Competition Categories Product Design Photography Experimental Design

Submission Period 1 October 2015 — 31 May 2016 M A T

E R Submissions Call for 2016 Contest Brandt Marianne International 6th Effects Material Theme: 2016 Effects I A

The Poetry of the 6th International L Functional Marianne Brandt Contest Photography and Experimental Designs. Accordingly, prizes will be awarded in the three categories economic and creative treatment of the topic that considers social, ecological, of material in a visibly and contextually clear way, with an artistic, scientific entries are expected to address issues about the contemporary use the planning of new perspectives od behaviour and action. Competitive sustainability of a design oriented on products and things and thus support be concepts that perhaps question in a social and aesthetic context the with the derivation, history and characteristics of materials; these might products and imagery, likewise projects and experimental designs dealing questions on this topic. The contest is interested in material-sensitive from other disciplines are invited to work on interesting answers or further Young designers, artists and photographers, also scientists and creatives mankind and the environment and develops the theme of Functional Contest continues the search it began in 2000 for With its focus on and cultural effects. within the polarities of art and design. It thereby links up with Material Effects artistic aspects as well. workshop in , first teaching the technical aspects, then, from 1928 on, the Brandt applied this basic knowledge of materials into her designs for the metal the specific qualities of the materials and using appropriate processes. Marianne She first playfully explored how spatial structures could be developed based on plastic and paper were wood, materials such studied as metal, using simple tools. and Josef Albers. Marianne Brandt in which various attended this class in 1924, this was a central object of the preliminary course taught by Laszlo Moholy-Nagy selection, conversion or combination — could shape design and artistic processes; The key question for in the 1920s was the question of how materials — in Product designer and artist Marianne Brandt The competition’s namesake: extract pots to ashtrays — have become icons of modern design with their sensitive, Marianne Brandt’s lamps for the Bauhaus objects — from building and her table tea photographs and collected press photos. photography which culminated in about fifty photo collages consisting of her own Bauhaus years, but it was finally the camera and the exploration of the medium of Brandt’s artistic work; she had already completed studies in painting prior to her application-oriented designs. The camera was a special instrument for Marianne experimentssensory working with material effects that flowed indirectly into her free artistic in retaining talents a poetic space and playground to out her carry functionally-oriented work in the metal shop, Marianne Brandt also expressed her functional material composition.geometric Parallel and logical, to her practical, cradle to cradle cradle —

the special category of the contest 2013. , the 6th International Marianne Brandt and its awareness of material, The

Poetry of the Product Design,

Call for Submissions 6th International Marianne Brandt Contest 2016 2016 Theme: Material Effects Further information emotionalimportant impactof amaterial. aware processing, andalsotheequally subject of thiscategorycanberesource- literally “put material to the test”. Thus the but also enacted representations, which designs, studies and models are requested, materials in design processes. Experimental unconventional exploration and testing of processes and designs for experimental and The key focus of this category is directed on Experimental Design Special competition category observation and the study of materials. explicitly draw their character from material material and materiality, and works that perspicacious perspectives and sensory of images that motivate a change in the Important in the photography category are Photography through the senses. be experienced in a special and intensive way also product ideas whose functionality can nologies and innovative material concepts, that explore designs using advanced tech- options for use. Submissions are expected relation to manufacturing processes and to materials and aware of resources in that are developed in a manner sensitive The competition will be seeking products Product Design Categories

Architecture Museum, Moscow Recycling Design Prize Herford, Schusev State Institute Tokyo, Design Museum Bratislava, Paul Klee Society Japan, Kuwasawa Design Anni and Josef Albers Institute Connecticut, Leipzig, PaTI Typography Institute Seoul, Industriemuseum , Grassimuseum The Entry fee is € before the final submission date. Candidates include young creatives who have not yet reached the age of 40 is published on the contest’s website: Information on the contest, submission procedures and preparation status The submission period begins on 1 October 2015 and ends on 31 May 2016. Submission procedure Partners Lord Mayor of Chemnitz. is supported by Ms. Barbara Ludwig, The 6th International Marianne Brandt Contest Patrons City of Chemnitz (Free State of Saxony Cultural Institute), Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen Sponsors Augustusburger Str. 09126 102, Chemnitz, Kunstverein VILLA ARTE e.V., Host &Initiator Digital Artists DE Zeitguised, Sociologist &Social Psychologist Prof. Dr. Harald Welzer, DE Product Designer Prof. Barbara Schmidt, DE Typographer Prof. Ahn Sang-soo, KR Jury others. Further special award donors will be published on the website. Weil am Rhein, smow GmbH Leipzig, Neue Schule für Fotografie Berlin, among category. Special prizes will be awarded by well-known companies: vitra GmbH categories. In addition, three honourable mentions will be announced in each The award is endowed with a prize of € Awards receive a free copy of the publication return of items submitted are to be borne by the participant. All participants will Chemnitz by latest 7 September 2016. The costs incurred in the shipping and The nominees will be asked to send their contributions to the Industriemuseum From the submitted will nominate entries the jury sixty works by 30 June 2016. form of a .pdf file (maximum file size: 5MB). Upon registration, version the participants can upload a digital of the exhibit in after the payment of the Entry fee is received by the competition organisers. A registration is considered processed Candidates can register online starting from 1 October 2015 at: www.contest.

/ US 30. It is to be paid with the application (as of October 2015).

Material Effects

15,000 which will be presented in three


The Poetry of the 6th International Functional Marianne Brandt Contest