Minute of Meeting of the Shadow Board held in the Drummond Room, Thistle Hotel, Inverness on Friday 20 January 2005 at 11.30am.

PRESENT Mr C King, Council (Chairman) Mr R Sclater, Council (Vice-Chairman) Mrs R Hossack, Council Mr D MacIntyre, and Bute Council Mr D Manford, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

OFFICIALS IN ATTENDANCE Mr C Kemp, Highland Council Mr D Duthie, Council Mr A Ritchie, Moray Council Mr G Borthwick, Moray Council Mr M Gray, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Mr H Brindley, Co-ordinator, HITRANS



Minute of Meeting of 1 The Minute of Meeting of 9 December 2005 was approved. 9 December 2005 Arising out of consideration of the Minute it was noted that, in relation to recruitment of Other Members, the Scottish Executive was now taking the lead in this matter and that this was dealt with in detail at item 5 of the Agenda.

The status of the Strategic Transport Partnership was discussed and the issue of increased publication of its meetings. It was agreed that increased publication of Minutes should take place and that the Co-ordinator should prepare a press release following each meeting.

It was agreed that in accordance with the present practice that these press releases should be issued through Highland Councils Communications Officer.

It was noted that Mr Brindley would write to the Minister seeking clarification of progress in relation to the Air Service PSOs and that it may be necessary to have a meeting of HITRANS prior to the Regional Transport Partnership on 17 February 2006.

Revenue Budget 2 The Co-ordinator submitted a Report proposing a Revenue Budget for the 2006/2007 Partnership for 2006/2007. The Report stated that the Highlands and Islands Regional Transport Partnership would be able to claim up to £200,000 towards core costs from the Scottish Executive on the basis that this was matched by an equal amount from the constituent local authorities and a further £200,000 towards the cost of strategy development. The Report further stated that the sums thus far committed by local authorities totalled £146,000. The Regional Transport Partnership agreed as follows:

(1) the financial contributions and budget contained in the Report on a one off basis for 2006/2007 be approved;

(2) that following discussion with the constituent local authorities’ Directors of Finance a funding formula would be brought forward to a future meeting for 2007/2008; and

(3) that constituent local authorities would be asked to consider additional funding totalling £54,000 as detailed in the breakdown at paragraph 4 of the Report to allow full draw down of the Scottish Executive match funding during the financial year 2006/2007.

Capital Budget 3 The Co-ordinator submitted a Report which indicated that the Scottish Executive 2006/2007 had allocated £3,530,227 to the partnership for capital project delivery in the Highlands and Islands in 2006/2007 and that a further £3.5 million would be allocated for 2007/2008. The Programme of capital work required to be approved by the Minister; projects required to be of strategic significance; the allocation required to be spent during the financial year; and the Executive had indicated that they expected a balance to be achieved between public transport and roads expenditure. The table appended to the Report detailed a proposed allocation of funds.

The Co-ordinator advised that the contribution by the Partnership to the approved ERDF Strategic List Projects for Argyll Air Services and Canna Slipway would allow the Highlands and Islands Strategic Transitional Programme to reflate the locally significant projects measure which was currently oversubscribed. This would allow one scheme within Area and one scheme within Na h-Eileanan an Iar which had previously been approved from this measure and placed on the reserve list to be progressed.

The Co-ordinator further advised that a request had just been received from Highlands and Islands Airports Limited in relation to the provision of radar at Inverness Airport seeking a contribution towards the total estimated capital cost of the project of £220,000.

The Partnership agreed as follows;

(1) the capital programme for 2006/2007 be approved subject to:

(a) written confirmation being obtained from HISTP that the allocation to approved ERDF Strategic List Projects would enable the locally significant projects measure to be reflated and the projects previously approved from the measure within the Highland Council area and Na h- Eileanan an Iar to go ahead;

(b) the Transport Development Officer revisiting the Public Transport Projects category with a view to accommodating works junction improvements in Kirkwall; and

(c) that the Chairman and the Co-ordinator would engage with HIAL in relation to the radar system at Inverness Airport and that this matter would also be taken forward through Moray Council’s Military/Civilian Liaison Committee and that Mr Ritchie would initiate these discussions.

(2) that a further Report would be submitted to the Board in May 2006 in relation to the 2007/2008 Budget.

(3) It was noted that the paper at Appendix 1 was historic but the Partnership reiterated its commitment to the provision of appropriate infrastructure. Standing Orders and 4 The Co-ordinator submitted a Report indicating that the Scottish Executive had Establishment indicated that it would be prepared to assist the Partnership with the preparation Documents of the Standing Orders and establishment documents by funding work from CDU the company that provided secretarial services for SESTRANS and which was preparing establishment documentation for SESTRANS.

