Use of Multipurpose Tree Species (MPTS) in Agroforestry Farms in Mt
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Abstract of Researches on Forest Restoration in the Philippines Use of Multipurpose Tree Species (MPTS) in Agroforestry Farms in Mt. Makiling, Laguna, Philippines he study was a household survey of 93 dominant farming system. Cleaning and occupants in Bagong Silang, Mt. brushing are most common care and T Makiling conducted to determine the maintenance activities, while pruning, silvicultural techniques, factors affecting use, fertilizing and spraying were done on and local customs/beliefs in farmers' selected crops. production and utilization of MPTS. Productive, protective and other services Of the 22 identified MPTS, 20 were fruit trees provided by MPTS were the factors of averaging five uses, MPTS fruits were consideration in planting. intended both for home consumption and for sale, but a larger percentage was marketed. Dizon, Josefina T. and Fe K. Mallion. 1995. Use of Multipurpose Tree Species Farmers raised their own seedlings but (MPTS) in Agroforestry Farms in Mt. bought grafter/budded seedlings of the more Makiling, Laguna, Philippines. U.P. economically important ones. Most common Research Digest. establishment method was transplanting and planting location was determined by the Location: ENFOR, CFNR, UPLB Agroforestry as an Approach to Rural Community Development he forest resource of the country may forest far its economic, environmental be tapped to contribute more to the and social values that must have to be T welfare of rural communities as a overcome before agro-forestry can be source of food, fuel, fodder for animals and adopted as an integral part of a other products that can be used directly by comprehensive land use policy of the the rural population. This approach is country. growing urgency and will become more and more important as the population continues Lantican, Domingo M. 1979. Agroforestry to grow in view of the limited land resources as an Approach to Rural Community of the country. However, there is a limit to Development. The Philippine the extent that forest lands can be exploited Lumberman, March 1979, pp. 8-12. and manipulated if they are to continue existing as a renewable resource. There are Location: CFNR Library, UPLB problems related to the conservation of the Soil Conservation Practices in the Hilly Agricultural Lands of the Philippines Agroforestry Systems /Uplands Abstract of Researches on Forest Restoration in the Philippines ffective management of soil erosion in the Philippine hillylands combines soil Monsalud, Florentino C. 1999. Soil E conservation measures and food Conservation Practices in the Hilly production. Several soil conservation Agricultural Lands of the Philippines. technologies have been tested and proven Paper Compilation International effective in minimizing soil loss. Good Symposium on Management of understanding of the farmers' biophysical Technologies for Improvement of and socio -economic environments would Problem Soils. Improving the enhance the effectiveness and improve the Productivity of Problem Soils for Food adoption of appropriate soil conservation Security. Bureau of Soils and Water technologies. Management. August 3-5. Factors Influencing the Adoption of AF Systems in an ISFP in Dumarao, Capiz he study was conducted in an awareness in the importance of trees to Integrated Social Forestry project ecological balance. Most of them T (ISFP) site in Dumarao, Capiz. It aimed observed and believed that climatic primarily to identify and analyze the factors conditions, soil type, and topography of which influence the recipients' adoption of the area are beneficial to AF farming. agroforestry (AF) systems. All respondents adopted the AF systems. Almost half (47%) were considered as Out of the 484 recipients, 144 were taken as innovators. These people had already respondents (30% of the total population) known the importance of combining trees using the simple random sampling technique. with appropriate agricultural crops in Data were gathered through personal upland farming. Multistorey AF system is interviews using an interview schedule. the most widely adopted. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied in data analysis. Simple correlation analysis using Spearman Rank-Order Correlation Findings showed that 98% of the Coefficient (r), showed that income inside recipient-respondents were formally CSC area, and percentage of area educated with an average formal schooling developed were significantly related with of 5.38 years. Of the total gross income (all the adoption of AF systems. Adoption is three sources), only 38% came from CSC affected more by the recipients' basic (Certificate of Stewardship Contract) areas needs, viz., income for food, clothing, and and the bulk of 62% came from outside CSC shelter. Similarly, AF will be adopted areas. The majority were classified under low when the recipient is committed to the level of living. objective of the program and to the national interest. Likewise, when the Generally, recipients had level of perceptions recipient is satisfied with the size of his and favorable attitude toward AF systems; CSC farm, he would be motivated to were knowledgeable on the specific adopt the system. Hence, these factors provisions of the stewardship agreement; must be given due attention by the and had high level of aspirations and Agroforestry Systems /Uplands Abstract of Researches on Forest Restoration in the Philippines implementers of the ISFP and other related Developments in Agroforestry upland development programs. Research. International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF), Virtudazo, Adelfo Z. 1997. Factors FAO-APAN, NRMP-GOP, PCARRD, Influencing the Adoption of AF Systems DOST. Los Baños, Laguna. pp. in an ISFP in Dumarao, Capiz. 293-301. Agroforestry Adoption Patterns in Oriental Mindoro he study identified some significant Out of the 12 variables which were variables which explain variation in the significantly correlated with agroforestry T adoption of agroforestry practices by adoption patterns, only seven Integrated Social Forestry Project (ISFP) significantly explained the variations in participants in Oriental Mindoro, Philippines. the adoption of agroforestry practices. These were attitude, perception, farming Data were gathered through personal experience, farm size, land tenure, interviews with 101 respondents, educational attainment, and social examination of secondary information from participation. Among these seven DENR, and direct observation in the three variables, farmers’ attitude and study sites. Descriptive and inferential perception of agroforestry had the statistics were used to analyze data. highest coefficient of determination, implying that they are the strongest The socioeconomic characteristics, determinants of agroforestry adoption. psychological orientation, and communication exposure of the respondents Rebugio, Lucrecio L. and Prakash Sayami. were studied. Based on the number of 1997. Agroforestry Adoptio n Patterns recommended agroforestry practices in Oriental Mindoro. Developments in adopted, the respondents were categorized Agroforestry Research. International into full and partial adoptors. On the basis of Centre for Research in Agroforestry innovativeness, they were further (ICRAF), FAO-APAN, NRMP-GOP, categorized into: (a) innovators; (b) early PCARRD, DOST. Los Baños, Laguna. adoptors; (c) the early majority; (e) the late pp. 303-317. majority; and (e) laggards. Perceptions, Attitude, and behavior of CARP-ISF Farmer-Beneficiaries and their Influence on Agroforestry Technology Adoption in Eastern Visayas he study was conducted to determine, sought to identify the socio -cultural analyze, and evaluate the perceptions, structures and the psycho-social basis T attitude, and behavior of that promote technology adoption and farmer-cooperators and noncooperators in determine the essential ingredient that three project sites in Leyte and Samar and motivates farmers to adopt a given relate these factors to their influence in the technology. adoption of agroforestry technologies. It also Agroforestry Systems /Uplands Abstract of Researches on Forest Restoration in the Philippines Fifty farmer-cooperators and 40 nonproject was no significant relationship between cooperators were surveyed and asked the perceptions and factors such as age, regarding their perceptions, attitude, and income, educational attainment, size of behavior toward agroforestry farming. The household, and number of hours spent on farmers’ perceptions and attitude were the farm. Significantly correlated were correlated to their demographic understanding of the “economics” of characteristics such as age, educational applying improved agroforestry attainment, size of household, monthly technologies with educational attainment income, and the number of hours they spent of the respondents, and application of in their farms everyday. The study showed improved agroforestry technologies with that respondents were knowledgeable about the level of farmers’ income. the introduced agroforestry technologies and they perceived the old farming methods as Nasayao, Edilberto E. and Marulen A. Zara. needing improvement and should be Perceptions, Attitude, and Behavior of replaced. Increasing the income of the CARP-ISF Farmer-Beneficiaries and farmers motivated respondents to adopt a their Influence on Agroforestry given technology. Among noncooperators, Technology Adoption in Eastern their predominant attitude towards the new Visayas. Developments in technologies was curiosity, a desire to learn Agroforestry Research.