The Walpole Village Crier Magazine of Walpole Parish Council

Walpole St Andrew, Walpole St Peter and Walpole Marsh Issue 129 - October/November 2020

1 The Walpole Village Crier Magazine of Walpole Parish Council

Walpole St Andrew, Walpole St Peter and Walpole Marsh Issue 129 - October/November 2020


As you can see our front cover for this issue is our Easter competition winner which we ran back in February, but due to the coronavirus lockdown we couldn’t publish them. Our winners are Roxy Bennett (6), Finlay McMullen (7) and runner ups Aleks (9), Patryk (6)

We will be holding our last front cover competition for the December issue, template can be found on page 38/39. Please can we get all children involved as every child will receive a gift! The December 2020 Crier will be the last edition that we will edit and print. The Parish Council have agreed that we can have a full colour copy to celebrate the easement of lockdown, to showcase the villages throughout lockdown, and for us to “go out with a bang!” We have had interest shown for new editorship and will be introducing them in the December issue.

EDITORS: Linda and Chloe Matthews

Tel: 01406 478 800

Please email any contributions to [email protected]

or send them to:

1 Sir Peter Scott Road, , Spalding, PE12 9SE

The Walpole Village Crier is just one of the means of communication between the Parish Council and parishioners


Full Page £113 MINIMUM 850 COPIES PRINTED Half Page £68 Please make cheques payable to: Quarter Page £38 Walpole Parish Council Third Page £45 NEXT ISSUE DEADLINE: Eighth Page £23 SUNDAY 15th November 2020

3 Walpole Parish Council News……

The Walpole Parish Council met on line again for the August meeting on Thursday August 13th. (Anyone who wishes to hear what the council discuss or wants to join in at the Public Participation point can find how to access the meeting by contacting the Parish Clerk Caroline Boyden on [email protected]) Chairman Richard Green welcomed 2 new local residents who had joined the meeting and wished to introduce themselves as they were hoping to get planning permission to build a house in the garden of their parents’ house in the very near future. The tree planting scheme is no further forward as there has been no activity at County Council level since the lockdown. County Cllr Sandra Squire said they will be looking at planting in November and March and a 6 digit grid reference number of the site where the Parish want to plant the trees will be required. There are 3 packs that will be available: ‘All round Colour’, ‘Wild Harvest’ or ‘Hedgerow’. The Community Centre have said they would like a minimum of 80 trees planted around the Community Centre; maybe along the Chase footpath and in the waste area that is difficult to use. It just needs the WPFRT Committee to supply a grid reference and choice of trees to be ready for when the packs will be released. Cllr Bliss asked to see a plan of planting areas, and Cllr Smith raised the question of type of trees and falling leaves in the autumn. Cllr Brooks said the trees on offer were not suitable for the Swingfield because they wanted big trees that will eventually replace the dying Horse Chestnuts that surround the field at the moment. Cllr Squire said that all County Council staff are working from home and are expecting to do so until at least February. County services like libraries, recycling centres and some care services are gradually re-opening with special measures in place according to Government guidelines. Borough Cllr Julian Kirk said all was quiet and with Borough Cllrs working from home also. He said that some council play areas are now opening. The colour of the villages ‘gates’ for the entrance to the villages need to be decided; general consensus is that white shows the dirt too easily so maybe a wooden finish would be the choice, but this will be decided later. The Highways Dept will be visiting the Parish on Monday August 17th to discuss the positioning of the ‘gates’. It was suggested that the cleaning of the gates be put on a list of to do jobs for the Rangers who are ‘giving back to the communities’. The proposed speed limit in Market Lane from through Walpole Cross Keys to Walpole St Andrew is too confusing and would not be adhered to. Walpole Cllrs would like a gradual reduction from 50mph at

4 Terrington St Clement to 40mph through Walpole Cross Keys and then meet the existing 30mph at Walpole St Andrew. The very large Willow trees on Chalk Road are still in dispute over ownership. They have been cut before by the County Council but they are now insisting that the trees belong to the house occupiers. The occupiers say they are on the roadside and not on their property. Clerk is to check on the progress for the next meeting; the household boundaries are marked on the Parish map. The Seabank pathway through from Marsh Road to Frenchs Road will be cleared hopefully in the near future since it is apparent that no-one has a need to access with a vehicle. The Parish council must get this cleared as the County doesn’t have enough money. The grass cutting team have been asked to quote to clear this. Also Eastlands Bank needs clearing to make it passable. Cllr Smith said the waste bin at the Community Centre has not been emptied for more than 2 weeks and there is rubbish collecting around the wheelie bin in the casing which the bin men do not pick up when they do empty the bin. It was reported that the bin men don’t want the dog waste in the black bins anymore because the bags are splitting and it is very unpleasant for them so please put dog waste in the dog waste bins provided. It was thought that maybe the bins would be emptied the next day which was black bin day. The clerk to be notified if this has not happened. It was suggested that meetings could soon resume in the Community Centre but as the acoustics are so bad and with all wearing face coverings it would be impossible to hear anyone speak, so all agreed they would like to continue on line for the foreseeable future. Cllr Richard Blunt joined the meeting late and said that the Borough were struggling to catch up and trying to get back to normal; there have been planning meetings every other week. He thinks that working from home will become part of the normal working practice since the council offices do not have the space to accommodate the distancing required by Government guidelines .He said there is still some money available for small businesses that need support. He is also urging the Walpole Parish to get a Neighbourhood plan completed in the near future as this would significantly affect planning issues in the Parish. The clerk has had experience of making Parish Plans for ; Massingham and Cross Keys so it would not be the awesome task that Cllrs are envisaging. Two of the Borough Council neighbourhood plans officers are to be asked to talk at the September or October meeting. Cllr Blunt said he had also been involved in several Neighbourhood plans so all the help that is needed should be available. The village newsletter that is currently edited by Cllr Linda Matthews and her daughter-in-law Chloe has had no income for the last few issues because they

