Mission Bay Yacht Club

November/December 2019

IN THIS ISSUE: MBYC Club Championship Military Family Appreciation Day P2K Childrens Day

The starting line for the 2019 Club Championship was active. Photo by Martin Offenhauer. CCommodoreommodore CommentsComments FFlaglag OOffiffi cerscers ‘‘1919 by Bill Kenney Commodore: Bill Kenney HHereere wewe areare nnearear tthehe eendnd ofof thethe year.year. MyMy lastlast Th e BoardBoard ofof DirectorsDirectors hhasas ttakenaken a vveryery mmeasuredeasured approachapproach iinn rrollingolling ooutut tthehe ffee,ee, knowingknowing ourour Vice Commodore: Bill Sweeney aarticlerticle forfor mymy lastlast MMainstay.ainstay. WeWe havehave bbeeneen ddownown a llongong rroadoad together,together, tthroughhrough manymany reportsreports andand manymany ggalleyalley pperformanceerformance neededneeded immediateimmediate improvementimprovement Rear Commodore: Gene Ratliff e MMainstayainstay issues.issues. NowNow thethe timetime hashas comecome toto ttoo wwarrantarrant tthehe aadditionaldditional ccostsosts ttoo oourur Secretary/Treasurer: Jim Day bbringring iitt aallll ttoo a cclose.lose. mmembership.embership. InIn preparation,preparation, wwee hhaveave Fleets Captain: Steve Cooper Th isis year’syear’s BBoardoard ofof DirectorsDirectors hhadad hhiredired a newnew chefchef andand supportingsupporting sstafftaff . WeWe Port Captain: Chuck Weber sseveraleveral ggoalsoals ttoo aaccomplish.ccomplish. OneOne waswas toto hhaveave rrefiefi nedned thethe jobjob descriptiondescription ooff tthehe cchefhef Jr. Staff Commodore: Jeneé Gillam-Ray aaddressddress ourour impactedimpacted storage,storage, andand tthehe ttoo bbee mmoreore pperformanceerformance oriented,oriented, aandnd wwee ootherther waswas toto ttryry aandnd bboostoost mmembershipembership hhaveave sstrengthenedtrengthened ourour menumenu requirementsrequirements Board of Directors Meetings: Second Wed. of every month, 7PM, Main Clubhouse pparticipationarticipation atat thethe club.Thclub.Th e fi rstrst goalgoal toto wwhilehile sstilltill allowingallowing fforor cculinaryulinary eexpression.xpression. aachievechieve waswas toto rreinforceeinforce oourur UnderwayUnderway IInn thethe future,future, wwee sshouldhould expectexpect moremore PPolicy.olicy. ssubtleubtle changes,changes, likelike expandedexpanded operatingoperating CClubhouselubhouse Th isis policypolicy hashas alwaysalways beenbeen onon tthehe hhoursours forfor example.example. Club Manager: Jason Proctor bbooksooks bbutut hadhad beenbeen lacklusterlylacklusterly supportedsupported tthroughouthroughout HHowow muchmuch isis thethe fee,fee, whenwhen willwill itit begin,begin, andand Chef: Javier Rubio tthehe years.years. Th e result:result: manymany unusedunused boatsboats languishinglanguishing wwhoho iiss rrequiredequired ttoo ppay?ay? YYourour BBoardoard ooff DirectorsDirectors hhasas iinn oourur wetwet andand drydry storage.storage. TToo cchangehange tthis,his, wwee bbeganegan wworkedorked hardhard atat fi nndingding thethe bestbest solution.solution. Th e ffeeee Offi ce/Membership: Amy Jolley wwithith eembracingmbracing tthehe ssimpleimple pphilosophyhilosophy tthathat MMBYCBYC wwillill bbee $$300.00300.00 perper year,year, startingstarting iinn JJanuaryanuary ooff 22020,020, Receptionist: Caitlin Bartley iiss notnot a storagestorage ffacility.acility. MMBYCBYC iiss a yachtyacht cclublub tthathat aandnd wwillill bbee sseeneen aass a rrunningunning ttotalotal oonn yyourour mmonthlyonthly Accountant: Langman eenablesnables ourour membersmembers toto eexperiencexperience theirtheir boatingboating craftcraft sstatement.tatement. Th isis equatesequates ttoo $$25.0025.00 pperer mmonthonth fforor yyourour aandnd yyachtingachting llifestyle.ifestyle. YYourour ffaithfulaithful PPortort CCaptain,aptain, ttypicalypical member.member. EachEach membermember willwill sseeee a rrunningunning MMainstayainstay CChuckhuck Weber,Weber, spearheadedspearheaded tthehe eeffff ortort toto reinforcereinforce tthehe ttotalotal oonn ttheirheir mmonthlyonthly sstatement.tatement. HHowow ttoo ppayay tthehe UUnderwaynderway PolicyPolicy byby institutinginstituting ccheckshecks aandnd ddeadlines.eadlines. mminimuminimum isis upup toto eeachach individualindividual mmember,ember, butbut onlyonly Editor: Bill Kenney AAlmostlmost eeveryvery singlesingle vesselvessel qualifiqualifi ed.ed. Th isis resultedresulted inin ppurchasesurchases fromfrom thethe BarBar oorr tthehe GGalleyalley wwillill aapply.pply. IfIf Calendar: Darnelle Hopps aann ooverallverall ccomplianceompliance raterate ooff 997%7% fforor aallll mmodesodes ooff cchargingharging ttoo a mmemberember aaccount,ccount, nothingnothing moremore needsneeds toto Support Staff : Doug Swenson, sstorage.torage. bbee done.done. HHowever,owever, iiff a membermember isis payingpaying cashcash oror withwith Greg Brown WWee cancan nnowow hhaveave cconfionfi ddenceence thatthat anyany vesselvessel onon a creditcredit card,card, ssimplyimply ggiveive a mmemberember nnameame oorr mmemberember MMBYCBYC propertyproperty iiss aactivective andand beingbeing usedused onon a yyearlyearly nnumberumber ttoo tthehe MMBYCBYC sstafftaff takingtaking youryour orderorder toto hhaveave Deadline for publication: 15th of the month bbasisasis atat least.least. Th e policypolicy alsoalso pressurespressures tthosehose unusedunused tthehe purchasepurchase applyapply towardstowards thethe minimum.minimum. email [email protected] vvesselsessels toto movemove on,on, makingmaking roomroom forfor ourour ever-growingever-growing AAllll mmembershipembership llevelsevels willwill bbee rresponsibleesponsible forfor thethe wwaitingaiting listlist forfor ppeopleeople aandnd ffamiliesamilies hhopingoping ttoo bbee aactivective FFoodood aandnd BBeverageeverage mminimum,inimum, wwithith tthehe eexceptionsxceptions ooff HHoursours bboatingoating mmembers.embers. Th isis policypolicy subtlysubtly helpshelps toto mmeeteet tthehe SSandpipers,andpipers, Juniors,Juniors, Honorary,Honorary, aandnd ActiveActive MilitaryMilitary ssecondecond goalgoal ooff iincreasingncreasing pparticipation.articipation. mmembers.embers. AnyAny questionsquestions oorr cconcernsoncerns sshouldhould bebe OOffiffi ce:ce: Th e secondsecond goalgoal toto iincreasencrease mmemberember pparticipationarticipation ddirectedirected ttoo tthehe BBoardoard ofof DirectorsDirectors oorr tthehe GGeneraleneral Monday-Thursday: 8:00AM - 5:00PM wwillill bbee hhelpedelped bbyy aanothernother nnewlyewly eenactednacted ppolicy.olicy. EEarlierarlier MManager.anager. Th i iss isis a bigbig changechange forfor oourur mmembers,embers, butbut Friday: 8:00AM - 9:00PM tthishis year,year, youryour BoardBoard ofof DirectorsDirectors votedvoted toto approveapprove wwee kknownow itit isis thethe rightright decision.decision. ComeCome onon downdown toto Saturday & Sunday: 8:00AM - 5:00PM tthehe creationcreation ooff a FFoodood aandnd BBeverageeverage mminimuminimum fforor tthehe tthehe ClubClub onceonce a monthmonth andand havehave lunchlunch oror ddinner,inner, oorr MMissionission BBayay YYachtacht CClublub mmembership.embership. Th i iss iissuessue hhasas bbuyuy a fewfew beveragesbeverages aatt tthehe bbar.ar. YYou’llou’ll eenjoynjoy youryour ClubClub a GGalley:alley: bbeeneen ddiscussediscussed manymany timestimes overover manymany years,years, aandnd nnowow llittleittle bbitit more,more, andand tthehe mminimuminimum willwill bbee mmetet eeasilyasily andand Friday: Full Service 6:00PM - 8:30PM yyourour BoardBoard feelsfeels thethe timetime isis rightright toto makemake itit happen.happen. wwillill ssupportupport yyourour ggalley,alley, iincreasencrease thethe foodfood quality,quality, andand AAss youyou know,know, thethe GalleyGalley isis notnot a typicaltypical mmaintainaintain a moremore cconsistentonsistent cculinaryulinary eexperience.xperience. Saturday: Breakfast, Lunch & Bayside Grill Dinner rrestaurant.estaurant. Th e hourshours ofof operationoperation ddoo nnotot iincludenclude aallll I nneedeed ttoo tthankhank aallll ooff tthehe ccurrenturrent BBoardoard mmembersembers mmealseals everyevery dayday ofof thethe week,week, andand usuallyusually caterscaters toto whenwhen fforor ttheirheir iincrediblencredible volunteervolunteer effeff ortsorts ooverver tthehe ppastast year.year. Sunday: Breakfast & Lunch ttherehere willwill bbee tthehe mmostost activityactivity atat thethe ClubClub toto supportsupport iitsts EEveryoneveryone hhasas ddoneone a ggreatreat jjob,ob, aandnd I ccouldould notnot bebe moremore BBar:ar: ooperation.peration. Th i iss mmakesakes a vveryery ddiffiiffi ccultult bbudgetudget situationsituation pproudroud andand hhonoredonored ttoo hhaveave sservederved wwithith tthem.hem. SSpecialpecial Friday: 5:00PM - 10:00PM fforor tthehe ggalley.alley. tthankshanks ttoo tthehe mmembershipembership asas wellwell forfor allall thethe supportsupport Saturday: Noon - 10:00PM MManyany ooff yyouou mmayay aalreadylready kknownow tthehe ggalleyalley tthathat hashas beenbeen givengiven toto tthishis BoardBoard ofof Directors.Directors. ServingServing Sunday: 1:00PM - 8:00PM ooperatesperates aatt a lloss,oss, somesome yearsyears inin thethe tenstens ooff thousandsthousands aass yyourour CommodoreCommodore hhasas bbeeneen a wwonderfulonderful pprivilege,rivilege, ooff lostlost dollars.dollars. Th e bbarar ddoesoes ooffff setset thesethese losseslosses toto a aandnd I aamm ssoo ppleasedleased ttoo hhaveave bbeeneen aableble toto ggiveive bbackack toto a ccertainertain degree,degree, butbut thethe instabilityinstability ofof galleygalley revenuerevenue pplacelace thatthat bringsbrings soso muchmuch intointo mmyy llife.ife. OOurur MMissionission hhasas hamperedhampered thethe abilityability toto createcreate a satisfyingsatisfying diningdining LLastly,astly, thisthis isis mymy fi nalnal issueissue asas editoreditor ooff tthehe eexperiencexperience atat a reasonablereasonable cost.cost. MMainstay.ainstay. I havehave enjoyedenjoyed servingserving asas youryour editoreditor ooverver MBYC exists to perpetuate A quickquick llookook atat allall thethe manymany diffdiff erenterent typestypes ofof tthesehese pastpast 4 yearsyears andand I wantwant toto tthankhank eeveryoneveryone Corinthian ssocialocial clubsclubs aaroundround sshowshows tthathat a FFoodood aandnd BBeverageeverage iinvolvednvolved fforor ttheirheir ssupport.upport. BBeingeing youryour editoreditor hashas mminimuminimum isis thethe industryindustry standard.standard. Th i iss providesprovides thethe aallowedllowed meme toto useuse mymy professionalprofessional skillsskills toto bringbring anan & the Sportsmanship kkitchenitchen oorr ggalleyalley wwithith a kknownnown rrevenue,evenue, aandnd sstronglytrongly eenjoyablenjoyable readingreading experience,experience, andand I amam tthankfulhankful forfor & Fellowship Incident Thereto. ssupportsupports tthehe vviabilityiability ofof thethe operation.operation. ForFor manymany tthehe opportunity.opportunity. www.mbyc.org / 858-488-0501 yyearsears tthehe aadditionddition ooff a mminimuminimum hhasas bbeeneen ddebatedebated aatt IInn closing,closing, I wishwish everyoneeveryone a happyhappy holidayholiday MMBYC,BYC, andand nnowow wwee aarere mmakingaking iitt a rreality.eality. sseason,eason, andand a happyhappy NNewew YYear!ear! SSeeee yyouou atat thethe Club!Club!

