Amazing Stories V18n01 (1944 01) (Cape1736)
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N1FRlID E R JANUARY The MAD ROBOT BY WILLIAM P. MCGIVERN ! Are you interested in a SHAVING CREAM Men, here is a product dedicated to the proposition that shaving is a nuisance and a bore Sure, there is solace and comfort for shavers, in the big sea-green and white tube of Listerine Shaving Cream. But pleasure. Pleasure is too much to ask of any shaving cream , . because no matrer how you slice ’em, whisking off the whiskers is no fun. That is why a man is entirled to all the help he can get to relieve the tedium and to speed the razor across the finish line . which is exactly where Listerine Shaving Cream comes in. It is a sensible shaving aid. In every fractional inch of its quality cream, there is lots and lots of good, rich lather. And every moist billow which you brush-up is crammed with coolness, packed with what it takes to make shaving as painless as possible. If all this sounds reasonable to you, we'd like you to meet Listerine Shaving Cream face to face. Ask for it at any drug counter. The price is low, the tube lasts long; so it is just as smart to buy as it is smartless to use. P. S. TO THE LADIES: For a great shampoo try friend husband’s Listerine Shaving Cream . just a little makes clouds offoamy, cleansing lather. Lambert Pharmacal Company, St. Louis, Mo. REMEMBER, THERE ARE 2 TYPES OE IISTERINE SHAVING CREAM Out of this tube come swell shaves for men who prefer no-brush cream 6ET BOTH FREE I iriU Mnd Tou this FREE LessoiE. "Getting Acquainted With Receiver Servicing, ’* to show you how practical It is to train for Radio in spare time. It's a valuable lesson. Study it— keep It—use it—wlthoirk obligation ? Tells how "Superhet" Receivers work, gives hints on Receiver Servicing, Locating Defects, Repaii' of Loudspeaker, L F. Transformer, Gang Tun* ing Condenser, etc, 31 illustrations. And with it I’ll send my FREE 64-pagE book. "Win Rich Rewards In Radio," It describes many faseU nating jobs Radio offers, explains bow N.R.I trains you at home for good pay in Radio. See How I Train You at Home in Spore Time to Be A Radio Technician Here's your ehsncv to ret s rood iob in s send you BIX big kits of reel Radio peris. J. E. SMITH busy wartime fleld with a brUrht pescetlmeru- You LEARN lUdlo fundamenCkls ffom vy fftMldent ^re! There la a real ahmUage today ef trained lessons—PRACTICE what you learn by li\iil(U Radio Technicians and Ing typical elTCUlta PROVE what you leant NMlenal Aadls OpenUon. So mail — the CnupoD tar a FREE eample lesion and a by Interesting teste os the circuits you build. iRStitUtS copy of my ii-plre. tltostrated "Win EsisbIHhed Ridi Rewards 1q Radio.*’ It deectlbes many fasclnatlns types of Radio lobe; tells how EXTRA PAY IN ARMY, NAVY, TOO 29 Y»an K.ELI. trains yon at bone in spare tine; Men likely to go Into military hovr you get practical axperleree ny building service, soldiers, saUori. marines, I'llu ^ should mall the Coupon now I H *5 I Trained These I^amiftf Radio helps Service f Men men get extra rank, extra pres- Rodifl Mvrs T*cliBi«l«Rs, Oparators (igo. more intarostlng duties. &jp||^ no a Week )n Suers Tims Now Mako $S0 Wook Than Ivor Bofero much higher pay. Also prepsves for good "I rspilred some Radio eeU uhen Ra<ilo jobs after service end.s. (Her Fixing 1,700 men now onrtflkd. iW I was nn Civ ('idIi le«K>n. 1 rent; Redlos paya better now than for Semes don't M« how you can itire so years. With new Radios out of production, fixing old sets, which were ji® . mufli for eucli a snt;ill amouniof formerly traded ^ in, money. I made *600 tn s year srids greatly te the normal number of I* Ready t« Cask In On Coed Poy Jobs ssrvlcinp jobs. < and a half, aoil 1 Iuts raada an d Coming In Totevlsion, Eieefronies Hi STerase <4 tlUswesk— hutapars Broadeastiitf sUUons, Aviatten and Pollen Radio, and other Radio branches are scram- tlma" JOHN JEKBT, 133T KsUmiU. St.. Tlilnk of the SEW jobs that Television, bling for Operalow and Technicians. Radio D«n»6f. Colo. Frequency Motlulalinn, Elcelrouirv, an.l ollief Maaufaewrers. now working on Ooremnient In orders for Radio derejopments will open after ilie w.'jl t2M a Month Own BusIneM , Radio squlpment, employ trtlned You have a teal oppoit'inlty. (Set Into Rjullo been men. The QoTeennsent. too, needs hundreds “For Mweal years T hate in NOW and be reaily to cash In when Victory of competent clTlIlan end enlisted Radio buklnejaformyaelfmaklngaround mra releasee these aitiasing wsitlnte Radio de- SShOarDODih. Businowlia'atsad- ud w^eiL You may never se* a titne sgalo velopments for peacetime tiee.';; lly Inixeaaeit. I haeo N.S.I. to IvyjX' 'nve opportunity the war bu given begin* thank (or my start in tills fleld." nars to get etarl.ed in tne fAM-iiisiliii; li. at ARUS J. BOtOHHNICK. 