And to Authorize the Consolidation Of
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and to authorize the consolidation of railroads between New Bedford and Fitchburg, and for other purposes ; To authorize the town of Plymouth to take stock in the Duxbury and Cohasset Railroad Company ; In relation to licensing and registering dogs in cities ; To authorize the town of Braintree to raise $20,000 for the Thayer Academy; Were severally read, passed to be engrossed and sent up for concurrence. Mr. Bacon of Lawrence offered an amendment to the bill to limit the service of jurors in Suffolk County, pro- viding that the provisions of the bill may be extended throughout the Commonwealth. The amendment was lost, and the bill, which originated in the Senate, was passed to be engrossed in a new draft and sent up for concurrence. The report of the committee on Printing (ought not to pass) 011 the order relative to allowing the Chief of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor to report in print was con- sidered. Mr. Cogswell of Yarmouth moved to refer the order to the joint special committee on the Labor Question. After considerable debate Mr. Phillips of Salem moved to lay the order 011 the table; and the motion was carried by a vote of 98 to 36. Subsequently, on motion of Mr. Hoyt of Athol, the vote was reconsidered. After debate, Mr. Stedman of Boston renewed the mo- tion of Mr. Phillips, that the matter bo laid upon the table. When the question was put a quorum of the House did not vote ; and on motion of Mr. Bailey of Charlestown the House Adjourned. SATURDAY, February 1, 1873. Met according to adjournment. Miiford rma Mr. Blake of Milford presented the petition of George socket R. R. W. Johnson and others of Milford to extend the Milford and Woonsocket Railroad to the Rhode Island line ; which was referred to the committee 011 Railways. O11 motion of Mr. Saunders of Pepperell,— Transpor. Ordered, That the committee 011 Railways inquire freight? whether any legislation is necessary in relation to the charges for the transportation of freight upon railroads, made in violation of chapter 3G3 of the acts and resolves of the year 1871. On motion of Mr. Hayden of Boston,— Ordered, That the committee on Federal Relations be cuian requested to inquire into the expediency of instructing our i,lltuot8- senators and requesting our representatives in congress to secure to the struggling patriots of Cuba the recognition of our government of their belligerent rights. These papers were severally sent up for concurrence. Mr. J. E. Fitzgerald of Boston presented the petition Notaries of A. G. Fisher, notary public, that notaries public may pu'm" be authorized to administer such oaths as justices of the peace are now allowed throughout the Commonwealth; which was referred to the committee on the Judiciary. On motion of Mr. Blunt of Haverhill,— Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary consider Haverhm- thc expediency of so amending the city charter of Haver- utyc 'irer' hill as to provide for the election of three persons as mem- bers of the board of overseers of the poor, in the same manner and for the same terms of service as assessors. Also to confer the veto power upon the mayor of said city. On motion of Mr. Soule of Springfield,— Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary consider Mayors of the expediency of providing by law that the mayors of the powlTvot° several cities in the Commonwealth shall have the power to veto the doings of the city councils of their respective cities. Papers from the Senate. The petition of the city of Newburyport for authority to Newbury fill certain docks, and for authority to execute deeds of ing of clocks, conveyance of the same, was referred in concurrence to the committee on Harbors. A bill concerning pilotage, introduced on leave in the Pilotage. Senate, was referred in concurrence to the committee on Mercantile Affairs. The petition of Messrs. Elijah II. Luke, Thomas M. Cambridge Brady and 190 other citizens of Cambridge, in aid of the Annexation, bill providing that the citizens of the towns and cities sur- rounding Boston may vote upon the question of annexa- tion, was referred in concurrence to the committee on Towns. Fall River- horse rail- The petition of Weaver Osborn and 201 other citizens way. of Fall liiver, for the establishment of a horse railway in Fall River, was referred in concurrence to the committee 011 Horse Railways. Impartial execution of The petition of G. W. Coburn of Dracut and others, in tbe laws. aid of the memorial of Daniel Ilolt and others, for an im- partial execution of the laws, was referred in concurrence to the joint special committee 011 the Liquor Law. Westbor- ough— The petition for an act for supplying the town of West- water