2 VViceice CommodoreCommodore CommentsComments by Bill Sweeney WWelcomeelcome toto a ddiffiff erenterent kindkind ofof mmaintainingaintaining oourur househouse andand ggrounds.rounds. AAllll ooff usus cancan mmakeake a hhugeuge ddiffiff eerencerence bbyy bbeingeing a bbitit bbusyusy timetime ofof thethe year.year. AAss ooff tthishis wwriting,riting, MMotherother NatureNature ccontinuesontinues toto cchallengehallenge mmoreore cconscientiousonscientious ofof howhow muchmuch waterwater isis beingbeing tthehe clubclub isis preparingpreparing fforor oonene ooff tthehe bbestest oourur aabilitybility toto sstaytay a ffewew sstepsteps aahead.head. uusedsed oror wwastedasted wwhilehile wwashingashing tthehe ssaltalt ooffff oourur bboats.oats. eeventsvents ooff thethe year.year. EEachach yyearear MMBYCBYC Th e birdsbirds seemseem committedcommitted toto mmakingaking EEveryvery littlelittle bbitit counts.counts. wwelcomeselcomes locallocal FFosteroster KKidsids andand ttheirheir ssureure wewe areare aawareware ooff ttheirheir ppresence.resence. IItt seemsseems likelike KenKen WildWild isis busybusy improvingimproving ourour ssponsorsponsors fforor a ffantasticantastic ddayay ooff bbeacheach TTrustrust meme itit isis moremore tthanhan a ffull-timeull-time bbeacheach aarearea eeachach mmonth.onth. KKen’sen’s mmostost rrecentecent eeffff ortort oror aactivities,ctivities, foodfood andand adventuresadventures onon tthehe jjobob cleaningcleaning uupp aaftft eerr ttheirheir cconstantonstant ccampaignampaign iiss ttoo rreplaceeplace tthehe ooldld andand ttiredired BBBQs.BQs. HHee wwater.ater. IIff ppastast yearsyears areare aanyny ttruerue mmeasure,easure, ggenerousenerous deposits.deposits. ManyMany ofof thethe ongoingongoing wwasas ableable toto raiseraise enoughenough capitalcapital fromfrom individualindividual tthishis willwill bbee rrememberedemembered aass yyetet aanothernother ffantasticantastic mmaintenanceaintenance issuesissues aroundaround thethe clubclub eeitherither havehave mmemberember donationsdonations ttoo ppurchaseurchase tthehe nnewew industrialindustrial eeventvent thatthat wewe supportsupport fforor oourur llocalocal ccommunity.ommunity. bbeeneen oorr aarere bbeingeing aaddressedddressed aass qquicklyuickly aass ppossibleossible sstrengthtrength BBBQs.BQs. I understandunderstand thethe campaigncampaign mmayay TTalkalk aboutabout “feel“feel -good”-good” event!event! Th ankank yyouou toto aallll tthehe wwhilehile kkeepingeeping a kkeeneen eeyeye oonn fi sscalcal eexpensexpense bbudgets.udgets. sstilltill bebe lookinglooking forfor additionaladditional donations.donations. PPleaselease cclublub membersmembers thatthat supportedsupported tthishis iimportantmportant eevent.vent. NNothingothing iiss beingbeing neglectedneglected asas allall projectsprojects areare beingbeing ccheckheck withwith tthehe ooffiffi cece oror withwith KKenen ifif youyou areare HHopefullyopefully yyouou hhaveave bbeeneen aableble toto eexperiencexperience pprioritizedrioritized bbasedased onon ssafetyafety aandnd uutilization.tilization. PPleaselease iinterested.nterested. ssomeome ooff oourur nnewew CChefhef TTim’sim’s cculinaryulinary eexpertise.xpertise. lletet thethe frontfront ooffiffi ccee knowknow ifif therethere areare thingsthings needingneeding FFallall qquicklyuickly turnsturns intointo winterwinter aandnd tthehe daysdays Th e menusmenus havehave beenbeen re-invented.re-invented. Th e foodfood itemsitems iimmediatemmediate attentionattention aandnd wwee wwillill ddoo oourur bbestest ttoo ggetet aarere rrapidlyapidly gettinggetting shorter.shorter. Th ereere areare sstilltill mmanyany oonn FFridayriday nnightight ddinnersinners areare ffreshresh andand new.new. AllAll ofof usus iitt hhandled.andled. aactivitiesctivities atat thethe clubclub thatthat wewe cancan aallll pparticipate.articipate. wwelcomeelcome youryour feedbackfeedback asas thethe improvementsimprovements inin thethe WWaterater uutilizationtilization rremainsemains hheavy.eavy. CClearlylearly tthehe AAftft eerr sschoolchool ,sailing, adultadult sailingsailing classes,classes, wweekendeekend ggalleyalley havehave beenbeen donedone fforor yyou.ou. LetLet usus knowknow whatwhat bbiggestiggest waterwater useuse isis washingwashing boatsboats inin washwash downdown rregattas,egattas, HHolidayoliday eevents,vents, MMondayonday NNightight FFootball,ootball, yyouou tthink.hink. aarearea aass wwellell aass iinn sslips.lips. PPleaselease bbee ssensitiveensitive toto hhowow FFridayriday nnightight ddinners,inners, etc.etc. CComeome oonn ddownown ttoo tthehe JJasonason aandnd hhisis sstafftaff continuecontinue toto focusfocus onon mmuchuch waterwater yyouou areare usingusing wwhenhen wwashingashing yyourour boat.boat. cclub.lub. EEnjoynjoy wwhathat wwee hhave.ave. IItt iiss yyours.ours.

PPortort CaptainCaptain RReporteport by Chuck Weber AAss wewe windwind ddownown tthehe yearyear 22019,019, I wantwant toto lleaveeave yyouou withwith a hhasas been,been, veryvery muchmuch appreciatedappreciated aandnd iinstrumentalnstrumental iinn aachievingchieving ffewew timelytimely andand importantimportant rreminders.eminders. tthishis goal.goal. WeWe havehave seenseen severalseveral unused,unused, unwantedunwanted oror nneglectedeglected PPayay attentionattention ttoo yyourour DDMVMV RRenewalenewal NNoticeotice fforor VVesselessel bboatsoats eithereither leaveleave thethe clubclub oror undergoundergo requiredrequired maintenancemaintenance andand RRegistration.egistration. Th e BiennialBiennial VVesselessel RRenewalenewal FFeeee iiss $$20.20. YYouou ddoo rrepairsepairs andand wewe havehave beenbeen ableable toto assignassign spacespace toto membersmembers onon oourur nnotot havehave toto ppayay thethe additionaladditional $$1616 QQuaggauagga andand ZZebraebra MMusselussel wwaitingaiting llists.ists. IInfestationnfestation PPreventionrevention ffeeee iiff yyouou uusese yyourour vvesselessel eexclusivelyxclusively iinn OOptionsptions aarere aavailablevailable iiff youyou wishwish toto ddisposeispose ooff anan mmarinearine waters.waters. UUponpon rrenewal,enewal, ppleaselease promptlypromptly forwardforward a ccopyopy ofof uunwantednwanted bboat.oat. CConsideronsider ddonatingonating yyourour bboat,oat, rreceivingeceiving a ttaxax yyourour 20212021 VesselVessel RegistrationRegistration ttoo tthehe CClublub ooffiffi ce.ce. ddeductioneduction ((withwith rreceipt),eceipt), andand supportingsupporting tthehe SSanan DDiegoiego OceansOceans FFireire StationStation 221,1, locatedlocated oonn tthehe NNWW ccornerorner ooff MissionMission Blvd.Blvd. FFoundation.oundation. PPleaselease ccontactontact RichardRichard SSheppardheppard atat 858-488-8697858-488-8697 aandnd GGrandrand AAvenue,venue, wwillill aacceptccept aandnd pproperlyroperly ddisposeispose ooff yyourour eexpiredxpired fl ares.ares. oorr [email protected],[email protected], toto arrangearrange forfor ppickick upup byby a SanSan DDiegoiego OceansOceans IInn orderorder ttoo mmeeteet tthehe requirementrequirement fforor ppyrotechnicyrotechnic vvisualisual ddistressistress ssignals,ignals, tthehe FFoundationoundation rrepresentativeepresentative oorr ttoo oobtainbtain aadditionaldditional information.information. eexpirationxpiration ddateate mmustust nnotot hhaveave eexpired.xpired. IIff yyouou hhaveave a ccollectionollection ooff eexpiredxpired I wouldwould likelike toto eendnd thethe yearyear byby expressingexpressing mymy gratitudegratitude toto yyouou fforor fl aares,res, cconsideronsider droppingdropping byby thethe FireFire Station.Station. aallowingllowing mmee ttoo sserveerve tthehe CClublub aass yyourour PPortort CCaptainaptain fforor 22019.019. I hhaveave eenjoyednjoyed AAss ofof JanuaryJanuary 11,, 22020.020. A CaliforniaCalifornia BBoateroater CardCard issuedissued byby thethe CaliforniaCalifornia aandnd aappreciatedppreciated bbothoth tthehe ppositiveositive ffeedbackeedback andand thethe commentscomments relatingrelating toto SStatetate ParksParks DivisionDivision ofof BoatingBoating andand WaterwaysWaterways (DBW)(DBW) isis requiredrequired forfor ““improvementimprovement opportunities”.opportunities”. I wwouldould llikeike ttoo rrecognizeecognize tthehe ttremendousremendous iindividualsndividuals aagege 3355 oror yyounger,ounger, operatingoperating a motorizedmotorized vvessel.essel. VesselVessel operatorsoperators eeffff orts,orts, tthehe timetime commitmentcommitment andand supportsupport ooff BillBill BBlack,lack, AAssistantssistant PPortort mmustust carrycarry tthehe ccardard oonn bboardoard tthehe vvesselessel aandnd hhaveave iitt aavailablevailable forfor inspectioninspection CCaptain,aptain, MarcMarc Umemoto,Umemoto, AssistantAssistant PortPort CaptainCaptain forfor DryDry Storage,Storage, PPaulaul bbyy anan enforcementenforcement ooffiffi cer.cer. NotNot carryingcarrying yyourour CCaliforniaalifornia BBoateroater CardCard whenwhen CCulkin,ulkin, AssistantAssistant PortPort CaptainCaptain forfor SabotSabot Storage,Storage, PPhilhil Taylor,Taylor, AAssistantssistant iitt isis requiredrequired cancan rresultesult iinn a fi ne.ne. Th e SanSan DDiegoiego LifeguardsLifeguards onon MissionMission BayBay PPortort CCaptain,aptain, Bikes,Bikes, KKayaks&ayaks& LLockers,ockers, MMarkark LLangman,angman, oourur vveryery ppatientatient aarere eenforcingnforcing tthishis rrequirement.equirement. BBoatUSoatUS offoff eersrs a freefree onlineonline ccourseourse andand testtest aandnd aaccommodatingccommodating aaccountant,ccountant, ourour outstandingoutstanding offioffi cece staffstaff , ourour clubclub aandnd tthehe oone-timene-time ccostost ofof thethe cardcard iiss $$10.10. mmanagement,anagement, andand ourour overwhelminglyoverwhelmingly supportivesupportive 22019019 BBoardoard ofof Directors.Directors. MMBYCBYC UnderwayUnderway PolicyPolicy requiresrequires tthathat boatsboats inin wetwet slipsslips oror drydry storagestorage I wouldwould bebe remissremiss ifif I failedfailed toto rrecognizeecognize thethe extraordinaryextraordinary llevelevel ooff bbothoth bbee activelyactively engagedengaged inin yachtingyachting aactivitiesctivities andand bbee ccapableapable ofof gettinggetting underwayunderway ssupportupport aandnd ppatience,atience, throughoutthroughout thethe year,year, ffromrom mmyy llovelyovely wwife,ife, LLauren.auren. aandnd pperformingerforming uunderwaynderway activitiesactivities appropriateappropriate ttoo ccomparableomparable bboats.oats. Th isis BBestest forfor thethe holidaysholidays andand 2020.2020. ppolicyolicy waswas implementedimplemented inin JanuaryJanuary 20192019 andand appliedapplied toto approximatelyapproximately 770000 bboatsoats locatedlocated iinn bbothoth wwetet aandnd ddryry sstoragetorage aareas.reas. WWhilehile nnotot eeveryvery mmemberember mmetet tthehe publishedpublished deadlines,deadlines, I amam pleasedpleased toto reportreport that,that, asas ofof thisthis date,date, wewe havehave ddocumentedocumented andand rrecordedecorded 997%7% ccompliance.ompliance. Th e supportsupport ooff vvesselessel oowners,wners, aandnd tthehe aassistancessistance fromfrom oourur fl eeteet captains,captains, oourur managementmanagement andand ooffiffi cece staffstaff

