Present: Parish Cllr Robin Treacher Parish Cllr Martin Twyman Parish Cllr Faith Wright Parish Cllr Peter Collinson Parish Cllr Darren Howe Parish Cllr Caroline Rees

Mrs Chenice Howard-Sparkes, Clerk to the Council

1 Member of the Public 1. CHAIRMAN’S OPENING REMARKS AND APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Cllr Treacher welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Parish Cllr Catherine Holland (family commitments) and County Councillor Michael Northey (Illness).

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr Treacher declared an interest in planning application CA//19/01742/FUL for 1-2 The Mill as property owner.

3. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 16 JULY 2019 The Minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting.

4. INFORMATION FROM MATTERS ARISING 4(18iii) – Cllr Collinson reported that UK Power Networks has removed the redundant electricity pole. 5 – The Clerk reported that Cllr Northey has made enquiries following the request to find out how much of the 613,000 square meters of road reported at the last meeting has been repaired on more than one occasion but has not received a response. The Clerk agreed to chase. 6(i) – The Clerk reported that she contacted the Clerk at Preston regarding vehicles being parked in a field opposite the old Salvatori yard along Grove Road but has not received a response. The Clerk agreed to chase. 8 – Mr Patrick Duffy reported that the School would be happy to contribute to any 75th Anniversary of VE Day celebrations over the May bank holiday weekend in 2020 (08-10 May) but would not be in a position to organise any events. 9 – The Clerk reported that she has not received the minutes from the Southern Water presentation on 28 June 2019 and agreed to chase for an update. 10 – Cllr Wright reported that City Council had no objections to the dismantling of a birch tree to ground level at Dyke House, The Street under application TRE/19/00256. Cllr Wright also reported that the tree works to the two ash trees outside the village hall were completed on 29 July 2019 following a letter drop to nearby residents. Cllr Wright wished to thank Cllr Rees for being available while the works were being carried out and reported that residents parked considerately to allow adequate space for a chipper and other equipment. Cllr Wright also reported further attempts at arranging a meeting with a representative in the planning department to discuss the tree notifications have been unsuccessful. The Planning Department has requested further information on notifications which caused particular concern but an appropriate response regarding tree notifications as a whole does not appear to be forthcoming. Cllr Wright suggested contacting City Cllr Jones-Roberts for support which was unanimously agreed. Cllr Treacher also suggested raising this as an issue at the Rural Forum.

Adjournment Cllr Treacher suspended Standing Orders to enable members of the public present to speak regarding the recently submitted Pear Orchard planning application under CA//19/01798/FUL. ~ 1 ~

Cllr Treacher wished to clarify that the Parish Council has not formed a view on the planning application as the consultation has only recently been received from Canterbury City Council on 13 September 2019. With regards to funding for the reduction of speed limits, Cllr Treacher confirmed that the Parish Council and County Council have identified funds to pay for the reduction in speed limits already and is not reliant on the planning application being granted to achieve this through Section 106 funding.

Cllr Wright proposed that an extraordinary meeting be arranged specifically to discuss the application to enable residents to express their views to the Parish Council. The deadline for comments is 11 October 2019, although Cllr Wright reported that the Planning Officer has agreed to an extension of time in principle. Cllr Howe agreed that it is important to consult with as many residents as possible and Cllr Rees seconded the proposal. It was unanimously agreed to hold the extraordinary meeting on Monday 07 October 2019, subject to the village hall being available, at 7.30pm. A leaflet will be delivered to all households advertising the meeting. City Cllr Jones- Roberts and County Cllr Northey will also be invited to the meeting.

The submitted application is not significantly different to the proposals presented at the public meeting organised by the developers back in February 2019, although some suggestions put forward by residents have been incorporated into the plans. Cllr Wright confirmed that Kent County Council Highways has no objections as it does not feel that the proposed new houses will have a significant impact on the highways network. Ryan Shiel, the Highways Officer who assessed the application, has since moved to a different department and Cllr Wright reported that the new Officer for the area is currently on annual leave.

Members of the public present expressed highways concerns, in particular the safety of the access from The List onto Grove Road, and the height of the proposed dwellings in relation to nearby existing properties. Cllr Treacher proposed inviting the developer to part of the extraordinary meeting to give residents the opportunity to ask questions. The majority of members of the public present did not feel having the developer present would be beneficial and councillors voted three for and three against the developer attending. As Chairman, Cllr Treacher has the casting vote, and voted against the developer attending. It was therefore agreed not to invite the developer to the extraordinary meeting.

