
Review Review of Size Effect: Experiments and Atomistic Simulation

George Z. Voyiadjis * and Mohammadreza Yaghoobi Computational Mechanics Laboratory, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA; [email protected] * Correspondence: [email protected]

Academic Editors: Helmut Cölfen and Ronald W. Armstrong Received: 26 September 2017; Accepted: 20 October 2017; Published: 23 October 2017

Abstract: Nanoindentation is a well-stablished experiment to study the mechanical properties of materials at the small length scales of micro and nano. Unlike the conventional indentation experiments, the nanoindentation response of the material depends on the corresponding length scales, such as indentation depth, which is commonly termed the size effect. In the current work, first, the conventional experimental observations and theoretical models of the size effect during nanoindentation are reviewed in the case of crystalline metals, which are the focus of the current work. Next, the recent advancements in the visualization of the dislocation structure during the nanoindentation experiment is discussed, and the observed underlying mechanisms of the size effect are addressed. Finally, the recent computer simulations using molecular dynamics are reviewed as a powerful tool to investigate the nanoindentation experiment and its governing mechanisms of the size effect.

Keywords: nanoindentation; size effect; atomistic simulation; dislocation; grain boundary

1. Introduction The size effect in material science is the variation of material properties as the sample characteristic length changes. In the current work, the focus is on the size effect on the nanoindentation response of crystalline metals. Nanoindentation is a well-stablished experiment to investigate the mechanical properties of material samples of small volumes. During the nanoindentation, a very hard tip is pressed into the sample, and the variation of load versus the penetration depth is recorded. In the case of nanoindentation, the dependency of material on the corresponding characteristic length is termed as the size effect. The underlying mechanism of the size effect during nanoindentation depends on the material nature. In the case of crystalline metals, the size effect is governed by the dislocation-based mechanisms. The nanoindentation size effects in other materials such as ceramics, amorphous metals, polymers and semiconductor materials are controlled by cracking, non-dislocation-based mechanisms, shear transformation zones and phase transformations [1–4]. A very common size effect during the nanoindentation occurs in the case of the geometrically self-similar indenter tips. The conventional plasticity predicts that the hardness should be independent of the penetration depth. Experimental results, however, have shown that the hardness is a function of indentation depth, which is commonly termed as the indentation size effect [4–22]. The common size effect is the increase in hardness by decreasing the indentation depth. Most of the size effect studies support this trend. However, few studies have shown the inverse size effects in which as the indentation depth decreases, the hardness also decreases, which is commonly termed as inverse size effects [4–7,9,10,23]. However, the inverse size effect is commonly attributed to the artifacts of the experiment such as instrument vibration and the error in contact area measurements [4,8–10]. In addition to the size effect during the nanoindentation using a geometrically self-similar tip, another

Crystals 2017, 7, 321; doi:10.3390/cryst7100321 Crystals 2017, 7, 321 2 of 28 indentation size effect occurs in the case of a spherical indenter tip. However, the characteristic length of this size effect is the indenter radius itself in a way that the hardness increases as the tip radius decreases [14–18]. Besides the experimental observations, computer simulations have greatly contributed to the investigation of the response of materials during nanoindentation. The common modeling methods are finite element [24–41], crystal plasticity [42–50], discrete dislocation dynamics [51–62], the quasicontinuum method [63–76] and molecular dynamics (MD) [77–88]. Going down from simulations with larger length scales, i.e., finite element, to that of the smallest length scales, i.e., MD, the simulation accuracy increases while the required resources hugely increases. The most accurate method to model the nanoindentation experiment and investigate the underlying physics of the indentation size effect is to model the sample as a cluster of atoms using MD simulation. Accordingly, the MD simulation of nanoindentation can be envisaged as a pseudo-nanoindentation experiment in which the sample is modeled with the accuracy down to the atomic scale. In the current review, the focus is on the nanoindentation size effect in crystalline metals, in which the deformation mechanisms are governed by the nucleation and evolution of the dislocation network. The size effect trend in which the hardness increases as the indentation depth decreases is considered in the current review. The aim of this study is to address recent advancements in experiments and atomistic simulation to capture the underlying mechanisms of the size effect during nanoindentation. To do so, first, the classical experimental observations and theoretical models of size effects during nanoindentation are reviewed. Next, the interaction of size effects during nanoindentation with the effects of grain size is summarized. The recent advancements for nanoindentation experiments with the focus on various methods of dislocation density measurement are then reviewed. Advanced size effect models, which have been proposed based on the recent experimental observations, are addressed here. Finally, the atomistic simulation of nanoindentation is introduced as a powerful tool to investigate the underlying mechanisms of the size effect during nanoindentation. The dislocation nucleation and evolution pattern observed during the MD simulation of nanoindentation are also summarized. The details and methodology of atomistic simulations, however, are beyond the scope of the current work.

2. Classical Experimental Observations and Theoretical Models The older generation of size effect observations during indentation have been reported usually as the variation of hardness versus the indentation load (see, e.g., Mott, [5]) during the Vickers microhardness experiment, which has a square-based diamond pyramid. In the early stages of the size effect observations, however, the observed trends have been attributed to the experimental artifacts such as sample surface preparation or indenter tip imperfections. Advancing the nanoindentation techniques and load and depth sensing instruments, however, the obtained results show that the indentation size effects are not artifacts of the experiment, and it has underlying physical mechanisms. Figure1 shows the common size effect trend for several nanoindentation experiments available in the literature in which the hardness increases as the indentation depth decreases. In Figure1, for each set of experiments, the hardness is normalized using the hardness value at large indentation depths H0, at which the hardness becomes independent of the indentation depth. To unravel the governing mechanisms of the size effect during nanoindentation, the concept of geometrically necessary dislocations (GNDs), which was introduced by Ashby [89], has been commonly adopted [11–14,90]. Ashby [89] stated that dislocations could be categorized into two groups. The first one, which is called geometrically necessary dislocations (GNDs), is formed to sustain the imposed displacement for the sake of compatibility. The second type, which is called statistically stored dislocations (SSDs), is a group of dislocations trapping each other in a random way. The model proposed by Nix and Gao [13] is a milestone in this family of models in which they predicted the size effect during nanoindentation using a conical tip (Figure2). In Figure2, the SSDs are excluded; however, they contribute to the indentation hardness. During the nanoindentation, the compatibility of deformation between the Crystals 2017, 7, 321 3 of 28 sample and indenter is guaranteed by the nucleation and movement of GNDs. Accordingly, the total Crystals 2017, 7, 321 3 of 26 length of GNDs λG can be obtained based on the indentation depth h, contact radius ap, Burgers vector ofmovement GNDs b and of indenterGNDs. Accordingly, geometry as followsthe total (Nix length and of Gao GNDs [13]): can be obtained based on the indentation depth h, contact radius , Burgers vector of GNDs b and indenter geometry as follows 2 Z ap 2πrh πaph πap tan(θ) (Nix and Gao [13]): λ = dr = = (1) G ba b b 0 p 2ℎ ℎ tan() = d = = (1) where tan(θ) = h/ap. In the next step, Nix and Gao [13] assumed that the plastic zone is a hemisphere withwhere the radiustan() of=ℎap⁄. Accordingly, . In the next the step, density Nix of and GNDs Gaoρ G[13]can assumed be described that asthe follows: plastic zone is a hemisphere with the radius of . Accordingly, the density of GNDs can be described as follows: λG 3h 3 2 ρG = = 3ℎ = 3 tan (θ) (2) V 2ba2 2bh = = p = tan () (2) 2 2ℎ wherewhereV isV is the the volume volume of of the the plastic plastic zone. zone.

Figure 1. Size effect during nanoindentation. The original experimental data have been reported by Figure 1. Size effect during nanoindentation. The original experimental data have been reported De Guzman [12], Ma and Clarke [91], Poole et al. [92], McElhaney et al. [93], Nix and Gao [13], Lim by De Guzman [12], Ma and Clarke [91], Poole et al. [92], McElhaney et al. [93], Nix and Gao [13], and Chaudhri [15], Liu and Ngan [94], Swadener [14], Bull [20], McLaughlin and Clegg [95] and Lim and Chaudhri [15], Liu and Ngan [94], Swadener [14], Bull [20], McLaughlin and Clegg [95] and Rester et al. [96]. Rester et al. [96]. Nix and Gao [13] further neglected the interaction between SSDs and GNDs and assumed that the total dislocation density ρ is simply the summation of SSDs and GNDs densities, i.e., ρ = ρS + ρG,

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Nix and Gao [13] further neglected the interaction between SSDs and GNDs and assumed that the total dislocation density ρ is simply the summation of SSDs and GNDs densities, i.e., ρ = ρS + ρG, Crystals 2017, 7, 321 4 of 26 where ρS and ρG are the SSD and GND densities, respectively. Finally, the Taylor hardening model relates the dislocation density ρ to the indentation hardness H as follows [13]: where and are the SSD and GND densities, respectively. Finally, the Taylor hardening model relates the dislocation density ρ to the√ indentation√ hardness√ p H as follows [13]: H = 3 3αGb ρ = 3 3αGb ρG + ρS (3)

=3√3 =3√3 + (3) where G is the shear modulus and α is a material constant. Accordingly, the variation of hardness versuswhere theG is indentation the shear modulus depth can and be definedα is a material as follows: constant. Accordingly, the variation of hardness versus the indentation depth can be defined as follows: r H h∗ = 1 + ℎ∗ (4) H0 = 1+ h (4) ℎ where H0 is the hardness due to SSDs and h* is the characteristic length that governs the dependency ofwhere the hardness H0 is the onhardness the penetration due to SSDs depth. andH h0* andis theh *characteristic can be described length as that follows: governs the dependency of the hardness on the penetration depth. H0 and h* can be described as follows: √ √ H0 = 3 3αGb ρS (5) =3√3 (5)  2 ∗ 8181 2 2 G h ℎ=∗ = bαtantan(θ()) (6)(6) 22 H0

FigureFigure 2.2.Axisymmetric Axisymmetric rigidrigid conicalconical indenter.indenter. GeometricallyGeometrically necessarynecessary dislocationsdislocations (GNDs)(GNDs) createdcreated duringduring thethe indentationindentation process.process. TheThe dislocationdislocation structurestructure isis idealizedidealized asas circularcircular dislocationdislocation loopsloops (after(after Abu Abu Al-Rub Al-Rub and and Voyiadjis Voyiadjis [ 97[97]).]).

