\ \

World's greatest selection of things to show.

SCORED VERSION COMPOSED RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE (1925) ' AND PERFORMED BY By ZANE GREY Restricted to the United States WiLLIAM PERRY we I III I JIVI IVIA 4111111 With MARIAN NIXON, WARNER OLAND, FRED KOH LER and WILFRED LUCAS This is a copyrigflfed motion picture nently endeared himself to small boys for Which may only be licensed for pri- generations vet to come. vote, noncommercial, nontheatrjcal home In 1917, Mix joined the Fox Studios, and movie use as limited to rights granted. All as their mainstay made over 60 for other rights, privileges and licenses, in- them. By the early 1920s, he was riding cludlng, but not limited to, television, the- high as the most popular Western star in atrical and commercial rights are ex- the world. His version of RIDERS OF THE pressly reserved. PURPL.E SAGE in 1925 was one of tour made over the years by Fox, and undoubt. edly the finest. When Tom Mix first entered the movies in 1910, he was billed as an "Ex-U.S. Mar- Directed by Lynn Reynolds, this cbs- rSPECIAL shall, expert roper and broncho buster", sic Zone Grey story was filmed with Mix I-fe was all c-f that and more, for hd had at the lop of his career. II has breothfak- also been at various times a range rider, ing Western scenery, a full quota of action sheriff, a Texas Ranger, and had partici- and excitement, and a plot of more than poted in the Spanish-American War, the usual substance as Tom sets out to un• Rnr j,,r ,,,',,-i e r,.... - - ravel nnrt nvenae kir'.r,nnr,inn SEE 11 ceueilIor1. AS 0 the of his performer, he was a mon of action rather ter. than emotion, full of energy and the Spirit 810-51-2008, Standard 8 silent, b/w, 1026- of fun, every inch a showman who insisted feet, lbs...... $85.98 on doing his awn stunts. 860-51-2008, Soper 8 silent, b/w, 1139-feet, 2 1/2 lbs ...... $99.98 While he announced curly in his ccireer that he 880-51-2008, Super 8 magnetic sound, b/w, 'ic,s ' not ía - rnush muc 7 mm., 2 - lbs...... 5131.98

WATS LINE.ORDERS ONLY Open on a 24-hour basis; S.even doys a week 800-553-1163 (Not Available in Iowa, Hawaii, Alaska) Bulletin 288 - July, 1977 Ciipy'- iqht 1977 Blacktiowk F,il.ms, I nd. A!! Rights rdse,'vect Rsc'j!r,r an,j -c, a this btliein are guaranteed Only /UIY 1977 ULLETIN 288, JULY 1977 1,AUA I i A 'Ar. LSL, Ll.il I 1.\ l7 - ,00, .1 UI, 051 INTRODUCING OUR FISHY TALES - (1937)

24 PAGE BULLETIN Restricted to the United States and Canada

A number of you have recom- mended a change in our bulletin mail- with ALFALFA, SPANKY, BUTCH, PORKY, ing. Our advertising deportment has WH EAT, HAROLD SWITZER, WALDO, DARLA DOD, JUNIOR, WOIM, DICKIE DeNUETand been working on this and they feel DOR IAN JOHNSTON that a 24 page bulletin interspursed I'— - - it's Alfolfo'S 5.10w, from his re-enactment of WilSom Tell's his- with our 88 page bulletin may be lust '; oric shot to his final syif, fleeing from Butch and Woim's venue 'nice, Porky's consumption of the apples intisndcd for Alfalfa's far- the cnswer, and still enable us 4o - -. ief almostruins the reot demonstration at the Wise Owl Club keep you up to date on what's hap- louse, But Buckwheat's 'timely return from a fishing expediliori huCkshcat replaces the greedy Parks, with the only remOinisg apple on pening at Blackhawk. complete ,Sith fish I saves Aliolic'-, e:1 his heod. This 24 page bulletin is a TEST to Unfortunately.Butch opens Ire door lust 01 Altalfo fires his dart gun —with the dart landing on Butch's nose. see what reaction we might get from After o second gccidehtol score, Altolfo escapes Butch's wrath only by fainting away. Later, good ale' Spanks, ever the little helper, assures Butch in 3 nOte that if If weren't for Alfalfa's ''broken leg" he was ready to 'awe you. Butch a trouncing. The response from Butch tt,at he plans to personally examine Altolfo's inluries - and contrib panic, Spanks stuffs Buckwheat's You will notice that this bulletin ste a few broken bpnes if they don't already exist - sends the L I Rascals into 0 dead fishIn a sack, to replace Alfalfa's - eal lea which dongles trirough a hole in the mattress. The combinotian of contains new items, recent releases, a leather, some niope crawfish, and several hungry cots completely demolish the staged sickbed scene. Butch and sale items, discontinued films and ci VVOirfl pursue the hapless Alfalfg as the real cndr., 880-05-1573, super 3 magnetic sound, blw, dialogue 'Ii mm,, 11-005 ...... 529.98 comprehensive listing of used 8nm 640-05-1573S. 16mm optical sound. 51w, dologue 11 mis,, 2-lbs...... 547,99 and 16mm films. It does not contain, however, a listing of all our material. So, I recam- THE BRIDE'S RELATIONS mend that you keep your last bulletin (1929) so that you will have a complete list- with ANDY CLYDE, JOHNNY BURKE, HARRY GRIBBON and THELMA HILL ing of our product on hand for easy The bride's -e-lot'oos are ions rustic folk who Innocently trans- reference. form the- anticipated blissful honeymoon into a frying separation. The newlyweds' misfortunes ore foreshodowed when, offOr an un- We will perhaps, have less fre- comfortable train dde into the ''restful country," the groom quent mailings of the stuffers. It is our Johnny Burke) is s:jrprised in the rear by hot steam from the en- gine intention to keep the subscribers to Enter the bride's uncle Elwood (Andy Clyde) in his beat-up the stuffers informed of any action 1gbps. He pnthusiasticallv greets the young couple; neorly shak- L'--Ji. ing Johnny's arm Oi.t of its socket In the process. Uncle Elw000 as- we might take. sures Jc'hnrtv. ''You young l'>vCbirds are ga -ma have a wondorful time around sore," This declaration abounds We will continue our practice of wit It irony, On the n - os o the form, the Old jalopy ta'. trouble climbing a hilt, so the new husband dlsembarks and goes providing you with the best possible behind to push. He sinks up to his neck in a rriudhcic. Once the cor reaches the peok at the hill it descends rapidly, largely due foa miSSing piece of equiCrrleflt —the brake-S. After drying over a scarecrow, through a ttcrystack and quality and service. a clothesline, the-vehicle finally comes to rest in oncther ftoystok. Please feel free in writing us your After meticg the family and the ride'1 old boyfriend Homer Roseborry, the young bride (Thelma Hil) says to her husband "Let's ga out and sea the donkey." Johnny looks of Homer and replies, "You mean there's an- opinion on this new bulletin. other one?" At lpf the troneyrnooriers are olore in a bedroom, but not for long. Enter the entire group to make the sleeping arrang5menls. Boys in one room girls in another. Thelma's bed caves In. Homer dreams of cowbays and Indians and pants a pNtol at his bedtellov,s. Unable to sleep due to cisturbances like these, the newlyweds finally reunite on the couch in tie living roan, But almost inin'iediateby the rooster crows and the bride's relations troop through. The sarcasms of Johnry Burke and Andy Clyde's exuberant choracterlzptlon ra'roke THE BRIDE'S RELA lIONS one of Mack Sennett's firsI tolktng comedies fharoughly enioyable. LAW clatogue 19 mm., 14-eon., ,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,.,,..,,,.,,.,_,,.,,,.,.,.,,, ...... ,,,,,,,, $31.98 880- 10-194 2, SUper 8 magnetic sound, blw, e40-10'1942, 16mm optical sound, b/w, dialogUe 1 9 mm., 3- lbs...... - ...... '-.- 561.98 ST. LOUIS BLUES FRESH PAIl (1920) starring SNUB POLLARD l'lat Soocl''s Rolin Company mci; BeSsie Smith records. from 1923 to millIon of the-rn in the first IC the proving ground for his style Of 1929. 2 comedy. Depending on ropid pact, j months at 1923. Sout"ern blues 'a c and Sight gags, he cop'ured earls nh, traveling up the Mis5iS musedo rt m-ovie-giicrS Nonsensicolhappen' Sippi and the eastern coast, Mo inns were dreamed so extempora Rainey, the mother Of the blues, gave iteously by director arc- cast, and Bessio her start, but Bessie Smith in-- any opportunity to reveci a ShOPylv fInanced e',erv blues singer to follow. leg, arm or bock was on extra guor- Ethel Waters, Lee '.9iley, Mildred ontee of sucess for his one regiers. Bailey, Ella Fitsoeruld, Billie Holli. , SnuO Pollard stars as Chief Tel' dos, Mohalig Jackson - Frank Sir, 1920 hor, Hired otro, even Jonis Joglin - they oil ei'apn Boy in this to deliver a small package for 0 paid tribute to Bess'S. She recorded lovely ody .vho .sonfs her portrait with Louis Armstrarg in 1925; and painted, he comes upon the preten' with j azz greats Cbs Berry. Jack Teagarden and Be-nay Goeman, The young tous at tist surrounded tn a bevy of shapely beauties. Observing the oenettls at Bix Beiderbecke ''turned his pockets inside out and put all his daughi on the lobe an ortist' s lice, he trades his Western Union coo for the artist's beret, The lovely to keep her singing" at the Paradise in . She had a cola'wol talent, and a lady"t icalous husband, however, delivers a thorough shellacking to the erst- fulibodied voice that could till a 'tall long before the nslcrophorle mode oIl sin- while arfist; and Pollard finds little pleasure in his newfound paradise, gers equal, Western Union bays of 1920 pedalled their bicycles through a downtown Las Bossie hod mode the definitive recording of W. C. Handy's ST. LOUIS Angeles that is no more; 092 Roach's cameros preserved some priceleSS shots BLUES, and was Handy's Choice for a iwo-reeler to be tilmed of AstorlO, Long for today's viewers. Just a lark to Director Gould and the cost, the closeups of iSland by RCA Photophone and Gramercy Films. Dudley Murohy directed ST. iandmirks such as the WCT'U Headquarters Building are worth all of Pollard's Louts BLUES, the only movie Besse Smith ever mode. Mummy's private film madness. Landmarks long Since bulldozed into the past live again as i920's autos collection preserved one excellent print of the film 0n3 another was discovered and tricks whiz pasf the intrepid bicyclists. Came to think of it, there aren't any Angeles. Blackhowk Film; is now of fe-ring In Mexico and brought bock to LOS more Western Union boys either this remarkable film of America's greatest female blues vocalist. Pc,Ilard and Roach in colloborotion have left us a brilliant gent in FRESH Sound track features a forty-two voice choir and rull iozzbond, but The 1929 PA I NT with 0 delightfUl score- by Blockhowk, Bess(e'S rich powerful voice proiects the magic that made her Queen of the 860-01-2074, Super 8 siterit. blw, 218-feet, it-ols, ,,,.,,,,,,,,,,...... 815,98 Blues, 880-012074, Super 8 magnetic Sound, b/w, music 11 mm,. 11-005...... $23.98 bfw, dialogue 16 inin., 14-mis, ...... $27.98 880-87-2132, Super 8 magnetic sound, 640-01 2074, 16mm optiCOt sojfld, b/w, musIc 11 mm., 2.tbs...... $41.99 640-87-2732, 16mm optIcal sound, blw. dialogue 16 mIs.., 25'2 lbs.,,.,,..,.,,,.,..,, $51.98

..i... TI5II CDE. Qfl1 - cc3-i 163 (Not Valid In Iowa. Hawaii. Alaskal rnu,.c U 'J• —. -

BLACKHAWK BULLETIN 13-288, July. 1977

- - - Sale Ends 'N July31, 1977 APPLE 17 CA1 r. i113 OFF PIE


AMERICA'S SWEETIIEART THELAW (19101912) (1914) with MARY PICKFORD, BILLY QUIRK, with MAE MARSH and MACK SENNETT and MABLE ROBERT HARRON NOR MAN D tre story was token straight from. rievispa- No silent screen actress was more beloved per headlines SI tire day. It is Griffith's trenchant than Mary Pickford and LITTLE MARY traces comment oil te do-9004er', viSa inlertcre with the freedom; and rights of the the formative yeors of her career at ISiograph people. The 'splitters" were hosed on John D. Rockefeller and his oious son who 0 ecc'rst'. 'ro,i, five outstanding films in which she appeared in the years 1909- had tried to Cleanse New York's vIces; they also secretly owned a laroe Share 1912, two companies which ruthlessly Cut workers' salaries. He mokes good case for Selected scenes from ALL ON ACCOUNT OF THE MILK (1910). AN ARCA- sotoons, brothels love and peoples freedom to live their lives as they see fit. A DIAN MAID ((917), THE NEW YORK HAT (19 1 2). THE MENDER OF NETS tense drama featuring a race for life and the enduring strength of a mothers love, (1912) and NEVER AGAIN (910) ore used to illustrate Marys wide range of per THE MOTHE RAND THE LAW will hove You on theedge of your Seat, forming whiCh nor, her miIlionot fans. 860-50-1979K, Super 8 silent, b/w, 1685-feet, 3-lbs. Regular Price 057.98 ...... 860-33-1913K, SuPe 8 silent, blw, 250-fcet,"14-ots. Regular Price 09.98 ...... Sale Price $38.44 lbs. Regular Price 5199.98 ...... Sale Price $6.44 620-50 - 1979K(S), 16mm silent, 2840 - feet, 0 - Sale Price $132.88 620-33-1913K(S), 16mm- silent, b/w. 450 - feel, 2 - lbs. Regular Price 53490 ...... Sale Price $22.88 MABEL'S MARRIED LIFE KID 'N' AFRICA (1915) with CHARLIE CHAPLIN, MABEL (1933) NORMANDOOdMACKSWAIN - MABEL'S MARRIED LIFE was the nine with SHIRLEY TEMPLE teer;th fitm that Charlie Chaplin mode during his year of Keystone the seventh in which Mabel Normand was cost as his trading lady. Also op will be civilized; but in the neyl stiot her little pearing in the film is on 'all star cast - ' of Key -Mack Swain, Charlie Murray. Honk Mann tai i / McCoy, Alice captors arc in a circle around the pot chanting stone celebrities 'we want food.' Attracted by the screomS her Davenport and Alice Howell ~ rescurer - abetted by an etephant who trumpets MABEL'S MARRIED LIFE is one of the better Keystone Camedios storring :7 M a few bars from - 'Old Black Joe" Chaplin The story- line is based on a combination 01 flirtations in the park between & 6A. somehow routs the ttusgry riotivc-s, married individuats, and the time spent by Charlie of the ear in a saloon, with a ''Now we'll hove a civilized city." says Shirley, and whot do you suppose is in resulting very funny comic rout tie. it? The Lost Chance Filling Sf21 ion, Cut Rote Drugs, the Weary Nipple -Cafe, and a 840-04-1654K, Super 8 silent, b/w, 250-feel, 14-ozS, Regular Price $9.98 henpecked, silk-hatted Tarzan wfio probably should fiave let his Jane boil a little Sale Price $6.44 longer, 875-04-1654K, Super 8 magnetic sound, blw, music 16 mm,, (18fps), 14-ots. Regular 880-01-2095K, Super 8 magnetic sound, b/w, dialogue 9 mm,, 11-015. ReguloC Price Price 521.98 ,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,,..,.,.,.,,.... Sale Price $14.44 $16.98 ...... Sale Price $11.44 600-04-1654K, 16mm optical sound, b/w, music 16 mn,, (18fps), 2-lbs. Regular Price 640-01-2095K, 16mm Optical sound, b/w, dialogue 9 mm., 2-lbs. Regular Price 534.98 $43.98 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,..,,,,.,,,,,.,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,, Sale Price $29.44 Sale Price $23.44 GOING TO CONGRESS BIG MOMENTS FROM (1924) with WILL ROGERS, MARIE LITTLE PICTURES , MOSQUINI, MOLLIE THOMPSON and (1924) JACK ACKROYD with WILLROGERS

Tttinqs look so bad for the party in the up- It's the ideo of the century save time was- coming election that it runs Will as the condidate, ted watching long feature films by getting to the " ' - A slip of the tongue and he wins, heading for the heart of the molter lmmediately- with Will Rag , Amusement Center of the world Washington, ers as your guide through a tively collection of , DC., and anew career. skIts on the careers of Valentino, Fairbanks, and the Keystone Conted;i, it this Will rogers' polificot satire was sharp and timely and he mode many telling choice parody of moviedorri, bath in front and behind the cameras' pOInts about the operation of o free Society ri his Roach comc'cties -of 1923-1924. BIG MOMENTS FROM LITTLE PICTURES is Surety a 'must see for film After introducing his "ideal" political creature in ALFALFA DOOLITTLE, Will butts, and anyone who's enjoyed Valer.tino, Fairbanks, Sennett's stable of Key- carried him through a series of adventures in government, beginning with GOING StOnE comics, or particularly America's preeminent humorist, the comedy con- TO CONGRESS. science at the notion. Will Rogers. 860-09-1047K, Super 8 silent, b/w. 450-feet, 14-ozs. Regular Price $19.98 860-09-1709K, Super 8 silent, b/w, 425-feet, 14-am, Regular Price S21.98 ...... Sale Price $13.44 Sale Price S14.44 620 - 09 - 1047K(S). 11mm silent, b/w, 800-feet, 3 - lbs. Regular Price S54.98 880-01-1709K, Super 8 magnetic sound, blw, music 20 mm., 14ozs. Regular Price Sole Price $36.44 $24.98 ...... ,..,...... ,,.....,...... ,.,...... ,,,....,.,...... ,.. Sale Price $16.44 640-09-1709K(S), 16mm optical sound, b/w, music 28 mm,, 3-lbs. Regular Price FEET OF MUD $6998 ...... Sale Price $46.44 11914) FARO NELL with HARRY LANGDON, FLORENCE with LOUISE FAZE NDA and ,. D. LEA, NATALIE KINGSTON, YORKE JACK(1929) LUDEN - SHERWOOD, VERNON DENT and Here IS a quote from a 1929 issue of Photo MALCOLM WAITE play Magozine in which the two.reel talking short - subject FARO NELL was classed as one of tIne As Harry had - Cleaned up on the football best pictures of the month - the first limo Photo- - play had singled out a short comedy for that held and won the bia oame, Natalie's dad figured oword, that he should do the some in the world of work before marrying his daugtiter . Harry's chance to prove himself comes with an "It takes something hot in the way of a two-rrel tulkiiis, coined', to break into ''engineering" lab with the City this fast company of best pictures, and this Louise Eazendo hail s the bright bobs. FARO NELL Is a scream on airtight, perfectlyi actedt burlesque of the old- But it'ssanitary engineering and while our street sweeping hero tries ISiS best, he lust can't avoid making enemies. When he stumbles into the midst of a lively time Western thriller. Louise, in long yellow curls, is a panic. This is just what Chinatown Tang war, it Harry's bravery that saves Natalie and wins the day we've tong wonted a two-reel talkie- we could bellow at". 860-21-1032K, Super 8 silent b/w, 400-feet, 14-gob, Regular Price $15.98 880-17-1512K. Super 8 magnetic sound, b!w, dialogue 22 mm., 14-000. Regular Prick ...... Sale Price $10.44 $35.98 ...... Sale Price $23.88 - - 640-17 - 1512K(S), 16mm opticol Sound, bfw, dialogue 22 mm,, 3 lbs. Regular Price 620 - 21.1032K(S), 16mm sIlent, b/w, 700-feet, 3 - lbs. Regular Price $04.98 ...... $59.98 ...... -, ...... Sale Price $39.88 ...... Sale Price S36.44

