Imf Policy Responses to Covid-19

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Imf Policy Responses to Covid-19 IMF POLICY RESPONSES TO COVID-19 This policy tracker summarizes the key economic responses governments are taking to limit the human and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The tracker includes 193 economies. Last updated May 22, 2020. NOTE: The tracker focuses on discretionary actions and might not fully reflect the policies taken by countries in response to COVID-19, such as automatic insurance mechanisms and existing social safety nets which differ across countries in their breadth and scope. The information included is not meant for comparison across members as responses vary depending on the nature of the shock and country-specific circumstances. Adding up the different measures—tax and spending, loans and guarantees, monetary instruments, and foreign exchange operations—might not provide an accurate estimate of the aggregate policy support. The tracker includes information that is publicly available or provided by the authorities to country teams and does not represent views of the IMF on the measures listed. A BACK TO TOP Afghanistan, Islamic Republic of Background. As of May 21, Afghanistan had reported 8,676 COVID-19 cases with 193 deaths and 938 recoveries. Since the first case was confirmed on February 24, the number of Afghan migrants returning daily from neighboring countries has been in the thousands, well in excess of the COVID-19 testing capacity. The actual infection rate is therefore likely higher than reported. On March 18, the government tightened containment measures, including screening at ports of entry, quarantine for infected people, and closure of public places for gathering. On March 28, it introduced in most of the country strict lockdown measures, which were subsequently extended twice and will now be in place until May 24. Daily movements have been restricted to those deemed essential. The government also released over 5,300 prisoners to reduce the risk of mass infections in penitentiaries. The pandemic has hit hard the economy as trade and transportation have been disrupted and domestic activity slowed sharply, upending the livelihood of thousands of Afghan families. Border closures and panic-buying led to a temporary spike in prices of some foodstuffs, which abated after private wholesalers boosted supply at the government’s request. On May 17, Pakistan re-opened its Torkham and Chaman borders points with Afghanistan. 1 Key Policy Responses as of May 21, 2020 FISCAL The Government’s Emergency Committee for COVID-19 Prevention meets every two days to assess the situation and initiate relevant actions. The government initially allocated Af 8 billion (0.5 percent of GDP) for emergency pandemic response, of which Af 1.9 billion (0.1 percent of GDP) for urgent health needs, such as i) establishing testing labs, including at border crossings; ii) setting up special wards to boost hospitalization and care capacity; and iii) procuring the most critical medical supplies. Since then, the government has developed two macroeconomic scenarios with distinct assumptions regarding the depth and duration of the pandemic. It has identified non- essential spending that can be curtailed to create space for pandemic-related spending, including social relief package for the affected households and measures to prevent permanent damage to the Afghan economy. Draft budget amendments recently submitted to parliament would allocate about Af 21 billion (1.4 percent of GDP) for a short-term employment program, processing and storage facilities for agriculture commodities that producers have been unable to export, building industrial parks, purchases of additional hospital beds, and bread distribution to the vulnerable households. Overall, the authorities plan to spend about 2 percent of GDP for critical pandemic-related spending during the year, with about one third directed to health. With the support of the World Bank, other development partners, and humanitarian agencies, the authorities are developing a social relief package—through cash transfers and, if impractical, in kind—to support food security among socially vulnerable households. On April 29, the government started providing free bread to about 2.5 million needy and poor people in Kabul, and plan to extend to other cities. To ease tax compliance, the government extended filing deadlines on March 20 for individual and business taxpayers. MONETARY AND MACRO-FINANCIAL The authorities increased the frequency of Financial Stability Committee meetings, enhanced the monitoring of early signs of liquidity stress, and reviewed banks’ business continuity plans. Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB) has suspended administrative penalties and fees, postponed the IFRS-9 implementation to June 2021, and froze loan classifications at the pre-pandemic cutoff of end-February. EXCHANGE RATE AND BALANCE OF PAYMENTS DAB remains focused on price stability and is committed to exchange rate flexibility, limiting its foreign interventions to preventing excessive volatility. DAB has engaged money-service providers, who play a systemic role in financial intermediation, including in foreign currency, to ensure uninterrupted services. BACK TO TOP 2 Albania Background. As of May 21, Albania has 969 confirmed cases (of which only 167 are active cases), and 31 deaths. As new cases continue to drop, the country is preparing to open its borders by the end of May, after virtually shutting them since mid-March, bar for trade and repatriation flights. Preparation for the forthcoming tourist season have started, with government preparing safety and hygiene protocols. Albania is still under the state of natural catastrophe until June 23rd, which enables the government to use extended powers. Since detecting its first case on March 8th, due to its proximity and close links to Italy, Albania adopted some of the toughest restrictive measures in Europe. The parliament adopted on April 18th amendments to the penal code, legislating harsh punishments for those breeching the lockdown or quarantine. In a sign of solidarity with its neighbor and main trading partner, Albania has sent teams of doctors and nurses to help fight against the COVID-19 pandemic in north Italy, one of the worst hit areas in the world. Small businesses, individuals affected by the pandemic measures and students will be able to hold off on rent payments for April and May according to a normative act. Reopening of the economy. On May 18th, Albania opened almost all businesses, including bars and restaurants for outside sitting alone. Large gatherings and sporting activities are still banned, but training in open areas has started. Gradual reopening measures have started since mid-April based on the reopening strategy prepared by the Ministry of Health, which factor in new number of cases, hospitalization and patients needing intensive care. Most of the country is now a low risk “green area” where no restrictions apply, Movement between green and red areas is restricted. Schools resumed on May 18th only for graduating high school students that sit university admission exams, while some universities will resume staggered classes in the summer to ensure fewer students per class. Courts have resumed work as April 27th. Public transport remains closed, but taxis have resumed. Key Policy Responses as of May 21, 2020 FISCAL The government has adopted two support packages for people and businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic of a combined size of Lek 45 billion (2.8 percent of GDP) consisting of budget spending, sovereign guarantees and tax deferrals. The first package adopted on March 19th through a normative act had support measures of Lek 23bn (1.4 percent of GDP) through a combination of spending reallocations, spending increases and sovereign guarantees to support affected businesses. The key measures are: (i) additional funding for health sector in the amount of Lek 3.5 billion (ii) Lek 6.5bn for the support of small businesses/self-employed that are forced to close activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic by paying them minimum salaries (up to two in the case of family businesses with unpaid family members), doubling of the unemployment benefits and social assistance layouts. (iii) Lek 2bn of defense spending reallocated toward humanitarian relief for the most vulnerable, (iv) Lek 11bn (0.6 percent of GDP) sovereign guarantee fund for companies to access overdrafts in the banking system to pay wages for their employees 3 for up to 3 months with an interest rate capped at 2.85 percent for a maturity of up to 2 years. The government will bear the interest costs. Starting in April, cabinet ministers and lawmakers will receive half of their salaries for the next three months with the savings going to the Anti-Covid 19 social support fund. The second package adopted on April 15th includes (i) Lek 7bn (0.4 percent of GDP) fund to pay for a one-off transfer of Lk40,000 to employees of small businesses affected by the pandemic not covered in the first package, employees of large businesses laid off due to the pandemic, and employees in the tourism sector; (ii) a sovereign guarantee of Lek 15 billion (0.9 percent of GDP) to provide loans for working capital for all private companies that were tax-compliant and solvent before the pandemic. The government will guarantee 60% of the loans, and interest are capped at 5%. The government has also adopted tax deferral measures allowing all companies (except banks, telecommunication, public enterprises and companies in the chain of supply of essential goods) to defer payment of profit tax until after September. Tourism, active processing and call centers – as well as small businesses with turnover of Lk14m or less – can defer payments of profit tax to next year. MONETARY AND MACRO-FINANCIAL To address the liquidity bottlenecks of companies and individuals, the Bank of Albania announced a temporary change on the provisioning requirements , effective from March 12th to May 31st, enabling clients to ask banks and other financial institutions to defer loan installments without penalties.
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