3 FFleet’sleet’s CCaptainaptain RReporteport by Steve Cooper AAss wewe movemove intointo thethe holidayholiday season,season, it’sit’s a kkeptept thethe qualityquality ooff tthehe cclublub ssailingailing aactivitiesctivities aatt aarere two-daytwo-day club-sponsoredclub-sponsored regattas,regattas, openopen toto allall ggreatreat timetime toto reflrefl ectect andand givegive thanksthanks tthehe hhighestighest llevel.evel. Th i iss couldn’tcouldn’t happenhappen fl eeets,ets, ssailedailed iinn tthehe bbay.ay. WeWe alsoalso havehave SundaySunday bbayay fforor tthehe manymany wonderfulwonderful thingsthings inin ourour wwithoutithout tthehe amazingamazing ccommitmentommitment ofof rracingacing iinn bbothoth NNovemberovember aandnd DDecember.ecember. llives.ives. Th isis isis alsoalso thethe timetime ofof yearyear forfor mmanyany cclublub mmembers,embers, iincludingncluding fl eeteet NNextext year’syear’s calendarcalendar iiss nnearlyearly complete,complete, andand pplanninglanning aandnd cchangeshanges thatthat willwill mmakeake ccaptains,aptains, racerace committees,committees, PROs,PROs, wwee hhaveave a fullfull yearyear ofof greatgreat sailingsailing plannedplanned forfor 22020020 anotheranother ffantasticantastic year.year. bboardoard mmembers,embers, staffstaff c commodoresommodores 22020.020. Th e fi rrstst racerace inin thethe newnew yearyear isis onon JanuaryJanuary Th e clubclub willwill ssoonoon bbee eelectinglecting a aandnd mmanyany oothers.thers. Th aanknk yyou.ou. YourYour 11stst – commonlycommonly knownknown asas thethe HangoverHangover Regatta.Regatta. nnewew boardboard ofof directorsdirectors aandnd mmanyany ooff eeffff ortsorts aarere wwhathat ddefiefi nene MBYCMBYC asas a Th e yearyear wwillill ccontinueontinue wwithith bbayay rraces,aces, individualindividual uuss wwillill bbee cchanginghanging rroles.oles. II’ve’ve sservederved ppremierremier club.club. fl eeetet regattas,regattas, multi-flmulti-fl eeetet regattas,regattas, TTNTs,NTs, ssingle-ingle- aass FleetsFleets CaptainCaptain forfor twotwo yearsyears now,now, andand amam SSailingailing aactivitiesctivities ccontinueontinue yyearear rround.ound. InIn hhandedanded racesraces andand eveneven a MothMoth racingracing sseries.eries. ItIt tthankfulhankful forfor thethe opportunityopportunity toto workwork withwith aallll thethe NNovemberovember wewe havehave thethe TurkeyTurkey Regatta,Regatta, andand iinn sshouldhould bebe anotheranother greatgreat year.year. fl eeteet captains.captains. We’veWe’ve overcomeovercome challengeschallenges andand DDecemberecember withwith hhaveave tthehe HHotot RRumum Regatta.Regatta. BBothoth SSeeee youyou atat thethe clubclub andand outout onon tthehe water.water.

RRearear CCommodoreommodore CommentsComments by Gene Ratliffe I wouldwould likelike toto ppointoint ooutut aandnd ssayay mmainain clubhouseclubhouse providingproviding fi llteredtered VVolunteerolunteer eeffff oortsrts aandnd pprojectsrojects llikeike tthesehese areare tthankhank youyou toto aallll involvedinvolved fforor ccompletingompleting wwater.ater. RRememberemember toto bbringring yyourour mmakingaking a ddiffiff eerence!rence! ssomeome ggreatreat projectsprojects aaroundround tthehe club;club; rrefiefi lllablelable waterwater bottle!bottle! FForor longlong termterm pprojectroject pplanning,lanning, wwee aarere aalreadylready • A nnewew fl agag halyardhalyard aandnd windwind • A nnewew CChefhef - TTimothyimothy AAngelngel tturningurning oourur attentionattention ttoo tthehe mmainain cclubhouselubhouse vvaneane oonn tthehe BBodreroodrero bbuilding.uilding. jjoinsoins tthehe MBYCMBYC familyfamily soso it'sit's timetime rrenovationenovation tthathat iiss sscheduledcheduled fforor 22021-2022.021-2022. Th e • A nnewew sslidelide aandnd ppicnicicnic ttablesables ttoo ggoo ttoo tthehe cclublub aandnd eenjoynjoy a mmeal,eal, bboardoard aandnd thethe SiteSite PlanningPlanning CommitteeCommittee hhaveave fforor tthehe bbeacheach area.area. FundraisingFundraising eespeciallyspecially ifif youyou haven'thaven't beenbeen inin a while!while! aalreadylready hhadad a kkickick ooffff mmeetingeeting asas wewe areare determineddetermined iiss underwayunderway forfor nnewew bbarbecuesarbecues • WWe'ree're nearlynearly completecomplete onon a ttoo ddoo thethe workwork requiredrequired ttoo ggetet a goodgood rresultesult oonn a ttoo!oo! rrackack ddesignesign toto hhelpelp tthehe /sunfilaser/sunfi sshh rreasonableeasonable budget.budget. • A newnew drinkingdrinking waterwater ffountainountain atat thethe fl eeetsets fi t moremore bboatsoats iinn tthehe ddryry llot.ot. SSeeee youyou onon thethe water!water!

A er Hours Security

HaveHave an Emergency? Need Assistance? CallCall our security guard! EmergenciesEmEm only please. AlisonA K. Wilson, Realtor® 858- 232-3117 | CalRE#02048615 858.232.3566 | [email protected] MBYC Member

Rancho Santa Fe Office Susan Roth 16083 San Dieguito Rd, Suite F1 Branch Manager, VP P O Box 675923 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 [email protected] 858.521.7651 direct 818.521.7640 customer svc 858.756.5204 fax 800.872.2657 toll free usbank.com

4 & Annual Meeting Please join us to celebrate the installation of 2019 Commodore William Sweeney Saturday, December 7th 2019 Live Music from 6:00 - 8:00 PM Cocktails & Hors D’oeuvres 6:00 PM Menu Poached Pear & Bleu Cheese Salad Pomegranate | Poached Pear | Bleu Cheese | Candied Walnuts | Pomegranate Vinaigrette

Duet Dinner Parsley Orange Pecan Crusted Rack of Lamb | Baby Leaf Spinach | Port Wine Demi-Glace & Sixty South Antartic Salmon | Shitake Wild Mushroom Risotto | Carrot Beurre Blanc

Dessert Strawberry Cheese Cake Tart RSVP: [email protected] or 858 488 0501

5 RC RRCC NNewsews by Martin Offenhauer AAss I writewrite this,this, mymy lastlast MainstayMainstay article,article, I amam bbeeneen aamazedmazed aatt tthehe tthehe 20202020 RaceRace CommitteeCommittee cchair.hair. rreflectingeflecting onon mymy yearyear asas youryour RaceRace CommitteeCommittee eextentxtent ooff ttheirheir ssailingailing AAss thethe 20192019 comescomes toto aann eend,nd, wwee sstilltill hhaveave CChairman.hairman. IItt hashas beenbeen oneone ooff tthehe bbestest yyearsears aatt aandnd rracingacing kknowledgenowledge ssomeome rracesaces toto ssail.ail. TheThe JuniorJunior CommodoreCommodore MMBYCBYC andand I hhaveave mmanyany ppeopleeople toto thankthank forfor aandnd eexperience.xperience. I hhaveave RRegattaegatta wwillill bbee hheldeld oonn NNovemberovember 2 aandnd 3 tthat.hat. WithoutWithout thethe supportsupport ofof mymy fellowfellow boardboard llearnedearned hhowow ddifficultifficult wwithith tthehe JJuniorsuniors pprovidingroviding rraceace committee.committee. mmembers,embers, thethe fleetfleet captainscaptains aandnd ffleetleet mmembers,embers, aandnd rrewardingewarding iitt TThehe annualannual TurkeyTurkey RegattaRegatta willwill bbee ccontestedontested tthehe PROs,PROs, thethe staffstaff commodores,commodores, tthehe sscorers,corers, ccanan bebe toto bebe partpart ooff oonn NNovemberovember 1166 andand 1177 withwith SSnipesnipes aandnd LLidosidos aandnd aallll tthehe mmembersembers aandnd sstafftaff ooff MMBYCBYC iitt a boardboard ooff directorsdirectors fforor rraceace committee.committee. AAndnd tthehe lastlast rracesaces ofof thethe wwouldould havehave beenbeen veryvery difficultdifficult indeed.indeed. I wouldwould rresponsibleesponsible forfor runningrunning yyear,ear, tthehe HHotot RRum,um, wwillill bbee ssailedailed oonn DDecemberecember eespeciallyspecially likelike toto tthankhank NNickick MMastersasters fforor aallll aann oorganizationrganization wwithith rresponsibilitiesesponsibilities toto bbothoth 1144 andand 1155 wwithith LLidosidos aandnd LLightingsightings fforor rraceace hhisis workwork inin keepingkeeping ourour boatsboats andand facilitiesfacilities mmembersembers andand eemployees.mployees. WWee hhaveave aaddressedddressed ccommittee.ommittee. IInn bbetweenetween ttherehere iiss a bbayay rraceace ooperational.perational. ssomeome cchallenginghallenging iissuesssues thisthis yearyear aandnd I hhopeope oonn NNovemberovember 1100 aandnd a sshorthort ccourseourse racerace onon TThehe yearyear hhasas bbeeneen ffullull ooff surprisessurprises aandnd tthathat I havehave representedrepresented tthehe mmembershipembership wwell.ell. I DDecemberecember 1.1. wwonderfulonderful eexperiences.xperiences. I havehave metmet manymany peoplepeople wwillill continuecontinue ttoo pparticipatearticipate iinn rraceace ccommitteeommittee TThankshanks ttoo eeveryoneveryone fforor a ggreatreat yyear.ear. SSeeee iinn tthehe clubclub whowho I nneverever kknewnew bbeforeefore aandnd hhaveave nnextext yearyear andand offeroffer whateverwhatever assistanceassistance I cancan toto yyouou atat thethe club.club.

SSecretaryecretary TreasurerTreasurer ReportReport by Jim Day OOurur FinancesFinances areare inin goodgood shapeshape yearyear toto datedate FFosteroster KKidsids Day,Day, WheelchairWheelchair Regatta,Regatta, MondayMonday ffallsalls intointo tthehe wwaterater oonn tthehe bbackack ddockock aandnd iiff nnoo aandnd wwee eexpectxpect tthathat ttoo ccontinueontinue tthroughhrough NNightight FootballFootball andand manymany more.more. Th iiss oonene isis aroundaround itit cancan bebe veryvery scary,scary, dangerousdangerous yyearear eend.nd. kkindind ooff pparticipationarticipation sshouldhould mmakeake uuss aallll aandnd hhardard ttoo ggetet bbackack oonn tthehe ddock.ock. SSoo kkeepeep OOnene ooff tthehe ggreatreat tthingshings aaboutbout pproudroud ooff ourour club.club. yyourour eyeseyes andand earsears openopen iiff ssomeoneomeone iiss iinn nneedeed MMBYCBYC isis ourour volunteers.volunteers. I joinedjoined FForor tthosehose wwhoho hhaven’taven’t hhadad a cchancehance ooff help.help. AAlsolso kknownow tthathat aatt tthehe eendnd ooff mmanyany ooff MMBYCBYC aaboutbout 2200 yyearsears aagogo aandnd eeveryvery ttoo vvolunteerolunteer kkeepeep yyourour eeyesyes oopenpen fforor ddockock fi ngersngers therethere isis anan aluminumaluminum ladderladder toto aaidid yyearear volunteersvolunteers hhaveave ssteppedtepped uupp ssomethingomething tthathat iinterestsnterests yyouou aandnd yyouou iinn gettinggetting bbackack onon tthehe ddock.ock. SSometimesometimes peoplepeople wwithoutithout hhesitation,esitation, wwhetherhether iitt bbee a wwillill nnotot rregretegret gettinggetting iinvolved.nvolved. YYouou fforgetorget aaboutbout tthehe lladdersadders aandnd sstruggletruggle ttoo ggetet bbackack rrebuildingebuilding project,project, a sspecialpecial eventevent oror wwillill mmeeteet mmanyany wwonderfulonderful ppeopleeople aandnd oonn tthehe ddock.ock. SoSo pleaseplease bebe safesafe andand carefulcareful whenwhen cclublub eevent.vent. JJustust ttoo mmentionention a ffew:ew: DDockock mmanyany timestimes makemake somesome llifelongifelong ffriendsriends oonn tthehe ddocks,ocks, eespeciallyspecially aatt nnight.ight. rrebuilding,ebuilding, RaceRace committees,committees, PPicnicicnic TTables,ables, WaterWater ((II knowknow I have).have). GetGet involved.involved. HHopeope ttoo sseeee eeveryoneveryone aaroundround tthehe cclublub fforor SSlidelide Replacement,Replacement, MilitaryMilitary AppreciationAppreciation Day,Day, OOnn a safetysafety notenote everyevery onceonce inin a whilewhile someonesomeone aallll thethe holidayholiday activities.activities.