5 have all been on line and the advertisers would be disadvantaged so they have not been charged to advertise. Cllr Matthews also announced that the December issue would be their last one as they will both be living outside the Parish by that time. So the council are appealing for volunteers to edit the newsletter, February being the first issue that will be required. They would like the December issue to be in full colour to celebrate the easement of lockdown, to showcase how villagers have coped throughout lockdown, and to ‘go out with a bang’ since it will be their final issue. This will be at a cost of £968 to print 850 copies. Cllrs unanimously agreed to this suggestion. Many of the distributers are pensioners and some have not been out of their homes since March so there may be a need for some younger people to take on some delivery slots and get to know their Parish. Cllr Green almost volunteered one of the parishioners present at the meeting to be the next editor and he was pleasantly surprised by her reply, but time will tell as she is now embarking on building a new house. Website viewings were: Home 150, Crier 121, Planning 82, Parish Council 27, Contact Us 19. News 15, Walking 11, Community Centre 7. Fingers boards are still being turned around at Eastlands Bank. The working group for village projects are waiting on the concrete bases for the picnic benches at the Community Centre and they will be sourcing a new Christmas tree for Walpole St Peter Church which has died. It was asked how old some of the Play Park equipment is as there are some issues that need sorting before it re-opens. The Council had received a quote for repairs and decided that they should now go ahead with it and have proper notices put up advising parents it is their responsibility to clean up before their child touches anything because there is no-one employed to sanitise before and after each use. apparently have their play area deep cleaned once a week at a cost of £80. The Borough use their own staff for cleaning their play areas. Cllr Green raised serious concerns over liability issues and Cllrs agreed they would review at the September meeting. Formal notices on Health and Safety and Liability concerns will be placed around to make it quite clear the council are not taking any responsibility whatsoever for any accidents or spread of Covid 19 if the closed signs are ignored. The clerk has said that Barclays have finally agreed to closure of the Councils accounts, so everything will now be through Unity Bank, with 3 new signatories to be signed up. Cllr Green thanked the 2 parishioners for attending the online meeting and wished them well in their future projects. The meeting closed at 20; 35 and the next meeting will be on Thursday September 10th at 19.00hrs.

6 Walpole Parish Council met again via ZOOM on Thursday 10th September, and this time proved a little tricky for some Cllrs to gain/retain access, either because of poor connection or they simply could not connect via the link. Cllr Eveleigh took the chair in the absence of both chairman and vice-chairman. The option of obtaining trees for the November planting is closed but Cllrs are keen to get some for the March planting slot. There is a dead tree opposite Summer Close which will be removed and there is a possibility of planting some more in its place. (Cllr Eveleigh to find out if there is any drainage in position which could affect where planting takes place.) The Council have had 3 quotes to remove the dead tree and they have chosen Blackamores who already cut the grass areas for the council. A resident has asked for a bench to be placed near the tree in order to watch the uninterrupted sunsets that are on view from there. This will be on the October agenda so that costings can be reviewed. Mrs Jane Eveleigh of the Speedwatch team has had discussions with the Highways officer about the‘ White gates’ at the entrance to the village and he has suggested some sites. Mrs Eveleigh will now review which style and composition of gates will be suitable together with quotations. The suggestion put forward last month on the speed limits on Market Lane has been sent on and approved by the Highways officer but before it can be implemented there is a further amount of money to be sent. (The councils have paid an initial amount for the survey.) The initial cost was £12k split between the 3 council areas. Terrington St Clement council are not being very forthcoming as they only cover a very small stretch of Market Lane from the A17 junction to Fence Bank, from where Walpole Cross Keys Council cover to the entrance of Walpole St Andrew. County Cllr Sandra Squire had pledged £4k from her Highway’s budget. Everyone is now waiting on a response from Andy Wallace, Highways officer. Cllr Blunt said he had received concerns about industrial work being undertaken in the village where no planning permission had been applied for and this will be forwarded for the Borough Enforcement Officer’s attention. Invoices are to be sent to the allotment holders for the rent and a note is to be included to the effect that due to coronavirus and poor harvest the council will not be increasing the rents this year. Cllr Blunts report from the Borough Council were that they were very busy with very long meetings discussing the Governments new Planning Policy Document so there was very little to report. He mentioned the Ferry from West Lynn to King’s Lynn town centre had been re-opened and that the pantomime, Beauty and The Beast, will not be going ahead. Borough Cllr Squires sent in her report: Covid-19 rates remain low in - current rates are 8.7 cases per 100,000, but with children back in school, this

