Award for Bird’s Eye Internet- BBC Pension View connected Scheme page 6 TV page 2 page 9

August 2010 Number 6 Looking ahead to moving day page 9

With highlights from Ariel News BBC Pension Scheme scoops ‘Best Governance’ Award

The Trustee of the BBC Pension Scheme was Investments : our in-house investment team meet with investment managers quarterly and recognised for its efforts to ensure that the with the investment consultants. The Investment Committee sees every manager once Scheme is well managed, when it won the Best every two years unless there is cause for concern. Managing risk : the Trustees have drawn up a Scheme Governance - Public Sector category at risk register with the help of an external facilitator. The risk register lists 20 risks ranking the 2010 Engaged Investor Pensions Awards. them by a combination of likelihood and impact. The list is reviewed annually, or when a The award recognises the efforts of the Trustees London on July 7. significant event occurs. to ensure that the arrangements for managing ‘I was pleased to be asked to collect the award,’ Funding : the Scheme Actuary reviews the the Scheme are both appropriate and effective. said Geoff. ‘In my time as Head of Pensions we Scheme’s financial position annually and also PROSPERO Geoff Jones, now a Pensioner Trustee but were one of the first pension schemes to carries out more in-depth triennial valuations. one-time Head of Pensions at the BBC, produce a Governance statement – long before These form the basis for deciding on future August 2010 collected the award at the ceremony held in it became a requirement. levels of contributions, to ensure that the ‘In fact, the format we devised with our Scheme has an appropriate long-term advisers, Watson Wyatt, is pretty much the same funding plan. as is it now, and I would like to thank Sandra Geoff said: ‘The Trustees of the BBC Pension Prospero is provided free to Phillips for her efforts in keeping it up to date Scheme are proud to operate a scheme that over the years.’ offers its members security in retirement and a retired BBC employees. It can Good governance is something of a moving high standard of service. They are conscious that target, which changes over time in response to good governance provides the framework for also be sent to spouses or external pressures and financial and economic financial discipline and risk reduction.’ dependants who want to keep developments. In 2008, the BBC Trustee He added: ‘The Trustees’ Governance booklet commissioned an independent review to assess is a very useful document, for both active in touch with the BBC. whether the current governance arrangements members and pensioners, who are entitled to It includes news about remained appropriate. The review concluded know how we manage the Scheme. It is that the Scheme was well managed but available on the pension website for anyone who former colleagues, pension recommended a revised committee structure wants to take a look.’ and the appointment of two independent Jeremy Peat, Chairman of the Trustees, said: issues, and developments at members of the Investment Committee. ‘We were delighted to win this award, as it the BBC. Prospero includes There are many areas that the Trustee has to recognises all the hard work by the Trustees and ensure are well managed, including: Scheme officers to ensure that the Scheme is classified advertisements. Advisers : advisers and service providers are well managed in the best interests of all its To advertise in Prospero or assessed on an annual basis, to ensure that the members.’ service is to the required standard, delivered on If you would like to see a copy of the the BBC Staff magazine, a timely basis and at a reasonable cost. In-depth Governance statement, you can log on to reviews are undertaken at least every five years and click through Ariel, see page 12. on a rolling cycle. to Document/Scheme Documents. Geoff Jones (left) receiving the award. Subscription information for Ariel is on page 12. CROSPERO 150 Devised and compiled by Jim Palm

Complete the word square by using the clues; 1 23 these apply only to words running across. Then take these words in numerical order and extract in each case – as far as possible – the letter 4 56 indicated by a dot. If your answers are correct, these will spell out a drama series, an ancient 7 89 Queen, a programme, a composer and a musical instrument. Note however, that with two 10 11 12 of them there are no dots to help you; the choice of letters is yours… 13 14 15 Please send your answers in an envelope marked Crospero to The Editor, Prospero, BBC Editorial contributions 16 17 18 Pension and Benefits Centre, Broadcasting House, Cardiff CF5 2YQ by September 10. 19 20 Write to: Prospero Clues: Clues: 1. Jewel surface (5); 2. Voice (4); BBC Pension and Benefits Centre 3. Travel body (4); 4. Site of historic merrymaking (5); 5. King of Israel (4); 6. Object (3); 7. Sweet 21 22 Broadcasting House stuff (5); 8. Insect (4); 9. Certain (4); 10. Parched Cardiff, CF5 2YQ (4); 11. Diplomacy (4); 12. Metal (5); 13. By all 23 24 Tel: 020 7765 1414 means (3); 14. Manage (4); 15. Mimics (4); 16. Snare (4); 17. Children’s game (3); 18. Merit 25 26 27 (4); 19. Make tidy (6); 20. Strong fibre (4); Email [email protected] 21. Title (4); 22. Tart (4); 23. Payment (4); 24. African cloths (6); 25. Garment (4); 26. Mate 28 29 30 (3); 27. French city (4); 28. Administrative Please make sure that any digital assembly (4); 29. So be it (4); 30. Catch (3); 31 32 33 pictures you send are scanned 31. Adhered (5); 32. Funeral support (4); 33. Draw near (4); 34. Amble (4); 35. Devon river 34 35 36 at 300 dpi. (4); 36. Meeting-place (5); 37. Confection (3); 38. String (4); 39. Conceals (5); 40. Another 8 (4); 41. Remainder (4); 42. Greek sorceress (5). 37 38 39 Solution to Crospero No. 149 : SAID THE CAT printers to add FSC logo TO THE DOG 40 41 42 The winner of Crospero 149 is Mr Derek Page of Bristol.

2 • • August • 2010 BBC Pensions

BBC Pension Data matching proposals under fire exercise As an alternative to issuing ‘declaration of entitlement forms’ for all UK-based Existing and prospective members of the BBC BBC pensioners to sign, this year we will be taking part in an electronic data Pension Scheme received a letter last month matching exercise with the Audit Commission using the records of the confirming what many may have expected, Department for Work and Pensions. following news of the Scheme’s £2bn deficit in The purpose of this is to identify cases where the Scheme has not been the last interim valuation. notified of deaths and to avoid overpayment of pensions. BBCPA, the only organisation that represents He said the BBC announcement would We will be sending the Audit retired BBC staff, has voiced concern at the seriously affect BBC staff in mid career – ‘our Commission some basic personal BBC’s pension proposals. future members’. The chairman, David Allen, told Prospero that David Allen said headlines about a £2 billion details such as name, date of birth and staff on old and new benefits were being forced to deficit in the pension fund was another concern, National Insurance number. accept that pay increases above an annual cap of as was the government’s plans to stop using the This data matching exercise meets the 1% would no longer count as part of pensionable RPI as the index for calculating increases to the requirements of the Data Protection Act salary for the purpose of calculating the final salary state pension and use the consumer prices on which their pensions would be based. index instead. 1988. The Audit Commission will be They were being encouraged to leave the The association would be looking at the processing the data for this purpose existing final salary scheme and join a money implications on pensioners and would report to only, and will comply with data purchase scheme, the details of which have yet members in the next few weeks. protection principles. to be made known. MMOONNEEYY MMAATTTTEERRSS Making taxing decisions

and an additional rate of 50%, it made sense for individuals for whom it was appropriate, to move from income producing investments towards those geared for capital growth instead. A flat rate of 18% on gains over and above the annual exemption of £10,100 was undeniably attractive in this context. Pre-Budget speculation raised the possibility of CGT rates linked to income their income exceeds £43,875. To taking any action. However, where with a reintroduction of taper relief and/or calculate the tax due on any taxable appropriate, some thoughts might be: indexation, so that longer-term investors gain (the amount above the annual • Ensure that full use is made of all would not be taxed on inflationary gains. exemption) you add the gain to the available annual exemptions in a However, it seems that the government total income, so: tax year. did not want to complicate the issue and • If your income (including the gain) is • Make maximum use of CGT free what we actually saw was a new 28% below the level of the basic-rate band investments, e.g. ISAs. rate for those on higher incomes. then the gain will all be taxed at 18%. • For a couple, where you can, get However, on closer inspection, the • If your income (excluding the gain) is income and gains in the hands of picture is not perhaps as clear cut as it below the level of the basic-rate band the lowest taxpayer. initially seemed to be. but when the gain is added the total is As was the case before June 22 2010, above that band, then part of the gain Summary The first Budget of the coalition individuals each have an annual (that which falls below the basic-rate The reaction in the world at large is that government was announced in June 2010 exemption from CGT in that they can band) will be taxed at 18% and the the change to CGT is perhaps not as and there were some harsh if not realise gains of (currently) up to £10,100 excess will be taxed at 28%. harsh as it could have been, although unexpected decisions to be made. The in a tax year which are exempt from tax. • If your income (excluding the gain) there is a degree of complexity which increase in the standard rate of VAT For a couple, this means that effective uses up all of your basic-rate band requires some thought. arguably hits us all and the affect remains planning can realise gains of up to then the gain will all be taxed at 28%. There are still opportunities to plan and to be seen with, in particular, retailers very £20,200. The government has adopted this reduce exposure to CGT especially for apprehensive about consumer priorities. However, any gains in excess of that approach in order to promote fairness married couples and registered civil Probably the most talked about amount are potentially subject to tax in the tax system. partners and to use tax sheltered measure, prior to the Budget, was the at either 18% or 28% or indeed a mixture investments such as ISAs where the potential increase in Capital Gains Tax of the two, depending upon their What can we do to investment limit increased substantially (CGT), where the inequity between the circumstances. soften the blow? for all investors from April 6 2010. tax treatment of income (for higher-rate Well there are a number of planning taxpayers) and capital gains needed to How does this work? options, although of course they do not Bob Perkins DipPFS be addressed. For most people (though not all) necessarily suit everyone and it is always Technical Manager With an income tax higher rate of 40% higher-rate tax starts to bite once best to seek independent advice before Origen Financial Services