In the next step, Nix and Gao [13] connected the physical mechanism of indentation size effect In the next step, Nix and Gao [13] connected the physical mechanism of indentation size effect to the strain gradient plasticity model by defining the strain gradient during the nanoindentation to the strain gradient plasticity model by defining the strain gradient during the nanoindentation as follows: as follows: tantan((θ)) χ≡≡ (7)(7) ap Accordingly,Accordingly, the the length length scale scale for for a a strain strain gradient gradient model model can can be be obtained obtained as as follows: follows:  G2 l ≡≡b (8)(8) σ0 where σ0 = H0/3. where σ0 = H0/3. SwadenerSwadener etet [[14]14] extendedextended thethe proposedproposed modelmodel ofof NixNix andand GaoGao [[13]13] toto includeinclude thethe generalgeneral indenter geometry of h = Arnn, where n > 1 and A is a constant. Accordingly, the total dislocation length indenter geometry of h = Ar , where n > 1 and A is a constant. Accordingly, the total dislocation length cancan bebe describeddescribed asas follows:follows: 2 dℎ 2 Z ap   = 2πr dh d = 2πnA n+1 (9) λG = d dr = (+1) ap (9) 0 b dr b(n + 1) Accordingly, the GND density can be described as follows:

(⁄) 3 3 = = = ℎ(⁄) (10) (+1) (+1)

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Accordingly, the GND density can be described as follows:

λ 3nA 3nA(2/n) ρ = G = an−2 = h(1−2/n) (10) G V b(n + 1) p b(n + 1)

Pugno [90] extended the framework proposed by Swadener et al. [14] for the indenter with the general geometry by approximating the indentation surface as a summation of discrete steps due to Crystals 2017, 7, 321 5 of 26 the formation of dislocation loops (Figure3). Accordingly, the total GND length can be calculated as follows: Pugno [90] extended the framework proposed by Swadener et al. [14] for the indenter with the Ω − A S general geometry by approximatingλ =the indentation= surface as a summation of discrete steps due to (11) the formation of dislocation loopsG (Figure 3).b Accordingly,b the total GND length can be calculated where A and S asare follows: the summation of horizontal and vertical surfaces, respectively, and Ω = S + A Ω− (Figure3). The GND density can be described as follows: = = (11) where A and S are the summation of horizontalλ andS vertical surfaces, respectively, and Ω Ω=+ ρ = G = (12) (Figure 3). The GND density can beG describedV as follows:bV = = (12) Accordingly, the size effect law can be described based on the surface to volume ratio of the indentation domain.Accordingly, the size effect law can be described based on the surface to volume ratio of the indentation domain.

Figure 3. ApproximatingFigure 3. Approximating the indentation the indentation surface surfac as a summatione as a summation of of discrete discrete steps: A isis the the projected projected contact area; Ω is the contact surface; and =Ω−. contact area; Ω is the contact surface; and S = Ω − A. Swadener et al. [14] also addressed the size effect during indentation using a spherical tip. SwadenerThe et al.geometry [14] alsoof the addressed spherical tip the was sizeapproximated effect during by parabola, indentation i.e., ℎ= using2. According a spherical to tip. Equation (10), =1⁄ , i.e., the density of GNDs is independent of penetration depth for a The geometry of the spherical tip was approximated by parabola, i.e., h = r2/2R . According to spherical indenter. However, the size effect for a spherical indenter is governedp by another = Equation (10), ρGcharacteristic1/bRp ,length, i.e., the which density is the indenter of GNDs radius is independent . Using the ofsimilar penetration methodology depth as Equation for a spherical (4), indenter. However,the size the effect size for effect spherical for aindente sphericalrs can indenterbe described is as governed follows: by another characteristic length, which is the indenter radius Rp. Using the similar methodology∗ as Equation (4), the size effect for = 1+ (13) spherical indenters can be described as follows:

∗ s where =̅⁄. Figure 4 comparesH the theoreticalR∗ predictions presented by Nix and Gao [13] and Swadener et al. [14]. The results show that= the1 theo+ retical model can capture the size effects for large (13) indentation depths and indenter radii.H0 In the case Rofp small depths and radii, however, the theoretical models noticeably deviate from the experimental results. ∗ where R = r/bρS.Feng Figure and4 Nix compares [98] also showed the theoretical that the Nix predictions and Gao model presented [13] cannot by capture Nix andthe size Gao effect [ 13 in] and Swadener et al.MgO [14]. during The resultsnanoindentation show that at lower the indentation theoretical depths model (Figure can 5). capture They investigated the size effectsthree reasons for large that may induce the Nix and Gao model [13] to break down at small indentation depths: indenter tip indentation depths and indenter radii. In the case of small depths and radii, however, the theoretical bluntness, effect of Peierls stress and dislocation pattern underneath the indenter. They showed that models noticeablythe first deviate two reasons from the are experimentalnot responsible for results. the observed discrepancies. In order to consider the Feng and Nixdislocation [98] also distribution showed beneath that the the Nixindenter, and Gaothey showed model that [13 ]the cannot modified capture radius theof the size plastic effect in MgO during nanoindentationzone should be incorporated at lower indentationas follows: depths (Figure5). They investigated three reasons that may induce the Nix and Gao model [13] to break = down at small indentation depths:(14) indenter tip bluntness, effectwhere of Peierls varies as stressthe indentation and dislocation depth increases. pattern For a underneathlarge indentation the depths, indenter. →1 They, the model showed that the first tworeduces reasons to the are Nix not and responsible Gao model [13]. for Accordingly, the observed the volume discrepancies. of plastic volume In order can to be considerobtained the dislocation distributionas below: beneath the indenter, they showed that the modified radius of the plastic zone 2 2 should be incorporated as follows: = = (15) 3 3 Rpz = f ap (14)

Crystals 2017, 7, 321 6 of 28 where f varies as the indentation depth increases. For a large indentation depths, f → 1, the model reduces to the Nix and Gao model [13]. Accordingly, the volume of plastic volume can be obtained as below: CrystalsCrystals 20172017,, 77,, 321321 2 2 66 ofof 2626 V = πR3 = π f 3a3 (15) 3 pz 3 p TheThe sizesize effecteffect modelmodel basedbased onon thethe modifiedmodified definitdefinitionion ofof plasticplastic volumevolume isis depicteddepicted inin FigureFigure 6,6, whichThe captures size effect the model size basedeffect onboth the at modified large and definition small ofindentation plastic volume depths. is depicted Durst inet Figureal. [36]6, whichwhich capturescaptures the the size size effect effect both both at large at andlarge small and indentation small indentation depths. Durst depths. et al. Durst [36] incorporated et al. [36] incorporated the same method to modify the Nix and Gao model [13]. Instead of variable , which theincorporated same method the tosame modify method the Nix to modify and Gao the model Nix and [13]. Gao Instead model of variable [13]. Insteadf , which of variable is fitted using, which the isis fittedfitted usingusing thethe experimentexperiment (Feng(Feng andand NixNix [98]),[98]), theythey proposedproposed thatthat isis aa constant.constant. TheyThey experiment (Feng and Nix [98]), they proposed that f is a constant. They incorporated f = 1.9 in their incorporatedincorporated =1.9=1.9 in in theirtheir workwork andand showedshowed thatthat itit cancan capturecapture thethe sizesize effectseffects inin singlesingle crystalcrystal work and showed that it can capture the size effects in single crystal and ultrafine-grained copper [36]. andand ultrafine-grainedultrafine-grained coppercopper [36].[36].

FigureFigure 4. 4. Indentation Indentation size size effect effect in in annealed annealed iridium iridium measured measured with with a a Berkovich Berkovich Berkovich indenter indenter ( ( ∆∆ andand solid solid ∗ line) and comparison of experiments with the Nix and Gao [13] model ( =2.5 GPa; ℎ∗∗ = 2.6 μm). line)line) andand comparisoncomparison ofof experimentsexperiments withwith thethe NixNix andand GaoGao [[13]13] modelmodel( H(0==2.5 GPa; ℎ2.5 GPa; h = 2.6 2.6 μmµm).. TheThe dashed dashed lines lines represent represent ±±1 ±11 standard standard standard deviation deviation of of th th theee nanohardness nanohardness data data (after (after Swadener Swadener et et al. al. [14]). [[14]).14]).

NixNix andand GaoGao modelmodel

Figure 5. Indentation size effect in polished MgO: experimental results versus the Nix and Gao [13] FigureFigure 5.5. IndentationIndentation sizesize effecteffect inin polishedpolished MgO:MgO: experimentalexperimental resultsresults versusversus thethe NixNix andand GaoGao [13][13] ∗∗ model ((H0 ==9.24 GPa; ℎ9.24 GPa; h∗ == 92.5 nm92.5 nm)) (after Feng and Nix [[98]).98]). model ( =9.24 GPa; ℎ = 92.5 nm) (after Feng and Nix [98]).

InInIn order orderorder to to modify modify the the Nix Nix and and Gao Gao model model [13], [[13],13], Huang Huang etet al. al. [99] [[99]99] proposed proposed an an analytical analytical model model by defining a cap for GND density max, which is a material constant. Accordingly, in the case of the byby definingdefining a cap for GND density ρG ,, whichwhich isis aa materialmaterial constant.constant. Accordingly,Accordingly, inin thethe casecase ofof thethe conicalconical indenter, indenter, thethe locallocal GNDGND densitydensity cancan bebe defineddefineddefined asasas follows:follows:follows: () = if ℎ < ℎ (16a) () = if ℎ < ℎ (16a) max (ρG) = ρ if h < hnano (16a) local G ℎ ℎ forfor < < tantan(()) (()) == (16b) tan() ℎ ℎ (16b) tan() ℎ ℎ forfor == tantan(()) tantan(()) where ℎ =tan()(⁄ ) is a nanoindentation characteristic length. The average GND where ℎ =tan ()(⁄ ) is a nanoindentation characteristic length. The average GND density can be obtained by averaging () over the plastic zone volume, which is a hemisphere density can be obtained by averaging () over the plastic zone volume, which is a hemisphere with the radius of , as follows [99]: with the radius of , as follows [99]:

Crystals 2017, 7, 321 7 of 26

1if ℎ<ℎ = 3ℎ ℎ (17) − if ℎ<ℎ 2ℎ 2ℎ Crystals 2017, 7, 321 7 of 28

( max < hnano ρG for r tan(θ) (ρG) = (16b) local tan(θ) hnano ≤ ≤ = h br for tan(θ) r ap tan(θ) 2 max where hnano = tan (θ)/ bρG is a nanoindentation characteristic length. The average GND density can be obtained by averaging (ρG)local over the plastic zone volume, which is a hemisphere with the Crystals 2017, 7, 321 7 of 26 radius of ap, as follows [99]:

1if ℎ<ℎ ( = max3ℎ1ℎ if h < hnano (17) ρG = ρG − 3if ℎ<ℎ (17) 2ℎ 3hnano2ℎ− hnano h < h 2h 2h3 if nano

Figure 6. Indentation size effect in polished MgO: (a) experimental results versus the modified Nix ∗ and Gao model presented by Feng and Nix [98] ( = 9.19 GPa; ℎ = 102 nm ); (b) variation of Figure 6. Indentation size effect in polished MgO: (a) experimental results versus the modified Nix versus ℎ (after FengFigure 6.andIndentation Nix [98]). size effect in polished MgO: (a) experimental results versus the modified Nix and and Gao model presented by Feng and Nix [98] ( = 9.19 GPa; ℎ∗ = 102 nm); (b) variation of ∗ Gao modelversus presented ℎ (after Feng by Feng and Nix and [98]). Nix [98] (H0 = 9.19 GPa; h = 102 nm);(b) variation of f versus h (after Feng and Nix [98]). Based on the modifiedBased onGND the modified density, GND density, Huang Huang etet al. [99]al. developed[99] developed a strain gradient plasticitya strain gradient plasticity model and captured the indentation size effect in MgO and Ir (Figure 7). The values of for MgO Based on the modified GND density, Huang et al. [99] developed a strain gradient plasticity model and captured theand Irindentation are 1.28 × 10 m size and 9.68effect × 10 in m MgO, respectively. and Ir (Figure 7). The values of for MgO max model and captured the indentation size effect in MgO and Ir (Figure7). The values of ρG for MgO and Ir are 1.28 ×and 10 Ir are m 1.28 × and1016 m −9.682 and 9.68 × 10× 1014 mm−2, respectively., respectively.