It was stated in the Report that these documents would include Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Audit and Procurement and Best Value guidelines; Scheme of Delegation to Committees and Officers; Freedom of Information and Data Protection Scheme; Public Interest Disclosure Scheme; IT and Records Management Policy; Employment Conditions, Grievance, Health and Safety and Training Procedures.

It was agreed to accept the Scottish Executive’s offer to fund this work and that the Partnership would engage CDU on this basis.

Other Members – 5 The Co-ordinator submitted a Report stating that Guidance on Membership of Appointment Regional Transport Partnerships had been published by the Scottish Executive Procedures in December 2005 and that this Guidance was available on the Executive’s web- site. The terms of the Guidance were summarised in the Report and it was noted that the Partnership could appoint two or three “Other Members”. It was indicated in the Report that the Scottish Executive would advertise for applicants this month and it would be for the Partnership to produce a shortleet of applicants and then carry out an interview process following which they should make recommendations to the Minister in relation to the appointment of “Other Members”. In accordance with the Nolan Principles the Minister should be offered a choice and therefore more members than the available places should be put to him. The Partnership agreed as follows:

(a) the Chair, Vice-Chair and Co-ordinator advised by Munro Consulting should shortleet candidates;

(b) the Partnership should interview the shortleeted candidates – the suggested date was 30 March 2006; and

(c) that other Members should have one vote each except in relation to matters relating to financial requisition or transfer of functions.

Observers, Advisers 6 The Co-ordinator submitted a Report in relation to Observers, Advisers and and Stakeholders Stakeholders. It was stated in the Report that the Partnership may appoint observers to participate in its proceedings and that these observers could not hold office nor vote in decisions. Unlike “Other Members” the Partnership could appoint such observers directly and the appointments were not subject to ministerial approval.

It was agreed to appoint as permanent advisers to the Partnership Jeremy Baster, Murdo Gray, Sam MacNaughton, Sandy Ritchie and Dave Duthie representing the Principal Adviser from the constituent authorities, Donald MacNeill, Frank Roach and David Summers.

It was further agreed that an official from the Scottish Executive and National Transport Agency be invited to attend every meeting of the Partnership and that the Secretary and Treasurer would also have a right to attend and participate in every meeting.

It was further agreed that the best means of engaging with other Regional Transport Partnerships was through dialogue and it was agreed to recommend that a protocol for discussions with other RTPs be drawn up and that representatives of other partnerships could be invited to particular meetings where there were areas of mutual interest.

The Report also addressed the issue of engagement with stakeholders and stated that the 2005 Act required the Partnership to consult specifically with bodies other than Councils and Health Boards as the Partnership saw fit. It was agreed that the best means of stakeholder engagement would be to hold a conference once a year and invite a wide range of stakeholder interests.

Arising from consideration of this item it was agreed that it would be appropriate to meet MSPs and also the Transport Committee of the Parliament.

A letter was appended to the Report and it was agreed that the Co- ordinator should reply stating that the writer could respond to the Scottish Executive advertisement if he wished to become involved.

There was a general discussion on the role of the Regional Transport Partnership and it was agreed that this matter would be returned to over the next few months so that the role of the Partnership in relation to e.g. advisory bodies could be finalised. It was noted that this matter could be taken forward through the item on response to the current Public Transport Consultation which would be on the agenda for the next meeting of the Partnership.

Induction Training for 7 The Co-ordinator provided a verbal update in relation to induction training for RTP Members and Members of Regional Transport Partnership. Officers It was agreed that it may be appropriate to arrange a short training session for “Other Members” when these had been appointed at the beginning or end of a scheduled meeting. Given the experience of the current membership of the Partnership it was agreed that further training should be provided only in relation to matters peculiar to membership of a regional transport partnership and that this could be accommodated in either before or after a partnership meeting.

Regional Transport 8 The Co-ordinator provided a verbal update in relation to progress on the regional Strategy - Progress transport strategy and indicated that a series of dates in all of the areas covered by the Partnership, all the local authority areas that is would take place. The purpose of such meetings would be to:

(a) confirm issues to be addressed;

(b) develop objectives;

(c) consider strategic options; and

(d) the commencement of consideration of a list of strategic projects with a view to producing a document by late March

It was noted that the next meeting of the Regional Transport Partnership would be on 17 February 2006 in and that it was hoped to have a meeting of HITRANS when Board Members were in Shetland.