Item 10 A resident wished to address the Parish Council on their proposal to install a soakaway on the large village green in front of their property. The resident reported that they currently have a damp problem at the front of the property, mostly likely due to the property being situated below ground level and the current drainage arrangement.

Initially the resident wished to connect their downpipe to the existing Kent County Council drain running through the village green. The Parish Council discussed this option in the interim period and had no objections. However, Kent County Council declined the request as they do not allow any outside connections to their drainage. The resident therefore proposes to install a one metre square soakaway instead at no cost to the Parish Council. The resident confirmed they would reinstate the green to its current standard after the works have been completed.

Cllr Wright enquired whether changing the current guttering and downpipe arrangement would be an option as opposed to installing a soakaway. The resident confirmed it would be very difficult to do this due to the angles of the roof slopes. The resident also confirmed it would not be possible to install the soakaway on their land as water currently discharges to the front of the property where the damp problems are occurring.

Cllr Holland previously raised that legal documentation may be required but the resident confirmed they had sought advice and a letter written by the Parish Council would be sufficient to grant consent. ~ 2 ~

The Parish Council unanimously agreed to grant consent to install a soakaway on the large green, on the condition that it is at no cost to the Parish Council and the green be reinstated to at least its current condition. The Clerk was asked to write a letter confirming consent has been granted. Cllr Treacher suggested that the path adjacent to the property could also be levelled out at the same time. The Parish Council has no objections to the footpath being levelled out should the resident wish to undertake this.

Standings orders were resumed at this point.

5. REPORTS FROM COUNTY AND CITY COUNCILLORS County Cllr Michael Northey The Clerk read out the following report on behalf of Cllr Northey: Cllr Northey reported that he has been monitoring correspondence with regards to the Highways Improvement Plan with interest and believes that there will be more progress now Michelle Matthews is back, as there will be less pressure on the highways team.

Cllr Northey also reported that he has received correspondence regarding the Pear Orchard planning application and shares concerns regarding the junction of The List and Grove Road. Cllr Northey confirmed he would be happy to support the Parish Council should they wish to object to the application on these grounds.

Cllr Northey reported that at the full Kent County Council meeting on 12 September 2019, a detailed report was submitted on the preparations for Brexit, with or without a deal, and there is a good state of readiness to prevent the county being overcome with large vehicle numbers, with up to one thousand vehicles able to be parked at Manston and elsewhere. Operation Stack is now not being used and instead Operation Brock will be implemented if required which should prevent any blockages along main roads. The Police will also have powers to require lorries to take specified routes as necessary. If anybody would like to read the whole report, it is available to view on the County Council’s website. There are still points that need to be addressed by the government but the County Council is confident Kent will manage whatever the outcome.

City Cllr Louise Jones-Roberts The Clerk read out the following report on behalf of Cllr Jones-Roberts: Cllr Jones-Roberts reported that rural businesses thinking of applying to the East Kent LEADER funding programme need to do so by the end of year. Applications can be submitted for between £2,500 and £50,000. Cllr Jones-Roberts also reported that construction of 16 new homes on Kingsmead Field is due to commence later this year, five of which will be affordable homes.

Cllr Jones-Roberts reported that an Act of Remembrance to commemorate for all those who died in the Far East during WWII was held at the Burma Star Memorial in the Westgate Gardens on 15 August 2019. Cllr Jones-Roberts also encouraged anybody wishing to respond to the Transport for South East transportation strategy to attend a drop in session on 22 October 2019 at Canterbury Christ Church University.

Cllr Jones-Roberts reported that in July 2019, the Canterbury District was awarded four Green Flag awards – Castle and in Whitstable, Westgate Parks in Canterbury and Country Park. The Green Flag is a national scheme that recognises parks and green spaces that have high standards of management, follow environmentally-friendly practices and involve the community to create attractive places for people and wildlife to enjoy. Also in July 2019, a trial was launched to bring two beach-accessible wheelchairs to Whitstable as part of the “Beach within Reach” project.