August • 2010 • • 3 Letters Contacts This issue… Monday Night at Eight and ‘Beat the band’... Visiting Scheme If you would like a visit or information on how to become a volunteer visitor, please ring 0845 712 5529. You will be charged ‘Producer choice’ and only as a local call. Queries For benefit and pension payroll queries, call the Service Line on 029 2032 2811. the demise of TVC Prospero To add, or delete a name from the I have just read the current issue of Prospero , and production off and running nearly on time. As for going into the digital age, and the need distribution list, ring the Service Line feel I must make some comments about the Then came producer choice, which allowed to face outwards and not inwards, this will only (number above). Prospero is provided free so-called demise of TVC. producers to use any facilities house they so tell in time if the new ‘creative clusters’ fulfil of charge to retired BBC employees. On I worked at TVC from 1970 until 2000, you chose. So productions were made away from their requirements. The TVC has been used to request, we will also send it to spouses or might say the halcyon days, when we made TVC, which had studios, staff and equipment train people in all aspects of studio skills – where dependants who want to keep in touch programmes seven days and seven nights a available for what ends – these all had to be paid is that done now? So it should be held in the with the BBC. Prospero is also available on week. The management from 1970 to 1980 set for if they were used or not. This was a great highest regard by all those people working in audio tape for those with sight impairment. very high targets, using the studios to their time to set up your own production company the industry today. So whatever the present To register, please ring the Service Line fullest capacities, which was not always cost away from Fortress Beeb. With the resources management have to say, the staff and artists on 029 2032 2811. effective, but that is what they wanted at that were available at TVC, the independent who worked in those halcyon years at TVC can the time. production companies thrived, using BBC staff say they worked with the best that was on offer BBC Club This sometimes caused certain production and equipment. This was the start of the demise in making quality television productions. The BBC Club in London has a retired problems with meeting rehearsal times on of TVC. I am sure that if certain managers had I for one have many fond memories of TVC, category membership costing £24 a year occasion, which some producers found hard to their time over again, they would come up with and the people I worked alongside, and if walls for members; and £36 a year for family handle. But at that time the BBC family came a different strategy on how TVC could adapt to could talk, what stories they could tell. membership. Pre-1997 life members are together and on most occasions got the the new age. Martin Smith not affected. Regional clubs may have different arrangements. Please call BBC Club London administration office on 020 8752 66 66 or It came from the major sources (i.e. the studios) at a single the model that the management aspire to email [email protected]. reference point (the switching point). recreate across the UK! Pebble Mill In the days when the building was conceived I wonder if Chris Kane has heard of Pebble Benevolent Fund I went to the event at the Midlands Arts Centre and for some years afterwards, there was no Mill. That could have been called a ‘creative This is funded by voluntary contributions in Birmingham (July 2-4) called ‘It came from convenient way to delay electronic signals other cluster’, and look what happened to that! from the BBC and its purpose is to protect Pebble Mill’. There were two discussions about than by inserting the length of cable needed to Les Thorn the welfare of staff, pensioners and their English Regions Drama, and two-and-a-half provide the necessary alignment of the delays. families. Grants are made at the discretion days of playback of programmes made at the Therefore, the main studios had to be at of the trustees. They may provide time. It was nice to see Gangsters again, and Nuts reasonably the same distances from the reference assistance in cases of unforeseen financial in May was just as funny. I also met a number point so that excessive lengths of (very ‘Nearly right is hardship, for which help from other of Pebble Mill people who either knew me or expensive) camera cable did not have sources is not available. would look and say ‘Weren’t you at Pebble to be inserted. not right’ Mill?’ These included David Rose, then Head The Central Apparatus Room (CAR) was I was saddened to read ( Prospero , June 2010) of Prospero Society of the English Regions Department based there. designated to be the reference point. the death of Maurice Stedman who passed away Prospero Society is the only section of the One thing to come out of conversations Thus, the building was designed so that the in January of this year. BBC Club run by and for retired BBC staff consistently was the friendly atmosphere major studios were all at the same, or nearly the I worked with Maurice during the ‘formative and their spouses. Its aims are to enable because of the size of the Network Production same, electrical distance from CAR, which was years’ of my BBC career in the early 1970s as BBC pensioners to meet on a social basis Centre. There were roundabout 600 people, as a result located in the geometrical centre of part of the Acceptance Department of Central for theatre visits, luncheons, coach outings just enough for you to know everybody by sight, the ring – underneath the fountain. Maintenance Unit, latterly known as Technical etc. Prospero is supported by BBC Club even if you didn’t know their name. Nobody I have no direct knowledge, but I suspect that Services (Radio), during a time when new funds so as to make events affordable. was a stranger, because the camera operator these features were principal components of the studios and recording areas were being rolled The only conditions (apart from paying a doing the exterior shots (then on film) sat in the design brief given to the architectural team. out at a phenomenal rate as long-awaited small annual subscription) are that you same restaurant for coffee breaks as the camera One of the side effects of that layout was that funding was put into refurbishment of these must be a BBC pensioner and a member person doing the studio work for the same leaks in the fountain pond caused flooding in Network Radio facilities. of the BBC Club. Write for an application programme. With an Audio Unit, in principle CAR, which is why the fountain was always Maurice expected (and got) only the highest form to: Graham Snaith, 67 Newberries the sound assistant on the road could actually empty – after the first few months, anyway! standard from the S.C.P.D. installation Avenue, Radlett, Herts. WD7 7EL. be the same person as the SA2 in the studio. Rather later, when other source areas were engineers, who would sometimes toil into the Telephone: 01923 855177 The film editor talked to radio tape editors, and added and/or moved, but still in the time when night chasing a couple of dB’s of loss in the Mobile: 07736 169612 actresses and presenters met OB engineers. electrical delay was achieved by inserting lengths programme chain – hence the ‘Nearly right is Email: [email protected] Following the demolition of Pebble Mill the of cable, vast quantities of such cable were not right’ maxim that he worked to. BBC lost this synergy. hidden under the suspended floors, which We worked together across London for about BBC products Even though I left Pebble Mill in 1980, I eventually rendered it impossible to add any a year, notably at the Hippodrome Golders BBC retired staff are entitled to a 30% could get in anywhere in later years with no more. I believe that this cable entirely filled the Green, the Royal Albert Hall and in smaller discount off the RRP of most products problem because my face was known (such as undercrofts of all of the studio control studios in Broadcasting House at a time when in the BBC TV Centre shop. There is a when I was training new operational staff and room areas. the BBC took the unprecedented decision to postage charge of £2.95 per order (not took them on a tour of Pebble Mill). [Rant mode on] buy ‘off the shelf’ audio mixers (but usually per item). Pensioners must quote their I have only found one other place where this Of course, those days are long gone and modified to suit the needs of the particular BBC pension number when ordering. happened (for a while) and that was at Topical picture disturbances and other artefacts are now installation) from suppliers like Calrec and Neve Contact: BBC Shop, Audience Foyer, Production Centre at Lime Grove (known as ‘de rigueur’. No one seems to bother about rather than design and manufacture the Television Centre, Wood Lane, London Tropical Production Centre when I was there in things like the jump in the picture at the end of equipment in house. W12 7RJ. Tel: 020 8225 8230. the hot summer, doing boards for the VT every programme, when the credits switch to a He was indeed a true gentleman, and I am Email: [email protected]. engineers). I believe the number of staff was ‘picture in picture’ for the sake of advance honoured to have known him. Other ways to order (quoting your then about that critical value, but the range of advertising of the next programmes on the David Kinrade pension number when ordering): jobs in the centre not as wide as BM NPC. The various channels. ‘Lip sync’ and audio level By phone: 08700 777 001 national regions may have found something control also seem to be lost arts. 8.30am-6pm weekdays. By post: BBC similar, and Salford may yet rediscover it! [Rant mode off] Shop, PO Box 308, Sittingbourne, Kent Colin Pierpoint Bob Walker Local radio - fighting ME9 8LW. Email: [email protected]. Or visit BBC Shops in Eastbourne, THE MANAGEMENT MUST be getting the good fight Brighton, Leicester, Birmingham or desperate to justify getting rid of TVC, if they Roy Corlett and John Laws (letters, June and Liverpool. UK postage £2.45 for Form follows function have to come up with explanations like ‘the July) are generous in their support for BBC telephone, post and email orders. So why is it called the ‘doughnut’? ( Prospero , inward-facing circle, which gave TVC its Local Radio, and in their concern for it too. Overseas: £4.50 for one item and £2 for July 2010.) distinctive look, was also wrong in terms of No-one would pretend that our life in the each additional product for telephone, The main reason for the shape of the main broadcasters’ relationship with the audience’. regions is financially easy, but I do want to post and email orders. part of the building containing the studios was What a load of rubbish – most modern assure Prospero's readers that we are still ‘form follows function’. buildings have a central atrium, but in ‘fighting the good fight’. BBC PA In order to avoid what was then considered many this is totally enclosed and so Here at Radio Solent our daytime output is For details of how to join the Pensioners’ very bad form (picture jumps and other employees don’t even benefit from thoroughly local (though in writing that I Association, see panel on page 5. disturbances when switching sources – natural daylight. What does it matter acknowledge that we’ve always covered the ‘non-sync cuts’ in the vernacular), it was to the audience what shape the building is. main population centres of three counties, so necessary to arrange for time-synchronism of The White City building is presumably we’ve always been a ‘big’ local station), and the 4 • • August • 2010 Letters Creative clusters... Digiboxes and doughnuts... innovative instinct John mentions is alive and well hereabouts. Through nips and tucks in ‘backroom It’s That Man Again spending we've been able recently to deploy three more on-the-road reporters on most days, to create a new ‘leisure and events producer’ role, Thank you for the very interesting article THE ITMA ARTICLE by Brian Willey, last scripts – all with my name on them, and and to add considerably to our outside broadcast on Tommy Handley’s ITMA. Sometime month, took me back to that ‘revolution in the ‘sound effects’ underlined by schedule. When the extreme weather came we ago I purchased a collection of World radio’. I was a little ahead of Brian, having my pen. were live, comprehensive and on-the-spot. And War II period postcards and amongst joined the BBC as a ‘Sound Effects Boy’ Since then I have managed to find we’ve recently created substantial new them were four Tuck’s postcards of in 1941. I was with ‘ITMA’ from tapes of the programmes – so now I can community-based feature strands. ITMA Wisecracks illustrated by Bert September 1943 to January 1944 when I sit back, look at the scripts, and listen to This BBC Local station, like so many others, Thomas; these giving additional was called into the Royal Navy. my ‘sound effects’. is extremely proud to be local. catchphrases to those given in the Back in the BBC I often thought of those Wonderful memories of the ‘Golden Chris Carnegy, Managing Editor, BBC Radio article, which were the most well known: happy days in the Criterion Theatre on Days of Radio’: and those of us still Solent ITMA, in front of the large audience. would enjoy those memories. ‘I'll ‘ave to ask m’ Dad’ In 1990 came a nice surprise. I found in Thank you Brian for helping us. ‘I've brought this for you Sir’ the loft at my father’s flat a pile of paper, Harold Rogers OBE and in the middle was about eight ITMA ‘Oh-he’s ever so-isn’t he ducks?’ ‘Mr Randley-Mr Randley-Mr Randleeey!’ I believe there were 10 postcards in the set. Keith W Lillywhite

