Wednesday, March 7, 2012 -1396- JOURNAL of the SENATE
Wednesday, March 7, 2012 -1396- JOURNAL OF THE SENATE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 2012 The Senate met at 11:00 a.m. and was called to order by Lieutenant Governor William T. Bolling. The Reverend Dr. A. Lincoln James, Jr., Trinity Baptist Church, Richmond, Virginia, offered the following prayer: Eternal God, our Father, with whom we live and move and have our being, we beseech Thee this morning that the power of Your presence might emit through the hallowed halls of this chamber. Grant these legislators purity of heart and strength of purpose so that no selfish passion may hinder them from doing what is right and noble. Give them in the discharge of their duty, the constant awareness that they must always remember the plight of the least, the last, and the unlovely of our Commonwealth. Grant now these men and women who have been elevated to high positions of public trust, give them a vision of a better Virginia and a stronger Commonwealth, so that all of Virginia citizens may live under the power of God and the understanding of our collective humanity. Finally Father, touch our hearts, search our conscience, and cast out of us every evil thought and base desire that we may be about Thy perfect will. We ask these things in the name of our Creator and the Sustainer of the universe. Amen. The roll was called and the following Senators answered to their names: Barker, Black, Blevins, Colgan, Deeds, Ebbin, Edwards, Favola, Garrett, Hanger, Herring, Howell, Locke, Lucas, Marsden, Marsh, Martin, McDougle, McEachin, McWaters, Miller, J.C., Miller, Y.B., Newman, Norment, Northam, Petersen, Puckett, Puller, Reeves, Ruff, Saslaw, Smith, Stanley, Stosch, Stuart, Vogel, Wagner, Watkins.
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