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[email protected] or (02) 9207 2000. CHIFLEY FORUM EVENTS LEADERS TREASURY SECRETARY END OF BRIEFING BRIEFING BRIEFING YEAR DRINKS Hon Bill Shorten MP Hon Chris Bowen MP Kaila Murnain Hon Kristina Keneally Leader of Shadow Treasurer General Secretary, Former Premier of the Opposition NSW Labor New South Wales Luke Foley MP Ryan Park MP Mark Morey Hon Bob Carr NSW Leader of the Opposition NSW Shadow Treasurer Secretary, Former Premier of NSW Shadow Minister NSW Shadow Minister Unions NSW New South Wales for Western Sydney for the Illawarra Hon Anthony Albanese MP Hon Tanya Plibersek MP Shadow Minister for Deputy Leader of the Opposition Infrastructure, Transport, Cities Shadow Minister for Education and Regional Development Shadow Minister for Women 2017 Shadow Minister for Tourism Chifley Forum Application Form GOLD DONOR ($1,000) 2 places to each of the 4 listed events and 1 Exclusive annual briefing – details to be provided upon joining PLUS a ‘Welcome Pack’ including a gold card and key ring SILVER DONOR ($500) 2 places to each of the 4 listed events and a ‘Welcome Pack’ including a silver card and key ring BRONZE DONOR ($250) 1 place to each of the 4 listed events and a ‘Welcome Pack’ including a bronze card and key ring How to join Chifley Forum 1 Choose your level of contribution by ticking the appropriate box below.