Use Your BankAmericard, Master Charge, VISA, Chargex or Blackhawk Charge

BLACKIIAWK BULLETIN 8-288, July, 1977 h.' L q(L' u .3)4s'1c -I'& HESE CHARLIE CHASE LAUREL HIS MIDSUMMER BE BIG WOODEN r MUSH (1930) (1933) The boys are ciii set for o week-end with their WEDDING with BETTY MACK - '.',ives in Atlantic City when a phone colt informs h them they ore to be honored by a testimonial dinner and MARVIN 011ie feigns Illness - the girls go on alone - but the HAT LE V girls miss the traint More funny troubles for the fA boys 1 with KATHERINE GRANT Is this one Charley iso scoutmaster setting 840-02-1209K, Super 8 Silent, b/w, 400-feet, 14-ous. ApprOaChing the al'ar os his wedding day. out with his troOP of scouts from lSroodWOV and Regular Price S23,98 ...... Sale Price $18.88 Charles' receives on anonymous messge from 42nd Street for a period of sum sier carrPlflh. '880-02-1372K, Super 8 magnetic sound, b/w, dialogue his rival suitor: Your bride has a wooden You can't ImagIne the complications O leaving 32 mm., 2-lbs. Regular Price $53.98 ...... leg'. Afraid to glance down, Charles fondles a the city or lne dramatic impact of being pro Sale Price $42.88 wooden cane, mistaking cone for leg which pelled in the middtg of the night from a ham- 640-02-1372K(5), 16mm optical sound, b/w. dialogue sends him dashing off for the South Seas. mock Into the lake. 33 mm,, 3-lbs. Regular Price $101.98 ...... 860-03-2034K, Super 8 silent, b/w, 450-feet, 14- 860-03-1633K, Super 8 sIlent. b/w. 350-feet. 1-lb. Sole Price S81.44 ozs. Regular Price $21.98 ...... Regular Price $19.98 . Sale Price 515.88 ...... Sole Price $17.44 880-03-1953K, Super 8 mogfle"i( sound, b/w, 14-ass. Regular Price 880.03-2034K. Super 8 magnetc soun,d, b/w, dIalogue 22 mm., music 22 mm., '14-out. Regular Price $32.98 539.98 ...... Sale Price $31.88 ...... Sale Price $26.44 640-03-1953K(S) 16mm optical sound. b/w, 640-03.2034K(S). 16mm optIcal sound, biw. lolo0Ue 22 mm., 3.lbs. Regular Price musiC 22 mb., 3-lbs. Regular Price $73.98 $6998 ...... Sate Price $61.44 (1940) ...... Sale Price $58.88 with JIMMY FINLAYSON, WILFRED LUCAS, CHARLEY HALL, and PETER CUSHING Street sweepers Stan and 01110 thwart o bank 'told-up and are reworded bya choirce for on educa- 11gm. They choose on education at Oxford - where lie-v arrive in Eton iockets. A very funny comedyt 160.02-2163K, Super 8 silent, b/w, 600-feet, 2.lbs. Regular Price $35.98 ...... Sale Price $28.88 380-02-1386K, Super 8 magnetic sound, 'abridged THE LITTLE RASCALS version", b/w, dialogue ...... 40 miii., Sale 2.lbs, Price Regular Price $69.90 ...... S61.44 6,48-02-1386K. 16mm optical sound. b/w, 'abridged', dialogue 40 mm., S-lbs. Regular Price $139.90 ..... - Sole Price $111.88 380-02'2232K, Super 8 magnetic sound, b/w, lull - RAILROADIN' (1929) Here Is your chanc Ji length, dialogue 64 mm., 3•lbs, Regular Price to awn a cop y of tIle Rascals comedy the only surviving ...... Sale Price $79.88 never to hove been shown on le'evisi $99.98 Our John Muri organ Score has been Perfectly c3ordlnaled 540-02-2232K, 16mm optical sound, b/w, full length, with the hair.rIsing Predicaments Huge steam Iccomofives C1 dialogue 64 mm., 8-lbs. Regular Price $119.98 ..... loIn the cosf of Hal Sale Price $159.88 h Roach characters adding new dangers to te adventure of our daring young friends The aCtiOn, and there's Plenty of it. Starts In the Los Angeles RoU,d House, ). - ______when Laco Joe fakes Harry and Farina On an Ufllluthorlzed hgrlllngoulin Railroad under soer bu-fs is II have- a held day watching Farina ond Joe Cobb pulling switche5 'r 860-0$-1695K Super S'lent,on4 b/w, rienerally raising havoc clOyIng engineer. 326'feet, 14 gus. Regular Price $27.98 COME CLEAN .. Sale ...... Super magnetic Sound, b/w, magic 16 mm,, 14-g, Regular Price 531.98Price $21.98...... (1930) 6400$,1fg5 lfmm plicol with and GERTRUDE ASTOR Sale Price -md, b/w, music 16 mm,, 3-lbs Regular Price $59.98 ...... $3j 011ie and his with 0CC hooking torward to g quiet evening at home - only to hove the doorbell ring and ...... Sale Price $47.88 'discover "Those LaurelS' The Hordys mutt it and have to welcome their guests. On the way out for some ice cream the boYs are innocent soectolors at Moe Bosch's - suicide''frorri WhiCh they bring her IC the Hardy's apartment 1 LOVE BUSINESS (1931) 060-02-1284K, Super 8 silent, b/w. 425-feet, 14-ass. Regular Price $23.98 ,.,.,,,... Sale Price $18.88 issJackie Crob Cooper has a crush on his Pretty SChoOlteac I he r -880-02-1373K, Super 8 magnetic sound, b/w, dialogue I Ce 0 One day J3ckle gef a piece of news 'hot hits 21 mm., 1-lb. Regular Price S39.98 ...... Ihunderhelt. Miss Crabfree is coming to live- with his Sale Price $31.88. - lrnlly' This means WOshieg before every meal, and along with '640-02-1373K. 16mm oplicol sound. b/w, dialogue 21 - & / Wheezer and his Sister Mgry Ann, keeping On eye or, dinner mm., 3-lbs. Regular Price $77.98 rival, as Chubby drops by IC asketiquetfe Miss Crabtree But It to also marry mean0 having to Put up with a r)nsnttc 880 Sale Price $62.44 Ll 'OS-1625K, Super 8 magnetic Sound, b/w, dIalogue 21 him.mm., 1 64°-O5-is, l6mm 4-ozs. Regular Price $39.98 CO Sound, b/w, dialogue 21 ...... mm,, Sale Price $3188 lbs, Regular Price 575.98 ...... Sale Price $60.44 119271 MAIL AND 0937) One at the earliest of the Lcrx'rl 4, Hardy carrie- When the Gang Isn't dies produced by I-tat RoOch, it OresentS Sian and I "ted to the MocGlllic5a0 earls, '02kti SPonky'5 indignation cause-s him to orgoniZe The He-Men. 011ie as blunderirr'.t, tumbling Neondertliot men sur- Woman.Haters club, and desIgnate Alfalfa President Be- viving as worst they con. This come-dy of srone-ooe cause he holes won" But Alfalfa men definitely has its moments, Isn't there; he's oft s/riling ber some rmnorlon, cx a '3ve note to Dart0, When Ce finds out, he decides to rc-mem. 860.02-1899K, Sueor 8 sIlent, b/w, 400.feet, 14-out. to hg to do - and lt'l a merryChose to refrive that nolet , - Regular Price $21.98 ...... Sale Price $17.44 880-O5-1581K Super a magnetic Scund, b/w, dIatogue 11 mba., 628-02-1899K(S), 16mm sIlent. b/w, 700-feet, 3-lbs. l)-ozs. $17.44 Regular Price $54.90 ...... Sale Price $43.88 Regular Price $21.98 ,... 16mm OptIcal b/w, ...... SoledIalogue 71 mm,, Pr1CO S31.8 2-ibs. Regular Price $39.90 ......


COMEDIES NOWAND SAVE•-- 20%1'•— -" - - All Films Restricted to the LkS. & Canada SALE ENDS Sptember 30, 1977 AND HARDY ROACH ALL-STARS (1931) THE CALL OF THE CUCKOO (1927) 011ie awakens offer a wild house am',' oiiv to Starring , CHAR LEY CHASE, realize his obsent wife is due home Irma Chicano at JIMMY FINLAYSON and noon! With the house a mess, and 05,0 with a LAUREL& HARDY 5s liongover, he makes the mistake at oskinci Stan over to help ci eon up the p10cc To escape his dotty neighbors, M ax Be Biq swaps houses with a stranger, no 860-02-1451 K, Super 8 silent, bfw, 375-feet, 14.055. tion asked Max soon learns th 'rues. at he's bee-n foken, But the worst is vet Regular Price 521.98 ...... Sale Price $17.44 0 880-02-1322K, Super 8 silent, b/w, dialOgue 21 mm., 14- come of the hOusewarming and guess ozs. Regular Price 539.98 ... Sale Price $31.88 who his new neighbors turn out lobe' 640.02.1322K, 16mm optical sound, b/w, dialogue 21 060- 0 1 -16561(, Super 8 silent, b/w, 375- mm., 3-lbs. Regular Price $76.98 ...... feet, 14-azs Regular Price $21.98 Sale Price $6544 Sale Price $17,4

A Chump At OxFord LEAVE 'EM LAUGHING (1927) RED NOSES (1932) With With ZASU PITTS, THELMA TODD, BILLY GILBERT and BLANCHE PAYSON Pandemonium in a dentist's office and trouble in Zosu Pitts app 1 helma Todd r city troftic as Stan and 011ie muddle through the Their boss prmiseso then) bonue both ion, complications of a toothache, 'laughing gas o so and ' and on vacation it they will go to eviction notice. The climax is one at the greatest trot. Boll, to 0 Turkish ~ , clot A1_ ..i_w i it'' tic ioms — rid of their Colds and Come on officer Edgar Kennedy's corner bock to '-york Ccxrne C/ear, 880-01.1329K Super 8 860-02-1260K, Super 8 silent, b/w, 475leet, 1-lb. b/w, dialogue 21mm,,magnetic 14-os Sound, Regular Price $27.98 ...... Sale Price $22.44 620-02-12601(15), 16mm sitent, b/w, 825-feet, 3-lbs. Regular Price $39.98 ...... Regular Price $54.98 ...... Sole Price $31.88 Sale Price $43.88 640-01t329K(5) l6mm Optical SOund, b/w, dialogue 21 mM., 3-lbs. Regular Price $75.98 ...... Sale Price $60.88 PERFECT DAY Flying Elephants (1939) THE SILENT PARTNER with EDGAR KENNEDY (1955) The 1-lardys and the Laurels; together with Mr. With BUSTER KEATON, JOE E. BROWN Hardy's brother-in-low, Edgar Kennedy, ore prepar- and ZASIJ PITTS ing for a Sunday outing. The brother-In-low is suffer- Director Arthur Vail (Joe E. Browni inn from the gout. It is a perfect day, but everything is ho",gr0p with an and tie reminisces about silent cameo, stc, Oscar, goes hilariously wrong. Keaton). A television coverage unfold f,pi.0, Dutton- lBuster Selma IZasu Pills) rec000i7es a mp, 860-02-2141K, Super 0 silent, b/w, 225-feel, 14-ass. at the bar as Kelsey Duttgn and go'-, Helpma!es 1 the word through to Arthur Vail c Regular Price $15.98 ...... Sale Price $12.88 • 880-02-1317K, Super 0 magnetic Sound, biw, dialogue 880-18-1375K, Super 8 magnef Sound 21 mm., 14-ass. Regular Price $39.98 ...... b/w, dialogue 25 miii, 2-lbs - - Sale Price $31.88 Rogul,' Price $48.90 ...... 640-02-1317K, 16mm optIcal sound, biw, dialOgue 21 640 . 1 Sale Price $32.44 mln,, 3•lbs, Regular Price $72.90 ...... 0.1379K 16mm Opficol Sound, b,w Sale Price $58.44 diologp 25 mm., 4-lbs. Regulor - Price $83.98 .. Sale Price 555,88 - Leave 'Em Laghirtg YOU'RE DARN TOOTIN' WHAT PRICE(1932) TAXI? (1928) with BILLY GILBERT, CLYDE COOK and Working as bandsmen in a municipal orchestra, Taxi driver GilbertFRANKLYN PANGBORN .- a very lealous individual Stan and 011ie antagonize the conductor by missing 000dbye and Sets out for his day's driving But — their musical cues and shuttling all the sheet music, tells his wIte locked out at her apartment and enrolls the ii e,ilo finds he-self The conductor opens the door on a new career for t&,i driver. He climbs through the trap. ii 'tori c at another The Boys, as Street musicians, And it's all topped by so,,', and 5 SlOnding lust insidethe what is probably the neatest Closing gog Laurel and aPartment door with Billy's wife when A Pgrfecf Day Hardy ever did. dilly unexpectOdly returns 888-0121791( Super 8 magnefic SOund 840-02-1465K, Super 8 silent, b/w, 405-feet, 1-lb. I b/w, dialogue to mm,, 14o s Regular Price $23.98 ...... Regular Price $3 9 Sale Price $18.88 .98 .... ...... / 880-02-1465K, Super 8 magnetic sound, b/w, music 21 Sale Price $31.88 mm., 1-lb. Regular Price $39.98 ...... 640-01.2170K(S) l6mm Optical sound Sale Price $31.88 blw, diologup 18 mm,, 3lbs 640-02-1465K, 16mm optical sound, b/w, music 21 Regular Price $67.98 ...... - mm., 3-lbs. Regular Price $76.98 ...... Sale Price $61.44 ', Sale Price $65.44 i

You re Darn Toot,,,' BLACKHA\VK BULLETIN B-288, July, 1977

350-01-0901 PHILADELPHIA- 350-20-0505 MAYA RUINS OF 350-43-0765 INNSBRUCK AND THE BICENTENNIALCITY(S0slides) YUCATAN (50 slides) AUSTRIAN TYROL (30 slides) See such places Os: Independence Hall, the Lib- Slide coverage of the fantattic Mayan ruInS Of One 01 the loveliest areas in Europe, you'll see erty Bell, Congress Hall, Christ Church, built In 1744. Yucatan - "the and that Is like no other" - where lnnsbruCk and the countryside around it. In the CItY the first book of the U.S., Philadelutilo's Museum o' the Mayas, the geotest oborlgicot people of ancient - the Royal Residence, Oltoburg Castle, the famous Art,Beniain Franklin's m grove andrrt much, ucft America lived dring the first fi'teen hundred years "Golden Roof", the Arch at Triumph. more. at the Christian era. Regular Price 54.99 ...... Sale Price $4.14 Regular Price 58.39 ...... Sale Price $6.96 Regular Price $8.39 ,,...... Sale Price $4.96 350-45-0925 MOSCOW AND THE 350-01-0575 THE NATION'S CAPITOL 350-31-0954 VANCOUVER A N D KREMLIN (50 slides) (100 slides) VICTORIA (30 slides) Red Square, St. Basil's Cathedral, Lenin-StalIn Here is once in a generation photogrophic cover- In Vancouve we see Chinatown. Stantey and Mausoleum, Memorial to those who died in WW It, oge of the unIted States Capitol. color photographs Queen Elizabeth PorkS, the Centennial Museum and cathedral domes with Kremlin walls, Cathedral of that no Individual would likely ever hove the opportu- Planetorlum, and Vancouver at night. in Victoria the Twelve Apostles, and people in many wotks of 'I nity or authority to take. there are Partiment buildings, Thunderbird Pork, everyday life, Regular Price $15.99 ...... Sale Price $13.27 Burdiord Gardens, Centenniat Square and Maritime Regular Price $998 .....,...., Sale Price $8.28 I 350-02-0275 COUNTRYSIDES OF Museum. Reguftir Price S5.9 ...... Sole Price $4,97 ITALY-VENICE, NEW ENGLAND (40 slides) 350-46-0039 A superlatIve set of slides on New England, of FLORENCE, PISA AND MILAN (42 great beauty picturing New England landscapes slides) throughout all four seasons - blossoms In Spring, Grandeur of these four Italian cities is shown In I tush fields in Summer, brilliantly colored forests in slides of St. Mark's Cathedral, the Island of St. Autumn and frozen mill streams in Winter. George, the Tower of the Foote Vecchio, the Leaning I Regular Price $6.99 ...... Sale Price $5.80 Tower of P150 and more, Regular Price $6.99 .,,...... Sale Price $5.80 350-03-0632 WELCOME TO CYPRESS GARDENS! (24 slides) 350-46-0952 ROME (50 slIdes) Florida's Cypress Gardens, is not only one of the You'll see all the hIghlights - the Spanish Steps, prime tourist attractions of the 'Holiday Highlands", the Trevi Fountain, ruins of Caesars Forum with but is a photographer's paradise - seen to its bess Campidoglio, St. Peters Basilica, VatIcan Guards, advantage in this gorgeous slide collection. Colisseum, the Pantheon, views from Palatine Hill, Regular Price $3.99 ...... Sale Price $3.31 Regular Price $9.99 ...... Sale Price $8.29 350-05-0889 DYNAMIC CHICAGO (50 slides) 350-47-0538 ANCIENT SPLENDOR OF Visit the ''Windy City"; Chicago. See the Pruden- G R E E C E (50 slides) 1101 BuildIng, Morsholl Fields, the Civic Opera House, Much of the ancient beauty and fascination of the Union Stotlon, North Rush Street, Wrigley Field, Old sunny land of Greece Is captured in this comprehen- Town, the Shedd Aquarium, Adler Planetarium, the Hawaii - The Islands Al Kouai, sive set. Museum of Science and Industry and much more, Regular Price $8.39 ...... Sale Price $6.96 Regular Price $8.39 ...... Sale Price $6.96 Hawaii IAIYA1III AVIWITI

350-06-0300 AUTUMN IN THE BLUE 350-35-0930 THE SHAKESPEARE 350-48-0731 TRAVELS IN SPAIN (50 RIDGE (20 slides) COUNTRY (20 slides) slides) Colorful autumn in the Blue Ridge, the Blue This up-to-date set of slidm on Stratford-on-Avon You'll visit Madrid, Toledo, Avitia, Cordobo. Se- Ridge Parkway. Piper's Gop, Shenandoah Notional Shows many at the historical sights with whIch ville, Rondo, Mologa, El Borco, Segovia, Granada Park, Mabry Mill, Natural Bridge, Browntowfl Vol- Shoiespeare was associated durIng his lifetime, as and Barcelona, a villa on the Mediterranean, the ley, Soco Gap, Little Glade Mill Pond and The Great well as some of the very new and modern things in Rock of Gibraltar, Andatusian and Calalonlan farms, Smokies the area. historical sites, and the aqueduct at Segovia, Regular Price S3.39 ------Sale Price $2.81 Regular Price $3.99 ...... Sale Price $3.31 Regular Price $8.39 ...... Sale Price $4.96 350-07-0247 HAWAII -THE ISLANDS OF KAUAI, MAUI AND HAWAII (50 350-36-0438 ANd ENT CASTLES, 350-49-0576 THE ALPS (100 slides) ABBEYS AND CATHEDRALS OF Along Napoleon's Highway In the Savoy Alps of slides) France, Monument of St., Bernard, Restaurant on These enthralling slides will bring you the beauty SCOTLAND (50 slides) tap of Little St. Bernard Pass, beautiful Alpine scene, at Ironical flowers, sugar plantation, native fisher' Here is a comprehensive tour of Scatland's cast- Alpine chapel, Ampezzo Valley, beautiful Wetterhorn men, pineapple fields, Japanese gardens, native les, abbeys and cathedrals wth many interiors as and Romsua Valley. dancers, tropical sunsets. well as exteriors Included in the Set. Regular Price $15.99 ------Sale Price $13.27 Regular Price S8.39 ...... Sale Price $6.96 Regular Price $8.39 ...... Sale Price $6.96 350-08-0305 ALASKA - MOUNT MCKINLEY NATIONAL PARK 30 350-38-0953SEEING T H E 350-55-0727 DYNAMIC MODERN SOUTHERN HALF OF NORWAY ISRAEL (50 slides) slides) You'll see scenes in Tel Aviv, Petah Tlkvoh, Je The hiohest peak on the North American Cani' (36 slides) rusalem, Acre, Bin Gay, Degania, Yifat, Tel Me- nent is gorgeously Shown in one of our most beautiful You'll see bits of Oslo, Trondheim, MunkhOlm, giddo, Jezreel Volley and the area near Tstoori. slide sets, Bergen, Balesfrand, Arendal and Stavanger, and Also, modern buildings, museums. Universities, Regular Price $499 ...... Sale Price $4.14 seneral villages. You'll also see tiords, harbors, fish atomIc reactor, people, agriculture and hotels. 350-09-0227 GRAND CANYON marketS, tlowe' niarkels and intpartanl buildings. Sale Price $6.96 Sale Price $5.97 Regular Price $8.39 ...... COUNTRY.(40 slides) Regular Price $7.19 ..,..,,,.,, In this set we ore shown the entrance to the Pork 350-60-0047 EGYPT - IT'S ANCI ENT on the road train Williams; Mater Point, 1-lopi Point, 350-39-0512 AMSTE RDAM - THE WONDERS (31 slides) Desert Watchtower, sunrise over the canyon, the DIAMOND ON THE AMSTEL (40 This slide set lakes in practically 'all of Egypt - Potisades of the Colorado RIver, autumn and winter the very heart of the country, ancient and modern is views of the canyon. slides) This exclusive set picture'; manY focets of Am- to be found by the tourist within the land bounded by Regular Price $4.69 ...... Sale Price $5.5$ the Nile Valley, sterdam, Holland's capitol cif - a town with two Sale Price $4.31 350-09-0761 19 NATIONAL tacos, the old and the new. Regular Price $5.19 ..,,,,,.,.. MONUMENTS, HISTORICAL SITES Regular Price $6.69 ...... Sale Price $5.55 & RECREATION AREAS IN THE 350-65-0055 JAPAN - THE OLD AND WEST (50 slides) THE NEW (38 slides) You'll see highlIghts of Bandelier National Monu' 350-41-0559THINGSTC S E E IN "GAY A comprehensive camera study of the contrasts ment, Organ Pipe Cactus, Saguerna, N.M.; Monte- PAREE" (lOoslides) of moiern Japan. Pictures the people and their cus- zuma CasfIe, N.M.; Petrified Forest, N.M.; Death Paris, France. probably the most bciaufiful city toms, cherry blossom time and scenes in Hiroshima, Volley. in the world, is one of the favorite goats of thousands Tokyo and Osaka, Regular Price S8.39 ...... Sale Price $6.96 of tourisfs. It is brought to loll lIe and vivid color for Regular Price $6,39 ...... ,.,.. Sale Price $5.10 - you through this pcluresque collection of slides. 350-10-0956 SEATTLE, OLYMPIA 350-70-0827 BALI -JSLAND Regular Price $15.99 ...... Sale Price $13.27 PARK, NORTH CASCADES PARADISE OF INDONESIA (36 NATIONAL PARK AND THE slides) - For decades, the island of Bali hal been pictured COAST OF WASHINGTON (36 slides) 350-42-0209 FAMOUS CASTLES OF Beautiful stldesot: The Pacific Space Center and as a paradise. You'll see dancing girls and native GERMANY (20 slides) beautieC. par,ters and weavers, duck herders, rural Space Needle, Art Museum, University of Washirg Heidelberg Castle, CastIc Neckarstein, Castle ton. Riatfo Beach, the t-foh Rain Forest, the Hail of markets, temples, idols, the famed Leg000 doncers Cachem, Castle Mainau, Cash? Neuschwansfeln and Mosses, Mt. Anderson, walert011s, Colonial Camp- and a barong dance. others are In this beoutitully phc,tographic set, ground. Diablo Loke and much more. Regular Price $5.99 ...... Sale Price $4.97 Regular Price $3.39 ...... Sale Price $2.81 Regular Price $7.19 ...... Sale Price 55.97 - AIaSka[ Phone Your Order TOLL FREE: 800 _ 553-1163 (Not Valid low t5lt5.I'sii5Vk N 1ULLt.,11114 15Z73l, JUlY. 1t('(

