In Attendance Apologies Absent Cllr Julian Jones (Chairman) √ Cllr Dr Manuela Gazzard √ Cllr Mrs Sheila Harden √ Cllr Derrick Penny √ Cllr Barry Dodd √

ALSO, IN ATTENDANCE: Karen Ross – Clerk and Borough and 1 member of the public

201001 To receive and accept apologies for absence Borough Councillor Hannah Golding submitted her apologies for absence.

201002 To receive and note any declarations of pecuniary interest relevant to the agenda There were no declarations of pecuniary interest relevant to the agenda RECEIVED

201003 The Chairman to sign as a correct record the minutes of the Dummer Parish Council meeting held 2nd September 2020 The Chairman signed as a correct record the minutes of the Dummer Parish Council meeting held 2nd September 2020

201004 To open the meeting to members of the public There was one member of the public who raised the issue of a Neighbourhood plan and whether it would be prudent to start the process. Discussion around this issue took place. Comments regarding this were: Excellent in principle and could provide a vehicle for resident’s concerns over recent applications for the new hospital, Glebe close and Gateway Financial- the cost implications around producing the document 5-year land supply – If there is a shortfall in the 5 Year land supply, then the Neighbourhood plan would be null and void Windfall sites- despite many areas holding local plans, many applications have been approved by as windfall sites.

201005 To receive a report from Borough Councillor Hannah Golding The master plan for J7 continues. I am disappointed that the Parish has not been formally consulted yet, and I reminded officers very recently that that needed to be done prior to EPH committee. I will follow up Julian’s email to repeat the request. The last Development Control committee was fairly eventful with 110 houses for Oakley being rejected. My thanks go to Dummer Parish for their quick review and communications regarding 2 Clump Cottages too. The two planning applications for ‘Basingstoke Gateway’ at J7 continue to be worked on. Plenty of objections have been submitted and further work is required from the applicants which should mean their proposed timescale is now unrealistic. It was good to hear the level of commitment for a new hospital for North from the Government. The CCG continue to develop their plans but have not yet chosen a preferred site. The borough council continues to adapt and respond to the ever changing covid situation. This morning grants to support people who have to isolate following a positive test or instructions from track and trace goes live. Cabinet also approved a plan to support local economic recovery earlier this month. It continues to be a challenging time, but please do contact me if there are any issues and I hope to make your next meeting!

Chairman to the Parish Council Cllr Jones stated: There had been an AD plant meeting, the minutes will be submitted to the Parish Councillors 2 Clump Cottages has been approved by Development Committee BDBC

HALC Newsletter contains information on education courses. Councillors should consider whether any courses are relevant for Dummer’s needs.

201006 To note the current financial situation The current financial situation was NOTED and can be found as Appendix A

201007 To agree requests for payment The request for payment for as listed below was APPROVED for payment

FROM ITEM AMOUNT INVOICE NO PAY METHOD Karen Ross Salary £265.30 October Electronic HMRC Tax £66.20 October Electronic Vic Lee Maintenance £275.00 1652 Electronic Viking printer cartridges £6.77 949185 Electronic Karen Ross Expenses £10.00 October Electronic Total £623.27

201008 To agree renewal the SID It was RESOLVED to renew the SID sign Proposed by Cllr Harden and Seconded by Cllr Dodd All members voted unanimously to accept this resolution

201009 To retrospectively approve the grant request of £50 from St Mark’s Church for painting stones for residents in Longacre It was RESOLVED to retrospectively approve under its powers under section 137 of the local Government Act of 1972 the grant request of £50 from St Mark’s Church for painting stones for residents in Longacre. Proposed by Cllr Penny and Seconded by Cllr Dodd All members voted unanimously to accept this resolution

201010 To consider the following applications 201010.01 20/00906/HSE 2 Clump Cottages Farleigh Lane Erection of two storey side extension following reconstruction of existing lean- too side extension. Demolition of front porch and sunroom outbuilding. Associated internal and external alterations, to include revised courtyard parking and hard paved areas It was NOTED that this had already been approved by Development Control at Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council.