7 figure may rise. Norfolk has agreed to accept 41 unaccompanied asylum-seeking children - the Government has agreed to assist with the cost. Cllr Squires has also taken over the chair's role for Children In Care. There was one planning application received and Cllrs were agreed that the cladding and general look of the home was liked and in keeping with the village. Cllr Blunt advised that he had called this in to go to the planning committee as some planners feel it is not in the garden. The houses approved for Walnut Road are being reviewed and an amendment may be submitted soon as it is believed the builders want to increase the size of the houses therefore decreasing the number of dwellings. Cllr Eveleigh gave the Community Centre report which was that there are several groups that want to get back into the hall, one of which is a gymnastics group who are currently meeting on the playing field. They want the Thursday evening slot which would stop the Parish Council returning to their original meeting slot when they return to meeting in public. The Council will probably continue meeting online until the end of the year so this may not cause an immediate problem. The majority opinion was that as the hall need the revenue, the committee should accept the bookings and the council will need to work around them should the need arise. The Crier newsletter for October will be printed and the deadline for entries is September 13th. Cllr Matthews said this is the penultimate edition that she and her daughter-in-law will publish and the good news is that they have someone who is tentatively interested in taking over from them. Web viewings were: Home 172, Crier 132, Planning 101, Walks 26, Parish Council 24, News 24, Community Centre 16. The footpath at Eastlands Bank is still a problem as someone keeps tampering with the fingerboard. It has been reported as it is illegal to mess with council property. There are other issues that are being dealt with. The Community Projects working group have been digging out the sites ready for concrete in the next few days ready to place the picnic benches and seats around the Community Centre. The Play Area is becoming a bugbear in that everyone wants it to re-open but no-one is responsible for cleaning and sanitizing and there is nowhere for anyone to wash their hands or sanitize equipment before or after use. Parents are climbing the fence to gain access for their children and some are leaving litter, like face masks and other rubbish. It had been suggested the council employs a firm to deep clean but this would need to be done at least once a week at a cost of over £80. The council cannot justify this. There is also the additional restriction announced today that there should be no more than 6 people in any gathering due to another spike in coronavirus cases. Looking at

8 the condition that West Walton Play Park is being left in (face masks and general rubbish on the ground), the Cllrs concluded it would stay closed for the foreseeable future and as it is padlocked they will not be held responsible for any mishaps that occur since it would be illegal entry. The next meeting will again be online with the representatives from the Borough Council talking about a Neighbourhood plan for the Walpoles at 7pm on October 8th. Anyone wishing to join the meeting to hear proceedings or to participate in the Public Participation section can get access details from the clerk Caroline Boyden on [email protected] Reporter: Irene Hunter Edited by Linda


How many can you find?

Answers in the December edition


9 Message from your Borough Councillors Sadly, the Covid-19 infection rates have started to rise again. Stop the spread of coronavirus We all have a part to play in tackling coronavirus. We can reduce the risk to ourselves and others by

• washing your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds with soap and water • wear a face covering in enclosed spaces • keeping two metres away from others when you are out the house or 1 metre with a face covering or other precautions

Alive West Norfolk are disappointed to announce that this year’s pantomime Beauty and the Beast has been postponed until 2021. They have been in discussions with producers Jordan Productions and, unfortunately with social distancing measures still in place, it is not possible to present the pantomime this year.

The popular ferry service that crosses the River Great Ouse between King's Lynn and West Lynn will return this September with new owners at the helm, ready to welcome passengers old and new. The ferry service commenced on Tuesday, 1 September 2020, and will operate Monday to Saturday from 7am until 6pm. Between 7am and 9am, and between 5pm and 6pm, the ferry will run continuously. Between 9am and 5pm the service will run every 20 minutes - on the hour, 20 minutes past the hour and 20 minutes to the hour. Fares are: Child - single £1.00, return £1.50 Adult - singe £1.20, return £2.00