EEntertainmentntertainment NNewsews by Selby Winkler DDecemberecember isis alwaysalways a busybusy ttimeime LLightsights willwill ttakeake pplacelace onon Saturday,Saturday, 4400 andand ffamiliaramiliar cclassiclassic ppopop aandnd rrockock sservederved aatt MBYC.MBYC. Th ereere areare sseveraleveral cclublub DDecemberecember 12th.12th. SantaSanta aandnd MMrs.rs. uupp wwithith hhumor,umor, llove,ove, ggracerace andand storytellingstorytelling iinn eeventsvents forfor aadultsdults aandnd cchildren.hildren. CClauslaus willwill aarriverrive iinn tthehe aaftft ernoonernoon NNorthernorthern andand SSouthernouthern CCalifornia.alifornia. WWee llookook forwardforward toto wwelcomingelcoming ttoo distributedistribute ggiftift s inin frontfront ooff thethe OOnn DecemberDecember 31st,31st, Th e SSiersiers BBrothersrothers tthehe newnew BoardBoard ofof DirectorsDirectors aatt tthehe cclublub CChristmashristmas ttree.ree. IInn tthehe eevening,vening, BBandand wwillill hhelpelp MMBYCBYC bbringring iinn 22020020 aatt tthehe IInstallationnstallation DinnerDinner onon Saturday,Saturday, pparticipatingarticipating boatsboats willwill sshow-offhow-off theirtheir aannualnnual NNewew YYear’sear’s EEveve CCommodore’sommodore’s Ball.Ball. Th e DDecemberecember 7th,7th, withwith a ddeliciouselicious hholidayoliday lightslights andand decorationsdecorations inin thethe SSiersiers BrothersBrothers havehave spentspent manymany yearsyears onon thethe SanSan ddinnerinner ppreparedrepared bbyy oourur nnewew cchef,hef, aannualnnual ccruiseruise aroundaround thethe Bay.Bay. DDiegoiego scene,scene, frontedfronted byby brotherbrother MarkMark andand SteveSteve TTimim AAngel.ngel. Pre-dinnerPre-dinner musicmusic willwill bbee tthehe KKevev OOnn DDecemberecember 22nd,22nd, thethe BahiaBahia BBelleelle SSiers.iers. TTogetherogether ssinceince thethe earlyearly 11980s,980s, tthehe ggrouproup RRones’ones’ DDuo.uo. KKevinevin RRonesones iiss a SSanan DDiegoiego bbasedased wwillill ddockock aatt tthehe clubclub aandnd yyouou wwillill hhaveave tthehe pplayslays thethe bestbest inin classicclassic rock,rock, reggae,reggae, calypso,calypso, toptop UUkulelekulele andand GuitarGuitar iinstructor,nstructor, a ppublishedublished oopportunitypportunity ttoo ssinging CChristmashristmas ccarolsarols oonn tthehe BayBay 440,0, ccountry,ountry, andand bblues.lues. aauthor,uthor, iillustrator,llustrator, eeducatorducator aandnd aacousticcoustic aaccompaniedccompanied byby clubclub favorite,favorite, RRoseose WWinters.inters. WWithith ssoo mmanyany hholidayoliday cchoices,hoices, wewe hopehope pperformer.erformer. SShehe isis a talentedtalented musicianmusician whowho pperformserforms tthehe ttoo sseeee yyouou aatt tthehe clubclub dduringuring tthehe mmonthonth ooff Th e FamilyFamily HolidayHoliday PartyParty andand PParadearade ooff bblues,lues, torchtorch aandnd jjazz,azz, ttoucouchh-the-heart-the-heart folk,folk, toptop DDecember.ecember. HappyHappy NewNew Year!Year! 6 JJuniorunior CoordinatorCoordinator ReportReport by Todd Henderson BBYOB!YOB! KeepKeep readingreading belowbelow forfor aandnd iiss aalwayslways a greatgreat time.time. WeWe areare ((blueblue oonene bbyy JJuniorunior rroomoom aandnd ssilverilver oonene bbyy ggalleyalley ddetails…etails… aalwayslways lookinglooking forfor volunteersvolunteers aatt oourur ddooroor bbreezeway)reezeway) – ppleaselease eencouragencourage youryour friendsfriends AAlmostlmost eeveryvery wweekendeekend hhasas sseeneen oourur rregattasegattas aandnd fforor rraceace committee,committee, soso aandnd ffamilyamily toto ggiveive iitt a trytry andand supportsupport oourur eeffff ortsorts JJuniorsuniors iinn aaction,ction, aatt tthehe HHighigh SSchoolchool llevelevel ppleaselease getget involvedinvolved andand helphelp usus keepkeep ttoo rreduceeduce ssingleingle uusese pplasticslastics aatt MMBYC.BYC. aallll thethe wayway toto oourur newestnewest SabotSabot TeamTeam oourur world-famousworld-famous programprogram rrunningunning Th e MBYCMBYC JuniorJunior PProgramrogram hhasas eenjoyednjoyed ssailors!ailors! I don’tdon’t hhaveave tthehe sspacepace toto recaprecap aallll iitsts bbest.est. ttremendousremendous successsuccess inin 20192019 withwith a fullfull scheduleschedule tthehe regattaregatta resultsresults butbut theythey areare updatedupdated onon AAftft erer SchoolSchool PracticePractice (Wed,(Wed, ooff regattas,regattas, ssocialocial events,events, andand growth;growth; notnot onlyonly oourur websitewebsite atat juniors.mbyc.org.juniors.mbyc.org. Th urur & Fri)Fri) isis stillstill goinggoing strongstrong andand iinn numbers,numbers, butbut inin depthdepth andand qualityquality ooff ssailingailing I willwill nnoteote tthathat wwee jjustust ccameame ooffff anan eepicpic wweekendeekend iiss a greatgreat placeplace toto developdevelop oror fi nene tunetune sskillskills andand eexperiences.xperiences. A hugehuge thankthank youyou toto ourour awesomeawesome hhereere atat MBYCMBYC asas wewe hostedhosted tthehe fi nalnal eventevent ofof thethe ffosteroster ccomraderyomradery andand tthehe CorinthianCorinthian sspirit.pirit. FFindind ccoaches,oaches, parents,parents, grandparents,grandparents, andand loyalloyal andand 22019019 SSDAYCDAYC LLuffuff -In-In SSeries.eries. TTeameam MMBYCBYC hhadad 2266 mmoreore iinfonfo aandnd rregisteregister oonline.nline. ggenerousenerous programprogram ssupportersupporters wwhoho mmadeade 22019019 oneone ssailorsailors onon SaturdaySaturday fforor SSinglehandedinglehanded racingracing andand IItt mmayay seemseem likelike a longlong wwayay ooffff bbutut ppleaselease ooff oourur vveryery bbest.est. 2244 onon SSundayunday fforor tthehe DDoublehanded/oublehanded/ OO'Pen'Pen SSkiffkiff hholdold MayMay 16,16, 20202020 forfor oourur 22020020 CCasinoasino NNightight WWee strivestrive ttoo pproviderovide a ffun,un, wwelcomingelcoming dday.ay. WWee hhadad bbrandrand nnewew rracersacers iinn eeveryvery fl eet:eet: Sabots,Sabots, ffundraiser.undraiser. MMoreore ddetailsetails toto ccomeome bbutut ttellell yyourour eenvironmentnvironment forfor oourur JuniorsJuniors ttoo tthrive,hrive, ggrow,row, RRadials,adials, C420s,C420s, CFJsCFJs andand OO'Pen'Pen SSkiffkiff s,s, ANDAND ffriends,riends, bringbring yyourour neighborsneighbors andand ccomeome pplaylay somesome aandnd ttakeake oonn nnewew cchallenges.hallenges. WWee aarere aalwayslways ccameame aawayway wwithith ttopop 3 ttrophyrophy wwinnersinners iinn eeveryvery fl eeteet ffunun VegasVegas games,games, bidbid onon silentsilent auctionauction itemsitems andand iinterestednterested iinn yyourour ffeedbackeedback ssoo ppleaselease emailemail meme atat fforor tthehe overalloverall series.series. Wow,Wow, congratulations!congratulations! ssupportupport tthehe MBYCMBYC JuniorJunior pprogramrogram aatt tthehe ssameame [email protected]@gmail.com oror sstoptop mmee MMarkark youryour calendarscalendars fforor oourur MBYCMBYC JuniorJunior ttime!ime! iinn thethe parkingparking lot.lot. LookingLooking forwardforward toto ffantasticantastic CCommodore'sommodore's RRegatta,egatta, NNov.ov. 22-3.-3. Th isis majormajor BBYOBYOB ((bringbring yyourour ownown bottle)…bottle)… YouYou maymay tthingshings inin storestore fforor tthehe MBYCMBYC JuniorJunior ProgramProgram iinn eeventvent forfor SSabotsabots aandnd LLasersasers iiss rrightight hhereere aatt hhome,ome, hhaveave noticednoticed thethe newnew waterwater bottlebottle fi llinglling stationsstations 22020!020!

MMembershipembership by Kathy Dryden HHelloello fromfrom tthehe mmembershipembership ddesk!esk! mmember,ember, youyou areare notnot forgotten!forgotten! WWee wwantant yyourour hhelp,elp, aadvice,dvice, AAss thisthis isis thethe lastlast mainstaymainstay beforebefore tthehe eendnd ooff thethe year,year, I ttalentsalents andand ffriendlyriendly smilesmile aroundaround thethe club.club. IIff yyouou eeverver wwantant a tthoughthought I wouldwould taketake thisthis opportunityopportunity ttoo tthankhank oourur ccurrenturrent wwayay toto pparticipate,articipate, ggetet iinvolvednvolved aandnd ffeeleel moremore aatt hhomeome wwee hhaveave bboardoard aandnd mmembershipembership fforor aallowingllowing mmee ttoo sserveerve aass yyourour pplentylenty ofof opportunities!opportunities! AllAll yyouou gottagotta dodo isis ask!ask! mmembershipembership directordirector fforor 22019!019! Th isis yearyear hhasas bbeeneen vveryery aactivective TToo closeclose outout 2019,2019, I willwill bebe hostinghosting oneone lastlast mmemberember wwithith nnewew mmembersembers joiningjoining ourour clubclub andand ccomingoming aaboardboard toto oorientation.rientation. SATURDAY,SATURDAY, NNOVEMBEROVEMBER 99thth aatt 110am.0am. TThishis pparticipatearticipate andand ggetet iinvolved!!nvolved!! AAllll ggoodood tthings!!hings!! iiss forfor bbothoth nnewew aandnd eexistingxisting mmembers.embers. CComeome oonn ddown,own, AAss youyou thinkthink aboutabout youryour membershipmembership atat MissionMission BayBay hhaveave bbreakfastreakfast onon uus,s, listenlisten toto a littlelittle interestinginteresting hhistoryistory ooff YYachtacht Club,Club, I encourageencourage youyou toto taketake thisthis timetime andand rreflefl ectect onon notnot whatwhat tthehe clubclub aandnd MMissionission BBeacheach andand taketake a clubclub ttour.our. WWee wwillill eendnd iinn tthehe clubclub hashas donedone forfor yyouou butbut whatwhat youyou cancan ddoo fforor yyourour cclub.lub. MMBYCBYC tthehe barbar wherewhere JohnnyJohnny andand AlAl willwill serveserve upup ourour favoritefavorite SaturdaySaturday iiss runrun inin largelarge ppartart bbyy vvolunteersolunteers aandnd iinvolvementnvolvement ffromrom eeachach aandnd eeveryvery mmorningorning ccocktailsocktails andand yyouou ccanan ssocializeocialize wwithith yyourour nnewew ffriends.riends. mmemberember isis highlyhighly necessarynecessary toto continuecontinue thethe longlong sstandingtanding aandnd ttime-ime- IIt’st’s alwaysalways a goodgood timetime andand a greatgreat wayway toto llearnearn aandnd hhaveave a ffunun hhonoredonored ttraditionsraditions tthathat mmakesakes tthishis cclublub a hhome.ome. mmorning!orning! AAllll aarere wwelcome..elcome.. ppleaselease RSVPRSVP toto tthehe office.office. Oh!Oh! AndAnd OOnene ofof thethe thingsthings thatthat I havehave triedtried toto ffocusocus oonn tthishis yyearear hhasas bbeeneen ttherehere areare aadultdult ssailingailing cclasseslasses thatthat afternoonafternoon yyouou cancan jjoinoin aandnd mmakeake ggettingetting tthehe mmembersembers whowho areare nnotot directlydirectly involvedinvolved withwith a fl eeteet involvedinvolved a dayday ooff iit!t! wwithith tthehe cclub.lub. WWhenhen yyouou jjoinoin a fl eeet,et, youyou havehave anan instantinstant pluginplugin toto UUntilntil nextnext time,time, I wishwish yyouou aallll a wwonderfulonderful Th anksgiving,anksgiving, a tthehe happeningshappenings ooff MMBYCBYC aandnd wwaysays ttoo pparticipate.articipate. IIff yyouou aarere a ssocialocial MMerryerry ChristmasChristmas andand a HappyHappy NNewew YYear!ear! BBringring oonn 22020!020! CCheers!!heers!!

