Bibliography from ADS File: Strassmeier.Bib June 27, 2021 1

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Bibliography from ADS File: Strassmeier.Bib June 27, 2021 1 Bibliography from ADS file: strassmeier.bib Barnes, S. A., Steffen, M., & Strassmeier, K. G., “16th Potsdam Thinkshop: August 16, 2021 The rotation periods of cool stars: Measurements, uses, connections and prospects”, 2020AN....341..485B ADS Mott, A., Steffen, M., Caffau, E., & Strassmeier, K. G., “Improving spectro- Fritzewski, D. J., Barnes, S. A., James, D. J., & Strassmeier, K. G., “Rotation scopic lithium abundances. Fitting functions for 3D non-LTE corrections in periods for cool stars in the open cluster NGC 3532. The transition from fast FGK stars of different metallicity”, 2020A&A...638A..58M ADS to slow rotation”, 2021A&A...652A..60F ADS Dupree, A., Chiavassa, A., Freytag, B., et al.: 2020, Focus on Betelgeuse, HST Kolecki, J. R., Wang, J., Johnson, J. A., et al., “Searching For Tran- Proposal 2020hst..prop16216D ADS siting Planets Around Halo Stars. I. Sample Selection and Validation”, Woodward, C. E., Pavlenko, Y. V., Evans, A., et al., “Lithium in T Coronae 2021arXiv210613251K ADS Borealis”, 2020AJ....159..231W ADS Weiss, W. W., Zwintz, K., Kuschnig, R., et al., “Space Photometry with Brite- Cauley, P. W., Shkolnik, E. L., Ilyin, I., et al., “No Consistent At- Constellation”, 2021Univ....7..199W ADS mospheric Absorption Detected for the Ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-189 b”, Jayasinghe, T., Stanek, K. Z., Thompson, T. A., et al., “A unicorn in monoceros: 2020RNAAS...4...53C ADS the 3 M_ dark companion to the bright, nearby red giant V723 Mon is a Dineva, E., Denker, C., Strassmeier, K. G., Ilyin, I., & Pevtsov, A. A., “Moni- non-interacting, mass-gap black hole candidate”, 2021MNRAS.504.2577J toring solar activity with PEPSI”, 2020IAUGA..30..351D ADS ADS Strassmeier, K. G., Ilyin, I., Keles, E., et al., “High-resolution spec- Woodward, C. E., Wagner, R. M., Starrfield, S., et al., “Further Optical Spectro- troscopy and spectropolarimetry of the total lunar eclipse January 2019”, scopic Observations of V1674 Herculis”, 2021ATel14723....1W ADS 2020A&A...635A.156S ADS Strassmeier, K. G., “Letter from the Editor”, 2021AN....342..606S ADS Strassmeier, K. G., Ilyin, I., Keles, E., et al., “VizieR Online Data Cat- Dineva, E., Pearson, J., Verman, M., et al., “Characterization of Chromospheric alog: Total lunar eclipse January 2019 spectra (Strassmeier+, 2020)”, Activity Based on Sun-as-a-star Spectral and Disk-resolved Observations”, 2020yCat..36350156S ADS 2021csss.confE.130D ADS Dineva, E., Denker, C., Verma, M., et al., “Sun-as-a-star observations of the Granzer, T., Weber, M., Strassmeier, K. G., & Dupree, A., “The Curious Case 2017 August 21 solar eclipse”, 2020IAUS..354..473D ADS of Betelgeuse”, 2021csss.confE..41G ADS Küker, M., Rüdiger, G., Oláh, K., & Strassmeier, K. G., “Cycle Alexoudi, X., Mallonn, M., Keles, E., Poppenhäger, K., & Strassmeier, K., times of early M dwarf stars: mean field models versus observations”, “Role of the impact parameter in exoplanet transmission spectroscopy”, 2020IAUS..354..116K ADS 2021csss.confE...9A ADS Strassmeier, K. G., “Letter from the Editor”, 2020AN....341....9S ADS Marconi, A., Abreu, M., Adibekyan, V., et al., “HIRES, the High-resolution Metcalfe, T. S., Kochukhov, O., Ilyin, I., et al., “LBT/PEPSI Spec- Spectrograph for the ELT”, 2021Msngr.182...27M ADS tropolarimetry of a Magnetic Topology Shift in Old Solar-type