10 Work to extend the visitor pontoons in King's Lynn has started as part of the Sail the Wash programme. Sail the Wash, which received Coastal Communities funding of £679,000 in March 2019, is designed to enhance existing and create more opportunities for leisure craft wanting to visit The Wash area and surrounding waterways. The project is being led by the Borough Council of King's Lynn & West Norfolk, in partnership with Fenland District Council and Lincolnshire County Council. The project includes practical improvements to the mooring and navigational infrastructure throughout The Wash area, and will include pontoon extensions at King's Lynn this year and Sutton Bridge next year, as well as the development of marketing and promotional materials to establish a Sail the Wash brand and market this among the boating fraternity. This will attract additional tourism to the area which will support the local tourist economy and promote local business. It is important that we know your concerns, thoughts and ideas re how we can help the Parish and our Ward to continue to be a special place to live. We appreciate all the local support and if you think we can help do not hesitate to contact us. Cllr Richard Blunt Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01945 780454 Mobile: 07860967514

Cllr Julian Kirk Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01945 430109 Mobile: 07816909870

Alive Corn Exchange Cinema opens this month People will soon be able to enjoy big screen releases in the upstairs cinema at the Alive Corn Exchange which is scheduled to open on Friday 25 September. For the last few months the iconic venue in King’s Lynn has been undergoing major refurbishment and renovation work. The scaffolding has now been taken down and work is nearly complete on the building in the Tuesday Market Place.


RELEASE Commitment to reinstate food waste collections next year

The Borough Council of King's Lynn & West Norfolk has pledged to continue exploring options for the reinstatement of the food waste collections next April, in spite of Covid-19 restrictions.

Cllr Brian Long, Leader of the Borough Council of King's Lynn & West Norfolk: "It was regrettable that we had to suspend our food waste collections as we appreciate that those people who use the service love it, as do we. It reduces the amount of waste going to landfill and is turned into genuinely green electricity and a nutrient rich liquid fertiliser so is much better for the environment.

"The guidance on Covid made it impossible for us to continue with the collection, as we had to ensure that our contractor's staff's health and wellbeing was being looked after. A reduction in the number of people in each vehicle meant there wasn't time for the food collection to take place, without impacting on the black and green bin collections. It just wasn't an option, and still isn't while the government guidance remains unchanged.

"We do have, however, an opportunity to look at the detailed arrangements for the provision of the service through our new contractor, who will take over in April. Rest assured that we are exploring all possible options with the new contractor and are committed to reinstating the food waste collection in April, when the new contract starts.

Residents are being urged to hang on to the small and large food caddies, keeping them safe for the return of the food waste collection service next year. Food waste should be bagged and put in the black bin, until the food waste service is reinstated.

Cllr Long, added: "I want to thank everyone who has been so understanding during the Covid-19 response and recovery stage. It really is much appreciated. We committed significant additional resource to collect all household bins during the period and, apart from a week, everyone who has one, has had their brown bin emptied too. Under the circumstances this is pretty impressive, so thanks also to the staff who have kept the service running - as key workers, they were often the unsung heroes. Issued by: Sharon Clifton, Communications Manager, on 01553 616711

12 Walpole Football Club

Our new u7 team played their very first game this evening 15/09/20 and did really well against a more experienced side. First league game at home on Saturday at the community centre. The boys are looking forward to getting a new kit and starting the season.

We are looking for more players to join the team - training Thursday nights on the field (starting again next week). If your child is in a school year 2 and wants to try a session please come along! For further info please give me a call 07540778379 - Andrew Mitchell

13 14 15 16 17 WALPOLE OIL CONSORTIUM Please note: if you have run out of oil or newly moved to the area, please let me know. If you cannot get hold of me ring Clare or Charlotte at Chandlers because they will always accommodate you. The dates for the remainder of this year are 19th Oct 2020 and 16th Nov 2020 - as these are the delivery dates, all orders must be in by 12 noon on the previous Friday. If you have any queries at any time please do not hesitate to contact me: (Mrs) Jo Bartlett 01945 780417 or Clare at Chandlers 01476 576200

18 19 20 21 News from the Walpole Gardeners Club

Hello to all our members. We hope that you are all keeping safe and well during these difficult times. Unfortunately, due to the current situation It has been decided to cancel all bookings for this year. It is hoped that we will be able to resume the Gardeners Club in February 2021.

Many thanks to all members who took part in the potato growing competition. The winner was John Hinds with a total weight of 1.58kg and joint second was Judith Hinds and Brenda Graveling with a weight of 1.36kg. Well done everyone! Special thanks to Margaret Greaves for organising the event.

Stay safe and we hope to see you all very soon.

Date Event 8th October ‘Fuchsias with a Victorian Twist’ - Kristopher Harper CANCELLED

12th November Christmas Floral Decorations Demonstrations - Marilyn Hornsby CANCELLED 10th December AGM and Club Night CANCELLED

All meetings are held in Walpole St Peter Parish Hall the second Thursday of the month at 7.30 pm

22 News from Speedwatch….. Hi everyone. Well we have at last been given the go ahead by Norfolk Constabulary to resume our observations, taking into account social distancing, so no doubt you will see us out and about once again very soon. It has been a long time with no activity from us but I have had several complaints throughout lockdown and the summer of speeding at various locations on our village roads. Just a gentle reminder to stick to the limits and keep safe out there. The automated data recording sign has been out of actions for a few weeks due to a fault but it has now been repaired and is up once again. If you do not see it then that is good as it means you are not activating it by exceeding speed limits. This allows us to accurately monitor the speed levels at locations where it is placed so is useful in helping to decide where we need to make our observations and at what times. This is not to catch people out, far from it, but just to remind you all that we want to keep the village a safe place for everyone. If you do see us out and above then feel free to stop and chat (social distancing protocols adhered to) as we are always interested to hear comments - both good and bad! Speedwatch Team

I am hoping to start up a Book Club soon for the village and just want to know how many of you would be interested. I have been in contact with the library and this has been put on hold over lockdown but I have now been informed that we may soon be able to get started.

