Minn BUNCH" - OIL NOTES SilK Petticoats Your OF KEYS At Wallace. this county, Ihe Soutii IVnn ha* drilled it» No. 4 on the Alva $6.50 Business HOYX-S FUNNY FARCE COMEDY AP¬ iBobinsda farm 26 .s»et into the Gordon P. S. CO. and hue a Black PEARS AT THE GRAND ON light producer. and , _ colors; _ WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY. On Salem Fork, Teomih* district, thi- . a ,1^1. eounty. ine Industrial Oil Co. has made made of rich lust- / woman.you must please her taste, for a teat on the When season -mu-oo ¦ the location sdcoad following sfuge The No. rous Taffeta, / fit her meet enicrtaiumcut succeeds admirably in Girls* Industrial Home farm. form, her purse.P. S. Co. garments 1 cm"this fa nil is holding up at 95 bar The averiiKc mm wears a holding ^ood .

' We will make to .your Sam Hoovti Finds Something Bettnr SWEET MELODY FLOUR. Than Gold Mines. SaJe of Dress Goods STATE EDUCATORS Monday order a.n a.dditior\a.l WILL MEET JUNE 27-19. TlKTe is no happier man in thisl Table No. 2, whole wide world today than Sain A. On tables the entire 50c.All Suiting, brown, blue, black, next of the West Vir¬ wool scotch a Hoover, of Greensboro, N. C.. who is The meeting of the mixtures, 65c yard. They are the receiving tile congratulations of his ginia Educational Association will be length big , new plaids for tail¬ kind you pay for else¬ PAIR OF at "White June 27 20. 85c fri"nds upon his fortunate find of some-1 Sulphur Springs, dress aisle. ored , 5CC, that we where advertised as the sec¬ goods special. thing better than gold mines or oill.Superintendent Joseph Rosier, want all women in this vi¬ retary. announces that Dr. Nathan C. an Table No. 5---Albatross, wells. Mr. Hoowr in a letter to a| arrey of choice to see to be convinc extra fine friend in Clarksburg writes: Schaeflfer, Stata superintendent of Penn¬ cinity fifty cent quality, schools, will be on the Dress Goods ed that they are greatest 39c, colors ABOSIXITELY FREE "Tliree months ago I was greatly die sylvania public Spring represented by trosscd by nasal ont#rrti> ami mtine program for a lecture, and many prom¬ values in choice styles and 15, only such as are wanted inent men of at low deafness in the right ear. The labor school this State will tak;- telling prices. good colors that you'll find Ask to see the Taffeta IVitlv Suit or Ordered !! of nnd part. Svery nnwking scraping to get mvl Table No. 1, hereaboucs. Silks at 59c for Shirtwaist throat and nasal passage's free from the The program will be d.n*voted to a con¬ 65c.Neat Table No. -Plain brown sideration of rur mixed worsted 3 Suits; rich, brilliant finish; foul secretions deposited there, might be vajpnift phases of the Suiting, blue and blue Panama, with fan¬ about to that of a six mule team al school problem, and to questions bear¬ tan gieen, inches navy blue, browns greens, equal I grey, 38 silk an with 11 road-scraper to get «ie earth ing upon graded and high school work. wide; the best lot of desira¬ cy Jacquard figure, particularly, but some 20 from the road «Me to the It is expected tha.t it will be the most imported that is other colors. ftp: "Ail Suits, No Mere, centre. ble Shirtwaist at a. novelty "I purchased an out fit of nyomei and important meeting in the history of the Suitings fetching.J i .00 a 42 Printed Silk association. small this store has yard, Pongee All , No Less. Hvoinei balm, and as a result of its use) price inches wide. Suitings, in new foulETu" 115 niv bead, throat and nnsal are ever paasagea [ SWEET MELODY FLOUR. shown. Table No. 4---Panama patterns, ' nil free from secretions of any sort, on¬ 59c. ly as nature designed, and my hearing in both ears In as acute as it THE only string tied to this offer is that you must !! nearly ever| Parsons-Souders Co when was." 224-226 Main Street. ask for them ordering and we reserve our There is no disagreeable stomach do» I One Million Dollars lines style blue and black fabrics from this offer. I! ing in using nyomei; just breathe it I We do this for two reasons. 1st.To induce the trade !! and its puTe fragrance will kill the I FOR A NEW STOMACH. to order their clothes our catarrh germs in the Tiead. throat nnd SWEET MELODY FLOUR. SWEET MELODY FLOUR. SWEET MELODY FLOOR. spring early, thereby give lialm used in connec-1 Is That Mr. Rockefeller season an start and keep our tailors I! lungs. Hyomei 'It Reported early employed. tion with will cure the worst Has Offered This Mr. . Amount," Says 2-\ To close out a lot of odd we Hyomoi. of pants patterns have 1! cas. of catarrhal deafness. Sturm, of Sturm & Wilson, Our Local One Rign's Djapepai* Tablet* after BALTIMORE &. OHIO RAILROAD. -ANY- left after a busy season. You don't need to take the !! The outfit costs but $1.00.1 mating, even if you can eat but little, Mid-Winter Tours to complete Druggists. vill clothes out til you need them, but order now when we ! nnd extra Udtles are nnly 50 cents. Ask I digest Uie little you do eat, and cure WASHINGTON, D. C., can to of indigestion, dyspepsia, sour stomacn, WALL them our Sturm Si Wilson, druggists, show! "I've r -ad about Mr. Rockefeller*/ PAPER give closest attention and a ! Feb. and March very get pair the