Cllr Jones-Roberts also reported that she has applied for double yellow lines to be considered by the Joint Transportation Committee and the Rural Forum along Coldharbour Lane to prevent lorries from using it as an overnight stay location. ~ 3 ~

More locally, Cllr Jones-Roberts has assisted a resident with errant bus drivers and the Lee Priory bus stop in , assisted Littlebourne Parish Council in applying for grants to fund the installation of public toilets, and been involved in an abandoned vehicle being removed from Ickham High Street.

The Clerk was asked to contact Cllr Jones-Roberts to enquire when she will be able to attend a Parish Council meeting. Volunteers working at Duncan Down, which has been awarded a Green Flag for 20

6. HIGHWAYS (i) Highways Improvement Plan Cllr Treacher reported that he has expressed the Parish Council’s disappointment at the lack of progress over the summer period due to staff levels to Michelle Matthews and Gary Peak at Kent County Council but since the last meeting, maps have been received showing the precise location of the proposed speed limit signs and the traffic survey was expected to be in place by the end of the day (17 September 2019). Cllr Howe confirmed that no tubes for the traffic survey were in place this afternoon. Cllr Treacher also reported that Littlebourne Parish Council’s request for the stretch of road from Wickham Road to Nargate Street to be reduced to 40mph is not being supported by Kent County Council. As there aren’t many dwellings apart from the local farm and the stretch of road is considered mainly countryside, the rural environment would not lend itself to a lower speed limit. This stretch would therefore not meet the guidance set by the Department for Transport when setting speed limits, which Kent County Council has to adhere to. (ii) Cllr Twyman reported that a number of pot holes in the parish have been repaired and he is chasing Michelle Weston, Highways Steward, to get the remaining pot holes addressed. (iii) Cllr Twyman reported that Grove Road towards Preston will be closed between 23 September and 04 October 2019 to enable Southern Water to lay a new water main connection. (iv) Cllr Twyman reported that Nargate Street will be closed on 30 September for one day to enable emergency tree works to be undertaken. (v) The Clerk reported that Road will be closed between the junctions with Littlebourne Road and Moat Lane from 07 October 2019 for up to three weeks to allow drainage improvement works to be undertaken. (vi) The Clerk reported that Kent County Council Highways, Transportation and Waste is holding their annual Parish Seminar on 13 November 2019 at Canterbury Cricket Ground. Cllr Twyman and the Clerk agreed to attend.

7. PLANNING (i) CA//19/01798/FUL – The Pear Orchard, Hawthorne Bungalow and Altona, The List Please see “Adjournment” for discussions on this item.

CA//19/01727/FUL – Newnham House, Grove Road The Parish Council has no objections to the proposed single storey side extension following demolition of existing single storey side extension. It was however noted that the Design and Access Statement states that the nearest bus stop is “located a short walking distance” from the property, which is an ambiguous statement as although the property is located on a bus route, the nearest bus stop is actually some distance away. Cllr Wright was asked to draw this to the attention of the City Council.

CA//19/01742/FUL – 1-2 The Mill, The Green Cllr Treacher explained that following Listed Building Consent application CA//19/01426/LB being granted, the City Council confirmed that Planning Permission would also be required for the proposed raising of the external floor level as the void will be over 0.3m. The Parish Council has no objections to the proposed removal of external brick wall and increase of external well floor level to create patio extension.

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CA//19/01046/K3F – Grove Ferry Picnic Site, Grove Ferry Road The Clerk reported that this application was considered at the Planning Committee meeting held on 11 September 2019 due to links to Applicant has with Environmental Planning and Enforcement at Kent County Council. The application was recommended to be approved. The Planning Committee’s decision was not published on Kent County Council’s website in time for the Parish Council meeting.

CA//19/01114/FUL – Pear Tree Cottage, Seaton Road Canterbury City Council has granted the application for a single storey rear extension together with alterations to the roof and porch to front elevation.

CA//19/01191/FUL – Quaives Farm, Grove Road Canterbury City Council has granted the retrospective application for proposed installation of two flues serving two biomass boilers.

CA//19/01199/LUE – Quaives Farm, Grove Road Canterbury City Council has granted the proposed Lawful Development Certificate for two existing 1.4 megawatt biomass boilers.

Cllr Wright reported that she contacted the Planning Officer to express concern at the lack of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) submitted with the application but the City Council did not feel there was sufficient concern to warrant an EIA.