Or- '1 - THE BLACK GERTIE THE NOSFERATU THE BROKEN PIRATE DINOSAUR VAMPI R (1926) (1909) 11922) BLOSSOMS with DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, Created by WinSor McCav with MAX SCI-4RECK, (1919) BILLIE DOVE McCoy's GENTlE THE DINO- GUSTAVE VON with LILLIAN GISH, RICHARD The bloodthirsty pirates have just SAUR, done in 1909, may or may not WANGENHEIM, GRETA BARHTHLEMESS and captured a merchontman with the have been absolutely the first onimated SCHROEDER DONALD CRISP Duke of Arrsaldo and his son (Doug cartoon, but it was the first of any con. The first attempt to translate Bram Released in the spring of 1919, Fairbanks) aboard. The old Duke dies, sequence. Its onimotion is what todays Stoker's 'Oraculo to the screen, NOS- BROKEN BLOSSOMS, the last of D. W. but Dougdecides he can best serve the artists call limited', that is, the draw- FERATU Is tilled with unusual and Griffith's supremely great films, Is an purposes of justice by becoming a ings Chonge the position of the charact- symbolic camera work and differs con- tender and sensitive a production as member of the pirate band. Doug vows ers only intermittently. siderably in approach and content "Intolerance" and "Birth Of A Nation" tse con capture the first ship they sight It is said that 10.000 separate draw- from Universals version of 1931 which are spectacular, and Griffith's skill for - singlehanded. This he does, and ings were required for GENTlE. Car- brought Bela Lugasi to tome. using the camera to bore the hearts aboard Is a beautiful princess ( Billie toons, by the 1920s. set a faster and Close your eyes and wind bock and emotions of his characters is at the Dove). more expensive standard with many through the murky post to 1838, when best In this story. charocters on the screen, all moving in Complete silent version an unspeakable bar - or was let loose For all its tenderness and exquisite 86043-19701I Super 6 silent, b/w, 1625. practically every trome. upon the earth. romance, BROKEN BLOSSOMS is on feet, 4-lbs. Regular PrIce $73.98 ironically, because of high produc- 86049-0952K, Super 2 silent, b/w, 1350- ugly story, asking eloquently for under- tion costs today, most cartoons have feet, 2-lbs. Regular Price $4098 standing between people of different ...... Sale Price $62.88 been cut bock to the limited 628-531970K, 16mm silent, b/w, 2950. Sole Price $34.88 races and beliefs. style of 1909's GERTIE THE DINO- feet, 9-lbs. Regular Price $229.98 880-49-0952K, Super S magnetic sound, 860-50-1930K, Super 8 silent, b/w, 1450- SAUR. b/w, music 52 mm., 2.lDs. Regular feet, 4-lbs. Regular Price $66.98 ....Sale Price $195.44 860-84-0985K, Super 8 silent, blw, 175- Price $83.98 .. Sale Price S71,44 Sale Price Swashbuckling Thrills From The Block feet, ti-ass. Regular Price $9.98 $56.88. Pirate (Highlights) 640-49-0952K(S) 16mm optical sound, Sale Price $8.44 b/w, music 52 mm., 6-lbs. Regular 860-53-1719K. Super 8 sIlent, b/w, 250- 620-84-0985K, 16mm silent, b/w, 300- Price $149.98 ...... feet, Il-ops, Regular Price $9.98 feet, 2-lbs. Regular Price $34.98 ...... Sale Price 5127.44 Sale Price $8.44 Sale Price $29.88 880-53-2374K, Super 8 magnetic Sound, b/w, music and narration 8 mm., 2 lbs. Regular Price $21.98 ...... Sale Price $18.88 64043-2374K, 16mm optical Sound, b/w, music & narration 8 mm,, 3-lbs. Regular Price $34.98 ...... Sale Price $29.88 THE GREAT A TRIP TO THE TRAIN ROBBERY MOON (1903 (1902) with G.M. ANDERSON, MARIE by Georges Melles TOL'ABLE DAVID MURRAY and GEORGE Georges MelieS, a totenled con. (192 ) BARNES )urer, was the first man to realize that with RICHARD1 Credited as the first American film film could be used to create illusions BARTHELMESS, GLADYS to tell a complete story, THE GREAT unfettered by logic or probability. A TRIP TO THE MOON, begins at HULETTE and ERNEST TRAIN ROBBERY was an "eastern" western mode In New Jersey and em- a Congress of Astronomers, with the TORRENCE ployed intercljtting to tell the story, Presidenf explaining his ptan for the TheStory of TOL'ABLE DAVID coptivoting the audiences who flocked losrney, the scientists are launched takes place in o Small southeastern vil- THE CABINET OF to see it In 1903. amid much ceremony, and they disap- lage. David Kinnemon passionately So many 'Firsts" betong to THE pear into space. As the Shell rapidly longs to be a man and assume a man's GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY that it is a approaches it, the moon assumes the responsibilities but othersregard him DR. CAUGARI film which must be seen by everyone Image of a living face. The shell pier- only "tol'oble. Three thugs named Hot- (1919) with any interest ir the movies and ces the ee of the moon. burn move Ihemseives in on David's Directed by Robert Wiene their history.. Attacked by strange moon men, 'girl" and her grondfather. One of the scientists flee bock to their shell with CONRAD VElDT, LIL them kills David's dog, and when 860-35-1275K, Super 8 silent, b/w, 225- feet. 11-015. Regular Price $9.98 which, thrown off the moon, plunges DAGOVER and WERNER David's older brother rebukes him, he back to eorth and londs in the depths of KRAUSS hits him in the bock with a stone and Sale Price $8,44 865-35-1951K, Super 8 sIlent,' part color. the sea. But the projectile is hermeti- A student, Francis, tells a stranger Cripples him for life. David's father cally seoled, so it bobs to the surfoce about a Close friend of his, Alan, mur- drops dead of heart tollure. 225-feet. 11-ass, Regular Price $14.98 ,,,,,.,,,,, Sale Price $12.88 and is (awed to shore. dered by Cesore, a sleepwalker under One day, when no one else is avail- The sound versions have been the spetl of the mysterious evil Dr. Coli- obie, David gets a chance to carry the 620-35-1275K, 16mm silent, b/w, 375- feet. 2-lbs. Regular Price $34.98 stretch printed for projection at 24 gari! Soon we know this strange story mail. But the moll sock drops out of his frames per second, the optical work is Sale Price Is the product of a distorted mind. But wagon, and one of the Hot burns picks It $29.88 smooth and the Sound versions look as 625-35-1951K, 16mm Silent, part color, whose? up and carries it owoy. David invades goad as the silent ones. 400-feet, 2-lbs. Regular Price $49.98 While its style was goiten from the their hiding place, shoots it out, kills all 860-71-2012K, Super 8 silent, b/w, 270- Expressionistic art, theproieCt op. three, and delivers the mail, himself Sale Price $41.88 feet. 11-ozs. Regular Price $9.98 887-35-19SlK, Super 8 magnetic sound, pealed to Decla-BIoskop's manage- more dead than alive. Sale Price color, music 10 mm., (18fps), 11- $8.44 ment. Its generous use of white point, 86049-1060K, Super 8 silent, b/w, 1675- 880-71-2352K, Super 8 magnetic Sound, splashed over the sets, made o for the feet, 3-lbs., Regular Price $65.98 ons, Regular Price $39.98 b/w. music 13 mm,, 11-ass. Regular stork shortage of studio lights available Price Sale Price $54.44 Sale $33.88 Price $16.98 ., Sale Price at that dark period of German history. 687-35-1951K, 16mm optical sound, $14.44 645-49-1980K, 14mm Optical sound, port 640'71-2352K, 16mm optical sound, b/w, 860-57-2006K, Super 8 silent, b/w, 102$- color, music 10 mm,, (18fps), 2-lbs. color, music 84 mm., 9-1111 music 13 mm., 2-lbs. Regular Price feet, 2-lbs. Regular Price $37.98 Regular Price $67.90 Regular Price $259.98 ...... $41.98 ...... Sale Price $31.44 .....Sale Price $32.44 Sale Price $220.88 Sale Price $57.88


Use Your B-an argex or Charge BLACKHAWK BULLETIN 13-288, July, 1977 WORLD WAR DOCUMENTARIES

'As Much As' I ThRU 30% SAIE th.N3L \\ i917 I.. I

KAMIKAZE D-DAY LANDING ATTACK ON OKINAWA IN NORMANDY Edit f Depart- BATTLE ÔHE A film edited from official U.S. De- ment st Defense material, this film cov- COUNTDOWN TO partment of Defense footage showing ers the vIcious and devastating Suicide many of fhe authentic Signal Corps and attacks of the Japanese Kamikaze pla- ATLANTIC NavY shots taken of the armada that nes (the "DIvine Winds') on the 1518 Restricted to the United States WORLD WAR II crossed the channel cnd the troops that ships supporting the Allied Invasion of and Canada Restricted to the United States landed on the Normandy coast on D- Oklr.aeo which was launched Easter This exciting film was produced in and Conado Day, June 6, 1944. Sunday, 1943, 1941 05 part of the wartime Movietone Here is a chronicle In sound and 860-75-1536K, Super 8 sIlent, blw, 200- 860-75-1868K, Super 8 sllent b/w, 425- series 'The World Today'. As we see image of the tense weeks leading up to feet, 11-am, Regular Price $7.98 tent, 14-ons. Regular Price $17.98 -- nightly German raids over London war in Europe. Stories ore excerpted Sale Price $6.88 Sole Price $14.88 leaving death and destruction, writer- from the twice-weekly Movietone Hews narrator Quentin Reynolds describes in issues released to theatres between the present tense Britain's confidence May 23rd and September 6. 1939, and that she con resist any Invasion at- ore presented with original sound THE MOVING j tempts - as tong as a strong life line tracks and titles lust as seen by Ameri- remains from her dominlons and colo- can audiences at that time. The inter- nies, titles in the silent version are adapted PICTURE BOYS IN ". A convoy system, then a new from the original narration. branch of naval tactics, is designedwill to 860-75-2214K, Super 8 sitent, b/w, 450- assure that most supplies arrive feet, 14-ots. Regular Price 523.98 -. THE GREAT WAR safely. THE BATTLE OF THE ATLAN- ...... Sale Price $2344 Narrated by Lowell Thomcs - TIC details one of the most critical 880-75.2119K, Super 8 magnetic sojnd. This award-winring news dacumen- areas of the battle of World War II. b/w, synchronous 21 mis., 2-lbs. tory, the most elaborate pradjction 860-75-2353K, Super 8 Silent, b/w, 250- Regutar Price $39.98 ...... Blockhawk has ever mode, compiles feet, 11-am, Regular Price $12.98 ------Sale Price $3388 authentic films of World War I culled from the 0-chives of three countries, to il- Sole Price $10.88 640-75-2119K, 16mm optIcal Sound, blw, lustrate changing attitudes towards the War and its participants, as well as to- 880-75-2020K, Super 8 magnetic Sound, synchronous 21 mm., 3-lbs. Regular wards the movies themselves. There are newsresls, both actual and stcged, par- b/w, synchronous 10 mm,, 11-ozs. Price $77.98 -- Sale Price $63.88 odies and satires on newsreel and fiction films, independent and molar studio fic- Regular PrIce $19.98 ...... tion films, Liberty Bcnd trailers, , and other pro, anti and ambivalent Sale Price $16.88 films produced by most everyone who could afford to get into the act. 640-75-2020K, 16mm optical sound, b/w, In odditign to the dozens of fi-m excerpts, we used magazine covers, motiva- synchronous 10 mIs., 2-lbs. Regular tional posters, tontem slides, and Still photographs; and an the sound track, a Price $35.98 .. Sole Price $30.44 full complement of aljfhentic sound effects as wtlt as period music taken from Edison cylinder records. 880-75-2107K, Super 8 magnetic sound, b/w, narrotlan 51 mm., 2-lbs. Regular Price $87.98 ...... Sale Price $61.88 885-75-2598K Super 8 magnetic sound, color, narration SI mIs., 2-lbs. Regular Price $177.98 ------Sole Price $124.88 a 685-75-2598K($), 16mm optical Sound, color. narratIon 51 mm., f-lbs. Regular Price $289.98 ...... - ...... Sale Price $203.44

FIGHTING MAN- WAR IN THE 7 1 THE STORY OF GENERAL DESERT GEORGE S. PATTON Restricted to the United States PEARL HARBOR Restricted to the United States (1042) APPEASEMENT and Canada Restricted to the United States and Canada Th 5 is the story of he I 'alian con- Patton symbolized the American quest of North Atrica, a conquest that and Canada AT MUNICH warrior with his ivory-handled six guns turned into disaster. Movlelone cameraman Al Brick (1938-74) and gold helmet. it began in 1933 when Mussolini or- was at Pearl Harbor filming a 'Magic Restricted to the United States Always rear the front lines, Pat- dered General Baibo, Italy'snational Carpet" travelogue to have been coiled and Canada ton's forces swept across Africa, Sicily air hero, to ''build an e'npirn In North PEARL OF THE PACIFIC when the and Europe, where he out "biitzk- Africa' Japanese attacked our Naval and Air On February 76, 1938, Hitler an. forces without warning on December 7, flounced his intention to secure pen. rieged" the Germans. 860-75-2192K, super 8 S lent, b/w, 300 860-76-2249K, Super 8 silent, blw, 350- feet, 14-azs. Regular Price $15.98 -. 1941, bringing the United States into eral freedom' for the German poaulo- World War Ii. Movietone, alone among lion in Czechoslovakia. He also wcnteO feet, 14-Des, Regular Price S21 .98 -. Sale Price $13.44 all newsreels, thus secured authentic Sale Price $18.44 880-75-2026K, Super 8 magnetic sound, to elimjnate any threat that Czechoslo- aod exclusive scenes of the devasta- vakia might serve as a Soviet air base 880-76-2027K, Super 8 magnetic snund, b/yr. synchronous 11 mm., li -ocs. b/w, synchronous 12 mm., I1-azs. tion. or as an ally to France or Englond in Reiuiar Price $21.98 ...... Silent versions have captions which Regular Price $21 98 ...... cose of war. Tension mounted througi -- ...... Sole Price $18.44 were adapted from, and retain the the summer, culminating in the events Sole Price $20.44 640-75-2026K, 16mm apt ical Sound, b/w, flavor of, the narrated prints - a of September 12 through September 640-76-2027K. 16mm optical Sound, b/w, Synchronous 11 mm., 2-lbs. Regular unique historical record not only of 30th, shown here. synchrondUs 12 mIs., 2-1bs. Regular Prlce$39,91 -- Sale Price $33.88 fact, but also of attitude. 860-75-2092K, Super 8 silent, b/w, 275- Price 547.98 ., Sole Price $40.89 860-75-2311K. Super 8 silent. b/w, 225- feet, 14-Des. Regutor Price S13.S'8 feet, 11-Des. Regular Price $13.98 ...... Sale Price $1188 Sole Price $118S 880-1118K,4-2 Super 8 magnetic Sound. 880-75-2198K, Super 8 magnetic Sound, b/w, synchronous 13 mm., floes, b/w, synchronous 9 mm,, 11-ozs. Regular Price $21.98 ...... Regular Price $16.98 ...... Sale Price $13.44 Sole Price $14.44 640-75-2118K, 16mm optical Sound, b/w. 640-75-2198K, 16mm OptiCal Soufld, b/w, Synchronous 13 mIs,, 2-lbs. Regular Price $4398 .. Sale Price $36.88 synchronOus 9 mm,, 2-lbs. Regular Price $34.98 .. Sale Price $29.88

Phone Your Order TOLL FREE: 800 - 553-1163 (Not Valid In Iowa, Hawaii, Alaska)


WINTER RAILROADING IN THE COLORADO ROCKIES RAILROAD Colorado railroading has always had its own special appeal. With most 01 the highest mountains in the 50-statesand high posses through which the earliest bonds of steel crossed the divide, pictures of slruggllng trains with steam locomotives oheod and behind were synonymous with railroading in the "Mile High' state. Today, with FILMS even more powertul diesel locomo- tives, freights still tight their way up mountain grodes. 860-77-1116K, Super 8 silent, b/w, 225-feel, 11-ozs. Regular Price $11.98 Sale Price $1044 870-77-1 t 16K, Super 8 silent, color, 200-feet, 11-005. Regular Price S25.98 Sale Price $22.44 620-77-1116K(S), t6mm silent, b/w, SALE 400 feet, 2-lbs. Regular Price Good Thru July 31, 1977 $36.98 Sale Price $31.44

IRON HORSE CENTENNIAL, 1927 WRECK In 1927 the Baltimore & Oslo Ralr000 sponsored a pageant Corn- iiiernoratlng the 100th onrriversary Restricted to the United States and Canada wr of the founding and in effect, the A selection of silent newsreel coverage of railroad wrecks, steam locomotives 100th year as mostly from the 1920's as pictured in Fox News. The issuance at this sell . film is not intended to satisfy the morbid curiosity of anyone. Rather, Our film pictures practically all the film is aimed 01 the hundreds of thousonds Of active rail fans who a- lle molar locomotives and other have a serious historical and technological interest in many aspects important rolling tocic that op- of railroading. A most Interesting tact is that practically every one of sc neared in the ociokont these accidents was caused by human talture — not that of the equip- '- 860-77-1012K. Super 0 silent, b/w, ment. - 440feet, 14-ocx. Regutor Price Shown are the following wrecks: June 9, 1920, Schenectady, $16.08 Sole Price $14.44 N.Y., New York Central; Decem- ber 9, 1923, Forsythe, N.Y.. New York Central; March 14, 1920, Bel- lows FoIls, Vermont, Rutland; July - THE ZEPHYR L 1920, MillertOn, N.Y., New York A colorful trip on the stainless steel vista-domed streamliner Central and many more. -. of the Burlington, Rio Gronde ala ,Vestern PacitiC roilraods which 860-77-2614K, Super 8 silent, b/w, - doily covered the most specloculol and piCtuiesmlv€' tronscontinen- 294-feet, 11-ozs. Regular Price 101 route in the United States via Omaha. Denver. Soil Lake City $21 .98 Sale Price $18.88 and Sacramento, through the Colorado ROckies rind the Feather 620-77-2614K, 16mm silent, b/w, 527- River Canyon in Colifornio feet, 2-lbs. Regular Price $63.98 'e, - orv i - 860-77-1960K. Super 8 silent, b/w, Sale Price $54.44 ' .--- 225-feet, 11-xis. Regular Price $9.98 ...... Sale Price $8.44 -- 880-77-2177K. Super 8 magnetic - Sound, b/w, music 9 miS., 11'- ozs. Regular Price $21.98 ...... Sale Price $18.88 WHEN STEAM WAS KING 645-77-2177K(5), 16mm optICal Restricted to the U.S. and Canada Sound, b/w, music 9 mm., 2-lbs. Steam power, coast to coast as it was twenty to twenty-five Regulur Price $36.98 ...... years ago. Includes locomotives and trains of the New Haven. New Sole Price $31.44 York Central. Bessemer and Lake Erie, Chesapeake and Ohio, Pennsylvania, Nickel Plate. Louisville and r4othville, Erie, Great .. Northern, Nortnern Pacific, Union Pacific. Texas and New Orleans lS.P.t and Santo Fe. Protessionolly .- .- ...... "BIG BOY" AND HIS BROTHERS photographed and produced by - I Carl Dudley, Big steam locomotives of the Union Pacific photographed by 860-77-0919K, Super 8 silent, b/w, Gene Miller from the middle 1930s 225-feet, 11 ozs. Regular Price until the early 1950's. Shown in ac- $9.98 ...... Sale Price S8.44 tion and in some detail ore tour to- 870-77-0919K, Super 8 Silent, color, mous classes of big modern steam _4 200-feet, 11 ozs. Regular Price - ' power - famous 4-12-2s. the Union 525.98 ...... Sale Price $22.44 Pocitics; the 4-6-6-4s, the Chollen- 621-77-0919K(S), 16mm Silent, b/w, gc-rs, the 4-8-45, the Northerns. and 400-feet, 2 lbs. Regular Price -. the 4-8 84$. the - Big Boys. $31.98 Sale Price $27.44 860-77-1630K, Super 8 SIlent, b/w, 300-feet, 1 lb. Regulor Price $16.90 ...... Sale Price $14.44 WHITE PASS AND YUKON - WHEELS A' ROLLING This spectacular film photagrophed in 1051 by Woodrow Gor- Filmed at the Wheels ARolliyg' pageant at the Chicago Rail- man, pictures the White Pass when st(om was still the motive power. road Fair at 1948 and 1949, this motion picture features both originals You'll see a varIety of White Pass norrov, paugc- Mikes — as many and replicas of railroad motive power from its earliest doys to the as three on a train working the Burlington's Pioneer Zephyr of 1934. 3.9 percent grade up the Pass. And "- 860-77-1230K, Super 8 silent, b/w, a variety of mixed trains. possen 325-feet, 14-015. Regutor Price gers, and freights — otang the I.. II $15.98 Sale Price $13.88 Yukon — on high trestles — 5110k I ing along ledges hIgh above the C i 880-77-19651K, Super 8 magnetic canyon bottom. sound, b/w, synchronous 29 mm., 2-lbs. Regular Price 860-78-1999K, Super 8 sIlent, b/w, ••--4s-'-' 300-feet, 14 cxx, Regular PrIce 9' 64095K o $15.98 Sale Price $13.88 870-78-1999K, Super 8 sttent, Color, -- 300-feet, 14 — . lbs. Regulor Price $94.98 ...... ceO. Regular Price - $33.98 ...... Sale Price $80.88 Sale Price $30.88 -