Stars”, Cauley, P. W., Wang, J., Shkolnik, E. L., et al., “Time-resolved Rotational Ve- 2020AAS...23513105M ADS locities in the Upper Atmosphere of WASP-33 b”, 2021AJ....161..152C Metcalfe, T. S., Kochukhov, O., Ilyin, I. V., et al., “LBT/PEPSI Spec- ADS tropolarimetry of a Magnetic Morphology Shift in Old Solar-type Stars”, 2019ApJ...887L..38M Di Varano, I., Yuan, S., Woche, M., Strassmeier, K. G., & Weber, M., “ELT- ADS HIRES the High Resolution Spectrograph for the ELT: status of the polariza- Keles, E., Mallonn, M., von Essen, C., et al., “The potassium absorption on tion ray tracing tool for the polarimetric unit”, 2020SPIE11451E..4GD HD189733b and HD209458b”, 2019MNRAS.489L..37K ADS ADS Strassmeier, K. G., Granzer, T., Weingrill, J., et al., “Project BMK10k: Zeiss Ballistische Messkammer with a 10k x 10k CCD for ground-based PLATO Weber, M., Strassmeier, K. G., Woche, M., Ilyin, I., & Järvinen, A., “Using 2019AN....340..712S raytracing to derive the expected performance of STELLA’s SES-VIS spectro- support”, ADS graph”, 2020SPIE11450E..1CW ADS Rüdiger, G., Küker, M., Käpylä, P. J., & Strassmeier, K. G., “Antisolar differen- tial rotation of slowly rotating cool stars”, 2019A&A...630A.109R ADS Weber, M., Woche, M., Strassmeier, K. G., Ilyin, I., & Järvinen, A., “Second Dupree, A., Chiavassa, A., Freytag, B., et al.: 2019, Focus on Betelgeuse, HST generation spectroscopic instrumentation for the STELLA robotic observa- Proposal 2019hst..prop15873D ADS tory”, 2020SPIE11449E..0JW ADS Verma, M., Balthasar, H., Denker, C., et al., “Photospheric Mag- Marconi, A., Abreu, M., Adibekyan, V., et al., “ELT-HIRES, the high resolution netic Fields of the Trailing Sunspots in Active Region NOAA 12396”, spectrograph for the ELT: the Phase A study and the path to construction”, 2019ASPC..526..291V ADS 2020SPIE11447E..26M ADS Balthasar, H., Gömöry, P., González Manrique, S. J., et al., “Spectropo- Strassmeier, K. G. & Weber, M., “On the binary orbit of Henry Draper one ( larimetric Observations of an Arch Filament System with GREGOR”, HD 1)”, 2020AN....341..983S ADS 2019ASPC..526..217B ADS Strassmeier, K. G., Granzer, T., Weber, M., et al., “BRITE photometry and Strassmeier, K. G., Carroll, T. A., & Ilyin, I. V., “Warm and cool starspots with STELLA spectroscopy of bright stars in Auriga: Rotation, pulsation, orbits, opposite polarities. A high-resolution Zeeman-Doppler-Imaging study of II 2020A&A...644A.104S and eclipses?”, ADS Pegasi with PEPSI”, 2019A&A...625A..27S ADS Hansen, C. J., Koch, A., Mashonkina, L., et al., “Mono-enriched stars and Strassmeier, K. G., Carroll, T. A., & Ilyin, I. V., “VizieR Online Data Catalog: II Galactic chemical evolution. Possible biases in observations and theory”, Pegasi spectra with PEPSI (Strassmeier+, 2019)”, 2019yCat..36250027S 2020A&A...643A..49H ADS ADS Strassmeier, K. G., Granzer, T., Weber, M., et al., “VizieR Online Data Strassmeier, K. G., “Stars and exoplanets in Stokes IQUV: a decadal opportunity Catalog: Auriga bright stars BRITE phot. and RV (Strassmeier+, 2020)”, for HIRES at the ELT”, 2019arXiv190405075S ADS 2020yCat..36440104S ADS Kovári,˝ Z., Strassmeier, K. G., Oláh, K., et al., “Surface magnetic activity of the Hansen, C. J., Koch, A., Mashonkina, L., et al., “VizieR Online Data Catalog: fast-rotating G5 giant IN Comae, central star of the faint planetary nebula Linelist (Hansen+, 2020)”, 2020yCat..36430049H ADS LoTr 5”, 2019A&A...624A..83K ADS Keles, E., Kitzmann, D., Mallonn, M., et al., “Probing the atmosphere of