300 W. Radio may never be rfi>calcd. So take tha Ato.. MdfiF BsglHMrs Texas Qeofe Creek, Texas. S«m Makt $5, $10 firat step ^ once. (>et my FREE L<-seon and Wssk «.pago, illuetratod book. No obUKatton— let Lieutenant In Slgflal Corse « EXTRA in Spar* Tima ^|g|^ no aalRsman will calL Aist mail Coupon In 'T cannot dlrtilse any Information The envelope paste l^^gas; rownent you enr^ for ay Course I an ot It on a penny po.*tcard. aa to my type of work. Sut I can 'Wkltag you EXiilA MONET .TOR —J. K. SMtTn, Presldwit. Dept. 3NM, Na- W that N.B.I. IralninR Is eor- SHiXTS that show how to sen ESTRA tional Radio iDtlKiite, WuhlUgUo 9. D, tafnly In handy coming mighty money filing Radiol. Many make *5. *10 a tWe days." RlCHAKi) W. AN- week extra la spare time while learning. I TRAIH1N6 M£H FOB VITAL UDiO IBIS ^ DuRRON (address omitted for Hi military reasons). m£ I M<. J. t. SMITH. OapI, IHM. HATIOHAl SADIS IHSTITUTI, Wsd,h,lt>a *, 0. C. " _ H-t' ®* TEBK. wtUMM .bUntlMl, J«ir S.isale I^asaa tnH M-pagi Loolc. Rich Rewards to Badto. I ' (No Salwmao will e*iL Please write plainly.) 'Ttuiki 'That 4jave Seen "Pented •kfumanttij or every word that has left the lips of bishops or states- F men to enlighten man, a tiiousand have been withheld. For every book publicly exposed to the inquiring mind, one hundred more have been suppressed—domnerf to oJ/iuion. Each year of progress has been wilfully delayed centuries. Wisdom has had to-filter through biased, secret sessions or ecclesiastical council meetings, where high dignitaries of state and church alone proclaimed what man should know. Are you prepared to demand the hidden facts of life? Will you continue to believe that you are not capable of weighing the worth of knowledge that concerns your personal freedom and happiness? Realize that much that can make your life more understandable and lioable has been left unexplained or 'intentionally destroyed. At first by word of mouth only, and nou; by private discourses, are revealed those truths which secret brotherhoods preserved in ancient temples and hidden sanctuaries, from those who sought to selfishly deprive hu- / manity of them. THIS/rec BOOK OF EXPLANATION Let the Rosicrucians, one of these ancient brotherhoods of ('. Scribe T, K. ’ I learning, tell you about these amazing truths, and explain j THE ROSICRUCIANS (AMORC) j how you, too, like thousands of others, may now use them Rosicrudan Park, San Jose. California, U.S.A. to enjoy the fullness of life. The Rosicrucians, (not a re- | Please send me your FREE Sealed Book. I | ligious organization) invite you to use the coupon opposite am sincerely interested In learning how I may and receive the FREE copy of the fascinating. Sealed Book, receive these loog-concealed facts of life. ! with its startling tale of self help. UBe ROSICRUCIANS (AMORC) SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, U. S. A. ! E WRITE this column with a severe case to hurry this into type because the war might pass of nostalgia. Every time we glance at the it by. However, we hand it to you as he wrote Wcontents page and let our eye run down it, and we think you’ll get a great kick out of the row of authors in this issue, we seem to be comparing something written a year ago, with to- back in the good old days before Pearl Harbor. day’s actual events—and when you finish, don’t Every one of those names, with one exception, say our authors can’t foretell the future along graced our contents pages before the war with pretty accurate lines simply because they study amazing regularity. Now, for various reasons, they the situation and apply logic to its future pos- are absent. One reason : McGivcrn, Costello, sibilities. We believe no writers use as much logic Vance, Williams are in the army. Rej^ is busy in as the science fiction writer. war work. Second reason, paper cuts have forced us to buy much less fiction. /^ERALD VANCE does a short story called “The Needle Points to Death,” also inter- '^HEN, you say, how come all these boys are planetary in nature. You might call this a special back in this issue? Well, we hauled some of interplanetary issue too, if you want to.