Use Your BankAmericar'd, Master Charge, VISA, Chargex or Blackhawk Charge

l() BLACKHAWK BULLETIN 13 - 288, July, 1977 SALE.1 UP IC) 15% OFFS KEYSTONE AND OTHER SLAPSTICK Sale ends July 31, 1977 COMEDIES SHOULD TALL THE DESPERATE SCOUNDREL (1916) with FORD- STERLING, MINTA OURFEE and THE KEYSTONE - COPS MEN MARRY?. The opening scene of this film establishes us) how desperate the scoundrel (1928) (Ford Sterling) is, He steels a bottle from a baby! .J with STAN LAU RE Land JIMMIE True rest of the film details SterlIng's attempls ro steal and keep nossession of F INLAY SON money 'ram the laundry shop. He first obtains the posh by turning c-ri a fan on the This is on unlisal western two-reel comedy, manager's desk directly behind the money, thus blowing the bills out of the office Indeed the tdm 5 work op title had been COWBOYS CRY FOR IT. The comedys and intn Ford's hat. When he returns to tils oportsrierit I e io,'ik.. out the window in it is very ably provided in the persoagen of attractive Martha Sleeper. She plays time to see a laundry truck pull up In front of the buildinC. In o panic, he bides the money in some roncher Jimmie Finlayson s cute daughter, and is contested over by Teddy Von of his.d rIo clothes. The t)ndlady enters his roam Ellz (the worthygood guv). and Stuart Holmes (the unworthy bad gyy). With ths laundry mon and guess who has the Laurel receives tpp billing, and he's essentially learned with Finlayson as the mone-, now? _",• - two seek to rescue FIn's kidnoeped daughter from the filthy clutches of the villain- 860-101;53K, Super 8 sIlent. b/w, 325-feet, 1lb ous Stuart Holmes. Regular Price $15.98 .... Sale Price $13.88 -- 860-07-2409K, Super 8 silynt, b/w, 405-focI, 14.ozs. Regulor Price $23.98 ...... 875-101,53K, Super 8 magnetic sound, b/w, - ...... - ...... Sale Price $20.44 mutic 20 mm., (18tps), 14-ozs, Regular Price 620-07-2409K(S), 16mm silent, b'w, 7t0-fyet, 3-lbs. Regulor Price $59.98 ...... S29.18 ...... Sale Price $25.88 ...... - ...... Sale Price $50.98 600-10-1)53K, 16mm OptiCal so.tnd, b/w, music 20 mln., (1811lis), 3-lbs. Regular Price $55.98 ...... - ...... Sale Price $47.88

.....- THE DAREDEVIL A HASH HOUSE FRAUD (1915) . wIthBENTURP'iNandMADELINE with LOUISE FAZENDA, HUGH FAY, FRITZ SCHADE, CHESTER HURLOCK CONKLIN and THE KEYSTONE COPS This slapstick comedy parodies the mok6rs A f-ASH HOUSE FRAUD is an exct-llm,t Keystone comedy. Lovie is cast as - of uilent movies. Turpin ploys Joe Mogee, v.ho the cas:,ler in Hugh Pay's Busy Bee Sconery Bus ness is so bad that Hugh tells gets a stunlrnon job because the movie director her, ' nit customers, no poyl" Under the circumstances, it is easy to 'ee the dill, sees him ridIng a wild)v bucking horse. What the culties Hugh would encoenter with a cook like Fritz SCliade Just lhi,'ik what's hap- i director doesn't know i s that Mogee Is literolty pening in the nitchent glued to his seat. I.Taqee tinds iimself constantly In danger, as when he Is fled too Things reach Such 0 spot that Hugh decides pole In a roam filling up with water. When an old tells the direcicr obout a nhorby to try to sell the Beoner'., and uoes on the street (- . tire, everyone heads for the tire to film some action scenes, except Mogee. It'5 not to rOuntl-uO some 'customers to convince a pro-- untIl the director needu someone to run into the burning building to rescue the fair spectivu- purchaser. HunCry bjms put on such Or. . ~ 7 damsel that he realizes ho's forgotten the stunt man. act, that the deal is soon closed - but when the purchaser gels wise. a r of results, and Out OOéS g 840-11-0987K, Super 8 sIlent, b/w, 425-text, 14-ozs. Regular Price $21.98 ...... a call for Tt,e Keystone ...... - ...... Sale Price $18.88 Ccps. 620-11-0987K(5), 16mm silent, blw, 150-feet, 3-fbi. Regular Price $34.98 ...... 840-10-li.85K, Super 8 sIlent, biw, 250-feet. 11-015...... Sale Price $4628 Rogulgr PrIce 59.98 ...... Sale Price $8.44 - .... 620-10-1u.85K. 16mm silent, t.w, 450-teet, 2-lbs. Regular Price $34.98 .... Sale Price $29.88 IT'S A GIFT Its I 1923) with SNUB POLLARD A JITNEY ELOPEMENT Irvirnlor Snubs bedroom looks like a clockmcker's nightmare. Pull strings, . (1915) levers clod pulleys make everything automatic, from his tool-ticklir.g otOrm clock with CHARLIE CHAPLIN, EDNA to his treakfost-making and seining mectonisms. When on rare cccosions Snub leaves his bed, it folds up into the wall, revealing on the underside o fireplace com- - PURVIANCE, LEO WHITE and LLOYD plete with tire. BACON When Snub is called on by the Oil magnates (to demonstrate hiS fire-proof and Edna, a wealthy heiress pleads to be saved absolutely non-explosive 5050-me) he hops into his magnetic vehicle and trails be- from Count do f-Ic, Ha, and Charlie comes to the hind 'jrsu-specting motorisls. Along the way he p - rescue. Made In the days of the jitney', 'tin offers his waterproof shoO insention to help Scixe . I lizzie", and "fllvver" (ekes, it paints out in hilar- o drow arm man. Unlortunolely, the shoes ore I ious toshion the tremendous ct'unges that have come oboul in the years that have one iflv(nti-Qn he hasn't perfected. passed. 860-08-1:114K, Super 9 silent, b/w, 240-feet, lt.ozs. 860-04-1798K, Super 8 sIlent, b/w, 425-feet. 14-oss. Regular Price $15.98 ...... Regular Price $9.98 ...... Sale Price $8.44 ...... Sale Price $ 13.88 880.08-1114X, Super 8 magnetic sound, b/w, 620-04-1798K(S), 14mm sIlent, b/w, 100-feet, 3-lbs.R egular Price $34.98 ...... musIc 11 mm., 14.015. Regular Price $16.98 ...... Sale Price $46.88 Sale Price $34.44 'uu, 640.08-1:14X, 16mm optical sound, b/w, music 11 mm., 2-16s. Regular Price $34.98 ...... Sale Price $2928 - THE CANNON BALL THE BLACKSMITH (1922) (1915) with BUSTER KEATON and VIRGINIA FOX with CHESTER CONKLIN Bus'er Keaton's supebcomic talent comes alive again in this bcirlesnue based It s pandemonium ii the Boom Powder fac on the tlmt-honored poem ''The Village lslacksmitli. - Of course, it S a loose base tory when explosives oepert Chester Conklin ar- and doein't work Out quite as Longfellow wrote it but with Buster as tl-e lead, does rives to inspect operotlons. His methods are most it really makea difference? unusual but you must admit the Mly little cuss Thit particular Keaton comedy combines the knows his powder and his women' traditional setting with p niodern inlerpretolion and well illusjrales the range of comic ingenuity But as sharp as he is, Chostars no mold, br the dim-witted Keystone Cops once they swing into acticn in this rousing melee of which soon placed Buster among the screen s greal comedians, Buster Keaton has been often trick photography and high-flying actors. One of the most popular of the Keysiones - mode for Mutual. THE CANNON BALL contains all the ingredients that mode the imitolec, but never equal led THE BLACK FUN FACTORY world famous and stsou -d be in every collector's libary. SMITH demonstrates why. 840-10-0945K. Super 8 sIlent, b/w, 450-feet, 14-005. Regular Price $ 1 9.98 ...... 860-38-0947K, Super 8 Silent, b/w, 400-feet, 14-ozs., ...... Sale Price $16.88 Regular Price $21.98 ,,.. Sale Price $38.88 420-30-0945K(S), 16mm sIlent, blw, 800-feet, 3-lbs. Regular PrIce $54.98 ...... 620-18-0947K(S), 16mm silent, b/w, 750-feet, 3 - lbs.,

...... Sale Price S46,-88 Regultv Price 559,98 ..,, Sale Price $50.88 I4one Your Order TOLL FREE: 800 - 553-1 163 (Not Valid In Iowa, Hawaii, Alaska) B1\('}'.1IA\VK UULLETIN B-288, .JuIv, 1977 11 STANDARD 8 COLUMBIA CLOSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lOUTS top Cat Fights A Duel 0/w ...... COMEDIES 714-81-0171, Please put check in space to Visit From Grandpa We Wont Our Mummy ...... 57 .99 718.81-0081. color 723-01-0040, b/w. sound b 'w ...... $3.99 TITGHLIGHTS FROM HOLLYWOOD FEATURES the left of items you wish to 714-81-0172. When MogOO Flew Adventures Of Wild Bill Hickok ...... $4.99 ...... $3.99 purchase. List your alternate 71881-0135, color __... 714-85-0165. bIw ...... Zoo is Company Blaze of Terror ...... $4.99 ...... $3.99 choices, since our supply is ______718-81-0137. color 714-85-0209. 01w 723-81 -0047, 0/w, sound ...... $7.99 Born Free ...... S9.99 53. 99 725-01-0032, color, sound 714-85-0162. blw ...... limited. We will ship your first SPORTS 723-85-0038, 01w, sOund ...... $7.99 ...... $9.99 Ali vs FrOzier Second Fight 725-85-0026. colOr, Sound choices if they are available. b/w ...... Bridge On The River Kwa 714820220, ...... 83. 99 718-82-0099, Color 714-85-0199. bfw 01W, sound ...... $7.99 ...... $4.99 723-820061. 718-85-0128. Color /18-85'0070, color ...... 54.99 725-82-0028, colOr, sound ...... $9.99 COughl in The Act sound ...... $7.99 83. 99 :i723-85.0066. b/w, Ali vs Norton 714-85-0190. 01w ...... Strange Voyage No. 2 53,99 714-82-0197, 0/w Cowboy 714.85-0141. b,'w ...... 718-820059. color ...... $4.99 714-85-0161, b/w ...... $3. 99 color ...... $4.99 $4.99 718850096. All Star Game - 1970 718-85-0109, color ...... 07w. sOund ...... $7.99 ...... S3. 99 ...... $7.99 :i723.85.606 7 _714-82 0159, 0/w 723-85-0044, 01w. sound 725-85 0002. color, sound ...... $9.99 Color ...... 5-4 .99 color. Sound ------S9.99 718-87-0127, 725-85-0023, The Evil MagCiOn No.3 All Star Game - 1972 Diners Club 714-85-0142. 0.'w ...... $3.99 0/w ...... $3.99 bIw ------714-82-0158. 714-85-0193, 718 850071. colOr ...... 8-49 718-82-0115. color ...... S.4 .99 j723.85005l, blw. sound ------723'85 0060. 0/w, sOund ...... $7.99 $9.99 All Star Game -1973 Ghenghis Kahn 725 65-0003, color. sound ...... 714-82-0174, 01w ...... 714-85-0241, 07w ...... -...... $3.99 The Do9onS Lair NO.4 ...... -- $7.99 718-820079. color :723-e5-0o45. 01w, sound ______714 85-0143. 0,'w ...... ...... $3.99 color, sound ...... $9.99 AquotiCs ...... 725-850029, 718-850072, Color 714-820160, 01w ...... $3.99 Guns Of Novorone ...... ..$7.99 72385-0069. 01w, sound color ...... $4 .99 714-85-0240. 01w ...... 53. 99 718-82-0125, 725-85-0004, color. Sound Competitive Sports Hercules TRAVEL ...... 83 99 color. sound ...... --- $9 .99 714-820224. b/w _....725-85-0036, Africa color ...... $4.99 Man From Loramie $3.99 718-82-0103, 714590184, Ow ...... Frghl Of Champions 714-85-0729, 01w ...... -...... -...... __723-8$ 0050. 51w. sound ...... $7.99 8.4. 99 5.4.99 718-82-0126. color ...... 718-85-0078, cOlor -- ...... 725-88-0012. Color, Sound ...... ...... $9.99 color, Sound ------Formori vs Frazier 725-850015. Calif orn 0 01w ...... $3.99 Marooned S3. 99 714-82-0191. 714-88-0213. 0/w ...... Frazier vs Quarry _..714-85-0170. blw ...... -...... 718-88-0085. color ...... 5,4. 99 84 .99 714-82-0185. blw ...... $3.99 718-85-0121. color ------Los Vegas Murder In Venice ,.,718-82-0088. color 714.080196. 0/w ...... 53.99 0/w. sound ...... $7.99 718-85-0087, color ------$4.99 ,,,..723-82-0060. Wostiinciton, DC 72582-0024, color. sound ...... $9.99 Pordon My Birthmark 714-80 0194, 01w ...... $3.99 714-85-0236, 01w ------53.99 Golf Wondcrlul Israel - The Holy Lond ...... $3.99 Riding For A Fall 714-82-0195, b/w 714-88-0212, 0/w ...... $3.99 718-820091, color ...... 714-85-0200, b/w ...... --...... $3.99 ...... $7.99 723880052. 07w. sound Gymnostics ...... 718-85-0122, cofor------725-880020. color, Sound ...... $999 ...... 723-85-0043, blw, sound ...... -... -...... 87.99 714-82-0180, 0/w Wanders Of Hawaii 718-82-0082, color 725-85-0025, color, Sound 714.88-0202. 0/w Rings Around The World $4.99 Joe Frazier -3 Greol Fights 718-80-0097. Color ...... $3.99 714-850208, 01w 71482-0192, b.'w Wonders Of New York City 718-82-0102, color ...... $4.99 The Silencers 714.88-5211. b/w ...... $3.99 blw, sound ------$7.99 NBA HighlightS, 1969-1970 723-85-0058, CARTOONS ...... $3.99 725-85-0013, color, sound ------$9.99 714-82-0152, 07w Bedrock "718-82-0114. cotor So You Won't Squawk 718-81 0094, color 714-85-0207, b/w ------NBA Ployofts, 1970-1971 Owono Mactoo 714-82-0186, 0/w ...... $3.99 Strait Jacket 718-810136. color ...... $4.99 ...... 5,499 714-85-0243, 01w ------83. 99 718-82-0129, color 723-81 -0042, 01w. sound ...... S7.99 NHL Highlights, 1971 Stuck In The SlickS color, sound ...... $9.99 $3. 99 725-810033. 714-82-0217. 0/w ...... $3.99 714-85-0204. 07w ...... Desf not ion MOgoo 5,4.99 Wo.,ld Without Sun 718-82-0106, Color ...... 718-81-0117. color ...... $4.99 NHL PLayOffs, 1970 714-55-0155, b/w ...... $3.99 0/w, sound $7.99 $7.99 72381-0053, ...... 718-82-0108, color ...... 54.99 723-85-0054, b/w, Sound ...... 725-81-0019. Color, Sound ...... 59.99 725-85-0035, color, sound ------$9.99 NHL Playoffs. 1972 Dog Snatcher 718-82-0107, color SCIENCE FICTION 714-810205, b/w ...... Bat ma n NHL 1970 Stanley Cup Emperor'S New Clothes 714-820215. b/w ...... 53,99 714-86-0198, 01w ------53,99 714-81-0237. b/w ...... $3.99 Battle In Outer Space $4.99 NHL 1971 Stanley Cup 718-81-0133. Color ...... 714.82-0216. b/w ...... 714-86-0214, b/w ------$3.99 723-81-0056, b/w, sound ...... $7.99 725-860022, colOr. sound ...... 59.99 $9.99 NHL 1972 Stanley Cup 725-81-0021, color, sound ...... 714-82-0189. 0/w ...... $3.99 Earth vs The Flying Saucers Freds Flying Lessons ------$3.99 NHL 1973 Stanley Cup 714-86-0168, 01W 718-81-0092, color ...... 5.4.99 $3.99 723,86-0039, b/w, sound ------$7.99 714-82-0183, b/w ...... Gerald Mcboing Boing Super Bowl, 1967 Giant Claw 723-810037. b/w, Sound ...... $7.99 $3.99 714-86-0210, blw ------5.3.99 ...... $9.99 714-82-0232. 07w ...... 725-81-0027, colOr. sound 725-82-0016, color, Sound ...... $9.99 Twenty Million Miles From Earth Jaywalker 723-86-0048, b/w, Sound ...... 87.99 ...... $7.99 Super Bowl, 1968 723-810049. b/w, Sound ______714-82-0227. 01w ...... $3.99 Werewolf 725-81-0034, color, sound ...... $9.99 $4.99 723-86-0057, b/w, Sound ...... -... $7.99 718-82-0084, color ...... L'il Abner Super Bowl, 1970 JASON AND THE ARGONAUTS 714-81-0201, b/w ...... 53.99 Bottle With Tabs No. 1 714-820225, 0/w ...... Man On The Flying Trapeze 718-82-0105, color ...... $4.99 714-85-0148, b/w ...... $3.99 718-81.0118, color ...... 54.99 718-85-0073, color ------$4.99 ...... $7.99 Super BOwl, 1971 72381 -0046. 01w. sound 718-82-0134. color ...... $4.99 _ 725-85-0008, color, Sound ------59.99 725-81-0030. Color, sound ...... S9.99 Triton, Lord Of The Deep No.2 $3.99 Super Bowl, 1972 714-81-0203, b/w ...... 714-82-0226, b/w ...... $3.99 714-85-0149. b/w ------$3.99 Motorcycle Mogitbo color, sound ...... $9.99 718-82-0112, color ...... 8-4.99 725-850009, . ,,..,.,7t8-8t-0130. color ...... $4.99 Hydra Of HadeS 140.3 Super 8owl. 1973 No Biz Like Show Bit 714-82-0221. 01w ...... S3.99 714-85-0150, b/w ------718810093. color ...... $4.99 718-85-0077, color ...... $4.99 Track & Field $9.99 No Rest For Pest 0/w ...... 725-85-0010, color, Sound ------718-81-0101. Color ...... $4.99 714-82-0173, The Golden Fleece N0.4 ...... 718-82-0119, color $3.99 714-81-0164, 01w Germany vs Italy 714-85-0151, blw ------Pork Chop Phooey World CuP Mexico - 725-85-0011, color, sound ...... ---- ...... $9.99 ...... $4.99 ,_ ,,,_ 714-82-0182. b/w 718-81-0100. color color ...... 54.99 THE GOLDEN VOYAGE OF SINBAD ,.,_.....,,,,...,,714-810230, 0/w ...... $3.99 718-82-0131, Sinbods Mystical Adventure No. 1 723-81-0059. 0/w, sound ...... 57.99 --53.99 World Cup Mexico - Italy vs Brazil 714-85-0144. b/w ...... -.... 725-8l-0018, color. sound ...... $9.99 718-82.0110. color ...... 5-4. 99 718-85-0076, color ...... $4.99 ...... $7.99 Sleeping Beauty World Of Sports 723-85-0062, b/w, sound 714-81-0167. 01w ...... $3.99 ...... 54.99 Sound ------$9.99 718-82-0086. Color 725-85-0005, color, - 718-81-0080, color ...... 5-4.99 Mysterious Amulet No.-- ...... 2 World Series 1970 725-81-0017, color. sound ...... $9.99 714-02-0157, O'W ...... 714-85-0145, blw $3.99 Sloppy Jalopy $7.99 718-82-0120. color 723-85-0063, b/w, sound ------714-810206. b/w ...... $3.99 sound ------$9.99 orld Series 1972 725-85-0001, color, 723.81-0041, b/w, sound ...... $7.99 ______082-0159. 01w Sinbod Bottles Kouras Evil Magic No.3 ___725-81.003t, color, Sound ...... $9.99 orld Heavyweight Championship 1882-1906 714-85-0147, 07w ------$3.99 Snow While 53. 99 $7.99 71482-0175. b/ss ...... 723-85-0064, blw, sound ------714-81-0169. 01w ...... S3.99 World Heavyweight Championship 1908-1915 color, sound ------$9.99 725-85-0006, 718-810132. color ...... 54.99 714-82-0176. 01w ...... $3.99 Sinbods Triumph No.4 72381-0055, 0/w, sound ...... $7.99 World Heavyweight ChomPionshIp 1919-1928 714-85-0146, blw ...... 5.3.99 $9.99 _.308100t4, color, Sound ...... - ...... 714-820177. b/w ...... 718-85-0090, color ...... 5.4.99 Speflbound Hound ...... $7.99 World Heavyweight ChampionShiP 1930-1937 723-850065, blw, Sound 714-81-0239, b/w ...... $3.99 ...... S9.99 / 714-82-0178, b/w 725-85-0007, color, sound jTest Pibol World Heavyweight Championship 1950-1959 OF SINBAD THE SEVENTH VOYAGE I 714-81-0163, b/w ...... $3.99 _714-82-0179, 01w ...... The Cyclops No. I i7l8.81-0113, color ...... 54.99 714-85-0140, blw ...... $3.99 Use Your BankA Charge, VISA, Chargex or Blackhawk Charge