On the scrapheap I note with some dismay that the seven-day electronic programme guide will be ‘discontinued’ for certain types of freeview receivers, including ours which stopped producing the guide a few days ago without a ‘by-your-leave’. Keyes. Wasn’t this also Monday Night at Eight? The reasons for this are given as ‘No longer (Possibly when Ronnie Waldman was away.) having access to the delivery method’, which is One part of the programme was ‘Can you a euphemism for ‘the contract hasn't beat the band?’ when listeners were invited to been renewed’. write in with a question relating to popular So that’s another good way to force people to music and members of the band came up with buy new equipment, other than changing the possible answers, i.e. names of songs. If they got format every few years. Another piece of digital it wrong they had to put a ‘penny on the drum’ kit hits the scrap heap, following one flat screen (sound of a beat on a drum). and three digital radios that have gone the same One question I remember was ‘What did the way from our household. Fortunately we still customer say to the barber when he didn’t like buy the Radio Times . his haircut?’ The band were defeated. Then Clay Keyes repeated the question and said ‘And the 35494/inview4tv-ends-freeview-box-epg-updat snappy catch answer is Heybarberbob!’ – a es.html popular song at the time. This was Clay’s John Crosswaite catchphrase whenever a listener ‘Beat the Band’. Another regular feature in the programme was You can read more about Project Canvas on page actor Richard Goolden playing an old night 9. What will John make of having to buy yet watchman. He always started by saying ‘As I another set top box! Ed was sitting one night by my old fire bucket a strange thing happened to me…” There followed a story re-enacted with the help of Can you beat the band? additional actors. Recent letters in Prospero brought back I feel sure that this was another version of memories of my childhood when I used to Monday Night at Eigh t but I could be wrong. enjoy listening to a programme introduced by Does anybody remember this programme? Canadian brother and sister, Clay and Gladys Iris Davies In a quiet place… On a recent holiday in Provence nightingales serenaded us, much as they had cellist Beatrice Harrison and early radio audiences. Returning home we played three gramaphone records, bought by my parents in the 1920s, of the birds singing in Miss Harrisons’ garden. Oxted 83 years ago sounded like Provence today and whenever I hear the records I marvel at the technical achievements of the early sound engineers. I don’t know if nightingales still sing around Oxted, but any modern recording would be ruined by roar of traffic on the M25 and aircraft from Biggin Hill. Another paradise lost! Keith Perrin

August • 2010 • • 5 Memories

‘Blank sky’ thinking

David Hannon, one-time schoolmaster turned OB TV producer, remembers his on-the-job training and how he edited a programme live on VT on the very first day that TVC’s Central Control Room 1 went into operation. As a schoolmaster who had never even seen a the possible subjects, I was handed Also, later on, I had a glorious picture of a to its normal position. The result was that the TV camera, I was amazed to be appointed BBC photo-reconnaissance in the RAF. Vulcan delta-winged bomber coming in to land Vulcan landed to the accompaniment of the Northern Ireland’s first ever TV OB producer. The format was a series of VT sequences – towards our cameras, but against the wind – Flight Sergeant shouting ‘Jesus Christ man! You In June 1960 I was immediately sent to virtually recorded ‘as live’ by links from the thus producing no great sound effects. The can’t do that. There’s no f***ing driver!’ London on attachment to learn the job. I found airfield in Cambridgeshire to London, which reaction of the S.Tel.E was to override his Aubrey Singer (Assistant Head OBs at that myself shadowing OB producer Douglas would later be interleaved on transmission with soundman in the scanner by leaning over his time) said, amid tears of laughter, that the Fleming, who was making a series of ‘built’ OBs a number of previously filmed inserts. shoulder and opening all the pots. programme could not possibly be broadcast for Children’s TV about life in the armed forces. Due to various mishaps in the course of Unfortunately, one of the mics was beside unless something could be done about both After a few weeks with him, Douglas decided recording the opening sequence, featuring a another plane where we had recorded on an problems. This was, of course, before VE that the best way for me to learn was to take flypast by a Canberra, I had a 20-second shot earlier sequence. As you might expect, the very editing had arrived. on one of the programmes myself. Of all of nothing but blank sky above the airfield. efficient RAF crew was trying to move it back So I found my way down into the technical bowels of Lime Grove to talk to the VT engineers, one of whom had a brilliant idea. Because Ampex machines were still very new, all programmes had to be recorded double-banked on two of them. His proposal was to run the machines, live on transmission, 20 seconds out of sync – starting with the second and then cutting output to the first at the critical moment. The sound problem was more easily and traditionally sorted by mixing from programme sound to a loop of a Comet taxiing at Heathrow, once again live on transmission, to cover the offending language. The remarkable fact was that all these transmission adjustments had to be done live in Central Control Room 1 in TVC on what happened to be the very first day CCR1 was used operationally for the network. In the event, Bird’s Eye View was successfully transmitted without apparent disasters and I found myself – still very wet behind the ears – being consulted by various senior OB producers such as Anthony Craxton who wanted to know how I had managed to edit a programme on VT – something which had never been done by the BBC before.

If you’d like to find out more about the history of videotape in the BBC, you can look at This website was started in 1998 (the 40th The photo shows the Governor Lord Wakefield and his wife together with David Hannon and his OBSM Joy Williams (who anniversary of VT in the BBC) and over later became Head of Sport in N.I.) in discussions before recording a programme about Government House. David says: the years has grown to over 1,700 ‘Lord W enjoyed having his microphone cable adjusted by Joy as it went down his trouser leg – no radio mics in those days!’ pages and 2,400 pictures.