This AD wasn't listed, but left it in just in case it was a mistake as it usually runs???

7 12:00 pm Cra acvies for ALL ages Graham cracker house building and decorang Special holiday cras for the very young Arrive early to allow me for graham cracker house building before Santa arrives. 1:00-2:00 pm Directory Photos Get some photos taken for the 2019 Directory 3:00 pm Santa and Mrs. Claus arrive to deliver presents Please note: If you wish for your child to parcipate in receiving a gi from Santa, please inquire at the Mission Bay Yacht Club office. 5:00 pm Family Dinner

6:00 pm Boat Parade of Lights on Mission Bay

No reservaons needed. Available only to members and their guests.

8 SSnipenipe DroppingsDroppings by Don Bedford WWhathat a funfun year!year! Th e summersummer waswas notnot tootoo hhot,ot, NNovov 9 - SingleSingle HandHand RCRC - OnlyOnly twotwo peoplepeople neededneeded nnotot tootoo ccold,old, justjust rightright forfor TNTs!TNTs! WeWe hadhad somesome newnew NNovov 1166 - RCRC TurkeyTurkey DayDay ffacesaces outout onon thethe startingstarting llineine aass wwellell pplentylenty ofof familiarfamiliar NNovov 1717 - TurkeyTurkey DayDay SnipeSnipe RRacesaces ffacesaces asas well.well. WeWe hadhad a goodgood turn-outturn-out forfor runningrunning thethe NNovov 2222 oror 2233 - FFleetleet MeetingMeeting atat DonDon & Megan'sMegan's (an(an eemailmail wwillill ggoo ooutut LLido'sido's OctoberOctober regatta.regatta. Th e eyy hhadad 2020 boatsboats outout onon tthehe fforor wwhichhich iiss preferred)preferred) llikeike aandnd I hopehope wwee ccanan ttopop tthathat aatt tthehe CCarolynarolyn NNute.ute. DDecec 1 - RCRC ShortShort CCourseourse UUnfortunately,nfortunately, tthishis articlearticle waswas duedue bbeforeefore tthehe DDecec 14/1514/15 - mbycmbyc HotHot RumRum regattaregatta CCarolynarolyn NNuteute rregattaegatta ssoo nnoo rregattaegatta rreport.eport. HHowever,owever, a DDecec 1144 - CChristmashristmas PPartyarty aatt CChehe KKrebsrebs BBIGIG TTHANKHANK YOUYOU toto DDougoug HHartart fforor vvolunteeringolunteering aass rregattaegatta cchairmanhairman aandnd SSo,o, hopefullyhopefully wwee aarere aallll tthrilledhrilled bbyy oourur sselectionelection ooff nnextext yyearsears fl eeteet fforor tthehe LLidoido FleetFleet / JoeJoe O’LearyO’Leary fforor rrunningunning tthehe rraces.aces. ccaptainaptain / oorr cco-flo-fl eeteet captains.captains. FForor futurefuture aactivitiesctivities iinn NNov/ov/ DecDec wewe havehave a couplecouple ofof racerace committeecommittee A bigbig thankthank youyou toto thosethose whowho volunteeredvolunteered forfor RaceRace Committee,Committee, a FFleetleet ddutiesuties aandnd wwee vveryery mmuchuch nneedeed hhelpelp fromfrom tthosehose whowho mmissedissed tthehe llastast ccouple.ouple. MMeeting,eeting, oror RRegattaegatta CChairman.hairman. AAss oourur numbersnumbers areare down,down, WEWE ALLALL needneed OOurur scheduleschedule lookslooks likelike thisthis soso pleaseplease startstart planning:planning: ttoo vvolunteerolunteer mmoreore iinn oorderrder ttoo kkeepeep oourur bbelovedeloved fl eeteet funfun andand ffunctioning.unctioning.

Adult Sailing Classes Eight Bells Mission Bay Yacht Club has developed an Adult Roger K. Patterson Staff Commodore Sailing program designed to meet your needs. Our 1993 coaches are US Sailing certified and we have #2176 classes to suit your busy schedule.

Our program recognizes that not everyone wants to be the next America’s Cup skipper, and we offer a September 26, 2019 range of classes and coaching to suit everyone from the beginning sailor to the advanced racer.

Classes will be taught in a Capri 22 to add comfort and stability to the class. Call us, email, or stop by MBYC to ask questions. We welcome your interest. . We will be offering classes that run every other week for 4 weeks at a time. Each 4 week class will be $200 for the entire 4 week class.

If you are interested in taking the adult sailing class, contact the Junior Sailing Office today by calling 858.488.0501 or emailing us at [email protected]

Registration will be live soon so stay posted for updates!!