Less Exchange Credit ...... - -

REMIT .25 HANDLING Tot& Cost of Merchandise CHARGE IN ADDITION Postage and Insurance - We Refund Any Not Used ...... $ - TO POSTAGE ON Amount ...... Due Blockhawk From PrIor Order ...... $ ALL ORDERS FOR LESS THAN $2.50 3% Sales Tax if Shipped to any Iowa Destination ...... $ Total ...... 1$ - Do Not Write Or Type Inside This Bordered Section—Office Use- BLACKHAWK BULLETIN B-288, July, 1977 13 INFORMATION PAGE All films listed In this bulletin are BLACKHAWK'S LAY-AWAY PLAN black and white, silent Blackt-iowk's Lay-Away Plon costs you not a penny more than Blockhawk's reg- unless otherwise stated. ular cash price - you pay 10 percent of the cost of the merchandIse with your order, the balance within 90 days at your convenience, As soon as the balance Is paid RUNNtNG TIME OF SILENT AND SOUND FILMS BASED ON AVERAGE PROJECTION Blackhowk ships the merchandise! And. Lay-Away Is an easy way for you to gel SPEED those limited availability bargains and sole Items - no Interest or carrying charge on Lay-Away! FORMAT FOOTAGE SILENT SOUND per 100 feet 7½ minutes S minutes C.O.D. SHIPMENTS Standard 8mw Except where noted, Blackhawk will gladly make shipments of merchandise on per 100 feet 6½ minuteS minutes shipments, the Super a COD, basis to any paint in the United States. However, on C.O.D. 21.. di 16mm per tOO-feet 3-i m,riUtes lv, purchaser pays all tronsportotion charges, insurance and C.O.D. fees, and moneY; .8mw turnS up to 223 feel are 00 5 inch reels F 11.15 over 2C 1cM are 011 5 'id , or 7 ccii ree order tees, in addition to the cost of the merchandise. On C.O.D. shipments of $50.00 or more we will need a $25.80 deposit before we • Oleeaxse most 8mm prolectors have a maximum capacity of 400 feet. no Black'iawk tulrrs a r e On Ship. reels larger titan 400 feel all 16mm sound iilms offered by Blackhawk are Optical Sound. All Standard On'," and Super 8 OUT OF STOCK ITEMS Sound films are Magnetic Sound •WhCfl itesm are tepurOriluni 00 , Of stock. we will create a bock order, retain sufficient • When the letter S appears bChind a 16mm stock numSer this means that tIre item will be shipPed I kyilS to rover Shipnlitilt and send the items as quickly as stuck is tecitived directly to you from 1110 factory With a four to nix week delay. SlI more than a two w000 delCo. we will bUt you RIGHTS OF USE ON MOTION PICTURES • It tern is oer,nonenllv out ci? -lock. uP will send you a credit memo Iwe 10110w the 16mm and 8mm motion picture prints sold by Blackhawk '5 limited to home 0911 non- • Use 04 oi,cticeOro CI issuina ctedit mcciv, in soul iris lance, as most customers oreter to woke theatrical shOwing - theatrical and telenision rights are specifically reserned other seleCl,Or, I l,Pnçe uedrr • ProductionS of Hal Roach Sludius. Inc. are d,Str buti'J Si lliackhawk 0, Copy RETURNS niaht for non theatrical and to'ee uSeOully. 000 in the !uriri'cO ,err,tories set fouh on the pages When returning items to us for Credit, you MUST RETURN ALL PAPERS INCLUDING YOUR Carrying the maior list ngsol Iheseparticular groupsol sullliC'i. ORIGINAL ORDER WITHIN 10 DAYSI We neoer sell a returned item as new; it becomes a used • The cOpyriqht Status if any of other subiects ill (Ouetries and erritorii', Outs,de Inc United - item and is sold as a used StOCk. Slates is unknown and purchasers acquiring aed eohtplieg Such prints 110 sO 111 their ov.e risk • No author ly or license is granted for the public perlorerance 01,1ev Copyright W05-( wh,Ch rniay * Also please let us know the make and model number of your projector. be included in09' as a punt 01 any of the film Offered heron unless the Zerson frm or eorporatOn Foe fast service, return 10 Blackttawk Films, Inc.. Davenport, Iowa 52808 proposing to eepr000ce such music as part of The p dare .c duly .4atliOti100I wtlere such * authorizations IS needed, by the copyright Owner of any soul nies c. to perfcelt' the same DEFINITIONS ON THE VARIOUS TYPES OF SOUND FILMS publicly. • DIALOGUEa film in Which the story or documentary fritO is synchronized SouhO. With most SHIPMENTS OUTSIDE THE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES or all of the speech lip synchronized •Shipmonts made to I-lawai,. Alaska. Puerto RiCO. Fleet Post alIce,. Army Post Olfices and --- A film in WhiCh much of the film is actual location Sound and may otheroverseds locations mane through thit regular United Slates Postal Systeni We arelliud To • SYNCHRONIZED SOUND include some lip synchronized sPeech But such o film may include added music and narration. handle such shipments on euactly the same basis as shiPithenls made os ItiuC •Ise co,,Ieelit.ol • NARRATION-- Usually With a buckqroundOt music or music and sound effects. With nerration United Slates with be enceptioe) that no C 0 D's will be made OatS,OC We cQO'ieenilal United tne predominant part of the Sound. Slates MUSICAL ACCOMPANIMENT-- Usually a musical score recorded line on pipe organ or piano, Where shipments are made to countrIes other than the United Slates. payrrient may se made by • or from Piano rolls, music boo00 and mecnanical music makers Or various sorts, sometimes letter of credit. by international rrroneyOrder erie any negotiable currency with Sound effects added. • Where, on any type of payment, you wish to know the exact cos' Of your nie-chaedise we will be glad to SCnd you .o perfarma invoice and hold true wanted items so that a precise amount may be determined. Woigh' up ix ur.d in PARCEL POST RPTES • Where checks, money orders or Other remittances are made in currencies other than teose Of ISIding IS Oubilus 15' 'rOt Effective J a to. I • 1976 the United States, we will immediately clear these lands through our Sank Iwo oue001 9' udililiovul fu, noel' • Your order will be suspended until our bank nas notified us Of the actual credit reholt.eg from dyne Odditix,,ui 3 ounies or WOWS' this clearance. This usually takes a matter of a week or ten days I lk and i,n,l,nn hereof -- - On shipeneelts to onerseas destinations other than those served directly by the United States eo - re,peiri.e xi ixno iou-dig Looul I 02 3 a 3 6 7 8 PoslaI System, a surcharge at tO percenl is made to cover postage, and the preparation of the Weigh' x.ei IS - -- - necessary customs tors.ro 00.10., b,il 'iv? no Pound. 1.01 III ill I 10 I II • Blackhawk cannot quurantee safe delivery on loreign Shipments If ycu want your shipment. 1,006,19 7 5077 Ow ll 3 .51 01 ill III I/O 140 103 1 14 insured we can dolt for you at an additional charge Ask ton delails. lv 04 lid 35 1.2 03 41 100 as 91 ill Ill ill iou09 118 250 UNITE!) I'ARCEL SERVICE ('HARGES i 00 I 25 131 lIt 181 210 01.3 2,18 iO4 33 iii IT 190 731 177 3,04 weInI RATES TO O o 09 39 IS) il 710 351 104 130 110110 INSURANCE CHARGES. Rates syouue autOmatically 113 140 lOi 80 373 749 310 010 .ceod Zone 2 nfl. Zones xml One 6 Wltt Zones insure your package for its value up to $100 For naiaes uS 5 73 5 7 1.16 1.79 1 83 1.87 S 03 I if I 52 170 I 90 2 57 195 338 090 - over 510000 the rate is 25 cents for each additional StO0,00 78 8 87 90 108 1.09 Iii Ii II? 100 19 300 750 101 500 408 3'' 81 .0 .00 1.06 I 19 130 tOt or lractu00 tnereof C.O.D. CHARGES. ThereSa fIat 95 11 Ill 101 161 110 3,04 571 590 174 1.09 20 I30 112 171 ill Ill 105 210 III 3,10 401 160 cent charge for each C 0 0 shipment ill III 204 7,41 OIl 300 470 491 98 I 8 120 13) 1.53 1.73 1.91 II it III Ill Oil III 304 373 III 512 17 145 I 05 311 101 7 tO 101 70 1.36 147 79 195 734 6'' 1.01 ill 1,31 I 9 i49 757 220 071 III 409 1,02 544 III 1.23 1.17 101 ill 7.17 200 U.P.S. Service is available to all states but 19 54 209 030 1b3 1.41 175 5,11 560 219 001 143 010 13 1.03 1 14 700 2.38 777 Alaska and Hawaii and military addresses 70 '58 110 359 130 9 121 138 104 88 722 2.60 303 104 317 lOu 518 111 10 I 30 1.44 1 74 701 739 2.11 329 71 itO 273 251 77 III 130 10) 311 391 47! tIO 00$ 13 I 77 131 217 5 li 100 491 012 601 t.37 1.55 .80 218 2.17 3.03 2.56 24 ill 744 730 iTS 113 III 0.24 125 13 - 143 1.43 96 2.29 2,74 3.20 382 71 ' 11 251 1 10 346 4 70 111 010 740 13 3.07 247 2.92 3.46 1.09 ZIP CODE CHART ox 'II 258 191 150 III 546 098 ttl 00 594 990 1,61 II - t 1.79 2,11 2.06 307 3.60 4.30 TO dnt,.ni,1 , i'.' I'ii' i"i cur' nod, you live, compare the is' 2 59 Is 11 10 1, 130 455 Sd :01 077 III 404 001 III 529 IS 1.67 . 2.29 269 3.26 3.19 461 711 '' t 63 Of you' ,iir cods with this Chart 775 3) 3*! 490 601 104 810 Inc Zip (yule y 70' 289 331 1,98 003 5 Ia 714 Ito II 1.69 1.95 740 293 3*1 411 488 IEoardple If you' lip code begins with 276, loOk at lund zoneSoppos-tc 1,76 303 2.01 097 261 4,33 014 Prefix or rhecs3' 270 286 and you II 700 291 040 100 501 510 l tU 901 tI' 187 311 76? 317 379 414 541 Oil 300 lou 119 170 657 8011 all lIt 101 151 130 III uti 977 014 1.91 219 273 324 396 176 567 ZIP CODE UPS ZIP COOt UPS ZIP C000 UPS Ph' CODE UPS 221 114 305 410 117 088 III 080 20 III 227 203 337 4.13 491 1 593 3 P9EPI1105 ZONE PP.IlixOS ZONE P9(11005 ZONE P8091080 ZONI 3? 200 I Ii 0 1 1 lb . 5,01 lOu 950 1039 34 210 128 397 161 5, 74 121 098 1030 31 783 2.36 294 301 1.31 019 620 115 115 791 411 lii 141 gb is,. 734 735- .... S 37 23 238 744 3.09 360 1.49 III 646 070018 5 350.359 --4 547-55,4 - - 3 1 /1 II? 065 192 10 , 1 50 9 17 1Q04 23 2 IS 7 02 3 16 378 4.44 0 u3 6 73 019 6 360 361 - - 5 SOb 059 .4 736 746 - .4 35 244 3-40 409 407 III 178 911 1110 790 100 Ii? 502 103 1106 24 221 2.66 3,21 303 183 004 699 0731024 5 362 4 559-561 .3 747 - 5 `C 928 96 75 221 3,00 331 400 5.00 605 720 025026. 6 363 369 5 562-576 - - - - .8 718 749 . 4 027.037. - - 5 375.309 - 4 577 - - S 75S-54 - 2.76 4 19 519 637 7 12 20 2,34 349 395-396 5 SOS-SOS - .4 755 '4 649 7,70 c38-049 6 71' 2,4t 264 36,0 4 33 0,35 a $86-593 S 7(16 782 0 6 70 lOS 050080 5 341 26'' 2 47 792 3.71 446 5 13 $'5 6 793 785 460 112 692 831 29'' 2,51 300 3,62 - 786 2,60 308 1 4.73 1,81 7.13 0.07 ICC 146 30'' 3,92 a'10 33 9 147 4 600 619 - . 7 467 133 684 Read Before You Order By Parcel Post 31 - 267 3 17 403 601 149.149 S 422458 - 620622 - 3 2.73 320 414 0,01 623 1.07 9.10 - 2 22 150 157 A 460 469 3 623 800-831 0 3.3' 280 333 4,23- 5.14 640 7,79 9 37 158-159 624 3 032-860 - .6 17 800 043 410.471 .5 34 2 84 341 436 S 71 u 160-165 625-627 3 870-871 - .5 293 349 447 041 6 74 9 11 999 472479 3 O Olacknawk I il-os' or un', 110 rn' nCrvdr postage 30 156-199 628-633, - 3 873 .6 400497 are gi,-evwt'l each iteili and you can compute the 634635,, 2 874878 5 • Shipping vue:gtrbs 36 299 317 4.00 5 SO 693 9 43 10 96 488.491 3 63k437 879-880 upprooimale 10181 'weight and postage charges by referring to 1110 31'' 304 365 460 569 709 160 1047 200 741, . - - 5 493 - 3 721 1069 a 981 884 postage taSle, 36'' 312 3,73 490 582 996 242 243,,. 4 493 495 638 639 II 311 4.91 596 7 *4 9.08 10,90 640647.. 090893 6 • TtrP Sonic iOruiluia applies to all U S. terr.lories and ProtrctOrates 39' 3 2AA 245 s 496 497 1 3 40' 375 359 001 608 1.61 9,29 1121 610 - a 894.697 7 larger and 1,000cr items, because 01 size and weight. are not 246-253 - - - 498-499, 3 • Sm,oe 899 6 354 5 650.655 3 rnailavlr and will thos Or shipped to you 00 expresS on freight. 8049 II'' 323 398 1,12 623 779 9.01 li.i 355-266 - 4 656 650 - 4 paying the trdrispoi't6IiOe chartoes on deliurre, 338 104 S22 137 716 9,73 114 500-504 2 267-286 - 660-666 - - 3 sue and wright requiring eupress or 42 346 414 531 650 0 II 9.04 1301 900961 • In oeneral, shipmenls of 10.16 13.27 287.288,. - 667.679. ' 910.978 7 44' 3$1 123 5.45 0.0.4 8,31 506.507 ' Ireiqnt transporlatiorn will not be forwarded on a C.O.D basis. 677 848 10.37 123. 28929 . .. 680681 - 3 919 - - - 40 358 430 056 5428516 3 - 6 gvre Postage in adoance on C0.0 Of T im e 692 • There is need tO f. 683 - . 993-986 - - - - 7 500578 2 payment order, as actoal postage charges will oe bulled to YOU 44' 344 4 08 5 61 6.91 066 10 09 29 693 ...... - - - 900-909 7 300-306 - 5 530-534 7'' 3.lt 446 5 70 721 883 1011 130 • ApOft P0 addreSsed in San Francisco and Seattle are charged as 53s-539 2 990 002 377 43-4 569 7,18 901 1102 72,0 307 . - - - 4 7 the 7111 zone from Daveoporl. 308-326 . b 540-545 3 700714..... 5 993 3-1.4 462 608 732 018 124 35 5th zone 994 ApO4oPO addressed fro,n New York are charged as the 10'' 3.98 470 610 0 30 114$ 285 327.339 - 6 546., 2 716-731 . - - 4 6 trom Davenport.

14 BLACKHAWK BULLETIN B-288, July, 1977 FILM OF THE MONTH THE GOLD RUSH SAVE 50%July 31, 1977 (1925) Resiricted to U.S. & Canada with CHARLIE CHAPLIN, MACK SWAIN, TOM MURRAY, GEORGIA HALE, BETTY DIRTY WORK MORRISSE', MALCOLM WAITE and HENRY BERGMAN (1933) THE GOLD RUSH is one of the most famous of all films ever mode and perhaps 'the masterpiece of the cinema. In 1925, when Restricted to the United States and Canada il was released, there was tremendous excitement ... Chaplin had With and rot released a film for over thirty months. It is the outstanding Our boys are a pair of chimney sweeps who perform cern of all of Chaplin's pictures, as it has more thought and origi- like a demolition crew instead. Inept, hazordous and riolity than even such masterpieces as THE KID AND SHOUL- thoroughly comical, Stan and 011ie arrive to clean the DER ARMS". The film itself is a series of famous scenes: chimney of the crackpot scientist (Lucien Littlefield). Charlie devouring his boots when on the verge of starvation; his Jessup, the butler, tells them in his droll fashion that the companion going crazy and thinking Charlie is a giant rooster; New Years eve with Charlie preparing dinner and waiting for fireplace is in the other room against the wall. The boys the girl he loves; and of course his cabin swept away by a go to work, or rather, destruction. Between Stan shooting storm and teetering on the edge of an abyss. All this adds up to 011ie, 011ie's end-of-the-rope "I hove nothing more to soy, Charlie at his best ... a comic creating poetry on the screen! Jessup, Littlefield's feverish experiments for on elixir of alo.:khawk's version is that at the original 1925 release. youth and lots of monkey business on the roof, this com- edy turns into one of their best 860.04-1128K, Super 8 silent, b/w, 1725-feet, 2-lbs. Regular Price of this period. S85.98 ...... Sale Price $73.44

860-02-1876K, Super 8 silent, - b/w, 325-feet, 14-ozs. Regular Price $15.98 ...... Sale Price $7.99 880-02-1944K, Super 8 magnetic - sound, biw, dialogue 20 mm., 14 ozs. Regular Price $39.98 SAVE 15% Sole P-ice $19.99 On This Chaplin Classic Thru July 31, 1977 6.10-02-1944K, 16mm optical ..._. sound, b/w, dialogte 20 mm., -- p3-lbs. Regular PricC $75.98 Sale Price $37.99 BLACKHAWK FILM EXCHANGE Exchange your sound or silent Super 8 or Standard 8mm prin's for other mov- HOW TO USE YOUR BLACKHAWK FILM EXCHANGE: jes! I. Fill out the exchange form below listing titles, stock numbers, your original • The Blackhawk Film Exchange program opplies on films purchased from purchase price and the exchange credit price at 50% (/2) at the price you Blockhawk Films and includes Blockhowk prints or prints of other brands listed paid. in the Blockhawk Bulletin. Total the amount of credit due you and enter it on the exchange form • Exchange credits may be applied only against the purchase of new sauna (below) and on the special line or the order blank page (on the other side or silent subjects of equal or greater original retail value. of this page). • Exchonge credit of 50% of the purchase price will b-s granted when Fill out the ordcr form (order blank on back of this page) listing your new film purchase(s). proof of purchase (invoice, packing slips, etc.) is returned with the exchanged Subtract your film exchange credit from your total order. This exchange films and accompanying order for films of equal or greater original retail value. credit may not exceed 50% (½) of the price of your new film purchase(s). • In instances where there is no proof of purchose avoila3le, do not seed lv-dicote method of payment (check, money order, Bank Amerucard, Mas- your exchange films until you hear from us. Instead, mail us a list of titles and terciarge, or Blackfsowk Charge) of the balance of your new film pur- stock numbers from the side of the film box, we will assess the exchange value, chase(s). Iowa residents pay 3% soles tax on this balance amount only. 3nd send you a Blockhowk Film Exchange quote. Psck films in a secure corregoted box. If shipped by parcel post, all pop- • Films exchanged must be complete, in good condition with main and end es (proof of purchase, new order and remittance) may be included with titles and free from excessive splices or scratches. We reserve the right to reject films, but on additional 1 3C postage at current first class rates must be Films not suitable for resole. affixed to the package and First Class Mail Enclosed must be noted or • Send your films, proof of purchase and new order to Blackhawk FIrn the package. l shipping by other methods, papers must be mailed first class separately. (Papers should be marked Film Escharge). Exchange, 1235 West 5th Street, Davenport, Iowa 52808. Transportation to us of films being exchanged must be prepoid. Have your shipment insured as Prepay and im.ure your shipment of films to be exchanged. Blackhawk Films assumes no liability for losses or damages enroute. we cannot be held responsible for losses enroute to Blackhawk :ilms, Inc.