Mallonn, M., Köhler, J., Alexoudi, X., et al., “Low albedos of hot HD189733b with the Na I and K I lines”, 2020MNRAS.498.1023K ADS to ultra-hot Jupiters in the optical to near-infrared transition regime”, Wang, J., Wang, J. J., Ma, B., et al., “On the Chemical Abundance of HR 8799 2019A&A...624A..62M ADS and the Planet c”, 2020AJ....160..150W ADS Mallonn, M., Koehler, J., Alexoudi, X., et al., “VizieR Online Data Cat- Fritzewski, D. J., Barnes, S. A., James, D. J., & Strassmeier, K. G., “The rota- alog: HAT-P-32b differential photometry time series (Mallonn+, 2019)”, tion period distribution of the rich Pleiades-age southern open cluster NGC 2019yCat..36240062M ADS 2516. Existence of a representative zero-age main sequence distribution”, Cauley, P. W., Shkolnik, E. L., Ilyin, I., et al., “Atmospheric Dynamics and the 2020A&A...641A..51F ADS Variable Transit of KELT-9 b”, 2019AJ....157...69C ADS Dupree, A. K., Strassmeier, K. G., Matthews, L. D., et al., “Spatially Sablowski, D. P., Järvinen, S., Ilyin, I., & Strassmeier, K. G., “Carbon 12C/13C Resolved Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Great Dimming of Betelgeuse”, isotope ratio of α Aurigae revised”, 2019A&A...622L..11S ADS 2020ApJ...899...68D ADS Ilin, E., Schmidt, S. J., Davenport, J. R. A., & Strassmeier, K. G., “Flares in Alexoudi, X., Mallonn, M., Keles, E., et al., “Role of the impact parameter in open clusters with K2 . I. M 45 (Pleiades), M 44 (Praesepe), and M 67”, exoplanet transmission spectroscopy”, 2020A&A...640A.134A ADS 2019A&A...622A.133I ADS Fritzewski, D. J., Barnes, S. A., James, D. J., & Strassmeier, K. G., “VizieR Fritzewski, D. J., Barnes, S. A., James, D. J., et al., “Spectroscopic Online Data Catalog: NGC 2516 membership list (Fritzewski+, 2020)”, membership for the populous 300 Myr-old open cluster NGC 3532”, 2020yCat..36410051F ADS 2019A&A...622A.110F ADS Warmuth, A., Önel, H., Mann, G., et al., “The STIX Aspect System (SAS): Mallonn, M., von Essen, C., Herrero, E., et al., “Ephemeris refinement of 21 hot The Optical Aspect System of the Spectrometer/Telescope for Imaging X-Rays Jupiter exoplanets with high timing uncertainties”, 2019A&A...622A..81M (STIX) on Solar Orbiter”, 2020SoPh..295...90W ADS ADS 1 Küker, M., Rüdiger, G., Olah, K., & Strassmeier, K. G., “Cycle pe- Roettenbacher, R. M., Monnier, J. D., Korhonen, H., et al., “Contemporaneous riod, differential rotation, and meridional flow for early M dwarf stars”, Imaging Comparisons of the Spotted Giant σ Geminorum Using Interfero- 2019A&A...622A..40K ADS metric, Spectroscopic, and Photometric Data”, 2017ApJ...849..120R Mallonn, M., von Essen, C., Herrero, E., et al., “VizieR Online Data ADS Catalog: 15 hot Jupiter exoplanets light curves (Mallonn+, 2019)”, González Manrique, S. J., Denker, C., Kuckein, C., et al., “Flows along 2019yCat..36220081M ADS arch filaments observed in the GRIS ‘very fast spectroscopic mode’”, Järvinen, S. P., Strassmeier, K. G., Carroll, T. A., Ilyin, I., & Weber, M., “Map- 2017IAUS..327...28G ADS ping EK Draconis with PEPSI. Possible evidence for starspot penumbrae”, Kovári,˝ Z., Oláh, K., Kriskovics, L., et al., “Rotation-differential rotation re- 2018A&A...620A.162J ADS lationships for late-type single and binary stars from Doppler imaging”, Alexoudi, X., Mallonn, M., von Essen, C., et al., “Deciphering the atmosphere 2017AN....338..903K ADS of HAT-P-12b: solving discrepant results”, 2018A&A...620A.142A ADS Fournier, Y., Arlt, R., Ziegler, U., & Strassmeier, K.
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