Name ______


Greetings from the past! This is our first history project, and we’re going back to the time before the United States existed. We’re going back to the time when Europeans first began exploring our fine continent. During this project, you will conduct research about an explorer, and will try to discover as much as you can about that brave gentleman.

First, you must choose the explorer you would like to study. Choose one from the following list.

Ferdinand Magellan Henry Hudson Father Jacques Marquette Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca Vasco de Gama Sir Walter Raleigh Vasco Nunez de Balboa Giovanni da Verrazano Hernando Cortes Juan Ponce de Leon Pedro Alvares Cabral Marco Polo Juan de la Cosa Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo Henry the Navigator Juan Sebastian Elcano Jacques Cartier Francisco de Coronado Samuel de Champlain Sir Francis Drake Robert LaSalle Leif Ericson & Eric the Red

Use various research sources to complete the following assignments for your explorer. You will need to do most of your research at home or at the library, but there will be opportunities in class.


 Create a Trading Card about your explorer. Include the following information:  The date and place of your explorer’s birth and date (Include the cause of death)  The sponsoring country, or who paid for their expedition.  What were they looking for?  What did they actually discover?  Why was their discovery considered important?  A list of five interesting facts about your explorer and/or their expedition.  A picture of your explorer. This can be drawn and colored by you, or printed from the Internet.  A map of your explorer’s route or routes. This can also be drawn and colored by you, or printed from the Internet.

 Create a timeline of your explorer’s life. Include at least 5-10 important dates and events. Begin your timeline from the date of the beginning of exploration. Include the following information:  The date and place of each event  An illustration of each event, drawn and colored by you, or printed from the Internet.


 Using Pic Collage on the iPad, create a want ad for crewmembers on your explorer’s expedition. Make sure that you describe the duties of the job. Your ad should be at very detailed.  Using the SmartNotebook app on the iPad, create a comic strip about your explorer’s life or their voyage. The comic strip should have at least 7 panels.  Using Pages on the iPad, imagine that you are a writer for a travel magazine. Write an interview for your explorer. Make sure you include answers with information from your research. Your interview should have at least 7 questions and answers.  Create a board game about your explorer’s life and voyage. Make sure that the game has information about your explorer, playing instructions, playing pieces, etc.


 Using Keynote on the iPad, write a journal for your explorer. Include at least 5 journal entries…one from before the journey, three from during the journey, and one from after the journey. Each journal entry should be at least two paragraphs complete with pictures.  Using Book Creator on the iPad, create a booklet about your explorer’s life and journey. Each page should have an illustration and a detailed paragraph. Your booklet should have at least 10 pages.


 Keep all of your work together in a folder.

 Everything you turn in must be neatly written or typed, and colored with colored pencils.

 Include a list of the resources you used: books, web sites, etc. (see sample bibliography)

 You will be graded on the accuracy and completeness of the information in each assignment,

neatness, spelling, grammar, etc.


 Use your time wisely.

 Only turn in your best work.

 Have fun becoming an expert on your world explorer!

Explorer Project Rubric

Name: ______Date: ______

My Explorer is: ______

4 3 2 1 Part 1  Includes all  Includes most  Includes some  Includes few required required required required elements elements elements elements  Your project is  Nice thought  More thought  Little thought neat, easy to was put into could have was creating read, and creating your been put into your project.

colorful. You project. Easy to creating your Work is took pride in read, and project. minimal. TRADING your work. somewhat  It lacks detail  Project is not CARD  Project is very colorful. and could have neat. neat. Best  Project is neat. been colored. Handwriting handwriting or Handwriting or  Project lacks or work is work was used, work is legible, neatness. illegible, and and there are no and there are Handwriting or there are spelling, few spelling, work is difficult many capitalization, or capitalization, or to read, and spelling, punctuation punctuation there are capitalization, errors. errors. several or spelling, punctuation capitalization, errors. or punctuation errors.

 Includes all  Includes most  Includes some  Includes few required required required required elements elements elements elements  Your project is  Nice thought  More thought  Little thought neat, easy to was put into could have was creating read, and creating your been put into your project. TIMELINE colorful. You project. Easy to creating your Work is took pride in read, and project. minimal. your work. somewhat  It lacks detail  Project is not  Project is very colorful. and could have neat. neat. Best  Project is neat. been colored. Handwriting handwriting or Handwriting or  Project lacks or work is work was used, work is legible, neatness. illegible, and and there are no and there are Handwriting or there are spelling, few spelling, work is difficult many capitalization, or capitalization, or to read, and spelling, punctuation punctuation there are capitalization, errors. errors. several or spelling, punctuation capitalization, errors. or punctuation errors.

Part 2  Includes all  Includes most  Includes some  Includes few required required required required elements elements elements elements  Your project is  Nice thought  More thought  Little thought neat, easy to was put into could have was creating read, and creating your been put into your project.  WANT AD colorful. You project. Easy to creating your Work is  COMIC took pride in read, and project. minimal. STRIP your work. somewhat  It lacks detail  Project is not  BOARD  Project is very colorful. and could have neat. GAME neat. Best  Project is neat. been colored. Handwriting  INTERVIEW handwriting or Handwriting or  Project lacks or work is work was used, work is legible, neatness. illegible, and and there are no and there are Handwriting or there are spelling, few spelling, work is difficult many capitalization, or capitalization, or to read, and spelling, punctuation punctuation there are capitalization, errors. errors. several or spelling, punctuation capitalization, errors. or punctuation errors. Part 3  Includes all  Includes most  Includes some  Includes few required required required required elements elements elements elements  Your project is  Nice thought  More thought  Little thought neat, easy to was put into could have was creating read, and creating your been put into your project. colorful. You project. Easy to creating your Work is  Journal took pride in read, and project. minimal. your work. somewhat  It lacks detail  Project is not  Booklet  Project is very colorful. and could have neat. neat. Best  Project is neat. been colored. Handwriting handwriting or Handwriting or  Project lacks or work is work was used, work is legible, neatness. illegible, and and there are no and there are Handwriting or there are spelling, few spelling, work is difficult many capitalization, or capitalization, or to read, and spelling, punctuation punctuation there are capitalization, errors. errors. several or spelling, punctuation capitalization, errors. or punctuation errors.

POINTS EARNED SCORE: ______/48 = ______%