If you are interested then please drop me a message at [email protected] and I will then release further information as and when I am able.

Thank you

Jane Eveleigh

23 Easter Competition Entries

As we couldn’t publish our April Easter Edition of the Crier we decided that it would be nice to have a pull out section of all the entries we re- ceived. We would like to thank Minuteman Press Kings Lynn for their kind offer to print this for free.

Walpole Area Pre-School


13th Walpole Beavers

Anthony Curton Primary School - After School Club


Pictures sent in to us


27 VILLAGE HALL BINGO Lots of nice prizes and refreshments available Contact Maureen for details on 01945 881229 Walpole Highway Village Hall, Hall Road, PE14 7QD

28 Holistic Foot Care Foot Health Practitioner and Independent Helping Hands Moira Collins T.C.F.C.P dip Covering all local areas - home visits - residential homes Clinic at Walpole St Peter

Foot care: Toe nail trimming and filing, hard skin and callous reduction, nail fungal, verruca treatment and corn removed.

Independent Helping Hand: Are you looking for a helping in hand to come and sit with your loved one? You feel you just need sometime to yourself? It may just be an hour or as long as you need, Helping Hand is there for you to give you a piece of mind. 10 years experience in; Dementia, Alzheimer's, Learning Difficulties, Down Syndrome etc

For full details call Moira Collins 07555 130 398


Recipes Salmon (or chicken breast) & spaghetti supper in a parcel

Serves 4 Prep time 10 mins Cooking time 30 mins

You will need: 200g spaghetti 2 courgettes, grated 100g red cherry tomatoes, halved 100g yellow cherry tomatoes, halved 4 salmon fillets or 2 chicken breasts 4 tbsp olive oil 1 clove of garlic, finely sliced Baking parchment

Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Cook the spaghetti following pack instructions and let drain. Cut 4 rectangles of baking parchment off a roll, each twice as long as it is wide. Lay them on a work surface. Toss the spaghetti with the grated courgettes and divide the mixture between the pieces of parchment, adding the cherry tomatoes between each pile. If using salmon, slice each one lengthways but keep each fillet as one piece. Place on top of the spaghetti and press sideways so the slices move apart a little. If using chicken, halve each breast through the middle horizontally to give 4 pieces, then cut into strips and tip a pile of chicken strips onto each pile of spaghetti. Heat the oil and fry the garlic for 1 min, then pour a little garlic oil over each pile. Season with black pepper. Bring the 2 longer sides of parchment up to meet in the middle and fold the ends over and over, working down towards the filling, leaving a little room for the steam to expand the parcel. Flatten the seam down and then fold in each end. (Use paper clips to hold the folds if you like.) Lift the parcels onto a baking tray and bake for 10-15 minutes—the parcels should puff up as they cook. Serve each person a puffed parcel in a shallow bowl and snip open at the table, staying clear of any steam (and of course, removing the paper clips if used!)


30 Walpole Community Centre News…..

We are officially back open after Lockdown, all safety measure have been put in place for those hiring the community centre. We are also happy to welcome back Walpole Area Pre-School having been off since the beginning of Lockdown. As you can see the car park refurbishment has been completed. We will be holding an Official Car Park opening event when it is safe do so, which will give you the chance to meet those who are on the committee and ask any questions you may have.

We have got lots of refurbishment plans happening, starting with finishing the decorating inside the community centre and resurfacing the floors in the toilet areas. Please note that the Play Park is owned and maintain by Walpole Parish Council, for any updates please contact the Parish Clerk at [email protected] New Club Booking Titans Gymnastics Club/Thunder Cats Cheerleading Every Wednesday (Term Time) 17.00 - 18.00 Every Thursday and Friday (Term Time) 18.00 - 20.00 Every Saturday and Sunday 11.00 - 16.30 For more information contact: [email protected]

Enquiries please contact Chloe Matthews on 01406 478800 or [email protected]

31 NOTICE BOARD Walpole Wallabies Early Bird & After WALPOLE BADMINTON CLUB School Club Walpole Community Centre Early Birds: 7.45am - 8.45am £3.50 Adults session Wednesdays evening Mrs Murray 7-8.30pm. After School 3.15pm - 5.45pm £8 Mrs Gant For more information please contact 01945 780121 Pete or Janet Luck on 01945 780384


01945 780269

Walpole Good Companions over 50s Club at St Peter's Church Hall

Every 1st Thursday of the month 2 - 4pm We enjoy outing, speakers, quizzes & afternoon teas. Guest & New Members always Welcome Please Contact Kay Argent on 01945 780533 or Cindy Downes on 07531 009 843

Walpole Youth FC Secretary: Andrew Mitchell 07540 778379. We provide coaching for children of all ages and abilities with the club recently being awarded FA Charter Standard status - a great achievement for a club of our size. Our FA qualified coaches are always on the look out for players of all abilities to form new teams, particularly those currently in school years 1 and 2.