under whirfi of & Wil )e!ching and weak h»-art. Sold Thursdays, 9th 23rd. ! of pants free > you strong guarantee fer." said Mr. Sturm, Sturm by $8.25 Round From Will (satisfy some people, but yon will un¬ Stone & Mercer. eod3m. Only Trip Clarksburg i-1 they 11 ITyomei. It costs nothing *on. druggists, to our reporter, "and I On above dates predate the refined color and ar- tickets -will b? solJ stlc taste shown In our less it cures. wouldn't be surprised if it were true. for all valid "I know that hundreds of regular trains, returning Clarksburjr SWEET MELODY ten date of sale. Exclumlve Wall Paper* SWEET MELODY FLOUR. would be to with all FLOUR. days, including people willing part A beautiful and artistic "Guide to (is special Importation from tbe list If could find some they pos«<«s* they only illustrated and frirelun manufacturers. No others The Laxative ana Tar is an Washington," profusely like them Id United B"e's Honey relief from dreaded Look our K>r town. Modest as Woolen Mills and Co They, ooran, prices dyspepsia. cotigns, croup complete in detail, with convenient ref~ as over all and like John D. are too btasv well the most expensive. improvement cough, lung Rockefeller, whooping cough. They aire dangerous ierenoe map, can be obtained at all Tailors to the Masses, bronchial remedies. It acts on the |ito worry about the condition of their at t«iis season of tihc year and lead to ticket of the B. & 0. R. R. for the drives tlie cold out of tie stomach. It is said Mr. Rockefeller al¬ | agencies W. T. B. CLEMM. bowels, pneumonia or consumption. You can ten c<*nt« per copy. WALBB HOTtl 8L01K, CURKS3M6, W. »». system, cures croup, whooping cough, lowed his dyspepsia to run from bad to prevent or cure all such complaint* ARTlsT DECORATOR wards off and worse until it is now incurable. 715 Mfvrltct Strort 171 Front St pneumonia stavngtums That's with Bee's Laxat've Honey and Tar. 207 West Pike W Tine's Laxative and SWEET SU Opposite the Walk¬ Ptvrkersbvjrn Vd Nurietta, O the lungs. Honey just what will happen to some of our an improvement over ail cough, lung and MELODY FLOUR. er TUouse. feblO ltf Tar is the bent ecmgh syrup for child¬ fallow townsman if they d I IH ren. Tastes good. For sale by Stone ter their trouble now. Tnf them than Your Funds at By Associated Press. all other dyspepsia cures combine*!." THE TKRRE HAUTE. Ind.. Feb. 18-Bc- "Do come back?*' was FOR you havp many ? THE WEEK THE FARMERS BANK cnuse an officer ord -r.-d Bob FiUsimmons asked Mr. Sturm. "Xo le>-s than onei Newest Ones. OF CLARKSBUR-G. to stop mistreating his p.-t lion, the third <»f one per cent., that't pr«>of that BT- B pugilist offered to fight and was later | they're good. Why do we guarantee VERY LATEST COPY. ; n-rested but discharged Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets and not othr-ro Depository of the Stats of West .simply because we know what they : RIGHTS RECEIV- i; Virginia and what will Boxes Pinenles is the name ot a dis¬ are composed of they do i Safety Deposit for Rent covery put up in a new A cer¬ Confidence you may call it. but when ED THIS WEEK way. We have decided not to over tain cure for nil kidney, blood and blad¬ you 'nave sold as many cures for dys¬ carry any Ffcir Per Cent. Interest Paid on all Time Deposits. der diseases, and every form of rheu¬ pepsia as we have and see how many are failures, can understand w« matism. Pineule* relieve backache and yon why The A. J. Fletchsr President loan otir name to Rexall and endors Millionaire's Baby: A kidney pain, permanently. If you need .. Woman of the World: The Rose Chas. W. Furbbm ...Cashier es formulas. Read the testimonia' '' RAIN a LADIES COATS remedy let us show yon the won- of Old St. LoulMy Lady dise; The Prodigal Son: Wh and Th«> Seeker. I r in the gave me immediate relief. They do all Does a General Banking Business. patient Harrison County hospital, ller is claimed for them and ar-» J friend* for that ea«y* PRICE IS " mnny hope "her speedy ; ''$1.25 EACH I " Authorixed Capital - 8100,000 reeoverv. and pleasant to take."-^Csptain George DIRECTORS W. Cook, 102 Millett street. Detroit. which includes a life member¬ I LOOK FOR THE RbD BAMSER SWEET MELODY FLOUR Michigan. ship in the Tabbard Inn Lib¬ | | dr. w. m. late. g. l. duncah, from rary: OR. ff. P.OOFF C.W. LYNCH C.M.HART D. DAVIDSON Any one who i« "suffering Dy* MRS LAW QUITE ILL. pepsia or stomach trouble, loss of ap Tie Dlraitorj of this bank will be pleased to haye you become Mrs. ,T. E. Law is sick at tier or flesh, can secure a large trial We want business and will 119 of their patron*. your put hnni- on Sycamore street with la- box of Rexall Tablets for 23 firth every effirt to plte you satisfactory service Dysp*p«ia which has * tendencv to cent* from Ptnrra A- Wil«on. drugei^t* THE BAKER'S gripp>. strong COUNTY MAIL 0. Dn«o\»i Presided ward pn'-.imonia fever, which her many 'who will refund them their money if LBOOK UNDERSELLING STORE. E. D. ru*LiM, Cash11 r friends hope may be averted by the (dissatisfied. STOflE . - - Bookke r 317 W. D S HawitTOl* ^ : sp careful m»dicsl treatment that is"b-ing MAIN STdtET- 355 MAIN ST. Feb 2 tf w & d her. SWEET FLOUR. _ d given MELODY