6 • • August • 2010 Life after Auntie Judging the competition Former BBC staffer launches short story and poetry competition

She is now a talented writer and artist and has won numerous competitions for her How does she select the winners? self-published poems and stories, sometimes ‘Quality of writing is the priority,’ says Joyce, ‘but there have to be rules, or it’s not illustrated by her own watercolour paintings. a fair competition. Last year I had to reject some excellent pieces for exceeding the Her latest literary project, a poetry word count. At this level I expect grammar, spelling and punctuation to be correct, competition, which ended in June 2010, was too. In a poem I look for poetic devices, metaphor and simile, and the ability prompted by this success. to reach a reader who doesn’t know the subject Her aim is to encourage writers of all ages to as well as one who does. I felt that one of the The w polish their skills, and indeed one of this year’s inning po winners, Clogs, does that well; you don’t need categ em in the winners had never entered a poetry competition ory was C l formal / Arl ogs, (inspire free verse before. to be familiar with the painting by Van Gogh es 1888) by d by Vincen Gill Learn t Van Gogh ‘I’ve written since I was a child, but I wouldn’t to be moved by the poem. er, Reading , C . have shown my work to anyone. In the 90s I ‘I read all the entries at least three times and I logs Th ey’re sturdy took the craft more seriously and attended don’t know who or where they are from – all I in , this pair their own of pattens, courses. I also entered competitions and learned shadow on defiant receive for judging is a sheet of paper with the a bench. T from reading winners’ work, which I’m sure hick upper poem on, and no other details,’ she adds. look unyi s helped me become successful. Setting my own elding yet f to plant eet have sc ‘Often I’ll read a poem out loud, as that can ar arch, tw ulpted them competition is an enjoyable way to encourage isted toe an show up any errors in the rhythm, metre, or d bunion. others and pass on the confidence success A sin gle block m brings. There’s no point writing wonderful structure. I have long list, short list and rai ade sole a sed platfor nd heel: pr read-again-later piles, with a lot of a m aft. No ow-lift for work if no one sees it; you have to get it out rim of hid sign of stud e, den nails m s or pins – there, even to a small audience.’ shuffling between. Age has wo ust fasten h rn both ma ide to woo The competition was widely publicised There were 25 in the long lists for both reproduce terials to d d. d in chisel- rab, through writers’ magazines and websites, and or passio stripes blu categories, and that shows a high standard. n. These s nt with has Joyce Reed worked in abots are se te attracted entries from across Europe, South It’s easy enough to spot a well-crafted asoned but not t Africa, Pakistan and Canada, as well as retired rodden dow the Music department poem but then honing down the last half bled n; fissured colleagues from the BBC. the skin. P where weat dozen or so on the short list can erhaps the her’s There is always a donation to her favourite cracks store be heartbreaking.’ ma in Manchester for six charity, Nordoff Robbins (Music Therapy). rket dregs o th r midden o In her effort to inspire others, Joyce e smell of s oze that sp Poets were invited to submit ‘formal or free’ easoned sad ice years, and on leaving or ‘humorous’ work, and well over 400 entrants herself has been encouraged, and will dlery. Do they responded, including four children, to whom now run a short story and open poetry dance, nig of Cat hts, to a se to have a family, herine-whe cret orches she has sent a letter of encouragement, and ‘well competition in 2011, with a total prize eling stars? tra done’ book tokens. fund of £500, although she admits to Maybe they’d fit became a music I’ll fi me. When being slightly alarmed at the prospect nd them g I slide them Visit for hostly warm on of all those piles of paper. , but alien teacher in Marple. more information. .

