THULASI Bridge End Close (Off Clifton Road) Kingston Upon Thames KT2 6PZ, (UK) Telephone: + 44 (0) 20 8546 1560 Fax: + 44 (0)20 8546 5701 E-Mail: [email protected] jkpo; jfty; eLtk; Committed to Human Rights and Community Development

TIC note to the members of the UN Human Rights Council Date: 11 March 2007

The Tamil Information Centre (TIC) is a non-profit community-based organization involved in promoting human rights, peace and development in for over 25 years.

In September 2006, the TIC submitted a document on the human rights situation in Sri Lanka to members of the UN Human Rights Council and a further document on disappearances. The TIC submitted a third document in November 2006 on the economic blockade of north-east Sri Lanka and restrictions imposed on humanitarian agencies. The situation in Sri Lanka since these documents were submitted has markedly deteriorated.

The international community must share responsibility in protecting and promoting human rights in Sri Lanka

Continuing killings

The large-scale killings that are taking place in the north-east and southern parts are of grave concern to the people of Sri Lanka. The main concern here is arbitrary execution of Tamil civilians. It also concerns the execution of individuals without a right to trial, and disappearances. The security forces, Tamil paramilitary groups aligned to the security forces and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) are accused of carrying out the attacks on civilians. The Sri Lankan government is using the Tamil paramilitary groups to target Tamil civilians whom the intelligence services believe are supporters of the LTTE or have links to the LTTE ((See Annex 1 for details of some the killings from 1 November to 12 December 2006).

The ceasefire agreement (CFA) of 22 February 2002 provides in Article 2.1 as follows:

“The Parties shall in accordance with international law abstain from hostile acts against the civilian population, including such acts as torture, intimidation, abduction, extortion and harassment.”

But killings have taken place in the north-east region since the ceasefire of February 2002 and are continuing despite this provision. Many killings have also taken place outside this region, including in . After April 2004, when the Karuna Group in the east split from the LTTE, the killings dramatically increased. UN officers estimated the number of killings in 2005 at 500. In 2006, the deaths may have risen to more than 3,000.

In many cases of civilian deaths, the killings have been carried out by unidentified persons arriving at homes and shooting them or taking them away to other places and murdering them. Many people have been abducted by unidentified persons, murdered and their bodies dumped in public places. Others have been murdered in public places such as bus stations, streets, shops or offices. Many have also been killed in motorcycle drive-by shootings. People have been shot, hacked or battered to death or strangled. Some are killed by grenades and many others were killed in retaliatory attacks. Most of the civilians killed were between the ages of 15 and 35, but some people over the age of 60 were also targeted. They include students,

housewives, businessmen, local councillors, fishermen, taxi or three-wheeler drivers or former members of Tamil militant groups. People have been killed for participation in organizations which a particular group regards as opposed to its aims and interests.

Those killed include many women and children. There have been attacks on buildings, including schools and offices, in which civilians have either been killed or injured. Temple priests have been murdered because they have provided religious services, though unwittingly, to people who are deemed to be on the “other side”. Journalists have been killed because they exposed the truth or were regarded as supporters of the “other side”. In many cases, the reasons for the killings are unknown. On the night of 20 February 2007, several unidentified armed persons entered a house in Arumugathankudyiruppu in Eravur, Batticaloa District and forcibly and dragged Mamankam Vadivel, 48, and Kanapathy Kanthiah, 60, and shot them dead outside the house. The identity of the killers and the reason for killings, have not been established. Hundreds of similar incidents have been recorded.

As pointed out in our earlier documents, the important concern is the lack of monitoring and investigation of human rights violations, including extra-judicial killings. The deaths have not been probed or effectively probed by law enforcement agencies in the north-east or in the south to find the perpetrators. The lack of investigation by authorities has inevitably led to the conclusion that the authorities, in the north-east as well as in the south, are themselves involved in the extra-judicial executions, and even worse, the killings appear to be part of the policy of the authorities. The mandates of the government appointed commission and the international body of eminent persons are totally inadequate for the task.

Arrests of Tamils

A large number of Tamils have been arrested by the Sri Lankan security forces in the north-east and southern areas. The security forces have also carried out cordon and search operations in the hill country and have arrested many hill country Tamils. Tamils arriving in Colombo from the hill county and Tamils travelling from one area to another have also been taken into custody.

Many people are being taken into custody on allegations that they fail to produce documentation to establish identity. There is no uniform procedure or system for registering at police stations, and forms and procedures vary from one police station to the other. It is unclear as to what documents must be produced by people who travel from place to place.

Those arrested are held in detention at various detention centres and prisons. Some 180 Tamils are detained at the Boossa detention centre in Galle District, 105 km south of Colombo and 400 km south of Jaffna, very far away from where relatives live. The Boossa detention centre has been notorious for torture and disappearances. Parents and family members of the detained persons are not permitted to visit them at detention centres. Detainees do not have any change of clothing or other essential materials and there is no arrangement for legal advice and legal representation.