CA//19/00661/LUP – Bell Barn, The Street Canterbury City Council has granted the proposed Lawful Development Certificate application for the replacement black steel flue.

CA//19/01244/LB – 6 The Mill, The Green Canterbury City Council has granted the proposed Listed Building Consent application for internal alterations, including the removal of timber stud and plasterboard walls and changing the style and layout of the staircase.

CA//19/01426/LB – 1-2 The Mill, The Green Canterbury City Council has granted the proposed Listed Building Consent application for external alterations including removal of brick wall and increased floor levels to create extension to patio.

8. STANDING ORDERS Cllr Treacher wished to thank the Clerk for highlighting all the proposed changes to the Standing Orders for ease of reference. Councillors unanimously voted in favour of adopting the proposed new version of the Standing Orders.

Cllr Collinson raised concerns regarding publishing the Clerk and Village Hall Cleaner’s salaries on the agenda and in the minutes. The Clerk confirmed that publishing the precise figures is not a requirement but it needs to be noted that a payment is being put forward to each meeting. It was unanimously agreed not to publish figures from next month.

9. REPLACEMENT PLAYING FIELD GATE POST Cllr Rees reported that further to the replacement of one rotten gate post on the playing field, one of the posts on the pedestrian gate is also rotten and needs replacement. A quotation has been received from Jacksons Fencing for £91.98 (including VAT) for materials which comes with a 25 year guarantee. The Parish Council unanimously agreed to accept Jacksons Fencing quotation and Cllr Rees agreed to order materials and instruct Matt McKay to install the post.

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10. SOAKAWAY ON LARGE GREEN Please see “Adjournment” for discussions on this item.

11. RESIDENT HARVESTING REQUEST Cllr Wright reported that she received a request from a resident asking if it would be possible for farmers to advertise the dates for harvesting in advance so residents who suffer from breathing difficulties can take precautions if necessary. The request has been prompted by Westgate-on- Sea putting a note online for their harvesting.

Cllr Twyman explained that it would be difficult to provide precise dates as harvesting can be undertaken over a period of six months depending on the variety of crops in the area, although it was noted that cereal crops in particular produce a large amount of “dust” when being harvested. As the likely information that can be circulated wouldn’t be precise enough to be of much benefit in order to provide advance enough warning, Cllr Twyman suggested that any residents with concerns or breathing difficulties contact their local farmer directly who may be able to provide a couple of days’ notice in the future. The Parish Council unanimously agreed with this suggestion and the Clerk agreed to respond to the resident.

12. A3 INFORMATIVE SIGN ON BRIDGE Cllr Treacher reported that he received a request from the Kentish Stour Countryside Partnership (KSCP) asking permission to install an A3 sign, similar in size and materials to the one currently installed by Turner’s Orchard in Littlebourne, to provide information about rivers. The proposal is part of a project called Our Stour, which is a three year community project with a focus on enjoying and improving the rivers and streams of the Stour Valley.

Cllr Treacher advised KSCP that Kent County Council own the bridge and therefore the Parish Council cannot grant permission. KSCP still expressed an interest in whether the Parish Council would support a sign in that location. The Parish Council discussed the request and felt that an additional sign in this location would make the bridge appear too cluttered and therefore voted unanimously against the sign. Cllr Treacher agreed to respond to KSCP and reiterated to councillors that Kent County Council will have the final decision.

13. CHRISTMAS TREES The Parish Council unanimously agreed to purchase a Christmas tree for both Wickhambreaux and Stodmarsh this year following Cllr Howe’s suggestion at the last meeting. It was agreed to order the trees from Clough’s to be delivered at the same time as Ickham to save on the delivery costs. Cllr Treacher agreed to contact the volunteers who decorated the tree in Wickhambreaux last year to see whether they would be willing to assist again this year and Cllr Howe agreed to enquire if there are any volunteers in Stodmarsh wishing to decorate the Stodmarsh tree.