__-- I -__

-__ • ••••• ____ - -f BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR PROOF OF PURCHASE PAPERS AND PAYMENT FOR 's rxooIOrr, DIFFERENCE IN EXCHANGE CREDIT AND YOUR NEW ORDER! 0b0 ix,, p,rchoses Phone Your Order TOLL FREE: 800 - 553-1163 (Not Valid In Iowa, Hawaii, Alaska)

RLACKIIAWK RULLE"l'IN B-288, July. 1977 15

D. W. GRIFFITH'S SUMMER SPECIAL! x\ SAVE . BUY OVoTHE BIRTH P ISAVE 2 5 up to A NATION JulySaL 31, (19(S) 1977 20% with LILLIAN GISH, HENRY B. WALTHALL, MAE MARSH, WALLACE REID, MIRIAM COOPER, ONE WEEK ROBERTHARRON,ELMER (1920) CLIFTON, RALPH LEWIS, DONALD With BUSTER KEATON and SYBIL SEELY CRISP and SPOTTI-SWOODE AIKEN lSu',ter and Sybil - lust married -- and Uncles t'resenl is a new home. But, there is one little hitch -- the Restricted to the United States and hove to assemble it themselves! It looks easy erroririh, but Sybil's retected suitor switches numbers or, BLACK ANID TIAII'1 Canada trip boves Beoulifully scored by Gaylord Carte, on lIre From nearly the firstmoment it was Shov,n organ (1920) in December of 1914, THE BIRTH or A NA- 860•t8-0989f(, Super 8 silent, b/w, 400-feet, 14-ozs. Regular TION Chonged the history 01 mal,o,, pictures. Price 521.98 Duke Ellington's first screen oppeorance "The sensation 1 Created was withOut are- Sale Price $17.88 880.18-0989K, Super .magnehc sound, b/w, music 20 mm., was this extraordinary and deeply moving film cedent and has never been duplicated', wrote Produced in the second year of Sound by Dud- film historian Richard Griffith. "People had not 14-Ozs. Regular Price $29.98 .....,... Sale Price $23.88 640-180989K, tómm optical Sound, b/w, music 20 mm., 3- Icy known that they Could be so moved, so roused Murphy, BLACK AND TAN is made up of by what is, afterall, only a succession of Pic. lbs. Regular Price $65.98 ------Sale Price $54.88 three sequences showing Duke on piano with tures passing across a screen" - only a trumpeter In support; at work in a night Butsome people were roused in ways Grit - THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH Club with his lull orchestra and a corps of pre- fith had not anticipated. In basing his story at (1934) cision dancers; and playing the title composi- the Civil War and Reconstruction on two novels Restricted to the United States lion backed by the Hall Johnson Choir as well and a play by Thoirsas Dixon. Grittith hod with PETER LORRE ,LESLIE BANKS and as his own group. In Complete Contrast to the given life to racial attitudes which were quite usual haphazard style shorts, BLACK AND Controversial EDNA BEST TAN was made writ, immense core and great If melodrama and controversy made TI-IC Uilocktiawk Films brings you 1934 vintage Hitchcock. BIRTH or: A NATION famous, it is its arristrv us ureolest British success, THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO visual imagInation, especially by the standards that make it last. W.IJLH. featuring Peter Loire as the dedicated onorchisl, of 1929 fIlms, Some shots are done entirely In 860-50-2597K, Super 8 silent, b/w, 2400-feet. 4- Abbott, Leslie Banks as the imperturbable Englist,man shadows and silhouette; Others teoture prisms, lbs. Regular Price $119.98 ...... Bob Lawrence, and Edna Best as his skeel-shooling wife, rotating mirrors, and similar devices whIch Sale Price $89.88 The New York Times reviewed it ri 1935 as "tascinating look forward to Busby Berkeley, staccato violence, a blistering style at stnry.telti,sci, rrierg- 880-87-2360K, Super 8 magnetic sound, b/w, \ ag scenes so breathlessly You ore always upland lers.se." dialogue 20 mm., 14-ozs. Regular Price 880-57-2278K, Super 9 magnetic Sound, b/w. dialogue 77 $35.98 ...... Sale Price $26.88 rain., 3-lbs. Regular Price $100.98 Sale Price $92.88 640-87-2360K, \ç 640-57.2270K. 16mm optical sound, bfw, dialogue 77 mm., S. 16mm optical Sound, b/w, lbs. ar Price 5199.98 ...... ,. Sale Price $168.88 dialogue 20 mm., 3-lbs. Regular Price $59.98 ...... Sale Price $44.88 SUMMERTIME (1934) - SUMIr',ERTIME, built on classical rrsusic motifs and is a lively variation an two Iwerks.guided 1930 Disney Silly Syr,tphonies: SPRINGTIME and SUMMER. It is a surism- ag on of Iwerks genius: his ability to drow the macabre, Prices good thru his magnificent sense of sy,scopotion. his elfin imagination, SUMMERTIME is the forerunner to Disnpy'5 FANTA- SAVE It spa less brilliant! 885-81-2458K, Super 8 magnetic Sound, color, synchronous 8 July 31, 1977 mm,, 11-ozs Regular Price $29.98 Sale Price $23.88 % - 685.81-2458K, 16mm OptiCal sound, Color, synchronous 8 2 5 Prices good thru July 31, 1977 mn,, 2-lbs. Regular Price $55.98 .. Sale Price $48.88 * SYLVANIA PROJECTION LAMPS SALE -Prices Good Thru July 31, 1977 Not Sylvania NOW REG. NOW Weight of Individual Lamps is 9-ozs. NUMBER CODE WATT REG ONLY 2 FOR ONLY NOW REG. NOW 042-57-01 20 CAL-CXP 300 - 8.79 791 15.79 13.42 NUMBER CODE WAIT REG. ONLY 2 FOR ONLY 042.57-0093 CAR 150 6.69 6.02 12.09 10.28 042-57-0299 DGB 80 8.89 8.00 15.99 13.59 042-57.0265 CBA 500 21.39 19.25 38.49 32.72 042-57-0168 DHT 1200 17.79 16.01 31.99 27.19 042-57-0295. CEM 120 4.29 3.86 7.69 6.54 042.57-0244 DJA-DFP 150 9.59 8.63 17.19 14.61 042.57-0282 CIS-CIG 11.29 300 6,29 5.66 9.60 042-57-0245 DJL 150 10.09 9.08 18.09 15.38 042-57-0160 CIT-DAX 1000 15,19 13.67 27.29 23.20 042-57-0246 DKM 250 14.69 13.22 26.39 22.43 042-57-0151 CWA 750 1349 12,14 24.19 20.56 042-57-0293 DID 80 11.79 10.61 21.19 042-57-0117 18.01 CXK 300 9.79 8.81 17.59 14.95 042-57-0100 DIG 150 11.79 10_61 21.19 18.01 042-57-0296 CXI 50 11.69 10.52 21.09 17.93 042-57-0248 DIH 250 13.39 12.05 24.09 20.48 042-57.0230 CYK 400 1179 10.61 21.19 18.01 042-57.0108 DLR 250 13.39 12.05 24.09 20.48 042-57-0169 CYS-DBH 1200 1619 14.57 29.09 24.73 042-57-0102 DIS-DHX 150 11.79 10.61 21.19 18.01 042-57.0136 CZA-CZB 500 9.79 8.81 17.59 14.95 042-57-0190 DNE 150 15.09 13.58 27.09 23.03 042-57-0131 CZX-DAB 500 10.39 9.35 18.69 15.89 042-57-0292 DRS 1000 12.59 11.33 22.59 19.20 042-57-0129 DAK 500 8.89 8.00 15.99 13.59 042-57-0201 DNF 150 15.09 13.58 27.09 23.03 042-57-01 33 DAR 500 13.29 11.96 23.89 20.31 042-57-0266 EGH 500 17.99 16.19 32.28 27.44 042-57-0297 DAT 400 849 7.64 15.19 12.91 042-57-0288 EJL 200 14.69 13.22 26.39 22.43 042-57-0098 DCA 160 9.89 8.90 17.79 15.12 042-57-0287 EKP-ENA 80 14.79 13.31 26.59 22.60 042-57-0097 DCH 150 17.19 9.59 8.63 14.61 042-57-0286 EIB 80 14.69 13.22 26.39 22.43 042-57-0144 DDB.ODW 10.89 750 9.80 19.59 16.65 042-57-0300 ELI-I 300 14.79 13.31 26.59 22.60 042-57-0149 DDY 750 19.29 17.36 34.69 29.49 042-57-0280 EMM-EKS 250 14.79 13.31 26.59 22.60 042-57-0145 DEJ 750 12.29 11.06 72.09 18.78 042-57.0289 ENZ 50 12.19 10.97 21.89 18.61 042-57-0192 DEK-DFW 500 9.89 8.90 17.79 15.12 042-57.0249 FCR 100 8.39 7.55 15.09 12.83 042-57-0298 DFA 150 9.89 - 8.90 17.79 15.12 042-41-0254 8OY-50W-SC 50 9.99 17.98 042-57-0096 DFC-DFN 150 9.59 8.63 17.19 14.61 042-24-0274 8V-50W 50 10.49 18.89 042-57-01 55 DFD 1000 11.69 112.52 20.99 17.08 042-07-0275 8V-50W 50 .99 1.79 042-57.0268 DFE 80 8.99 8.09 16.09 13.68 042-57-0188 BAK 75 4.09 3.68 7.29 6.20 042-57-0095 DFG 150 9.89 8.90 , 17.79 15.12 042-57-0180 BRS 75 3.59 3.23 6.39 5.43 DFN (See DFC) 042-57-0294 BVR 30 3.99 3.59 7.09 6.03 DFP (See DCI'4) 042-24-0279 Reflector Bulb 1 2V- 100W 16.49 29.69 042-57-0163 DFT 1000 11.69 10.52 21.09 17.93 042.23-0291 15V-150W . 150 20.99 37.69 042-57-0159 DFY 1000 12.99 11.69 23.29 19.80 042-23-0301 12V-100W 100 16.39 042-57-0290 DFZ 80 11.79 10.61 21.19 18.01 042-24-0285 DICI-t. Reflector 12V-75W 14.49 26.09 Use Your BankAmericard, Master Charge, VISA, Chargex or Blackhawk Charge \4 16 BLACKHAWK BULLETIN B-88, July, 1977 . Lt? 7 Collector s Corner\ AEsP's FABLE CARTOONS M OREY AMSTERDAW: '"-... ) W'have a smoll group of origino b'ack 8. CHARLIE CHAPLIN in 35mm negativeS with some 16mm dupe MUSICAL VARIETIE. otives and 16mm track neaatives. these oCh suoiect: 88 to dQfoet 35mm. 8 8. W cartoons are from that famous seres of the DOUGH AND DYNAMITE A series of one reelers, mostly mode in the W3Os with 920s distributed once-a-week through Pott,e. costs of popular musical orfists - or donces - of the doy, They do not now necessarily hove the original Produced In 94 bY Mack Sennett all intro.uced by Morey Amstedorn. We olfr ior sole the maIn or end titles, nor contain the original pro original 35mm pIcture negative of each and a mint cOndt- ductlon name. This Is on excellent, ilttieused 16mm silent ton 35mm composite print for moking a track negative Length each subject: About $fj, 35mm print mode oround the 930s whIch Chaplin is either contact photo9rophcollyl or rorcOrding. The (200-ti. lomm) satd to hove presented to Bitly Gilbert at the track contoins o I talk, music and Sound effects, and the Nere is whof they ore: end of Chortle's production of "The Great plc- composite positive will make synchronizaticn easy. While A SHORT VACATION (Alternate tltte:"Honor Man' totor', In whIch Billy played a featured part. the negatives ore "original" - all of the toatooe is not Camera orlglnol, as some sections ore dupe nngatives car- Originot NItrate 35mm picture negative With the print Is an original teller from GIlbert (See note below) to Kent D. Eastln indicating the circumstances rying lop-dissolves, and other sections are cuee negatives carryIng effects, or for other tecl,nicol reosi. 16mm track negative of effects and any 01 fle presentation. The three subiectsOre: narration BROADWAY FRDLICS 16mm track negative of music Also Included will be on affidavit from Kent The original 35mm nitrate picture negotive (See note Price for complete lot, Inluding shipment D. Eastin Indicating that this 16mm print Is the on nhlrae) ot-ly by UPS or by Air Cargo Freight .....$200.00 oneGtlbert sent to Blackhawk A mint condition 35mm nitrate composire print A JUNGLE ADVENTURE (Alternate title: Sent prepold to purchase by UPS or Air 'orga Freight "Jungle Days" This octuoi edition differs from the orlglflot $300.00 Original NItrate 35mm Picture Negative (see Keystone version, whiCh Blockhawk is reO s- HEADNELI VAFIETIE note below) Ing, in that the subtitles hove been re-written, a The original 35mm nitrate picture negotive (See note 16mm music track negative In complete on nitrate) Price for the complete lot, Including ship- to the 1920s. Everything else is nwnt only by UPS or by Air Cargo Freight ...... character with the original Keystone version A mint condiiion 35mm nItrate composite print Sent prepold to purchaser by UPS or Air Cargo ...... 5200.00 ...... BUBBLE RIDE Length: AboutOO-ft,, 16mm Freight LET'S MAKE RHYTHM Original Nlirote 35mm picture negative The original 35mm nitrate picture negctl'o (See note (See note below) Print, letter and affIdavIt will be sent to on nitrceI 16mm picture dupe negative pvrthoser by registered mall, prepoid. The A mint condition 35mm nitrate composite print 16mm music track negative put-chase price Is...... $300.00 Sen8 prepold to puchoser by UPS or Air Cargo Freight Price for the complete lot, including ship- ...... $300.00 ment only by UPS or by Air Cargo Freight ...... $200.00 KERMIT MAYNARD in WILD HORSE ROUNDUP YOUR ORDERS SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO CARL LANGE Feature Length: About 5500-ft., 35mm, B&W OrIginal 35mm NItrate picture Negative of Rees 1-2-4-5-6- Note on hltrote: Nitrate film is a hazardous Commodity that must (See Note) be stored and handedwth respeet and under somewhat controlled Original 35mm Nitrate Track Negative of All Reels, 1 conditIons, This oftering is made basically to the trade, where an ap- through 6 (See Note) preciation of this is deeply imbedded. However, all purchasers must 35mm safety composite print, picture and truck, of all sign a releate relievihg us at any liability for having sold them ni- through 6 with Spanish main and end titles, and reels, 1 rote film, and acknowleaging the tact that they have full knowledge superimposed Spanish dialogue titles. PrIce for the complete lot, including shipment only by and uncterstcnding of what special conditions of storage and handling - UPS or Air Cargo Freight $700.00 must be effec five. "USED" 16mm SOUND FEATURE PRINTS This Is a somewhat unique offering for us as these prints were gonizotlort. Some of the prints are in mint condition - perhaps acquired by uS In connection with a very extensive purchase of have never been run - while others are In more-or-less rental Ii- mast of the motion picture rights of o leading cable televsion or- brary conition. In either event, they are attractive offerings!

136-75-0057 AFTERMIDNIGHT 136-75-0027 COWBOY COMMAN- andCloudiaDelt 2200 90.00 with Alan Dtnehort, DOES 136-75-0035 MYSTERY OF MARY CELESTE Rita Page . 1900 75.00 with The Range Bus- with Bela 136-75-0031 BACK PAGE ters 21)00 75.00 Lugosi, with Peggy Shannon, 136-75-0058 CROSSCURRENTS Shirley Gray 2100 80.00 Sterling Holloway 2300 75.00 with Sarah Podden, 136-75-0059 RACING BLOOD 136-75-0046 BADGE OF HONOR Otis Harlan, Waiter with Fronkie Dorm, with Buster CrObbe, Long, June Bennett 2:300 50.00 Kane Richmond 2200 75.00 GlorIa Shea 2200 75.00 136-75-0028 DANGEROUS .OVE 136-750048 SING WHILE YOIJRE 136-75-0032 BEHIND STONE with John Worburton, ABLE with Pinky Tomlin 2000 75.00 WALLS Rachelle Hudson 2400 75.00 with EddIe Nugent, 136-75-0053 GALLOPING DYNA- 136-75-0052 STRANGE ESCAPA- Robert Elliott 2100 65.00 MITE DES with John Oarrow, 136-75-0047 BLACK MARKET with Kermit Maynard 1100 75.00 136-75-0034 GIRL REPORTER Soily Blane, John St. RUSTLERS Polls, Josephine Dunn 2300 65.00 with The Ronge Bus- with Dorothy Revier, 1900 65.00 Reed Howes, Edna 135-75-0054 STRANGE MAR- ters RIAGE 136-75-004.4 BREAKFAST IN HOL- Murphy, Henry B. Woithall 1 300 5000 with Evolyn Knapp, LYW000 Walter Byron 2200 75.00 with SpIke Jones and 136-75-0039 '30 GET EM HAINES with William Boyd, 135-75-0036 TIMBER WAR the City SlIckers, Not with Kermit Maynard 2000 75.00 "King" Cole 3000 75.00 SheIla Terry 2100 75.00 136-75-0050 UNDER SECRET OR- 136-75-0060 BURNINGGOLD 136-75-0056 -1EALINECRASFIER with Frorkl Dorro DERS with William Boyd, with Erich von Stro- 75.00 and Kane RIchmond 2200 75.00 Judith Alien -2000 helm, Dita Parlo, 136-75-0030 THE CALL OF W1L- 136-75-0038 -iEART PUNCH with Lloyd Hughes. John Loder, Claire DERNESS (Trolling Luce 2300 75.00 the Killer) George Lewis 2700 75.00 •wlth Francis MocDon- 136-75-0037 HELD FOR MURDER 136-75-0042 THE WALLC( old 2000 95.00 with Conway Tearle, with Jimmy Brawn, 136-75-0040 CALVARY Irene Rich, Mary Car- John Got reil 2200 50.00 with Bob Steele 2200 75.00 liSle 2400 75.00 136-75-0026 CHAPLIN FILM FES- 136-75-0043 HONOR OF PRESS 136-75-0055 WOMAN IN SHADOWS TIVAL with EddieNugent. with Ralph Bellamy, An Omnibus Feature Rita Ia Roy. Wheeler Faye wroy 2400 75.00 mode up of-four .com- Ookman 2200 75.00 ptete Chaplin come- 136-75-0049 LAUGHINGAT LUCK 136-75-0029 YOUTN'SHIGHWAY dies: "The Immi- with Grant Withers with Tryell Davis. grant", "The Adven- Ruth Hoti 2300 65.00 Helen Foster, Dorothy turer", "The Cure" 136-75-0051 MIDNIGHT WARNING Gronger, Carroll Nye 2000 65.00 and "Easy Street" 2700 150.00 with William Boyd

Phone Your Order TOLL FREE: 800 - fl.J-I 10J (NC'? VOlta in Iowa, rsawaii, alasKa) BLACKHAWK BULLETIN B-288, July, 1977 17 i6c 51W 5001W 300-400 FEAT


109-99-0325 OUCCS WILD 4.80 920-49-1014* ADVI-NTUAFS IF TARZAN 1750 99.99 PF.4CJ1( D(C. 300 403 FT 4.98 920-49-1)91* MATTLESHIP POTEMKI4 2448 119.99 109-99- 3001 PITLUCK I NCOMPLE IE 3.66 920-49-1131* t'1ICKE-T ON THE 4I'AMTH 2550 119.99 1 00-93-G0o SLI(PRI5F PACKAsA C1M' 111. 3.14 920-4-1339x FIFTY 111005 DOLLAR RFWASIJ 1150 66.99 16s*4 MW SILEHi' 250-FEEl' 920-49-1113 4k 510111 PATROL 1764 71.49 970-49-11 11* 44SPUTIN SAINT I Ol-VIL 1950 99.99 CARTOONS 920-49-'13J* TILL If , RAKES Up 1425 73.49

111-81-007? CHAMP I IN 4.98 U 1-8 1-009 1 1)611* HOKSF 4.98 LOS CHASEY 111-81-3091 DAY OFF 4.98 111-8 1-0 094 DAYS tIltING 4.98 11i- 1-0114 P61K EXCHANGE 4.98 9ZO-51-t93X HJHCHRACK IF NIITAF DAME 3650 153.49 11l-8L-G12 FISIING PIlOtS 4.93 111-81-0335 F 1.1 THE lOVE OF 4 ,A1 4.98 111-111-0150 114751) ,IIYALS 4.98 LOUGLAS FAIRBMES 111-3 1-0155 HER'J WINS 4.98 111-81-0157 HIGH STAKES 4.98 111-81-0164 11051)6 MAN 4.9' 920-53-3951* MARK W 70860 111-81-3171 HUNT S '4 9 N 4.98 3276 159.99 111-81-0174 III SGAIN OUT AGAIN 4.95 111-81-0175 IN DUTCH 4.98 W.S. HART 111-81-0174 IN 1415 CUPS 4.98 111-81-0178 IN THE ROUGH 4.98 111-81-0117 IN THE 34G 4.98 920-54-1155* ALUE 8LAZES RAWUF.N 1950 99.99 111-81-0181 JOLLY AOUMDEqS 4.90 920-54-1.'I5X SILENT MAN THE 1775 101.49 111-81-0702 MIJSIJRMER DAY 4.95 920-54-1002* TJLL GATE 2550 119.99 111-81-0221 111) 1 MU MB I REO 4.90 111-81-0225 PERMANENT WAVES 4.90 111-8 1-0226 PIE FY13 PIPER 4.98 EUROPEAN FKAI'JRES 111-81-3240 SOUGH AND REArYY 4.98 111-81-0743 4UR41 IIOMW'ICE 4.98 111-81-0247 SIllS Ill AGAIN 4.95 920-67-70538 KAIIMHILOES REVENGE 3350 146.99 111-81-0249 SFRT CIRCUIT 4.98 920-51-3A04X SLUMS OF RERLIPI 2617 133.49 111-8 1-0 252 SNAPPING THE WHIP 4.98 111-81-0255 SON SHOWER 4.95 111-81-0257 SPANISH LOVE 4.95 111-81-0261 STATIC 4.9' U.S. RAILROADS 111-8 1-02 69 TAKING THE AIR 4.98 111-81-0211 THI)ROUGH8RE OS 4.98 111-8 1-02 72 TIEE GAME GUYS 4.98 920-77-7472* WHEN STEAM POWERED THE AR 510 29.49 111-8 1-02 74 T1OUGH THICK AND THEN 4.98 920-77-0919* WHEN STEAM WAS KING 111-81-0275 TWO EXPLORERS 4.98 400 21.49 920-77-2,14* WRECK 527 42.90 111-81- 02 77 TWO OF A TRADE 4.98 111-81-02 86 WANDERING MINSTRELS 4.98 163.4 PART 84W 111-81-0281 WAIl BRIDE 4.93 & COLOR 111-8 1-02 80 WASH DAY 4.98 111-81-0289 WATER CURE 4.95 LOS CHAUT 111-81-0290 WATERED STOCK 4.98 111-81-029 1 WHEN FRIENDSHIP CEASES 4.95 925-52-1127* PHANT')PI OF THE OPERA 111-81-0294 WHITE ELEPHANT 4.95 2844 173.49 111-81-0295 WHY ARGUE 4.90 163(4 SAW SOUND 11 1-8 1-0298 WINDOW WASHERS 4.95 111-81-0305 WOUOCHOPP ERS 4.98 111-81-0304 WOODEN MONEY 4.95 CORIES 111-81-0306 YARN ABOUT YARN 4.95 940-01-1990* SANTA CLAUS VS CUPID 16344 849 SXLRRr N 11 23.49

LITTLE RASCALS LAUREL 4 HAlT 920-05-1085* BIG EUSIMESS RASCALS 775 36.99 920-05-1424* CAT DOG L CU 800 34.99 940-02-13421 BLUCIIHtADS o 59 133.49 940-02-13918 O 56 133.49 WILL ROGNDS