Emergency Regulations and the PTA

The arrests are continuing under Emergency Regulations (ER) issued under a State of Emergency reintroduced in Sri Lanka on 13 August 2005. Although Presidential Directives were issued on 5 July 2006 for the declared purpose of providing safety to the people who are arrested, the Directives neither diminish the draconian nature of the ERs nor provide any safety to the people, as they are often disregarded. Arresting officers in many cases do not issue an arrest receipt to relatives indicating the place of detention as required by the Presidential Directives.

The ERs issued on 12 August 2005 have the effect of removing judicial oversight in relation to arrest and detention, and suspend the relevant provisions of the normal law. They allow security forces to arrest on mere suspicion, without warrant and the person arrested can be indefinitely detained without access and


without charge. The ERs also give wide powers of preventive detention to the Defence Secretary, and allow confessions to the police or any other person admissible as evidence in court and suspend the relevant provisions of the normal law. The ERs erode the powers of the courts in relation to deaths in the custody of the security forces. Under the ERs enquiries into deaths in custody can take place only on application by the police.

The ERs allow the Defence Secretary to issue Detention Orders on individuals if he is of the opinion that incarceration is necessary to prevent him/her committing an offence under the ERs. Accusations have been made that that the Defence Secretary has unlawfully delegated this discretionary power to police officers. Many police stations have been provided bundles of Detention Order forms already signed by the Defence Secretary. The Police officer has to simply complete the personal particulars of the arrested person in the form, and detain him/her.

On 6 December 2006, the President issued additional Emergency Regulations.1 These regulations give a very wide definition of “terrorism” and are clearly intended to curtail legitimate democratic activities and constitutionally protected rights of the people, organizations and the media. The regulations say that no person shall engage in any transaction on any matter whatsoever with a group engaged in terrorism. But the regulations also say that there can be transaction with such a group with the written approval of the Competent Authority appointed by the President, to facilitate a peaceful political solution, maintenance of supplies, services essential to the life of the community, provision of humanitarian assistance, conduct of development activities or for any other lawful purpose. This means, individuals and civil society organizations engaged in these activities, including promotion of peace, cannot continue. If they wish to carry out these legitimate activities, they must obtain written approval from the Competent Authority, as otherwise they would be accused of engaging in terrorism.

On 6 December 2006, the President also announced that the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) will be used, although the ceasefire agreement says that the Parties agree that search operations and arrests under the PTA will not take place.2 Many people are in detention for long periods under the PTA, and new arrests under this law have given rise to grave concern.

The ERs and the PTA encourage impunity among the security forces. The consequences of these draconian laws, which have been denounced by the UN, are indefinite detention without access or trial, admission of confessions obtained under torture, the absence of judicial oversight over arrest, detention and enquiry into custodial deaths, and the absence of adequate penal provisions for breaches by detaining officers. As already pointed out by the TIC on many occasions, these circumstances are ripe for arbitrary detention, torture, disappearances and executions to be carried out with impunity.

Abductions and disappearances

According to the December 2005 report of the UN Working Group on Disappearances, of more than 12,278 cases of disappearances in Sri Lanka submitted to the government, 5,708 remain un-clarified and this is the highest number of disappearances in the world next to the case of Iraq.3 Of the 6,530 persons clarified by the Sri Lankan government, 6,444 are dead and 24 are in detention.

In Sri Lanka, four Presidential Commissions inquired into 37,662 of the 54,404 complaints of disappearances, which took place between January 1988 and December 1995 and found evidence of disappearance in 21,115 cases. No enquiries have been conducted into another 16,742 cases of disappearances. No further action has been taken in the 21,115 cases relating to which the commissions have recorded the names of the security force personnel who were responsible for the disappearances. Most of them continue to hold positions in the

1 Emergency (Prevention and Prohibition of Terrorism and Specified Terrorist Activities) Regulations No 7 of 6 December 2006 2 Article 2.12 of the Ceasefire Agreement of 22 February 2002 3 Civil and political rights including the question of disappearances and summary executions, Report dated 27 December 2005 submitted to the 62nd session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances, E/CN.4/2006/56, (3)

security services. The Sri Lanka Human Rights Commission decided in mid-July 2006 that it will not hear 2,127 cases of disappearance passed on to it from the presidential commissions, ‘unless special directions are received from the government, as findings will result in payment of compensation’.1

Since December 2005, the number of disappearances has increased dramatically in the north-east. Between December 2005 and January 2007, a total of 777 missing cases were reported which includes 689 cases in the north-east and 88 cases in Colombo and other southern areas. In cases in the north-east, 210 persons were later traced and the fate of 479 is unknown (see Annex 2 for abductions and disappearances in Jaffna from December 2005 to January 2007 and Annex 3 for details of 39 disappearances in Jaffna from 29 December and 20 August 2006). In 141 cases, abduction was witnessed by people, but security forces later denied the arrests or the relatives have not been able to find the place of detention. Of the 210 people traced, the bodies of 11 persons were later found. It was also discovered that 114 were in the custody of the security forces. Seventy of them were later released and 44 are still in detention. In these cases, relatives were not issued with arrest receipts as required by the Presidential Directives. In Colombo and other areas of southern Sri Lanka, 88 Tamils were abducted since February 2006. The persons abducted include journalists, students and women. The bodies of 12 people were found later and the fate of 60 people is unknown (See Annex 4 for details of 66 abductions in southern Sri Lanka). Sixteen people were released after paying huge sums of money as ransom. The ransom monies are paid into named bank accounts, but the Banks and the Police are not willing to carry out investigations. The police have also not investigated contravention of laws relating to money-laundering. Individuals, members of organizations and even parliamentarians who attempted to investigate the abductions have received death threats.