Radio London ‘Forty Years On’ The staff who launched BBC Radio Our station manager Peter Redhouse London 40 years ago on October 6 1970 will be there, plus Johnny Longden, our will be holding a private reunion on ever-resourceful station engineer and August 5 2010 (details below). some of our colleagues who are still on Joy Hatwood (former arts producer at air e.g. Jill Burridge, the current Editor of Radio London and then R4), says: ‘We Woman’s Hour and Robbie Vincent, now actually went on air for the first time on at Jazz FM. October 6 1970, but the get-together will ‘We’d love to track down anyone who be before that as former colleague was there for the station’s launch, whom Jeremy Eccles, who now lives in we might have missed.’ Australia, will be in town that week. If you want to attend, please ‘The venue was to have been call Steve or Jenny on 0207 813 0684. programme organiser Alan Rogers’s flat but, very sadly, he has just died. So the Food and drinks will be served and the hosts are now Steve Bradshaw (ex cost per person will be £30.00. Please Panorama ) and Jenny Richards, who bring cash and Frances Berrigan will CBE for former BBC staffer met and married while at the station. collect this on the night. A former Chairman of the Royal British Legion director before becoming national chairman of (RBL) has been honoured with a CBE for the RBL. Galgo appeal voluntary service to former servicemen Mr Cleminson said: ‘I enjoyed my time as and women. chairman and went all over the world, including The June issue of Prospero carried the story of Beryl Peter Cleminson, 74, has been a member of the US, Canada, India, Australia and Italy. It Brennan’s fight to highlight the plight of the galgos, or the Legion since 1957. He retired as national was an enormous privilege. Spanish greyhounds. chairman in May after serving the maximum ‘One time that stands out was when the RBL Beryl’s book, From Heaven to Hell – the story of the term of three years. enabled two sons to go to Imphal, in India, to Galgo Espanol , has now been published, with proceeds ‘This is an enormous honour,’ he said. ‘It is visit the grave of the father they had never met from the sale going into her Galgo Fund to help rescue an award that recognises the RBL as a major because he was killed when their mother campaign charity. was pregnant. associations and shelters in Spain. The printers and ‘My wife has been an enormous support to me ‘It makes you feel like you’ve made a typesetters have all donated their time for free. and she’s thrilled that all the hard work I have difference to their lives and that makes it Beryl contacted us to say she is seeking four or five put in over the years has been so recognised.’ all worthwhile.’ bilingual English/Spanish people who would be willing The grandfather of four, originally from Three weeks earlier, Mr Cleminson was to translate two or three chapters each from English Liverpool, moved to Chesham in 1969. He awarded the highest award for service to the into Spanish. If you would like to help, you can contact worked for the BBC for 27 years as head of Legion, the National Certificate of Appreciation. Beryl on [email protected] or write to Les Metairies, engineering transmission, and at aerial sites in Mr Cleminson said: ‘It really is quite 79310 St Pardoux, France. Chesham for 13 years as business development humbling.’ August • 2010 • • 7 Back at the BBC 020 8752 6666 6 Music plays on June Lottery Winners The BBC Trust has halted the most controversial part of the BBC Club Lottery was launched in 1993 and is enormously Strategy Review by stopping the closure of 6 Music. popular. With prizes worth over £127,000 annually we’ve given away The trust says the case for closing the digital interested parties, the trust said that the case for But 6 Music isn’t completely out of the woods. station ‘has not been made’ and called on the closing 6 Music ‘has not been made’ adding: ‘We The trust said the BBC could still propose over £1.1million so far! BBC to make Radio 1 and Radio 2 more note the strong view expressed by many in the changes for the station, if it met the following There’s a quarterly £10,000 Jackpot distinctive instead. music industry that 6 Music plays a very valuable four criteria. A clear link between a new strategy draw, plus monthly cash prizes of When the trust reviewed 6 Music earlier this role in the cultural life of the UK that would not for music radio and the strategy for digital £1000, £100 and £50. year it found the station to be distinctive and be easily replaced, and that would not be filled development; evidence the increase of Congratulations to this month’s lucky well liked by listeners. Since then audience by the commercial sector.’ distinctiveness for Radios 1 and 2 is under way; winners: Petricia Surman, Henry figures have almost doubled, from 600,000 to a Successful campaign Supporters of 6 Music, a clear explanation of how 6 Music content Burgess, S Manser, Sara Robb, million a week – and the trust expects them to who organised a vociferous campaign including would fit in the output of those stations, and Jonathan Barrett, Deborah Davoren, grow further. rallies outside Broadcasting House and mass what audience impact might be; and long-term Roger Pearce, Eric Buckley, Albert After four months spent consulting on the emails to the trust, greeted the news protection for 6 Music’s distinctive content. proposals, taking comments from the public and with delight. Willis, John Woodward, Emily Caporn, Clive Doig, Georgina Peachey, Jonathan Barrett and Anne Yonge. Classic breaks BBC Now all senior Time to name Club deals names? Take advantage of a mini break at one managers could have While the press licks its lips at the of 180 hotels throughout the UK. You’ll prospect of finding out the identities of receive the Classic Breaks brochure the BBC’s biggest star earners, the (£9.99) and a voucher entitling you and their earnings disclosed celebrities themselves have little your partner to up to three nights’ free appetite for such openness. accommodation in the hotel of your Not only are the director general and the 15 would be ‘anonymised in bands’ accompanied Some are reportedly ‘considering their choice (meals not included). You can other members of the Executive Board to give by ‘a clear, costed summary of the overall futures’, while Equity has warned that use the voucher any time within 12 up some of their pay, but the process of cutting pay/grade structure’. the BBC Trust’s proposal could be a months of receiving the brochure, just the senior management pay bill is being speeded As for the gesture made by Executive Board breach of contract. book directly with the hotel. up, it has been announced. members over their own pay, they have Instead of a 25 percent reduction over three volunteered to forego a month’s salary this year So what exactly is the trust after? Well, To redeem this offer please log on to years, as originally planned in response to a and next, working 12 months for 11 months’ it is asking for the publication of the challenge by the BBC Trust, Mark Thompson income. income of top talent in bands as has agreed to meet the target in 18 months. Welcoming the initiative, Lyons told VLV recommended by the Culture, Media and £10 tickets for QPR Already the bill has been lopped by members that in parallel the BBC trustees would Sport Select Committee. This would £7.76 million, by cutting the number of senior take an 8.3 percent pay cut for two years. show the number of individuals earning matches managers by 24. ‘It’s right that the trust and Executive Board £250,000 to £500,000; £500,000 to Queens Park Rangers Football Club is In a further key development, the trust wants show leadership and recognise the climate in £750,000; £750,000 to £1m; £1m to £5m. delighted to offer a fantastic initiative to the earnings of all senior managers working for which we are operating,’ he said. ‘Not just for Most of the information would be BBC Club Members for the 2010/11 the licence-fee funded services to be unveiled. the licence fee-paying public, but also for BBC Currently the incomes of the top 107 staff who have had consecutive years of very presented in aggregate, ie anonymously, npower Championship season. executives are published, but the trust is now limited pay increases and bonus freezes, and who but Michael Lyons believes the names of Tickets are available up to one month asking the BBC to ‘go the extra mile’ and will be affected by the BBC pension reforms as the most richly rewarded should be in advance of the advertised fixture. disclose the pay of all on SM grades ‘without well as other tax increases [outlined recently by released. He wants their names To redeem this offer please log on to exception’. George Osborne].’ published, although not their The proposal, affecting hundreds of people, Pay was an issue of concern both for the public was set out by Michael Lyons in a speech to and those who worked for the corporation, precise salary. Voice of the Listener and Viewer. SM pay details Lyons added. On the Andrew Marr show, Mark Join the Ariel Wine & Thompson said it would be wrong and Beer Society! damaging to disclose individual star earnings. The Ariel Wine & Beer Society aims to The controversial plan to reveal the enable members and their guests to We will ‘grow our own’ names of the top celebrity earners is a enjoy learning more about wine, beer reversal of the position previously taken and related topics. by the trust, which seems to have been Regular tastings and events are senior talent says Thomson swayed by what Lyons describes as organised. These usually take the form Along with a push to develop more home ‘the energy surrounding one individual of organised evenings with a friendly, [assumed to be Jonathan Ross] which informal and informative atmosphere. grown talent to reach higher levels across the company, it would be part of a new policy on cast a cloud over the BBC’. They are run either by expert speakers senior manager pay now being developed, she told The trust had been listening to licence from the trade or one of our own the Future of Broadcasting conference in London. fee payers, he explained, and believed members, and are suitable for ‘More talent will be trained to senior manager public confidence needed to be beginners or those with some level,’ as opposed to hiring in so many senior recaptured. knowledge. They cover a variety of people from the commercial sector: ‘Grow our ‘The BBC should be clearer about own’ will be our policy and slogan from now different countries and themes. who the highest paid individuals are, Events are normally held on the on,’ she added. The more transparent remuneration policy both on screen and off,’ he said. second Wednesday evening of each But he recognised it was not a simple month in W1, W12, Millbank or Bush would include greater clarity about the discount – compared to the commercial sector – that process. ‘Often stars work for House catering for between 25 and 30 senior salaries at the BBC took into account. independent producers and the terms people. In addition, trips are organised The percentage cut that represented would be of trade currently mean we can’t have when opportunities present. in the ‘tens’, Thomson said. In the current sight of their fees. The Ariel Wine & Beer Society costs economic climate, the BBC realised it had to do ‘Some existing BBC contracts have £8 per year. To join up please contact ‘more for less’ and ‘restraint’ on pay was a part confidentiality clauses that would prevent of that, but it was ‘not starting from year zero’. Andrew Latham immediate publication of salaries. But we ([email protected]) Overheads had already been halved to 12 percent since 1999, with a commitment to are challenging the director general to lowering that to nine percent by 2016. And work urgently on a plan to deliver greater Save 15% on flowers The BBC is to spell out the ‘discount’ against while talent was ‘the lifeblood’ of the BBC, the transparency about who is at the top end Log on to: market rates that senior managers accept to work organisation was ‘not afraid to walk away from of the talent pay scale. The trust is giving at the corporation, and it’s likely to be in double deals that don’t offer value’, said Thomson, a clear signal that it wants to see change figures, says chief operating officer referring to the decision not to outbid ITV for in this area.’ Caroline Thomson. Christine Bleakley. 8 • • August • 2010 Back at the BBC Full speed ahead for Project Canvas after BBC Trust says yes There will be no lazy days of summer for the likely launch date. A dedicated Viewers will be able to watch on-demand The trust’s decision follows an the people behind Project Canvas as Canvas office is already operating in the and other internet content as well as extensive assessment and discussion they work to bring internet-connected TV Broadcast Centre in W12 and a ordinary TV, from a range of providers, over the past year, including four formal to the living room. The Trust’s approval of management team of 12 is in place with all through their ordinary TV sets using public consultations. In March the project the BBC’s involvement in the service, around another 80 people also involved. a broadband connection. partners submitted the venture to the subject to various conditions, has at Many are engineers and designers The conditions laid down by the Office of Fair Trading for consideration of once turned the proposed partnership charged with developing the technical trust include: whether it constituted a relevant merger. between the corporation, ITV, BT, Five, specification. Halton does not • The BBC’s involvement will not exceed The trust delayed its final decision Channel 4, Talk Talk and Arqiva into the underestimate the scale of the task the Executive’s estimated costs pending the OFT’s decision, which came real deal. ahead. ‘This is a very complex project, (£27.4m over five years) by more than on May 19, concluding that Canvas did ‘We have gone from project team to involving sophisticated hardware and 20 percent not constitute a relevant merger. joint venture and now we have to get it software systems, and integrating it all • Users will be able to access the up and running,’ says project director is a big challenge.’ service free-to-air, though they may Richard Halton. One of the first jobs is Complex it might be, but the aim is to be charged for additional pay services Stop press to draw up and ratify a shareholders’ make Canvas as simple and user-friendly that third parties might choose to Channel Five has pulled out of Project agreement and also a delivery plan, as possible, he says. ‘There is a provide via the Canvas platform Canvas, the joint venture to bring he explains. consumer challenge as well as a • Accessibility and usability catch-up TV to the living room. The TV At one stage it was hoped that the set technical challenge. We want to follow features, such as audio description, company, which has been put up for top boxes that will be required to receive the lead set by iPlayer in making the should be incorporated into the sale by its owners RTL, is reviewing its content on the TV via broadband would service easy to use and understand.’ The core technical specification and/or digital strategy and does not see be in the shops by Christmas. That is no difference of course is that Canvas will user interface as soon as Canvas as a priority. longer realistic and April 2011 now looks offer a far greater range of output. reasonably possible. Looking ahead to moving day Moving day is still two years away but staff have Likes to cycle, cares for the environment and TVC and Bush House, is just one way in which prefers PCs to laptops. It might sound like the W1 project team envisions collaboration. been making their requests for W1 someone’s rather uninspired dating profile. ‘We are not going to sit people next to each Instead, these are the preferences of other just because they are in the same division,’ London-based BBC staff moving to the new the project director adds. He cites arts and Broadcasting House in 2012. entertainment, business and economics, and The picture of what people want is getting science and technology as areas he’d like to clearer with the results of a staff survey. Not group together, irrespective of where people surprisingly, people are worried about how the working in these disciplines might come from. move might affect their travel plans. What wasn’t These plans might still sound vague, but the expected is that so many people (7 percent of building site is looking more like the impressive those surveyed) would want to cycle to work office space it will become. Phase two of every day. Andy Griffee, editorial director of the Broadcasting House’s refit is running two months W1 project, admits there won’t be enough cycle ahead of schedule – handover from the builders racks if those numbers prove accurate, but he will is scheduled for mid-September. And it’s a source be looking at potentially adding more. of relief to everyone on the team that it’s on Griffee is eager to talk about collaboration. budget. (A revised budget for the refit was set in ‘There is real hunger [among staff] to tap into 2006 and stands at just over £1bn, approximately the expertise that sits across the BBC in other £55m more than anticipated in 2003.) teams. We don’t make this easy for people, partly The main entrance to the new Broadcasting because of our size and because people sit in House has been completed and the iconic BBC different buildings, but there is untapped signage has moved above the doors. This curved potential here.’ The huge multimedia newsroom, glass facade alone will use 2,000 square metres which will be the home of news teams from both of glazing.