14. ONLINE BANKING The Clerk reported that online banking would still need to have two signatories to enact payments to be in accordance with the Financial Regulations and KALC advice. Currently the Parish Council bank with Natwest who only require one signatory for online banking, as is the case with most of the High Street banks. The Clerk reported she has found two banks that enable the Clerk to set up payments to be authorised by two signatories as RFO. Signatories on the account will receive an email notification to say there are payments to be authorised and they will then type in a code only they know to authorise the payment. Both of these banks charge for this service as follows:  Bank A - £20.00 a month  Bank B – £18.00 a quarter (£6.00 per month)

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The Clerk reported that Littlebourne and Parish Councils currently bank with Bank B and would recommend them. The Parish Council unanimously agreed to investigate changing to Bank B, Unity Trust Bank, and the Clerk agreed to make further enquiries.

15. COMMUNICATION WITH RESIDENTS Website Cllr Collinson reported that the Parish Council has until 22 September 2020 to become compliant with the recent Web Accessibility Regulations. The purpose of the regulations is to improve the accessibility of public sector websites/mobile apps so that they can be used by as many people as possible. They build on existing obligations to disabled people under the Equality Act 2010 and the duty to make reasonable adjustments for disabled people.

Cllr Collinson reported that the Parish Council can make a number of adjustments itself, for example uploading all documents as PDFs rather than Word documents as PDFs can be accessed by screen readers that can turn text into speech. However, the current website is not compliant and EiS (who host the website) will be making the necessary changes in time for the deadline.

However, as the changes required to meet these regulations are extensive, it is expected that parish councils will be required to pay for the ongoing use of the new websites. KALC will be meeting with EiS in due course to discuss possible fees and other providers and will report back in due course.

Website Calendar Cllr Collinson reported that he has been liaising with EiS to get a calendar put on the website which he envisions being a community resource for everyone. At the moment the dates for the Parish Council meetings, bin collection dates, school term dates, school events and village hall bookings have been added. Cllr Collinson also suggested approaching the churches, , campanologists and other village groups to get the calendar well populated before advertising it to residents. The Parish Council unanimously supported the suggestion of a community calendar.

Parish Councillor Emails Cllr Collinson reported that although EiS are expecting to charge for the ongoing use of the website after becoming compliant with the new Web Accessibility Regulations, no confirmation has been given whether this will be extended to the email system.

Cllr Treacher reported that the email system, which is used by a large number of parish councils, will be discussed at the KALC Executive Meeting on Saturday 21 September and it is hoped an update will be given then.

16. CLLRS’ REPORTS School Report Mr Patrick Duffy reported that at the start of the academic year, 17 pupils left the School to move onto secondary school and 17 pupils joined. The two extra pupils over the 15 PAN (planned admission number) for year reception have been accepted from an adjacent village. Mr Duffy reported that the School is currently functioning well, albeit under a deficit budget, and it is hoped the recently announced additional funding from the government will be available shortly.

Mr Duffy also reported that the orchestra has played at Town Hall, in Canterbury High Street as part of the Medieval Pageant, Barham Big Band Day and the Diocesan Day of Prayer and Pilgrimage, where the pupils recorded a song for the event. The Kent Music Road Show is also due to visit the School on 07 October 2019. ~ 7 ~

Mr Duffy reported that the annual Harvest Festival will be held on 20 September 2019 in St Andrew’s Church and the Autumn Fair will be held on 29 September 2019 in Ickham. Cllr Twyman wished to thank the School for having a volunteer steward last year to assist with parking during the harvest festival and enquired whether a steward would be on duty this year. Mr Duffy agreed to find out. Cllr Wright reported that she and Cllr Collinson attended the July Tea Party and wished to thank the School for the invitation.

Mr Duffy also reported that the Friends of Wickhambreaux School (FOWS) are clearing the Early Years outdoor play area and may receive additional funds to help brighten it up.

Cllr Treacher enquired whether the School will be effected by the new proposals from the Department for Education to un-exempt “outstanding” schools from Ofsted inspections. This has been proposed as some “outstanding” schools have not been inspected for a decade or more raising concerns their rating might not reflect their current standards due to changes in pupils, teaching staff and/or curriculum. It is unclear from the proposals whether the new rules will apply to small primary schools. Mr Duffy responded he was not aware of this but agreed to find out and report back.

Tree Representative The Parish Council has no objections to the following proposed tree works:  TRE/19/00317 – The Mill House, The Green – Proposed 30% reduction and re- shaping of 2no Silver Birch trees to rear of property  TRE/19/00370 – White Cottage, The Street – Fell T1 Birch at front of property (located at end of the garden)

Neighbourhood Watch More than £80 000 in cash and 38 weapons have been seized during the latest crackdown on knife crime and associated offences, including the supply of drugs. In total 65 people were arrested from across Kent. During the two week firearms surrender between 20 July and 04 August 2019, shotguns, pistols and a deactivated machine gun were among the items handed in. This is the second time this year that the force has promoted a firearms surrender.

