
?WHAT IS... a ? Alessio Corti

A flip is a special codimension-2 surgery in alge- tracts the exceptional set E to P. If X = C2 with co- braic . ordinates (x, y), and P = (0, 0), then Flips turn up, for example, in the study of com- ={ − = }⊂C2 × P1 pactifications of moduli spaces. Constructions in Y xm1 ym0 0 depend on parameters (mod- where m0,m1 are homogeneous coordinates on uli). For instance, Riemann surfaces of genus g are 1 P . The function m = m1/m0 is well defined on in natural 1-to-1 correspondence with the points the chart {m0 = 0}, which is identified with the set of an Mg. Usually, the moduli {y = mx}⊂C3 . The point at infinity corresponds space is noncompact, making it unsuitable for the to the vertical line {x = 0}. study of enumerative and topological questions. Doing this construction inside real algebraic Several meaningful compactifications are possi- geometry produces the picture of a helix; topo- ble, and they are related by flips. Understanding the logically, one cuts out a small disk and replaces it different compactifications in terms of flips can with a Möbius strip. lead to beautiful and difficult combinatorial ques- In the language of algebraic geometry, a surgery tions. Among the first examples of this point of view is called a birational map. By definition, a bira- is the work of Thaddeus on stable pairs on curves; tional map ϕ: Y ⇢X is an isomorphism a recent variation on this theme is the treatment ϕ: Y E→ X F, where the exceptional sets E ⊂ Y of 3-fold flops by Bridgeland, which I describe and F ⊂ X are algebraic subvarieties. below (a flop is a kind of flip). In the case of a flip, the exceptional sets E ⊂ Y Flips are steps in Mori’s minimal model pro- and F ⊂ X are small, that is, they have codimension gram. Starting with a nonsingular projective vari- ≥ 2. By contrast, in the blow-up f : Y → X of a ety X, the is an analog of nonsingular point, the exceptional set E ⊂ Y is of the geometrization program in topology; its aim is codimension 1. to perform surgery on X until the canonical line =∧top ∗ Topological surgery arises in nature when we bundle KX T X has global positivity prop- ∞ erties. cross a critical value of a C Morse function → R The simplest example of surgery in algebraic h: M . As we cross a critical value t0, the level −1 − −1 + geometry is the blow-up f : Y → X of a nonsingu- set h (t0 ε) is surgically modified into h (t0 ε). lar point P of a surface X. The surface Y is formed By the Morse lemma, a local model of this situa- = Rn × Rm by removing P ∈ X and sticking the projectivized tion is M with coordinates (x, y) such that tangent space E = PTP X in its place. The morphism f : Y → X identifies Y Ewith X {P} and con- (x, y) → h(x, y) =−||x|| 2 +||y|| 2.

Alessio Corti is Reader at the University of Cambridge, UK. We see that, as t crosses t0, the level set undergoes His email address is [email protected]. a surgery in which Sn−1 × Dm is replaced by

1350 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 51, NUMBER 11 − − n × m 1 n n − − ≥ D S (where S and D denote the n-dimen- C c1(KX ) 0 on curves C contracted by p , and sional sphere and ball). Integrating along the gra- KX+ is nef over Z. dient of h, we get an action of the additive group Usually, p− : X− → Z is given, and the problem −1 + + R on M; the level sets h (t) for t = t0 ± ε are dif- is to show that p : X → Z exists. The flip can feomorphic to the quotients M±/R , where exist only in very restricted conditions, and the few M− = M {x = 0} and M+ = M {y = 0}. known existence results are very difficult to es- I use an analog of this construction over the com- tablish. Mori proved that if X− is a 3-fold with ter- plex numbers to give an example of a flip. Consider minal singularities, then the flip exists. The exam- the action of the multiplicative group C× on B = C4 ple above is one of these flips considered by Mori. with weights (−2, −1, 1, 1): In the case of flops, where KX− = KX+ = 0 , Bridgeland shows that X+ is the moduli space of  −2 −1 (x1,x2,y1,y2) (λ x1,λ x2,λy1,λy2). certain sheaves on X− (more precisely, complexes The quotient topology by this action is not Haus- of coherent sheaves in the derived category), thus dorff. Indeed, a general orbit is asymptotic to an providing a construction of X+. This idea has since orbit in {y = 0} as λ → 0 and to an orbit in {x = 0} been applied, with mixed success, to the problem as λ →∞. There are two meaningful ways to get a of existence of flips. Hausdorff topological space, and they are related Flips are fundamental in algebraic geometry in by a flip. Indeed, consider open subsets dimension ≥ 3; the best place to start learning B− = B {x = 0} and B+ = B {y = 0} . Then about them is [1]. X− = B−/C× and X+ = B+/C× are Hausdorff topo- For many applications, it is desirable to have ex- logical spaces with a natural structure of algebraic plicit equations of all 3-fold flips. A paper of Mori varieties, and the obvious birational map [2], which is a great place to look for examples of ϕ: X−⇢X+ is a flip. Note that X− is covered by flips, classifies the important special case of semi- 3 charts {x1 = 0}1/2(1, 1, 1) (the quotient of C by stable flips. 3 a reflection of all coordinates) and {x2 = 0}C . In his work [3], Shokurov proves the existence This example also illustrates Wlodarczyk’s view of flips in dimension 4. His work is based on an of a flip as a birational cobordism, which leads to important extension of the Mori category, the cat- the proof by him, with Abramovich, Karu, and Mat- egory of log terminal pairs (X,B) of a variety X and suki, of the factorization theorem, stating that a bi- a boundary Q-divisor B = bi Bi . In this notation, rational map between nonsingular varieties is a the Bi ⊂ X are irreducible subvarieties of codi- composition of blow-ups and blow-downs along mension 1 and the coefficients 0

p− p+ The “WHAT IS…?” column carries short (one- or two-page) nontechnical articles aimed at graduate Z students. Each article focuses on a single mathe- matical object rather than a whole theory. The Notices where p± are small birational morphisms with com- welcomes feedback and suggestions for topics. Mes- sages may be sent to [email protected]. pact fibres, such that −KX− is nef over Z, that is,