According to eye witnesses, many abductions have been carried out by persons arriving in white vans without number plates, which in the past were linked to government security force death squads. These vans are able, before and after abductions, to get past many security checkpoints. The ease with which the abductors get past checkpoints and the unwillingness of the banks and the police to investigate the accounts into which ransom monies are received indicate that government security forces are involved in abductions and murder. Mangala Samaraweera, who was a Minister in the present government, says that the government is involved in abductions and many other human rights violations. The Commission on Abductions and Disappearances, headed by T.A. Mahanama Tilakaratne has inquired into 332 abduction cases, but the government claims there have been no abductions.

Internally displaced people

More than half a million people are displaced in north-east Sri Lanka. This includes 220,000 newly displaced since April 2006. A further 30,000 are reported displaced in Batticaloa District following an offensive launched by the Sri Lankan government in early March 2007. More than 15,000 Tamils have also fled to India since the beginning of 2006. The government has failed to provide adequate protection or adequate relief to the displaced people. The government has also failed to take effective measures to ensure reconstruction of the war and tsunami damaged infrastructure in the north-east or provide adequate assistance for rehabilitation of the people affected in the areas by these disasters.

Instead, on 11 August 2006, the government closed the A9 Kandy-Jaffna main road linking southern areas of Sri Lanka to Mullaitivu, Kilinochchi and Jaffna districts and the ten entry points into LTTE- controlled Paduvankarai area of Batticaloa District, preventing transport of essential needs such as food, medicines and fuel and humanitarian aid to the population of these areas. Restrictions have also been placed on educational materials, implements and materials needed for agriculture, raw materials for industrial production and building materials for reconstruction. The government is currently taking extraordinary lengths to block communication. There is already a restriction on the postal service and the number of telephone lines to the north-east. When the government began its military operation in March 2007 in Batticaloa, it disconnected all the telephone line and even denied that a military operation was taking place.

1 Sri Lanka: The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka has stopped investigation into disappearance cases to avoid having to pay government compensation to victims, Asian Human Rights Commission, 18 July 2006, AS-169-2006 (4)

The government has also imposed restrictions on international and national humanitarian agencies and has unreasonably and without cause criticized some international agencies working ion the north-east. It has also refused or cancelled visa of officers of some international humanitarian organizations. These and restrictions imposed by the security forces on fishing and other legitimate activities still continue. Government restrictions are adversely affecting the entire population of these areas, particularly the vulnerable people such as children, women, elderly and the displaced people.

Child recruitment

According to UNICEF, the LTTE has carried out 5,956 forced recruitments between January 2002 and December 2006, and 1,012 of them were children under the age of 15. UNICEF also says that the Karuna Group forcibly recruited more than 200 children in 2006 in the Eastern Province. The Group has also forcibly recruited several hundred adults between the ages of 18 and 30. The Karuna Group operates with the Sri Lankan security forces. The security forces are involved in the forcible recruitment of the Karuna Group. The Sri Lankan government has severely criticized the LTTE of child recruitment, but it is in breach of Sri Lankan law as well as international law by the involvement in child recruitment and forcible recruitment. The LTTE and the Karuna Group have released some children and have pledged to refrain from recruiting children, but both continue recruitment.

The child recruitment has created panic among Tamil parents in the north-east. Hundreds of parents have complained to the Sri Lanka Human Rights Commission, UNICEF and the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission that their children had been taken away by force.

Civil society

The phenomenon of civilian killing and abductions by unidentified persons has become widespread, creating fear and panic among the people. As pointed out by the UN Special Rapporteur on Extra-judicial, Summary and Arbitrary Executions, people killed have been going about their daily lives rather than taking part in combat. People and civil organizations are unable to carry on with their work or occupation in freedom. This has led the stifling of the civil society and has had disastrous consequences. The civil society and civil society organizations are not consulted on the needs and aspirations of the people. Where civil society organizations have been allowed to function, they must always be mindful of the needs of those in authority rather than the needs of the people. Journalists and writers who wrote about the problems of the people have been either killed or threatened to toe the line. Human rights defenders are increasingly being targeted by government officers and the security forces.

The TIC is aware that despite these problems, the civil society is prepared to engage in campaigns and other activities that are needed to end human rights violations, particularly the daily killings that are taking place throughout the island. The TIC is also painfully aware that the needed support is not forthcoming. What the civil society needs is continuing assistance and support.