In Canterbury, a man has received a two year three month sentence after 83 cannabis plants were found being cultivated in a house in Canterbury. In addition, a man has received a five month prison term for handling a collection of ancient artefacts stolen in March 2018 from the Canterbury Archaeological Trust.

Generally, there has been the annual spate of break-ins to sheds and garages, with lawn mowers and tools being taken by thieves. Breaking into vehicles also continues to reported on a daily basis and, despite publicity warning of this crime trend, thieves are still finding plenty of valuable items left in cars. One incident occurred in Nargate Close, Littlebourne in the first week of September. There was also damage to a car’s petrol cap and paintwork in Grove Road, Wickhambreaux last month.

Neighbourhood Watch members and other members of the public across the district are being invited to sign up to a community utility called Nextdoor. The idea is claimed to provide members with a local social media chat page where they can learn about local events, trades persons and (according to sales material) security/crime issues/warnings. Although registration is free, the company’s privacy statement and member agreement documentation make it clear that income is obtained through advertising, and crucially members agree to their details being used outside of the EU, which could remove some safeguards currently provided by GDPR in the UK and Europe. It is also apparent that Nextdoor member participation is not covered by English law. In view of the information and feedback from members of Nextdoor, the Canterbury and District Neighbourhood Watch Association does not endorse Nextdoor. ~ 8 ~

KALC Cllr Treacher reported that the AGM (Annual General Meeting) was held on 23 July 2019 in Littlebourne Village Hall where he was elected as Chairman, Ray Evison as Vice-Chairman, the Clerk as Secretary and Alan Atkinson as KALC representative on the Standards Committee and Joint Transportation Board. Cllr Twyman wished to congratulate Cllr Treacher and the Clerk on being elected to their respective roles.

The lack of PCSO attendance at parish council meetings was discussed along with Kent County Council’s review of 20mph zones in villages and the possibility of parish councils being consulted on planning and tree work applications prior to Canterbury City Council to ensure that applications are in keeping with the area and works are not carried out without permission due to lack of knowledge.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday 22 October 2019 at the Herne Centre where Robert Thomas, leader of Canterbury City Council and Kent County Council Councillor, will be guest speaker.

Rural Forum The Clerk reported that she attended the Rural Forum meeting on 16 September 2019 where guest speakers Matthew Arnold from Stagecoach, Transportation Team Leader Ruth Goudie from Canterbury City Council and Head of Public Transport Phil Lightowler from Kent County Council, were in attendance to discuss transport. With regards to double decker buses being used on rural roads, Mr Arnold explained it is more cost effective to run larger buses as the majority of their running costs for the day have already been met in the peak school run period. In addition, there are not enough of the smaller buses to run solely on rural roads and all buses need to be at least 2.5m wide to accommodate wheelchairs.

The Clerk also reported that the Rural Forum wish to hold a Parish Seminar to discuss the relationship between Canterbury City Council and rural parishes. The seminar would cover a variety of topics, including the review of the Parish Charter, with the aim of creating a closer working relationship between the City Council and rural parishes. KALC supports the idea and the City Council is open to ideas for topics for discussion. The Clerk reported that she has sent an email supporting the seminar and suggested an evening and weekend session to accommodate councillors who have work or other commitments during the week.

Village Hall Committee Cllr Treacher reported that the next Village Hall Committee meeting will be held on 24 September 2019. Cllr Treacher also reported that the recently submitted Four Villages Post Office and Shop Fund application will be an item of discussion as the application form has gone astray and investigations are ongoing to establish the circumstances of this.

Playing Field Committee Cllr Rees reported that the trees overhanging the play area from neighbouring land have cut back and the chippings scattered over the nature area. Cllr Rees wished to thank the landowner for their cooperation in getting the work undertaken.

The Playing Field Bank balance is £2030.75, including the recent award from the Four Villages Post Office and Shop Fund.

