Q:ongrcssionalRcrord United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 9 1st CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

SENATE-Monday, June 15, 1970 The Senate met at 12 noon and was authorize the Public Printer to fix the gives the program its essential character called to order by the Honorable WILLIAM subscription price of the daily CoNGRES­ and effectiveness. B. SPONG, JR., a Senator from the State SIONAL RECORD. Perhaps in no other way have the of Virginia. Amercian people made so direct a con­ The Chaplain, the Reverend Edward L. tribution to our foreign policy objectives R. Elson, D.O., offered the following REPORT ON THE INTERNATIONAL for the 1970s which I defined in my Feb­ prayer: EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL ruary ~8 message to Congress. EXCHANGE PROGRAM-MESSAGE I commend this report to the thought­ God of all power and might, the maker FROM THE PRESIDENT and ruler of men and nations, we thank ful attention of the Congress. Thee once more for all the hallowed The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ . memories and sacred sentiments which pore