The Tamil Information Centre calls on the Human Rights Council to

• urge the Sri Lankan government to make public to its citizens on how it intends to provide –

protection to human rights defenders and journalists

access for humanitarian agencies to operate in conflict areas, attend to the needs of the population and engage in war and tsunami recovery and reconstruction

protection to humanitarian agencies that operate in the conflict areas;

• urge the government and the LTTE to assist civil society organizations focusing on issues that need to be addressed in ending human rights violations and continue to provide them the necessary space to act in supporting victims of the conflict; (5)

• ensure that the Sri Lanka government ends using draconian legislation against the civilian population and ensure that the Sri Lankan security forces and state officers are not involved in arbitrary arrest, illegal detention, abductions, torture and disappearances; • urge the LTTE and other Tamil militant groups to stand by their commitments to human rights and ensure respect for the rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly, freedom of association, family life, and democratic participation. • urge the Sri Lankan government and the LTTE to immediately end all hostilities and resume negotiations to find lasting peace in the island. • urge the Sri Lankan government to accept and implement without delay an appropriate international monitoring mechanism responsible to the UN to effectively address the growing political killings and human rights abuses, which, as already pointed out by the UN, must meet the requirements of independence, credibility, effectiveness and empowerment, so that it contributes to public confidence, peace and stability in all parts of Sri Lanka; • urge the Sri Lankan government and the LTTE to stop forcible recruitment of children and release the abducted children to their parents or in to the care of UNICEF.

Annex 1

Tamil Information centre Details of some extrajudicial killings in the northern Sri Lanka 1 November- 12 December 2006

Date of Mode of No Name / age of victim Address of victim Place of incident incident Killing 01 01/11/06 Thiruchchelvam Kennady Road, Munisvaran Kovil Shot dead Suventhirakumar (34) Navanthurai Road, Jaffna 02 02/11/06 Sathasivam Thayaparan (39) Kopay Saravanai Junction, Velanai - 03 02/11/06 Yasothiny Odaikarai, Pandariyaman Shot dead Narayanamoorthy (25) Point Pedro Kovilady, Thampasiddy 04 03/11/06 Kumaravelu Suthakaran Puliyankudal West, Puliyankudal West, Shot dead (33) Kayts Kayts 05 04/11/06 Nagamany Raginithevy Puttur North, Puttur Veethy, Shot dead (31) Puttur Atchuvely 06 05/11/06 Ponnusamy Ramesh Rasa Kiramam, Rasa Kiramam, Shot dead (30) Karaveddy Karaveddy 07 05/11/06 Thoppulingam Sarls (17) Anchaneyar Kayts Shot dead Kovilady, Chunnakam 08 06/11/06 Kathirkamanathan Lalitha Alvai North-West Alvai North-West Shot dead (47) 09 06/11/06 Mathiyaparanam Sathanantha Lane, Sathanantha Lane, Shot dead Nimalachanthiran (38) Alaveddy Centre, Alaveddy Centre, Alaveddy Alaveddy 10 06/11/06 Unknown Person - Thalankavil Shot dead Pillaiyar Kovilady, Thirunelvely 11 06/11/06 Unknown Person - Thalankavil Shot dead Pillaiyar Kovilady, Thirunelvely (6)

12 08/11/06 Kathiravelu Selvarasa Kanthasamy Patpanaiyady, Shot dead (44) Kovilady, Thirunelvely Kopay North 13 09/11/06 Ahrumugam Vignarajah Koddady, Shot dead (50) Point Pedro 2nd Cross Street, Point Pedro 14 09/11/06 Kanthaiya Sivanesan Arunothaiya Arunothaiya Shot dead (48) Collegeady, Collegeady, Alaveddy Alaveddy 15 10/11/06 Jesuthasan Saparatnam Karampon, Ampalavanar Lane, Shot dead (Sinnavan) (38) Kayts Kayts 16 11/11/06 Alakarsamy Saravanakumar Pirapangkulam Stanly Road, Shot dead (35) Lane, Jaffna Jaffna 17 11/11/06 Ravi Rajeevan(Student) Kondavil East Anaipanthi Shot dead (14) Junction, Jaffna

18 11/11/06 Selvakumar Jeeva Kondavil East Anaipanthi Shot dead (24) Junction, Jaffna

19 13/11/06 Unknown Person - Maruthanamadam Shot dead Road, Urumbirai 20 13/11/06 Sivasubramaniyam Ragu Pidariyaman Kasthuriyar Road, Shot dead (40) Kovilady, Kokuvil Jaffna West,Kokuvil 21 13/11/06 Sasy (26) Avarankal Junction Avarankal Shot dead Junction 22 14/11/06 Muthulingam Sathiyaseelan Araly Road, Arasady Junction, Shot dead (25) Oddumadam Narchchimar Kovilady 23 14/11/06 Kunapalasingam Araly Road, Arasady Junction, Shot dead Sureshkumar (25) Oddumadam Narchchimar Kovilady 24 15/11/06 Saravanapavananthan Bank Lane, Veerapaththirar Shot dead Karikaran (24) Chunnakam Kovilady, Kondavil North 25 14/11/06 Thangarajah Thanenthiran Atchuvely Atchuvely Shot dead (26) 26 16/11/06 K. Visvanathan KKS Road, Jaffna Town Claymore (70) Jaffna mine 27 17/11/06 S. Manokaran Kalikai Junction, Samiyan Shot dead Thunnalai Arasady,Nelliyad y, Karaveddy 28 18/11/06 Murukaiya Tharmaseelan Neervely Atchelu Shot dead (26) 29 18/11/06 Nakesh Vinothan Thirunelvely Patpannai Veethy Shot dead (22) Thirunelvely