sup- boro' with pure water, was referred in concurrence to the ply. committee 011 Water Supply and Drainage. Fishways. Ordered, In concurrence, that the committee on the Fisheries consider the expediency of restricting the right and authority of the commissioners on island fisheries to require fishways to be erected in streams where mill- dams have been maintained without fishways for a long term of years. American Print A bill, introduced on leave in the Senate, to authorize Works. the American Print Works Company to enlarge their wharf in Fall River, was referred in concurrence to the committee 011 Harbors. The petition of said company, praying for such enlarge- ment, was also referred in concurrence to the same com- mittee. Orders of the day. The orders of the day were taken up. The report of the committee on Printing (ought not to pass) 011 the order relative to allowing the Chief of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor to report in print, was con- sidered. Mr. Sprague of Framingham, called for the yeas and nays 011 Mr. Stedman's motion that the matter be laid upon the table. Mr. Sprague's motion was lost, as was also that of Mr. Stedman, the latter by a vote of 56 to 69. The motion of Mr. Cogswell of Yarmouth that the re- port and order be referred to the committee 011 the Labor Question, was carried. The report of the committee on the Judiciary (inex- pedient) on the order relative to allowing corporations to increase and diminish their capital stock, was accepted. The bill making appropriations for expenses of the State Almshouse, the feitate Prison, the Reform School at West- borough, the Industrial School for Girls, the Brid^ewater Workhouse, the State Primary School at Monson, and for other purposes, was, on motion of Mr. Phillips of Salem, postponed for consideration until Monday. Bills: To allow the members of the Somerset Humane and Re- ligious Society to hold a meeting for the choice of officers ; In addition to the several acts concerning the first parish in Rowley ; and the Resolve to authorize payment of certain expenses in- curred by the inspectors of the state prison, were severally read and ordered to a third reading. On motion of Mr. Cogswell of Yarmouth, the bill to re- peal chapter 107 of the acts of 1852, was laid on the table. On motion of Mr. Osborn of Fall River, the House Adjourned. MONDAY, February 3, 1873. Met according to adjournment. Mr. Codman of Boston, presented the remonstrance of woman the Anti-Woman Suffrage Association of Massachusetts, ""fl™«6- protesting against the extension of suffrage to women; which was referred to the committee on Woman Suffrage. Mr. Clark of Boston, the petition of Avery Plumer Commerciai and others, for incorporation as the Commercial Exchange ^j™!6 Building Company and for other purposes ; which was re- Company, ferred to the committee on Mercantile Affairs. Mr. Smith of Boston, on leaVe, introduced a resolve pilotage at concerning the laws affecting pilotage at Hell Gate in Hc" °ate- New York Harbor; which was referred to same com- mittee. On motion of Mr. Benton of Brookline,— Ordered, That the committee on Insurance be requested insurance to consider the expediency of modifying the laws relating to the taxation of bank shares held by insurance corpora- sharea- tions, paying a franchise tax; and also of modifying the franchise tax, so far as the same relates to such corpora- tions. Mr. Berry of North Andover, the remonstrances of vine Brook. Isaac O. Blunt and 62 others of Ballardvale, and of the selectmen and 132 others of Andover, against the taking of water from Vine Brook by the town of Arlington; which were referred to the committee on Water Supply and Drainage. Bureau of Statistica of Mr. Sargent of Lowell, the petition of David O. Allen Labor. and others, forming the Lowell Ten Hours' League, to in- crease the powers and augment the appropriations of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor ; which was referred to the committee on the Labor Question. Inspector of gas. On motion of Mr. Cogswell of Yarmouth, the report of the state inspector of gas and gasmeters, was taken from the table and referred to the committee on Manufac- tures. On motion of Mr. Sweet of Norton,— Uawkers andped- Ordered, That the committee on Manufactures inquire dlers. into the expediency of so amending the laws concerning hawkers and peddlers, that citizens of this Commonwealth may be allowed to peddle goods and wares of their own manufacture. Edgartown —Mattake- Mr. Mayhew of Tisbury, the petitions of the selectmen sett Creek. of Edgartown, for the repeal of chapter 150 of the acts of 1863, and for authority to purchase Mattakesett Creek; which were referred to the committee on Towns. Division of Mr. Keith of Abington, the remonstrance of J.