SHAPWICK NEWS ISSUE 273 September 2017

The Pavilion @ Shapwick

The Pavilion @ Shapwick will be hosting weekly pub evenings on Friday nights this autumn starting on Friday 1st September from 6.30 pm. The first of these will coincide with the Cricket Club Junior Section presentation evening and we hope will be a fun evening for the whole family. Everyone in the village is welcome to come along on Friday evenings from September 1st onwards and celebrate the end of the week with family and friends.

The Bells Dora Watkins

Farmer Bates was a Shapwick farmer whose fields extended to , and Stawell. His son had gone to Australia years before (maybe deported). The son made a lot of money there and when he died left most of it to his father, but left a sum for a peel of bells to be put in either Moorlinch, Greinton or Stawell church as they each had only one small bell. It was to go to whichever village had a man die after the will was read. A young man in Greinton drowned himself in the rhyne. The night before in the pub he had said he would make sure Greinton had the bells. Greinton folk were proud and gave him a grand funeral. The squire at Shapwick had been a lawyer in London. He took it to court with the result , drowning in a ditch was unnatural. The first natural death was at Moorlinch so they had the bells. Another version was the first village to have three children born and three people die. Three were born and two died at Stawell so Stawell started to build a Spectators enjoying the recent 20:20 tower.match. The three births and three deaths in Moorlinch so they had the bells. If you pass Stawell church you will see it had a very short tower but buttresses and foundations for a much larger one. Hi folks, Jen and I spent a week at New Wine at the end of July. This is a Christian festival that takes place every year at the Bath & West showground near , and for me it has been a regular source of inspiration over the years. There are several reasons why I like going:  It’s an opportunity to hear some top quality speakers.  It’s exciting to worship God with thousands of others in a big tent!  There are great seminars on a wide variety of topics. These included: the science & faith debate; the struggles Christians have in countries where they are facing persecution; the challenge of proclaiming the gospel in a rapidly changing culture. It can be a bit of a mountain-top experience, so it was refreshing to hear the leader of New Wine, Paul Harcourt, emphasise that the festival is not just about having a great time there – but about being better equipped for the other 50 weeks of the year. Overall it’s an event which I’m hoping will become an inspiration for people living around here – especially as it is so close! Every blessing, Rich Tweedy [email protected]

Shapwick Starlets Summer Garden Party Sue Sellick

Thank you to everyone who attended our annual fundraising event which was held at 'Honeycrock Cafe' in Shapwick. And special thanks to the hard working team that brought all this together, including some roped in husbands. We were lucky that the sun shone and it was lovely to see so many people supporting us.

This year there were the usual cream teas, cakes and croquet. The books for sale ranged from Barbara Cartland to Frederick Forsythe and a variety of games meant that everyone was entertained, young and old. In fact the Decorate the Splodge competition was a definite hit with the adults!

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 12th September in Shapwick Village Hall at 7.30 pm but you don't have to live in Shapwick to come and join us. Our speaker is Caron Lane, Centre Manager of the National Animal Welfare Trust at Heaven's Gate. Caron will be talking about the housing and re-homing of a wide variety of animals from rabbits, cats, dogs and goats to ponies and donkeys, as well as ducks, geese and chickens. Plenty of tails of the unexpected!

Parish Council Website -—minutes, agendas etc. Community Talks Programme

ALL TALKS TAKE PLACE ON THURSDAY AT 5.30 pm, for approximately 45 minutes. 2017 14th September Dr Miles Kerr- Peterson of the Heritage Group: “Saving a cemetery: the friends of Road”

28th September Steve Parsons, Publications at Downside Abbey: “History of Downside Abbey”

12th October John Cheshire “The Russian Psyche & its influence on contemporary decision making in the Kremlin”

9th November Miranda Young, Outreach & Learning Manager at Wells Cathedral: “What is a Cathedral, and what makes ours special?”