30 19/11/06 Krishnarajah Senthilrasa Avarankal Avarankal Shot dead (33) 31 20/11/06 Sanmugarajah Sasikaran Station Road, Station Road, Shot dead (34) Kondavil Kondavil 32 22/11/06 Unknown Person - Nanthavil, - Kokkuvil 33 24/11/06 Unknown Person - Karampon, Kayts -

34 24/11/06 S. Rakulan (27) Thevaraiyaly, Malu Junction, Shot dead Vathiri Karaveddy 35 26/11/06 Kanapathippillai Aththiyady, School Aththiyady, Shot dead Shanmuganathan (64) Road, School Road, Point Pedro Point Pedro 36 26/11/06 Mariyathas Jude (32) Navanthurai Navanthurai Shot dead


37 26/11/06 Mariyathas Julias (29) Navanthurai Navanthurai Shot dead 38 27/11/06 Sankarappillai Senthooran Kalasalai Road, Vilaiyaddarangu Shot dead (23) Thirunelvely Veethy, Irupalai 39 27/11/06 Kovinthan Nakkiran (32) New Semani Palavodai, - Veethy, Thavady North, Nayanmarkaddu Inuvil 40 27/11/06 Unknown Person Kandavil Palavodai, - Thavady North, Inuvil 41 28/11/06 Uthayakumar Regina (34) Athisoody Lane, Athisoody Lane, Shot dead Kantharmadam Kantharmadam 42 29/11/06 Kanapathy Rajathurai (63) Vathiri West Vathiri Junction, Shot dead Karaveddy, Vadamaradchchi 43 30/11/06 Cubert Anantharajah (45) Sirambiyady, Pashal Lane, Shot dead Ariyakulam Jaffna Town 44 30/11/06 Jeyakumar Thileepan (24) Madduvil South, Madduvil South, Shot dead Madduvil Madduvil

45 01/12/06 Thevathasan Vimala (53) Araly Road, Araly Road, Shot dead Oddumadam Oddumadam 46 01/12/06 Daniyal Kuintan (24) Naranthanai North, Melinchchimunai, Kayts Kayts - 47 02/12/06 Mylvakanam Thavarajah Nunavil East Kensman Lane, Shot dead (29) Chavakachcheri 48 04/12/06 Sebamalai Devid (27) Lurthumatha Lurthumatha Shot dead Kovilady, Kovilady, Thumbalai Thumbalai 49 05/12/06 Manikkam Jeyarajah (36) Viyaparimoolai Salambai, Shot dead Puloly west 50 05/12/06 S.Thevarajah(50) Sakkoddai Veerapaththirar Shot dead Kovilady, Thumbalai 51 06/12/06 Unknown Person - Saththirachchanth Claymore i, Jaffna Town mine 52 06/12/06 Unknown Person - Saththirachchanth Claymore i, Jaffna Town mine 53 06/12/06 Unknown Person - Saththirachchanth Claymore i, Jaffna Town mine 54 06/12/06 Unknown Person - Saththirachchanth Claymore i, Jaffna Town mine 55 09/12/06 Manokaran Paranthaman Madduvil North Madduvil North Shot dead (17) 56 12/12/06 S. Ahnanthakumar Uduppiddy Udupiddy Shot dead

Annex 2

Tamil Information Centre Abductions, disappearance and missing cases - north-east Sri Lanka

Total reported and persons traced - December 2005-January 2007

Month Total reported cases Total number of Total number of persons traced persons still missing December 2005 53 27 26 January 2006 52 23 29 February 2006 33 9 24 March 2006 43 10 33 April 2006 38 9 29 (8)

May 2006 59 22 37 June 2006 40 15 25 July 2006 50 16 34 August 2006 68 18 50 September 2006 54 17 37 October 2006 33 5 28 November 2006 58 12 46 December 2006 56 12 44 January 2007 52 15 37 Grand total 689 210 479

Persons still missing - December 2005-January 2007

Month Allegations of Abductions by Total still missing abduction against unidentified security forces persons December 2005 4 22 26 January 2006 10 19 29 February 2006 1 23 24 March 2006 3 30 33 April 2006 9 20 29 May 2006 19 18 37 June 2006 9 16 25 July 2006 7 27 34 August 2006 26 24 50 September 2006 4 33 37 October 2006 7 21 28 November 2006 15 31 46 December 2006 18 26 44 January 2007 9 28 37 Grand total 141 338 479