The new Broadcasting House in numbers • The area of the 13 floors in W1 is equivalent to 10 football pitches. • It will have 15 lifts, equivalent to a travel distance of nearly half a mile. • The central double height space of the newsroom could fit 90 London buses. • W1 will use over 10,500 lights and 10,000 miles of cable. Worldwide does the business Daytime TV Sales topped £1bn for the second successive The BBC will welcome the extra income – on advertising revenue. Only 15 percent of our year, costs were down and profits rose a massive more than £150m in dividends and programme total turnover is from ad revenue.’ must improve 36.5 percent. BBC Worldwide’s 2009/10 investment. Last year also saw the proportion of sales Parts of daytime TV could be annual review, published in July, makes But with the recession a global one, how has outside the UK rise to 54.6 percent (from 51.3) ‘negatively affecting the BBC’s impressive reading. his company ridden the storm? Because of a clear – a shift the BBC Trust encouraged in its autumn reputation’, according to the interim The BBC-owned company achieved sales of strategy leading to increased diversification, review. ‘The target is that foreign sales account findings of the BBC Trust’s review into £1,074m – up seven percent on the previous believes Smith. With offices around the world, for two thirds of the total by 2012,’ Smith says. year’s £1,004m total, while its profits were Worldwide has also embraced new Meanwhile, the company’s controversial BBC One, Two and Four. £145m, dwarfing the 08/09 figure of £106m. profit-making opportunities. ‘Forty percent of purchase of Lonely Planet is paying off. Despite The performance review of the ‘The results are all the more remarkable our sales have come from businesses that didn’t a depressed travel market, sales grew £8.4m to channels found that some viewers because of the state of the economy and the exist five years ago,’ he says. ‘We sell £51.4m, with profits edging into black. This thought the quantity of property and decline in advertising sales,’ says John Smith, programmes, but we also own channels, sell dvds was largely due to digital development, with the ‘collectibles hunting’ shows made parts Worldwide’s chief executive, pointing to and launch apps for the iPhone. We have so website claiming 17 percent more users and a of the BBC’s daytime schedule ‘seem increased sales for all but one of his seven many revenue streams we can offset the effects Lonely Planet app becoming world number one too formulaic and derivative’. operating businesses. of the recession better than a company that relies download last month. August • 2010 • • 9 Obituaries Test Match Old school intellectual Special To aspiring TV film-makers in the late 1960s, In the middle that decade, Stephen Hearst Voluble and combative, he was also courteous Robert Hudson , who died on June 3 the newly formed arts department of the BBC was appointed deputy to Humphrey Burton, and without affectation: during meetings his at the age of 90, was a rarity by today’s was the place to be. the founding head of music and arts, and swimming trunks hung on his office radiator becoming head of the department in 1967 after his daily visit to Lime Grove baths. standards in achieving success as a when he was put in charge, not only of TV arts He came across primarily as a European broadcaster and an administrator. output, but also of a new intake of trainees, intellectual of the old school, one of several Bob Hudson joined the BBC staff in including Tony Palmer, Alan Yentob and Nigel talented emigres who found a home at the BBC. 1954 as the senior radio OB producer Williams. I remember years after his retirement, we in the North of England. By that time he Stephen seemed to us, his young producers, a arranged to meet at a restaurant one day. I had followed his wartime service in the formidably moral man. He questioned motives walked in a little late, and before I had sat down Royal Artillery with eight years of and aspirations as if we were his own family, he launched into: ‘My dear fellow, good to see freelance commentary for radio suspecting some of us, rightly, of aspiring to be you, have you read the new biography of the Jean-Luc Godards and Ingmar Bergmans of Wittgenstein?’ and television. public service broadcasting. To his puzzlement, I laughed, and had to It was while doing a North Region Nevertheless, he had a gruff affection for the explain it was at the unthinkable notion of any opt-out commentary on a county most exasperating of his young Turks, present-day executive starting up a lunchtime cricket match at Scarborough in 1955 dispensing praise and disapproval with conversation on Wittgenstein. that he got the idea for switching equal vigour. Stephen Hearst (Hirshtritt), who was born in between networks to create continuous He had cut his teeth on documentaries, and 1919, was also the BBC’s head of TV arts ball-by-ball commentary on Test went on to create a then new format, ‘the features, controller of Radio 3 for six years in cricket, which became known from televised essay’, attracting large audiences for the 1970s, controller of future policy and special 1957 as Test Match Special, under the series such as Kenneth Clark’s Civilisation adviser to the director general. (1969) and Alistair Cook’s America (1972). He Leslie Megahey slogan ‘Don’t miss a ball, we broadcast claimed he could tell within 30 seconds of the them all’, with the addition of the Third Reproduced (adapted) with permission of the beginning of a documentary whether or not its Guardian newspaper Network to the mix. The programme he director was ‘a born film-maker’. dreamed up is now 53 years old and going strong. In 1969 he was made head of Radio Cheaper airfares allowed the unit’s staff to take Outside Broadcasts. His outstanding Central figure in the A born engineer its listener to the action, rather than relying on achievement in his six years in that job World Service George Short , who probably did more for second-hand reports. This not only benefited was to unite the two conflicting science broadcasting from Bush House than any the regular programmes, but also made for Robert Milne-Tyte , who has died at the age of other, died on April 13. He was 84. notable new features. George guided, for departments of Outside Broadcasts 85, was a central figure in the World Service George came to the BBC a half-century ago instance, on-the-spot programmes on hitherto and Sports News. (formerly the External Services) for over 20 years. by a circuitous route. In 1942 he went up to untapped resources in the arctic and the oceans His pamphlet, Notes for Would-be Joining Bush House in 1960 as a producer in Oriel College, Oxford on a State Scholarship to and the undeveloped areas of Latin America and Commentators, contains guidelines that Overseas Talks and Features, he became head of read English. The Army decided World War II Australia, on the elimination of smallpox and still hold good today. He had been told the department in 1969 and remained in post needed him. He was put through a crash course the developing fight against HIV-AIDS. Several by an old cricketer, Wilfred Rhodes, until he retired early in 1982. in electronics and sent to India to help maintain new regular programmes were born. who was reliant on the radio in his Bob rarely broadcast, but he was at the Army communications. George’s pre-BBC electronics experience also blindness, that the secret was to ‘Paint forefront of important and long standing George turned out to be a ‘born engineer’ – a brought benefits to Bush House. Among many a picture and keep it the right way up’. developments in World Service broadcasting, man who could do for a penny what cost others examples, he developed a simple and easily particularly in international politics, as both a a pound. hidden home-made ‘jamming-rejection’ aerial, And this he made the central rule of producer and manager. Bob was much involved On demobilisation in 1947 he returned to details of which were, we understand, radio commentary. in the creation of Outlook, still one of the most Oxford and completed his degree, then spent ‘samizdatted’ round the east bloc at the height As head of OBs, he masterminded popular of Bush House daily programmes, and another two years training in social work. of Russian jamming. coverage of big occasions, for which he under his leadership, 24 Hours was launched as During this time he met and married his wife His managerial talents also benefited the unit: was frequently going to be the main a wide-ranging international current affairs Ruth. But his interest in electronics took over rotation of programmes among staff developed commentator, with the same precision. programme, the forerunner of Newshour. It from both English and social work, and he their range of skills and avoided ‘staleness’, and Most of the detailed planning of large introduced the interview format into World ended up working on the highly technical studio managers and programme assistants with operations like the coverage of the Service news reporting, and modernised world monthly, Wireless Engineer. He joined the BCC potential were given training and then relief coverage both in content and style. as a scriptwriter with the Bush House ‘British attachments. Science Unit gained several very 1972 Olympics was dealt with by Bob was born in Reading in 1924, served four Enterprise’ technology script service, then able new staff that way. him personally. years in the RAF from 1944-48, went into became a feature writer in European Even George’s funeral surprised many who Bob retired from the BBC at the early journalism and then at the late age of 28 read Productions, and finally Editor of the Science, thought they knew him well. In a moving age of 55 in 1975 and became in great English at Oxford. Following his degree, he spent Industry and Agriculture Unit. humanistic celebration of his life, his musical demand on the speaking circuit, where five years, mainly as a leader writer, at the News It was just the right time, the ‘white heat’ of talents, mainly unknown to colleagues, were his tales of the many royal tours he Chronicle until it folded in 1960. There then technology provided ample material from the demonstrated with a recording of his own followed went down very well. followed the move to the BBC and Bush House. UK and abroad. The new inter-continental singing and examples of his poetry and music At work, he seemed to his staff – especially the telephone cables, and later satellite performed by his four children and partners. younger staff – a very private person. He was tall, communications, permitted worldwide His was a good life, he was a good man dressed well, laconic in speech and always the newsgathering at costs within Bush House’s to know. model of a certain sort of BBC, or perhaps FCO, limited budgets. The space race was on. Dick Oliver, with the help of many others mandarin. He was by no means given to gushing accolades. An acknowledgement that a programme ‘stood up’ or had been ‘a good round successful art gallery in Staines, up’ was praise indeed, and enjoyed as such by the Paint a scene Middlesex, called Live British Artists. producers, who respected his many qualities. Anthony Quaddy, known to his friends as One sympathy card received by his Those who knew him beyond the work place Tony Q, passed away at the age of 73 on family described Tony as a ‘gentle saw his charm, kindness and sense of humour. April 27 2010. gentleman’, which I’m sure the people who He had a very good line in deadpan ‘one-liners’ Tony was blessed with the ability to knew Tony would all agree, he truly was… and took a keen but sceptical interest in the draw and paint, developing his skills to Vernon Quaddy (son) world and its ways. As such, he was for 50 years become an artist studying at the Royal a member of the Bushmen, the unofficial and Academy of Art in London. This paved not altogether uneccentric tribe of Bush House the way to his 26-year career at the BBC and elsewhere. from 1965, working in television as a Some expected Bob to move on from Bush House to a greater BBC position – perhaps he scenic artist, becoming head of did as well. In the event, he retired at the age of department at the BBC TV Centre. 58, wrote books on history and divided his time Tony enjoyed his work and was with his wife Linda and daughter and son dedicated to his job, working alongside his between London, Oxfordshire and friends and colleagues in the studios of Pennsylvania, where Linda’s family has a London creating those ‘special effects’ summer home. An old BBC friend reports that backdrops for the actors to work a scene. among Bob’s last words to him were ‘I’ve had a Tony’s love of art was widely known at good innings’. It was true. the BBC, and his wife Eva still runs their Alastair Lack 10 • • August • 2010 Obituaries