Figure 7. Comparison between the indentation size effect captured using the strain gradient plasticity model developed by Huang et al. [99] using a cap for GND density versus the experimental results in Ir and MgO =9.68×10 m , =1.28×10 m . The original simulation and experimental data have been reported by Swadener [14], Feng and Nix [98] and Huang et al. [99].

3. Interaction of Size Effects during Nanoindentation and Grain Size Effects The interaction between the effects of grain size with indentation size effects have been addressed both theoretically and experimentally [100–108]. Here, the experimental and theoretical studies conducted by Voyiadjis and his coworkers [103–108] are discussed in more detail. Figure 8 compares the response of single crystalline and polycrystalline Al during nanoindentation. In the case of single crystalline Al, the conventional size effects trend can be observed. In the case of Figure 7. ComparisonFigurepolycrystalline 7. betweenComparison Al, however, the between indentat a thelocal indentation hardeningion size can size be effecteffect observed, captured captured which using is due the using to strain the effect gradient the of thestrain plasticity grain gradient plasticity modelboundary developed (GB). byIn Huangorder to etcapture al. [99 ]the using effect a capof GB, for GNDthe theoretical density versusmodel thehas experimentalbeen proposed results by Voyiadjis and maxhis coworkers [103–108]14 −2 basedmax on the concept16 of −GNDs2 and the methodology model developedin by Ir and Huang MgO ρ Get Iral.= 9.68[99]× 10usingm ,aρ capG MgO for= 1.28GND× 10 densitym . The versus original simulationthe experimental and results in experimentaldeveloped by data Nix have and beenGao [13]. reported Figure by 9 depicts Swadener the effect [14], Fengof GB and on the Nix dislocation [98] and Huangmovement et al. pattern [99]. Ir and MgO during =9.68×10 nanoindentation. Unlike m the, single crystalline=1.28×10 metals, the GNDs m movements. The are blocked original by simulation and grain boundaries, which induce a dislocation pile-up against the GB. Accordingly, a local hardening experimental data have been reported by Swadener [14], Feng and Nix [98] and Huang et al. [99].

3. Interaction of Size Effects during Nanoindentation and Grain Size Effects The interaction between the effects of grain size with indentation size effects have been addressed both theoretically and experimentally [100–108]. Here, the experimental and theoretical studies conducted by Voyiadjis and his coworkers [103–108] are discussed in more detail. Figure 8 compares the response of single crystalline and polycrystalline Al during nanoindentation. In the case of single crystalline Al, the conventional size effects trend can be observed. In the case of polycrystalline Al, however, a local hardening can be observed, which is due to the effect of the grain boundary (GB). In order to capture the effect of GB, the theoretical model has been proposed by Voyiadjis and his coworkers [103–108] based on the concept of GNDs and the methodology developed by Nix and Gao [13]. Figure 9 depicts the effect of GB on the dislocation movement pattern during nanoindentation. Unlike the single crystalline metals, the GNDs movements are blocked by grain boundaries, which induce a dislocation pile-up against the GB. Accordingly, a local hardening

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3. Interaction of Size Effects during Nanoindentation and Grain Size Effects The interaction between the effects of grain size with indentation size effects have been addressed both theoretically and experimentally [100–108]. Here, the experimental and theoretical studies conducted by Voyiadjis and his coworkers [103–108] are discussed in more detail. Figure8 compares the response of single crystalline and polycrystalline Al during nanoindentation. In the case of single crystalline Al, the conventional size effects trend can be observed. In the case of polycrystalline Al, however, a local hardening can be observed, which is due to the effect of the grain boundary Crystals 2017, 7(GB)., 321 In order to capture the effect of GB, the theoretical model has been proposed by Voyiadjis 8 of 26 and his coworkers [103–108] based on the concept of GNDs and the methodology developed by is induced inNix the and nanoindentation Gao [13]. Figure9 depicts response the effect due ofto GB the on GB the resistance. dislocation movement The dislocation pattern during can move to the nanoindentation. Unlike the single crystalline metals, the GNDs movements are blocked by grain next grain whenboundaries, the stress which induceconcentration a dislocation induced pile-up againstby dislocation the GB. Accordingly, pile-up reaches a local hardening a critical is value, and the nanoindentationinduced in theresponse nanoindentation follows response the conventional due to the GB size resistance. effect The pattern. dislocation Accordingly, can move to thethe schematic of effects ofnext GB grain on when the thenanoindentation stress concentration inducedresponse by dislocation can be pile-updivided reaches into a critical three value, regions and the (Figure 10). nanoindentation response follows the conventional size effect pattern. Accordingly, the schematic of In Region I, the indenter does not feel the GB, and the initial nucleation and evolution of GNDs effects of GB on the nanoindentation response can be divided into three regions (Figure 10). In Region I, govern the thesize indenter effect, does which not feel is thesimilar GB, and to the the initial response nucleation of and a evolutionsingle crystal of GNDs sample. govern the Eventually, size the dislocationseffect, reach which the isGB similar at which to the response their movements of a single crystal are sample. blocked, Eventually, and they the dislocations pile-up reachagainst the GB, which leadsthe to GB a atlocal which hardening their movements (Region are blocked, II). The and theypile-up pile-up stress against eventually the GB, which reaches leads to a a local critical value, hardening (Region II). The pile-up stress eventually reaches a critical value, and dislocations will and dislocationsdissociate will to dissociate the next grain; to additionally, the next grain; the nanoindentation additionally, response the followsnanoindentation that of a single response crystal follows that of a singlesample crystal (Region sample III). (Region III).

Figure 8. ComparisonFigure 8. Comparison of the nanoindentatio of the nanoindentationn response response of of a singlea single crystalline crystalline Al sample Al with sample that of with a that of a −1 polycrystallinepolycrystalline one at strain one at rates strain ratesof 0.1 of 0.1s . The. The original data data were were reported reported by Voyiadjis by Voyiadjis et al. [106]. et al. [106].

Voyiadjis and Zhang [107] and Zhang and Voyiadjis [108] investigated the effects of GB on the Voyiadjisnanoindentation and Zhang response [107] ofand bicrystalline Zhang Aland and Voyiadjis Cu samples, [108] respectively. investigated They varied the the effects distance ofof GB on the nanoindentationindentation response from the of GB bicrystalline and compared the Al observed and Cu nanoindentation samples, respectively. responses (Figure They 11). Thevaried results the distance of indentationshowed from that the the distanceGB and from compared the GB controls the theob depthsserved at whichnanoindentation different regions responses of hardening (Figure 11). The results occurshowed in a way that that the the distance local hardening from occurs the GB at lower controls indentation the depths for at indentations which different closer to regions of the GB. As the indentation distance becomes large enough, the response becomes similar to that of a hardening occursingle crystallinein a way sample.that the Accordingly, local hardening Zhang and occurs Voyiadjis at lower [108] proposed indentation a material depths length for scale indentations closer to thethat GB. incorporates As the indentation the effect of distance distance between beco themes GB large and indenter enough, tip rthebased response on the framework becomes similar to that of a single crystalline sample. Accordingly, Zhang and Voyiadjis [108] proposed a material length scale that incorporates the effect of distance between the GB and indenter tip based on the framework developed by Nix and Gao [13], Abu Al-Rub and Voyiadjis [97], Voyiadjis and Abu Al-Rub [109] and Voyiadjis et al. [106] as follows:

(⁄) = (⁄) (18) 1+ 1+() where is the average grain size, is the Schmid factor, 1⁄ and are the hardening exponents, , and are the material constants calibrated using the nanoindentation experiment, is the activation energy, is the gas constant and is the absolute temperature.

Figure 9. The schematic of the interaction between the GNDs and grain boundaries for polycrystalline metals during nanoindentation (after Voyiadjis and Zhang [107]).

Crystals 2017, 7, 321 8 of 26 is induced in the nanoindentation response due to the GB resistance. The dislocation can move to the next grain when the stress concentration induced by dislocation pile-up reaches a critical value, and the nanoindentation response follows the conventional size effect pattern. Accordingly, the schematic of effects of GB on the nanoindentation response can be divided into three regions (Figure 10). In Region I, the indenter does not feel the GB, and the initial nucleation and evolution of GNDs govern the size effect, which is similar to the response of a single crystal sample. Eventually, the dislocations reach the GB at which their movements are blocked, and they pile-up against the GB, which leads to a local hardening (Region II). The pile-up stress eventually reaches a critical value, and dislocations will dissociate to the next grain; additionally, the nanoindentation response follows that of a single crystal sample (Region III).

Figure 8. Comparison of the nanoindentation response of a single crystalline Al sample with that of a polycrystalline one at strain rates of 0.1 . The original data were reported by Voyiadjis et al. [106].

Voyiadjis and Zhang [107] and Zhang and Voyiadjis [108] investigated the effects of GB on the nanoindentation response of bicrystalline Al and Cu samples, respectively. They varied the distance of indentation from the GB and compared the observed nanoindentation responses (Figure 11). The results showed that the distance from the GB controls the depths at which different regions of hardening occur in a way that the local hardening occurs at lower indentation depths for indentations closer to the GB. As the indentation distance becomes large enough, the response becomes similar to that of a single crystalline sample. Accordingly, Zhang and Voyiadjis [108] proposed a material length Crystals 2017, 7, 321 9 of 28 scale that incorporates the effect of distance between the GB and indenter tip based on the framework developed by Nix and Gao [13], Abu Al-Rub and Voyiadjis [97], Voyiadjis and developed by Nix and Gao [13], Abu Al-Rub and Voyiadjis [97], Voyiadjis and Abu Al-Rub [109] and Abu Al-Rub Voyiadjis[109] and et al. Voyiadjis [106] as follows: et al. [106] as follows:  (⁄)   2  −(Er/RT) = αG bG  δ1re  (18) l = Mr (⁄) h i (18) α b1+ (1/1+m) (). q S S  1 + δ2rp e 1 + δ3 p  where iswhere the dgaverageis the average grain grain size, size, Mis theis Schmidthe Schmid factor, 1 /factor,me and q 1are⁄ the hardeningand are exponents, the hardening δ , δ and δ are the material constants calibrated using the nanoindentation experiment, E is the exponents, 1 ,2 3and are the material constants calibrated using the nanoindentationr activation energy, R is the gas constant and T is the absolute temperature. experiment, is the activation energy, is the gas constant and is the absolute temperature.

