Meditation and Pranayama Workshop May 3rd, 2014

Chakras, Prana and Nadis


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Yogita 1/435 Fullarton Road Highgate SA 5063

How do Nadis and relate to each other?

Principal energy circuits, paths and blockages

Of the approximately 72,000 to 350,000 nadis (energy channels), the three most important ones are located in and around the area of the spine (but this is only an approximation as nadis are not physical entities like nerves or blood vessels). Nadis are analogous to channels or conduits along which energy (prana) flows. The three most important nadis are:

Ida: Left of Shushumna, associated with lunar energies, feminine aspects and the parasympathetic nervous system

Pingala: Right of Shushumna, associated with solar energies, male aspects and the sympathetic nervous system

Shushumna (“she who is most gracious”): Central pathway along the spine; pathway of the ascending -shakti (the awakened serpent power); Ida and Pingala wind their ways around Shushumna like a helical staircase, meeting at each point, starting at the 1st and ending at the 6th chakra; only the Shushumna extends all the way to the crown chakra

The aim of yogic practices is to stabilise the flow of energy in the central Shushumna pathway: Restricting the energy flow to Ida and Pingala means that the attention is externalised and we are dominated by the opposing lunar and solar forces. The aim of hatha yoga (ha = sun, tha = moon) is the unification of lunar and solar forces and harmonising opposing energies.

Balancing the chakras: The rationale behind balancing or unblocking the chakras is to let the Shushumna energy flow freely, connecting the lowest chakra (the seat of Shakti) with the highest chakra (the seat of ) and through its connection awakening the Kundalini energy. The ultimate aim of our yogic practices is to transcend the human condition and to reach the 8th limb Samadhi (universal consciousness).


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Chakras - what are they?

Chakra means ‘wheel’ or ‘circuit’ (C.G. Jung referred to them as the ‘gateways of consciousness’); the chakras lie along the Shushumna nadi and are a progressive series of centres of coiled energy. Each chakra is located where Ida and Pingala intersect. The respective state of each chakra (blocked, uncoiled, dormant or free-flowing) determines a person’s state of mind and physical qualities. Chakras are pools of life energy (prana), each vibrating at different levels and characterised by different symbols, colours, sounds and mantras. Each chakra influences specific organs in the physical body and can affect psychosomatic functions.

There are seven chakras: Three lower ones (possessions, sexuality, power) and three higher ones (love, communication, intellect/wisdom); the 7th one is technically not a chakra but the culmination of the six lower chakras.

Below, the chakras are described in ascending order from the lowest to the highest:

Muladhara: ‘Root’ or ‘Support’ chakra, resting place of Kundalini energy and Shakti; at the floor of the perineum (between anus and genitals), Earth element, linked to sense of smell and lower limbs; deities: and Dakini

Muladhara Chakra is associated with our most basic needs such as personal security, money/material possessions, courage, physical stability (home), security and being grounded

Colour and symbol: Bright red four-petal lotus, grey elephant

Gland: Adrenal gland

Ailments: Constipation, diarrhoea, urinary tract infections, kidney stones, irrational fears, financial worries, selfish desires

Affirmation: I am; Sound: Lam; Mantra: Om Aim Namaha


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Svadhisthana: ‘Own base’ or ‘sacral’ chakra; at the lowest level of the sacrum, just above the genitals; Water element; linked to sense of taste and hands; deities: and Rakini

Svadhistana Chakra is associated with sexuality, joy, humour, healthy emotions, energy, spontaneity and creativity

Colour and symbol: Orange six-petal lotus, crocodile

Glands: Reproductive glands

Ailments: PMS, ovarine/uterine/prostate cancers, IBS, joint stiffness, submissiveness

Affirmation: I feel; Sound: Vam; Mantra: Om Vam Namaha

Manipura: ‘Jewel city’, ‘fortress or ‘navel’ chakra; in the area of the solar plexus/navel; Fire element; linked to visual sense; deities: Rudra and Lakini

Manipura Chakra is associated with personal power, dynamic action, self- esteem, healthy ego and confidence, ambition, drive, intellect, feeling in control of one’s life and destiny

Colour and symbol: Golden yellow ten-petal lotus, ram

Gland: Pancreas

Ailments: ulcers, nausea, gall stones, gas, procrastination, insecurities in career/relationships, weakness

Affirmation; Sound: Ram; Mantra: Om Shrim Namaha


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Anahatha: ‘Unstruck’ or ‘heart’ chakra; at the level of the heart but centred; it is the literal heart of the transcendental sound Nada (unstruck = not produced by mechanical means); Air element; linked to touch; deities: Isha and Kakini

Anahatha Chakra is associated with compassion, emotions, feelings in general, unconditional love for self and others, ability to give and receive

Colour and symbol: green twelve-petal lotus, black antelope

Gland: Thymus gland (immune system)

Ailments: heart disease, varicose veins, immune disorders, allergies, rashes, acne, lupus

Affirmation: I love; Sound: Yam; Mantra: Om Yam Namaha

Vishuddha/Vishuddi: ‘Pure/purity’ or ‘throat’ chakra; in the centre of the throat; Ether element; linked to hearing, mouth and skin; deities: Shiva/Parvati and Shakini

Vishuddi Chakra is associated with communication, interpersonal relationships, harmony between inner and outer world, will, freedom and expression

Colour and symbol: blue sixteen-petal lotus, snow-white elephant

Gland: Thyroid

Ailments: Repression, sadness, inability to articulate, asthma, sore throat

Affirmation: I speak; Sound: Ham; Mantra: Om Ham Namaha


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Ajna (pronounced ‘aagnya’):

‘Command’ or ‘third eye’ chakra; located at the centre of the brain at the level between the two eyes; deities: Parama-Shiva and Hakini

Ajna Chakra is associated with the intellect, intuition, wisdom, psychic abilities, stable moods, mental clarity, restful sleep, forgiveness, letting go of resentment

Colour and symbol: purple two-petal lotus, inverted triangle (representing the polarity of Shiva and Shakti)

Gland: Pituitary gland

Ailments: Anxiety, depression, insomnia, nightmares, headaches, cataracts, near or far sightedness

Affirmation: I see; Sound: Om; Mantra: Om Namaha

Sahasrara: ‘Thousand petal’ chakra, seat of Shiva; crown of the head; chakra is the culmination of the energetic connections of the other 6 chakras; consciousness in human form)

Sahasrara Chakra is associated with seeing the overall picture, connection to the universe/divine, oneness, and enlightenment

Colour and symbol: white one-thousand-petal lotus, Shiva’s Linga

Gland: Pineal gland

Ailments: Frustration, anger, envy, loneliness, schizophrenia, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, confusion

Affirmation: I understand; Mantra: Aum


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Location of the chakras and how the breath

and chakras relate to each other


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