WALPOLE CROSS KEYS WOMEN’S INSTITUTE If you would like to advertise your 7 p.m. 2nd Tuesday each month club or group please send us an Jephson Hall, Walpole Cross Keys email. VISITORS AND NEW MEMBERS WELCOME [email protected] President: Diane Skipper 01553 829562 Secretary: Angela 01945 780094

32 WALPOLE ART & CRAFT CLUB Meet every Friday morning from 9:30 to 12 in Walpole St Peter Parish Hall. £2 per session including tea/coffee and biscuits

Contact: Christine Kinnerman 01945 489953

WALPOLE GARDENERS CLUB The second Thursday of the month in Walpole St Peter Parish Hall. 7.30pm Start Annual Subscription: £10 Non-members/guests £2 per meeting Contact Gillian Gosling on 01945 780409

33 News from Anthony Curton Primary School

We were very pleased to welcome back all of our children earlier this month and also welcomed our new little people into the school. It is lovely to see the school filled with little faces again (most of them even smiling!) and see the learning beginning to take place. Our children and parents have settled well into the new routines that we have had to put in place due to Covid-19 and we look forward to seeing our children flourish once more.

We would like to thank all of the families who continued to home-school the children throughout lockdown. We are currently working on making the children feel safe and happy in school so that they can relax into their learning without the burden of worries.

Unfortunately, due to the current situation we won't be going on any trips this term, but the teachers have been hard at work to make the lessons in school even more exciting and enjoyable than they usually are! We also won't be able to carry out our usual church services, which many members of the community attend. We are sorry for this and hope to resume these as soon as we are allowed. We will be working on the parents having access to a virtual Harvest Festival this year, so look out for letters and where you can find this closer to the time.

We hope that everyone is managing to keep safe and we send prayers and well wishes to anyone who has been effected by Covid.

Kindest Regards

D Liddle

34 THE WALPOLE ST ANDREW THE WALPOLE ST ANDREW DOLE CHARITY DOLE CHARITY (Charity Number 233206) (Charity Number 233206) VACANT ALMSHOUSE TENANCY OF ARABLE LAND Applications are invited for the tenancy of No 3 Kirk Road, Walpole St Andrew which Applications are invited by tender of will be available from November 2020. approximately 3 acres at King John Bank, Walpole St Andrew. This Almshouse is suitable for one person and has one bedroom, lounge, kitchen and Preference will be given to residents of bathroom. Walpole St Andrew and Walpole Cross Preference will be given to residents of Keys. Walpole St Andrew and Walpole Cross Tenders to be submitted in writing by Keys. Friday 16th October 2020 to the Clerk: Application forms available from the Clerk: Miss S Thorpe, 88 Smeeth Road, Miss S Thorpe, 88 Smeeth Road, , WISBECH, Marshland St James, WISBECH, Norfolk. PE14 8JF Norfolk. PE14 8JF Telephone 01945 430930. Telephone 01945 430930. Email: Email: [email protected] [email protected] Application forms must be received by 16th October 2020.

Robert Butler's Charity announce a rare opportunity to apply for residence in one of our single occupancy bungalows at Butler's Close, Walpole St. Peter.

The vacant premises consists of a lounge/bedroom, and separate kitchen and bathroom, plus outdoor washhouse. Anyone born in the Walpoles is eligible to apply. Although our constitution states that only persons over the age of 60 are preferred, consideration will also be given to people below this age subject to suitable references being supplied. The bungalow should be available for re-letting sometime during November 2020.

For further information, please apply in writing to : The Clerk to the Trustees, Butler's Charity, Glebe House, Church Road, Walpole St. Peter, PE14 7NS

35 36 37 Rector: Barbara Burton Telephone: 01945 781228 Email: [email protected] Churchwardens: William Brooks - 01945 780609 David Galloway - 01945 780809 Website:

From the Church Window PASTORAL LETTER OCTOBER 2020 Every year in October we celebrate Bible Sunday and this year it falls on 25th October 2020. I daresay many of you reading this will remember the old black bound family Bible, and you may still have it somewhere at home. That Bible is the‘ Authorised Version’, often called the King James Bible, and for centuries it was the only translation that most people read. But in the last 50 years or so there has been a flood of new translations of the Bible– looking at my bookshelves I can count nine different translations. Why are they necessary? Why are we not content with the King James Bible? One of the reasons is our greater knowledge of the origins of the Bible. The earliest manuscripts of the New Testament were written in Greek, copied and re-copied down the generations, with more and more errors creeping into the text. The King James version was based on manuscripts dating from the twelfth century, written over a thousand years after Jesus’ death. Since 1611, when the King James Bible was first published, numerous discoveries have been made of manuscripts which provide much older Biblical writings, some of them more than a thousand years closer to the time of Jesus, and therefore much more accurate. Modern translations take advantage of those discoveries.