Figure 9. TheFigure schematic 9. The schematic of the interaction of the interaction between between the the GNDs GNDs and and grain grain boundaries boundaries for polycrystalline for polycrystalline Crystalsmetals 2017during, 7,metals 321 nanoindentation during nanoindentation (after (after Voyiadjis Voyiadjis and and Zhang [107 [107]).]). 9 of 26

FigureFigure 10. The 10. typicalThe typical nanoindentation nanoindentation responseresponse of of polycrystalline polycrystalline samples. samples.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 11. Effect of grain boundary on the nanoindentation response of crystalline metals: (a) distances between the grain boundary and indentations for Al bicrystal sample; (b) the effect of the distance from indentation to the grain boundary on the nanoindentation response of the Al bicrystal sample; (c) distances between the grain boundary and indentations for the Cu bicrystal sample; (d) the effect of the distance from indentation to the grain boundary on the nanoindentation response of the Cu bicrystal sample (after Voyiadjis and Zhang [107] and Zhang and Voyiadjis [108]).

4. Recent Experimental Observations and Theoretical Models The fundamental assumption in the size effects model based on the density of GNDs following the Nix and Gao model [13] is that the forest hardening is the governing mechanism. Accordingly, they relate the size effect to the GNDs induced by the strain gradient, which enhances the nanoindentation response. As described by Swadener et al. [14], Feng and Nix [98] and Huang et al. [99], the Nix and Gao model [13] cannot capture the size effects at shallow indentation depths. Although different methods of modifying the plastic zone volume [98] and assigning a GND saturation cap [99] solved the model shortcomings to some extent, both methods are phenomenological in nature, and they are using fitting procedures to solve the problem.

Crystals 2017, 7, 321 9 of 26

Crystals 2017, 7, 321 10 of 28 Figure 10. The typical nanoindentation response of polycrystalline samples.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 11. Effect of grain boundary on the nanoindentation response of crystalline metals: Figure 11. Effect of grain boundary on the nanoindentation response of crystalline metals: (a) distances (a) distances between the grain boundary and indentations for Al bicrystal sample; (b) the effect of between the grain boundary and indentations for Al bicrystal sample; (b) the effect of the distance the distance from indentation to the grain boundary on the nanoindentation response of the Al from indentation to the grain boundary on the nanoindentation response of the Al bicrystal sample; bicrystal sample; (c) distances between the grain boundary and indentations for the Cu bicrystal (c) distances between the grain boundary and indentations for the Cu bicrystal sample; (d) the effect sample; (d) the effect of the distance from indentation to the grain boundary on the nanoindentation of the distance from indentation to the grain boundary on the nanoindentation response of the Cu responsebicrystal sampleof the Cu (after bicrystal Voyiadjis sample and (after Zhang Voyiad [107]jis and and Zhang Zhang and [107] Voyiadjis and Zhang [108]). and Voyiadjis [108]).

4. Recent Experimental Observations and Theoretical Models 4. Recent Experimental Observations and Theoretical Models The fundamental assumption in the size effects model based on the density of GNDs following The fundamental assumption in the size effects model based on the density of GNDs following the Nix and Gao model [13] is that the forest hardening is the governing mechanism. Accordingly, the Nix and Gao model [13] is that the forest hardening is the governing mechanism. Accordingly, they they relate the size effect to the GNDs induced by the strain gradient, which enhances the relate the size effect to the GNDs induced by the strain gradient, which enhances the nanoindentation nanoindentation response. As described by Swadener et al. [14], Feng and Nix [98] and response. As described by Swadener et al. [14], Feng and Nix [98] and Huang et al. [99], the Nix and Huang et al. [99], the Nix and Gao model [13] cannot capture the size effects at shallow indentation Gao model [13] cannot capture the size effects at shallow indentation depths. Although different depths. Although different methods of modifying the plastic zone volume [98] and assigning a GND methods of modifying the plastic zone volume [98] and assigning a GND saturation cap [99] solved saturation cap [99] solved the model shortcomings to some extent, both methods are the model shortcomings to some extent, both methods are phenomenological in nature, and they are phenomenological in nature, and they are using fitting procedures to solve the problem. using fitting procedures to solve the problem. Furthermore, these models still incorporate the forest hardening mechanism to capture the relation between the material strength and dislocation density.

Uchic and his coworkers [110,111] introduced the micropillar compression experiment and showed that the crystalline metallic samples show strong size effects even in the absence of any strain gradients. They have tested pure Ni pillars at room temperature and showed that the sample strength increases by decreasing the pillar diameter (Figure 12). In order to capture the size effect in pillars, however, other hardening mechanisms, including source truncation, weakest link theory and source exhaustion, have been introduced rather than the forest hardening mechanism (see, e.g., Uchic et al. [112] and Kraft et al. [113]) In micropillars, the double-ended dislocation sources become single-ended ones due to the interaction of dislocations with the pillar-free surfaces. Accordingly, the pillar size governs the single-ended sources leading to shorter dislocation sources Crystals 2017, 7, 321 10 of 26

Furthermore, these models still incorporate the forest hardening mechanism to capture the relation between the material strength and dislocation density. Uchic and his coworkers [110,111] introduced the micropillar compression experiment and showed that the crystalline metallic samples show strong size effects even in the absence of any strain gradients. They have tested pure Ni pillars at room temperature and showed that the sample strength increases by decreasing the pillar diameter (Figure 12). In order to capture the size effect in pillars, however, other hardening mechanisms, including source truncation, weakest link theory and source exhaustion, have been introduced rather than the forest hardening mechanism (see, e.g., Crystals 2017Uchic, 7, 321 et al. [112] and Kraft et al. [113]) In micropillars, the double-ended dislocation sources11 of 28 become single-ended ones due to the interaction of dislocations with the pillar-free surfaces. Accordingly, the pillar size governs the single-ended sources leading to shorter dislocation sources for smaller pillars. for smaller pillars. Consequently, decreasing the pillar size increases the sample strength, which is Consequently, decreasing the pillar size increases the sample strength, which is commonly called the commonly called the source truncation mechanism (Parthasarathy et al. [114]; Rao et al. [115]). Another source truncation mechanism (Parthasarathy et al. [114]; Rao et al. [115]). Another hardening hardening mechanism is the weakest link theory (Norfleet et al. [116]), which describes that decreasing mechanism is the weakest link theory (Norfleet et al. [116]), which describes that decreasing the pillar the pillar size increases the strength of the weakest deformation mechanism and leads to the increase size increases the strength of the weakest deformation mechanism and leads to the increase in the in the sample strength. The third hardening mechanism is source exhaustion (see, e.g., Rao et al. [117]), sample strength. The third hardening mechanism is source exhaustion (see, e.g., Rao et al. [117]), which states that the material strength increases when not enough dislocation sources are available to which states that the material strength increases when not enough dislocation sources are available sustain the applied plastic flow. In the case of pillars, dislocation starvation (Greer et al. [118]) is one of to sustain the applied plastic flow. In the case of pillars, dislocation starvation (Greer et al. [118]) is the mechanism that can lead to the source exhaustion in a way that all the dislocations escape from the one of the mechanism that can lead to the source exhaustion in a way that all the dislocations escape pillar-free surfaces, leaving the sample without any dislocations. Accordingly, the sample strength is from the pillar-free surfaces, leaving the sample without any dislocations. Accordingly, the sample controlled by source-limited activations. strength is controlled by source-limited activations.

Figure 12.FigureResponse 12. ofResponse pure Nipillars of pure during Ni thepillars uniaxial during compression the uniaxial experiment compression at room temperature.experiment at room (a) Stress-straintemperature. curves ( fora) Stress-strain pillars with curves diameters for pillars that vary with from diameters 40 to 5 µthatm andvary a from bulk 40 single to 5 crystalμm and a bulk having approximatesingle crystal dimensions having appr of 2.6oximate× 2.6 dimensions× 7.4 mm; (bof) A2.6 scanning × 2.6 × electron 7.4 mm. micrograph (b) A scanning (SEM) electron image ofmicrograph a pillar with (SEM) the diameter image of 20a pµillarm at with 4% strain;the diameter (c) A SEM of 20 image μm atof 4% 5 µ mstrain.diameter (c) A pillar SEM atimage of 5 19% strainμm during diameter a rapid burstpillar of deformationat 19% strain (after Uchicduring et al.a [111 rapid]). burst of deformation (after Uchic et al. [111]). In order to unravel the hardening mechanism at small indentation depths, the dislocation microstructureIn shouldorder to be unravel monitored. the hardening Three experimental mechanism techniquesat small indentation of backscattered depths, electronthe dislocation diffractionmicrostructure (EBSD) [22, 43should,45,49 ,50be,96 monitored.,119–121], convergentThree experimental beam electron techniques diffraction of backscattered (CBED) [95 ]electron and X-raydiffraction microdiffraction (EBSD) [22,43,45,49,50,96,119–121], (µXRD) [122–125] have beenconvergent used sobeam far electron to observe diffraction the dislocation (CBED) [95] and microstructureX-ray microdiffraction in metallic samples. ( XRD) These [122–125] techniques have can been map theused local so latticefar to orientationsobserve the with dislocation high spatialmicrostructure resolutions. in Accordingly,metallic samples. the Nye These dislocation techniques density can map tensor the local and lattice the associated orientations GND with high density canspatial be resolutions. calculated. DueAccordingly, to the complex the Nye nature dislocat ofion these density experimental tensor and schemes, the associated the number GND density of workscan addressing be calculated. the sizeDue effectsto the duringcomplex nanoindentation nature of these experimental is very limited. schemes, Kiener the et number al. [119 ],of works McLaughlinaddressing and Clegg the [size95] andeffects Demir during et al. nanoindentation [121] have reported is very anomalies limited. regarding Kiener et the al. description [119], McLaughlin based onand the Clegg forest [95] hardening and Demir mechanism et al. [121] and have strain report gradiented anomalies theory to regarding capture the the size description effects during based on the nanoindentation.forest hardening Kiener et al.mechanism [119] indented and thestrain tungsten gradient and copper theory samples to capture using athe Vickers size indenter effects during and used EBSD to quantify the lattice misorientation. They incorporated the misorientation angle as a represented parameter of GND density. They showed that the maximum misorientation angle ωf increases as the indentation depth increases, while the nanoindentation hardness decreases (Figure 13), which cannot be described based on the strain gradient theory and forest hardening mechanism. McLaughlin and Clegg [95] investigated the size effects in a copper single crystal sample indented by a Berkovich tip using CBED. They measured the total misorientation for two indentation loads of 5 mN and 15 mN. It was observed that both the magnitude of the overall misorientation and the neighbor-to-neighbor misorientations underneath the 15 mN indentation are significantly larger than Crystals 2017, 7, 321 11 of 26