W.C. FIELDS 920-09-1049* COWBOY SHEIK 550 36.99

940-16-1310* DENTIST THE D 22 51.99 MACK SEHNE2r

920-10-1165* TEDDY Al THE THROTILE 700 36.99 920-10-1218* WIFE & AUTO TROURLE 400 23.49 BUSTEH FEATOR

940-18-1400* COPs N 17 39.99 DRAMATIC & WRRTEHN

920-30-2251* HOPE 450 23.49 HARRY IARGDON 920-30-2411X LUBIN SHOWMANS REFL A 440 32.99 920-30-2252* TEMPLE OR MOLOCI4 505 36.99 940-21-1355* SATIJ9DAY AFTFR1II)09 AAR N 12 20.49


920-34-1932* RATTLE THE 400 23.49 920-34-24361 RATTLE AT ELOERIUSH GULCH 170 47.99 920-34-2229* LONG ROAD THE 455 26.99 940-32-2I7*K MR SILENT HASKI?4S N 10 23.49 920-34-1196* MUSKETEERS OF PIG ALLEY 500 23.49 920-34-2387* NEAR 11) THE FARTH 465 23.99 920-34--2439X ONE IS BUSINES THE OTHER CRIME 450 26.99 FEATURED 920-34-2221* HIS MOTHERS SON 480 26.99 920-34-2228* HOUSE OF OARKNESS 415 25.49 940-49-1356* 1* JEKYLL £ MR HYDE N 65 119.99 18 BLACKHAWK BULLETIN B-288, July, 1977


940-81-74,6* JACK FMiJSI S 9 16.99 2 0 2 940-43-2513F !10N1GH1 15 133.49 940-91-24,8$ LITTIF MED HEN THE S 6 16.99 1 2 940-4M-2524* MONSTER WALKS THE 0 60 119.99 940-11-24119 NEA LAN PHI S 8 19.99 940-dj-1J393 PUSS IN 5001'S N 12 26.99 1 940-11-19473 cP-lJKS S 8 19.99 1 D.V. GRIflI3 MUSICALS 2 940-53-I'idlX TOLERANCE M [3$ 290.99

940-97-3u.)x IL&CL C IAN I) 20 39.99 2 940-87-'.01915 Slit I1GL' AN) HIS GANG 0 10 23.99 1 1.0$ 08*19

940-52-1539K OLIVER TWIST N 77 186.99 104 COLOR SOUND WAR

DOV0I..S FA1BMII 9'55-7'.-259')* MOVI'+l PICT')RE 'tOYS IN OR WAR 9 51 193.49 3

940-53-09618 MARK Of laNAI) N 91 [99.09 1

CABTOOMS 80001.115 VA2.7 9-81-'496X 1-IOOLESTICKS S 7 33.49 3 940-55-2372* #000LPH VALENTIMO I !IEALJTIES N 11 23.49 985-111-2483* H1A0LSS H()tSE4ASI THE S 9 33.49 3 985-81-2470* JACK C THE BEANSTALK S 9 37.99 5 935-M [-2457* JACK FROST S 9 34.49 1 989-61-24598 LITTLE NIl) HEN S 5 33.49 1 985-'1-2..32X N[PTIJ'lES NUNSENSE S 8 33.49 1 JI011AJ FZAft 985-21-24945 rc):NERvILLe TROLLY S 7 33.49 1 100000 940-51-2519* MuRDER AT THE 8ASKERVII.LKS 0 67 121.99 Save With Used Films - On pages 7-21

Used prInts listed here are offered for he and nontheatricsl O 75 197.99 1. exhibition in the United States. Television and theatrical 940-62-2267* SASIIONA use Is reserved. Some subjects may have extended territorial 940-62-24168 SILKMT ENEMY THE N $7 199.99 3 limitation.. It so, this will be specifically covered by a license notice to the threading leader, or by a License notice on the printed carton in which the print is delivered.

j 940-73-26698 LOWELL THOMAS •EMEMIF.RS 1928 0 21 14.99 2 940-73-2682* LOWELl THOMAS REMIMEERS 1941 0 28 14.99 License Notice: in this etufet'is a selection of 11.1 Roach 940-73-2661* LOWELL THOMAS KERIERBERS 1927 0 2$ $4.99 6 Productions. These prints are licensed for nontheatricel 940-73-2630* LOWELL THOMAS AEMEM$F*S 1939 0 23 $6.99 2 use, bORe use and rontheatrical closed circuit televiion in 940-73-'6938 LOWELL rHOMAS AEMEMSERS 1932 0 21 58.99 6 the United States, milit.ry and government personnel at their 940-73-2674* LOWELL THOMAS RE'9F4$ERS 1933 0 23 86.99 A.F.O. and F.P.O. addresses. For any other one, a license 940-7157670X LOWELl. 1'8OMAS 86111116115 1929 0 23 36.99 7 must be obtalned from Hal Roach Studio., Inc. All territorial 940-73-26*3* LOWELL THOMAS REMEM3ERS L942 0 2$ 86.99 8 rigta except the United States and Canada are reserved to Hal 940-73-26678 LOWELL TIIONAS 8111115185 1926 0 23 86.99 I Roach Studios • Inc. 940-73-'26ILX LOWELL THOMAS REMENRERS 1940 0 28 $4.99 5 949-73-2679* LOWELL THOMAS REMEMBERS 1938 0 25 $6.99 5 Fi.lma are sold on a first cnme first served beis. Used 946-75-2735* LOWELL THOMAS KEMEMSEIS 1962 0 2$ $0u99 5 prints normally ce to us in limited nbers. When this 940-13-2617* LOWELL THOMAS RENEMIERS 193$ 0 25 36.99 stock is sold, we have no more nor is it likely more will .940-73-26168 LOWELL THOMAS REMEMBERS 1935 0 25 36.99 become available. Beca.ase of the great dollar savings on 940-13-2664* LOWELL THOMAS REMEMBEIS 1923 0 2$ $6.99 6 used films these prints sell rapidly. So, if you wish us 940-73-26738 LOWELL THOMAS 11159918$ 1932 0 23 *6.99 5 to ship the film of your choice, order TODAY. If possible, 940-73-2471* LOWELL THOMAS RENEMIERS [930 0 2$ $4.99 2 give u.s alternative title8. We will alveys ship your first 940-73-2660* LOWELL THOMAS REMEMSERS OPENER 0 2$ 14.99 7 choice is available. 940-73-2662* LOWELL THOMAS MEMENRERS 1921 0 23 36.99 5

XAR SILT £1048 SHOW 'YOOTAGE 300*0 P1043 8*0W RUNNING )'D(E I. TYPE OF SOUND: 29.43 940-75-2118* APPEASEMENT AT MUNICH S 13 i SOUND FlOSS, O-STASDS FOR DIALOGUE, K-FOR MUSIC, 8-FOR SYNCISSONIZND 940-75-2119* COSN4TDOWN TO WORLD WAR 2 S 21 51.99 1 tt-STAltItS FIR NARBATION. Footage shown are approximate. . . films ay be in Black & White, Color, Silent or Sound as indicated.., shipping weights D01AWI are as P010w,: SiLent up to 200-feet. 11-on.. • 200/400-.feet, 1I-one., above 500-feet, 1-lb. Sound up to 15 mt.n. • li-oc.., 20 mm., li-ons. up to 30 ml.., 1-lb. • over 30 ado., 2-lb.. 949-76-2021* LET THERE SE LIGHT 0 82 33.49 2 PLOUGH THAT $10118 7518 PLAINS 0 25 58.99 940-76-2401* 1 Films advertised whlh are restricted to the United States. 940-76-24048 RIVER THE 0 29 51.99 1 will not be slipped to Canada.

CMT)N3 -

2 940-51-2469* IRAVE TIN SOLOZER 5 3 1 940-31-2476* $ULLONIY S 8 19.99

BLACKHAWK BULLETIN B-288, July, 1977 19



1 260-17-19621 257-93-00 )I&j PIG 19 A POKE 165 ZOO Ms.I;vrLLe POLiCE 175 5.99 3 4.99 I&ANY 260-1 l-')9O'Li 111)1- IFLIIS RACF FIR 1. jFK 225 5.99 3 2O-1J-))4.0 C49413 3*11 450 13.49 7 SUPES 8124 COLOR SILEST 1O0600 FKET 260-10-17530 HSPF.RATE SC(ML)RFL 325 10.99 10 20-13-09480 MACK SEWNETTS FUN FACTORY 650 16.99 2 PACKAGES 260-10-19271, •UR 0486 DLVII 11418F 450 15.99 8 260-10-09210 K0E1 THE 400 17.49 2 26J-1.)-111SU S1J'R400PES DYNE 1171155 400 9.99 258-75-0003U PIG IN A PI1KE SOP SIL 400 400 10.99 261-10-11651l TCUOY AT IH' rI9K)TrLF 420 10.99 6



260-11-18070 EYES HAVE IT TI'4. 400 11.99 3 260-.01-14421J CLW*4 PRINCES OF HOLLYWOOD 725 21.49 36 260-01-22190 MICKFYS MOVIES 350 9.99 2 260-01-1834u PAPER HANGER THY 450 15.99 MACK SV&i 280-01-17b5J SA31A CLAUS VS CUPID 250 7.99 260-01-15O SLAPSTICK 700 21.49 30 260-01-22530 SWAT THE SPY 235 9.49 260-01-09320 SWEEDIF 260-15-12770 LOVE SPFI) K THRILLS 225 6.99 6 LEARNS TO SWIM 225 5.99 260-01-17590 TWIS H8NRY5 FAULT 225 6.99 13 260-0 1 - 2035u WANDERING PAPAS 375 12.99 3


260-02-21510 REAU HUNKS 625 23.99 260-15-10341J OENTISI THE 640 13.49 260-02-21620 13 RLUCKHE 805 400 13.49 260-022I49u ROSY RODIES 300 10.99 260-02-18740 01817 WORK 1.9 325 10.99 20 260-02-1401u OOUALY WHOOPEE 400 15.99 260-02-18620 LIMERTY 400 15.99 13 260-112-1393U 400 10.99 5 260-02-2418u 430 18.99 15 260-02-15200 WRt)Nr, AGAIN 425 15.99 25 260-13-14980 AALLJOM4TIC 500 15.99 260-02-14650 YOURF DARN T(XITIN 400 15.99 260-18-1400U COPS 375 11.49 23 8 260-18-1301U GENERAL THE 1150 59.99


HARRY Y.&8000* 260-04-25060 FLOI)RWALKER THE 435 14.99 260-04-25070 IMMIGRANT THE 435 14.99 11 260-04-25080 OwE A N 378 14.99 8 260-04-25090 PAWNSHOp THK 260-21-10350 FI0)LESTIC%S 450 13.49 2 440 14.99 22 260-04-13990 TRAMP THE 400 10.99 22 1?3Y !

LITTIAE RAscALs 260-22-21400 I3ATHI44G REAUTIES K RIG 60085 200 4.99 2 260-27-12890 FRAUOS AND F*ENUES 400 10.99 2

260-05-14980 CRAZY HOUSE 425 18.99 260-05-14500 DOG HE*VN JJ4ATXC 6 WESTERN 475 18.99 260- 05-22720 HOOlI AND LADDER 260-05-23370 MOAN AND GROAN NC 305 12.99 261 403 16.99 20 260-30-09130 ADVENTURE OF WROWO SANTA 260-05-14480 OL GRAY HOSS 250 7.99 3 6 260-30-1441U OR .JFRYLL K MR HYOE LEWIS 425 15.99 250 1.99 2 260-05-14260 SPOOK SPOOFING 260-30-1*0u GREAT MOMENTS PHANTUN OP 450 15.49 OPERA 350 13.49 11 ZEO-32-2281U HOPE 250 6.99 2 260-30-1071U IRON MASK THE 27 10.90 2 260-30-19040 LUST WORLD 275\ 9.99 2

--NARY pIC2- 260-07-24090 SHOULD TAIL MEN MARRY 405 15.99 2 260-33-18980 LONELY VILLA 225 6.99 2

260-08-09380 RIG SHOT 450 11.49 2

269-34-2436U RATTLE AT ELOFRIUSH GULCH 225 13.49 260-09-17090 AIG MOMENTS LITTLE PICTURE 260-34-17270 C)RNEN 415 1499 5 IN WHEAT A 230 7.99 2 260-09-10470 G0j'4G TO CONGRESS 260-34-19360 890CM *8089 450 13.49 8 450 15.99 2 20 BLACKHAWK BULLETIN B-288, July, 1977

S1W1 8)94 86W SILEIT

D.W. GRIFFITH F00TA2E PRICE QUAm. HISTORICAL I. VINTAGE FOOTAGE £ 260-34-2380U GIRL AND HER TRUST 245 9.49 5 260-34--0915u HOUSE WITH CLOSES SHUTTERS 275 7.99 24.0-66-2209:J LF4IRES FIRST PICTURF SHOW 280 9.49 2 260-34-72280 H.3JSE OF DARKNESS 2 285 949 21.0-66-1653U TITANIC 200 5.99 260-34-24350 M')THERING HEART 380 11.99 2 260-34-2586 1J SUNBEAM THE 260 9•49 1 VINTAGE AUTOS

FIRST 500 MILE I'40 RACE RAILROAD 8108155 260-67-12160 175 ,.99 5


268-68-15340 RUEFALO BiLL 450 10.99 12 I8GE3J SNORTS 260-83-7379') KIP" OF DIAMONDS 330 14.99 1 260-53-138211 SKY C,IAMT AD') CHAS ROSF.NOAHL 350 14.99 31 260-31-18540 CRAzY RAY THE 400 260-37-23540 HUNTER THE 11.99 3 175 6.99 3 260-37-1766u POSSIRILITIES Of WAR 175 6.99 5 260-37-73890 STRUGGLE FOR SURVIVAL VINTAGE FIGHT FILIC 225 7.99 2

260-69-14520 JACK DtMPSEYS FIGHTS 400 10.09 18 STLEIT SEIXAIS 260-69-t4044J SHIXAT VS LEWIS 450 14.99

260-42-1079u 1.1 ROSE AND HIDDEN TREASUR 325 9.99 2 260-42-13600 WOLVES Of KULFUR Cli 1 525 11.49 260-42-1351U WOMAN IN GREY CH 7 AVIATION FILMS 7.49 6 260-42-13450 WOMAN IN GREY CH 1 300 7.49

260-70-236U ASOARO THE FLA1TOP MIDWAY 260 9.49 3 2 PEARL WHITE 260-70-12710 WINGS OF. THE FLEET 475 14.99

26O-43-1407U GODDESS OF THE FAR WEST 550 15.99 260-43-1861U REPTILE UNDER THE FLOWERS 450 1349 VJJTAGENEVEI.ZZIS 260-43-18644) THROUGH AIR AND FIRE 650 39• 99

260-?2--2549U FOX NEWS FIRST ISSUE 226 9.49 2 264-71-38590 GAUNORT G*APHIC 1919 225 6.99 FEASURSN 260-1,'-0941U KINOGRAMS 225 6.99 260-7,!-2191U PIONEER PLANE PILOT DAREDEVIL 345 9.99 260-7'-)ISAlJ SELIG TRIBUNE NO 21 1916 250 6.99 260-49-t$44U HEADLESS HORSEMAN AIRIOG 700 2 260-49-11590 NIGHT PATROL 1020 23.99 .260-49-21730 ROAD TO YESTERDAY THE 1725 2 260-49-09370 TWENTY THOUSAND LEAGUES 1750 549 1 WAR

P.W. ORIFfl3I3 260-75-20920 APPEASEMENT AT MUNICH 275 9.49 260-15-22140 COUNTDOWN TO WORLD WAR 2 450 15.99 3 260-73-•16260 GRAT WAR CH I 235 10.99 5 260-50-2597U BIRTH OP A $6710.) 2640 19.99 260-75-1431U PRELUDE TO INVASION 215 9.99 260-50-1402u FALL OF BABYLON THE 625 16.99 2


LOX CEABST 260-76-16810 R)OM AND THE BUST THE 225 7.99 260-76-153YJ DILLINGER PUBLIC ENEMY 325 9.99 2 260-52-0933U )RJ$ICHBACK OP NOTRE DAN ABR 900 21.49 1 260-76-23130 FENCE BUSTER STORY BABE RUTH 325 11.49 27 260-52-13394) OLIVER TWIST 1525 39.99 1 260-76-22400 FIGHTING NAN GEN 610 S PATTON 550 14.99 9 260-16-23230 FILMING THE BIG THRILLS 250 8.99 27 260-76-21290 FILMING THE CRASHES 230 5.99 7 260-1b-I6B00 HEADLINES IN THE 20$ 325 11.99 3 00001*8 FAIP.BAZI.S 260-161343U INNOCENT YEARS CH 1 350 13.49 2 l 260-18-1543U JAll AGE CM 3 400 13.49 400 13.49 260-55-17990 HIS.PICTURE IN THE PAPERS 550 22.99 2 260-78-1546U JAZZ AGE CM 1 260-16-1720U LIFE Iii THE 305 CH 1 400 14.99 260-18-16794) SPORTS IN THE 205 225 7-99 260-76-36600 THEODORE ROOSEVELT Cli I 350 10.99 IB255A7 FZAS5W U.S. RAILROADS

2 260-57-1976U SIEGFRIED 2025 43.49 260-77-19890 CALIFORNIA ZEPHYR THE 225 6.99 3 260-71-1094U CHIEFS OF THE SANTA F_E THE 175 5.94 6 260-71-1.2S7U 2IESFLS ROAR ON PENNSY 225 1.99 3 LORATIOR - - 260-77-13200 SUPER CMIEF THE 100 9.49 260-17-12390 WHEELS A ROLLING 335 10.99 3 260-77-(9190 WHEN STEAM WAS KING 25 6.99 260-62-23650 NANOOK OF THE NORTH 1375 2 34•9 260-62-24190 SILENT ENEMY THE 1725 1 260-62-2551U SILENT ENEMY THE ABRIOG 735 23.49 , SPORTS

260-I2-2 1 .14U SPURTS IMMORTALS 290 11.99

BLACKHAWK BULLETIN B-288, July, 1977 21


210-02-11 'c-F 'L;3 I •urs I /13")-1 3111 9 I'IF,F 59) T II L4'J 1435 38.99 2 ?3-J2l<,oFT 1131, '11 .11" 4',') 1349 ?10-7/-t ,')F 4' 30 AOAIN 3 IS 12.99


217-I 3-19151 59FF-F H,JIIPEO DY'3C I. 1/' Ir 310 IT 1 710-13-1.1,51 13)1' AT 0)313 TI-I-1')TTL- 541 194 415700 660 23.49 1 419T ,ILLNI C91'MY J91 1560 54.99 2


PES/ONACICIES 210-11-7477 1 032.1 09601 lOS fl lilY 175 5.4'? 210-17-1174T Lr)V , IN A HUIRY 200 5.49 21.0-17-14971 5)931' 409 3/', 1.)) 210-1 7-?07?T SIPPY -IVIC- /2) 7. /13-53-1,341 OUFYRLo 9111 350 10.99 '13 - 63-,'F9)r 13499Y WAARF)R TIFF 2 350 11.99 '13-69-192 -n 41FF- IF 5UFFAL9 9111 400 11.09 2

210-18-14071 OFF's .125 1149 1:1:501 11011 FXL'IS 210-18-18011 3 (;103931 THE 15

152392621 & -:-,3- N JACK D4MPSEYS FISHIS 375 10.99 2 212-69-)47.'T SC34'Ll; VS WALKF.S 55 12.99 1 210-o9-11J91 SC-I'lFLI'3C, VS SlYIRLINS 425 11.99 1 210-69-13971 SHARKEY VS ST9F8LISG 210-32-12s51 FOUR iF A KiND 433, 11.49 2 375 11.49 1 210-32-17661 '1155110 01 MR F-J,1 /15 7.99 2


210-34-2',941 013611-115 RARAINDO 225 7.99 1 210-34-22211 HIS MUiHERS SON 245 7.43 2 210-75-?9971 APP&AS13MENT AT 4I)4ICH 210-34-22281 250 9.49 HOUSF OF DARKNESS 260 7.49 1 210-75-22141 CPUNTDUWN FF1 WORLD WAR 2 200 13.49 210-34-22201 REFI)IFMERS THE 340 10.99 1 210-34-20101 SANDS [I DEE 250 7.90 210-34-22301 TRANSFORMAI1I114 OF MIFF 445 12.99


?10-76-204,T FIGHTING MAN GFN GE)) S PATTON 325 11.49 210-76-71791 F-lIMPlY, THE 010 THRILLS 225 8.99 28 210-76-20711 )L1) '113 PAIl 210-31-'443T 51311319 '11-800W STITFFY SORRY JONES 300 11.99 210 17.99 2 210-76-24211 210-37-18841 CRAIY R.SY 1311 SPEEDWOY STAR WILBUR 5)14W 290 10.99 315 9.99 210-71,-236-7T 210-37-21951 WINGS OVER KITTY HAWK 310 12.99 2 SHADOwS OVER THE SNOW 200 7.49 - 210-37-20891 STRUGOLE FOR SURVIVAL 200 6.99 2