In the 1970s the names of Ted Clark and Ron Hocking became synonymous with Cardiff No 2 Branch of the ABS and Ted filled the role of Branch Secretary with the diligence that was Ted Clark. Clean sound Ted had to retire on health grounds in Our beloved father and grandfather Maurice most people didn't even know what they 1988 and regrettably this was to have a major Everitt passed away on Easter Sunday this year. looked like, Maurie was building his own.’ effect on his retirement but it did not prevent Known to his friends in the beeb as ‘Maurie’, He was interested in amateur radio and had him devoting much time and effort to he worked in the BBC Film Unit for most of a licence for many years, and had a passion for his much admired grandchildren and to his career. photography for which he processed his own extending his circle of friends by playing Born in Luton on June 2 1926, he married prints in a dark room. bowls and whist. Nora in 1953 and they had two children Susan In a tribute to him, Barry Norman reflected: It would have been safe to assume that, due to and John. He started working at the BBC in ‘I can remember several occasions when I’d Ted’s likeable personality, a fair representative of radio in December 1942 until 1945, when he done my stuff and I knew it was good, I’d had his friends and family would attend his funeral, was called to do his national service. On his the nod of approval from the cameraman and but in fact his service resulted in ‘standing room return in 1948 he continued his career as a producer and then I’d look across to Maurie in only’ – people having travelled from the West Sound Recording Engineer until his early his headphones, scowling and muttering: Country, Kent and various points north to retirement at the age of 57 in 1983. ‘Sorry, bruv, we’ll have to go again. There was Aberdeen and across the Channel plus all the Programmes he worked on include Maigret a bird farting in the tree over there.’ Maurie was locals – all this being an indication of the high (Paris, 1959), Z Cars, the Hollywood Greats a perfectionist; he always demanded clean esteem in which Ted was held. series, Man Alive, Panorama, Horizon, and sound.’ Maurice Rowe That’s Life. ‘Maurie was a one-off. He was one of the He was always at the forefront of technology, kindest, nicest, most generous-spirited people a talent which was noticed by his colleagues. ‘In I've ever met. The memories I have of him are The Smiling Axeman an era when nobody owned a computer, when the best.’ Alan Rogers arrived from Radio London as the head of the absurdly named CAMP (Current Revolutionising session After a while, however, these sessions would By the mid-1960s he was News Editor, South Affairs Magazine Programmes) in 1973. He was sometimes overrun well past 11pm and and West, and head of a much enlarged regional a breath of fresh air into one of those narrow, recordings various complaints began to filter in, never news operation, keeping an eye on production out of date corridors of the old Broadcasting Bernie Andrews joined the BBC in 1957 as a from the artistes though. As he and I shared a large and staffing of daily TV news departments in House. Informal, energetic, ambitious and technical operator, and worked his way up to office in Aeolian Hall in Bond Street for seven Bristol, Plymouth and Southampton, and on confident, he transformed a department of become co-producer of the already successful years, I was well aware of the battles that ensued regional radio bulletins serving listeners from leftovers into a creative hub producing much Light Programme Saturday Club, which he with our management, and after a series of Brighton to the Channel Islands. that was new on Radio 4; a successful helped take to new heights. arguments, never about the quality of the BBC life outside London changed in 1970 implementation of broadcasting in the 70s. Bernie felt that the performers should have programmes, he was taken off the very programme with the introduction of local radio and a new Woman’s Hour and You and Yours were already more of a say during the recording sessions and he had created. management structure. Laurie became Regional the daily bread and butter. Under Alan’s largely because of that soon established a great Bernie certainly produced many good Television Manager, Southampton, with viewers guidance Start the Week was modernised into a rapport with most of the artistes, in particular programmes afterwards, not least his Sunday from Brighton to Weymouth, across to the Monday chat show, Midweek added on . In October 1963, the bill for the afternoon record request series with Annie Channel Islands and north to the Thames. He Wednesday and Stop the Week on Friday. In fifth birthday programme of Saturday Club, put Nightingale during the 70s, but his talent for spent 12 months in newly-independent Malawi between came the hard-hitting consumer together by him, consisted of The Beatles, The working with musicians in the studio was managing the start of radio news there – the investigative programme Checkpoint , the debate Everly Brothers, Joe Brown, Kenny Ball, Frank largely wasted for the rest of his BBC career. He pioneering role of BBC news editors in several series You the Jury , the first national phone-ins Ifield, Kathy Kirby and Tommy Roe. It drew an could be stubborn and often undiplomatic but commonwealth countries. on radio – It’s Your Line and Tuesday Call , audience of around 13 million listeners, second he had the most wonderful silly sense of Laurie’s wife, Joan – a good pianist – was early several series of polished documentaries of the only to Two Way Family Favourites in those still humour and was a true and trusted friend to disabled by polio. Their marriage, for 58 years like rarely heard today, even a news show on halcyon days of radio. those of us who had the good fortune to really before her death in 2002, reflected the strengths Radio 1 called Newsbeat . In mid-1964 Bernie inaugurated a progressive know him. of both of them. They had two sons: Barnaby Alan could be tough, hence his nickname off-shoot called Top Gear, featuring more Jeff Griffin became the BBC’s world service diplomatic ‘The Smiling Axeman’, in evidence when he contemporary music, and with a new session correspondent; William settled in Austria as a told Jack de Manio, formerly front man of the from The Beatles to kick off the first successful bass with Linz opera. old Today and finally out to grass with an programme. Unfortunately this only lasted Reithian manager Peter Brown afternoon show in CAMP, that enough was around a year or so, but when Radio 1 was about Laurie Mason , who did much to establish enough. Sustained by his quiet Christian to start in 1967 Bernie was asked to dust off the television news in the South and West of faith, he coped with dignity with his title, and the format, and find a new presenter. England, has died at the age of 86. Celtic origins advancing spondylitis, a chronic form of His own choice was but he was also He left school in Weston-super-Mare at the William Edward (Ted) Clark , who would have inflammatory arthritis. asked to use a variety of co-compères for the first age of 16 on a Friday and started work for the been known to many of those working in Between 1987-1993 Alan was the only person few programmes. Although John was not the Weston Gazette the following Monday. It was Cardiff, before and after the move from Park in BBC history to become head first of Schools popular choice of our own management, Bernie September 1939, war had just been declared; Place to Llandaff, sadly passed away on May 15. and then of Continuing Education TV. He was supported by the first Controller of Radio within a year he was reporting courts and the Ted, a born and bred Glaswegian, joined the found television more difficult than radio. Used 1, Robin Scott, and his view prevailed. town council. Call-up for the Army came in BBC Engineering Department in 1956, to being at the centre he felt marginalised by the The real revolution that Bernie brought about 1941, and it was four years later before he was working in the Studios in Glasgow. In 1957 he politics and power of the big battalions. Yet he however was to change the way sessions were back reporting in Weston. moved to London – first to 200 Oxford Street kept his managerial nerve, defined as choosing recorded. Until then musicians would be Most journalists at the time began in much the and subsequently to the Control Room at Bush the right producers, scrutinising their proposals booked for one session lasting 3.5 hours and same way. Some, in the early post-war years, won House. When Bush House became ‘all and then supporting them from a distance – that recording could be used only twice. Bernie BBC radio jobs, then added television news engineers’ Ted then moved to Cardiff – first in would it were so today! felt it made much more sense, if you had a really departments whose output changed public the Control Room at Park Place and then to the In retirement Alan’s life, as far as I know it, important group, to book them for a ‘double’ perceptions of a changing world. In one English new BH at Llandaff. Following a serious illness, was centred on the family, the church, the stock session, pay them two fees, and use the resulting region, Laurie Mason became a Reithian the opportunity of a job in the Film Unit arose, market and Norwich City. Not a bad recording up to four times. This also greatly embodiment of good sense in managing staff so a move to Stacey Road provided Ted with his combination of loves. reduced the setting up time in the studio. and resources. last port of call. Hugh Purcell