Village Greens Cllr Howe reported that he has been approached by three residents in Stodmarsh requesting that the recently installed bench on the green be moved due to noise complaints. Cllr Howe also reported that smokers have been using the bench and leaving cigarette butts which could pose a risk due to a resident’s oil tank being situated nearby. Although one of the nearby residents offered to pay for the bench to be moved, Cllr Howe suggested that the Parish Council fund the associated costs which was unanimously agreed. ~ 9 ~

Cllr Rees reported that one of the benches on the playing field installed in the memory of Ray Chandler needs to be replaced and suggested moving the bench there. The memorial plaque could then be moved onto the new bench. Cllr Howe also suggested the concrete plinth left over on the green in Stodmarsh be utilised with the installation of a planter. The Parish Council unanimously agreed with both suggestions and it was agreed to cap costs at £150.00. Cllr Howe agreed to obtain a planter.

Cllr Rees reported that the six new planters for the bridge are ready to be installed and suggested instead of having three summer and three winter planters that would be alternated, to install all six on the bridge if there is room to accommodate them all. The Clerk reported that she would need to request permission from Kent County Council to undertake this and Cllr Rees and Cllr Howe agreed to measure up the planters to see whether all six could be located here, three on each side, before proceeding further.

Cllr Wright reported that the two volunteers who maintained the planters, Mary Judd and Renee Porter, do not wish to continue and proposed sending a thank you card and a bunch of flowers. This was unanimously agreed and Cllr Wright agreed to obtain these.

Footpaths Cllr Wright agreed to chase Louise Adams at Kent County Council for an update on the replacement footpath signs.

17. FINANCE The expenditure totalling £666.01 was authorised, made up of:  Majestic Garden Care – Playing field maintenance August 2019 - £132.00  Chenice Sparkes – Clerk salary September 2019 - £295.51  Lyssi Varghese – Village Hall Cleaner Salary September 2019 - £46.90  HMRC – Employee and PAYE September 2019 - £11.60  Hadlow Parish Council – Play Area Inspection Course with RPII Exam - £180.00

In the interim period, nine cheques totalling £3,105.41 were signed as follows:  Matt McKay – Replacing rotten playing field gate post - £220.00  Adventure Zone – Replace bolts on zip wire and tighten others as necessary - £60.00  RoSPA – Play Area Annual Inspection 2019 - £107.40  Majestic Garden Care – Playing Field maintenance July 2019 - £66.00  Mark Jones Tree Surgery – Various tree works as per annual inspection - £2160.00  DM Payroll Services Ltd – Payroll service for first half 2019-2020 - £40.50  Chenice Sparkes – Clerk salary August 2019 - £295.51  Lyssi Varghese – Village Hall Cleaner Salary July and August 2019 - £124.80  HMRC – Employee and PAYE August 2019 - £31.20

18. CLERK REPORT AND CORRESPONDENCE Nothing to report not previously covered on the agenda.

19. ANY OTHER BUSINESS (i) Cllr Treacher reported that he received a letter from the residents at Wickhambreaux Court wishing to clarify why the trees on the boundary of the property were felled and dilapidated outbuildings demolished following these being reported at the Parish Council meetings on 10 April and 16 May 2019. The residents confirmed they wish to restore the Georgian farm to what it looked like for 300 years before the outbuildings were allowed to become rundown. The residents explained they shared this ambition 10 years ago with the current Chairman at the time, who is no longer on the Parish Council, who kindly shared a painting of the barns before their collapse.

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The residents have been discussing the financial viability of restoring the barns, which is marginal, with the conservation consultants who restored Ickham’s barns. As soon as they have a viable plan, if it is possible, the residents intend to share this with the Parish Council, all relevant authorities and neighbours. Cllr Treacher reported that he responded to the residents to thank them for clarifying the situation and for offering to liaise with the Parish Council should a viable proposal be put forward. (ii) Cllr Rees reported that she, Cllr Treacher and Cllr Collinson attended the Canterbury City Council Code of Conduct Training on 29 August 2019 which was very useful. The Monitoring Officer Steven Boyle was also present.

20. CONFIDENTIAL ITEM The Parish Council received a report providing an update on the School rental review, the contents of which was agreed in principle, and investigations are ongoing. This update will be shared with the Village Hall Committee at their meeting on 24 September 2019 before contacting the School.

The meeting closed at 10.41pm

Signed………………………...... (Chairman)


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