23rd November Mr Tony Cullen, the English Civil War Society “Soldiers of the English Civil Wars”

2018 25th January Commander Barrie O’Sullivan & Community Relations Officer RNAS Yeovilton The History of RNAS Yeovilton & HMS Heron*

22nd February Kim Thompson, Volunteering Officer for the Churches Conservation Trust: The Work of the Churches Conservation Trust*

1st March Shapwick Pupils. “Great History Speeches” & pupil-designed slideshows With selection of historical nibbles!

Shapwick School is very proud & appreciative to have the financial support of the Chalke Valley History Festival & Trust for a variety of History Projects. Their website is found at

Shapwick Village Hall Saturday 7th October 7.30pm Tickets £10 Traditional two course harvest meal Followed by auction Please bring your own drinks & glasses Tickets contact: Nerina Scott 210329 or Claire Brown 210784 by 1st October What’s On in Shapwick Lite Bite Lunches The Pavilion @Shapwick The next lunch is on 18th Pub Nights—Friday evenings from 6.30pm September starting 1st September. 12:30pm-2pm St Marys Church. Village Hall AGM 2017 Wednesday Everyone welcome 11th October 7.30pm For further information please contact Helen on 210885 The AGM is an open meeting everyone is welcome and is as informal as we can make it. Church Services September We are always looking for new members for the committee Sunday 3 September – Trinity 12 anyone can join as long as they live in Shapwick and are over 9.00 CatcottHoly Communion (BCP) 10.30 AshcottInformal Worship the age of 18. 10.30 Edington Family Communion 6.30 Shapwick Praise ‘n’ Prayer (was Revive) Or if you are someone that does not want the commitment of Sunday 10 September – Trinity 13 joining the committee but would just like to help us out 10.00 Shapwick Café Church occasionally we would love to hear from you. There are always 10.30 Family Communion 6.30 Holy Communion (CW) lots of little jobs that need doing and we are always grateful for Sunday 17 September – Trinity 14 a helping hand at our fundraising events. 10.30 CatcottHarvest Communion 10.30 Chilton Polden Informal Worship Following the AGM there will be a normal committee meeting. 6.30 Holy Communion (CW) If you would like more information contact, Michael Motum Sunday 24 September – Trinity 15 9.00 Shapwick Harvest and Patronal (Chair) 210618 , Bridget Dawes (Treasurer) 210185 or Claire Communion (CW) Brown (Secretary) 210784 [email protected] 10.30 Burtle Harvest Communion 6.30 Edington Evensong (BCP) Thursdays 7 and 21 September; 5 October: Next Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 19th September Ashcott 10.00 Holy Communion 7.30pm Village Hall. Wednesday 27 September: Edington 10.00 Holy Communion (this service will be in St. George’s Church, not the School Room, Useful Contact Details followed by coffee) Parish Council - Clerk -Sue Williams 01458 210749 [email protected] Clubs Village Hall - Secretary Claire Brown 01458 210784 Cubs—Adam Smith 07508 468173 [email protected] Cricket Club—Martin Baker 01458 831131 Hall Bookings—[email protected] or 01458 210329 Friends of Shapwick Church—Jane Walker 01458 St. Mary’s Church - Jan Jones 01458 210804 210137 Edington Doctors Surgery 01278 722077 Prescriptions 01278 723459 Pilates—Lita de Alberdi 01458 446883 Bridgwater Hospital 01278 436555 Shapwick Runners— District Council 0845 408 2540 WI – Sue Sellick 01458 210357 County Council 0300 123 2224 Yoga—Mel Blackshaw 07812 667911

Published by Shapwick Parish Council. Edited by Sue Williams NB Copy for the next Issue of the News should be sent to: Sue Williams by 20th September or to [email protected]

There is no guarantee that all material submitted will be used - publication is at the Editor’s discretion and articles may be amended or condensed. We do not print anonymous contributions but are prepared to include items under a pen name, if so desired, on condition that we are given the name and address of the author(s). Opinions expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily those of the Editor nor Parish Council.