Another reason for new versions of the Bible is that the King James version is written in the language of 1611. I adore some of the poetic language, and many phrases from that version have passed into everyday use, but the Bible ought to speak to us in our own contemporary language. Only a modern translation can make it speak again as the King James version spoke to its readers in 1611. Today we have aids to translation which did not exist in 1611, and to refuse to use them is to deprive ourselves of a new knowledge which can only make the Bible more meaningful than ever.

However, whichever version of the Bible we use, the truth that is contained in its pages is unrivalled and it remains as great a beacon of learning and faith as when the King James Version was published. Our society owes much to the great scholars who produced that version over 400 years ago. Rev’d Barbara

CHURCH SERVICES – Coronovirus / Covid 19 Update We are delighted to be able to publish the schedule for services, over the coming weeks. Things will be different as everything has to comply with the covid-safe requirements. The schedule below may change if government

38 CHURCH SERVICES – Coronovirus / Covid 19 Update guidelines are amended - so do keep an eye open for future announcements. All the details are also posted on the notice board outside the church door, and will be updated when necessary. Please note there will be no midweek services until further notice.

DATE SERVICE TIME SUNDAY 4TH OCTOBER Parish Eucharist 10.00am (Harvest Festival)

SUNDAY 11TH OCTOBER Parish Eucharist 10.00am

SUNDAY 18TH OCTOBER Parish Eucharist 10.00am

SUNDAY 25TH OCTOBER Parish Eucharist 10.00am

SUNDAY 1ST NOVEMBER Parish Eucharist 10.00am

SUNDAY 8TH NOVEMBER Parish Eucharist 10.45am Remembrance Sunday (Please Note Start Time) SUNDAY 15TH NOVEMBER Parish Eucharist 10.00am

SUNDAY 22ND NOVEMBER Parish Eucharist 10.00am

SUNDAY 29TH NOVEMBER Parish Eucharist 10.00am

We would like to extend a very warm welcome to everybody at Walpole St Peter Church, whether you are visiting us to admire this wonderful building or simply coming along for some quiet time and reflection.

Coronovirus / Covid 19 Update - The Church is now open on Thursdays (from 9am to 4pm for private prayer. There are restrictions on where you can go in the church and we ask everyone to respect this. The toilet remains closed. Open areas are cleaned every day to minimise any risk. PLEASE USE THE HAND SANITISER AS YOU ENTER AND LEAVE THE CHURCH. We're delighted to have received the 'Good to Go' accreditation from Visit having met all their criteria to make the Church Covid-19 safe

Please do join us for any of our services. You will be very welcome.

39 40 41 The Walpole Village Crier Magazine of Walpole Parish Council

Walpole St Andrew, Walpole St Peter and Walpole Marsh Issue 130 - December 2020/January 2021

42 It’s coming to that time of year again and we would love for the children of the Walpole’s to design our front cover for the Decem- ber issue. As this is our last issue we would like every child to join. Every child who enters will receive a token gift as a way of saying Thank you The theme of this competition is: ‘Design your own Door Wreath’ We have created the template which is on the opposite page— should you need the template for larger groups please email us. There will be a winner from each age group 1. Age group 3-6 years old 2. Age group 7-11 years old Please can you make sure name and age is on the back and not on the front. Please send entries to: - Walpole Village Crier Competition 1 Sir Peter Scott Road Sutton Bridge You can also scan and email entries PE12 9SE to: - [email protected]