9 UUPCOMINGPCOMING PPowerower FleetFleet RRACINGACING @MBYC by Phil Taylor AAss yyouou mmayay hhaveave hheard,eard, tthehe PPowerower FFleetleet hhasas NNovemberovember 2-3,2-3, JuniorJunior Commodore’sCommodore’s RegattaRegatta bbig,ig, bigbig newsnews onon twotwo fronts:fronts: DedicationDedication ooff tthishis yyear’sear’s FFishish FryFry proceedsproceeds towardtoward ttwowo iimportantmportant CClublub NNovemberovember 9,9, SingleSingle HandedHanded RacingRacing eexpenditures,xpenditures, aandnd tthehe mmergererger ooff tthehe FFleetleet wwithith oourur NNovemberovember 10,10, BayBay RacesRaces ffriendsriends iinn tthehe RRacingacing CCruisingruising FFleet.leet. BBothoth willwill hhaveave a ssizableizable effeff eectct onon qqualityuality aandnd vvarietyariety ooff llifeife aatt tthehe NNovemberovember 16-1716-17 TurkeyTurkey RegattaRegatta CClub.lub. Th e FFishish FFryry iiss tthehe PPowerower FFleet’sleet’s mmainain eeventvent DDecemberecember 1,1, ShortShort CoursesCourses aandnd ourour primaryprimary annualannual ffund-raisingund-raising opportunity.opportunity. I DDecemberecember 8,8, SingleSingle HandedHanded RacingRacing ddareare ssay,ay, wwithith 6622 FFishish FFry’sry’s uundernder oourur bbelt,elt, iitt iiss oonene ooff tthehe llongestongest ((ifif nnotot tthehe longest)longest) rrunningunning ttraditionsraditions ooff oourur ffairair CClub.lub. IInn rrecentecent yyearsears wwe’vee’ve bbeeneen DDecemberecember 14-15,14-15, HotHot RumRum RegattaRegatta bblessedlessed withwith ssuccess,uccess, providingproviding a bitbit ofof fi nancialnancial ffreedomreedom rregardingegarding tthehe pproceedsroceeds eexpectedxpected ffromrom tthishis yyear’sear’s FFry.ry. **completecomplete calendarcalendar andand additionaladditional informationinformation atat mbyc.orgmbyc.org SSo,o, whatwhat ttoo ddo?o? WWell,ell, tthehe mmembersembers ooff tthehe FleetFleet havehave votedvoted ttoo ssharehare 1100%00% ofof thisthis year’syear’s nnetet proceedsproceeds wwithith tthehe CClub,lub, ttargetingargeting ttwowo iimportantmportant ------eexpenditures:xpenditures: NNewew CChairshairs fforor tthehe BBodreroodrero BuildingBuilding andand ssupportupport fforor tthehe pprojectroject ttoo rrebuild/replaceebuild/replace tthehe CClub’slub’s BBarbeques.arbeques. EExactxact ddivisionivision ooff ffundsunds iiss UUPCOMINGPCOMING nnotot yetyet determined;determined; however,however, thethe FleetFleet willwill skewskew supportsupport heavilyheavily towardtoward nnewew cchairs.hairs. ((IfIf yyou’veou’ve hhadad tthehe ppleasureleasure ofof sittingsitting oonn tthehe eexistingxisting cchairshairs yyouou wwould,ould, oonn bbendedended kknee,nee, bbee ccheeringheering aandnd pprayingraying fforor rreplacements.)eplacements.) SSOCIALOCIAL EVENTSEVENTS @@MBYCMBYC WWhathat isis thethe estimatedestimated ssizeize ooff thisthis fi nancialnancial support?support? Th atat is,is, mmyy ffellowellow CClublub member,member, upup toto yyou.ou. Th e FishFish FryFry isis scheduledscheduled forfor Saturday,Saturday, NovemberNovember NNovemberovember 9,9, FishFish FryFry 99.. WithWith youryour supportsupport wwee ccanan ccountount oonn a vveryery bbigig ssuccess,uccess, eclipsingeclipsing thosethose inin rrecentecent memory.memory. ReadingReading thisthis willwill fi ndnd usus inin earlyearly NNovemberovember aandnd vveryery ccloselose DDecemberecember 7,7, InstallationInstallation DinnerDinner ttoo tthehe eevent.vent. IIff yyouou havehave donationsdonations fforor tthehe ssilentilent aauctionsuctions aandnd rrafflaffl es,es, ppleaselease ccontactontact MuppyMuppy HHaigleraigler (([email protected])[email protected]) aass ssoonoon aass ppossible.ossible. DDecemberecember 14,14, ParadeParade ofof LightsLights YYouou ccanan aalsolso ddroprop tthemhem aatt tthehe ooffiffi ce.ce. Otherwise,Otherwise, attendingattending tthehe eeventvent iiss tthehe DDecemberecember 21,21, LadiesLadies LuncheonLuncheon bbestest wwayay toto ssupportupport tthishis ffund-raisingund-raising effeff oort.rt. LLastast yyearear wwee nnettedetted $$3,700.3,700. WWithith youryour supportsupport llet’set’s sshoothoot fforor $$5,0005,000 tthishis yyear.ear. OOnene mmoreore tthing,hing, iiff yyouou DDecemberecember 22,22, BahiaBahia BelleBelle CarolingCaroling CruiseCruise llikeike fi sshh fry’s,fry’s, you’llyou’ll lovelove thisthis one.one. (Nick(Nick MullerMuller andand Co.,Co., veteransveterans ooff mmanyany yyearsears ooff FFryry prep,prep, aassuressure yyouou ooff anotheranother fi nene seafoodseafood experience.)experience.) SaveSave DDecemberecember 31,31, Commodore’sCommodore’s BallBall $$3.00,3.00, callcall thethe offioffi ccee nownow toto bookbook advanceadvance ticketstickets toto securesecure youryour entryentry intointo oonene ooff tthehe CClub’slub’s bbestest eevents.vents. SSeeee yyouou tthere.here. **completecomplete calendarcalendar andand additionaladditional informationinformation atat mbymbycc.org.org OOk,k, onon wwithith tthehe nnextext bbitit ooff eexcitingxciting nnews:ews: Th e mmembersembers ooff tthehe PPowerower aandnd RRacingacing CruisingCruising FleetsFleets havehave votedvoted ttoo mmergeerge tthehe ttwowo fl eetseets intointo oone,ne, BBridgeridge eeveryvery WWeded @ 99:30AM:30AM tthushus combiningcombining twotwo veryvery closelyclosely relatedrelated ggroupsroups underunder singlesingle leadershipleadership andand uundernder a nnewew nnameame ((yetyet ttoo bbee ddetermined).etermined). Th e mergermerger ideaidea hashas beenbeen discusseddiscussed andand eveneven votedvoted onon ooverver mmanyany yyears.ears. OOverver tthosehose samesame years,years, thethe logiclogic andand supportsupport fforor tthathat iideadea hhasas ggrownrown aandnd fi nnallyally eemergedmerged aass tthehe oobviousbvious ppath.ath. I won’twon’t gogo intointo tthehe ddetailsetails ooff hhowow aandnd wwhyhy tthehe mmergererger wwasas ssoo hheavilyeavily supportedsupported tthishis ttimeime aaround.round. LLookingooking fforward,orward, wwee hhopeope iitt bbringsrings bbigig bbenefienefi ttss ttoo tthehe CClublub aandnd ttoo FFleetleet mmembers.embers. HHonoringonoring tthehe ttraditions,raditions, eeventsvents aandnd oobligationsbligations ooff tthehe eexistingxisting FFleets,leets, tthehe mergermerger willwill bbringring nnewew ffocusocus aandnd cclaritylarity ooff ppurposeurpose ttoo tthehe ssuccessoruccessor FFleet.leet. Th i iss isis especiallyespecially importantimportant ttoo ppotentialotential nnewew mmembersembers llookingooking fforor a ssocialocial outletoutlet andand a wayway toto ggetet iinvolved,nvolved, wwithoutithout tthehe cconfusiononfusion ooff cchoosinghoosing bbetweenetween ttwowo vveryery ssimilarimilar FFleets.leets. Th ereere isis a lotlot ofof workwork toto bbee ddoneone ttoo ccompleteomplete tthehe mmerger,erger, eelectlect nnewew lleadership,eadership, bbuilduild thethe team,team, aandnd hhitit 22020020 rrunning.unning. Th e new,new, largerlarger ggrouproup wwillill iinheritnherit thethe responsibilitiesresponsibilities andand ttraditionsraditions ooff ttwowo pproudroud aandnd aaccomplishedccomplished FFleets.leets. IItt wwillill nneedeed a mmoreore aactivective ccoreore ooff lleaderseaders aand,nd, pperhaps,erhaps, nnewew wwaysays ttoo mmanageanage thethe wworkload.orkload. PleasePlease considerconsider addingadding youryour namename toto tthosehose tthathat hhelpelp mmakeake thisthis happen.happen. MMoreore nnewsews toto ccome.ome. IInn tthehe meantime,meantime, ddon’ton’t bbee sshyhy iinn ssuggestinguggesting a nnameame fforor tthishis nnewew FFleet.leet. Th a anks,nks, aandnd sseeee yyouou aatt tthehe nnextext mmeetingeeting aandnd aatt tthehe FFishish FFry.ry. CCheers!heers! 10 MH MMultihullultihull MusingsMusings by Steve Stroebel GGiveniven thethe weatherweather forfor tthehe sshorthort ccourseourse rracesaces onon OOctct 220th0th iitt iiss hhardard ppersonnelersonnel toto hhelpelp duringduring tthehe wweekeek (Monday-Friday)(Monday-Friday) aandnd ppeopleeople ttoo hhostost ttoo bbelieveelieve tthathat ssummerummer iiss oover.ver. A fl eeteet ofof fi veve F18F18 hadhad awesomeawesome ssailingailing ssailorsailors iinn ttheirheir homes.homes. YYouou mmayay contactcontact SteveSteve StroebelStroebel toto signsign upup toto hhelp.elp. cconditionsonditions wwithith aaroundround 1122 kktsts ooff wwindind uundernder cclearlear bbluelue sskies.kies. SShorthort ccourseourse SSteveteve CooperCooper hhasas volunteeredvolunteered ttoo bbee tthehe RRegattaegatta CChairhair aandnd hhee hhasas a greatgreat teamteam rracesaces areare pprobablyrobably thethe mostmost diffidiffi cultcult fforor tthehe FF18’s18’s withwith tthehe ffrequentrequent raisingraising ssupportingupporting hhim.im. aandnd lloweringowering ooff tthehe sspinnakers.pinnakers. JJamesames OrkinsOrkins andand MMichaelichael RRisoerisoer wwonon fforor SSteveteve StroebelStroebel andand MMichaelichael RRisoerisoer wwereere tthehe oonlynly wwestest ccoastoast representativesrepresentatives tthehe dayday eevenven tthoughhough JJamesames wentwent swimmingswimming ttwicewice onon thethe samesame upwindupwind llegeg aatt thethe F18F18 NorthNorth AmericanAmerican ChampionshipsChampionships heldheld inin mid-Septembermid-September onon wwhenhen fi rstrst oneone sside’side’s ttrapezerapeze llineine bbrokeroke aandnd tthenhen hhee wwasas ooutut oonn tthehe ootherther LLakeake StSt ClairClair nearnear DDetroit,etroit, Michigan.Michigan. Th e weatherweather waswas unseasonablyunseasonably warmwarm ssideide andand itit brokebroke too!too! JasonJason aandnd AAlbertolberto ccapsizedapsized iinn oonene rraceace aandnd tthoughhough rresultingesulting iinn ffourour daysdays ooff lightlight windwind racing.racing. Th e windwind wwasas tthehe strongeststrongest forfor JJasonason tthoughthought hhee ccouldould savesave thethe capsizecapsize bbutut hhee nnoticedoticed a sabotsabot closeclose byby andand tthehe fi rstrst racerace atat 10:0010:00 andand thenthen dieddied asas thethe dayday wentwent onon resultingresulting iiss ssailingailing ssacrifiacrifi cceded themselvesthemselves toto ggoo sswimmingwimming ttoo mmakeake ssureure ttheyhey wwouldould nnotot hhitit tthehe iinn vveryery llightight wwindind wwithith tthehe wwavesaves llefteft overover fromfrom eearlier.arlier. Th isis mademade forfor vveryery ssabot.abot. SoSo itit waswas anan eexcitingxciting ddayay oonn tthehe bbay!ay! ddiffiiffi ccultult ssailingailing cconditionsonditions bbutut tthehe RRCC mmanagedanaged ttoo ggetet iinn nnineine rracesaces fforor tthehe Th e fl eeteet hadhad thethe fi rrstst oorganizingrganizing mmeetingeeting fforor nnextext yyear’sear’s FF1818 AAmericasmericas 2233 bboatoat fl eeet.et. SteveSteve andand MichaelMichael keptkept improvingimproving overover thethe regattaregatta andand fforor tthehe aandnd UUSS SSailingailing MMultihullultihull CChampionshipshampionships wwhichhich wwillill bbee hheldeld oonn ssouthouth bbayay llastast rraceace wwereere iinn tthehe lleadead uuntilntil thethe fi nnalal tacktack forfor tthehe fi nnishish whenwhen tthehe regattaregatta cco-hostedo-hosted withwith SSDYCDYC ffromrom SSeptept 2266 ttoo OOctct 22.. WWee sshouldhould hhaveave 440+0+ FF18’s18’s cchampionhampion over-tookover-took tthemhem rresultingesulting iinn 22ndnd pplace.lace. RRobbieobbie Daniels/GaryDaniels/Gary ChuChu ffromrom tthroughouthroughout tthehe UUS,S, Canada,Canada, CChilehile aandnd mmaybeaybe AArgentinargentina eenjoyingnjoying ffromrom FFloridalorida aarere bbothoth tthehe ooverallverall andand MasterMaster categorycategory cchampionshampions withwith Steve/Steve/ SSanan DDiego’siego’s wweathereather andand hhospitality.ospitality. WeWe willwill bebe lookinglooking forfor racerace committeecommittee MMichaelichael iinn 55thth pplace.lace.

SSabotabot SScenecene by Bob Henderson SSummerummer hhasas comecome andand ggoneone aandnd ssoo hhaveave mmostost ooff tthehe MMissionission aadmirationdmiration wentwent toto MMikeike HHoweowe fforor sseamanshipeamanship ddisplayedisplayed bbyy ssailingailing hhisis BBayay ccrowds,rowds, lleavingeaving thosethose ofof usus inin ourour fragilefragile seafaringseafaring vesselsvessels kknownnown ddisabledisabled SabotSabot withwith a brokenbroken boom,boom, unassisted,unassisted, bbackack toto thethe beachbeach duringduring aass NNaplesaples SabotsSabots toto ventureventure outout toto tthehe limitslimits ofof ourour waterswaters withwith mmuchuch vveryery heavyheavy wweather.eather. BBoom,oom, wwhoho nneedseeds iit!t! greater freedom and confidence. We might even chance a Friday - around without a barca escort for protection – or not. TThehe 20192019 SCWSASCWSA regattaregatta series is growing to a close with only the final event at the SDYC remaining before overall season winners will emerge. Very challenging sailing conditions at the BYC LOL regatta resulted in only 3 races completed but our MBYC competitors stuck with it, earning Scott Finkboner a 1st in MMensens jjustust aheadahead ofof LannyLanny CoonsCoons iinn 33rd.rd. LachyLachy McMc McLeanMcLean broughtbrought hhomeome a 11stst fforor hhisis pperformanceerformance iinn MMixedixed CC.. ResultsResults fforor tthehe 44thth eeventvent iinn tthehe seriesseries atat thethe ABYCABYC LadiesLadies DayDay regatta:regatta: AAnothernother 11stst fforor SScottcott wwithith LLannyanny ccruisingruising iintonto 88thth iinn MMen’sen’s . SSerenaerena HHanbyanby ppickedicked upup a 5th5th inin LLadiesadies A andand aanothernother 11stst fforor LLachyachy MMcLeancLean iinn MMixedixed CC.. WWellell ddoneone aall.ll. TTherehere werewere ninenine boatsboats onon tthehe llineine forfor tthehe SSept.ept. 2222 SabotSabot SSundayunday rracingacing iinn CChickenhicken CCove,ove, wwithith RRuthuth JJonesones ttakingaking iitt aallll fforor 11stst iinn tthehe A FFleet,leet, followedfollowed veryvery closelyclosely byby SerenaSerena HanbyHanby inin 2nd2nd andand CChrishris FFulleruller 33rd.rd. ThereThere werewere nono B FleetFleet entries,entries, leavingleaving LachyLachy McLeanMcLean toto pplacelace 11stst iinn C FFleet,leet, BBobob HendersonHenderson 2nd2nd andand PPaulaul CCulkinulkin 33rd.rd. LoadsLoads ooff cchocolatehocolate ttreatsreats forfor aall!ll! TTherehere waswas anan eexcellentxcellent turnoutturnout forfor thethe OctoberOctober FleetFleet dinnerdinner mmeetingeeting withwith a roastroast beefbeef feastfeast andand floralfloral arrangementarrangement ttoo JJudyudy NewtonNewton fforor hherer ttirelessireless wworkork iinn rroundingounding uupp ccrewrew eeveryvery wweekeek ttoo mmanan tthehe bbarcaarca eescort.scort. WeWe alsoalso hadhad anan excuseexcuse toto presentpresent thethe covetedcoveted SoggySoggy SabotSabot AwardAward ttoo LLachyachy MMcLean.cLean. GGaryary aandnd CCarolarol PPearsonearson bbroughtrought ddetailsetails ooff ttheirheir llatestatest ssailingailing aadventuredventure ttoo TTongaonga aandnd vvisitisit ttoo tthehe RRotoruaotorua YY.C..C. iinn NNewew ZZealandealand ( nnoo , tthishis wwasas nnotot uundertakenndertaken iinn ttheirheir SSabots).abots). LLastly,astly, ssomeome rrealeal 11 LLaseraser BeamBeam by Mark Young HHelloello LaserLaser Sailors!Sailors! FForor thisthis lastlast MMainstayainstay aarticlerticle ooff 22019019 I wantedwanted llineine forfor wweekendseekends aandnd TTNTs,NTs, aandnd aalwayslways hhadad eemailsmails bbackack andand fforthorth aaboutbout ttoo llookook backback toto thethe beginningbeginning ofof thethe yearyear andand thethe prioritypriority listlist I mademade forfor ooceancean aandnd bbayay ppracticeractice ssessions.essions. SSoo wwhenhen I llookook aatt tthehe aabovebove llistist tthehe pprogressrogress mmyselfyself aass FFleetleet CCaptain:aptain: hhasas toto bbee mmeasuredeasured iincrementallyncrementally aandnd II’d’d ssayay mmyy llistist wwouldn’touldn’t cchangehange 11.. GrowGrow thethe numbernumber ofof weekendweekend racersracers mmuchuch forfor 22020.020. Th a att ssaid,aid, I aamm pproudroud ooff oourur ccollectiveollective eeffff ortort toto increaseincrease 22.. GrowGrow thethe numbernumber ooff ssailingailing ddaysays tthehe numbernumber ofof sailingsailing daysdays withwith casualcasual ggrouproup ppracticesractices duringduring tthehe wweekeek andand 33.. IncreaseIncrease racerace committeecommittee pparticipationarticipation oonn wweekends,eekends, rrecognizingecognizing thatthat thethe qualityquality ooff rracingacing iiss iimprovingmproving fforor aall.ll. 44.. G Growrow tthehe SSinglehandedinglehanded SeriesSeries AAlso,lso, iinn 22020020 looklook forwardforward toto tthehe newly-schedulednewly-scheduled OOceancean RRacingacing SSerieseries 55.. IncreaseIncrease wworkork ppartyarty aandnd eventevent participationparticipation wwherehere tthehe cclublub hhasas aagreedgreed ttoo sschedulechedule 4 ooceancean ddaysays iinn llieuieu ooff tthehe SSundayunday I won’twon’t gradegrade myselfmyself oorr tthehe FFleetleet oonn hhowow wwee ddidid eexceptxcept ttoo ssayay iitt wwasas BBayay RRaces.aces. Th i iss isis anan initiativeinitiative primarilyprimarily ffromrom tthehe SSolings,olings, MultihullsMultihulls andand a greatgreat yearyear ooff racing,racing, ppracticeractice ssessionessionss,, traveltravel toto remoteremote vvenuesenues andand locallocal LLasers,asers, butbut heavilyheavily supportedsupported aandnd eencouragedncouraged fromfrom aallll FleetFleet Captains,Captains, andand ccamaraderie.amaraderie. SSpeakingpeaking ppersonally,ersonally, sservingerving aass FFleetleet CCaptainaptain hhasas bbeeneen oonene aactivective lobbyinglobbying fromfrom BrianBrian Anderson,Anderson, EdnaEdna KirkKirk andand SSteveteve CCooper.ooper. II’m’m ooff thethe bestbest experiencesexperiences I couldcould imagine,imagine, withwith thethe primaryprimary resultresult (selfi(selfi shly)shly) aalsolso happyhappy withwith progressprogress ttoo iincorporatencorporate oourur nneighboringeighboring clubsclubs inin OrangeOrange bbeingeing mmoreore iintegratedntegrated iintonto tthehe FFleet,leet, iimprovementmprovement iinn mmyy rracing/sailing,acing/sailing, CCounty,ounty, UtahUtah andand AArizonarizona iintonto oourur SSoCaloCal sscene,cene, wwithith tthehe hhopeope tthathat wwee mmakingaking newnew friendsfriends andand eexistingxisting ffriendshipsriendships sstronger.tronger. Th i iss iiss eexactlyxactly tthehe ccanan ddoo mmoreore iinn 22020020 withwith ssailorsailors vvisitingisiting MBYCMBYC andand reciprocatingreciprocating wwithith rreasoneason I jjoinedoined MMBYCBYC aandnd mmyy eexpectationsxpectations aarere bbeingeing ssurpassedurpassed onon a vvisitsisits ttoo ttheirheir vvenues.enues. BButut ppleaselease llookook atat thethe listlist andand hhelpelp fi ggureure wwaysays toto wweeklyeekly bbasis.asis. mmakeake tthehe LaserLaser FleetFleet biggerbigger andand moremore inclusiveinclusive – iitt wwillill bbenefienefi t everyone!everyone! SSpeakingpeaking forfor tthehe FFleetleet andand tthehe CClub,lub, it’sit’s hardhard toto iimprovemprove uuponpon a vveryery LLastly,astly, thanksthanks toto eeachach ooff yyouou fforor mmakingaking 22019019 a ssuccess.uccess. I wantwant toto ssolidolid performanceperformance overover thethe pastpast manymany years.years. Th e LaserLaser FleetFleet isis veryvery active,active, eencouragencourage everyone,everyone, butbut newnew LasersLasers andand JuniorsJuniors eespecially,specially, ttoo ccomeome ooutut wwithith ddedicatededicated ccontributorsontributors aandnd qqualityuality ssailors,ailors, a cclose-knitlose-knit bbunchunch aatt iitsts aandnd eexperiencexperience whatwhat II’ve’ve ggottenotten tthishis yyearear – a ssenseense ooff aaccomplishmentccomplishment ccoreore withwith tonstons ooff kknowledgenowledge aandnd timetime directeddirected towardtoward MMBYC.BYC. WWee aalwayslways aandnd ffriendship,riendship, ssomeome ssoreore mmusclesuscles aandnd bbruisedruised kknees,nees, ssomeome hhumilityumility aandnd hhadad moremore tthanhan eenoughnough racerace committeecommittee vvolunteers,olunteers, aalwayslways hadhad boatsboats onon thethe a ssmilemile oonn mmyy fface!!ace!!