Persons traced - December 2005-January 2007

Month Arrested Arrested Dead Released Total Other & & in Bodies after number Traced Released Detention Found abduction traced December 2005 17 4 0 0 6 27 January 2006 8 2 0 0 13 23 February 2006 4 0 0 0 5 9 March 2006 0 1 0 0 9 10 April 2006 2 2 0 0 5 9 May 2006 11 6 2 0 3 22 June 2006 9 1 0 0 5 15 July 2006 4 6 0 0 6 16 August 2006 0 4 0 0 14 18 September 2006 0 4 2 1 10 17 October 2006 2 0 0 0 3 5 November 2006 3 6 3 0 0 12 December 2006 7 4 0 1 0 12 January 2007 3 4 4 3 1 15 Grand total 70 44 11 5 80 210


Annex 3

Tamil Information Centre

Details of some disappearances in Jaffna Between 29.7.2006 and 20.8.2006

Name & Address of Date Present No. Age Incident Disappeared Person Disappeared status 01 Mrs.Thiyagalingam 36 15.07.2006 While coming from Not Traced Vijayamalar the bank with her Piranpattu, Pandatharippu daughter, she was abducted by some persons who came by an auto. 02 Mr.Navasivayam 45 20.07.2006 He left his sister’s Not Traced Tharmaratnam house to go to the Patpannai Veethy, shop, and did not Thirunelvely return. 03 Mr.Subramaniyam 15 22.07.2006 He, a mason, went Not Traced Satheeskumar to work in Sannathi Road, Uduppiddy Uduppiddy but he did not return. 04 Mrs.Kumaraswamy 57 28.07.2006 She is a psychiatric Not Traced Sarojinidevi patient. She left Kuppilan, Erlalai home and has not returned. 05 Mr.Arumugam 28 29.07.2006 He went to Not Traced Chandrakumar Nelliyady on Urumpirai East, motorcycle and did Urumpirai not return. 06 Mr.Antonipillai Danipalan 25 29.07.2006 He, a security guard Not Traced Nediyakadu, Valvettithurai in Valvettithurai Urban Council, attended work, but did not come home. Family suspects army, but army denies arrest. 07 Mr.Arumugam Loganathan 43 30.07.2006 He went to Not Traced Palam Road, Anaikkoddai Mathalai on 26.07.2006 and went missing while returning on 30.07.2006. 08 Mr.Kunaseelan Rupananth 16 31.07.2006 He joined the LTTE Traced Puththur West, Puththur 09 Ms.Vigneswaran Menaka 15 31.07.2006 The LTTE confirms Traced Mirusuvil North, Mirusuvil her recruitment. 10 Mr.Mathiyarasan Sulaksan 18 31.07.2006 He went to tuition Not Traced Karanavai North, class at Nelliyady, Karaveddy but did not return home.


11 Mr.Sothilingam Vasanth 14 01.08.2006 They went to Not Traced Vinayagar Road, Nallur Chavakachcheri to North, Kalviyankadu their relative’s 12 Mr.Sellathurai 35 house, but did not Sothilingam reach there. Vinayagar Road, Nallur North Kalviyankadu 13 Mr.Amuthanathan 29 02.08.2006 He left home as Not Traced Rameshkumar usual but he did not Suthumalai North, return home. Manipay 14 Mr.S.Suresh - 06.08.2006 While returning Not Traced Ketpeli West, Mirusuvil from a Tuition Centre he was taken by the army. 15 Mrs.Somasundaram 62 08.08.2006 While coming from Traced Kamalathevi Kilinochchi she (Reached Kokuvil West, Thavady went missing at home later) Muhamalai checkpoint. 16 Mr.Kanagaratnam 26 08.08.2006 He went to work at Not Traced Thavatheepan Kudaththanai as Boarding Road, Puloly usual but he did not Centre Point Pedro return home. Information was received he is detained at Velikandy army camp, Point Pedro, but the army denies arrest. 17 Mr.Tharmarajah Kajan 08.08.2006 He was at Not Traced Madduvil North Chavakachcheri Madduvil Market with his van and then disappeared. People saw him being questioned by the army at Kudaththanai. 18 Mr.Vijayakumar Suresh 19 09.08.2006 Suresh went to the Not Traced Uduvil Alady playground and did not return. His friend saw him being arrested by the army. 19 Ms.Shanmuganathan 23 09.08.2006 She went to Nallur Not Traced Janani Temple and did not 123, Ambalavanar Road return home. Athiyady 20 Mr.Jebichandran 17 09.08.2006 He was arrested by Not Traced Thivarthan the army on Sebamatha Kovilady 09.08.2006 which Uduvil was witnessed by his brother.