nanoindentation. Kiener et al. [119] indented the tungsten and copper samples using a Vickers indenter and used EBSD to quantify the lattice misorientation. They incorporated the misorientation angle as a represented parameter of GND density. They showed that the maximum misorientation

angle increases as the indentation depth increases, while the nanoindentation hardness decreases (Figure 13), which cannot be described based on the strain gradient theory and forest hardening mechanism. McLaughlin and Clegg [95] investigated the size effects in a copper single crystal sample Crystalsindented2017 by, 7, a 321 Berkovich tip using CBED. They measured the total misorientation for two indentation12 of 28 loads of 5 mN and 15 mN. It was observed that both the magnitude of the overall misorientation and the neighbor-to-neighbor misorientations underneath the 15 mN indentation are significantly larger underneath the 5 mN indentation. However, the hardness for indentation load of 5 mN is larger than underneath the 5 mN indentation. However, the hardness for indentation load of 5 mN is larger than that of 15 mN. Again, McLaughlin and Clegg [95] showed that the models based on the strain than that of 15 mN. Again, McLaughlin and Clegg [95] showed that the models based on the strain gradient theory and forest hardening mechanisms, such as Nix and Gao [13], are not applicable to the gradient theory and forest hardening mechanisms, such as Nix and Gao [13], are not applicable to shallow indentations. They attributed the observed size effects to the lack of dislocation sources at the shallow indentations. They attributed the observed size effects to the lack of dislocation sources lower indentation loads, which is similar to the source exhaustion mechanism. at lower indentation loads, which is similar to the source exhaustion mechanism.

Figure 13. Variation of the maximum misorientation angle versus the indentation size in tungsten Figureand copper. 13. Variation The original of the data maximum were reported misorientation by Kiener angle et al.ω f[119].versus the indentation size in tungsten and copper. The original data were reported by Kiener et al. [119]. Demir et al. [121] investigated the size effects at low indentation depths incorporating the GND densityDemir obtained et al. [121using] investigated EBSD tomography. the size effects They atco lownducted indentation the nanoindentation depths incorporating test on the a single GND densitycrystal Cu obtained sample using using EBSD a conical tomography. indenterThey with conducteda spherical the tip. nanoindentation Figure 14 illustrates test onthe a GND single density crystal Cupattern sample for usingfive equally-spaced a conical indenter cross-sections with a spherical at four tip. different Figure 14indentation illustrates depths. the GND The density results pattern show forthat five the equally-spacedassumption that cross-sections the dislocations at four are ho differentmogenously indentation distributed depths. beneath The results the indenter, show that which the assumptionhas been commonly that the dislocationsincorporated are in homogenously the literature, distributedis not accurate. beneath Furthermore, the indenter, Demir which et hasal. [121] been commonlyobtained the incorporated total dislocation in the density literature, using is notthe accurate.information Furthermore, obtained from Demir 50 individual et al. [121] 2D obtained EBSD thesections total at dislocation different indentation density using depths. the information Figure 15 shows obtained the variation from 50 individual of both dislocation 2D EBSD density sections and at differenthardness indentationas the indentation depths. depth Figure varies. 15 shows As the the re variationsults show, of both the density dislocation of GNDs density increases and hardness as the asindentation the indentation depth depthincreases. varies. According As the results to the show, forest the hardening density of mechanisms GNDs increases and asconsequently the indentation the depthNix and increases. Gao model According [13], the to thehardness forest hardeningshould also mechanisms increase. However, and consequently as the results the Nix show, and Gaothe modelhardness [13 ],decreases the hardness as the should indentation also increase. depth However, increases. as theThis results means show, that thethe hardness forest hardening decreases asmechanism the indentation breaks depthdown shallow This indentation means that depths, the forest and the hardening models mechanismdeveloped breaksbased on down the atpremise, shallow i.e., indentation Nix and depths,Gao model and the[13] models and its developed relating basedmodels, on theare premise,not valid i.e., in Nixthis and region. Gao modelDemir et [13 al.] and[121] its attributed relating the models, observed are nothardenin validg in to this the decreasing region. Demir dislocation et al. [ 121segment] attributed lengths the as observedthe indentation hardening depth to decreases, the decreasing which dislocation has a similar segment nature lengths to the source as the indentationtruncation and depth weakest decreases, link whichtheory hasmechanisms. a similar nature One should to the sourcenote that truncation the conducted and weakest experiment link theorys solely mechanisms. consider the One GNDs should and notenot SSDs. that theAccordingly, conducted the experiments result may solely not be consider dependable. the GNDs However, and not Demir SSDs. et Accordingly,al. [121] stated the that result the mayamount not of be imposed dependable. deformation However, decreases Demir et by al. decr [121]easing stated the that indentation the amount depth, of imposed and consequently, deformation decreasesSSDs are not by responsible decreasing thefor the indentation enhanced depth, hardening and consequently,at lower indentation SSDs are depths. not responsible for the enhanced hardening at lower indentation depths.

Crystals 2017, 7, 321 13 of 28

Crystals 2017, 7, 321 12 of 26

Figure 14. Five equally-spaced cross-sections (center slice, ±100 nm, ±200 nm) through the four Figure 14. Five equally-spaced cross-sections (center slice, ±100 nm, ±200 nm) through the four −2 indents.indents. ColorColor code:code: GND density in decadic logarithmiclogarithmic scalescale (m(m−2) )(after (after Demir Demir et et al. al. [121]). [121]).

Crystals 2017, 7, 321 14 of 28 Crystals 2017, 7, 321 13 of 26

FigureFigure 15. 15. TheThe variations variations of hardness of hardness and andGNDGND density density versus versus the indentation the indentation depth depth(after Demir(after Demiret al. [121]). et al. [121]).

FengFeng et et al. al. [125] [125] incorporated incorporated the the µXRDXRD scheme scheme and and studied studied the the evolution evolution of of defects defects in in Cu Cu single single crystalcrystal during during nanoindentation nanoindentation indented indented using using a Berkovich a Berkovich indenter. indenter. Feng Feng et al. et [125] al. [125 stated] stated that thatthe sizethe effects size effects are in are line in with line the with strain the gradient strain gradient theory theoryand forest and hardening forest hardening mechanism mechanism even at shallow even at indentationshallow indentation depths, depths,which is which in contradiction is in contradiction with withthe results the results reported reported by byKiener Kiener et etal. al. [119], [119], McLaughlinMcLaughlin and and Clegg Clegg [95] [95 and] and Demir Demir et al. et al.[121]. [121 They]. Theyobserved observed that as that the asindentation the indentation depth decreases,depth decreases, both GND both density GND densityand hardness and hardness increase increases.s. However, However, unlike Demir unlike et Demir al. [121], et al. which [121], obtainedwhich obtained the GND the density GND densitypattern patternbelow the below indent theer, indenter, Feng et Feng al. [125] et al. approximated [125] approximated the strain the gradient.strain gradient. Accordingly, Accordingly, the equation the equation of total of GND total de GNDnsity density depends depends on the onradi theus radiusof the plastic of the plasticzone, whichzone, whichwas assumed was assumed to be tothe be contact the contact radius radius multip multipliedlied by a byconstant. a constant. Accordingly, Accordingly, the theeffect effect of heterogeneityof heterogeneity reported reported by byDemir Demir et etal. al.[121] [121 was] was not not included included in in the the methodology methodology presented presented by by FengFeng et et al. al. [125] [125] to obtain thethe totaltotal GNDGND density.density. In In order order to to investigate investigate whether whether the the trend trend reported reported by byKiener Kiener et al. et [ 119al. ],[119], McLaughlin McLaughlin and Clegg and [Clegg95] and [95] Demir and et Demir al. [121 et] isal. accurate [121] is or accurate the one presented or the one by presentedFeng et al. by [125 Feng], the et meso-scale al. [125], the simulations, meso-scale such simu aslations, the atomistic such as simulation, the atomistic should simulation, be incorporated. should be incorporated. 5. Atomistic Simulation of Nanoindentation 5. Atomistic Simulation of Nanoindentation The microstructural observations during the nanoindentation indicate some contradictions in a wayThe that microstructural both the increase observations and decrease during in the GND nano densityindentation have indicate been reported some contradictions as the indentation in a waydepths that decrease both the increase [95,119,121 and,125 decr].ease In orderin GND to density shed light have on been these reported discrepancies as the indentation and unravel depths the decreasegoverning [95,119,121,125]. mechanism of In size order effects to shed during light nanoindentation, on these discrepancies one way and is unravel to model the thegoverning sample mechanismas a cluster of of size atoms. effects Molecular during nanoindentation, dynamics (MD) one is a way powerful is to model tool that the cansample be incorporated as a cluster of as atoms.a pseudo-experimental Molecular dynamics tool to address(MD) is the a sizepowerf effectul duringtool thethat nanoindentation.can be incorporated In the caseas ofa pseudo-experimentalcrystalline metals, many tool different to address aspects the ofsize nanoindentation effect during experiment,the nanoindent suchation. as initial In the dislocation case of crystallinenucleation metals, and evolution many different pattern [ 79aspects,81,83 ]of, the nanoindentation effect of surface experiment, step [80], effects such ofas GBinitial[84 ,dislocation88,126,127] , nucleationthe effect of and film evolution thickness pattern [128], the[79,81,83], effect of the substrate effect of [129 surface], the step effect [80], of residual effects of stress GB [84,88,126,127], [130], the effect the effect of film thickness [128], the effect of substrate [129], the effect of residual stress [130], the effect of boundary conditions [85] and size effects during nanoindentation [86,87] have been

Crystals 2017, 7, 321 15 of 28 of boundary conditions [85] and size effects during nanoindentation [86,87] have been investigated using MD. Szlufarska [131] summarized the advances in atomistic modelling of the nanoindentation experiment. She addressed the challenges of atomistic simulation of nanoindentation and how it can increase the current understanding of nanoindentation [131]. During the MD simulation, Newton’s equations of motion are solved for all the atoms. Even for nano-sized samples, the number of degrees of freedom is enormous, and massive parallel code should be incorporated to integrate Newton’s equations of motion. The interaction of atoms with each other is described using predefined potentials. In the case of crystalline metals, two potentials of the embedded-atom method (EAM) (Daw and Baskes [132]) and modified embedded-atom method (MEAM) (Baskes [133]) are commonly incorporated. The indenter itself can be modeled as a cluster of atoms. However, the indenter is commonly modeled as a repulsive potential to reduce the computational cost. Selecting an appropriate set of boundary conditions to precisely mimic the considered phenomenon is an essential part of the MD simulation. Up to now, four different sets of boundary conditions have been used to model the nanoindentation experiment, which can be described as follows:

• Fixing some atomic layers at the sample bottom to act as a substrate, using the free surface for the top and periodic boundary conditions for the remaining surfaces (see, e.g., Kelchner et al. [79]; Zimmerman et al. [80]; Nair et al. [128]). • Fixing some atomic layer at the surrounding surfaces and using free surfaces for the sample top and bottom (see, e.g., Medyanik and Shao [134]; Shao and Medyanik [135]). • Using the free surface for the sample top and bottom, incorporating the periodic boundary conditions for the remaining surfaces and putting a substrate under the thin film (see, e.g., Peng et al. [129]). • Incorporating the free surfaces for the sample top and bottom, using periodic boundary conditions for the remaining surfaces and equilibrating the sample by adding some forces (see, e.g., Li et al. [81]; Lee et al. [83]).