LLidoido LinesLines by Chris Dorociak

GGreetingsreetings fromfrom LLidoido lland!and! OOurur fl eeetet hhasas hhadad aann eexceptionalxceptional ffallall hhisis recentrecent passing.passing. RogerRoger PattersonPatterson wwasas aann aall-timell-time ggreatreat aambassadormbassador ttoo tthehe sseason,eason, withwith sstrongtrong rrepresentationepresentation aandnd ggreatreat ccompetition.ompetition. MMBYC’sBYC’s CClublub LLidoido class.class. HHee wwasas LLidoido CClasslass PPresident,resident, a LLidoido ddealer,ealer, aavidvid rracer,acer, PPRO,RO, SStafftaff CChampionshiphampionship ppitteditted nnumerousumerous ffullull ttimeime aandnd ssometimeometime LLidoido ssailorsailors CCommodore,ommodore, ffather,ather, ggrandfather,randfather, ggreatreat ggrandfather,randfather, aass wwellell aass a ffriendriend aandnd aagainstgainst eacheach other.other. I volunteeredvolunteered forfor racerace committeecommittee justjust toto getget closeclose iinspirationnspiration ttoo mmany.any. WWee wwillill mmississ hhisis aagelessgeless eenthusiasm,nthusiasm, eencouragement,ncouragement, ttoo tthehe aaction.ction. RRemainingemaining uunbiasednbiased wwasas nnotot eeasy.asy. IInn fi nishingnishing order,order, oourur aandnd ccheeringheering aaudibleudible fromfrom justjust aboutabout anywhereanywhere onon tthehe water.water. EEveryvery LLidoido ooutut fl eet-associatedeet-associated contenderscontenders were:were: TyTy andand SSaraara BBeacheach ((formidableformidable LLaseraser oonn MMissionission BBayay sserveserves aass a rremindereminder ooff RogerRoger Patterson’sPatterson’s ppositiveositive iimpactmpact onon sskipperkipper aandnd LLidoido dduo),uo), KKenen WWildild ((LidoLido wwhispererhisperer aandnd ppastast MMBYCBYC CClublub tthehe sportsport andand ppeopleeople aroundaround him.him. AlauraAlaura aandnd I areare hhonoredonored ttoo ssailail hhisis bboatoat CChampion),hampion), AAaronaron SSturmturm ((WabbitWabbit enthusiastenthusiast andand LidoLido TNTer)TNTer) andand 66127127 intointo thethe future.future. HoorayHooray forfor RRoger!oger! AAlauralaura DDorociakorociak ((all-starall- wwifeife aandnd LLidoido ccrew),rew), KKathyathy DDrydenryden aandnd JJennenn RRohrohr ((LidoLido queensqueens pprovingroving bblondeslondes havehave moremore fun),fun), andand MikeMike andand EErinrin Brandon Weber & BBorzageorzage ((Finn wranglerwrangler andand LidoLido sailor).sailor). CongratulationsCongratulations ttoo CChrishris WWrightright fforor wwinninginning tthehe cchampionshiphampionship aandnd ffendingending ooffff thethe LidoLido fl eet!eet! Charlotte Weber Associate Broker l Previews Property Specialist NNextext uupp waswas thethe LidoLido FallFall Invitational,Invitational, whichwhich waswas thethe hottesthottest tticketicket iinn ttown.own. A ttotalotal ooff 2211 bboatsoats ccompetedompeted iinn A aandnd B fl eets.eets. A FleetFleet waswas star-star- Coldwell Banker Residential 858.518.1851 l 858.967.0805 sstuddedtudded withwith mmoreore tthanhan a ffewew nnationalational aandnd fl eeteet championschampions onon thethe line.line. B BRE #01919694 l #01267723 FFleetleet wwasas ssmaller,maller, bbutut nneverthelessevertheless ccompetitive.ompetitive. Th e breezebreeze wwasas lightlight andand [email protected] sshifthift y onon SSaturdayaturday aandnd hheavyeavy oonn SSunday.unday. PPerer ttradition,radition, wwee ggatheredathered fforor WeberAndWeberCoastal.com cchilihili onon SaturdaySaturday aaftft erer racing.racing. OOurur Commodore,Commodore, BillBill KKenney,enney, ppresentedresented MBYC Members since 1992 aawardswards oonn SSunday.unday. TTopop fi nishersnishers inin A FleetFleet werewere StuStu RobertsonRobertson aandnd AAndreandrea PPowellowell ((1,1, MMBYC);BYC); TyTy BeachBeach andand SaraSara BBeacheach ((2,2, MMBYC);BYC); andand GGrantrant HHillill aandnd RRutauta ((3,3, AABYC).BYC). TTopop fi nishersnishers inin B FleetFleet werewere RogerRoger HintonHinton andand AAnnenne Buying. Selling. Renting. Referrals. HHintoninton ((1,1, MMBYC);BYC); WWalteralter RRosenkranzosenkranz aandnd LLaurenauren WWoolleyoolley ((2,2, MMBYC);BYC); aandnd WWillill DDrydenryden aandnd KKenen WWildild ((3,3, MMBYC).BYC).

Th e B FleetFleet trophytrophy forfor thethe FallFall InvitationalInvitational iiss namednamed forfor RRogeroger ©2017 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Each Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage office is owned by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker® and the Coldwell Banker Logo, Coldwell Banker Previews International® and the Coldwell Banker Previews Interna- PPatterson.atterson. OOurur fl eeteet solemnlysolemnly transitionedtransitioned itit toto a MMemorialemorial TTrophyrophy aaftft eerr tional Logo, are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. 12 Ladies Lunch Holiday Party Saturday, December 21 st Registration at 11:30 Lunch at 12:00pm Fun Christmas Games, Music & Champagne

$15.00 * Citrus-Thyme Roasted Turkey Breast cranberry-orange compote * Sage & Ciabatta Stuffing * Lemon Garlic Green Beans * Rustic Dinner Rolls and Dessert RSVP: (858) 488-0501 or [email protected] 24 - hour cancellation policy

