Warthill Parish Council - Draft

Minutes of the Meeting on Wednesday 9 th June 2021

Councillors Present: Henry Whitten (Chair) Tony Fothergill (Treasurer), John Haynes, Derrick Hayton, Adam Burkinshaw

Other Attendees: Mike Jobling (Clerk)

Apologies: None

2021/20 Declaration of interest: None declared.

2021/21 Minutes of last meeting were agreed.

2021/22 Matters Arising from last minutes: All matters arising from the last minutes are included as agenda items and will be addressed in the relevant agenda item below.

2021/23 Co-option of a new councillor: Papers were signed and witnessed to formally co-opt AB.

2021/24 Planning matters:

1) Gower House A site visit (to Missenden House) was performed prior to this meeting. Objections from John Semourson (Claridge House) and Mr and Mrs Kidd (Missenden House) were read. A concern was raised that the church may have right of way to land behind these houses, which may be owned by the church. It was agreed that the Parish Council would comment on this proposed plan, incorporating the following points: a) It has an overbearing impact on the neighbouring property (Missenden House), which is one storey high on the side of the proposed extension. b) The proposed extension is covering the entire width of the plot, which is not in keeping with the village. 2) Beech House Amended plans for rear extension were discussed. These amendments include alteration of two rear windows to be a more modern design, and for the extension to be rendered rather than brickwork. Both of these changes were at the request of the planners. No objections were raised. 3) Birchfield Amended plans discussed, which included a modest increase in size of one of the walls. No objections were raised. 4) Meadowsweet Cottage A query was raised over the ongoing building work at the rear of the property and it was questioned whether this is in keeping with the approved development. It was agreed that HW would approach the owners directly regarding this, rather than taking up this matter with Council. 2021/25 Treasurers Report: TF has made efforts to change the counter signatories, but has not had any response to his email enquiries with the bank. TF will follow this up.

2021/26 Agreement was reached on the Certificate of Exemption for the Annual Audit.

2021/27 Agreement was reached on the Accounting Statement. The opening balance for the year was £2762, and the closing balance was £3124. The increase in the account balance was due to a slight increase in the precept and a VAT refund of £138.

2021/28 Agreement reached on the Annual Governance Statement.

2021/29 The need to hand deliver a paper copy of the agenda for each PPC meeting to individual households within the parish was discussed. It was agreed to deliver one further agenda with a notice to inform parishioners that from hence forth the agenda items will be available on the website. Households will be given the option of signing up to an email distribution list. DH agreed to deliver the next agenda items.

2021/30 Drainage problems in the village: There are ongoing problems with drainage which is being dealt with by Water.

2021/31 Repainting the benches: JH has bought the paint and brushes to do this work. It was agreed that this work would be done by AB and TF. It was also proposed that we would look into purchasing a new bin for the bench at the North side of the village.

2021/32 Standing Orders: HW has found a template for the Standing Orders, which he will amend and adapt to suit the Parish, with the aim of issuing a draft for the next meeting.

2021/33 Phone box: Interest was expressed in setting up a community book swap now we have taken over ownership of the phone box. TF will contact PCC to make enquiries as to who they used to convert their phone box to a community book swap. It was noted that we will need to take precautions as part of this plan, because of covid.

2021/34 Refurbishment of the noticeboard: JH expressed an opinion that the noticeboards need to be periodically reviewed to remove outdated notices.

2021/35 Bulb and tree planting in the Autumn: It was agreed to focus on planting around the benches and to fill in any gaps in the existing planting. This will be discussed again at the meeting.

2021/36 Any other matters of interest:

1) A query was raised by a parishioner over the dumping of garden waste on the parish verge opposite Dalby Nursery. JH will take this up with Sean Dalby. 2) A query raised by JH as to whether the Toddler group at the Church is still running, but it appears this had to be stopped because of covid.

The next meeting is to be held on the 15th September 2021 at 7pm. End of the Meeting.