Yaghoobi and Voyiadjis [85] studied the effects of selected boundary conditions on the nanoindentation response of FCC crystalline metals. They showed that the boundary conditions may alter the plasticity initiation and defect nucleation pattern depending on the film thickness and indenter radius. In order to study the size effects using MD, indentation depth, indentation force, contact area and dislocation length and density should be precisely obtained. In the case of hardness, unlike the experiment, the precise contact can be obtained much more easily. To do so, the precise contact area (A) should be captured to calculate the hardness. Saraev and Miller [136] proposed a method using a projection of atoms that are in contact with the indenter to obtain the precise contact area. A 2D-mesh is produced from the projections of atoms in contact with the indenter. The total contact area is then calculated using the obtained 2D mesh. The indenter force can be derived from the repulsive potential used to model the indenter. Voyiadjis and his co-workers [85–87] showed that the true indentation depth h is different from the tip displacement d during nanoindentation. They developed the required geometrical equations to obtain the precise indentation depth. MD provides the atomic trajectories and velocities. However, the dislocation structure is an essential part of the size effects’ investigation. Accordingly, a post-processing scheme should be incorporated to capture the dislocation structure. In order to visualize the defects, several methods have been introduced such as energy filtering, bond order, centrosymmetry parameter, adaptive common neighbor analysis, Voronoi analysis, and neighbor distance analysis, which have been compared with each other by Stukowski [137]. Furthermore, the Crystal Analysis Tool (Stukowski and Albe [138]) can extract the dislocation structure from the atomistic data. The common-neighbor analysis method is the basic idea of this code. The code is able to calculate the dislocations information such as the Burgers vector and total dislocation length. To extract the required information, the Crystal Crystals 2017, 7, 321 16 of 28

Analysis Tool constructs a Delaunay mesh, which connects all atoms. Next, using the constructed mesh, the elastic deformation gradient tensor is obtained. The code defines the dislocations using the fact that the elastic deformation gradient does not have a unique value when a tessellation element Crystals 2017, 7, 321 15 of 26 intersects a dislocation. Voyiadjis and Yaghoobi [86] conducted large-scale MD simulation of Ni thin film during Voyiadjis and Yaghoobi [86] conducted large-scale MD simulation of Ni thin film during nanoindentation using different indenter geometries of right square prismatic, conical and cylindrical nanoindentation using different indenter geometries of right square prismatic, conical and cylindrical to investigate the proposed theoretical models for indentation size effects. First, Voyiadjis and to investigate the proposed theoretical models for indentation size effects. First, Voyiadjis and Yaghoobi [86] investigated the dislocation nucleation and evolution pattern during nanoindentation. Yaghoobi [86] investigated the dislocation nucleation and evolution pattern during nanoindentation. As an example, Figure 16 shows the dislocation nucleation and evolution for Ni thin film indented by a As an example, Figure 16 shows the dislocation nucleation and evolution for Ni thin film indented cylindrical indenter during nanoindentation. The dislocations and stacking faults are visualized while by a cylindrical indenter during nanoindentation. The dislocations and stacking faults are visualized the perfect atoms are removed. The color of Shockley, Hirth and stair-rod partial dislocations and while the perfect atoms are removed. The color of Shockley, Hirth and stair-rod partial dislocations perfect dislocations are green, yellow, blue and red, respectively. Figure 17 illustrates the dislocation and perfect dislocations are green, yellow, blue and red, respectively. Figure 17 illustrates the loop formation and movement along three directions of 1 0 1, 1 1 0 and 0 1 1. dislocation loop formation and movement along three directions of 1 0 1, 1 1 0 and 0 1 1.

(a) (b)(c)

(d) (e)(f)

Figure 16. Defect nucleation and evolution of Ni thin film indented by a cylindrical indenter at Figure 16. Defect nucleation and evolution of Ni thin film indented by a cylindrical indenter at different different indenter tip displacements of (a) ≈ 0.70 nm , (b) ≈ 0.86 nm , (c) ≈ 0.96 nm , indenter tip displacements of (a) d ≈ 0.70 nm;(b) d ≈ 0.86 nm;(c) d ≈ 0.96 nm;(d) d ≈ 1.02 nm; (d) ≈ 1.02 nm, (e) ≈ 1.05 nm, (f) ≈ 1.12 nm (after Voyiadjis and Yaghoobi [86]). (e) d ≈ 1.05 nm; (f) d ≈ 1.12 nm (after Voyiadjis and Yaghoobi [86]).

Voyiadjis and Yaghoobi [86] investigated the plastic zone size measured directly from MD. The dislocationVoyiadjis prismatic and Yaghoobi loops glide [86] investigatedtoward the bottom the plastic of the zone sample. size measured Accordingly, directly Voyiadjis from MD.and TheYaghoobi dislocation [86] assumed prismatic that loops theses glide dislocation toward the loops bottom should of the not sample. be considered Accordingly, as a measure Voyiadjis of and the Yaghoobiplastic zone [86 size.] assumed Otherwise, that thesesthe size dislocation of the plastic loops zone should becomes not unreasonably be considered large. as a measureIn other words, of the plasticthe plastic zone zone size. size Otherwise, is determined the size based of the on plastic the furt zonehest becomes dislocation unreasonably that is attached large. to In the other main words, body theof dislocations plastic zone beneath size is determinedthe indenter. based It was on assumed the furthest that dislocationthe plastic thatzone isis attacheda hemisphere to the with main a body of dislocations beneath the indenter. It was assumed that the plastic zone is a hemisphere radius of =. They showed that is a function of indentation depth. In the case of the conical = withindenter, a radius which of R pzis a fself-similar ac. They showed indenter, that thef is maximum a function ofvalue indentation of observed depth. In during the case the of thenanoindentation conical indenter, simulation which is is a 5.2, self-similar which is indenter, larger than the maximumthose that have value been of f observedpreviously during proposed the nanoindentation(see Durst et al. [36]). simulation However, is 5.2, in the which case is of larger cylindrical than thoseindenter, that the have maximum been previously value of proposed is nine, (seewhich Durst is much et al. larger [36]). However,than that of in the the self-similar case of cylindrical indenter. indenter, the maximum value of f is nine, whichFigure is much 18 larger compares than thatthe ofdislocation the self-similar lengths indenter. obtained from atomistic simulation with those predictedFigure by 18 theoretical compares models the dislocation of Nix and lengths Gao [13] obtained, Swadener from [14] atomistic and Pugno simulation [90]. The results with those show predictedthat the bytheoretical theoretical modelspredictions of Nix can and Gaoaccurate [13],ly Swadener capture [14 ]the and dislocation Pugno [90]. Thelengths results during show nanoindentation. However, some discrepancies are observed, which can be related to the fact that atomistic simulation captures the total dislocation length including both geometrically necessary and statistically stored dislocations, while the theoretical models only calculate geometrically necessary dislocations. Furthermore, the dislocations that are detached from the main dislocations network as the prismatic loops and leave the plastic zone around the indenter are not considered in the total dislocation length calculations. Gao et al. [139] investigated the plastic zone volume size during the

Crystals 2017, 7, 321 17 of 28

that the theoretical predictions can accurately capture the dislocation lengths during nanoindentation. However, some discrepancies are observed, which can be related to the fact that atomistic simulation captures the total dislocation length including both geometrically necessary and statistically stored dislocations, while the theoretical models only calculate geometrically necessary dislocations. Furthermore, the dislocations that are detached from the main dislocations network as the prismatic Crystalsloops 2017 and, 7 leave, 321 the plastic zone around the indenter are not considered in the total dislocation16 length of 26 calculations. Gao et al. [139] investigated the plastic zone volume size during the nanoindentation nanoindentationin FCC and BCC in metalsFCC and using BCC a sphericalmetals using indenter. a spherical They indenter. showed thatThey the showed plastic that zone the size plastic is not zonestrongly size is influenced not strongly by the influenced crystallographic by the crystallographic orientation, crystal orientation, structure andcrystal the structure selected parameterand the selectedfor indentation. parameter Furthermore, for indentation. they Furthermore, observed that they the observed plastic zonethat the sizes plastic after zone indent sizes are after larger indent than arethe larger values than reported the values in the reported literature. in the These literature. findings These are infindings line with are those in line reported with those by Voyiadjisreported by and VoyiadjisYaghoobi and [86 ].Yaghoobi However, [86]. they However, showed that they after showed the indenter that after retraction, the indenter the plastic retraction, zone shrinks, the plastic and its zonesize shrinks, becomes and closer its size with becomes those reported closer with in the those literature reported (see in Durst the literature et al. [36 ]).(see Figure Durst 19 et showsal. [36]). the Figureplastic 19 zone shows volume the changes plastic after zone indent volume and afterchanges retraction after during indent nanoindentation and after retraction of Ta. The during plastic nanoindentationzone coefficient off changesTa. The plastic from 2.7 zone to 2.3.coefficient changes from 2.7 to 2.3.

(a) (b)

Figure 17. Prismatic loops forming and movement in Ni thin film indented by the cylindrical indenter Figure 17. Prismatic loops forming and movement in Ni thin film indented by the cylindrical indenter during nanoindentation: (a) side view and (b) top view (after Voyiadjis and Yaghoobi [86]). during nanoindentation: (a) side view and (b) top view (after Voyiadjis and Yaghoobi [86]).