13 JIB U.S. Sailing Olympic Development at WORK Program (ODP) West Clinic Hosted by St. Francis Yacht Club August 31-September 2, 2019 By MiMarianna ShShandd ddidid notnot yetyet havehave footfoot sstrapstraps iinn thethe back!back! SSoo eeveryvery wwaveave wwee hhitit oonn tthehe TThehe UU.S..S. SailingSailing ODPODP WestWest ClinicClinic thisthis yearyear waswas hostedhosted byby St.St. FrancisFrancis ddownwindownwind I wentwent flyingflying (not(not thethe best…).best…). AtAt thethe endend ofof thethe day,day, CharlieCharlie YYachtacht ClubClub fromfrom AAugustugust 31-September31-September 2nd,2nd, throughthrough supportsupport fromfrom thethe hhadad anan excellentexcellent wwayay ooff ddebriefing.ebriefing. HHee mmadeade eeachach ooff uuss wwriterite wwhathat wwee BBelvedereelvedere CCoveove FFoundationoundation aandnd tthehe St.St. FrancisFrancis SailingSailing Foundation.Foundation. ffoundound difficultdifficult andand thenthen wewe wouldwould allall discussdiscuss it.it. EEveryvery OODPDP CCliniclinic iiss sspecial,pecial, aandnd iiss aaimedimed ttoo iimprovemprove a ssailor’sailor’s sskillskills aass DDayay TTwowo wwasas bbetteretter tthanhan tthehe ffirst.irst. WWee hhitit moremore ofof ourour laylay llines,ines, mmuchuch asas possible.possible. aandnd ourour downwinddownwind wire-to-wirewire-to-wire gybesgybes werewere muchmuch crispier.crispier. TheThe currentcurrent EEvenven thoughthough ourour originaloriginal coachcoach waswas unableunable toto makemake itit duedue toto thethe wwasas llikeike DDayay OOne,ne, bbutut wwee wwentent ooutut muchmuch earlierearlier soso wewe hithit thethe waterwater atat hhurricaneurricane inin Florida.Florida. CharlieCharlie McKee,McKee, PetePete MelvinMelvin andand AdamAdam Corpuz-Corpuz- llowow ttide.ide. ThatThat waswas nniceice becausebecause wwee sspentpent mmoreore ttimeime onon thethe upwindsupwinds LLahneahne steppedstepped inin asas thethe NacraNacra 1515 coaches,coaches, andand werewere amazing.amazing. TheThe ssinceince mostmost ofof tthehe timetime thethe currentcurrent waswas flooding.flooding. ByBy thethe endend ofof thethe dayday ffirstirst couplecouple ooff ddaysays CCharlieharlie wwasas oourur ccoach,oach, aandnd wwee ffocusedocused oonn mmarkark tthehe currentcurrent hadhad switchedswitched andand thethe windwind hadhad pickedpicked upup toto itsits peak.peak. AfterAfter rroundingsoundings andand laylay lineline calls.calls. TThehe ccurrenturrent andand highhigh windswinds areare whatwhat tthreehree upwindupwind andand downwinddownwind runs,runs, manymany startsstarts andand twotwo practicepractice races,races, mmakesakes ssailingailing iinn SanSan FranciscoFrancisco soso challengingchallenging andand suchsuch anan amazingamazing wwee headedheaded in.in. WeWe debriefeddebriefed thethe samesame wayway wewe diddid thethe dayday beforebefore andand pplacelace ttoo ssail.ail. OOverver tthehe eentirentire wweekendeekend tthehe wwindind averagedaveraged ffromrom 115-255-25 tthankedhanked CharlieCharlie forfor hhisis awesomeawesome ccoachingoaching aass hhee wwouldould bbee llostost ttoo tthehe kknots,nots, wwhichhich waswas greatgreat becausebecause wewe werewere ableable ttoo wworkork oonn oourur heavyheavy 229ers9ers tthehe nextnext day.day. wwindind maneuvers.maneuvers. DDayay TThreehree wwasas oourur ffinalinal dday,ay, aandnd wwee wwereere ccoachedoached bbyy PPeteete aandnd DDayay OOnene wwasas a bbitit rrough;ough; almostalmost aallll ooff oourur llayay llinesines wwereere uundershotndershot AAdam.dam. OOurur practicepractice thatthat dayday waswas sshorterhorter bbecauseecause wwee hhadad ttoo ttakeake tthehe bbecauseecause wwee wwereere ttryingrying ttoo anticipateanticipate thethe currentcurrent slip,slip, andand thenthen wewe wouldwould bboatsoats aapartpart aandnd mmyy tteammateseammates hhadad fflightslights ttoo ccatch.atch. WWee ssailedailed ppracticeractice oovercorrectvercorrect aandnd eendnd upup overlayingoverlaying ourour marks.marks. LaterLater oonn inin thethe dayday wewe rracesaces aallll ddayay wwhichhich aallowedllowed uuss ttoo pputut oourur nnewlyewly llearnedearned sskillskills ttoo tthehe ttest.est. ffocusedocused oonn ourour starts.starts. AsAs a tteam,eam, LLukeuke aandnd I mademade itit a goalgoal toto bebe asas TThehe wholewhole wweekendeekend wwasas a ggreatreat eexperiencexperience aandnd I wwouldould llikeike ttoo tthankhank ccloselose ttoo tthehe llineine aass ppossible.ossible. GGoaloal aachieved,chieved, aandnd aatt ttimesimes wwee wwereere oover.ver. UU.S..S. Sailing,Sailing, thethe BelvedereBelvedere CoveCove Foundation,Foundation, thethe St.St. FrancisFrancis SailingSailing TThehe wwholehole ddayay wwasas vveryery sscarycary bbecauseecause wwee wwereere ssailingailing a nnewew bboatoat tthathat FFoundation,oundation, allall thethe coaches,coaches, andand JIBJIB forfor makingmaking thisthis happen.happen.

14 nncece againagain MissionMission BayBay YachtYacht ClubClub openedopened Children’s Day tthehe gatesgates aandnd mmembersembers oopenedpened ttheirheir hheartsearts aandnd wwalletsallets ttoo wwelcomeelcome cchildrenhildren Ottoo a rreunioneunion wwithith ssiblingsiblings wwhoho hhaveave bbeeneen at the Bay sseparatedeparated tthroughhrough pplacement.lacement. InIn conjunctionconjunction withwith tthehe Promises2KidsPromises2Kids OrganizationOrganization tthroughhrough CCampamp CConnect,onnect, tthehe 114th4th aannualnnual ““DayDay aatt tthehe BBeach”each” wwasas hheldeld oonn SSunday,unday, OOctoberctober 220th,0th, andand ssponsoredponsored bbyy tthehe PPowerower FFleet.leet. CChildrenhildren andand volunteersvolunteers werewere treatedtreated toto bbarbecuedarbecued hamburgers,hamburgers, hothot dogs,dogs, iceice cream,cream, andand chipschips aandnd ssalsa.alsa. BBoatoat ridesrides werewere coordinatedcoordinated byby BillBill Black.Black. WWee rreceivedeceived donationsdonations toto supportsupport tthehe eventevent fromfrom tthehe PowerPower Fleet,Fleet, PamPam andand JoeJoe Marino,Marino, MarianMarian aandnd KKimim Crosser,Crosser, JohnJohn andand PPatat RRow,ow, LLoriori LLongstreet,ongstreet, oourur ggenerousenerous boatboat captains,captains, aandnd mmanyany oothers.thers. EEachach cchildhild ddepartedeparted wwithith a bbackpackackpack fi lledlled withwith ppencils,encils, crayons,crayons, notenote ppads,ads, beachbeach towels,towels, a cozycozy bblanket,lanket, ssocks,ocks, mmanyany ootherther iitems,tems, aandnd a bbigig ssmilemile oonn ttheirheir ffaces.aces. A bbigig Th ankank YYouou ggoesoes ooutut toto aallll oourur ggenerousenerous MBYCMBYC volunteersvolunteers aandnd sstafftaff wwhoho hhelpedelped mmakeake tthishis eventevent a heart-warmingheart-warming ssuccess.uccess.

Story and Photos by Carol Bentley Ellis and Chuck Weber

15 t epportor ial R SSpecialpec mmilitary Re ilitary familyfamily appreciation day OOctoberctober 55,, 22019019 – BeautifulBeautiful day!day! WeWe couldn’tcouldn’t havehave askedasked forfor ccomplimentsompliments fromfrom ppeopleeople aaftft erer theirtheir rides.rides. bbetteretter wweather.eather. WWee hhadad ourour ownown personalpersonal lifeguards,lifeguards, KathyKathy andand PaulPaul JohnsonJohnson onon WWee hadhad giftgift bagsbags mademade byby thethe USOUSO andand hhadad a vvarietyariety ooff iitemstems iinn tthehe beachbeach watchingwatching everyoneeveryone inin thethe water.water. Th anks!anks! tthem.hem. GGuyuy RRaffaff eeee tooktook picturespictures inin frontfront Th a anksnks ttoo aallll tthehe fl eeetsets tthathat donateddonated ttoo tthehe eevent.vent. ooff ourour bellbell forfor eeachach familyfamily toto hhaveave iinn RRacingacing Cruising,Cruising, PowerPower Fleet,Fleet, LadiesLadies Group,Group, andand tthehe rremembranceemembrance ooff tthehe dadayy.. GreatGreat pphotoshotos SSeniorenior SSabotabot fl eet.eet. Th anks!anks! wwereere ttakenaken andand ggiveniven ttoo tthehe ffamilies.amilies. FForor manymany yearsyears wewe havehave hadhad twotwo supporterssupporters ooff Th e greatgreat lunchlunch ccrewrew hheadedeaded upup byby tthehe event.event. Rubio’sRubio’s onon GrandGrand AAvenuevenue iinn PPacifiacifi c BBeacheach CChuckhuck WeberWeber servedserved hhamburgers,amburgers, hhotot aalwayslways donatesdonates cchipships aandnd ssalsaalsa fforor tthehe eevent.vent. EEveryvery oonene ddogsogs andand watermelon.watermelon. Th e esese guysguys andand ggirlsirls loves dipping into the salsa with the chips. Another rreallyeally workedworked veryvery hardhard gettinggetting eeveryoneveryone long time supporter is Chick-fi l-A at the Sports Arena ffed.ed. EveryoneEveryone hadhad plentyplenty toto eateat andand wwereere with coupons and a cow toy. Th anks for all your ggreetedreeted wwithith ssmilesmiles aandnd mmadeade ttoo ffeeleel llikeike ssupport.upport. RRememberemember tthemhem wwhenhen yyouou areare hhungryungry fforor a ttheyhey werewere atat home.home. ttacoaco oror a chickenchicken sandwich.sandwich. WWee hhadad WesWes AnsonAnson aass mmasteraster ooff Th e USOUSO supportssupports oourur eeventsvents iinn mmanyany wwaysays andand cceremonieseremonies aandnd mmusic,usic, ffaceace ppaintingainting aandnd ttheyhey aarere ggreatreat ttoo wworkork with.with. WWee hhaveave wworkedorked withwith tthemhem mmusicusic byby LaurynLauryn HHallall aandnd ffriendriend ((thethe kkidsids aandnd ttheyhey ssaidaid tthishis eeventvent iiss tthehe bbestest oonene tthathat ttheyhey wworkork llovedoved it),it), lifeguardslifeguards camecame byby andand sprayedsprayed with in many ways. Th ey have only gotten positive tthehe kidskids onon tthehe bbeacheach aandnd SSeaea WWorldorld ppaidaid uuss a visit.visit. WeWe gavegave outout buckets,buckets, coloringcoloring MManyany ppeopleeople helpedhelped atat thethe eventevent andand I wwouldould llikeike bbooks,ooks, crayons,crayons, aandnd bbubblesubbles toto thethe kids.kids. ttoo ssayay ““THANKS”THANKS” toto aallll ooff tthem.hem. Th e USOUSO andand tthehe SSusanusan RothRoth fromfrom USUS BankBank FFairbanksairbanks military families really appreciate this event and we RRanchanch donatesdonates tthehe ccoloringoloring booksbooks andand rreceiveeceive forfor thethe clubclub acknowledgementacknowledgement andand tthankshanks ffromrom ccrayons.rayons. PPatat RRowow donateddonated sstufftuff eded animals,animals, tthem.hem. wwhichhich werewere rafflraffl eded offoff toto tthehe kkids.ids. AAllll tthehe kkidsids lloveove iitt andand iit’st’s ggreatreat toto sseeee tthehe olderolder kidskids gettinggetting a stuffstuff eded animalanimal aandnd hhavingaving a bbigig smilesmile onon ttheirheir fface.ace. Th anks,anks, BBillill BBlacklack wwhoho aarrangedrranged tthehe bboatsoats aandnd llifejacketsifejackets fforor tthehe dday.ay. Th e familiesfamilies werewere givengiven boatboat ridesrides byby bothboth powerpower andand ssailail bboats.oats. Story and photos Th anksanks ttoo aallll ooff yyouou fforor hhelpingelping ooutut wwithith yyourour bboatsoats aandnd eeveryoneveryone tthathat by pputut itit togethertogether Sue Pasterkiewicz wwithith llifeife jjacketsackets aandnd sscheduling.cheduling. I heardheard manymany

16 aappreciationppreciation dayday

17 2019 MBYC Club Championship Photos by Martin Offenhauer

18 Championship

19 Photos by Judy 2019 II Invitational Tillson

20 21 Continued from 2019 Sabot II Invitational previous page

22 Christmas Caroling on the

Bahia Belle!

Sunday December 22nd, 2019

Cruise Times Please arrive 30 minutes before each cruise 6:30 pm or 7:30 pm Dinner & Bar Dinner Served 5:00-8:00

Hot Drumettes choice of BBQ| Buffalo (4) 8.00 Chicken Fingers | Premium Tenders | Fries 10.00 Fish & Chips | Citrus Slaw | Fries 14.00 Beef Stew |Sourdough Boule 10.00 BLAT | 12.00 Grilled Fish Street Tacos (3) 10.00 Grass Fed Brisket Burger 10.00 Mission Bay Yacht Club Salad 8.00

23 Mission Bay Yacht Club PRSRT STD 1215 El Carmel Place US Postage San Diego, CA 92109 PAID Permit No 26 San Diego, CA Return Service Requested

TheMAINSTAY is on the web at www.mbyc.org

Wes Anson, Chuck Weber, Commodore Bill Kenney , Seaworld's Coral, Carol Bentley Ellis, and Vice Commodore Bill Sweeney pose for a photo moment during the P2K Day at MBYC. Carol and Chuck have been instrumental in making this a very successful event. Photo by Lori Longstreet.