Generation Challenge Programme 2011 Project updates (incorporating projects completed in 2010 and 2009) August 2011 Generation Challenge Programme (GCP) Hosted by CIMMYT (Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo; the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center) Mailing address: Physical address: c/o CIMMYT, Apdo Postal 6–641 c/o CIMMYT Km 45 Carretera México–Veracruz 06600 Mexico, DF Mexico El Batán, Texcoco, México, CP 56130 Tel: +52 55 5804 2004 Fax: +52 55 5804 7558 Email:
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[email protected] i Published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Mexico licence. This licence allows all users to read, copy (in full or in part), distribute or adapt this work, providing that they: (i) acknowledge GCP as the original author of the work; (ii) do not use it for commercial purposes; and, (iii) require other users to observe conditions (i) and ii), (ie, other parties must also acknowledge GCP and use the work for non-commercial purposes). Correct Citation: CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme, 2011. 2011 Project updates (incorporating projects completed in 2010 and 2009). Texcoco, Mexico: Generation Challenge Programme. Compiled by: Gillian Summers Cover illustration: Recomposition based on original artwork by Rhoda Okono entitled Autumn in Africa: revisted Art direction: Miguel Mellado E Editorial note: Project updates are published as presented by the authors, except for updates that extended beyond the set word limit where text beyond this point has been omitted, indicated by continuation dots/suspension points (...) This publication has been printed in black-and-white. For colour images, please contact the appropriate Principal Investigator.