Yaghoobi and Voyiadjis [87] incorporated large-scale MD simulation of Ni thin films during nanoindentationYaghoobi andto investigate Voyiadjis [whic87] incorporatedh size effect trend large-scale occurs MD during simulation atomistic of Nisimulation, thin films i.e., during the onenanoindentation reported by Kiener to investigate et al. [119], which McLaughlin size effect trendand Clegg occurs [95] during and atomistic Demir et simulation, al. [121] or i.e., the the one one presentedreported byby KienerFeng et et al. [[125].119], McLaughlinThey selected and a Cleggconical [95 indenter] and Demir with et an al. [angle121] orof the =60 one presented° and a = ◦ sphericalby Feng tip, et al.which [125 was]. They used selected by Demir a conicalet al. [121 indenter]. Figure with 20a an presents angle oftheθ variation60 and of athe spherical mean tip, which was used by Demir et al. [121]. Figure 20a presents the variation of the mean contact contact pressure ( =⁄) , which is equivalent to the hardness in the plastic region, as a pressure (pm = P/A), which is equivalent to the hardness H in the plastic region, as a function of function of indentation depth ℎ. In the elastic region, Figure 20a shows that increases as the indentationindentation depth depth increases.h. In the However, elastic region, after Figurethe init 20iationa shows of plasticity, that pm increasesFigure 20a as shows the indentation that the meandepth contact increases. pressure, However, i.e., hardness, after the initiationdecreases of as plasticity, the indentation Figure 20deptha shows increases. that the Yaghoobi mean contact and pressure, i.e., hardness, decreases as the indentation depth increases. Yaghoobi and Voyiadjis [87] Voyiadjis [87] assumed that the plastic zone is a hemisphere with the radius of = in which assumed that the plastic zone is a hemisphere with the radius of R = f a in which f is a constant. is a constant. They incorporated different values of = 1.5, 2.0, 2.5,pz 3.0 andc 3.5, which are chosen They incorporated different values of f = 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5, which are chosen to investigate to investigate the effect of plastic zone size on the dislocation density during nanoindentation. The the effect of plastic zone size on the dislocation density during nanoindentation. The dislocation dislocation density versus the indentation depth ℎ is plotted in Figure 20b. The results indicate density ρ versus the indentation depth h is plotted in Figure 20b. The results indicate that as the that as the indentation depth increases, the dislocation density also increases for different values of indentation depth increases, the dislocation density also increases for different values of f . Based on . Based on the Taylor hardening model, since the dislocation density increases as the indentation depththe Taylor increases, hardening the hardness model, since should the dislocation also increase. density However, increases asFigure the indentation 20a shows depth that increases,as the indentation depth increases, the hardness decreases, while the dislocation density increases. The observed trend is in line with the experimental observation of Kiener et al. [119], McLaughlin and Clegg [95] and Demir et al. [121]. In other words, the results show that the forest hardening model cannot capture the size effect in the case of the simulated sample.

Crystals 2017, 7, 321 18 of 28 the hardness should also increase. However, Figure 20a shows that as the indentation depth increases, the hardness decreases, while the dislocation density increases. The observed trend is in line with the experimental observation of Kiener et al. [119], McLaughlin and Clegg [95] and Demir et al. [121]. In other words, the results show that the forest hardening model cannot capture the size effect in the case of the simulated sample. Crystals 2017, 7, 321 17 of 26

Crystals2400 2017, 7, 321 3000 17 of 26

2000 Cylindrical Indenter 2500 Right square prismatic indenter 2400 3000

1600 2000 2000 Cylindrical Indenter 2500 Right square prismatic indenter

1200 1500

2000(nm) 1600(nm)

800 1000 1200 1500 (nm) (nm) Theoretical model Theoretical model 400 500 800 MD simulation 1000 MD simualtion

0 Theoretical model 0 Theoretical model 400 500 024681012MD simulation 024681012MD simualtion ℎ (nm) ℎ (nm) 0 0 024681012(a) 024681012(b) ℎ (nm) 6000 ℎ (nm) (a) (b) 5000 Conical Indenter 6000

4000 5000 Conical Indenter



2000 3000 (nm)

Theoretical model 1000 2000 MD simulation

0 Theoretical model 1000 024681012MD simulation ℎ (nm) 0 024681012(c) Figure 18. Total dislocation length obtained fromℎ (nm) the simulation and theoretical models of Nix and FigureGao [13], 18. TotalSwadener dislocation [14] and length Pugno obtained [90] in samples from(c the) indented simulation by andthe ( theoreticala) cylindrical models indenter, of Nix (b) andright GaoFiguresquare [13 18.], prismatic Swadener Total dislocation indenter [14] and andlength Pugno (c) conicalobtained [90] in samplesindenter from the indented(after simulation Voyiadjis by the and and (a )theoretical cylindrical Yaghoobi models indenter;[86]). of (Nixb) right and squareGao [13], prismatic Swadener indenter [14] and and Pugno (c) conical [90] in indenter samples (after indented Voyiadjis by the and (a) Yaghoobi cylindrical [86 indenter,]). (b) right square prismatic indenter and (c) conical indenter (after Voyiadjis and Yaghoobi [86]).

Figure 19. Dislocation structure beneath the indenter during the indentation of Ta (100) surface at 0 K: (a) after indent =2.7; (b) after retraction of the indenter = 2.3 (after Gao et al. [139]). Figure 19. Dislocation structure beneath the indenter during the indentation of Ta (100) surface at Figure0 K: (a)19. afterDislocation indent =2.7 structure; (b) beneathafter retraction the indenter of the during indenter the indentation = 2.3 (after of Gao Ta (100) et al. surface [139]). at 0 K: (a) after indent f = 2.7; (b) after retraction of the indenter f = 2.3 (after Gao et al. [139]).

(a) (b)

Figure 20. Large-scale atomistic(a) simulation of a Ni thin film during nanoindentation:(b) (a) variation of the mean contact pressure versus the indentation depth ℎ; (b) variation of the dislocation density Figure versus 20. Large-scale the indentation atomistic simulationdepth ℎ of for a Ni differentthin film duringvalues nanoindentation: of (after (Yaghoobia) variation andof theVoyiadjis mean contact [87]). pressure versus the indentation depth ℎ; (b) variation of the dislocation density versus the indentation depth ℎ for different values of (after Yaghoobi and Voyiadjis [87]).

Crystals 2017, 7, 321 17 of 26

2400 3000

2000 Cylindrical Indenter 2500 Right square prismatic indenter

1600 2000

1200 1500 (nm) (nm)

800 1000

Theoretical model Theoretical model 400 500 MD simulation MD simualtion

0 0 024681012 024681012 ℎ (nm) ℎ (nm) (a) (b) 6000

5000 Conical Indenter


3000 (nm)


Theoretical model 1000 MD simulation

0 024681012 ℎ (nm) (c) Figure 18. Total dislocation length obtained from the simulation and theoretical models of Nix and Gao [13], Swadener [14] and Pugno [90] in samples indented by the (a) cylindrical indenter, (b) right square prismatic indenter and (c) conical indenter (after Voyiadjis and Yaghoobi [86]).

Figure 19. Dislocation structure beneath the indenter during the indentation of Ta (100) surface at Crystals 2017, 7, 321 19 of 28 0 K: (a) after indent =2.7; (b) after retraction of the indenter = 2.3 (after Gao et al. [139]).

(a) (b)

Figure 20.Figure Large-scale 20. Large-scale atomistic atomistic simulation simulation ofof a aNi Ni thin thin filmfilm during during nanoindentation: nanoindentation: (a) variation (a) variation of of the meanthe contact mean contactpressure pressure versuspm versus the the indentation indentation depth depthh;( ℎb); variation(b) variation of the of dislocation the dislocation density ρ density versusversus the the indentation depth depthh for differentℎ for values different of f (after Yaghoobivalues andof Voyiadjis (after [87]). Yaghoobi and Voyiadjis [87]). Similar to the compression and tension experiments on micropillars of small length scales, the observed results show that the forest hardening mechanism does not govern size effects in the nanoscale samples during nanoindentation. To unravel the sources of size effects, the initial phases

of indentation should be studied. Yaghoobi and Voyiadjis [87] showed that the source exhaustion hardening is the governing mechanism of size effects at shallow indentation depths. By increasing the indentation depth, the dislocation length and density increase, as well, which provides more dislocation sources. Furthermore, the source lengths increase, which reduces the critical resolved shear stress. Consequently, the applied stress required to sustain flow during nanoindentation decreases, i.e., hardness decreases as indentation depth increases. The interaction between the effects of grain size with indentation size effects have been addressed using MD [84,88,126,127]. However, the observed trends do not show a unified trend. Jang and Farkas [84] incorporated MD simulation and studied a bicrystal nickel thin film with ∑ 5 (2 1 0)[0 0 1] GB during the nanoindentation. It was shown that the GB induced some resistance to the indentation due to the stacking fault expansion [84]. Kulkarni et al. [127] compared the response of the coherent twin boundary (CTB) with that of ∑ 9 (2 2 1) tilt GB during nanoindentation using atomistic simulation. They stated that unlike the ∑ 9 (2 2 1) GB, the CTB does not considerably reduce the strength of the sample. However, unlike Jang and Farkas [84], they did not observe noticeable enhancement in strength. In order to address the discrepancies observed related to the effect of grain boundaries on the indentation response of FCC metals during nanoindentation, Voyiadjis and Yaghoobi [88] investigated the nanoindentation response of bicrystal Ni samples using large-scale MD simulation. They incorporated different symmetric and unsymmetric CSL GBs and two large and small samples with the dimensions of 24 nm × 24 nm × 12 nm and 120 nm × 120 nm × 60 nm. The GBs are located at a third of the thickness from the top surface. Voyiadjis and Yaghoobi [88] compared the nanoindentation response of the bicrystal samples with the corresponding single crystal ones and observed that the effect of GB on the governing mechanism of hardening depends on the grain size.   Figure 21 compares the effects of ∑ 11 (3 3 2) 1 1 0 on the nanoindentation responses of the small and large samples. GB does not change the general pattern of size effects; however, it can contribute to some specific mechanisms depending on the sample size. The size effects are initially controlled by the source exhaustion mechanism during the nanoindentation. In the case of a small sample, Voyiadjis and Yaghoobi [88] showed that the GB contributes to the dislocation nucleation and reduces the material strength. In the case of a large sample, GB does not have any noticeable effect on the source exhaustion mechanism. This is due to the fact that the total dislocation length of the bicrystal sample is close to that of the single crystal sample. The forest hardening mechanism becomes dominant at larger indentation Crystals 2017, 7, 321 20 of 28 depths. In the cases of small samples, however, the responses of bicrystal and single-crystal samples are similar in this region. It is worth mentioning that the dislocation movements are blocked by GBs during nanoindentation in small bicrystal samples. However, the density of piled-up dislocation is not enough to change the nanoindentation response. In the cases of large samples, the total dislocation content is much greater than that of the small samples. Accordingly, the interaction of dislocations and GBs plays a key role. Hence, the increase in bicrystal samples can be justified by blockage of the dislocation movements according to the forest hardening mechanism. Moreover, the results show that the total dislocation length in the upper grain is a better representative factor to investigate the strength size effects in the case of the forest hardening mechanism. In other words, according to the forest hardening mechanism, the dislocations in the plastic zone that are closer to the indenter are the effective ones. Hence, in the cases of large samples, the most important role of GBs is to change the pattern of the dislocation structure by blocking their movement, which increases the resulting hardness at higher indentation depths. Voyiadjis and Yaghoobi [88] also investigated the effect of GB on the dislocation nucleation and evolution during nanoindentation. For example, Figure 22   depicts the dislocation nucleation and evolution for the ∑ 3 (1 1 1) 1 1 0 bicrystal and its related single crystal large samples. Figure 22 supports the underlying mechanism suggested by Voyiadjis and YaghoobiCrystals 2017 [,88 7, ]321 to capture the effect of GB on the nanoindentation response of large samples. One should19 of 26 note that the strain rates incorporated in the atomistic simulation are much higher than those selected atomisticfor experiments. simulation Accordingly, are much the higher interpretation than thos of thee selected obtained for results experiments. should be carefullyAccordingly, handled. the Theinterpretation applied strain of the rate obtained can influence results both should hardening be carefully mechanisms handled. and dislocation The applied network strain properties rate can (see,influence e.g., [140both–144 hardening]). In other mechanisms words, one shouldand dislocat note thation thenetwork observed properties mechanisms (see, are e.g., not [140–144]). an artifact Inof theother high words, strain one rates should used note in the that atomistic the observed simulation. mechanisms are not an artifact of the high strain rates used in the atomistic simulation.