201010.02 20/02501/FUL M3 Self Storage, North Waltham Business Centre Provision of additional self-storage containers above existing storage containers and on east and west extension to existing storage container area, additional 5 visitor parking spaces Paul Basham Associates Technical Note States that the site location is approximately 1.6km east of North Waltham Village and 8km south west of Basingstoke Town Centre but fails to mention it is less that 1km from Dummer; 1.2km from All Saint’s Grade I listed Church. Section 2.7 Personal Injury Accident (PIA) Data states: the accident at the entrance was driver error. Dummer Parish Council would like to see a warning sign of the dead ground that conceals the entrance when approaching from the North. It would like to ensure that the new north-western row of containers do not damage the Mature Trees. A lighting plan should be provided showing the proposal for the raised gantry and top-level containers. Local Plan Policy EM12 – Pollution – Light Pollution

201010.03 20/02586/FUL Land at Oakdown Farm Road Demolition of three dwellings, out-buildings and related structures and construction of a storage and distribution warehouse including mezzanine floorspace (use class B8) with ancillary offices (use class B1) within Plot 1 of the site, with associated infrastructure works including site access, parking provision, landscaping, site reprofiling, drainage works and diversion of underground pipeline. It was agreed to object to this application and the letter of objection can be found as Appendix B

201010.04 19/03286/RES Hounsome Fields Trenchard Lane Approval of reserved matters for Phase A2 for the erection of 150 residential units of a mix of detached, semi-detached and terraced dwellings and flats; car parking and garages, internal access roads, footpaths, parking and circulation areas; footpath links and informal paths; public open space/amenity space; hard and soft landscaping; and other associated infrastructure and engineering works, in relation to outline permission 15/04503/OUT There is still a concern that parking is insufficient and that this will cause on street parking There is insufficient space for the bins and the The Houses do not seem to address the climate emergency The playground is sited in an inappropriate position by the main road which could be dangerous and affected by the car pollution. The LEAP Detailed Design includes a Wheelchair Accessible Roundabout. There are no drop kerbs close to the LEAP. One of the parking spaces should be a Disabled Space?

201010.05 20/02240/ROC Well House Down Street Dummer RG25 2AD Variation of condition 1 of planning consent 19/01123/HSE to allow alterations to the design of building works, to include adding a further window and infill an open bay of the garage and alterations to the driveway The Parish Council would like to object access to neighbouring properties The gates open onto the Drove rather than onto their property There is not sufficient area for turning without entering a neighbouring property Vehicles are not able to leave the property in a forward gear as there is not sufficient space on the applicants drive The garage as detailed in the plan is not large enough for a vehicle The courtyard south of the house has been surfaced with slabs. The applicant should make provision drainage to prevent run-off into Down Street. The Parish Council is aware that the visitor parking space on the Drove has been removed in the amended plan, it would not like to see it reinstated or considered as a parking space in this application. It was agreed that this should be ‘called into’ to Development Control

201011 To consider the sites put forward in the Local Plan The views in and out of the village should be maintained with a Strategic Gap implemented between the village and the M3. It was agreed that the areas submitted in the SHELAA and the 10 homes required by the Local Plan Policy SS5 – Neighbourhood Planning – para 4.66 should be considered and a document produced for approval at the next meeting.

201012 To consider requesting BDBC to appraise the Conservation area The question was raised as to whether the Conservation area is carried onto the next plan. The Village Design statement may need updating to incorporate the changes in the Village.

201013 To consider the changes to the footpaths on Breach Farm The Parish Council has no objections to the amendments

201014 To agree the date of the next meeting The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Monday 9th November 2020

There being no further items for discussion the meeting closed at 8.36pm

Appendix A Financial Situation


Annual Actual-v- Figures shown Budget Budget RECEIPTS exclusive of VAT

15300 100% Precept 7,650.00 10 34% Bank Interest 1.44 1480 121% Other -


PAYMENTS 5000 40% Net Salaries & Allowances (Jul-Sept 2 ) 994.50 0 0% HCC - Pension Contributions (e'ers & e'ees) - 120 17% Clerk's Expenses Net VAT (Jul-Sept 20 ) - 350 49% Administration 5.41 50 0% Chairman's Allowance - 4000 74% Repairs & Maintenance 908.73 650 72% Insurance Premium - 500 0% Grants & Donations: - 250 0% Section 137 - 100 0% Training - 300 0% Hall Hire - 250 80% Audit Fees 200.00 650 72% Subscriptions 80.00 150 0% Publications (LCR) - 360 21% Communications 65.00 0 0% Other B 1,500.00 500 0% Miscellaneous - 0 0% VAT on payments 352.69 13,230 TOTAL PAYMENTS 4,106.33

BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD on 01/06/20 17,825.23 ADD Total Receipts (as above) 7,651.44 LESS Total payments (as above) 4,106.33

Balance Carried forward 30/09/20 21,370.34

These cumulative funds are represented by: Current Account (per bank statement) 772.89 Deposit Account (per bank statement) 17,514.17 Dev Control fund (per bank statement) - Play Area (per bank statement) 3,083.28 21,370.34

Responsible Finance Officer for Dummer Parish Council Date:

Appendix B Dummer Parish Council’s response to Item 201010.03

20/02586/FUL Land at Oakdown Farm Winchester Road Dummer Basingstoke Hampshire

Proposal: Demolition of three dwellings, out-buildings and related structures and construction of a storage and distribution warehouse including mezzanine floorspace (use class B8) with ancillary offices (use class B1) within Plot 1 of the site, with associated infrastructure works including site access, parking provision, landscaping, site reprofiling, drainage works and diversion of underground pipeline.

Dummer Parish Council wishes to object to the above application for the following reasons:

Principle of development The proposed development represents an unsustainable form of development on a greenfield site located within the countryside and would compromise the principle of the non- coalescence area which seeks to protect the character and identity of Dummer and North Waltham. The proposed development would be outside the defined settlement boundary of Basingstoke and Dummer and has not been allocated or put forward for development in the adopted Basingstoke and Deane Borough Local Plan 2011-2029. The proposed development is unsuitable and therefore fails to comply with Policies EM1 and EP4 and of the adopted Basingstoke and Deane Borough Local Plan 2011-2029 and National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

The proposed development as a result of its scale, form, design, siting and location on an open parcel of land within the open countryside would result in an incongruous, prominent form of new development that would have an unacceptable urbanising effect by way of visual intrusion and unacceptable encroachment into the rural landscape setting which results in harm to the setting and context of surrounding properties and is contrary to National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and SD1 of the adopted Basingstoke and Deane Borough Local Plan 2011-2029

Landscape The proposed development by virtue of its scale, form, design, siting and location would result in the introduction of substantial incongruous built form into the rural countryside.

The proposal would be excessively prominent, resulting in the loss of open, rural countryside and harm to the visual amenity of the area. The proposal would therefore fail to provide a scheme which protects, conserves, or enhances the character, diversity and local distinctiveness of the existing landscape setting, the mitigation proposed would fail to overcome this harm. For these reasons, the development would fail to preserve or enhance the local character of the area and would have an unacceptable adverse impact on the countryside, landscape character. The development is therefore contrary to Policy EM1 and CN7 of the adopted Basingstoke and Deane Borough Local Plan 2011-2029 and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

The proposed development by virtue of its location, design, scale and form would fail to provide a high standard of design, particularly with respect to the addressing the principles of context and character, would have negative impact on the character of Dummer and North Waltham and would fail to integrate itself. It is contrary to Policies EM10 and EM4 of the adopted Basingstoke and Deane Borough Local Plan 2011-2029 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

Environmental Health The submitted application has failed to provide sufficient information to demonstrate that there will not be an adverse impact on the amenity levels, particularly in terms of air quality, noise and vibration, of the adjacent properties (Ganderdown). The application is therefore contrary to EM12 of the adopted Basingstoke and Deane Borough Local Plan 2011-2029 and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

Transport The submitted application fails to provide sufficient information to adequately assess the impact of the proposals on the operational capacity and condition of safety of the local highway network and adjoining strategic road network, particularly Southwood traffic light-controlled junction, the capacity of the Junction 7 roundabout and the sub- standard distance between M3 Junctions 7 and 8. This application is therefore, contrary to Policy CN7of the adopted Basingstoke and Deane Borough Local Plan 2011-2029 and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

Biodiversity The submitted application has failed to provide sufficient information to demonstrate that there will not be an adverse impact on the local Biodiversity and is therefore contrary to Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council Natural Environment Strategy 2014 and EM4,EM5 of the adopted Basingstoke and Deane Borough Local Plan 2011-2029. This application does not comply with the Green Infrastructure Strategy and the current Local Plan policy EM5, which protects the network of Green Infrastructure across the borough, as well as requiring new developments to provide new green space in accordance with adopted standards.

Flooding This site is within the Test catchment and must conform to Policy EM7 – Managing Flood Risk and also ensure that there is no contamination of the underlying aquifer or result in pollution of contamination of Southampton Water.