73 bus time schedule & line map

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The 73 bus line (Bedford - Biggleswade) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Bedford: 5:37 AM - 7:12 PM (2) Biggleswade: 5:55 AM - 7:15 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 73 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 73 bus arriving.

Direction: Bedford 73 bus Time Schedule 55 stops Bedford Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 5:37 AM - 7:12 PM Bus Station, Biggleswade Market Place, Biggleswade Tuesday 5:37 AM - 7:12 PM

Baptist Church, New Town Wednesday 5:37 AM - 7:12 PM

Bygraves Garage, Biggleswade Thursday 5:37 AM - 7:12 PM Friday 5:37 AM - 7:12 PM Bygraves Garage, Biggleswade Saturday 6:07 AM - 7:12 PM Hitchmead Road, Biggleswade

Spring Close, Biggleswade Auckland Road, Biggleswade 73 bus Info Road, Biggleswade Direction: Bedford Stops: 55 Gardeners Arms, New Town Trip Duration: 54 min Line Summary: Bus Station, Biggleswade, Baptist Brunswick Close, New Town Church, New Town, Bygraves Garage, Biggleswade, Bygraves Garage, Biggleswade, Hitchmead Road, Biggleswade, Spring Close, Biggleswade, Potton Sun Street, New Town Road, Biggleswade, Gardeners Arms, New Town, Brunswick Close, New Town, Sun Street, New Town, Sainsbury'S, Biggleswade Sainsbury'S, Biggleswade, Biggleswade Road, Lower Hill Lane, Biggleswade Caldecote, Lynton Cottages, Lower Caldecote, The Buttery, , New Road, Beeston, Footbridge, Biggleswade Road, Lower Caldecote Beeston, Swan Lane, Girtford, Recreation Ground, Girtford, Market Square, Sandy, Dapifer Drive, Lynton Cottages, Lower Caldecote Falloweld, Stockton End, Falloweld, Gateshead Close, Falloweld, Fieldfare, Falloweld, The Rookery, The Buttery, Seddington Falloweld, Woodcock Close, Falloweld, Sunderland Road, Falloweld, Falloweld Roundabout, New Road, Beeston Falloweld, Carter Street, Girtford, Midland Road, Girtford, Waverley Avenue, Girtford, Pentland Close, Footbridge, Beeston Girtford, Queen's Road, Girtford, Church Path, Girtford, The Guinea, , Park Road, Swan Lane, Girtford Moggerhanger, Sandy Road, Willington, Frosts Garden Centre, Willington, Crossroads, Willington, Recreation Ground, Girtford Balls Lane, Willington, Cople Turn, Willington, Bedford Road, Sandy Octagon Farm, Cople, Meadow Lane, Cardington, Priory Business Park, Eastcotts, St Martins Way, Market Square, Sandy Eastcotts, The Turnpike, Eastcotts, Harrowden Road Market Square, Sandy Shops, Eastcotts, Catholic Church, Eastcotts, Oak Road, Fenlake, London Road Methodist Chapel, Dapifer Drive, Falloweld Fenlake, Fenlake Road, Fenlake, Kingsway Link, Windsor Way, Sandy Cauldwell, Bedford College, Cauldwell, St Paul's Square, Bedford, Pilgrims House, Bedford, Bus Stockton End, Falloweld Station, Bedford

Gateshead Close, Falloweld

Fieldfare, Falloweld Merlin Drive, Sandy

The Rookery, Falloweld Sunderland Road, Sandy

Woodcock Close, Falloweld

Sunderland Road, Falloweld The Harriers, Sandy

Falloweld Roundabout, Falloweld Sunderland Road, Sandy

Carter Street, Girtford

Midland Road, Girtford

Waverley Avenue, Girtford

Pentland Close, Girtford St. Neots Road, Sandy

Queen's Road, Girtford

Church Path, Girtford Poplar Grove, Sandy

The Guinea, Moggerhanger

Park Road, Moggerhanger

Sandy Road, Willington

Frosts Garden Centre, Willington

Crossroads, Willington

Balls Lane, Willington

Cople Turn, Willington

Octagon Farm, Cople

Meadow Lane, Cardington

Priory Business Park, Eastcotts Cardington Road, St Martins Way, Eastcotts

The Turnpike, Eastcotts

Harrowden Road Shops, Eastcotts

Catholic Church, Eastcotts Harrowden Lane, Bedford

Oak Road, Fenlake

London Road Methodist Chapel, Fenlake 92 London Road, Bedford

Fenlake Road, Fenlake 24 London Road, Bedford

Kingsway Link, Cauldwell A600, Bedford

Bedford College, Cauldwell Cauldwell Street, England

St Paul's Square, Bedford St Paul's Square, Bedford

Pilgrims House, Bedford Horne Lane, Bedford

Bus Station, Bedford Thurlow Street, Bedford Direction: Biggleswade 73 bus Time Schedule 54 stops Biggleswade Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 5:55 AM - 7:15 PM Bus Station, Bedford Thurlow Street, Bedford Tuesday 5:55 AM - 7:15 PM