43 44 45 FENLAND FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY Sadly like many other societies, groups and clubs we are still unable to hold our regular monthly meetings or our two monthly computer research sessions. We hope to be back in the New Year in the Wisbech Library on the fourth Thursday of each month from 7 – 9 p.m. All welcome. Sadly this year we will not be involved in the National Heritage Weekend. We have supported many organizations during these open weekends over all the years it has been happening. And we will be sad to miss it this year. RESEARCH SESSIONS These computer sessions are where our experienced researches offer their help either researching for visitors or helping them research themselves. They are very popular with both beginners and the more able researchers as sharing knowledge is always very useful there is always something new available to help with our research. Please see note at end of this report. ANOTHER FAMILY HISTORY STORY All about my 3 times great grandfather WILLIAM SMITH 1790 - 1864 Sitting in the Archives Room of Kirkwall Library in Orkney waiting for a parish register to be brought to me, my eye was caught by a book of court cases on a nearby shelf. I took the book down and read through it. I was surprised to find my 3 times great grandfather William SMITH listed in its pages. To try and find out more I turned to the newspapers reports on the Sheriff’s Court, and found some very interesting and amusing tales about my William SMITH One entry concerned William being taken to court for overdue payment of his rent. As he could not pay the necessary outstanding amount, they ordered that some of his possessions be taken in lieu. A date was agreed for the bailiffs to attend. On the appointed day an inventory was made of the contents of the croft and animals. Even the pots and pans, beds and seats were listed. It made interesting reading of a way of life in those distant times. When it came to the time to remove items William told them the contents of the croft were not his but belonged to another. They turned to the animals as being the most valuable. There were several cows but William claimed only the very old cow was his. When asked whom the others belong to he named various people. They turned then to the horses, again he claimed only the very old one was his, again naming others as the owners. The bailiffs returned to court and gave their report that only two elderly animals had been removed. When asked about the ownership of the other animals, they gave a list of the owners. The names William had given were actually his wife and several of his young sons. On another occasion he was ordered to pay or have a crop of barley taken in lieu. A date was agreed for the crop to be taken. When they arrived the crop was gone. William had worked all night harvesting it and hiding it away.

46 I would not have know these stories about my loveable rogue of an ancestor if I had not looked at the court records and followed it up by reading the stories in the newspapers. You never know where your family history might lead you.. Bridget A HUNTER nee SMITH RESEARCH HELP AVAILABLE Our members have not been idle they have been kept busy answering queries from both our society members and the general public. If you want help or advice just to get in touch by phoning 01945 587723 OTHER WORK Other members have been busy transcribing the burial records of various cemeteries in the area. We have covered more that 20 churchyards and cemeteries in the area. Work is now in progress for the Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Wisbech. For details con- tact us. How to contact us? Please call Bridget on 01945 587723

ROBERT FOOT LEUKAEMIA FUND The lockdown seems to have gone on for ever, and due to that, I want to inform you that I will no longer be making and selling preserves for the Robert Foot Leukaemia Fund. I have no idea when I will be able to sell them again at craft or church fairs, so now seems a good time to hang up the preserving pan! I do want to thank those of you who have bought from me or saved jars, but I need them no longer. The other casualty will probably be the annual Quiz Evening. Under Covid 19 restrictions, the Walpole Parish Hall cannot accommodate enough people to make the occasion financially viable. We will keep the booking in case restrictions lift, but as of now we cancel with regret. Thanks to those of you who purchased plants from the stall at our gate. In another two months or so I hope to have some winter pansies and trailing winter violas which could brighten your gardens over the dull months to come. So far, during the summer, the stall made £170 for the Fund. Thank you all very much.

47 48 49 Useful Contacts Age UK - Cambridgeshire 0300 666 9860 Age UK - Norfolk 0300 500 1217 Alzheimer’s Society - Fenland 01945 580 480 Alzheimer’s Society – Norfolk 01553 762 227 Anglian Water 08457 145 145 Booking Clerk Walpole Community Centre Chloe Matthews 01406 478 800 Booking Clerk WSP Parish Hall Jane Brooks 01945 780 609 Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West 01553 616 200 Norfolk Borough Councillor – Richard Blunt 01945 780 454 Borough Councillor – Julian Kirk 01945 430 109 Children’s Care Home - Manager on site Michelle 07918 776 387 Children’s Care Home - Regional Manager Patricia 07436 813 187 County Councillor – Sandra Squires 07817 160 725 Electricity faults – UK Power Networks 105 Norfolk County Council 0344 800 8020 Parish Clerk – Mrs Caroline Boyden [email protected] 07368 861 696 Parish Councillor – Richard Blunt 01945 780 454 Parish Councillor - Richard Green 01945 780 378 Parish Councillor – Andrew Bliss 01945 780 928 Parish Councillor – David Lawty 01945 780 100 Parish Councillor – Adrian Eveleigh 01945 781 208 Parish Councillor – Linda Matthews Leave message on 07779 868 148 Parish Councillor - Charlene Campion 07900 564 374 Parish Councillor - Heather Smith 07900 177 709 Parish Councillor - William Brooks 01945 780 609 Parish Councillor - Ben Matthews 01406 478 800 Parish Councillor - Claire Robinson 07590 430 595 Police, Fire & Ambulance Emergency Only 999 Police – Non Emergency 101 NHS - Non Emergency 111 School – Anthony Curton 01945 780 121 Speed Watch Jane Eveleigh 01945 781 208 Walpole St Peter Church Rev. Barbara 01945 781 228 50 The Walpole Village Crier Magazine of Walpole Parish Council

Walpole St Andrew, Walpole St Peter and Walpole Marsh Issue 129 - October/November 2020

51 The Walpole Village Crier Magazine of Walpole Parish Council

Walpole St Andrew, Walpole St Peter and Walpole Marsh Issue 129 - October/November 2020