21 Mr.Rasamani Suresh 26 10.08.2006 He went to work Not Traced Meesalai West, Meesalai and was arrested by army at Puththur Junction according to eye witnesses. The Army denies arrest. 22 Mr.Sivagnanam 23 11.08.2006 He is a bus Traced Gnanakumar conductor on Jaffna- (He is Annammah Kovilady Muhamalai route. detained at Mathakal While on duty, he KKS Police and his driver Station) T.Logenthiran were arrested by the Army. Some persons witnessed the incident. 23 Mr.Thuraisingam 34 11.08.2006 He is a bus driver Traced Logenthiran on Jaffna- (He is Madduvil North, Muhamalai route. detained at Chavakachcheri While on duty, he KKS Police and his conductor Station) Mr.S.Gnanakumar were arrested by the Army. Some persons witnessed the incident. 24 Mr.Velan Sellathurai 48 11.08.2006 They went to Not Traced Suthumalai North Kathirgamam on Anaikkoddai pilgrimage. On the 25 Mrs.Paramakuru return journey, they Vasanthathevi reached Muhamalai 26 Navaly East, Manipay army check point at Mrs.Jeyarasa Kamala 5.30pm. Fighting 27 Navaly East, Manipay between the LTTE Mrs.Shanmugam and had begun. In a Perinpamalar shell attack on the Navaly East, Navaly, bus some Manipay passengers were killed and others injured. The injured were admitted to Kilinochchi Hospital but eight people disappeared. 28 Mr.Kristhopar Antony 11.08.2006 He went fishing but Not Traced Francis did not return Pillaiyar Kovilady, home. Mandaithevu 29 Mr.Johnpillai Arulthas 11.08.2006 He went fishing but Not Traced Pillaiyar Kovilady did not return Mandaithevu home. 30 Ms.Danis Aruljothy 53 11.08.2006 She, a teacher, went Not Traced Columbuthurai Road to Vilan and did not Pandiyathalvu return home.


31 Mr.Chandrasekaran 29 14.08.2006 They went to Not Traced Shankar purchase provisions Velanpokkaddy without realizing 32 Kodikamam 26 that a curfew was Mr.Kanapathippillai still in force. They Thavaruban did not return Kachchai South home. Family Kodikamam members saw Thavaruban’s bicycle at Kodikamam army camp and army personnel asked them to make a complaint at the police station and return with the receipt. When the family returned with a receipt, the army denied arrest. 33 Mr.Thavavinayagam 34 15.08.2006 They went to Jaffna Not Traced Anandarasa for business 34 Puliyankoodal South, purposes but did Kayts not return. People Mr.Selvanathan Kanthy saw them being Velanai West, Velanai questioned at Mannkumpan Navy Camp. 35 Mr.Vinson Natpirathapan 27 19.08.2006 Gunmen forcibly Not Traced Ward No.10, entered their house 36 Punguduthevu 23 at 10.30pm and took Mr.Vinson Maxcy them away. Two of 37 Ward No.10, 17 the abductors were Punguduthevu in Navy uniform. Mr.Vinson Jeyaprathap Ward No.10, Punguduthevu

38 Rev.Fr.Thiruchelvam Nihal 34 20.08.2006 Rev.Fr. Jim Brown Not Traced Jim Brown was the parish Bishop’s House priest of Allaippiddy Philip Neris Church. He entered Allaippiddy area under navy control and disappeared. 39 Mr.Winsenlas Vincent 39 20.08.2006 He travelled with Not Traced Vimalathas Rev.Fr. Jim Brown Ward No.2, Allaippiddy Allaippiddy. He also disappeared.


Annex 4

Tamil Information centre Details of abductions in southern Sri Lanka including Colombo 8 February 2006 and 1 February 2007 (Please note that this list does not include all the abductions)

No Name and Age Place of Abduction Date of Fate of person Abduction abducted 1 Vadivelu Ananthasiva Wellawatte 08.02.2006 Released in Colombo on 10.02.2006 2 Selvanayagam Shantikumar, 26 Peradeniya, Kandy 13.03.2006 Not known 3 Sivarajah Haran, 22 Wellawatte 06.04.2006 Not known Colombo 4 Sivarajah Sivakenthiran Dehiwela, Colombo 16.04.2006 Not known 5 Sivalingam Parathan Dehiwela, Colombo 16.04.2006 Not known 6 Vinasithamby Selvanayagam Awissawella 02.05.2006 Not known 7 Iruthayasamy Francis 26.05.2006 Not known Colombo 8 Muthiah Sathiyaseelan, 31 Thillaiyady 11.07.2006 Not known 9 Muniyandy Sureshkumar, 22 Thillaiyady 11.07.2006 Not known 10 Balakrishnan Ramar, 24 Thillaiyady 11.07.2006 Not known 11 Sriskandarajah Colombo 20.07.2006 Not known 12 Ramiah Jeyaraj Colombo 20.07.2006 Not known 13 Iruthayanayagam Francis, 34 Pettah, Colombo 05.08.2006 Not known 14 Sellaiah Premasiri, 38 Pettah, Colombo 05.08.2006 Not known 15 Pushpadas, 30 Kotahena, Colombo 07.08.2006 Not known 16 Manickam Eeswaran, 30 17.08.2006 Not known 17 Mahalingam Suppiah, 44 Pettah 20.08.2006 Not known 18 Shanmuganathan Manivannan,22 Kotahena, Colombo 21.08.2006 Not known 19 Ms Logendrarajah Komathi, 36 22.08.2006 Not known 20 Lal Premaratna (Worked for Ms Ratmalana 22.08.2006 Not known Koamathi) 21 Ms Lal Premaratna (Worked for Ms Ratmalana 22.08.2006 Not known Komathi) 22 K Sivakanathan, 34 Pettah, Colombo 23.08.2006 Not known 23 Kandasamy Sritharan Granspass, Colombo 23.08.2006 Not known 24 Gunasekaran Mahinthan , Colombo 23.08.2006 Not known 25 Krishnan Rajakumar Grandpass, Colombo 23.08.2006 Not known 26 Ramakrishnan Rajkumar, 21 Grandpass, Colombo 27.08.2006 Not known 27 Sellathamby Selvakumar, 38 Thillaiyady 28.08.2006 Not known 28 Nadarajah Kuruparan, 39 Mt Lavinia 29.08.2006 Released at on 30.08.2006 29 Ms Thavarajah Thavamani, 27 Wellawatte 01.09.2006 Released at Colombo Kirillopane on 01.09.2006 30 Reginald Jesudasan, 30 Mattakuliya 01.09.2006 Killed Colombo Body found in Kelani river on 02.09.2006 31 Nadarajah Manivannan, 28 02.09.2006 Killed Colombo Body found in Colombo 32 W M Sooriyakumar, 26 Dehiwela 09.09.2006 Killed Body found in the Kelani river on 10.09.2006 33 Egamparam Palanirajah, 60 12.09.2006 Released in Colombo Polonnaruwa on 14.09.2006 (14)

34 Balasarawanan Palanirajah, 23 Cinnamon Gardens 12.09.2006 Released in Colombo Polonnaruwa on 23.09.2006 35 Ganeshan Muhunthan, 21 Cinnamon Gardens 12.09.2006 Released in Colombo Polonnaruwa on 23.09.2006 36 Ratnasingham Thanapalan, 27 13.09.2006 Not known 37 Thirulogarasa Prabhakaran, 30 Kotahena, Colombo 15.09.2006 Not known 38 Murugesu Gunalan, 63 Kotahena, Colombo 17.09.2006 Released in Dambulla on 19.09.2006 39 Thamotharam Mahendran, 43 Udappu, Puttalam 26.09.2006 Not known 40 Subramaniam Paramasivan, 40 Udappu, Puttalam 26.09.2006 Not known 41 Ramiah Subramaniam, 30 Puttalam 26.09.2006 Not known 42 Sathasivam Kumararatnam Kotahena, Colombo 28.09.2006 Released at Borella on 29.09.2006 43 Bala Jegatheeswara Sarma, 27 Pettah, Colombo 14.10.2006 Released in Pettah on 16.10.2006 44 Sean George, 15 Modera, Colombo 17.10.2006 Released on (Student) 01.11.2006 45 David Vigneswaran, 35 Mathegoda 19.10.2006 Killed Body found 46 Regi Balanathan, 30 19.10.2006 Killed Body found 47 Jayawardanage Jeyarajah, 46 Moratuwa 19.10.2006 Not known 48 Ms Thirukkeswary Vigneswaran, 30 Colombo 19.10.2006 Killed Body found 49 Maheswaran Theepan, 25 Modera, Colombo 20.10.2006 Not known 50 Ms Priya, 24 Modera, Colombo 28.10.2006 Not known 51 Sathivel Thiyagarajah, 25 , Colombo 28.10.2006 Not known 52 Marimuthu Sivamani, 55 Kotahena, Colombo 30.10.2006 Released in Panchikawatta, Colombo on 1.11.2006 53 Ms Arockiyarani, 48 Dehiwela 01.11.2006 Killed Body found 54 Duleep Harikumaran, 21, Student Mt Lavinia 28.11.2006 Not known 55 Kanthasamy Chandrakumar, 26 Wellawatte 07.01.2007 Not known Colombo 56 Thomas Jusuthasan, 35 Kotahena, Colombo 07.01.2007 Not known 57 Murugaiah Suvendran, 24 Karambawatte 09.01.2007 Not known Puttalam 58 Sivasubramaniam Sritharan, 24 Karambawatte 09.01.2007 Not known Puttalam 59 Sellathurai Theiventhiran Aluthmawatha 09.01.2007 Released on Colombo 10.01.2007 60 Kanapathy, 26 Mattakuliya 10.01.2007 Not known Colombo 61 Ketheeeswaran, 30 Mattakuliya 10.01.2007 Not known Colombo 62 Vijayakumar, 55 Wellawatte 31.01.2007 Not known Colombo 63 Yogaraj Mathanaraj Kotahena, Colombo 31.01.2007 Not known 64 Sathiyasoruban Sivapatham Wellawatte 01.02.2007 Not known (arrived from Britain) Colombo 65 Sivasamy Sugumar, 40 Kotahena, Colombo Not known Killed Body found in Awissawella 66 Mahalingam Narenthirakumar, 31 Kotahena, Colombo Not known Killed Body found in Awissawella