St Paul's Square, Bedford Wednesday 5:55 AM - 7:15 PM 10 St Paul's Square, Bedford Thursday 5:55 AM - 7:15 PM St John's Street, Bedford Friday 5:55 AM - 7:15 PM 26 St John's Street, Bedford Saturday 6:15 AM - 7:15 PM Fenlake Road, Fenlake 59 London Road, Bedford

London Road Methodist Chapel, Fenlake 108 London Road, Bedford 73 bus Info Direction: Biggleswade Oak Road, Fenlake Stops: 54 Trip Duration: 65 min Catholic Church, Eastcotts Line Summary: Bus Station, Bedford, St Paul's Square, Bedford, St John's Street, Bedford, Fenlake Harrowden Road Shops, Eastcotts Road, Fenlake, London Road Methodist Chapel, Fenlake, Oak Road, Fenlake, Catholic Church, The Turnpike, Eastcotts Eastcotts, Harrowden Road Shops, Eastcotts, The Turnpike, Eastcotts, The Turnpike, Eastcotts, St The Turnpike, Eastcotts Martins Way, Eastcotts, Priory Business Park, Eastcotts, Priory Business Park, Eastcotts, Meadow St Martins Way, Eastcotts Lane, Cardington, Octagon Farm, Cople, Cople Turn, Willington, Balls Lane, Willington, Crossroads, Priory Business Park, Eastcotts Willington, Frosts Garden Centre, Willington, Sandy Road, Willington, Park Road, Moggerhanger, The Cardington Road, Cardington Guinea, Moggerhanger, Swan Lane, Girtford, Priory Business Park, Eastcotts Recreation Ground, Girtford, Dapifer Drive, Falloweld, Stockton End, Falloweld, Gateshead Stannard Way, England Close, Falloweld, Fieldfare, Falloweld, The Rookery, Meadow Lane, Cardington Falloweld, Woodcock Close, Falloweld, Sunderland Road, Falloweld, Falloweld Roundabout, Octagon Farm, Cople Falloweld, Carter Street, Girtford, Midland Road, Girtford, Waverley Avenue, Girtford, Pentland Close, Girtford, Banks Drive, Girtford, Market Square, Sandy, Cople Turn, Willington Recreation Ground, Girtford, Swan Lane, Girtford, Footbridge, Beeston, New Road, Beeston, The Balls Lane, Willington Buttery, Seddington, White's Egg Farm, Biggleswade, Sainsbury'S, Biggleswade, Sun Street, New Town, Crossroads, Willington Birch Road, New Town, Gardeners Arms, New Town, Grange Way, Willington Civil Parish Potton Road, Biggleswade, Spring Close, Biggleswade, Hitchmead Road, Biggleswade, Frosts Garden Centre, Willington Bygraves Garage, Biggleswade, Baptist Church, New Town, Bus Station, Biggleswade Sandy Road, Willington

Park Road, Moggerhanger

The Guinea, Moggerhanger

Swan Lane, Girtford Recreation Ground, Girtford Bedford Road, Sandy

Dapifer Drive, Falloweld Windsor Way, Sandy

Stockton End, Falloweld

Gateshead Close, Falloweld

Fieldfare, Falloweld Merlin Drive, Sandy

The Rookery, Falloweld Sunderland Road, Sandy

Woodcock Close, Falloweld

Sunderland Road, Falloweld The Harriers, Sandy

Falloweld Roundabout, Falloweld Sunderland Road, Sandy

Carter Street, Girtford

Midland Road, Girtford

Waverley Avenue, Girtford

Pentland Close, Girtford St. Neots Road, Sandy

Banks Drive, Girtford

Market Square, Sandy Market Square, Sandy

Recreation Ground, Girtford Bedford Road, Sandy

Swan Lane, Girtford

Footbridge, Beeston

New Road, Beeston

The Buttery, Seddington

White's Egg Farm, Biggleswade Great North Road, Civil Parish

Sainsbury'S, Biggleswade Hill Lane, Biggleswade

Sun Street, New Town

Birch Road, New Town

Gardeners Arms, New Town Churchill Court, Biggleswade

Potton Road, Biggleswade

Spring Close, Biggleswade

Hitchmead Road, Biggleswade The Baulk, Biggleswade

Bygraves Garage, Biggleswade

Baptist Church, New Town

Bus Station, Biggleswade Market Place, Biggleswade 73 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in London. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved