All events will take place at the Museumsquartier Hof 2, Stiege 8, Tür 4,1070 Vienna, unless otherwise noted.

Wednesday, February 27

13:30 Welcome, introductions, and a brief look at Fulbright Dr. Daniel MATTERN, Public Affairs Officer, US Embassy Vienna, and Dr. Lonnie R. JOHNSON, Executive Director

Housekeeping issues: program overview, distribution of orientation materials, grant disbursement procedures An open session on pragmatic issues such as grant conditions, banking, finances, transportation, communications, insurance, laws and regulations, etc. Dr. Lonnie R. JOHNSON and Dr. Susanne HAMSCHA

16:00 Coffee break

16:30 European Integration and Disintegration: Recent Political Developments A panel discussion and Q & A moderated by Dr. Lonnie R. JOHNSON with Dr. Karin LIEBHART, Department of Political Science, University of Vienna and Dr. Otmar LAHODYNSKY, president of the European Association of Journalists

Karin Liebhart is a senior lecturer at the Department of Political Science at the University of Vienna and an associate professor at the University of Trnava in Slovakia. Dr. Liebhart was the 2018–19 Fulbright Visiting Professor at the and held the Marshall Plan Anniversary Chair at the University of New Orleans in 2014–15. Her research interests include, but are not limited to, visual politics, political communication and campaigning, right-wing populism and extremism as well as democratic quality and political participation. Her current research project, titled “FreeEX,” is concerned with responsibility and the freedom of expression.

Dr. Otmar LAHODYNSKY began his journalistic career at the leading Austrian weekly news magazine profil in 1976. He served as the Brussels correspondent for the Austrian newspaper Die Presse from 1988 to 1995 and did a brief stint as the deputy editor of the daily Kurier before returning to profil as the magazine’s lead reporter on the interfaces between EU and Austrian domestic politics. In addition to his prolific journalistic output, he has authored a number of books, including a primer called EU for you! So

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funktioniert die Europäische Union (2005). He was a Fulbright-Schumann visiting professor at the University of Texas at Austin in 2007 and serves as the president of the European Association of Journalists.

18:00 Meet and greet for US Fulbright grantees, US and Austrian Fulbright alumni/alumnae, and friends, partners, and associates of the Austrian- American Fulbright Program Raum D/Q21, QDK/Electric Avenue, MQ Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna (U2/U3 Volkstheater)

Thursday, February 28

09:00 Teaching at an Austrian University: Differences between and the US The purpose of this session is to take a historical and a sociological look at the evolution of the institutional culture of Austrian higher education. It explains curricular and institutional structures and provides guidelines for interpreting the practices, rituals, and habits of the academy in Central .

Dr. Lonnie R. JOHNSON and Dr. Susanne HAMSCHA are both graduates of the University of Vienna (Alma Mater Rudolphina), which celebrated its 650th anniversary in 2016

Dr. Hiram MAXIM spent the 2018–19 winter term at the University of Vienna as this year’s Fulbright-Botstiber Visiting Professor of Austrian-American Studies.

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Briefing by Mr. David L. LYONS, Regional Security Officer, US Embassy Vienna

11:30 Transatlantic Relations: Austria, the , and the European Union Stephen A. HUBLER, Counselor for Political and Economic Affairs, US Embassy Vienna

Stephen A. Hubler has served as the counselor for political and economic affairs at the US embassy in Vienna since August 2016 and was the acting deputy chief of mission from January 2017 to June 2018. Before his posting in Vienna, he served as the senior coordinator for refugee and internally displaced persons affairs at the US embassy in Baghdad from 2015–2016. Additional postings have included consul general at the US consulate general in Düsseldorf, Germany; deputy principal officer at the US consulate general in St. Petersburg, Russia; political-economic affairs counselor at the US embassy in Skopje, Macedonia; regional refugee coordinator for the Horn of Africa, working out of the US embassy in Addis Ababa; as well as several postings in Washington, DC, San Jose,

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and Frankfurt. Prior to joining the Foreign Service, Steve was a US Army officer with the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment based in Fulda, Germany.

12:30 Lunch break

14:30 Austria: A User’s Guide Dr. Lonnie R. JOHNSON, co-author of Vienna: The Past in the Present (with Inge Lehne, 2nd ed. 1995) and author of Introducing Austria (1989) and Central Europe: Enemies, Neighbors, Friends (Oxford University Press, 3rd ed. 2010) will attempt to provide a few points of historical, sociological, and cultural reference that may be of use when dealing with the natives in the coming months.

16:00 Walking tour of the “imperial portion” of the Ringstraße Museums, Hofburg (former imperial residence, now the national library), Austrian Parliament (former Reichsrat). Dr. Lonnie R. JOHNSON’s tour will combine practical information and political anecdote.

18:00 Dinner at Fromme Helene Josefstädterstrasse 15, 1080 Vienna (on the corner of Lange Gasse)

Procedural Note:

Fulbright Austria will reserve rooms for Fulbright grantees whose assignments are outside of Vienna at:

Motel One Am Europaplatz 3 1150 Vienna (U3/U6 Westbahnhof) Tel. (+43 – 1) 359 35 0 Email: [email protected] URL: https://www.motel-one.com/en/hotels/vienna/hotel-vienna-westbahnhof/

It will cover the costs of accommodations for “out of towners” for the nights of February 27 and 28 and reimburse them for the costs of round-trip second-class rail travel to and from Vienna. For train schedules, consult www.oebb.at.