh ~ ob)eC~ of tlus resolutiou. I trust, ofimpro1·cmcnl, with a u nccclcrnl.{'d pncc unknown Sir. lhnl these news w1ll not bo entertained here in tJtc hi~tory of the world. S tandin;; s till! 'Yhy The messurc proposed !s wholly independent of sir, you mil!ht ns well attempt to follow Ute exam~ such personal conaidernlions; a nu had we a ro'mis­ pic of the J ewish leader a nd sa;y to the sun-. !:tnrl tcr 11l Vienna equal in charnclrr a nd e xperience to thou s till upon Gideon, ~nd U1ou, moon, in the val­ F ranklin or .l cflcrson, it ought. not to <' hangc, in Icy of Aznl~n-and expect to be obcyc~, ns t_o cx­ the sli,!!htost dcn-rce, the course of our action ~Tius pe~t that _tl!rs country would yield to tlu ~ scntuncnt proposition is of a far higher nalu•·e ll1n.n any ques­ of!mmobrhty, and stand still in that rmghty work tion of persona l qualification. JA:t not it.s import­ of1mpron~ mcnt, material nnd intcllcctun.l, which ance be affected by nny EUCh consrdt-rations. it hns been doing for· geuerntious, and will be called Dut,$ir, 1 owe it ro rho relations subsisting between upon to do for generations yet to come. . thal!?.'cntlc mnn nnd myself thus publicly to sa that lf I were calied upon to gi1·e my •·ot.c upon I;:, . Lc~ not the timid be alarmed; whore there IS free 15 1!1qu1ry there is no dan,.ar. Tber<' is n fu nd ofprnc­ nomination, divested of all questions but hi" P~ t !c~ l p-ood s_cns~, ns w~ l as a deep moral and ;c­ sonal fit uess for the oflicc, that \·ote would be ~,.;· l boy'f) lr ~ r ous fcclmg m lhc people of this country,_ wh1ch in his fa\·or. hn,·c kno":n lum since his 0 dn wrll. hold on to our institutions, noi with bhod tc­ nud mutual rcgnrd aud ln_ndncs_s have. a \ ways s~b~ nncrty, but w ith a firm resolution tom!lintain them; sisted hctwct'll us. ~ consrdcr h1m fully compete t ~nd w hi_J c wisely admiLting improvement, rcject.ing­ to c! ischnrgs the dulles of a foreign mission. andnl lmpract!cnb!o a nd dangerous projects, oficu on gr­ do him tlus net. of j ustice bcca\ISC be is absent ;'l nd nntmo- rn honest thoun-h mistn ken views. Let us l'Xp o~c d to sercrc ccnsurc, and because, as a polit'­ not fcar the pi'Ogress b of opinion. The world is cal opponent,_ I may_ thus speak of him without any probably y et very f:u from its extrCIDC point ofim. dangt·r of belllg ll11 sundcrstood. But, sir, While 1 p ~ovcme nt. Before that is reached mnny :1. proj ect a~y this, I shall s:~.y :~. ! so, nn? witli cqunl truth, tbnt w1ll be. proposed and •·cjcctcd-mnnv a n expcr i­ brs depar ture from the Umted States, on the ,·ery m~nt tncd and f.