3421; lOIS

210-91-191r CHILD OF BETHLEHEM 191 350 13.49 210-91-13431 LITTLEST ANGEL 325 11.49 210-91-16711 SAVIOR 6 IS 809)4 305 9.99 - 210-42-20521 'FlUNK ETERNITY CHb HAUNT VAIL 400 1099 210-42-10191 IT ROSE AND HIDDEN TAFASUR 300 9..99 SDA71DIJF1j 8v BAIl 111,37(1 200-1.0 1 077( 210-42-11391 MYSTERY (iF DI)IJBLC CROSS C31 10 375 9 99 2 210-42-1136T MYSTERY OF 001.1311 (.13055 CF-I 7 350 9.99 PACKAGES 210-42-11321 MYSTERY OF OTFU8LE CR"S5 CII 3 350 9.99 210-42-11381 MYSTERY OF DOURLE CROSS CII 9 350 9.99 2 212-75-03151 FF1, 19 A POKE 210-42-11411 MYSTERY OF 001.1813 T.AOSS Cl-I 12 350 510 511 400 8.77 32 2 212-15-00111 PIG IN A POKE $10 SF1 200 5.99 72 210-42-11351 MYSTERY OF 001.1811 CROSS 212-75-00101 PITT LUCK FEATURE CF-I 6 350 9.99 510 SIL 24.08 15 210-42-11401 MYSTERY OF OOURLE CROSS CH II 350 9.99 - 210-42-11371 MYSTRY OF 000811- CROSS CII 8 35)) 9.99 210-42-1 1341 MYSTFRY OF 002511' CROSS 13 50 9.99 212-99-00711 PlO 15 A P 0 K13 145 200 4.99 210-47-1 3441 WOLVFS OF KUITUR CII S 350 21.2 - 99-00021 71. 10.99 PIG 1 1-I A POKE 550 165 200 7.99 11

STANDARD 81*3 COLOR 10111)1 110-600 FIEND

1)2 112215 PACKAGES

210-49-10911 94TTLFSHIP POTFMKFN 1225 43.49 214-75-00021 PIG 2 IN A POKE 510 SMI) 400 600 14.99 210-49-20131 9I1LS,ICVISM IFS TRI8L 1100 29.99 214-75-3009T PITT 18 1 LUCK FEATURE SIll SF30 39.88 210-49-1162T HIDDEN ACES 975 26.99 6 210-49-21901 TILIIE WAKES UP 700 23.49 STANDARD EMS BAIl SOUND 710-49-113561 VANITY lAIR 625 16.99 1 V.C. YSEWS

230-1 6-17101 DENTIST THE I) 10 12.90 F. 22 BLACKHAWK BULLETIN 13-288. July, 1977 Available in other versions I SPECIAL STANDARD 8mm OFFERS elsewhere in Bulletin

STEAMBOAT - THE iNVASION OF THE NOON BILL, JR. IWO JIMA WHISTLE I -- - -- (1928) (1942) (1923) lestrictedtotfle starring / Urti?edStatesand Starring STAN B U STE R Canada LAUREL With KEATON JIMMY hip J;mG isa sriiall slOnIn grOup o 5m0U FIN LAY SON The last of in- - and dependently pro- cmi' belonging to J000ii. But dur'ri'i World War I!, the KATHERINE GRANT duced films, STEAMBOAT BILL, JR. is Keaton's United Stoles considered it stralegical.y Imsortant. and so Foremon fin has his hands full of slackers at most spectacular. And for contisuus perfect the United States Marines were sent tc capture it. What we the furniture factory, and which one is his great- Keaton pantomime, it eclipses all his previous have in TIE INVASION OF IWO JIMA is cctuol newsreel est problem? Ston, of course ,.. he doesn't know appearances. coverage of that battle filmed by Npry, Coast Guard cnd what It's all about or even that it's going aol The predictable plot - the feuding fathers Marine ohctographors and narrated by owelt Thomas. A masterpiece of comic timIng, THE NOON and the frustrated young lovers - Is secondary The victory at two Jima gave Americo a bose in the WHISTLE is one of Stan's early comedies for Hal to the amazing special effects Keaton developed. Pacific half as close to Japan as the previous nearest base, Also Included is film of the capture of orisoners of war de' Roach and demonstrates his rare ability to ex- Acrobat's timIng, staggering physical dexter- scribed by Lowell Thomas as "tough and brutal iookwig tract every passibie laugh from a slender Story ity, and a deadpan expression made Buster Kea- Joos", if yu are Interested in the batt es of World War II. ton one of cInema's greatest comics. line. you won't '.ont to pass-up thisottering from BIocliawk. 810-07-1041, Standard 8mm, b/w. silent, 207.feet, 810-49-1090, Standard 8mm, blw. Silent, 1317-feet, 810-73-2819, Standord4mm, b/w. silent, 184-feet, 11-ass...... 11-ons. ...... $11.98 3-lbs. ...... $55.98 $15,98 T. RIDERS FRESH THE GRAF ZEPPELIN 1NT'1ilA OF THE PAINT (La'e 20s- Early 30s) PURPLE (1928) Uni SAGE (1925) - Canada Restricted to i; starring SNUB - The dirigibles were c the U.S. POLLARD spectoculcor form of by ZANE GREY tronspo 'lntioi in the air starring TOM from trg early twentieS MIX with until tie disaster that MAR IAN NIX ON, WARNER OLAN 0, destroyed the Hindenbur'S in ih midi9l5s. The most iJ- starsTe IFRED KOHLER and WILFRED LUCAS mow, dirigible over the longest period nt inie was the Oral Teleqrdph Boy in this 1920 shori. I-fired to deliver Zeppelin, olttough the 1-tinclenbury's spectacular destruc- Musical Score on the Sound version is ' small package for a lovely lQdy who wants her tion puts it ahead in the minds of today's pepuoce. played by William Perry portrait painted, he comes upon the pretentious In the age at lighter-thOn-air craft, he triumphs and When Tom Mix firyt entered the movies in artist surrounded by a bevy of shopely beauties. tragedies of the airships were exornphilir'd by the Zeppel- 1910, he was billed as on 'Ex-U.$. Marshall, ex- Observing the benefits of on artist's life, he tra- ins. pert roper and broncho buster". He was all of des his Western 'Union cap for the artist's beret. The Graf Zeppelin, during the decade it was in active that and more, for tic hod also been at various - The lovely lady's leolous husband, however, de- service, mad,y 650 flights and Carried more than 16,000 pas- times a range rider, a sheriff, a Texas Ranger. - livers a thorough shellocking to the erstwhile art- sengers over one million miles. The e.slolts at We Grot and had participated in the Spanish-American Lsf; and Pollard finds little pleasure in his new- Zeppelin are preserved in Foe Movietorie News, and many War, the BOer War, and the Boxer Rebellion. As tound paradise, of the individual items appearing in tie newsreel are o oeriormer, he was a mon of action rather than presented here. You'll see inside, in Ilight, dcckng and tak- emotion, full of energy and the spirit of fun, 110.01-2074. Stondord 8 silent, b/w, 191teet, 11- ing o'f - over Lake Constance, the SovieT Union, the Arc every iflctl a showman who insisted on doing his ass - ...... $13.98 tic, It'. Atlanti.: and Japan and the United States. own stunts 810 -0956, Standard 8 silent, b/w, 228-fee', 11-015. ,,, 521.98 810-512008, Standard 8 silent, b/w, 1026feet, 2 1/2 'i--i.-' lbs. ...... 585.98

Limited Quantities - Sold on a first

CLOSEOUTS STD 8mm Universal8 (Castle) FIms come ... first serve basis

STD. 8mm UNIVERSAL 8 (Castle) Films 711-99-0228 OLE THE BULL 2.00 91 711-99.0155 DO YOU LIKE SNOW 2.00 36 711-99-0235 AFRICAN ANIMAL 711-99-0156 LET'S GO SKI ING 2.00101 Films are approx. 150-feet and weigh HUNT 2.00 66 71199-0157 SURF RIDERS 2.00 89 1 1-ozs. 711-99-0289 CASTLE PACKAGE (Contains one 711-99-0290 NEWS PARADE 1941 2.00 36 complete Castle 711-99-0291 CALLING ALL All films are Black and white unless 1.77200 print) CUCKOOS 2.00 75 noted otherwise 116-99.0055 CASTLE PACKAGE. 711-99-0292 STOCK CAR "500" 2.00 59 Price Oven, color I Contains one complete Castle 711-99-0293 PALEFACE 2.00 37 711-99-0168 THREE RING FLING $2.00 91 print) 2,67 25 711-99-0294 SWISSMISFIT 2.00 40 711-99-0169 HUNJGERSTRIFE 2.00 17 711.99-0100 CLEOPATRA 2.00 12 711-99-0295 MOUSE AND THE 711-99-0171 NEPTUNE'S 711-99-0105 BIG SNOOZE 2.00 25 LION 2.00 42 P LAY LAND 2,00 64 71 1-99-0106 ROOM AND WRATH 2.00 55 711-99-0296 AFRICA'S VIVID 711-99-0178 BATTLING BAN TAMS 2.00 61 VELDT 2.00 66 711-99-0138 SEA RIVALS 2.00 84 711-99-0194 BIG SURF - 2.00 46 711-99-0139 CANZONIERI VS. 711-99-0297 YUKON HAVE IT 2,00 24 711-99-0201 SALMON YEGGS 200 41 AMBERS 2.00130 BAITING BEAUTIES 711-99-0213 2.00110 711-99.0142 SKIN DIVING 2.00 66 716-99-0057 WOOD WOODPECKER 711.99-0215 THE SQUARE 711-99-0145 DEFIANT VIRGINI.N 2.00 66 3.00 32 JUNGLE 2.00 61 (color) 711-99-0147 PESTOFTHE SI-tOW 2.00 46 711-99-0216 NEW PARADE 1964 2.00 11 716-99-0058 DOC'S LAST STAND 711-99-0154 MANY MOODS OF 711-99-0227 AFTER THE BALL 2.00 24 (color) 3.00 33 SKIING 2.00111 Phone Your I EREE: 800 - 553-1 163 (Ncrt Valid In Iowa, Hawaii, Alaska) RLACK}IAVK BULLETIN B-288, July, 1977 23

SAVE 25% II)IC Ii1iJS SONS OF THE n Cassette Only $2.98 Per Showd i Each 30 minute show as originally aired including commercinin. 7 DESERT iE (1934) Benny, A & Andy, L & 060-78-0001 - Abbott & Costello Abner, B. Hope - Golden with STAN LAUREL, - md. -- Whoson First". Days Of Radio OLIVER HARDY and 060-78-0003 - Amos 'N' Andy - 060-78-0013 - The Green Hornet CHARLEY CHASE Marriage Go Round - A Matter Of Evidence Restricted to U.S. and 060-78-0004 - Baby Snooks - 060-78-0014 - Inner Sanctum - Canada The Opera Only The Dead Die Twice 060-78-0005 - The Bickersons - Generally rated as the best of all the feo. 060-78-0015 - Boris Korloff - Argument at Breokfost- Lights Out - Cat Wife lures, this story of the boys trying to pet away for the notional /Bedtime On A Fishing Bo- Orson Wells - The convention of THE is jam-pocked com- at/Ann iv. 060-78-0016 - Shadow - Death From The edY tht doesn't let down from beginning to end, and contains some -Bob And Roy - Bits 060-78-0006 DeeP & Pieces of the best routines the boys ever developed. 060-78-0017 - Suspense - Sorry, New printing negatives token from prime quality preprint ma- 060-78-0008 - Edgar Bergen & Wrong Number Charlie McCarthy - Last terial have been mode, and the soundtrack completely re-recor- 060-78-0018 - Orson Welles - Show ded to give the best quality reproduction. No Laurel and Hardy War Of The Worlds, Port 1 060-78-0009 - W. C. Fields - The fan con be without this one! A Blackhowk Films-Hal Roach re- Orson Welles - Day I Drank A Glass Of 060-78-0019 - War Of The Worlds, Port 2 lease. Water 880-02-1388K, Super 8 magnetic Sound, b/w, dialogue 66 mm., 3- Radio Commer- 060-78-0010 - Jack Benny Show 060-78-0020 - 50 lbs. Regular Price $99.98 ...... Sale Price S74.99 - Last Radio Show, 1955 cials - Sf Pepsi, Ovaltine & 640-02-1388K, 16mm optical sound, b/w, dialogue 66 mm., 8-lbs News more from early days of Regular Price $199.98 ------Sale Price S149.99 060-78-0011 - CBS Roundup - Pearl Harbor radio Attacked, 12-7-41 Offer good thru July 31, 1977 060-78-0012 - B. Crosby, J. BUY 5 GET 1 FBE! RECENT RELEASES For more complete description see Bulletin 287, June-July

I ADOLF HITLER—THE TWISTED CAPTAIN BLOOD CROSS starring ERROL FLYNN, OLIVIA DC HAVILAND Restricted to the united states and Canada and BASIL RATHBONE A toscinoting account of the rise and loll 01 the Exciting adventure story loaluring one of Movie- dom s greatest swoshbucklers. From Ken Films. twisted -cnius who, for a moment in history, held the tOte 01 Europe within his grasp. An importont histori- 744-82-0085, Super 8 silent, b/w, 175-feet, 11-ass...... $895 cal and psychological document 8001 super 8 magnetic Sound, b/w, narrotiOrf - win., 1-lb ...... $52.98 c' (7 ) ic8° L)-THE INVASION OF IWO JIMA (1942) cAPrAIN AMERICA VS. ZEMO AND Restricted to the United States and Canada THE MASTERS OF EVIL Newsreel coverage of one of the most important Coptoin AmeriCa. Thor and Iron-Mon battle the bottles in the Pacific during World War II. The nor- villainous Zemo and his cohorts. lotion byLowell Thomas provides on interesting 744-81-0084, super t silent, b/w, 175-feet, 11-OzS...... present tense perspective ...... 8.8.95 860-75-2819, Super 8 silent, b/w, 204-feet, 11-ozs. ...... 767-81-0084, Super 8 mognotic sound, color. 8 mm., 11- ...... $16.98 015 ...... 529.95 880-75-2819,... Super 8 magnetic Sound, b/w, narrOtion 10 mm., tI-ous. ...... $25.98 640-75-2819, 16mm optical Sound, b/w, narration 10 mm., t-iUs. ...... snob SPIDERMAN: STING OF THE SCORPION THE POOCH (1932) The Amazing Spidc'rmon struggles against a Restricted to the United States and Canada deadly and powerful Criminal. starring THE LITTLE RASCALS 744-81 -0083, Super 8 silent, b/w, 175-feet, 11-ozu...... Hi.iiic.jry kids, a mean dog coicher and witty dio - 58,95 lOgue mOIre this Little Rascals film thoroughly de- 767-81-0083, Super 8 magnetic Sound, color, 8 mm,, 11- lightful Stymie. SpQnky and Pete the Dog are tea- 015 . ...... 529.95 lured. 880-05-1565, Super 8 magnetic sound, b/w, dialogue 20 mm., 14-015...... 551.98 640-05-1565, 16mm optical sound, b/w, dialogue 20 mm., 3-lbs...... $85.98 ALADDIN AND HIS WONDERFUL THE PINCH SINGER (1936) LAM P Restricted to the United states and Canada Theenchanting Arobion table of the poor boy storring THE LITTLE RASCALS who obtains a magic lamp complete with Genie. Ani- Doria is selected to represent the Little Rascals mated in beautiful colar by the imaginative Ub in a talent show, but when she fails to arrive 01 the Iwerks. radio station In time. Alfalla becomes a 'pinch 885-91-2579, Super 8 magnetIc sound, color, synchron- singer." A 1930s version of the GONG SHOW. ous 8 mm., lI-ols...... $2998 880-05-1612, Super 8 magnetic Sound, b/w, dialogue $7 685-81-2579. 16mm optIcal sound, color, synchronous I mm., 1-tb. ...... 545.98 mm., 2-lbs...... $56.98 POPULAR PERSONALITIES OF 640-05-16125, 16mm optical sound, b/w, dialogue 17 THE FIFTIES mm., 3-lbs...... $73.98 Restricted to the United States and Canada Moot the celebrities of the 19505: President Tru- A STAR IS BORN (1937) man, Prince Rainier and Princess Grace of Monaco, Restricted to the United stoles Elvis Presley, Paul Newman, J0000e woodword, starring FREDERIC MARCH, JANET GAYNOR, SODA SQUIRTS John Wayne, Marilyn Monroe, Joe Dim009ia and oth- ADOLPH MENJOU, ANDY DIVINE and EDGAR The Grand Opening of Flip the Frog's Drug Store ers. KENNEDY is attended by Laurel and Hardy, Jimmy Duronle, Buster Keoton, the Marx Brothers and Moe West, as 880-68-2808. Super 8 magnetic sound b/w, narration The lirst version of this dramatic sfory about the 10 mm,, il-ons...... 523.98 decline of a movie stars popularity and the coincid- animated by the master cartoonist . 640-68-2808, 16mm Optical sound, b/w, narration 10 no rise of his young wile's career. From Hollywood 880-81-2487, Super 8 magnetic sound, b/w, synchrOn- ous 6 mm., 11-005- ...... mm., 2-lbs ...... $41.98 Film Fuchange. 813,98 Please accept our apologies but due to an advertis- 766-85-0003, super 8 magnetic saund, color. 111 mm., 640-81-2487, 16mm optical Sound, b/w, synchronous 6 ing error the 640 sell price was incorrect lost month. 4-lbs. ...... $249.98 mm., 2-lbs. ...... $2193

Use Your BankAmericard, Master Charge, VISA, Chargex or Blackhawk Charge 24 BLACKHAWK BULLETIN 3-288, July, 197 BLACKHAWK'S RETURN PRIVILEGE- We want you to be satisfied with what you buy from Blackhowk. If, after receiving an item you are disappointed in any way, return it to us, transportation prepoid, in its original condtlion, I UJ O) Ewo and within ten days after you receive it, and we'il allow you full a - edit on some other pur- Cu - chase, issue you a credit memo which you may later apply on somy oth4r selection, or give I_<_.._C full i_j .o you a refund. (When writIng, please include your original papers). la:c/D_-z cli / 0 IC..uuE ' I 1EW LEHR'S I NEWSETTES (Mid-1930s)

Restricted to the UrUted States and Canada Ca in the 1930s and 1946s, Lew Lehr was a'. •4 ------ -- C') one of the funniest men In films, although ------ ______Oi.. 0 U) not quite recognized at the time. He was responsible for a single item in more .0 than half of the Movietone News issues each year, which meant fifty to sev- E enty-five Items a year. Especially clever in dealing with animal subjects, he also supplied the narration for the crazy Invention sort of thing, and unusual 0 CZ - but less than world shaking events of other types. In this release, we have .!l. 0 selected eleven of his items from 1934 and 1935 which include: a San Fran- ' - cisco coble cor seemingly running wild and clipping o oedesfrian, a new C.) tr model European car, a beer drinking contest in Belgium, Alaskan beauties swinming among the icebergs, a Post Office of mail by rocket (it fails, and isn't much better today), the 'Wrong Bros.' who demonsrate a crazy plane thor doesn't fly, a talking Mina bird mimicking Molar Bowes of radio fame, vill he st t of crawling through a keyhole, trained lions in a Berlin zoo, spring F- proc of circus acrobats in Florida, and a Mexican hotchet thrower. All in oll,v funny! 880-7 754, Super 8 magnetic sound, b/w, music & narration 11 mm., 11-ozs...... $17.98 Li 640-72-2754, 16mm optical Sound, b/w, music & narration 11 nun., 2-lbs. $47.98



._ GRAFI ~ `., MARK S81 OD ­ ZEPPEL;~Ii nüi (Late 205— Eorly30s) DELLIXE HOS Restricted to the United States and Condo The dirigibles were a spectacular form of transportation in the PROJECTOR air from the early twenties until the disaster that destroyed the Hindenburg in the mid-1930s. The most famous dirigible over the longest period of time was the Grof Zeppelin, although the Hiri- denburg's spectacular destruction puts it ahead n the rriinds of DUAL 8 today's populace. • HOC stoncli for high quality sound. in the age of lighter-than-air croft, the triumphs and tragedies • Inlegoted circuitry in the re:ord!ployboCk amplifier. of the airships were exemplified by the Zeppelins. The most suc- • Automatic noin control and frequency response control. • The sound ',olume emo;ns constant. cessful rigid airship ever built was the hydrogen-fliled LZ-127. the .. P .A. facilit,. Graf Zeppelin. Fihanced by the German people, the million dollar • Zoom lens 1.2, 12.5-25mm EumIg Supr000n croft was 775-feet long and 100-feet in diameter. • 3 year full warranty Isee Bul etirs 287 page 651 • 600-feet reel CapaCity The Graf Zeppelin was commanded by- the popular and able 030-24-2098, M,$RK 58100 DELUXE HQS. lt'--,-lbs. Regular Price $569.95 ...... Dr. Hugo Eckener from her christening in 1928 to her dismantling - ...... Sole Price $399.88 in the late 1930s. Becouse of Eckeners outspoken contempt for ACCESSORIES 051.24.3057, 60)-feet plastic reel.'can. 1-lb.. each $5.50...... 3/514.89 the Nazis throughout the thirties and Hitler's personal dislike of 042-24-2279, reflector bjll,, 9-ozs., each $16.49 ...... 2/539.69 lIghter-than-air craft, Hitler grounded the Grof Zeppelin after the 072-24-2045, prolector fuse, 2-ass ...... 5.30 Hlndenburg disaster. 072-240047, carrying case, 2-lbs ...... $39.95 069-24-0013, L$.8000 HaS extension speaker. 9- The Grof Zeppelin, during the decade it was In active service, lbs...... mode 650 flights and carried more than 16,000 passengers over one million mIles. The exploits of the Grof Zeppelin are preserved In Fox Movietone News, and many of the individual items appear- ing In the newsreel are presented here. You'll see inside, in flight, docking and taking off — over Lake Constance, the Soviet Union, the Arctic, the Atlantic and Japan and the United States.

860-12.0956, Super 8 sIlent, b/w, 252-feet, 11-ozs ...... $25.98 880-72-2328, Super 8 magnetic Sound, b/w, music & narration 16 tnin., 14-ozs ...... $39.98 640-72-2328, 16mm optical Sound, b/w, music & narration 16 mm., 2½-lbs...... _ ...... $69.98

Phone Your Order TOLL FREE: SOD - 553-1161 Nol Valid Its Iowa, Hawaii, Alaska)