A ‘joy’ to work with to Sweden. Instead they found themselves in for some listeners, the BBC voice they most Of all the émigrés who came to post-war Bush Nazi Germany. enjoyed – and this in spite of jamming. House, few had such an extraordinary history Luckily they avoided being put into a camp. It was, however, her book programme that as Radost Pridham , who died last December Luckily, too, when the Americans arrived, was hugely important to her and that gave her aged 87. Radost was able to tell them that, as she had the greatest delight. She revelled in the Having grown up in pre-war Bulgaria, been born in Washington DC when her father challenge of making English literature, which Radost’s life changed dramatically with the was a diplomat, she had dual nationality. she loved, meaningful to her listeners. Even outbreak of war. The girl who had been a Most luckily of all, after the British took over, after decades as its editor, her dedication to her bridesmaid at Czar Boris’ wedding found Radost met Colonel Pridham and in 1948 they programme was undiminished. herself living by candlelight, carrying water to married. In London she found work, first as a But for Radost’s colleagues, it is not for her the family’s flat, watching the bombing of Sofia typist and then as a translator/announcer, in the programmes or her voice that she is by allied aircraft. BBC’s Bulgarian Section. remembered with such respect, admiration, With the approach of the Soviet army in Much of Radost’s work in these Cold War affection and love. 1944, her parents decided to send her and her years was translating news bulletins, talks and She was generous in the extreme. She radiated sister to relatives in Sweden. They left Sofia just despatches, press reviews. In this work – her positive view of humanity and her joie de a week before the Communist takeover. including on her weekly nightly shift – she was vivre. She more than lived up to her name – for, Their traumatic train journey across a an absolute professional. in English, Radost means Joy – and was, for all devastated Europe ended abruptly in Vienna, When she read her translations at the of us, a joy to work with. where they were told they could not continue microphone, she did this with a voice that was, Peter Udell

August • 2010 • • 11 Talking point BBCPA campaigns for Classifieds Seaview, Isle of Wight. Wanting to get away for a break? Pleasant ETB 4* Studio Annexe, sleeps 2 online ‘memory bank’ comfortably. Near Beach and Village. For details contact [email protected] or Pensioners may get the chance to contribute to what’s Tel: 01983 812180.

been described as a sort of BBC version of Wikipedia. Barbados, St James. Beautiful 2 bedroom (sleeps 5) apartment, close The pensioners’ association chairman, David Allen, said in the BBC’s knowledge, not just of its assets but also of West Coast beaches. Pool, floodlit for years BBCPA had been pressing for an ‘extranet’ – its own past,’ he said. tennis court. Tel: 07802 483962 some kind of electronic interface between the BBC and The idea was that over time sophisticated new technology its ex-staff ‘to help it retain our knowledge and for us to would be used to pull much of this information together Spain: near MARBELLA/PUERTO feel more valued’. The association thought it should be and link it into one great national resource. BANUS. Lovely villa, pools, sleeps part of the BBC’s website. The BBC is thinking about how present and past 6-8, walk to beach. Contact He recalled that the BBC’s official historian, Jean staff can each be given a single ‘page’ into which [email protected] Seaton, had described as ‘memory capital’ the unwritten pensioners, for example, could pour all sorts of Visit history pensioners held in their heads. She had said it was information about where, when and with whom they drskelly/robertsvillas for details. important to capture and retain this ‘BBC DNA’ before spent their time in the BBC, and on which programmes. Tel: 02089524369/07768285337 it disappeared. It was looking to work with the Association in the next Recently, there had been ‘fruitful discussions to move few months to design and build a prototype to Lagos, Algarve. Small townhouse our ideas forward’ with the BBC’s Director, Archive demonstrate the idea. within ancient city, 2 bedrooms, Content, Roly Keating, and Controller BBC Archive, If you’d like to take part in the pilot early next year, you roof terrace, 5 minutes walk to Tony Ageh. can register your interest on the BBCPA’s website, beach. From £150pw. ‘They genuinely feel that there is a need to fill in the gaps Tel: 07956 181613; [email protected]

Paphos. A/C studio apartment, sleeps 2/3, spectacular balcony Annual prizes in view, from £95pw. Amenities adjacent. Taxi/car hire arranged. or memory of Ivor Tupper Tel: 01455 635759 Lake District. Historic watermill, Two annual prizes have been established in the will be permanently associated with the annual prize secluded in woods and fields, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, giving of the prestigious Imperial College London, which sleeps 6, beautiful all year for Imperial College, London, in memory of former BBC was ranked as the third best university in Europe and the walking, climbing and sailing. engineer, Ivor Tupper (1927-2008). fifth globally by the T imes Higher Education Supplement Tel: 020 7387 6654; Ivor, who spent the whole of his working life with the (THES) World Rankings in 2009. Email: [email protected] BBC, was an engineer of outstanding ability. Joining the The ‘Ivor Tupper’ prizes are to be awarded for excellence BBC as a youth in training, he spent the early years of his in the fields of signal processing, broadcast and video Somerset holiday flat. career at the Droitwich and Daventry Transmitting technology, one at BSc degree level and the other at MSc Near coast and Exmoor National Stations before moving to Transmission Head Office, degree level. Park. Sleeps two. £135 pw; where he quickly established a reputation for solving They will offer an important means of encouraging and unusual technical problems. rewarding students for achieving excellence in their studies Tel: 01643 704778 His work spanned the full range of Transmission and Imperial College has stated that it is honoured to be Group’s activities and he was at the forefront of all major able to award these two prizes in perpetuity from 2010 developments from the automation of medium frequency onwards. Prospero Classifieds, radio transmitting stations, in the late 1940s and early 50s, The awards will carry an enormous amount of prestige BBC Pension and Benefits through to the ground-breaking improvements in klystron within the College and, given the ever increasing cost of Centre, Broadcasting House, efficiency that was achieved in the latter part of his career. higher education, also offer a welcome financial boost to Cardiff, CF5 2YQ It is highly appropriate that this outstanding engineer the winning students. Please enclose a cheque made payable to: BBC Central Directorates. Obituaries cont Rate: £5 for 20 words In a covering letter please include A true gentleman your pension number The next issue will Ron Johnson , who died aged 92 on April 1, must have work, and whilst he was distracted she pressed buttons been one of the few remaining BBC pensioners who had and knobs – succeeding in cutting BBC off air! The appear in October worked for the BBC before World War II. building is now the Tropiquaria and when he took his BBC RELC Though born in Litchfield, Staffordshire, he grew up granddaughters to visit, they but not he, could enter in North Wales where his father farmed. Whilst clever what had been his office, as it had become the luncheon enough to have gone to university, his school advised ladies’ lavatory! The next lunch meeting of the that because of his stammer he should work towards a His colleagues remember him as an excellent ‘boss’ BBC RELCs is on Wednesday, more practical career. This advice proved to be the always courteous and caring to all his staff. This care BBC’s gain. continued throughout Ron’s 30 years of retirement when September 8 2010 at the The money made by his mother from selling eggs and he continued to take great interest in his former Miramar Hotel in butter, paid for him to study at a wireless college. He colleagues and their widows. Bournemouth, with the bars then worked for Ultra Radio and Marconi before joining Gregarious, chatty, witty and amusing, throughout his opening from around 10.30am. the BBC in 1937 aged 20. After the war, he returned to life he remained selfless and generous, a man of principle The BBC RELC – or BBC the BBC, ending his career as Engineer in Charge of and standards and held in high esteem as shown by the Retired Engineers Luncheon Washford Transmitting Station, which at that time packed congregation at his funeral. Club (to give it its full name) – had over 20 staff. Elizabeth McDowell, from notes by David Phelps, is a growing ensemble of On one occasion he took his young daughter Lesley to son-in-law, and Charles Johns, colleague retired BBC staff (and ‘partners’) who have been in the broadcasting chain during their career from all sections of the BBC.

ARIEL SUBSCRIPTIONS For more information or to book a place, contact UK: 6 months £26 our lunch organiser, 1 year £50 Russell Horne: Overseas: 6 months £36 Email: [email protected] 1 year £60 Please phone 01709 768 199 Tel/Fax: 01590 624389

12 • • August • 2010