50 50 () 45 ( ) 40 40


30 30

25 (GPa) (GPa) m

m 20

p 20 p 15

10 10 5

0 0 024681012 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 ℎ (nm) ℎ (nm) (a) (b)

Figure 21. Effect of ∑ 11 (3 3 2) grain boundary on the nanoindentation response of Ni thin film: Figure 21. Effect of ∑ 11 (3 3 2) grain boundary on the nanoindentation response of Ni thin film: (a) small sample and (b) large sample (after Voyiadjis and Yaghoobi [88]). (a) small sample and (b) large sample (after Voyiadjis and Yaghoobi [88]).

(a) (b)(c)

(d) (e)(f)

(g) (h)(i)

Crystals 2017, 7, 321 19 of 26 atomistic simulation are much higher than those selected for experiments. Accordingly, the interpretation of the obtained results should be carefully handled. The applied strain rate can influence both hardening mechanisms and dislocation network properties (see, e.g., [140–144]). In other words, one should note that the observed mechanisms are not an artifact of the high strain rates used in the atomistic simulation.

50 50 () 45 ( ) 40 40


30 30

25 (GPa) (GPa) m

m 20

p 20 p 15

10 10 5

0 0 024681012 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 ℎ (nm) ℎ (nm) (a) (b)

CrystalsFigure2017, 721., 321 Effect of ∑ 11 (3 3 2) grain boundary on the nanoindentation response of Ni thin film:21 of 28 (a) small sample and (b) large sample (after Voyiadjis and Yaghoobi [88]).

(a) (b)(c)

(d) (e)(f)

Crystals 2017, 7, 321( g) (h)(i) 20 of 26


Figure 22. Effect of ∑ 3 (1 1 1) 1 1 0 GB on the dislocation nucleation and evolution of large sample Figure 22. Effect of ∑ 3 (1 1 1) 1 1 0 GB on the dislocation nucleation and evolution of large sample at ℎ ≈ 0.88 nm ℎ≈ differentat different indentation indentation depths: depths: (a) single(a) single crystal crystal sample, sample,h ≈ 0.88 nm;(b) bicrystal; (b) bicrystal sample, sample,h ≈ 0.88 nm; 0.88 nm ℎ ≈ 1.15 nm ℎ ≈ 1.15 nm (c) single; ( crystalc) single sample, crystal hsample,≈ 1.15 nm;(d) bicrystal; (d) bicrystal sample, hsample,≈ 1.15 nm;(e) single; (e crystal) single sample, crystal ℎ ≈ 1.44 nm ℎ ≈ 1.44 nm ℎ≈ nm hsample,≈ 1.44 nm;(f) bicrystal; (f) sample,bicrystalh sample,≈ 1.44 nm ;(g) single; crystal(g) single sample, crystalh ≈ sample,2.03 nm ;(h)2.03 bicrystal ; sample,(h) bicrystalh ≈ sample,2.03 nm ℎ; ( ≈i) 2.03 nm; single crystal (i) single sample, crystalh ≈sample,11.5 nm ℎ≈;(11.5j) bicrystal nm; (j) sample,bicrystalh sample,≈ 11.5 ℎ≈nm (after11.5 nm Voyiadjis (after Voyiadjis and Yaghoobi and Yaghoobi [88]). [88]).

6. Summary and Conclusions 6. Summary and Conclusions The current work reviews the size effect in crystalline metals during nanoindentation, with The current work reviews the size effect in crystalline metals during nanoindentation, emphasis on the underlying mechanisms governing this phenomenon. The indentation size effects in with emphasis on the underlying mechanisms governing this phenomenon. The indentation size effects crystalline metals including the variation of hardness versus the indentation depth for geometrically in crystalline metals including the variation of hardness versus the indentation depth for geometrically self-similar indenter tips and variation of hardness versus the indenter radius for spherical indenters self-similar indenter tips and variation of hardness versus the indenter radius for spherical indenters are well documented and have been observed by many researchers. The size effects have been successfully captured using the concept of geometrically necessary dislocations (GNDs). Accordingly, the increase in hardness by decreasing the indentation depth is attributed to the increase of GNDs density, which leads to the enhanced strength according to the forest hardening mechanism. A similar methodology has been incorporated to capture the size effects in the case of spherical indenters as the indenter radius varies. Furthermore, a material length scale can be obtained for gradient plasticity models using the same methodology as ≡(⁄) [13]. The presented mechanism defines the variation of hardness versus the indentation depth ℎ in the form of ∗ ∗ (⁄) =1+ℎ⁄ℎ, where and ℎ are the material constants. However, the conducted studies have shown that the developed relation cannot capture the reported size effect for small indentation depths. Furthermore, the coupling effects of indentation depth and grain size effects can be successfully captured using the same methodology. The experimental results show that the grain boundary (GB) may enhance the hardness by blocking the movement of nucleated GNDs. Accordingly, a new material length scale can be obtained for nonlocal plasticity, which incorporates the effect of material grain size [108]. When it comes to the small indentation depths, some discrepancies and contradictory explanations have been presented. The understanding of the underlying mechanisms of size effects during the nanoindentation for shallow indentation depths is becoming more and more complete with the help of extensive experimental and computational investigations. Up to now, three experimental techniques of backscattered electron diffraction (EBSD), convergent beam electron diffraction (CBED) and X-ray microdiffraction ( XRD) have been introduced to measure the dislocation density in metallic samples. These methods have been incorporated to investigate the governing mechanisms of size effects during nanoindentation for small indentation depths. However, two types of trends for the variation of dislocation density have been reported as the indentation depth decreases. Some experimental studies (see, e.g., [95,119,121]) have shown that the dislocation density decreases as the indentation depth decreases, while the hardness increases, which is in contradiction with the conventional size effect theory and its underlying hardening mechanism, i.e., the forest hardening mechanism. The observed hardening as the indentation depth decreases has been attributed to the decrease in the length of dislocation segments. On the other hand, some experimental observations validate the conventional theory of size effects by reporting that the dislocation density increases by decreasing the indentation depth, which increases the hardness according to the forest hardening mechanism (see, e.g., [125]). In the case of small dislocation depths,

Crystals 2017, 7, 321 22 of 28 are well documented and have been observed by many researchers. The size effects have been successfully captured using the concept of geometrically necessary dislocations (GNDs). Accordingly, the increase in hardness by decreasing the indentation depth is attributed to the increase of GNDs density, which leads to the enhanced strength according to the forest hardening mechanism. A similar methodology has been incorporated to capture the size effects in the case of spherical indenters as the indenter radius varies. Furthermore, a material length scale can be obtained for gradient 2 plasticity models using the same methodology as l ≡ b(G/σ0) [13]. The presented mechanism defines 2 ∗ the variation of hardness H versus the indentation depth h in the form of (H/H0) = 1 + h /h, ∗ where H0 and h are the material constants. However, the conducted studies have shown that the developed relation cannot capture the reported size effect for small indentation depths. Furthermore, the coupling effects of indentation depth and grain size effects can be successfully captured using the same methodology. The experimental results show that the grain boundary (GB) may enhance the hardness by blocking the movement of nucleated GNDs. Accordingly, a new material length scale can be obtained for nonlocal plasticity, which incorporates the effect of material grain size [108]. When it comes to the small indentation depths, some discrepancies and contradictory explanations have been presented. The understanding of the underlying mechanisms of size effects during the nanoindentation for shallow indentation depths is becoming more and more complete with the help of extensive experimental and computational investigations. Up to now, three experimental techniques of backscattered electron diffraction (EBSD), convergent beam electron diffraction (CBED) and X-ray microdiffraction (µXRD) have been introduced to measure the dislocation density in metallic samples. These methods have been incorporated to investigate the governing mechanisms of size effects during nanoindentation for small indentation depths. However, two types of trends for the variation of dislocation density have been reported as the indentation depth decreases. Some experimental studies (see, e.g., [95,119,121]) have shown that the dislocation density decreases as the indentation depth decreases, while the hardness increases, which is in contradiction with the conventional size effect theory and its underlying hardening mechanism, i.e., the forest hardening mechanism. The observed hardening as the indentation depth decreases has been attributed to the decrease in the length of dislocation segments. On the other hand, some experimental observations validate the conventional theory of size effects by reporting that the dislocation density increases by decreasing the indentation depth, which increases the hardness according to the forest hardening mechanism (see, e.g., [125]). In the case of small dislocation depths, more experiments need to be conducted to study the nanoindentation size effects by measuring the variation in dislocation density during the indentation and to test which trend is valid, i.e., the dislocation density increases or decreases as the indentation depth decreases. Finally, the atomistic simulation can contribute to the better understanding of the nature of size effects during nanoindentation at smaller indentation depths. The atomistic simulations have investigated many aspects of the nanoindentation response of metallic samples. The dislocation nucleation and evolution can be visualized during the nanoindentation, which can be of great help to investigate the indentation size effect. The conducted simulations have shown that the dislocation density decreases as the indentation depth decreases, while the hardness increases (see, e.g., [87]). The source exhaustion is introduced as the governing mechanism of size effects for shallow indentations where not enough dislocation content is available to sustain the applied plastic flow. Accordingly, as the indentation depth increases, the dislocation density increases, and less stress is required to sustain the plastic flow, which leads to lower hardness. Furthermore, the effect of GB on the indentation size effect can be studied using atomistic simulations. The results have shown that the GB may increase or decrease the indentation hardness depending on the grain size. This is due to the fact that in the case of metallic samples with very fine grains, the GB contributes to the dislocation nucleation, which provides more dislocations at shallow depths and decreases the indentation hardness according to the source exhaustion mechanism. In the case of larger grain sizes, on the other hand, the blockage of dislocation movements by GB enhances the hardness according to the forest hardening mechanism. Crystals 2017, 7, 321 23 of 28

Acknowledgments: The current work is partially funded by the NSF EPSCoR CIMM project under Award #OIA-1541079. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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